University of South Carolina Libraries
"*7T Rrerrnanenlly oured. VnfTt?crnerYOin? 1 mess after first (lay's uneot Dr. Kline's Great ?ervuKcrtoror,?2trlal bottle ami treatise fro* l>r. K. ' I. K ' IMS, Ltd., 961 Arch St., 1'MIh. . i'a ' Krr'nht trains carry 1.2.10,000,000 tons per >'?-ar I.allns Can Wear Shoes Sn? size . nailer after using Allen's Footase. nx.vder. It makes tight or new shoes ' Cures swollen, hot, sweating, aching Wleot, ingrowing nails, oorua und bunions. At rill druggists aB'l shoe stores, 25'. Don't acjCnpt any < ibscltute. Trial package Frke by ftnull. Address, Allen s. Olmsted, l.ejloy, N.Y. iJ Oiu passenger is killed, for every 2,000,"?0O i .11 1 oil. V >1 rs.Wlnslow'sSoothing Syrup forehihlrmi j^etliing.soIUin the gums, reduces InflaminaBon, allays pain,ou res wind colle, 'Joe.a bottle L New York is going 1? begin her tlOl,pO'i.OOO canal in August. l'l- isCu refor Consumption Is an infallible licinn for oouichs and colds.?N. W. >f|a .1 tti:i,. Ooaan ilrovn, N. J., Fob. 17, l'JO'f. 5 Public benefactions in America during Beu years aggregate $ ?10,41 Down Knot Doing*. I I If con inuidol-6 wore committed In frCew Mug.and during tbe vmoutli of pi am just passed. moiet of thoni witlipu iijip Mont motive. In only seven teas--* wore arrests made of suspected j*er .?n,s. Five of the victims of tlie nnii'd< rs were wouien. II nw'? Till*".' We offer Oil" Hundred Hollars Howard for Dy case of Catarrh that cunnot tie cured by XJull s i ntairh (.'ure. F. J. I'llknky .V Co., Toledo, O. V'', the undersigned, have known F.J. Clienoy tor tlio last lfi years, and believe him .perfectly honorable in all business transnc.ttons and llnaneially able to carry out any ffeh'.iv.itioius made by their llrtn. A TnilAX, Wholesale 1 iruggtsts, Toledo, (J, jWAi.tmnu, Kisvas A Marvin, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, (). lln ' - ClUarrh Curetstukenihternally.ROtlIng dirveily upon the blood and mucous surface. the system. Testimonials sent free. Trie 7;?*. per bottle. Sold by all Druggists. Till;i Hall's Family Pills for constipatiou. A Clime Mmvp, J A Chicago man went into a barber glioi) ami tailed for a close shave. KlT e building tumbled down about bis ai > ami after lie was due out by the .11< :i in* was of the nuiiiiiiti (list bo got all lie asked for. Front California Is ropnrtorl tlio $ea 1 h of Horsey, trial !!.<>!? 1-4. brother of the double guilcd California goldln?r < >1 linger. r * v.* i FIBROID TUMORS CURED. ? Mrs. Hayes* I'irsl LcHor Appealing to .>!rs. S'inkhum lor Help: " Mils. I'inkiiam : I have been under Po st on doctors' treatment for n long time without any relief. They tell nv L have a fibroid tuiuor. I cannot ril <lo\vu without great pain, and the soreness extends up my spine. I have bonriiiff-dowu pt.iua loth hack and front. My n h?lomen is swollen, and I have had !l \\ i:?< spell , for three years. My r.ppelil: is not go ul. 1 cannot walk or he on my feet for any lonjjth of t in . "The symptoms of Fibroid Tuirugiven in your little hook accurately describe my ea I writ to you for advice." (Si;. 1 us. Ii. F. Hayks, U.>C Dudl \v st. i uhury). IJoston. Mass. Mrs. Hayes' Sceoad iiK'.cr: " D...\ it Mt;u. 1'in:;ii\m: S uuctiinu ago I wrote to you desei ib;...f my symptoms and asked your advice. You replied. and 1 A>1 lowed nil your direc. tion i carefully, ami to-day I am a well cvomm. "The use of I.yditi K. Plnkltain's Vegetable Compound entirely expelled the tumor and strengthened my whole system. 1 ran walk miles now. "Lydia 10. I'lnkluuii's Yegetobfe Compound is worth tlvu dollars a drop. 1 advise all women who ?rc afflicted with tumors or female trnub)o of any kind to give'.tu faithful trinl " /(U.J t\ At. . IV IV II...... IV. I . ll.-lir.n, Dudley St. ( Uoxluirv). Boston. Ma.%s. ? iSOOO forfeit if <"' ' f a'jovti Ivitei . proving gar.u nene&x cannot !> ./ ?tt. *21? * Inexpensive Summer Cabins. For thom who nre planning nextSummer cabins for mountains or senshore, an example of caol\ typo is shown in the August Delineator. The former is of rought, unhewn logs, rind the atmosthere of the woods is wrought Into the interior and the furnishings with excel?ont effect, birch, which is found In t>e vicinity, giving the keynote of the scheme of decoration. The cabin having ,<i wat*r front is built of wide, smooth boards, with trees laid horizontally for an underpinning. The Interior la furnished in Indian wigwam effect. The decorations and furnishings of both cottages, as illustrated, are simple and artistic. zinnn botanic ;; diDidieilood balf < 4 > The Great Tested Remedy for the speedy 4 > t t ,intl permanent rnre of S~rofula. Rheuma- (? 4 ? ti<in, Catarrh, 1' s, ks/iNna, Sores, <1 4 | tlon>, Weakness, Nrrvoui^iru, and all < ? 4 > BLOOD AND SKI3I DfSEASES. J; , . I* is by far the best building up Tonic at.d (> Blood Purifier ever ofFer-.d to the world It ,, l uakcs new, rich blood, i nparts renewed vi . , , , tality, and possesses almost miraculous ( ( ' . (healing properties Wrlle tor Book ol Won- ^ tfartul Curat, sent fre? on application. X . II no* Wept by your local druggist, send NX ! $t on fpr t Urge bottle, or Sj.oo for stx bottles. IT ] and metli ine will be tent, freight paid, b) KT t i BLOOD BALM CO., Atlanta, Ga. / , ' V IfMos t " Ik owe"" Pleased fe ? ^ Customers V_ . J Muff 1H Iff hhl|.mcr.* > RR ' JM flRff MH vnu<li- f * \>!u!n ; ^?'<**7n I V*&Cxl nTtf] 133 ko???. I- Si, " IX;.K0' J iJItJ & *?j jd EL : niui-U !o tndl* i ^ eotvfontvatr. QySx'1''1^.^^ Wo know ^ ouim to ^,*. ^ u r* y * gfe W LSonr vrramlfj 1?> 11 YEAR OLD I ^ Made By honcsto i S' ^ c??j f EDITOR'S NOTE] Ilefore permitting the above whi | the lirm through their Hanker*. We checrfull/ cndur?t_ th* I not btttiute to order Mmple lot. - ?1 r IIO MINK N T PEO PI.E. Senor Zahlo, So -rotary of State ami ! Justice of (jiilta. resigned. ! Ivili" 1'Vlu Mi'il rot liimrnl 1/* ! ivrnhm i 1 from Kiel; bo was warmly greeted. Kx President Cleveland ami bis family physician arrived at Buzzard's Bay, Mass., for an iudolinite stay. Andrew Carnegie lias given $.">0,000 for a chair of Knglish 111 the Cotlsen- | hnrg University, at Stockholm, Swoj den. United States Minister Bryan gave a ball at the legation in I.islam in i honor of the King and Queen of for- j , tugal. Kudolf Von Cotschall. the Herman , ; poet and writer, has been endowed ' with an annuity of 1200 marks by the 1 city of Leipslc. The people of I'nris will honor ] CJeorge Sand by erecting a statin* of tlie great writer to stand in the IMaee <les Vosge.s, near the Victor Hugo ' Museum. Advices from Mentone, France, under date of May 10, say that Paul Kruger is in a very comfortable state of health considering his great age. report to the contrary notwithstanding. Paderewski, tin* pianist, in order to show his disapproval of the I'm.--dun t .'overiunenl's Polish policy, luus forbidden his new opera "Manru" to be produced in the Herman theatre of I l'osen. Up. Davidson. Archbishop of Ciinlor| bury, lias accepted an invitation to attend tlic general convention of the , I'rotcstant episcopal Church of the ! United States and Canada, to be held i in lloston in October. Secretary liny has ureal respect for i anyone who lias tackled and mustered the Hussion lanuuauc, for he spent more lime and effort on it than he I ever had upon any other language before he abandoned the effort to ac- j quire it. NKWS IN Til K FAR EAST. ! ? ! The Japanese fought their way to i within eight miles of Port Art bin* and began to bombard the forts. Two Jn panose spies disguised as j itinerant organ grinders wore arrested ! in Kussian seaport of Narva. ltnssians report that tlie Japanese have evaeiiateil Senn Chen, apparently I to eiitiec Knropatkin south. Work of preparing lite Kussian Politic , squadron for service in the far Kast is being pushed day and nielil. An ineendiary lire in the arsenal at t'ronstadt exploded twenty Whit-lead I torpedoes, destroying a huihlina. A cablegram to i.ondon says tie- Kus. sian battleship sunk in a late enslavement at l*ort Artiinr was the Poltava. | Chinese arriving at Chefoo said that die Japan:- ? 1 oiiil'.iriled Port Arthur on June -U, many hells falling <i"* town. j II. J. Mid. 11 Con. the Ass,,. ! to.l , Press correspondent with the Kussian i headquarters near lJaoyang, died from | dysentery. A special enlde dispatch from St. | Petersburg says thai tiie rainy sea-on has set in and no decisive battle is expected now. AdmiralTogo. in his detailed report of bis latest naval livid at Port Arthur. ; rays the torpedo flotillas made rivht j attacks on the Kussian lleet. j Chinese at Cheefoo from Port Arthur | J report a larve vessel, presumably Kus! sian. on li e rocks ten miles southeast j of I.iao-Tie Chan promontory 1 A torpedo boat which ran Togo's j j blockade reached Newehuang in bat- J I tered condition with messages from ! | Port Arthur for St. Peicr>hui*g. A di ; h I rein Tn Tchc-Kino says a porlinn <?i the llussian nrmy lias assumed the offensive, and that troops inarched in tii" lield singing war s >i;y. TEACHER OP ORIENTAL LORE. Levantine Has Set Up Studio in New York. Caleb is n high caste Oriental called a Levantine. He has recently opened a studio In Twenty-first street to teach barbaric Americans about Damnsccuo antiques and the lore of Incense and Oriental things generally. "It is no small thing," said the disciple of Damascus, "but I've touched the heart with my Incense fiddle, and the rest will be easy. The incense lidj die is a heart-shaped instrument plnyI cd in the lap or on the shoulder. The foundation is a sweet-smelling wood I inlaid with mother of pearl and g? When it is laid Hat the little llsh-skin surface makes a bowl and receives a thin brass plaque. Incense is burned in the plaque, and ns. tho fumes rise to the nostrils of the player the spirit moves him. he draws his arrow-shaped how tjnd improvises the queer melodies of the Orient. We have incense lamps, taljourettes, rugs, and even vases, hut*tho fiddle seems to he the object around which the Amorlcan fancy lingers."?New .York Times. Wr.ntevor goes up must cook, down" is unfortunately not true of the book on tho shelf. fullTQUA^^T^^ >KEY FREE tho meaning of words and will do a* wo pay. Wa bo the low ? *!-priced Whiskey House ond the [oil tlrder >\ 1:1hU? > Concern in the South. All the 'olimi Whiskey wo well In good?there** no bud. ? w*?uUhriuduli<*iul?? ftl ttiey knew how?they uro too ost whiskey b* llcisare DOUvl lor mUdni?, blending anil W? bell more p nuliiu old w hiskcy and lend water than competitor. ^C'Mprr'n 11 Y car Old" W hlskcy la \9\1 ll'u inudeby lioacst people In the mountains of dittn. in old-style copper btilh, Just as It was made by ithcr. . F?i"?t-ratO w hiakcy is sold ut #5.00 to <?. OO hut it'll not any la?tier than"Casper's 11 Year Old." It >or wh will buy it l?aek. Wo have a capital of $600,000, >t?leV National Hunk and the Piedmont Savin** Itank will tell you our won! is (toed. T?? introduce this old, skev, we oircr four Full Quurtu of "Casper** 11 ! -two sample bottler, one IS. one IS year old a corku drinking class?all f??r#?.Db. ll'f 5.90 is lent we tluMtb <vo and nut in free One Full Quart Kxtra. too of this whiskey only 7 years old. and will send llvefor 910or wHl furriMi twenty full quart bottles on rental kIto free corkscrews, drinking plasma und samv' this whiskey cost less than 12.20 per gallon delivered, plain boxes with no marks t ? Indicate contents, and I Express, lluyers West of Texas, Kansas, Nebiaaka must add CO cents per quart extra. THE CASPER CO. (Inc.) skcy adrrrtlyrmcnt appear in ourcolutnns. * e inre?tigaud sm, stnl trienda in need of pure whiskies lor inedii al ubc nmd ?? ' sro ut i n (i i: i: i: v it 11: s. J. A. .Tanin. with a score of seventynine, won the golf emblem at Fox Hills. Tho foreign naval attar In s have givon up tho idea of entering Port Arthur ami have returned to Vl'divostok. flonrgo T.oanilor. tho ohatnpiou sixday hir-yolo ridor. is honkod to moot the host of tin* foreign stars in Kurc.pc Wylio C. Hranl defeated I>r. W. X. I Frazor in the open lawn tennis tournnineut of tho 1\ings County I.. T. 0. 11. I.. Dohorly again won tin- tonnis championship at Wimbledon Knglainl, defeating Frank L. Ilisoley by (I?1, 7?5. S ?1?. "Hh-k" Sheldon, fornu-rly of Yalo. I was tho prinoipal pri/.o winner at the ! Creator N?-w York Irish Athletic Club ) panics at Celtic l'ark. C. S. Titus won tho senior single s.-nll race at the IMiiladclphia regatta. ! New York oarsmen carried everything before (Item at the Troy regatta. The Interstate Hunters' Stcopleeli ise. 1 at the course of the Coney Island b-eki-x Club, was won by II. S. Page, on his own gelding Pure Pepper. Highball, who won the American Derby, had an easy task in the Spindrift SI.lL-., M -.i. l. I... ....... < - ........ ... .....I I.I I..11 11)1' tin' nine furlon-s ;ii Sheepshead 15.iy. Yale's 'varsity eitrlit defeated Harvard on (lie Than s by seven and ottelialf lengths. The Harvard four won because of an a< oidenl to the Yule shell. In tic* first Saturday run of (lie Automobile Club of Anieriea to Hie Muiilinsset l'.ay Yaeh.l t.Tub, at Port Washington, 1.. I., and return, tltir- i teen tiiaehines were en^.i^cil. Thomas F. Kiely, of Ireland, won the all-around championship of the world from live other linleil !illil..lnc i>. o... panics hold under tho auspioos of the A. A- li., ul tlii! World's Fair. Had No Fear of Man. Of an expedition into the interior of Alaska Mr. Hanluiry writes: "We [ took enough meat to last us several j days and proceeded down the river j meeting the same day several musk- j oxen. One remained close to us while we were pitching the tent in the evening. As he did not appear disposed to move off I took my camera and approached within about thirty yards, when I snapshotted him. He remained feeding on the willows, so 1 went still nearer. He showed no signs of fear hut I did, for I carried no arms. I ascend*, d a small knoll below which he was feeding and thus got within :j few yards <>! him ami snapshotted him again. I then wished for another shot in a different posi- i tion. so 1 threw a piece of rack at I him. which only produced an angry . shake of the head. I threw several 1 other missiles, hut he only stood, I angirly shaking his beau, pawing the ground and making his low guttural grunt." Got hem's Former Mayors. New fork ha *\. n stiiviving exaiayors Ciilr.o Fly. Grant, Van Vyck. Ccopr K and Low. I HEALTH "I don't think vro ooold keep Ha house without Thedford's i'.'..iok- tu Draught. We have used it. in the K family for over two years with the H brut of results. I have not had n. ttj doctor in the liou' o for tliat length jgj of time. It in a doctor in itself and H always n n ly to maVc .? perse l Wfll Bj and nappyJAMI'.s HALL, Jack- ffl sonviile. 111. _______ Because this great n . licine rj relieves stoina. ii pain*. 1 *ees tljo B constipated bowels ami in vigor- ' E ates tho torpid liver and weakencd kidneys Ho Doctor | is necessary in the home where Ej Thndford s Black! >ruupht is N j kept. Families living in the Hj country, miles from any nhysi? 0 eian, have heen kept in health EE for years with this inedieinoas R their only doctor. Thedford's I Black -1traught cures bilious ness. dyspepsia. ct?hls. chills and fever, bad blood, headaches, If diarrlnra. constipation, colic I and almost every other ailment because the stomach, howels | liver ami kidneys so nearly control the health. t? THEDFORD'S I BLACITOKAlifitlT I SUBSTANCE OF THE PLATFORM Most Important Features of Democratic Declarations. The following is ji summary of the Democratic platform adopted by the St. Ixmis convention: "We, the delegates to the Democ ratic party of the United States, in national convention assembled, declare our devotion to the essential principles of the Democratic faith which bring us together in hearty communion. "Under them local self-government and national unity and prosperity were alike established. They underlaid our independence, the structure of our free republic and every Democratic extension from Louisiana to California and faithfully in all the States the tie between taxation and representation. They yet inspirit the masses of our people, guarding jealously their rights and liberties, and cherishing their fraternity, peace and orderly develop ment. They remind us of our duties and responsibilities as citizens, and impress upon us. particularly at this time, tlie necessity of reform and the rescue of the administration of government from the headstrong, arbitrary and spasmodic methods which distract business by uncertainty and pervade the public mind with dread, distrust and perturbation. "The application of these fundamental principles to the living issues of the day constitutes the first step to ward the assured peace, safety and progress of our nation, freedom of the press, of conscience and of speech, equality before the law of all citizens, the right of trial by Jury, freedom of the person defended by the writ of heabeas corpus, the supremacy of civil over military authority; a well disciplined militia; the separation of Church and State: economy in expenditures; low taxes, thai labor may be lightly burdened; the prompt and sacred fulfillment of public and private obligations, including fidelity to [ treaties; peace and friendship with all nations, entangling alliances with non"; absolute acquiescence in the will of the majority, the vital principle of | reiniiilie: those are doc-trim s which Deuinc racy has established as proverbs of ti e nation, and they should be constantly invoked, preached, resorted to and enforced. "1. l arge reductions can readily bo made i!: ik annual expenditure.-- of i!i.> government without impairing the efficiency of any branch of the public r-.iuii-, aim \vr auuil im.sim upon i ho j strictest < "'I'lumy ami frugality compatible with tIn* various and efficient civil, nullto. v an*! naval administration as a r'yht of llio people too clear to bo denied or withheld. TAUn- ! ' i'KRVKUSIONS. "4. Tin* Democratic party 1ms been, and will continue to be, the consistent opponent of that class of tariff legislation by which certain interests have boon permitted, through congressional favor, to draw a heavy tribute from the American pecple. Tito monstrous perversion of those equal opportunities which our political institutions wore established to secure, lias caused what may once have been Infant industries V,. vvvw..?v ? ? *Mll illtliLi i?lll? of capital that the world has ever known. "These publicly favored enterprises have, through trust methods, been converted Into monopolies, thus bringing to an end domestic competition, which was the only check upon the extravagant profits made possible by the protective system. These industrial combinations, by the financial assistance they can give, now control the ' 'nicy of *he Republican party. The Isthmian Canal i* favored and the trust legislation of the Republican party is denounced. The plank of the Repuhlitan platform bearing on the race question comes in for liberal share of censure. Reasonable pension laws are recommended but the extravagance of Republican pension legislation is ,lenounced. SHIP S1T1SIDY RILL DENOUNCED. ".Merchant Marine: We denounce the ship subsidy bill recently passed by the United States Senate as an iniquitous appropriation of public funds for private purposes and a wasteful, illogical and useless attempt to overcome by subsidy the obstructions raised l?y Republican legislation to the growth and ti? volopment of American commerce on the sea. We favor the upbuilding of a merchant marine without new or additional burdens upon the people and without bounties from the public t reasury. "Condemnation of Polygnmv: We de mr.nd tho extermination of polygamy within (ho jurisdiction of tlio United States. and tho complete Reparation of church and State in political affairs. "Reclamation of Arid Lands and Domestic Development: We congratulate our Western citizens upon the passage of tho measure known as the Newland's irrigation act for the irrigation and reclamation of the arid lands of the West a measure framed by a Democrat. passed in the Senate by a nonpartisan vote and passed in the House against the opposition of almost ali the Republican leaders by a vote, the majority of which was Democratic. We call attention to this great Democratic n ensure, broad and comprehensive as it is working automatically throughout all time without further action of Congress until the reclamation of all the lends in the arid West capable of reclamation is accomplished, reserving the lands reclaimed for home-seekers in small tracts and rigidly guarding against land monopoly as an evidence of the policy of domestic development contemplated by the Democratic parry should it be placed in power." News by Wire. Complete scores in the recent target practice of the navy have been computed. Senator Clorman spent part of the day in Washington, but denied himself to all t ailors. Th? failure of a statue of Thomas Jefferson and furniture from the University of Virginia to arrive at St. Lcuis caused another postponement in the dedication of the Virginia building. \ VfThe World's Catarrh R Should I Hone, '.?:.' i? -v-,. ~K- ' ;' v ,,' ,') ' ' < fe v pernio;i ?*? & ? W nat " C?' I y Petitna .vso*?n? I lhe druii b | p In r*it* IO Vditm, INmitiw) I'm j J- D f T T , NHR'S l)YS h " ^ i: i ?.i t \ii 5o<-si/i:. \t rit< SOUTHERN DES^Ti I f you HI.* Ill t |V*r<*ll III 111 >1 till for fr>>?* <?nt tiloguc of full in-ir Aon*.'* DR S W FOSTER. DfAN. 100 NOP DOCTORS DO TASTE DRUGS. Physician Corrects an Impress.'O.t , Which Is Widespread. "Do doctors know liow their own medicine tastes?" was a question put to a group of physicians. "To ho sure," said one, "but we have hard work to convince our patients that we do. If you only knew how this beastly stuff tastes, doctor, you wouldn't ask me to take it'?that is what they say. And they are hard-headed people, too. who say that ? people wlio are hy no means raving in delirium. It's hard ever to eon- t vinee then; that a doctor has a tast- ! ing acquaintanee with his medicine, j " 'How did you tin..! out about t?' ! is one of their trump questions. 'You have never been laid up with nil t)o diseases in the dictionary. How diit you learn what the diffi rent remedies taste like?" It never occurs to tho average patient that tasting drugs is a part of the medical student's education. and that 110 man is qualified to practice until lie has learned tho 11a.or of t?:- medicines lie expects to prescribe.'' Or. Biggers' Huckleberry fordial The Great Southern Remedy. Cures nil Stoma 'li anil Itowel Trouble*, ruinh ax f'hronlr l.iyni'iilery, Cholera >lm ' loin. Bloody Kltiv ntil al:?o rli!Kir<*n t<rthltiK " seldom trills lo iiinke i;ulok permanent < u! < r. of all Stmaneh ImiwcI tllxenve* j'ii' lestluioni&l of tl:? late HEjV-Ry W. C.'RAI)i>. Dr. Walter A. Taylr.r, Atlanta. Ga. Dear Sir: This l& the first errtif!cat? that I have ever given as to the merits cf any medicine. Gilt I take pleasure in recommending Dr. Elgjvrs' Huckleberry Coruial I con: ider it the best remedy that I have ever used In my family for 6tomach and Bowel Troubles 50c Invested In a bottle of till: medicine to be used In the heqinnino cf any stomach trouble will cften rave li'c ; well as a large doctor's bill. I have a friend whose life waa, In my opinion, saved by the prompt use of Dr. Dlgntrr' Hurkleberry Cordial. For sr.le by all Druggists, 25 cad 50c per bottic. (Signed) HENFtY W. GRADY. Atlanta. Ga.. May 23. 128?. Haltiwanccr-Taylor Drti.i Co., Prop., Atlanta. Ga. TaylcrT Chrrc'tee Remedy of fiv/e-t Gum and Mullein will cure CVniuhs, Cro ;> and Consumption. Price Slicamlll rt bottle. | it3 in KSEJ r\ ST^i r\ fP r >i! l&fxS wcT3 /? , A ,'<t G.'.A ' i fit .: [,38 Sfl la?& Si? frkw4h iia , MvffttVi.f li*#i 1" r. . , J1-- * * . Tivrirum ?k,i nrni'.r.rno f<?r tho laat twrnly-t'.v" and never found m v ivllcf until In* bewail ?nUi.. * y.?r.r ( nnw: . Sine* he hua v nun taking * ..s.-urrta he hait never Jin?l tho hf&ilacno, T'? y ha . o on'iir'.v cm I Inui. Caarr.reta do what "on r* ?-<?roin< nd them to d??. 1 will fiivo you tho . rivilnjo of u.sin;* his name.1' ?.M. l>ick5on, UkM it*. . .orit., VY.lml.fcuapoiis, 1 ml. tANDV CATMART Pleasant. Palatable. Potent. Taste (1^*1. Pn Neii r .S?ckfrn, 'A ikon or Grip* 10e. L. f.' *. J*,*v? r flohl in bulk. Tho jrnniuo wmVi >"tmpe<l CCC. Guarantee 110 cut j or your x..on?y buck. Sterling Kc.ncdy Co., Chxcu?oor N.Y. *o3 ANNUAL SiiL'e; TEH MILLION 3GXLS AfrlFS l?iri/irs> ifSpP t"Tk L \ 2 J & JLj V IlL' -IV \n.l nil it'Ii'T f r i > of V.ilnrli lire ?pn til* flliv I 1 I J J.TVliC liAHKK. K.tsjIi' a. nil dm tores V . n hottie ITi'iiari'.l l?j hl.iH ZKWSKI ?V t'O., Wnalilnclon. >.?'. , MEDICAL DEPARTMENT TULANE UNIVERSITY OF LOUISIANA It" n.fviinfnjfi 11?r instru li n. Imth In ample lat> ra' >rU anil nt.uiiilnnt hospital ma li.iai.i are iitimjualU-il access Is r.lvrn t<j tin irrcat I'hutlty li >!pltul with 0" l> Is an.I | yi.ast patients annually Sim mil Instill Inn it liin n dally nt tip ho. laid* of tlis slrk Til next sivspin tieulns fVtnlHM II" l!?l| Km ratal 11lit an I information. a I li< s I*i f S K. < '11 A 11.1.K. SI LUiun, X" y> li in ri 1, N'.'W Orleans, L.u' , 0 r o p s y ^ RE* S Remove* all swelling m Htoao ; effect' a prttun icnt cure in so to 6o duvs. Trinltrentnient j given free. Not liingcau l>o fairer 1 Write Dr. H. H. f"'eea'? Sont, _ Sw:l lilru. Box B Atlanta, d. i I So. 52B. t T*1cunts WHIM All list FAUX. RT ImJ Best Cough syrup. Uao P*1 J CJ In time. Hold by drunKl-m Ut J I I % f Famous *emedy./ 1 r% | is Every | |jB I ' SSra p$M ZQyw. t -vfe *, - R %lW$ H u-na Ccr.lrj.s J&25K? B No Narcdi'.OS. =3 I rvnsoii w.iy Feronc hc3 found j lent use its ro many homes is loins no oi any kind- I perfectly harmless. It con ho fc engf'" of without acquiring f$j for ALL STOMACH TROUBLES. I PEPSI A REMEDY I ii? >??nr < P. ISo\ t;:s. \tl:i:iti> (in, I (XL COLLEG L?i q GEORGIA. iliiK n dental etlueiit ioti, write ucttoit. n H BUTLER S TREET, ATLANTA GEORGIA. d i i y sbh 01 talurin?, Dislipins Itsnsors Use Every child bom into the world with an inherited or early developed tendency to torturing, disfiguriiV' humors of tne Skin and ScaliVbecome* ? n an object of the moat tender soVicitudc, not only because of its suffering, but because of the dicaaful fear that the disfiguration is to be lifelong and mar its future happiness and prosperity. Hence it becomes the duty of mothers of such afflicted children to acquaint themselves with the best, the purest, and most effective treatment available, viz.: the CUTICLJRA Treatment, consisting of warm baths with CUTICURA Soap, and gentle anointings with CUTICURA Ointment, the great Skin Cure. Cures made in childhood are speedy, permanent and economical. >..ui w,?-wona. I'utlciita Soap, t.V-. OlntIpcnt, .M<r . ii.t, (in f-?ru? ?>( Chi't..'ni- t\>at,d r: 1?, 'JAc I -- %(,!. ( CO I fl.-p ? 1 oiolnl:, i." C> 1MH)i'iuRS|.|l iii>.l Iturdr I* I'ata lluaion, WT biia Aw r.iltrr Driiil * Ch?m. l.vp.. s?> Pri'prWtora or nd I t " !;< ? to C,.rr Tnrtu.-lnJ, t>ljD|atis( I! umoit frum Infancy to 4gr FREE to WQ'fflEN ' A Large Trial Bore and book of instructions absolutely Free and Postpaid, enough to prove the value of Paxtm Toilet Antiseptic Pnxllne is in powder form to dissolve In water? non-po/onou.* v'afleP rSi*' 0" , 'd'superlor to liquid antiseptics containing taVi- "T lcohol w.ikli irritates ilB YAl Inflamed surfaces, and "tpy \ licvc rio cleansing propt.''ST{fl| **' k.iOtffl d erties. 1 tie contents J of every b;i* makes ! *V* Tnnrc Antiseptic SoluV^ShA^ further?has more , ijjj uses in the family and <2<eimorc|;ood than any n.itl.'.eptic preparation Tl t formula of a noted Boston physician, nr.d used with great success as a Vaginal Wash, forLeucorrhor a, Pelvic Catarrh, Nasal Catarrh, Sore Throat, Sore Kycs, Cuts, and all soreness of mucus membrane, Iti local treatment of fotnaln Ills Pax thiols in vulualdo. Used r.s n Vaginal Wash wo chalk ngo the world to produco Its equal for thoroughness. It is a revelation in cleansing and healing power; it kills nil grrins which rauxo iniiamiiintion and discharges. All )e:i<lingdriiKgi?t* keep I'm tine; price.Win. si>o*; If yniirsdues not, send to us for it. lmnt ta-o a Biilistilute ? literals nothing like ,'ax Una. . Wrltofortha Free I to* of 1'attlne to-slay, tt. PaXTON CO., 7 Pop* Bide., Boston. Mass. "^KVirJa Thompson '$ Eyt Water J