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SOCIETY WREl tofisfrik rv 12J// J ^ I In Society. A w >tnan in societ) is obliged to keep into I mil*. She must attend reception* md l?dl*. She seldom allows herself a .pin t evening at home. Her whole time is taken up in keeping engagements or entertaining in her own home. Her system becomes completely run <icwu is a consequence. She soon finds herself in a condition known as systemic catarrh. This has also'been called catarrhal nervousness. It every society woman could know the value of l'cruna at such a time, if fhey could realize the invigorating, strengthening effect that lVruna would have, how much misery could lie avoided. Letters from society women all over the United States testify to the fact that lVruna i' the tonic for a run down, depleted acrvons ay a ton. Duchess in Strange Accident. While hunting a stag In the forest of Ramboulllet, in France, iccontly, tin Durhnss do Lttyncs had n str-.nge adventure. Being hard pressed, the stag turned down u path which the duchess happened to bo crossing at that moment, her horse going at a cantor. It fried to jump over thorn, hut instead caught the lady with its antlers and tossed her high into the air. The duchess and stag fell down on the turf together, white the horse went, on as if nothing l.a 1 happened. A moment later the stag picked itself up and bolted off. The duchess had a wonderful escape, as she got off without a bruise. If the average man had hi* life lo live oyer i^ain he would proidily make more mistakes than ever. Pointed Paragraphs. Sin is no more essential to salvation than disease to health. A woman may look her age. hut she Beldom looks tne age she says she is. It takes a last man to beat a hoard bill. So. 21. ggftss cures malaria/" ELIXIR CHILLS aivd FEVER. BABEK "ll\HKK" 1* tin' oldest, surest . ;ti>rt Isvt remedy In AtnerliM for nu?i*?*'* J*** mile.* of malarial nature. it?n imslHit* five eiire lor MAI.AMI A. CHIl-US ami KKVKIt nly .VV. Iiottlu KLOCZLWSKI <H CO . Washington. D. C. J W Write for tcMlmtiiilaM. Ut 1 J&L i WMUHOOF liMHl /Fbj/ih, CIUD CL0THIN5 V1 j Made m bl?k or jrellovr for all kinds lW/T^\/// ; of wet work On salt ever/where ^JrX T . I / / Look for the 3ifn of the r isharrf /^An/vi V<aL / V5w name TOWcR cn the buttons /Py[y \ ?^Q/ I ? J r?n <a_iaiiM n>(> ?) a J / K A_V^\) / ||, T f f / WORMS "I write to Ut y?n keow how I appreciate yonr Oeacarota. 1 commenced taking th?m laet November and took two ton rent boioa and paaaed a tapeworm 14 ft. long. Then I commenced taking them again and Wedneadar. April tth. I paaard another tape worm ?* ft. long and over a thonaand email wnrma. I'ravtnur. to mjr taking Caararela I didn't know 1 had a tapeworm. Ialwaja had a email appetite." Wm f. Brown. 184 Franklin 8t.. Brooklyn, N. T. Th? bowels ^ VGUZOCtojfEto mlwfwWfWtf CAN Off CATrU/mc kflHtatt Palatable, Potent. Taete Oood Do Good, lavar Blokon, Weaken or Gripe, lte. t&c, l?o. Never BM It balk. The genuine tablet eVamped COO. yttnateei to core or pour Mhay back. Starling Remedy Co., Chicago or N.Y. 394 J UWUAL SALE, TEN MILLION BOXES is A, J^S'ty^UTheaptOB't Eye Water IKED HER LIFE.] Tired, Nervous. Aching, Trembling, Sleepless, Bloodless. Pe-ru-na Renovates, Regulates, Restores. A Pretty New York Woman's Recovery the Talk of Her Numerous Friends. Mrs. J. K. Finn. S-'? Fust High street, ltuffalo. X. Y.. writer*: 1 > i Medicine Co.. Columbus. Ohio. Gentlemen:?". I few yaws ago I had to o'ire a/i social life entirely. as nil/ health teas eonijiletely broken i/oirn. The doctor advised n cunifj/rtc res/ for a. year. .Is this /ens oat of the question for a time, / hcjan to look /or some other means of restoring my health. "/ had often heard of kern nans an c.xecllent tonic, so I honfht a bottle to see irha.t it iroa/d do for me. and it certainly took hold of my system and re/'n vena ted mr. and in less than tiro months / teas in perfect health, and now when I feel worn out or tired a. nose or urn oj fcrnnn is on tmii / need ."?.Mrs. < /. F. Finn. Mi j. .1. \\\ Reynolds, Klkton, Ohio, writes: "I owe? my hcnltti and lift' to I'cruna. We rarely cull in a physician; in fact, it hart been jcars since 1 have any other medicine than yours. I am atraid of drops, and although I have bee:: sick many times 1 fitive taken only yon. medicines. They are wonderful, indeed. We have a very large house and entertain a great ileal and 1 d?> all my own work, | thanks to I'eruna."? Mis. ... W. Reynolds, v Free Treatment for Women. Any woman wishing to lie placed on the list of Dr. Hartman's patients for free nome treatment ami aUvice should hmne- 1 diately send name and symptoms, duration I of disease and treatment already tried. Directions for the first month's treatment j will b'e promptly mailed free of chat no. ( No free medicine will he supplied by the doctor, but all,necessary directions will lie furnished. ] Read what the above Indies have to say ( of Peruna as a cure for these eases. Address Dr. llartman, President of The llartman Sanitarium, Columbus, 1 Ohio. I>ry ltot In Illf- Tr?*e?. J I The famous oak trees about the Uni- ' versify of California are, many of tlieni. suffering from 'ry rot. Tlie dei eayed nuttier Is to be removed and the cavities formed tliereliy are to lie disinfected with coal tar and tilled with ! cement. i I ?? How'* Till*? We nft'er Om Hundred Dollars Howard for i any ease of Catarrh that cannot he cured by 1 Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. Ciiknkt A Co., Toledo, O. We, the undersigned, have known F. .T. Cheney for the hist 15 years, and believe liitu perfectly honorable in all business transae! iions and iinancially able to carry out any I obligations made bj their llrni. I \ A Tuvax, Wholej-ale Druggists, Toledo. O, ^ j Wai nixo, Ki^nan A Marvin, Wholesale Druggists, Volcdo, o. Hall's Catarrli ('uVe is taken internally, aet! ing directly upon tho blood and mucous.surfaces of the system. Testimonials seut free, l'riee, 75e. per bottle. Sold by all Druggists, 'lake Hall's Family l'llls !<>r constipation. on Cypres*. The Island of Cypres.-; in the Mediterranean. will soon have a railroad from coast to coast. The amount of S.OOO.lKto francs lias lieen appropriated for its construction. Engineers with their staffs have already arrived on tlie ground. FIT "tnnrm vteat Iv euro 1. No tit* or nervousness after Urs? day's useof Dr. Klino's Ci r?at Nerve Restorer.*'.! trial huttleand treat isefree Dr. H. If. Ki.;se. T,td..!?1 Arch St.. PbUa.,Pn Tiie man who thinks a good deal of his wife should not attempt to conceal his thoughts when lie is alone with her. Mrs. Winelow'a Soothing Syrup forehlldren teething, soften the yum", reduces Inflammation alloys paln.cureswind colic.2Cc.nbottle We often hear of a middle aged man, bat never ot a middle aged woman. A woman is either young or old. IMso's Cure eannot be too highly spoken of as n rough euro.?J. W, O'I'.iuf.x, 322 Third Avenue, N.. Minneapolis, Minn., Jan. (>. l'JOO Could Von III* An.r Kind of u Sawing Mnrhine nt Any 1'rire? If there is any price so low, any offer so liberal that you would think of accepting on trial a new high grade, drop cabinet or upright Minnesota. Singer, Wheeler ?* Wilson, Standard, White or New Home Sewing Machine, ent out and retnrlt this notice, and you will receive by return mail, postpaid, free of cost, the handsomest sewing machine catalogue ever published. It will name you prices on the Minnesota, Singer, Wheeler & Wilson, White, Standard and New Home sewimr mn. j chines tliat will surprise you; we will I make you a new and attractive proposition, a sewing machine offer that will astonish you. If you run make any use of any sew. lug machine at any price, if any kind of an otter would Interest you. don't fail to write us at once (he sure to cut out-and return this special notice) and get our latest hook, our latest offers, our new and most surprising proposition. Address Sears, Koeduck & Co., Chicago. Gum Was Her Mother's. A Cambridge teacher told one of her charges, the other day. to put Into the waste basket a huge chunk of gum that she was chewing. The child looked as though she would like to obey, but couldn't, and finally began to cry. The teacher again repeated her order, and this time the child said, "I'd like to, teacher, but 1 can't. ^ It belongs to my mother." ?r PROMINENT PEOPLE. i .Tamos Bryce, M. TV. rati speak more I or loss perfectly in sixteen languages. Prince End wig Ferdinand of Bavaria ' has tlitisHWWfis" intisic drama. "Gygos." Santoi-I>umont. Hie aeronaut, lias liecxi made Chevalier of the Legion of 1 lonor. King Victor Emmanuel is said to he j the keenest lover of horseflesh in royal Europe. Senator Beveridgo, of Indiana, while in the Philippines spent much time on the tiring line with General l.awton. I>r. Frederick \V. Ilinitt. of Fairfleld, Iowa, has nccepted the nrosidencv ! of tne Central Cniversity of Kentucky. Light Ttov. Mur. A. .T. Teeling. of Lynn. Mass.. will receive the ile;;ree of Doctor of Divinity at Laval I'liiversity next June. Mr. \V. It. Crenier. to whom was awarded the Nobel Peace prize, has J devoted the money to the furtherance ! of that cause. Professor \V. \Y. Campbell. director of the Liek Ohservatorv. has iieen elected a foreign memher of the Socicta degli Spellroscopisti lialiaui. Mahel MeKinley Itaer. niece of the late President MeKinley. has offered toward establishing a free conservatory of music in New \ork City. J. Pierpont Morgan is a heavy cigar smoker, anil has them made for him especially in Havana. Kach has a red hand with gold lettering and the initials "J. P. M." Senator Mitchell, of Oregon, is the only man in all the histor of She Senate whose service has included three distinct terms separated by periods of political retirement. mm i.u-iiii'iiuiii uuuoipn i?. tsninor, ltorii in ISS'J, of tlio Fourteenth **:iVsilry, is believed to bo lite youngest commissioned officer in lite United States Army. Til 'i T.AHOT! \YOHM>. A general strike of all the bakers In New I-in^iand is being disenssod. Women are now being substituted for men in tlie Italian postal service. All the eonduetors on the street rail way ears in Valparaiso, t'hile. are women. The bakers' strike at Chicago has heen settled, eoneessioiis living granted llie men. Seven thousand boilerm.'.kers in New Vork City shipyards struck against the "open-shop" pro|iositiou. The carpenters have grown to lbDC. local unions, with a total memhershin >n July 1 of UiT.'J'J'.l members. Copper miners in Michigan have inneased in number from loss than 7000 in is:i:t to moro lli.'in 1 in 1 !>?>:t. All tlio painters ami pa pot* hangers ilI Urs Moinos, la., aro on a strike. The otnployors insist on an opon shop. Charged wilh trying to enter foroilily a house at Norfolk, Va.. Kudolph Sliirra. of the Bakers' I nion, has-been arrested. The Independent Order of Labor seems destined to heroine a strong factor in labor ipiesiions arising, at least, in the Trans-Mississippi States. Discovery of tuberculosis anions the street swooping brigade in Now York i'iiy tins led to a plan !<> disinfect the city's streets by placing chlorides in sprinkling carts. Tito curtailment o.' cotton production in various New Kupland mills lias so far been disappointing in results, and more drastic measures may l?e taken to improve the market. At Osaka. Japan, of the TiS.000 work- ! ers, Ki.OPO are children tinder fourteen years of aye. Certain industries, for example, the making of matches and mats, employ almost entirely children of seven or eight years, who .work twelve hours a day. Two Children Burned to Death. Alexandria, Va., Special.?Two chil- ' dren, Robert and Carrie Harper, aped I ,-t and 12. were burned to death on a I ? i piiru-iauen scow Willie neiping tlieir | sister. Mabel, aped 12. pet their father's dinner. The gasoline stove explod- j ed and sot tire to the scow. Mabel was < rescued after being seriously, and perhaps fatally, burned. It was impossible to recover the bodies of the younger children. Russian Vuadivostock Fleet Shut Out. London, Ry Cable.?The Daily Telegraph's Seuol correspondent says: "It. is believed here that a portion of the Russian Vladivostock lleet has been successfully shut out. and is now in the Sea of Japan trying to evade the Japanese." Yellow Fever at Vera Cruz. Vera Cruz. Ry Cable.-^-One case of yellow fever has been discovered by the health authorities. The patient was sent to San Sebastian Hospital and measures taken to prevent a spread of ' he disease. This is the first case for several weeks. The authorities are doing excellent work in their house tohouse visitation of disinfection, and are cleaning up dirty places. To Make "Corners" Impossible. London, by Cable.?In the House of Commons when nskcd if the government would not. co-operate with the Liverpool cotton exchange in the same way that the United States government was co-operating with the cotton exchanges of America, with the object of making "corners" impossible. Premier Balfour, President of the Board c? Trade, said no information had reached the government that the United States had taken such a step to deal with this form of gambling. Removed From Office Macon Ga., Special?United States Marshal J. M. Barnes was removed from office on telegraphic instructions from President Roosevelt. The cause of the removal is thought to be a difficulty which took place a short time ago at Valdosta, Ga., between Judge Emory Spcer and the marshal. Judge Spoor left here for Washington last Sunday. Miss ' fr\ trAntMr ^ 1 ?.VJ ^UUll^ VVVJI11CI1 clL Menstrual Period ? 1 suffering and remove Lydia E* Pinkham's "To Yor*m AVomun*: ?1? sulfo rhea (painful periods), so much so knew it meant three or four days this was duo to an inflamed conditio by repeated and neglected colds. "If voun^c girls only realized h this critical time, much suffering w for Lvdla K. Pink hum's Vegetal medicine which helped me any. W take it, I noticed a marked improve the lime of my next monthly period ably. I kept up the treatment, and > another person since. I am in perfect added 12 pounds to my weight, my happy."?Miss Aoxes, 2f? The monthly sickness reflect health. Anything unusual at and proper attention. Fifty tlioi that l.ydia E. Pinkhnm's Ve^ct truatlon and makes those perio READ WHAT MTS8" Dkak y ham's Veget medicine. 1 p\in during i 1201 6th Stre \JS Lynn, Mass., lier nlvico is free a ilia: woman who asks for it. !! more than one hundred tliousui it, my sick sisters'/ Ctfinfi FORFEiT !f wocfcinnt'fnrtliwl abuvo te.-i'.uiOniaU, \?Uicl? will ji-v r^l^j STOF I ... 2^ 2-2'. . Fbr ill kimta tml rim of! Tt tttt f*'f~i' lnt? !?> onstrtiotion of ( HUH H fc r In* "II -fnl.' .lui; -lotions 'IW, W, V S? * m <<u Alter, :,n i: ifef- ?- ? Jj price on one ??i our popup, ||! I3onut iTnTP I Modern Store Front* \\? ( HI Chirntro store nt moderate i-i-aSg.-^sMSOUTHERN FOUr jjjj Our money winning books, M written by men who know, tell K| I Potev-sH 1 They ni ' needed by every man 6g who owns a field and a plow, and yfl B who desires to get the most out Brj I ] Mew Ttrk-98 I.MMia Htreci. V* Atlanta* tin.? 2tVt Ho. Rro*4 fit. S3 ^^3^0Mp"LElX,0rS'C^V ** M ^-f '? WILSONS V_; vA) = j/tf:'*>V FRECKLE. CURE >V ? L 'jx* toAMANTuro ros rsroatv *?? S >, ?j c gwF1 hjmuhh now pwcirs? CHM-5 y" ^ ft >" A* 30^ ^ BOX TRIAL 26"*?v I g v> AjLR.W 1L*S ON tl COjTfa? PWP>> ? j ^ \ CHARtLSTON S. C. / / ju tone \ tor sai t at au owuo stgstv *rrt? * ji y^/Z/CAL^TV^1 you cannot spend years and dr. buy the knowledge required b cents. You want them to pay them as a diversion. In orUrr tr. handle tiling about them. To meet this want w of a practical poultry raiser foi (Only 'J, u man who put all his mind, at <1 time, en raising- not as a pastime, but ?? a be. ty-llve years' work, you can save many < earn dollars for you. The point is. thai Poultry Yard as soon as it appears, and teach you. It tells how to detect and cu fattening, which l*"owls to save for bn you should know on this subject to mak Uve cents in s amps. BOOK PUBLIS1U] nmn SS'- " /. ^ j r, of Chicago, speaks >out dangers of the iow to avoid pain and i the cause by using \T ^f-1- O 1 vegetable v^ompouna* red for six years with dysruenorthat I dreaded every month, as 1 of intense pain. The doctor said n of tho uterine appendages caused ow dangerous it is to take cold at ould Ik* spared them. Thank God >le Compound, that was the only ithin three weeks after I started to jment in my general health, and at . the pain had diminished eonsidervas cured a month later. I am like health, ni> eves are brighter, I have color is good, and 1 feel light and Potomac Ave., Chicago, 111. ;s the condition of a woman's that time should have prompt usand letters from women prove able Compound regulates lucnals painless. L.ENT>BECK SAYS: Irs. Pink ham :?I.ydia P. Pinkable Compound has greativ bene will toll you how I suffered. My ainful nienst runt ion. I felt as each y that 1 was .wetting worse. 1 had j-down pains in my hack mid ahdo1 advised me to try Mrs. Pinkham'a diil so and am r.ow free from all ny periods."? Jessie C. Lixdbeck, et, Rockford, 111. K ADVICK TO W03IEN. 'inber, every woman is cordially ? write to Mrs. I'iiikliam if there i?r about her symptoms she does nil. Mrs. l*inklintil's address is tid cheerfully given to every ailer adviee has restored to health i?i women. "Why don't you try th Ti"'?In<** tin' oriirln-il nti'I pipnaturcs of e tlifir n!'-iliit?i criitiiiicn^.i. Li. l'inliliuui Motlcinn Co., I.Tiio. % pn p" safe in a hk /mev (E: t-rcufia I ss >:..r.' liiiililiim't. Wi< fnrnisli nil nintorinl en'Tirr itrnv Krnni!- Write n* j?1?>iii your ml siy I.- 01 fr.'in nnd wo ?ill *rtnl > t>u, I'll ill Itio l'ruit I'lnii, aiut you au oxlreimly low if ifxil, 33vorla?ting give you all 111 style of aii logunt Now York or ' si. Sriul lor < itlulogiK . JDRY CO., Owonsboro, Kontucky FREE to WOWIESVS A Large Trial Box and book of instructions absolutely Free and Postpaid, enough to prove the value oi PaxtineToilet Antiseptic IJl; , Paxtlne Is In powder form to dissolve In water? non-poisonous ami far superior to liquid antiseptics containing alcohol which Irritates Intlamed soriacea, and have no cleansingpropnKI ^ v> Hani crties. The contcntr iSflu ?* BaaEa i of every box makes vHHt --y- DNrJ mora Antiseptic Solugoes further?has more jal uses In the family and doesmoregood than any antiseptic preparation The formula of a noted Boston physician, and used with great success as a Vaginal ! Wash, for Leucorrhcea, Pelvic Catarrh, Nasal I Catarrh. Sore Throat, ^rr Fu? full ? -J ?w' and all soreness of mucus membrane. In local treatmentof femalo ills r.ixtine Is invaluable. Used as a Vaginal " we challenge tho world to produce its equal for thoroughness. It is a revelation in cleansing and healing power; it kills all germs which can so inflammation and discharges. All leading druggist* keep l'axtine; prlco.POe. n.t?ox; it yoiirsdov*not,send to usf. r it. Iton't tako a substitute ? there is nothing like z'axtiuc. ! Write for th? Preo Hot of l'axtine to-dnv. E. PAXTON CO., 7 Pope Bldg., Boston, " 3. John W. Atkinson (8i> Co., RICHMOND, N/A,. I'nintn, Oil.,, Jtr. Try Their ''Standard" Urady .Vlixril llou.n i'uiuts. 'ARM MONFY If y?u Klve them help. "MIV" nunL 1 You eunnot da this unless you understand them and know how to cater to their requirements, and dlars learning by experlyneo. so you must y others. Wo otter this to you for only 25 ...... " --- ' " ???* o.-ii ii you merely Keep Fowls Judiciously. you must know somt3 are sellinK a book Riving the experience Cc.) twenty-tlve years. It was written by find money to making a success of Chickslnei and if you will proilt by his twenphlckH annually, and make your Fowls i you must he sure to detect trouble in the know how to remedy It. This book will re disease; to feed for eggs and also for eding purposes, and everything. Indeed, e ii profitable. Sent postpaid for twentyNCJ HOUSE, 1^4 Leonard St., NcwYorkCltj i&atifc. -i'. f 111 Of Torturing Mmm mm Humors Use WW*-iS \_y Every child born into the world with an inherited or early developed tendency to torturing, disfiguring humors of the Skin and Scalp, becomes an object of the most tender solicitude, not only because of its suffering, but because of the dreadful fear that the disfiguration is to be lifelong and mar its future happiness and prosperity. Hence it becomes the duty of mothers of such afflict , ? IU llclll 1I incmselves with the best, the purest, and most ctlcctive treatment available, viz. : the CUTICURA Treatment, consisting of warm baths with CUTICURA Soap, and gentle anointings with CUTICURA Ointment, the great Skin Cure. Cures made in childhood are speedy, permanent and economical. 8n!d throughout th* world. Cut lour a 8oi?p, 2.V.. OtntDicnt, V>c.. lte?o!vent. (In fortn of Choco air Coated Plllf, 2Ac. per vial of flO?. flcpoti. l omlon, >'7 Charterhoua? S<|.; Pari*, & Hum <1* la t'slv . Hoctmi, 1.S7 ( >imnbus A\e. Pot'er i>mjt * Chem. C ?rp., >olt Pr?pro?? er^-r! fc: ' ?! ?- !- Cure I>ue?*arlnf ll'.inii ti frotu Infaucv to Ac Cotton c*m 'Machinery l r.v '*4l; I ~ V? '.iTJ PRATT. MUNGER. WINSHIP. EAGLE. SIMTM. We make Iho moil complete liuo oi any concern *n tha world. We also make ENGINES and BOILERS, LINTERS lor OIL MILLS. we sell e-Teryttu.UK needed about a Cotton bin. Write for Illustrated Oata.log.ue. Continental Gin Co? Birmingham, Ala. ITqauTM qgaunvv miLLU or ??\v Mills, H y -with Ui:k?'h I'lilverial I,ojl BeoinH.Rectlllu-IB K ear, 91mul tAiienm Ret Works and the Hr? I A <Hiok-Kli^? Variable Kwrt Work* are uii?x- K" C 'JOlled la; ACCl'RAUr, Ml M I LICIT Y. rit'RADII. 5 itt ani> basi or opmatiow. Write for full bl. TEJdnaotlpU va circular* Mann factu re.I by the QJ8-A.JLKM IRON WOKKH.WIn-t'.n Ri.lem.N.fl. B Remover ; ' > swelling in 8 to JO '"t"' / days; effects a permanent cure 'V in .toto ho d?vs. Trial ticatment V' given free. N<ithiuf*can t?e fairee it Write Or. H. H. Cr.jen'* Sona, - Sf'T.'?' /"'J Soeeiallrts. Box II Altanla. 6i So. 21. CWESWHmiUl 11 SIFAI IS. fel fM Boat Cough rup. Tam*a JimmI. LK! PJ5 m In time. BoM by drufg^u. H*w HERE IT IS! Want to learn all about! Jfk a Horse? How to l'lck.XV Out a Good One? kmnv^i Imperfections and so Guard against Fraud? Y u Detect Disease and Kf- 'ffl feet a Cure when same f Y P*\ Is possible? Tell the . w Y M ' Age by the Teeth? What to ealt the Different I'arts of the Animal? How to Shoe ? Horse Properly? All this and other Valuable Information can be obtained by reading our 100-PAOH II.I.USTRATED HOK8K HOOK, which we will forward, postpaid, on receipt of only ?> couttf In stamps. HOOK PUB. HOUSE. I'll Leonard St., N. Y. City,