University of South Carolina Libraries
Items of Local Interest Miss (i'liimm. of Y''?n cord. N. C., is tl?*> ?*nest of her s.ster, Mrs. S. A lipps, on Forest .street. _ Mr. Austin Saviile, ?>t* States-ville, N. C , i- visiting at tin* h -me jot his uncle. Mr. .1. \Y\ Mchlihu,ney, in tlris phte -. Mrs. W. K. Willi uns nml ehililreti returned t?> tli?-?r lioni" ut lvershaw yesterci-iy. -liter -i visit to Mrs. A U. MeKllmiifV Miss .lanie ?-ins?ev. of Km*!; Hill. is visiting ut the Inune of Mrs. -T. L. tSprntt. in this plm-e. aTm., vi;.? . I'..:.. .1 . . . jii.i. uub i A. 1 U I > t HiStY ill nt the h una ? t her danuhte . "Mrs. Alice Hanis. on White .street. Mrs. ?T. M. (.? iior. and da; ^111 ?r. Dora, are visiting fii? mis ami t: intives in Steele I i.-rk. Miss A it ti i ^ Link. of Hick' rv. JL Ois visiting at Hie h :ne ot her brother. M r. (\ s. Link. in this place. Mis-* Ilia Massey. win.> has been visiting relatives in this pl.-n ,.. -turned to her homo in 11 n-k Hi.I Thursday. Mr. C. II. Brans mi. who has been in ill health for several months, is spend wr/ n tew w. . k> in the mountains >f \V, t .., North Carolina. A V l'y ? tijoyao'.e < rial was jjiven last i-veit;:i_ ' ti: i. en- f Mr. and Mrs. .1. !'.. Mi.Is. ? tl r .n federate street. eom; linn -alary t > Miss Mary V :u;: blisses Ben!ah Kunhrell. Airiv and Beulali Curls. <>t ii?>h! Hill, and Li!!;e M ..s- > and Ada Wniie. of this place, went ; > Bo. k Itill Friday t<> stand tie* examination \\ inthrop col County Supervisor V \Y. ]' .1 lias otT-'fi d a r"\v?i ii ..f f r t!i eap'ure of W ill Worthy, v.h e.~ on pod from Hie ehanirran:.' a lew days ai;o. The in-rrro :* about "J1 years old. ? fe t 10 in. n ' ltIi and is coal black. ? The Enquirer si y; 1 lie cnnditiim of the crops ahm^ Hie I'.i line's icily rent net .v.- n >.-.tkv;il<* ami 1 !io iivit is l>??:t*-r t ;-m ii has 1?.-on f ?r several years. Cotton i- from 12 <? lh inches hi_;h. we.I fruited and clean. C* ?ru Ins >*one aliy been Inul by in pr >niisin<_r e nditinn. The j):- sjjeel- uem-rally are line. Mr. \\ T Sellers is HLrnin at his luMif here. Iinvititr finished hi*; work as general n^ent for the Armour Ue rh/enU" >r Co.. in the taiiekiut>; districts of Kastern North Carolina. Mr. So!! it re-1 ports the Reason's shipments of fruits, veoetahl h, etc., fioi.i t'uat section t!ie heaviest in yea re. Mr 1>. I'?. Quiet;, a carpenter who has h cm employed hi the new buildini; of tlie Milltort M il. sustained serious injuries Monday nfierno n. Mr. Quick was at work on (he second R'ory, wliieh has noli Iv>c:i Hoore !, when in some v.'ay Inslipped fr>t:i a sil! and fell to the mound lloor a distance of about to feet. IT v.'"s rend' ted uneon scions for a short time, had his rijjht wrist badly sprainod and was other ivis?* injur .1. Tho Fori Mill ti miii 111 olnhmive a delit^lilfnl (I .11 in tho town hull 1 <st \V? ?!!? -:-d iv v* isirl'_f. Tiiis wI'.s on < f tin- be-t and most liioldy enj d s trial Inactions udven ll MO til!-" SIHMfMer. The hearts and emuoi'S t til y Htm ]i goeni d to have la- n cumiiiiii-d mill thus undo this dunce succossfu 1 in i v-'iy t sp ct. The dntice lieajaii i.t do and 1 m ? ?-11 until 2 o'clock w!u-a t: o danoeis lot"! tli" hall to t!i familiar strains of "Momo, Swa ot II ir' .*' Music was i furnished by iho I<\,rt Mill "orcliostra. ' Tho second annual p'onic of iho people of this s clion was hold \'\ odnosday last in tho beautiful move a! tho (ort .Mill madid school. While there was a cone! crowd present, it was ip'tu-iully stated that a I arm r crowd uttondo:! the L'Hthorin-_c last year. I u- many confess of Ihe eh ddren furnished amusement fi;r hoih old ami yonnif ami some very ???< ' prizes w< re awarded the winners. Tlje country oeople did not Mini .ml as well as had b en hoped, probably for tin# mmp.mi lino 11 ?? > were Imsy with their farm work and could not spar* tlic ' 11 it t* All of the <*( ?( ii ty candidates. wi?h the exception of t hree 01 foil:, \\ t re present, a i.d seemed to veiy much enjoy the, haml-shakino featnre of the ocea. nion. The of bull which was to have !>oee pulled otf in the afternoon was mot played, Ihe team from Knek Hd! railing to come over. However, two local nines! were picked up an.l played an in- j t icstim; oam \ Tlio day wns j throughout one of pleasnro and, our people will eij^erly await tiearrival of the tiiju* I" >r the huldinj* ! .of the next picnic. ' ^v ***.>?r\?r\-j>?vs^j*. I | J| C x h-vn ??% % ^ > _ )< Tin' "JOt!i V' tiu> bftautif'ii J T \S K $/D 5 rs St* S S MV 1 ^ I noso Jur *v $? W> mako wii tluto or iori /? -wsui1. ??. ^ on nuunt . V a y I MIL] u/> V lk/ ?>\T.\.r s -t: ? v? vt *. \ V V \ .S, ? vI'.-C*. ilectfic Lights troxi Ihs Dar. Aii item of n< ivs whiirh will iI'KiWt1 11101 lli-Mt p-'siirj;; i:. 1 . is t ii tuiii' mil in *:i! t Imi ?! '. ! ri?.v . . ... e.... . i. ' ! ...i ...v pm j, - . I!:t> business liou< > and loideuct s will br? .iI?t t > t iv. 11 w thii. i . low wci ks. 'flu' <lo".l i p i?r whs i-. ?:i - unuimtfi Sat aril \ ! M i \\ S. I. i>. i if 1! ;t : putty, utid Messrs -I M -i u. \V. I>. M > 11'- li?. <!' this J.' . 1. luttvf tii-n'l m.'tt t?vin_r tli r . I t <is mul pr in ?tr -t i?t She in <v Itit'iit. It t tiiv i:11 mit.on f tinstfOIlt ll'llllMI t <Mi t .? 11 ? :i.. house near tin* depot mul the i\iro| nf tlw power romp-iuy will !v ' i; pod ut thut point anil run up .M 11ti shoot t<> M< ICilriiio\ tj stub! : ri an t In* bunk < <Miier >ii \ i: * tit root to S \j. Mem-hum's mil t'r in. 11 if transformer lion v down V? 1 e Htroot to W thoiu sti'i 't; up "Willi crs stroot 1o Mm -si slio t ilown Masse y s! e t us inr us tli t i esidenee of -T. M. vM. Tl." Will 1)0 llll of t lit: l: t) S M pi Milt . but of oouiiio any n \< ii ? wi.!tlit' lights i nil ar;'i;:i?jo will ?he. ompiny I" tjoonio 11 i?m:i. h i.? said that tb oust p r itioutli p.linht will In ! . . illLT. of .'lilli' O, up Ml 'llll' <1111011111 I binning. Tlio eoinpwty. \\ ue informed. bits el ?sed a -??nti with tli" Sunt born rnilwu; i f h nisli water for t'a ir tank nour t ,1 pot A t ink .!! V bA y 1 built noar ?11? rorut-r <>i Alain jir.<! , llootli sti-e's nutl *'i * v ' ; bt> IJ i 1 1J11 .1 ! V oK' trie v fr il: t tub.lar wt-li-; in ! t villc ' ' tank and ilis r.'i i!. i fi ?m 'Jim point. Air. S. L. \J. i ^ t> \ Imvt' rhaivo of t li'- plant CriT.ty AiMlfCi- W lili-rrr Art?*! \\ l>. \\ iiiiain-i, Sr.. \ >i!< oimty's pojin'-'r auditor. .i. I Knda? nioruinif at '>is 1: -in. . i Vorkvill .' after an iilness of st V'-nd w?* '.s froui patnlj-is. l!|,? fun vice was coinluc1' <1 Sunday tuor i intr l?y t In* !w "v. I >r. .1 f >, Sti . iniinodiatt'ly uft?M* which tin* inP r nitUit wo made in the public* rem-' eterv. Mr. Wiiiiams was about < "> year- ' of noe, a liobit' old (" i,1 *d veteran niu! i highly esteemed ,-ii i'/en. ' Mr. Williams uvtd into tin i federate sorv4i*f vvilli the (n.-l v ! nnleeis ami w is a i:i? : ?i -? r of t ?? I'ahnetto Sharpnhoot rs inn or the I italia lit (..mi, .dicnii ! ,;i.. > t Inst his ri^ht ann mar the soe.iidor at the second I? ?.11. (?f M nnsua. For a ifood many vea.s In-1 lias served Imh country fiti111fuIi; and alily as auditor. 1 Wcast'd is anrvivid ! y . i and two sons, Limit,, (tea. W. Williams <. t tlic 1'iiihd Sta'enavy and Mr. \V. It. W illiams, ,! r, of Yorkville. The pefiaion burt iu tirnab that there nr.' not 111,0 i'u 111 'JO.OOD veterans of the civil war no., jivin wh ? are not on the pmision e I,.- j The pension attorn* y-. !i v? i;i 1? !; 1 accomplish! d about all that the service pension by exa.-rtiv ordm can accomplish, eo far as ifeltinn the riHIIleH ell tllO roll is COIieprIietl WANTED - Purchaser-- l'or several thousand No. 1 sunt 'J Hiiauh s. A. A. BHADFOllI), Jit. 5T HA I I f I CtS K* %s2Ei&* ?/ W\ ?S?3 ^*ror 3! If aCT'trr^KMn ?-ic. v c* ^ *m*iA.- *33BMaE out . aarjt seamusKB i, / * ?/ oi ,lulv >n ii 1 end the contest tor t 4/ I *S * 4/ i? uit of Furniture. I ,v // /<* vine; tickets to redeem or guesses ! # . ? ~ *? i have to uet them in by that '? 4/ eit their chances of this handy So ?*et ill vonr truesses at mice. be the luekv one. f-? / ,R & YDTI Nil if ?i V/ \*J -1-^ VJ5 a ? Q r * ?\," ? \r* i ^ r'rr>?M^Ar :* ^ . v. ^'-.. J.#?\\*? \\V V%% ^^ C'Se?????9?e?00? ???? ??s>o?? ?3 ! fpjip njfj palinhlo xjispp I g i ii u 010. u l! l i d >j i u k) L u i b | 1" "~ I I n 13 t1 a rn qj a Tin tt ? g ult/uAl oil A U {Jin* e| ? nifT/ n 4 t tii 9 $ i?iJtt DiiSjJDl | # - 8 M W _ v r*~r Mn &vr S* ^ 22 Ita tf lu C: L i rvr -4j? CT y ?* els ? <"< (TA 9 Hammocks ? IN!) a C>S QA We bought M sample lot of Ham- x v 1 ?* ^ mocks of a big discount and oiler g fa them at wholesale cost. [Juy a nice A A i i ^ Hammock and keep cool during the gfc 0 hot summer months ^ , <fh . . '?> Ml !viimih1:* Clothin"' at irrcatlvdo ^ * - ^ | i 52? tVCIili'lHl pSHT.s. ? ? ^ Special (/losing o\\i Sale of Ladles *3 ? and { hddrca ; Sandals. ? I >n AT* V> ? ? . i'.sj 3%.fjjgjt iWMiwgttKmac'.- ai iii^jwamuwiTtit?- rxaraevrarr nrrrrmwr* Millie flit Reliable Storej *'mJ vv ? r ncs sr riw.-jf? )r> t.%. ?u ii? L? ?u.7i9 I?W. ?? - *T (I^?s?soe0??c:^??s?@i3??g'?0?i 3 ; ', . I a I i ? & ? SC m 12 D ULK. KKl ::?TFVB MAY 2t>VH. IWH ? souTiissorxiY .tu a Lv C!i ; ji. V> t Vi!l 7 p. Ar < lj >tor s ::?? j> i. ? 21 ,, it. Iii a. ? 0.4 M a. ,, v'ola. in I "1 a .. ,, ,, 10.0.7 p. ? ? ,, io.:;.? ] ,, i.2*? |i ,, ?.:{"> a a 12.47 p NtjSIMM !UOl* N IV T'Miti No Lv < -i-r I'?* it) . Ar Fort Mill 2.1^ s> \v Charlotte H.'JO p : ,, 2s* (Jala. M, 10 p. ,, ,, 0.85 p. 7.10 pj 80 ,, O.Io a. ,, ? JU2 a. J'.oO a ,, Ml '<!"> p t. S> 7 *? p. ,, 8.08 p \ tt* ->Yi"t M'-ll is regular stopping point for all the uhovo trains, except AM . . 08 ami Ci, wii.i a stop yu Slay. AoS. 85 ami 28 do not run Sundays, 1 &XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX9 1 Our ''Good ByeM 1 'f f*- ^ |i p Summer Goods Sale 5 1 ^ t\?uwn?Muimr Thursday, July 11th. everything iu the ^ t| Sv Summer Goods line ??oes at ? r below wholesale cost. We ^ ^ mean e\>. : y what we say arul will stick t > it. Pou't fail ^ to cull ami see our 0? It contains many uood things tn Lawns. Ginghams. 0 Wh to Goods, etc., that are worth from 10 to lo cents per ^ ^ AH Summer Shoes at Post, ami some at Half Price. 4R A? See our now Prop Head Five Drawer Sowing Machine at At *-# Si J ,"?0. fin so never sold before for less than to $:>5. ja Qk \ car load cf the Famous Leader Stoves and llanges ^ ^ just arrived. We save 121 2 per uiit by buying in car ^ qrc Compare our prices. k' 3 j ll.'M tN ^ 4- ^ * $ v J, IV J n ? ? & y , $ $ $ .?? % STRAW HAT SALE. uprnntawP ui .iJ.mgu..i*.it* iwcrv We hive full v made up inir minds not t > enrr\ over h Straw Mat. Ail >0o, 7 "to. $>1 OO and $1.2"> II its a tl'.roan in our oust wind >\v. Tak your choice tor 'Joe. m i L LINERY. 1 he smio in this line of goods. They must go. We have a t> w litn luuulnuule I'liilV >n and Maliae 1! its at $T.( >?. $t>A'' So. 00 t<> bo fold at ju>t o 10 half $'hdO, oo anil >.' ."at A few nice shapes will t;o at about the Hinir. We luiV'1 boon in tli?' business for si\ yours and ieivo no\er can;oil uvrr two lio/.on hats nil together. LADIES' VESTS. A r? a! l.i. Vest at 2.V. A veal Lisle Yost (soeonda laii a 11:10; nl U I 2e. The host lOe vest you can buy. AIs.i a nood 0110 al r?o. 10 - infants' vest now 00. Ladies' K:i. o i'unts. Cut i moos all through the st to on all Suminov Ciooda. MEACHA M S E PPS>. Brand Bros. Trousers. A ll- a of the celebrated ISratu! I5ros.' i nioi! - Made pants iiisl in. it i-. a .eiven-up fact that when you buy a pair <>! Hraiul Hro* punts you ^et all tlie style that .noes. These pants arc cut h\ a cutter who knows how lo cat pants, and this fact assures a perfect lit. A new stock of Hoy's (llothinu. ranging ill price from $1.25 to $5.0(1 the suit. We have recently enlarged our storeroom it I ul invite you to t;ivc us a call. Get the Habit. McElhaney-Parks Co. ! f 1 til2 line for BUSINESS, 4??lp ;^l-r t!ie line for measure, JKAJE-j i ti-ie line for all the best o* the i summer resorts &mm*a ? "" w- " 7" ~ ^K"*jw t OiniDlftr Summer Resort Foldrf ^ I M.ufeJ Fitr ( ? Any AolJrr&s. firCA'dLWfflf KAMaWl^l | *V.A T Mr SHI'v. -. W. H. Tavuor. p* 1 .: I -if. i t. c I f* i A.-int. A.m. Cei.'l tvss. Ac*. 1^, 1 ...I [A, OA. 'ill