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FORi' Mil,I, TIMES DEMOCRATIC PITBL1SH1CD KVKR-V WEDXHSDAY B. W. BRADFORD. jJlVrniK of Subst i lull n: ( iid> yi?:?r 51.(SO liit'iitli- .& ? Throo months 25 (*01 n'spoii'lnn* ? :? ourront subjoi.-ts Ih 4nvlt?-<1. Imt no r spmuuhi ity i< fur Hie views of forri-riponrinnttj. An<i"ymniiH I'oninm Inni' ns will mil A'c published in Ihwi' .olumns. On : np'l?-:itlnn to iho publisher, n?tv?it'vlir. Jiitis jiru ni.'idt' known to those 1:11?-> oste?l. S'lirt Mill 'Phono (\vi,th long dUitunvo cohmwtiom;) No. 2'">. JULY 20. l'.lTi. Octrees in Cotton wil!!s. TIio fttiluro of tlio only cotton ii.ill in tin- hi nit li employing negro labor is significant of nothing ez/cejit the unwisdom of the attempt 4 i lnnii. ii n business under ndverse louditious, with inexperienced imtiiiigenietit and untrnin^d labor. The quulit ies \v hich have generally excluded tin- negro from the option hi ilia have relation to his genornl unfitness for a monotonous occupation which dejunnds patient influstry and steady application. The difficulty with an experiment of this character is that, had it been successful, it. would have done vastly more harm than good to the negroes of the South. Lu/d-'ed, its failure is a cause of con- i gratulntion since it will avert tlie | ini.sforluuo to the more thrifty no- j jxroes of unproiilalilc investments in mills with little or 110 chance of fciiccesB.? rs. \. i lines. the South am; Cotton. There in no moral obligation on ! the part of the South to tjrow the ; world's cotton, nays N. S. Willet I jn the Southern Farm Magizine. j When cotton-growing ceases to <>ny the South will stop planting ^t. fhe 10 per cent increased crop this year was planted with the ^!u:o of 1GJ-2 cent cotton in the eyes of the South. Let cotton go on tliits crop to seven or eight cents and the world will surely have a test in l!)05 of a genuine miuiinum cotton crop, and then what will the world do? Therfe ia a strong undercurrent, of feeling in the ^outh to give its coUon trade hereafter to New Orleans. This Southern spot-cotton city is in better position to set a fair valuation upon the staple than any city in the world. With the united help and trade of the South it might be able to partially main- i tain a level fair price aiul at all A. I i a. a x. i f i a r minus iu Hi'i as me aeieiuieui in 'The World Versus Cotton. Mill Vulagv Evils. One of the greatest evils nround the mill villages is to bo found iu I tho lazy, loafing,drunken husbands j and fathers, says tho Anderson ; Mail. The majority of the men in the mill villages work regularly and are sober, industrious citizens, but ail of us know that there are many men who do not work and who depend on earnings of their families for their support. We have these men about An- i derson; they are in every community where there are cotton mills. There can be no mistake as to tho class of men we are talking about. At the olfiees of flu* milt (III mil' days will he found stout., able | bodied moil who Imvo not been at work. They will draw the pay of their children, nnd too often they speud it entirely upon thoniselves and allow their families to go with but the barest necessities of life. If seme why eon Id be found to pjake these gentry go to work we would hear lest or this cry for sympathy for "the poor cotton mill people/' If these could be j made to work and keep sober there would be fewer ensoa of desertion, there would bo no need for the labor of small children and sickly women in the nulls, nnd the general atmosphere nnd attractiveness of the mill villages would be improved. How to Fight Potato Bugs. Mf- S. Duncan Cross, of Ohos ter, whh in town Thursday. Ho poses somewhat ns a gardener and gives to The Herald what he considers an infallible destroyer of the germ of the potato bug which ho says infests the tuber nnd hatches before the potato germinates. fie recommends that after potatoes have been cut for planting that they be either sprinkled pr rolled in ashes or lime, then pfapted, and he guarantees that tl||0 gardener will not be worried with the potato pest.?Herald. No Pity Shown. "For years fate was after mo ermMnnpoiudy," write* F. A. Oullndgo, Verbeini, Ala. 'I had u torril>lo cuso of Pitos. causing 24 tamers. When all failed Jifabklou'n Arn'.oa Salve cured inc. Equally good for Barns and all aches uud ualnn- ^yQ j?t all drugstore*. Women's Loup Year Ptltriloge W!.y is it that women are per i mittod lo propose in leap y -arr ! Hero is tlie answer :is j?iven .in u contain] orarv: "It. ?}?; ears t). it in the year 12-S$, n statute was nub limited by the Sr. t^-li 1 ariia net * ; ordain in-/ that durint; the re a:'* <?i "!l? r Mai * HI -i ]MnrjiKt> sri^irel" ovi v nuiidt n ; nil lady f; | liiirli or low stale should have j liberty to speak to the man ebe lilted. Ji e? refused to take her I hi Vie his v. ife. : he should liuv ?tlm J privilege of fining him ?1(50 or less. necordin^ to liiH estate, unl ss . he ehould make it appear that he, was betrothed to another woman, in which case he would be free to refuse. After ih" dentil of Martfarel, i-he won set- of Scotland be! came so clamorous for their priv ilexes, and to an])-a n them aii-j other net of 3'arlininont allowed, theiu to prop ose every fourth i ' vmhr " ? tknilciile yt Edgmcor. In a riot Saturday evening at j j Kdgtneor col'?rc-ti church, in Chester county, Jim Dixon a n gn>,, was ahnt three times ami ili> .1 al- , most instantly. The negroes of the neighborhood had gathered For a' picnic, v.'licn Dixon appeared on tlie scone and precipitated a general riot. J1 c hc^an brandishing his piotol and making threats in an effort to frighten and scatter j t ho crowd. Robert McC >rk!e, who, had charm1 of the picnic, omleav ored to quiet Dixon, but his efforts only angered Dixon the more and lie drew hia pistol and beg in ilr- . ing at MeCcrklo and his assistants, tie soon saw, how v>t, tiiat the ocjc.'h were against Inn mat beganj retreating, when lu? was final up.>11 by Robert itlul M ao McCorkle mid 1 Eil Walls with deadly effect. It is not known which of the three final the fatal hall, which pn?seii through Dixon's body, producing! death almost instantly. Prisoner- In Jail. From the Yorkvillc Kmjuirer it j is loarmal that the following pris- I oners ar?? in jail nwriting trial at the present term of court which j eouvemd Monday last: Cornelius Foote, charged with oh. tuiiiing iponey under false pretense. He is the man who has b en selling state and county rights for u patent churn. Tom Wells, charged with arson. TIo is nccusod of having burned u barn in Bethel township belonging to Mr. S. ?1. Clinton. ?Ioe Menchain, charged with assault and battery with intent to kill. The alleged assault was committea against Minnie Uilniorc in Catawba township. \Y. 15. Denton, charged with murder. He is licensed of having nsKiissitinted Laurie Patterson in the town of Fort Mi!i. Jim Allison,charged with housebreaking mid larceny, sent up from Catawba township. John Williams, charged with, rape. Sent up from Fort Mill i township. Civis Hardin, charged with housebreaking and larceny in entering tin' store of Mr. Mason Uratton of G uthriesville and stealing money. David Hannn, white, charged with resisting an officer. Sent up from York township. Smith Feemster, charged with the murder of Sam Sanders near | Sha ron. Robert Crockett, and George' Webb, charged with taking a.ul using stock without the consent of 1 the owner. The following nre nt liberty on bonds to appear at. court to answer to the charges mentioned: Will Knox, irurder. charged i with the killing <>? S?eph Williams! t in Kbenezor township. John Jjove, arson in Hethel i towrn hip. W. C. Faris, white, assault and battery with intent to kill\ charged with assaulting (\ K. Meudonhnll, chief of police of Glover. " Jim McMakin, murder, charged with the killing ? f Jako Krone-1 berger in King's i,lountain township. J. A. #Eubanks, white, murder, charged with the killing of Spi n-1 jeer l)oster, in Catawba township. John Warlick, charged with aid ! ing prisoner to escape from offi: cers, York township. ! Thomas Robinson, assault and i battery with intent to kill John ( Strain in Rock Hill. ?? Brutally Tortured. A case came to light that for persistent and unmerciful toituro has perhaps j never been equaled. Joe Gobolik, of Colusa, Calif, writes, "For 15 y>irs I j ondured insufferable pnin from Rheumatism and nothing relieved ine though j 1 tried everything known. I came across I Klectrio Bitters nad it's the greatest mo: dicino on earth for trouble. A few ! l>ottles of it completely relieved and I eared mo." Just us good for Liver and i Kidney troubles and general debility, i Only 5rto, Satisfaction guaranteed by all druggists. Farmer* !r.*Ktt:!e Jatiirtuy. [Contributed. ] T!)o formers' institute nt I'Iohhniit Yalk y iSaturdny was a grand Mir J1011. O. "VV. Pedis in ivi aMrae1: > way? peculiarly l i> ( \vn ? c?ucti'd tl.e iir<?'.;fnin for il?e day. 'I lie fust rp niker of the ? .rnsinn disriiBM-d a fciilijrr' which is lining r? uliz' :1 by all men to 'to 1 u- mo. t essential requi ile in farming as v >11 as in th? n'ed'essions; in fa< 1 iic. spool n* rrit- ralrd that farmingis a profession, md that the subj ?edurjili'in ?ab'u- v.liir!| was speaking van ' ie foundr!i< n : upon which all who may hope i<> attain success ; i life niu-t iei! I'lie < ili"i" si)> \l<? is di- mis- d in an inte.<>Kiing way some diihwoiil ph.i s ? :' laricidtuie, i'crlili;:in stock-raising, etc. As u whole llio institute was a succor landslide Id prove licnelicial 4 .1 ; ...i, iu an iUtuieeieu ill ii^rifuruir. After the speeches were ov ?v the crowd whs \ anted ove; to t In* hand shaking politicians who n.ule :>le ' 'i s find 1 if ]. j;.h Igcs until the crowd hi. I disported. An Afc2i'; Lady Dend Mrs. Idi/.i Full wood, relict of! Ihi" lute !{o!>f. I.. Fulhvooil, died V?'i duet :ia\ n't'-riM m ! 1 id. '.'-'''J o cloel; it the 1 >nie of her d'Uigh- i ter, Mrs. d. K. Harris, on White sir et. Mrs. Fill wood 11ml been feeble for H<yvor.".l mouths mi l 1 er death resulted froin a general breakingdown ' ' health. Sin; wai 87 years f age and had live I in this township 11m greater part of her life. tSlio was a .acinar c" the Fori Mill JUothodist church, a clir*' tir.n woman, and was loved by ; II who knew her. Fes ides sewnl sons and ?!. ' lghlers. she is survived by a inmi ier of grand and great gra ulehildri n. Tin- funeral was li Id T1 uisdey morning nt tlio Methodist < iit . < a, ilia l)r. !. R. Muck ? imlr ling tlio service, at tor which i .. interment was made iu the town cemetery. 40P- ?New Pastorate fr-r Dr. MaoF. Tin:-!. Friday morning at 1' o'clock Dr. Vl. J>. Alack, of this place, was installed as the now pastor of Provid >nco chinch, one of tlio largest Pi osby tovian churches of Mecklenburg county. Tlu: sermon of tin occasion was delivcr-'d by Rev. <*0o. \V. Relk, of (Almrlotto. who also |)ropouudod the constitutional ipief-lions to the new* pastor. There were lovcrai other interesting features on tho ; above occasion and a large crowd alt * tided the exercises. l)r. Mack succeeds Rev. Air. Davis, who has gone to Shnivn ehurrh. The now pastor is one of the best-known ministers in his denonii intion in this section and tlie c< ,:i jregjition of t In Prov idence church are fortunate in securing hint. ? imicneu wins uui. A case in which 1ho Wood men ; of ih" entire section have been ! deeply interested came to a cles mi he t Thursday when tli 'sujueiu" courl handed down a decision eon fir mi at; the finding of the hove, j court in the chse of S. W. Mitchell, Hickory drove, vs the V. . (). Y? . lodge. This iH the case in j which S. W. Mitchell sued the W rs dnu u of the World for dam- j ai;ei alleged to have been sustained i by 1 ue plaintilf during the initia- i tion into the order. After two mist rials the jury found for Mitchell in the sum of $1,000. The Wm dnien appealed and the suproi le court holds that the vordiet sliali stand. The piainiiii' gets $L,POO and in addition the defeijdtu1 s must pay the costs of the litigation. Mr. Mark Steele, a young man i who has been employed >it the 1\ 1 :11 M 4^ ~ 1 ? ... p ' I'Ufi l'i i u i'lij;, \/i) s. suit'ered a very severe injury, which resulted in the less of his right j hand Monday afternoon about o'clock. Mr. Steele was engaged in sweeping in the spinning room and while passing around the end of a spinning frame his band in , some way became entangli d in the rapidly revolving gears and was almost mashed into a pulp before it. could be extricated. The tinfortunate young man war taken to his home and when the physicians exninined the injured limb, found that amputation wat; necessary. The hand was taken cat' just below the wrist. It is said tint! Stoele is the second person who has been injured in a liko manner by this particular frame during the past 1 year." The Times was in -rror rcc nt!y in saying that Mi. .1. M. Harris had received a shipment of li-di j from the government. The lish were shipped to'Mr. .J. W. llall, | of Pleasant Valley, How About Seeing? Don't fi'-t the idea that because voa wore fitted witli S oec'.ncles ; fivt years hljo that y >n fc ve fixed , tor life Vou have ?-ut-n edthemij Y? u wi'vo ulon^ ualUtiod becausej ye i a: > not aware of the )leKain^,8 i >t' a now pair. Then people are of ion influenced by unscrupulous'' d- a lor* or agents into buying someti iii{_j that is not suitable for their en There are uo ^lusscts better than Crystal Lenses. \Ym lmve them i:i alloy frames wiliest we ;;uarant e not to tarnish . are 1 i111. nttd duruole, at oOels. Also flit' gold filled and solid gold frninoa. fa'fjpsw'e ei-i vli ij , i) ij* _ (!n\{. Hey ward upon i! i reeoin niendation of llio county d legation of tiiis count J' lias a pontic 1 W. !). Willifuiis. .!i\, county audi lor to take tin* place of his latin r who died recently. !T:rht Wa:: Her Torre \ ' T wi :i<". couch nearly ail r i^li< 1 11 sr" wiisos Mr-. i Irtrh - Am Ij* , ot A . \ niidriu, lad., ":?: couM hur ;ly / : any ! <> p. i :. : l con am t ion so tad that o v .i kcl a block i w. ::ii < cikIi fuliy :*?I s;iii bh>< '1, bid, w't.m a > i liar i? i :i? 's fai!"il. I a t sjfl.tM bottles t),' Mr. Kind's N .v 1' v. I iiy r. rcl in- atnl I fiM ' i'.'s ly t?uarauteed to cu m* coughs, colds. In (I'lipi)'. l'roiifhit s ami all and Troubles. Price .iOn a-; ; ' i .1 I- "ties l'roc. fcfoiil by all dnuj^ists. Quite a number of people from 1! j.lace ami vicinity went down to Itoek Mill Friday to u'tend the . rut < institute .'.yd picnic. All report a nunibci* ut vory iustruclivc lee I urea. To;iin^ 1 jhi. tad Ic . The busiest ami mightiest .ltt'i thin that ever wits made is Dr. lv itj;'- N< t O k Pitta Tl.,,.,. ..ill- ....... I.-.. "? I' " > ~ ?. I.. into strength, li:.f lenoss in o . uergy brain-fug into mental ]>ower Tk. y're wonderful in building up tho 1 .altli. Only - ">< . Fold hy ">11 druggists. Xsllce to Viiers. ROOMS DKMOCUATI'' tXKi.i T vi: COM MtTTKIi OK Vol K C >1 NT\ . Yorltvillo, S. July Ihtli, l'.l !. All randidati s nnd prosm-el ive i-utiilidates, will (.i;io notieo that they am required under the rulos of the pa 'y to ..utile pled go and pay their essnieiits hj noo,j on Monday, August Nt'li, 1UIH, othorwlso thoy will not h" perniiited to run in tho Primary. The as .scssiueius am as follows: ASSESSMENTS: Candidnt. s for congress f II On i audidntos l'or solioiior i " Candidates for State senate . ... ? t and .dates for legislative ! (>;> Candidal's for eb r\ ot court. u;? (ndidures for slieriu 1 . oo ? undulates to:* auditor I ? > t atididutcs for tri usurer i ? ott ('andidatcs for Supt. of Ed < 00 1'utr.liduios for supervisor < 00 Candidates for coiiiinis.-uuiii r... 1 f?0 ; Candidate for coroner 2 50 MAGISTRATES: Broad River > I 0o i 1 nil'tck's Crook .. I ?.'? 1 ethesdu 1 00 I cihoi 1 (Ml I King h Mountain l 2.*? . Kbenezer 1 2.') i Fort Mill 1 f> York ".oo Catawba y U-> J. S. BltU 10, J, II. SAYTJ, Co. Chairman. Secretary. Roihk Democratic Exi.oitivk. Committee OF York county. Yorkville, S. C., .Tn'y 1 Or"i NOTICE TO VOTERS. No persons will be allowed t > vote in i the approaching Primary ?'e< tinn except his name be enrolled i.:i the pa: ticnlar Clnb List at which l.o ilVers i ? , vote, at least live days before the first Primary, Under the rules of the party there can be no further or addition i'. in oil incut fora second and third pri nary. The pors u otTVriiitf toe ir 11 most be a white man and a 1 ? nio< ral, : ud have been a resident of the State twelvo months and t i the eonnty sixty days. The various Club Rolls will be found, in clutr^e of the precinct cl.ui 'i ian ?.r the oftlcArs of the clnb. The ( lnb llo!! of Rock Hill No. 2 is in charge of Mr. J. S. White at- the Rook Hill Bank. J. S. BTiTcE, J. II. SAYE, Co. Chiiirmfm. Secretary. SIicrifl's Execution Saic Tiik IIokton Manikactprixo ( o.. Plaintiff. VS. The Charlotte Buick Comp v., Defei (bint. P.v virtnro of an execution to nie directed in the alios e mentioned 3ause, I levied on and will sell at public auction in Fort Mill, S. t'., near Ili 'Soathj < rn Dt iioi oil Tuesday, Au;tus( 2ml, A". ; J). 11HX, between the hours of 11 and 2:1*1, the following personal prop rty levied ii|>oii us the property of the llo:ton Manufacturing Company: Lot ? f Iron Rails for tracks, lot of ears, an.! lot of racks for dry in; c brick, etc. I Terms ol' sal ", cash. .loriN r. bog an, sheriff Yofk co T ' ' 2 2^ ' > * "?v 'V* t ^ 'V*- <v ^V<V 'O-^lv ' % -Qi- "^.tt *&/ *,*?> eM !>;:> WLW ""^i? Mf^ana <*<? x~l)' U ^ ^ m-.-9?*i ?jf TO ^-*aO M?"n <* :> Anoi her car of S <: ^ f ^ ? ? i ?%* We can furnish ?:* || Hulls or loose Ku w :,: x_?. u9l. 2-iar s* V 4',V ';w v -'-A. "vvA V i. ""3* \ :-i>: (>( kc:j:m knts. ! 0' CCUNTY TREASURER. * 1'or b a: ?. : ,. ??y -It a c'andnlatv -* for ti niliir of Tretif-arer < f York ottlity, a'.j. . ? the a< ' i of tl-o Donuu in* c \ n is i"i ; 'v- t prxlitury. ?j. R. 11AXLK. V? '!? i;r jori/. '(! i mnouneo II. A. " * 1). .< "i;- as . candidate far re-:ippo'utme . lo the alii . if county treasurer. .stiL .not to the will of the pe n t.: in the L mocratio primary. j lie Di iiati-r it it voters of I'oaac ' ' uvera precinct, r? 'cofjuiziag Mr. A. MITH'Subilily and high worth, ? >" v a j... a>ta pi- -. u! Ins Halite to the o'ers lor 'i'mas uier at Y?>rki mnty, snb; :< to tlio action of theDeiruScrutiO prii : :y, FOR CLERK OF THE COURT '1 i my s is it at 'n >re/.i d to announce " Y. l'ri\vn Wyne as a candidal" n "ejection lo tile otliee ol' t'lerk of O it for York county, Htibinct to fch'o ? * ?? *n* ni' in ,in.;; \ . Wf : i ; I < . . I fi.iifi .iiiio Mr.J. * M ! V. I 1.1 KIRN of K vl: Hill, as a c.. id Intel -M. ai'iiMv OKTUIH.or RT Y r < unity. - > 1 ji <*f to tlie noti'm ' i ia Denmer.iiie party iutheuoini" ii.;r p luary next ..iniiiier. tjMt ! Tine s is aalhori/i ! t < > announce ^ .-oho r. l.o;;an. of Yorkvill. , as a c\,ml i.n: I ir the ot.;o of Clark of th* ,tirt I ?r York t oim'y, snlij at to the -inK ; ?f l'.!f D-nnoeratic party in ileal*, r?>- -liinx prima -y. G hop iy announce myself a candidate foi tho office of Clerk of Court of ( iii 11 v, snhjeet to th<-act ion oft ho i uoc vie primary. J, A. TATE, "OR COUNTY AUDITOR. t'VIlT' in: : is ant hori/."il to aniintiun * I1. !?. "\\" i' 'i;_ of ( ! as a (nrdili ? for r.'co: iiiaaid tt on of ap point m> it to .Nnlitor of \ ork county, sybjert o t ha choice of the Democratic voters : n the primam e'> ction. We t .11,1 r- ;.l( ( endorse II. T. YVilliams as a suitable mar. to - An-iit? r. W. II. S remit* ,v Hi,' Wn I.I A M 1). Lksi.IK. \V. K. \ IJAMS. W. M I'.l'.K V Ml UN Kit f her bv announce nivsi If as a c. udi* dat " ,r recommendation for tbt :tj?point! o'lit as Auditor ?.l Y'ovk ei?m?f.\* at the ipprouchiug Domocratio primary, sabje t in*' rules of I ho s?ii e. .1.. > >. .1. i i t NTEii, fjpil Tine is a ithor;/i >1 to iiniiouneo . i Pegrnm, ?>f Yorkvlllo, as :i ! 1; ' r t !" Hi i.l' A \' l >! fOK of > it*) enmity. ill;j p. tiic aetioii of tii.? t .>>?>.. ,:;; j.a i,r.:iry i i>"'.t n?li. rr,M ) Tiin -s - i ut li:>ri, > . to inte sinee 1 \Y . I'. \\ . lltil : s. .if. as ! (Mil. i'i|:itt? t >- I'cti'.n Ik t i1 h. . f Auditor of > Or t'nnii! v, si.lij.'cr to the aetiofi of t ho Vim '"!' i'1 i i m.! y. FOR SHERIFF. T Hereby atim.ti?i myself :is a enndi-, date for Slieri u of York eouiitv, sub/ y ! in til.1 :u*iion of tin1 Democratic i. :>" in tlu1 itjiproai'liiiiii primary tiloetion. lii 'jioot full v. it. 1\ CALDWELL. R hereby uminiiiiec myself as a enmli* * (lute i'i ? tile otiiee of fSherilT of York < 01.uty. subjeet to tin1 ehou ? of the >1 11. i nitie u.'rr. us tin1 .-siiue may ho ex v-vsvi in the eni-iini* primary eleo* tie 1. i tilt ill ?J. ifl.ti\YN. .... j ii.i. is :.uiTY<iri/.v<no announce * S. of Hill. ah did Ie t 11. -i ;.i. .'ni . ;.eri 1 of York tVanty, sulrj i to the action ?>f the Democrat in priuinvy. jj hereby aniionnro toys If a candidate for Shmm ?>; York Ikuuity; subject ! 1<? the rule?, of the IX-moi rat .< Primary. .f. 11. BUTTON. W? are authorized to announce Mr. * * .Hi I IN F. ( i()]{ I>ON as a candidate for the oii'icc of SI IK1 (Il'Tof York iinmi* ly, subject to the elioiei of the Democratic \ oters as the bailie may be t>xprcssod in iho primary claoliou of Angust Ik). tplIR Times is auth rii d to announce ! 11 Hottert D. l.owry. of Yorkville, ah , a candidate for the office of Sheriff of x <>rk county, subject to the approval of t at Di necrotic voters. at the approaching primary election. - . - a FOE CORONER ? Hereby my: elf u candidate * t >r the elhci of t oroner of York '? tniiy, subject to the action of the ' Democratic utt ts in the approach.up pvin try election. F. A. CLIN'iON. FOR COUNT f SUPE dt VISOR- /" \\r i'l are authorized to announce T. \V. Boyd an a candidate for rcl election to the office o| County SuperI x isor, subject to tin? action of the Dtun ocratic party in approaching primary election. ^ t > Ve are. ant hori/.ed to announce S. N. ( * ? .1 oh as*. >11, of jlelhel towjiship, as a candidate t'<u- the office of SopertuOr o{ Y or a county ; ibj-at to ihe action of the primary meet ion. . -\ ' rK aro ant nor'/.a?l to antio.ince Mr. H V.. \Y I! ITlialDKS. of Hit id River township, ...s u eunditlute for tie office of si I'tvKYlSOHof York County, subject to the ral? jjf the Democratic pany. i ? I fltBUftiw ... - 1 ' ? - t* mTm ?***>?& W J JLj I &? ^ Tiills just in. II * , . ?'* you wuh tacked w lis, any quantity* % ris Oo- fl ^ ' V-^. "W "Vft- -\v \a- -..?-'o *>^^4. announcements. FORCONC.9ESS. J :i;:i :t f . ?: (! i?I-11? foe < 'uncross from the Filth Congressional District. . , !>]" : : the: <\i'.t of th* Democratic IJi. Hill > ?. H i 'lit >11. T. Y. WILLIAMS. FOR STATE SENATQR1 Hereby uuemneemysoli ;i cniuiiiUto for lv -U ct ion State Senator from Y >rk conhty, subject to the action of the Dcmo:i*ntic primary eloctiou. J. S. BKICE. FOR REPRESENTATIVE I hereby anuounee myself nsacatulii date for is.-eleetion to the House of lit presentattves from York County, subject to the action of the Doinocratio primary. ,1. 10. HlOAMtiUARD. \\*? art authorized to anuouueo Mr, J. \V. Ai !re\ of Fort Mill, as a esmlulat. It the Hon-e of Representatives fr m York county, subject to tho .i-tio'ioi tie Democratic party at tho primary election . FOR COUNTY SUPT. OF EDUCATION. J hereby rcsp- fnllv anuouueo myself * :i< i < audi ate for t election to the ol '< (. of < tun y Sui t. of Education subject to tie netioti of the iTemocratio \ ot >rr in tho approaching primary. John C. Carroll. rpb? Times is authorized to unuouiico i J A. ^luirUy t cuwliilutc for tlio oili<*i? i r i"i nily S:ip iitiendear of Ktl ii n. . >.i t i In- ruins of the Dcm0 i-:ii i: ] m iv in ih? August primary. Work Well Done. I Have you Table Cloths, ConnterI paincs, Ooiiics, Window Curtains, 1 il niliols, ? l?-., laundered by the "'iodci Steam Laundry, of Charlotte, N. C. Prices for laundering the ahovo j articles cheerfully furnished. Suits pressed 35c; suits drycleaned and pressed, 50c; suits washed and pressed, 7oc; ooat or. pants pressed, 15c; cleaned ancl pressed, 25c; skirts pressed, 25c; cleaned and pressed, 50c. Our slypments are made Thursday mornings and returned Saturdays. McElhancyvParlis Co. T!>e Glothin*. S'icr fVJvr. FOR GOOD WHISKIES, I. W1N ES, Bit AND I ES, ETC., CALL ON OK WRITE TO AY. II. HOOVER, fir 5V (VITF. w . CtIUE US A TRIAL ORDER and get the BEST WHISKIES, \Y ! N E S, 1 TV** * "\T 1IV1 ^ ^ I ilvAiVU l I^, J<jTC., At (he most reasonable prices, J. D. Ross & Co. Props., THE CiOl Rl) SALOON, CI IA ULOTTE, N. C. No. 21 " Tri'u'c . . J?oih i nores ; . | f f 1IK2LLTKE COUGH id CURE? THE LUNQ8_ T lviTH Or. Hint's 1 Mm Discovery /Consumption Price SFOPl 5 OUGHSand 5Ccft$1.00 8 SCOLDS Free Trial. ,j Surest and Quickc-at Cure for all a THROAT and LUNG TROUB1 LI o, or MOI'IEY BAC'R. v.<*4' iAit* suramin III Ml! n*t wim? J. U. Tray wick & Co., DEAI.EKS IN FIXE LIQUORS AND WINES, No. 4"! East Trarto St. CHARLOTTE. - - , J|, 0\