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t FORT MILL TIM LS DEMOCRATIC PUBLISHED I:VI:LY Wednesday B. \V. BRADrCKD. T'^rutrt "i >> i.??I. n: < ?nc y? :tr C ' !Flx months r Thr?c? months t '<>i 11 j>< iiiii'i.' mi , 11 lnvlt? i. 'm* ?i ? f mi I for I !i" \ i' \\ of * i Anonymous ram r . will n 1 i' puhli n-il .i i i i Om i.pp'.ii.. i n m (. i i i VPI*t!slllJJ ' I' ' <1 I : . >!! . tltusf >no MAY is. I >,>). Tita C^t o? Tlu? MpMi-ip- i iti ?ns m'u! i.'i l!i Hl'SKIUtlS ' f r. .ilir ".-S jusf < I ' I IM'ltl ly '>vU ''.Hi \ III s is the hrsi r ossi. : i I i . cpvse. Wlieii the si i'dihI s - i n iif i lie Kifly-e: :'nl!i ( ' me'1 it i-> e? rtniii t ' lie nit of t lippr >(>1 iat io.ui < f it will he tie: xvlioii? ni'hr i 111iI!i' ' I n. i u Ii;;i I'ollniB \ et only ii -} n-' I'm i . the people were horrili. 1 nil e one (Jonuii hs ?m i! <1 the ii'iitte of iin* "Billion Ii:ir ?' >... ?v .. (Vrta'll Inree tails fi K'ii n-- the lUver and 11 n n ?r, > wvi - o n of (licic iisu il proportions, and llu> appropi i ?tions for l>ui lii. \\vi.iitiuatMily 11 n :?!_rr? . I'lio !"??: t y i i lions p.inl I<> I .< i'Y< turii I'.niuiMa Cuuiii Company an- not in.Iulid in total votial at tli" a "hsion Coiiyron.s. Wliouri' t!..m mim thin (ioniit 11 * 1 for smrli a sum V ri i \nny and tin1 Mmy, oxeinsivo of Pensions now c<? I t'lf I 'nit d tStatca in tro tiiau oi'u.).*;o<>.i'(? ) annual'v. lVn?iniis a Ion i i 1st '.* I owt $13S.42o,lU6, ami for tli" 011suiti" yonr tli" anioinit is I Uoosi'Volts alinini-t i at i- n lima I a li is expended $S.Sd.noo,<K?n m m* t lian ('li vol..mi's. 'I a" "o i ino'.M i-vtravao ni(,)t liopuMiran j>?>!i will niaUo a siro:"' c iniiiiyu Itrmiuiont for thn I )i'inocr<.l - .n I r Presidential cirri ion. The Lalas; Shaskln;* Tra^eJy S.tilth I' ic>1 imi ,s rrrofi! >: I ?!o d shed thi-i year i - a di.-ni'a t.> (.ii: civilization. What is . Itecotno of the St ite it" this t a; fit! ? mdi lion of atT.rrs is not cheek ?!? The eotuii i > IS ;;r?k I);?:!i i. Tl.o luteal tr.-ifi by is tin- k i linu >1" Walt or M ills hy K i/i 11 >c! -t near Walltalhi Thuisiiy. !*' >; Im-kshot W'-v taken from the l? i by of the ilrail man, The t .vo w re nei^hl) ns and lli I r i ? t \\ i i n tllOtSI started I?V I' iclii s.r s!: 1illLf M ills r >\V, will ll VMS t. J) issi no on 11 adi \stet s . To day the two inou mot in a 10 id near Ho di 'stoi 's louts. . As a distanro of o7 yards lv > out tioii his shot nun into M ill's !> uly. mi... . 1 it si? i ... ' i or iiuri'ii.wu iciiv's ;t \\ 11 1 miu iv.i) children.? lvock 11 ill 1 1* 1. Parker s Allege Views. Wlint is alleged to ho mi authoritative statement of dud._; Parker's position on pub'ie miesturns has been trivon nut in \\ .i->!? ington in an interview l>y Ivdli .!( Danforth, of New York, one of Parker's most, inhnrile friends, lie Hays Parkers' views are as fol lows: "Is in favor of reducing the ens torn* duties v.iiei'e\ei tliey shelter the trusts and insist ; when ever Atneriean niutint'art urers by means <?t" monopolistie tariff are enabled to charge at home priees higher than are acc? pled a -road, the duties should b" led nee 1. 11? would smile the subsidy head, a id l?. ...... . 'r .i . <.... < i o III* Ot'MII I Ml ? 'I 1*11" Nil 'I problem won 111 be f.i -ilitated by a wis* revision of t!ie laritr. il won 111 insist on the nse ? f the state* posveis to regulate trusts when these are within the stab-'boundaries. Wherever the interstate !iiw or anti-trust hi\\ is violated, he would enf<>reo the t'eder il law. Would let the South solve its own proldeins and is in th heartiest sympathy with it/' Dnnforth expressed the eouvietioii that Parker will not only he inuiiinated but elected. - - -4 *S- ?. Conudenoemont Exercises a? Davidson. The commencement exercises of Davidson college will be^in on Sunday. May the 22nd, and elose on Wednesday, May the 2o;h. th latter being C nnmeinvment D The baernlnar'iite sermon will 1 >? delivered by ltev. W, M. M<l'h t?T8,'I). I)., Colombia. S. (V. ami the annual sermon before tin? V M. C. A. by Hov, C. 11. Hyde. Pk | ])., (Jln-aler, S. (5. The reunion of; tlm literary societies, claaa clav exercises, etc., are held on Monday. May 'JiJid. On Tuead iv, May 21, at 12m , Governor Ayeock cl. livt r< the annual oration. The Alumni | b nquVt is held at flve p. ni., and the oratorical contest between the j literaly societies at o p. in., the same dav. The commencement exercises are lielit on Wednesday, May 25th, at 10:30 a, in., the coin- ' liiencement pio^ram closing that evening with a tfenvral reception ^iven by the literary societies and < the (raternities, ' POSING AS MlAfl AM Wh'?. Arrccf o? a Ycujk' tv.un c? " ?r.i BiJoii/uS W-rtf Wfcc Elcpoi Pram A::cw-tc, Ga . rfay !<t. An aiivsi wliicli own si uiial nr '?m111 lit w that t'f i'ndav uHtM-11. :, at !!? M IIfort Mill < f a eoiitiV. p<i.-i:i;i as aim a .1 wii . but who in ivnlity woro a youu^l n ii \. ii !i faiii'ly ' ; a: i nan "i i ? 1 n\ >i ntri. ! in'i'i . t \v : hi u! lay I /i.i < r V? . S j. J .:..I asiil i )?''.<>'11\. \ I'. ( ! >v i . i . .at li ti 1;Ut i' iI wis I'"ii :n :1 that tl:?' lva'tii'fl lnal ? : >p si .. i a:. All .;il ' i. ' i . oil M ay 1. Tin? owplf lit': 1 \ '(1 .iMV till Silml.iy, "ill ns!.. ami sr mhihI W M*'\ II ' II.' M >1 ' 1. Y'IP ' * . i r I ?'' (\ir?:i -I ' In s llie follow i 114. i ! ; !! ii k? ! r.. 111 I In' < ' ij. Ill Ml' atl I < i j)l ill > 111' 1 ll r '! !' man i Willi ; .1 :i ?. foreman i n ;i 1 r mi' ' ' .' i i< hi \ i i. i " 1?: I li i mai -I r? :* !i\ y > i' ; ;i ml had :.1\\ ysapo".i" I ' vnlii'l i . to autl 'tlinid small oiildreu. \ 1 i : I I 11 ' \\ .1 ' ) 1 r ' 111 ' 111 4 fl i i t li' e i , win . .Mr it i ifM'-c iar. I > : vt?. Tr rl \va < ily < it> ea. w t ' pr t !y a ltd ilt ar 1. an 1 ti; daatjhter o. a wall i ? do i" ; -1. T't ju i i : ?ir 1 t' fell i1 ratoly i n In. a wi< ii cull nilii'i ai li ' -; ;;li*. II -met It j- iiv ;j ?.> ?iiJ ;ii" ' a f"\v ilny> Infer ,?? 1 :t '1 h?p ' ? run away wiili Itiin. Til' ...rl tit >a;/ht of tlv? itiauV wir iinl ! >mily and the shame that ii won hi It.ii/ in her- It' and it: tlrsl h -si I i l. '?'|j.- man y i- <1, ami sin* in.illy coil:; tiled. Th " ne\t tiiyh' Was name.! for thn till)-*, unci tlmy were to meet at I!p i . mi:; m* Ii jmt in Au'.nsla. I ' ' .' ' ) 'II '.It A ' I ? I : . ' :t -t t i in Mam.' 1. l'."f ire Ii ivitt^ In > Me ' Ii" it n l'a i t It fill n i;t n ! . ? -i! his wif and i ehililri/n iitid st'al iltti lie wm.ihl li | f ir a few It ? n't. 'I'll i;e\t imiwnim.;, Sr.n iar, the elope p.n.Mit liei'itlee Into in. ami by iinjuiry i! \V't< le.ilMle.i b\* V'li: 'il liaill lit" eoup'.e let';. 'I'll fn h . !>: the ;irl w. s furiously may ami irti ; ! a reward 1 w her d t 11 i >ii, el hire I I n < etil ue I i ::ie of ,i K'le.-iji I de! etivet . a I ereent t h 'I ! ?! HM'.i ' Tli" oimplo, : was l'i midit, bail pur cli i-' ?I t i 1 i. ; ; ? i "barb.!;< , and lie- ?!. . toeti vo, wh i.;o ti ,! ! i.s Walter t: l??. oa:>i ? diroojly | i t Hi . oily, ami \vitIt I ii * , liyht oln that ho l&:nl. i .mm work on ! i ii i ;s*. II" < ml- rro 1 with liv In-ill I? ??!? ? mi: hnri:. ami ramaim- I hero! for a wivl;, <> ily t i learn bat little ri >.\i than ho icii "\v v hen In 1 T Augusta. A c mpto who answered I ho ios/ript ion of tli eloper < hi I s'opj) <1 l'.ir a tVw daya a! a boa villi ho.ism on West T ratio stroi t. Tin y ha?l h f: suddenly ami liio l.indla ly diil n-t know on win. train or in v. oh direct i >n they Wont. (i 1^%. r w : h >p.d o.lyats n wh ?n ho wont .a I'ii, uuiu Siices, th -peeial of-I ti mm* at t ho Suit I."ta; pa-.-oilier station. lio'^ra .o ,t itiinme <1 .-rip* >t of tho ] oh)[io:s ;o n i . Silo tnd wa.- rewardoil for ihis i;,initio by ill !. >1 hiwiiitj. ThuM' | i i'.i) iii'Vrr ;'n: otV a train ill tli i 1 " t?vorv'w?<ly that ffelw off, | an.I iloii'i you know I renieinb a >?irl i Wit h a w'llitll (Irons an I a biy whitQ liat, ami rosy eh .'ks o-aiar.iully wlion who | was aofoinpanj <1 by .1 man tint lookod ft like a Spaniard." While the pilieoman and doteetivc ! Wo" * t nlki .i 11 i in blue ov rails and j ?\?rryiiif? ;i small yiips tip t'> Mv,. ; (iioior itn I sp?!v<- i*:i in) liariv to him.! (ii; .or h i;! '..i >.\ ti liitu in Au .'iista and i ml 11 n iM J ill's i III ion. Tu man in I lio oralis was in iho pay >! William , Jon s i'.i II i i.l 1? > i hi i* vl t> yot thy (in- j to iv? olt'tii i rank ol't ho ?-;.>ikvs. Tlio f pt.ti'i in;; i and Iho do'ootivo "oau<jht on" at oiuin. r.y hi-; oviilonf dosiro to li -lji rati h lh.v t-lojii and his portVot knowlod^o n'.'alltho dotails relating lo j t ho osoapo. Ih 1 |>.iliromaa and dotooti?o ; Wt'ivii! !i; not;.pin- !. I ii who / ho lira' t so o.inn -I' ." that ihoolopors woro : north <?t a a loiio, an I p-rliam in foil- 1 cord, a t :it in* no tlioory I > thocnutrary, I lio ay ni of .lonos ya vo hlmsolf away j (Hon mad - an oa^a^nmcnifc with ih man to }.:?to t' mo ?v?l wit Ii hhn on th* m >niiny train. Tiuni PoUtfninau i t>ii\4'S toii:< tilovor asido a^id assislod in workii.oal a tlioory that tho mnti and tho oirl v mv thou in Port Mill, S, MM < . I - > - ' in- iii-it n - was jiuvis'jci r-? ir : ;i h-'- ? and Im-'.-v imt drive to Fort Mill | t> l u* I In* in.i:i in t ii" -'inploy of Jones ; cae.rht 01. (; lover aiTi'prod the ndvioo ;iii 1 M-ouri'.i;; :i tc.r.n, ?l:ovi as quickly a jmssihli- i-> Fort Mill,, ami' letirnefd j (! .ii 1111 '"i w ;..i i *< hi I ilo :it on'- of the oiil t-ni mills ; li:ii answered the dcscrip* li m. Ho Weill i i ili mill at oiic-i jui'l found .Ttm-'s. Tin man, Ii-viihsd of his jit i <im>:* >n.*o, harl secured a ffo-rt imsitioii. -v ill ' necessary pap r . 1>. oa drawn, (jrlover was in< ' no pan it-il I' i the mill by the town polio -man and tin- papers woro served 0:1 .1;ia s while In- was at work. 11 liiailo no n sisia:: o. The nHloers n xt wi'iii i i the lioiin* where Jones s >Cnroil 11 i.inl I n* hinusalf anil the girl and l'ounrt ho.' shifting while dusting the room. When first told that she ' inus: fto back lo Augusta, she broke down and cried. Whou convinced that must fto, siie arose and made ready, SUVillft. "I will fto to Aiiftnstif? but. I will live with Will all my life." The limn, when ho realized his postI i l' l _ I? t iv? < : 1 I vutlliniriinc: 1 i \ r. % I? 11 !. to his wife unci give tip the Kir!." Mo will p rh i;\s not he able to g> I hack cit her to tho ^irl on his wife, as tlic crime which lie has committed is a penitentiary oilcuce in Georgia ? Wialhiop Coromenoemeiit. The Times neknowlerigea will) thanks receipt, of an invitd'ion to the animal roinnten-etnout exercises at Winthrop ('.illegal Rock Hill, May 'J'.Mh to IHst. The fol lowing program has heen arranged: Sunday, -May 1}9, serin-in before V. \V. A. by Dr. A. C. Voight, of Mt. Pleasant.'S. 0. Mond iy. May 80, JS:30 p. in. celehratiou of l.terary societies. Tuesday, May ill, 10 a. m. address before nluinnao by Mr. S. K. McFndden, of Ohesu-c. 5 p. in. Daisy Chain Procrtwioti. 9:30 p. in. address befonj.' graduating class by Mr, P. H. Moll, A.*B. Ph. D., OUmimOu college. ?i>I '? tewur yailuas; wvars loujjyr, LKooe Need of a Chiokun Law. A wry unpleasant L* ^ * 1 i u. wiiicli in iv y? s Hviuinato into a foud of liio Kentucky variety, at |_?iI exists between two promim ut stloV't J.uuilies, whose names nii;^iil In* oivon. Imt, for t/bi* fa t h .1 we an* nut Imntiujjf trouble, wiil <- Ii tlirni Mr. X. and Mrs. Z If -fi -iis Hint Mi X is an urd nt poultry 1 >\:nl iuin sueeecdi d in hatching i ii ijuile a promising brood of Voting chickens. Mis. /, would 14row a nice tlower and vi-o. table i\ iv ] a in preference t clu kens, 11111 is unablo to do bo, fo l"iii4 as Mr. A. allows Ins fowls to run at mr^e up in her premises. Mis. mivs ti nt Mr. X\s. < 11ic*k? ;i not only d? stroy Icr garden hut enter her .iMine in droves, spoiling leu Hons. and di spile tin* fact tlr>{ sin* has repeatedly as'cd Mr. X. t > keep Ids fowls at Indue. In pnv.s ltd - seed to her pi< adintrs. .! is ' how Tin* Times man caught on to this family m'ii vane may < u a little pu/./.lino, hut if wain ties way A few days aj^o we ! w.-re ajmfoached liv one of our! " : lady friends and asked for j \ upon securing damages for the -Iit<ii of In r proprrty by a neighbor's fowls. \\"e had to a knowledge that we were ii"t ; tod as to this special section of the law, but that we would a! tempt to learn, and inform her. I'Varino m inim !i ite outbreak , }' Hostilities, the cotlo of laws of tin* State was hurriedly consulted. and i was found that there was no act which applied directly to proceedinns fur damages i.u urred by fowls running at larjje. It is thought, however, lliat steps similiar to tiione taken ui <! *r the stork laws .f t!. . C1..1 II . IV . ' ill in;* ' 'HI It I JV )\m t ,i ? ?v . What tItH out' >1110 <f litis .strained faaii^y relation will b-> roiniin- to he 8hmi, ii is h ?t'd tli:.' Mr, X. will ivi. I b-'tvvi't1!! ther.? lines ami at once b-eiii tin4 ere Ii n: c<t a 6-foot chicken proof fence, the; 1 by efleapi 1 l. the cons <pi 'i?eea of his neiehia,; \s wrath. Ma'ed Exnlarsr D:n{J. Henry M. Stanley, the ureal explorer. who on-e made hi:- homo in tins country, is dead. 11 is death occurred 011 Tuesday morning o{ last Week at hi- home i:i London. When Stanley ran away from 11 poorlx u-e in Mai s v,nd eseaped is a caliin hoy to New ()rleans, at -the ;:co < f Id, he called himself flack Kowland, tiiouy 1 Ii had no idea v iio his lather was. or even his mother, and never knew. Thirty years ! iter, when lie had diau:,?d the rein-taut Liviai/st 11 to liuht, I and etiriehed the urography of the world by mapping the sources el the mysterious Nile, more t.lian a il< 7. >ii women in ddTorent parts of (Iroat I Sri t i 01 and A111 i iea came . oeneronsly forward and confessed to i?ivi 11 uf him birth. I lis op,.at feat even lifted voting Hennetl from obs.Mirity and revealed him as a masterful editor. Stanley's claim to have discover *d Living-| atone arid circumnavigated the. vast lake Tanganyika was hailed with mercilessde isi<>n and incredulity that ma ie the yonc.^ explor ' er disgusted with human nature. Hut lie < u!lived it and i ceiveil the ^reatful applause oF rulers, ntatosluen and scholars in l)>tli hemispheres. Sir Henry and L ?dy Stanley: came to Vinerica on their \\r iding ; lour in December, IS'.M). rind were entertained at the Hriti.-h lhri liassy in Washington liv Lord I'Mtmcci ric. IJistinmr.sli 'il people worn present from many cities. Gltasfiy Find cn a Train. Mail clerk Jeter of Southern train X ?. Hi between (.J recnville and Columbia Iiail a ?.fi ne^oine ; package for a midnight companion between Newberry ami Prosperity' Saturday niupit. Fireman Drayton Shell >n discovered a cheap ' papier macho telescope valise on the blind biu/i^ujje just as the train was leaving Newberry. lie tinned it over to Mail Clerk ?Ieter and Jeter told him to set it ill die corner of the car. The neyro fireman, observing blond oo/.im; from the valise, became frightened. | Jeter openo 1 the valise and found well formed ne"ro infant with its skull crushed. At the next station, Prosperity, he gave the paekaoe to the police. An inquest VV'tS i 1 I . 1 llll/l i? ?\li l*ei?.!n i? ?* ??*-??.? ??? <? *< rs |/i? y m* situ wen i urii that I lie child was probably about Ihreo <l.iys old when killed. Oonduetor Nix of the train rcne'tub *rs to have seen a negro woman place , something oil the blind baggage ; just as the train was leaving NewUoiry. Thinking she was about to steal a rid? ho started towards the woman, who hurried away in the darkness. The police of New. ; berry arrested a negress Sunday afteilnnou whom they believe to have boen this woman, though they do not think that she was the mother of the child, .. That Rraittifvl Olos? conies flrom the varnish ia Dovoo's Varnish Floor Pntnt; costs cents more a ouart though. Sold by W, B. Ardroy Ckcrgsd With Scriaus Offeree. John Williams n colored man,' will committed 1 > York j id Errduy hy .Magistrate McElhumv upon the vc.'y serious cbar<r?.> of 1 ;,vin^ attempted to nipo White, a ten-year-old nei;r<? uii'I of this place. The assault took phi -e at th*? triiTs home in "Mayhn I lollow. Y? iiiiams entered the home and (hiding the ijirl alone carried In r into a 1).she 1 room where he li .d elioked her almost into in fM-itsiiiilny, when a euloivii woman, atir?i<-1 mI by. the child's struirtjb-s. rushed in anil prevented I bo biule from ueeoinplishini* bis pur p? si'. The ehil l's injuries wore sli;;bt. ?k#?Iio.'as From liie Fork. Mr. (J rover Kiuihrell. of fluid 1 i? ] was n vi.-itor iI bis soot ion last week. Mi. Kohl. r\ li"f, of \orkville, Hp.-lit a f *w dnve in llie I ork. Tli" el 'sin<4 < '."reis"- of tlie ' Ma.i-'V sclioitl li m-e were bi'lil iasi Friday afteino n. Alter the iMU'-h enjoyed ? ?- * iIf?I ions, etc. were over. Miss S'jsii* W hite. piinc'pal. ureally :1 i;111< d tin1 pleasures dl' the day by s rvin.r i"ocream and cake t t ho>e assemble 1. We haven't -hn?l nnv tishinu weather litely n noli to the reyr -t uf niie of Ilie ^inall 1 a>y anglers. Mr. '1 11ri White has been ili wiili tho iiiumpt for tlm past few days. Ipse Dixit. Ccuple Uopa frem Pi?evi!la. Following lli? acres' at Fort Mill Saturday <f the yoiinu niil a id the married man who eloped ft in t ieir ho111 s ii Augusta, (la., 1 hero eoiie s from Pineville ti I n^s ol a similar mvurenee tliore yesterday. Only this time it was a married woman and a single man wli i did tin- oh piie,;. 'L'he man's iianio is Siiarpe and lie ran away with a .Mr. lit liin's wife. They have botn lived in this city. Tim police here have been notified and are on the lot kout for them. ( It .riotle i 'hi' hiiele. -? rChange of Schedule. The Southern's summer schedides will l?o into client oil Mav Tim chanu s whieh are of the most importance to the people of lli s see:ion are thosi "tt? trains No. 17. 2S and :i:j Train No, V.), which now arrives I. (i i i ( . .. : 11 . : l uric ill i'.i'l il II . villi Jl I I I V?* IJIMH minutes or at a ho id O.fiti. i Plain No. '27 i local between Charlotte mill Colombia) will leave Chat lotte at (i l."? a. in., instead of at. 7 a. in., and v ill arrive here at ahont Ci 'J'J insteid of at 7..'>4 a.'m. and will reaeh Colnnihin at It) 1.7. Tin* return train (No. lis) will leave ('olumbia it '.) 10 j?. in., for Charlotte instead of* at p. . and arrive here at (>.2d p. in., instead of at hid ). in. Wilson I'o.stei is enroll to to the St. Louis fair from Klondike with the richest >id and jewel exhibit on record from any earn p. including d am inds f'om the Klondike river. lAister say.s there are many ilia-: moiids ami\ tin re are pro?- 1 pert i iil: f<?r them. Letter to A. A. Bradford, Sr., Fort Mi]!, S. (!. Dear Sir: T-ot's have a little private talk liv ourselves on business; noboily else, please, read. You want to kn tx li ?w to do a cheap job of paint in;/, and have it look j?ood. ! Here it is: The cheapest tiling there is in the way of a root look in job- say 1 nothing about its beioff j^nod?i.s Devon: the regular tiling i 1 Devoe. The reson is: l)o\ov .joes further than anything else. 1 e.ut and oil is jjj;?od looking; don't yo so far and costs more. Too oiler jsiints are trtoro'.?r less .short in one way or another: don't s'' far and eosts morn than Dovoc. Devoe cost s less than all: you don't mind it's lastint; lonjter, do you? We can't holp it; a paint that f?oes further liisitsi Imi'w. um i?: n'f ii Yours truly F \V Di'.vor So Co 10 New York S. W. R. Ardroy Si Co. solloarjKiin t. WiiMlirop I'ollcgr N?^iiips jiiifi Kniraiirc I'xaminaiions. Tlu* examination for the award of variant .scholarships in Winthrop College and for the admission of now students will bo hold at t ho County Court llonso ots Friday, July sil . at 0 a. in. Appli- } cants must not b- h ss t han liftoon years of age. When scholarships are vacated after July n, they will bo awarded to those milking the highest average at this examination. Scholarships are worth $100 and free tuition. The next session will open September 21, I'M}. For further information and catalogue, >ss r iv FS. J). 1$. JOlIN>0N, Hook Hill, S.C. TEACHERS' EXAMINATION, The regular Spring Examination of applicants for To: ehers' Certificates will he held in the court house at Yorkvilloon Friday, May 30, beginning at nine o'clock, a. m. Applicants will plea so provide themselves with pencils and legal cap paper. This will bo the last opi?ovtunity to get a oestiflieato until next September. JOHN K. CARROLL. Count} Snpt. Education. f-MT" Lot The Times soil you 100 old newapaper* for 3Q cvnts. \ SCHRAFFTS CHOCOLATES end BON EONS Dirwt from 1Ih> factory in Bos ton. \\ o have a lar^c stock of these celebrated ('audio*, which have recently established throiiirh i>u 1 lilt' Doited Slab - a new standard of ? \> ? !! ncf. "Tis n new innovation in Fort Mi!! for liu;l? quality in this line. It is jn.-l a mutter of - > p r cent lii^ln r in prion nml Jlk) per cent higher in quality. All in elegant packages cf u, it), lb, ilO niill cents at Ardrey's Drug Store. Win. If. Hearst on Monday failed to lam 1 lie i!el* nation in liis native State, t 'ulifuruin, by a v te of ?(?."? to bl-J. -4*K A Sure Thing. It is said that uothiiur is sure except death and taxes, but that is not ait 'o.-tlscr tru . Dr. Kind's New Discovery for Consumption is a sure cure for ail throat ami lung troubles. Thousands can testily ,r> that. Mrs. I1. It. VnniWetre <?t" Shepa rd it own. W. V.i., says, 4 I had a severe cum' of I?i one-hit in and I'oi a year tried everything I le-anl of. I>111 got no releif. ()m> li ?ltle of |)r. Kim.-."* Now i Di~ overy then i-nrcil nit* absolutely." It's infill libit* for Croup. Whooping Cough. Ciiip, Pneumonia and Coiisuiuption. Try it. it * guurenteed hy all druggists. Trial bottles free. Keg. nUe, $ lUii. rJ'lie one year oh! ehihl of Holier !i >1 lerts, w h i lives l<> miles north of Chester, swallowed a grain of corn Saturday afternoon and died a few minutes afterward. A Startling Test. To save a life, l)r. T. (i. M> rritt. of N o. Mehoopauy. i'a.. made a startling test r-sulting in a won del I ul eure. lie writes, 44a patient was attac ked with violent hensorriee'es eili i-d l?v nlei-ri line if 111.? stomach. 1 lint I often IouimI 1*11< trie Bitters excellent for neute stomach and liver troubles so I prcsci ihi'd them. The patient gained from the first and has not had an attack in fourteen months. Klvctrie Bitters are positively guaranteed f r Dyspepsia. Indigestion. ('oust i pat ion and Kidney troubles. Try ilieni. (>i?1 y .*>0c at all druo stores. The State convention of the Democratic party will lie In hi in t'olnmhia today for the purpose of electin>.' delegates to the national convention in St. Lous duly <?. G-i:i Arrest. J. A. (iulledge of Verbena, Ala., was twice in the hospital 0111 n seveiac.vs of I'iles causi 11-_T - I Illinois. After iloctors ami all remedies failed, lhicklen's Arnica Salve quickly arrested further in11 limitation and cured him. It com]lien s aches and kills pain. Joe ;t all drug stores. ? -< > Crime is rampant in this State and \\ e are s n ry to say in this county says t lie Ixock Hill Herald. SherilV Logan was in town yesterday and C ited that although it has been only three weeks since adjournment of the Court of General Sessions, there are eleven prisoners now in jail, put there since adjournment. Three ot the prisoners are being held for trial for murder. ? ? Hate Young Again. '"One of l)r. King's New Life Pills each night for two weeks put me in 1iiy "teens again" writes 1). II. Turner of Uempseylown, Pn. They're tin* best in tin* worM for Liver. Stomiicli nml Mowels. Purely Vfoe1nl?lo. NeVer j^ripe. ()nly '2~)CX nl All I >i no Stores. STREET TAX NOTICE. For. 1. IV ir ordained l>y the Tntondant and Wardens of the town of Fort Mill, S. C., in council assembled?Tluit all persons subject to street duty under the laws of South Carolina, residing in said town shall between the 14th day of May, 11HH, ami the 4th day of June, iiHM pay to the treasurer of said town a eotnniuti.tion tax of two ($1t dollars or perform .r> da>s work on streets of said town under the direction of the proper autliorities. See. 51. That after the 4th day of Juno, 1 904, all do 1 ituitionts under this ordinance shall he subject to a line of o.) cents or ono day's additional labor ou the streefs. Ratified this 2nd dnv of May, 1904. T. S. KIUKPATRICK, Attest: Intendaiit. J. ai. SI'KATT, Sec'y and Treas. ! " 3* ,* r;4 i A X X OUNCEM EN T 8. Candidates' cards will bo inserted under this heading until the primary eloc- . t i<>!i for $'b.V.t each. Our tones to ull iiivCAHl IN ADVANCE. f-OR CLERK OF THE COURT. \\ "o an- authorized to announce Mr. J, C. 'WIl.RORN of Rook Hill, as a candidate far t 'l.KKK OFTHECOURT far Vitr!; county. subject to the action < f t he 1) ni'K-nitic \mrty in the nominal* iti" nrjumrv next summer. triiKTiiiies is authorized to announce * John It. Uoltuu. of Yorkviile, as a candidate for t^he otlice of Clerk of tho Court 1 ?r York County, subject to the rules of the Demo-ratio party in the approaching primary. j| hereby announce myself a candidate for tlie nilieo of Clerk of Court; of Y >rk County, subject to the action of tho ! > uii.vrai ; primary. .T, A. TATF, FORSMER-FF. f jjP!'! Ti - i- a it hori/.ed to announce * S. S. Ploxioo, of Koek Hi'l, as a rami for 11, oflieeof Sin-rift' of York County, subject r<> tin- adroit of tho Democratic primary. {hereby liim mii *e myself a candidate lor Si >ritT of York County; subject to tin- rules of the Democratic. Primary. .1. II. SUTTON. W'eare nuthori/.ed to atmoui oe Mr. ?' JOHN J1'. <lOJ\H< )N as a candidate for tie- ollico of SH KK1FF of York county, subject to the ehoice of the Democrat ie voters as the same may bo expressed in the primary election of August :it). FOR COUNTY SUPERVISOR. \\" F are authorized to anuounoe Mr. *' K. M. WIIITKKtniiX <>C Itw.iwi River township, as a eamlblato for tho oUiee of trlMMOR YlSOR of York County, snhjri't to tho rules of the Democratic 1 tarty. r FOR REPRESENTATIVE I! i KIT >C SIZING the ability, high ** character and true democracy of oar fellow citizen LCx-Rcpresentative H. Kl'l S, ijlt., we take pleasure in seating his name to tho voters of ^ ork county for the House of Representative-.. subject to the action of the Democratic primary election. Four Mill Democrats. Don't sull'er with your eyes and headache s. Have them tested and lit lei with i >r? per glasses. '^xatniiiiilion absolutely free and glasses a I half price for a short time. Satisfactioti guaranteed or no pay, L. .!. MASSEY, Work Well Done1! ave \ ott Titltif I 'lol hs, Counterpaiites, Doilies, Window Cut tains, lUankets, ete., laundered by the Model Steam Laundry, of Charlotte, N. C. * Trices for laundering the above a;tides cheerfully furnished. Suits pressed Hoc; suits dryeleaned and pressed, 50c; suits washed ami pressed, 75c; coat or pants pressed, 15c; cleaned and ptessed, 25c; skirts pressed, 25c; cleaned an 1 pressed, 50o. Our shipments are made Thursday mornings and returned Saturdays. McEihaneyvParks Co, The Clothing an?J Sho* Mvn ANNOIXCKMENT, w e have the mercnntile interest of tlfo Fort Mill MnnufacturinLC (Company and aro open f >r business in their old stand. Wo wish to have our friends and llio public 'pit large to call, talk prices tu us and if you can, let us iln Homo business with you. We shall endeavor at all times to give >ou value received. Yours truly, Los. A. Harris, Hon. 1*. Harris, .1 no. S. Harris. P. S.? All parties owing the Fort Mill Manufacturing Company will please settle at once. J. U. Tray wick & Co., DEALERS IN FINE RIQ'JORS AND WINES, No. 4C East Tratio St. ffTA KTiOTTlC. - - - N. O. GIVE US A TRIAL ORDER anil get the REST WHISKIES, W I N ES, BRANDIES, Etc., At the most reasonable prices, J. D. Ross & Co. Props., THE GOURD SALOON, CHARLOTTE, N. C. No. 29 W Trade . . ' l*ilh 'ifiotcs. --iv