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FORT MUX TIMES DEMOCRATIC PUBLISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY B. W. BRADFORD. Terms of Sul>.s< ription: ('no year 51.00 < Fix months BO j Three month." 2f> ' (.'oriespondeno mi rurnnt subjects in ( Invited, but no r< sp>nrlbllity h assullied for the views of correspondents. ' Anonymous communications will not 1<? published In tli""" columns. On application to tic publisher, advertising J'litos arc made known t<> those interested. Af'HIL 27. !'?)?. T ' Democrats*) Platform. The following is 11 copy of n few c>f (lie set-lions of tin- platform adopted by tin- New York Democratic Convention wliicli endorsed Judge Parker for the presidency : t. This is a government of laws; not men; one law for presidents, cabinets, and people; no usurpation; no encroachment upon the legislative or judicial department. 2. We imist keep inviola e the pledges of mil- treaties; we must renew and re-invigorate within ourselves that respect for law and that love of liberty and of peace which the spirit of military domination tends inevitably to weaken and destroy. if. I nsteady nntir?nn 1 policies and it reHtli'BB spirit of a(lv(Milum engender alarms lliut cheek our nunmerrial growth. li*t us have p.*nee. 1o the ' iwl iIimI business confidence limy lie restored tind tlmt our people limy squill in tniiKjnility enj >y t lie i its of tlieir toil. 1. Corporations chartered I ?y the State must lie subject t<i just regulation by the State in the in terest of the people; taxation for' public purposes only; no govern lnent partnerships with protected monopoly. 5. Opposition to trusts and combinations that oppress the people and stifle healthy industrial coin-J pe'it;on. t>. A check upon extravagance in public, expendittires; that the Inn 11?-ii nf the people's taxes may be lightened. 7. Reasonable revision of tin* taritT: needlessdues upoii imported raw mnterials weigh heavily upon the manufacturer, are a menace to the American wage earner and hy increasing the est of production shut out our products from the foreign markets. y. The maintenance of state rights and home rule, no centralization. ?? Disposition of Alliance Mcney. Jucl^o Gary lias issued nn important order in I In* now colehrated Farmers' Alliance case \v11i? 1? will probably dispose of 1 lie $1<5.0(H) now in the bank, vvbicb lias been awaitini; the order for some time, nays the Columbia Record. The order was that the master of Richlaud county, duo. S. Yerner, advertise for several weeks for all creditors and stoekbolders of the Farmers' Alliance exchange to present to him all claims with proof preparatory te a settlement. There are several hundred subj., alliances throughout the State who own stock in the alliance, each '..-v hsvinif about ."?llli> woith. Reside "these there are a larye number of claims tiled, some lieino in the | form of suits, this beincr the cause of ilie disruption of 111?* alliance. All of these will now he referred I to the master who will have the power to pass upon the validity of each. It is safe to way that all of tin* fund will la? wiped out, although it in not thought that there will lie any shortage or settlements for less than a hundred cents on the dollar. Tic money is now in the Palmetto hank of this city,, Col. d. Q. Marshall having linen appointed receiver some months *?o. 1 ?? Winter Began In April. i A special to the State from IIop. kins, S. C.,8ays: Pertinent tolhej recent and continued cold weather a statement taken from an old sc rap hook of Mrs. Addie Hopkins, J an elderly lady of this place, ini^:lit furnish interesting rending matt- r for the weather man and the farmer. It reads a.-, follows: January and February 1S1 f? | were warm and epriu^like. March whs Cold and stormy. Vegetation i i i " imii i-1men wen along in April when ivnl winter H"t in. Snow nn?l sleet fell on 17 ilitiereiit days in May In June there was either front or hiiow every night hut three. July was cold and frosty. August was worse; ice formed nenrly an inch in thieknei-H and killed nearly every green tiling in the I'nited States.. In the Spring of 1817 corn which had lieen kept over from 1815 sold for from $5 to $10 a bushel, the buyers purchasing for seed." Mrs. A. J. Benttie returned to Camden Monday, after a visit io her sister. \Ji>. A. U. McElhaney, of this place. Local Democrats Reorganize Tii accordance with the rules of llu? Democratic party, the local I >emocratlc club met in the town hall Silurday afternoon at 3:30 , o'clock for the purpose of reor^ani/.at i< ill. A good ciowd was in attendance and when the meeting had been called to order the following oflieers were elected: ('. T. Crook. I) 11 k nnhi'oll emo. (- * ? .. ?-president; \V. Mc. Culp, secretary 'iikI treasurer. The next business in order was the election of delegates and alternates to tlie county eonvention on May 2nd, anil the following persons were named: Delegates ? ('. T. I 'rook, S. II. Kpps.Sr., T. V. Hoyd. W. II. \V indie, d. R. Hnile, I II. Sutton. 1*? \V. Rrndford, ?T. W. Ardrey, d. \Y. McFlhaney. J. A. Tate, I). A. Lee. Alternates I>. M. Paris, J'ackson Hamilton. I. I'. I'ipps. \Y. 1*. Kpps, .1. F. Hoyd, .1. L. I'ntterson. NY. Hanks (ones. K. Shannon, K. F. drier, I. ?l. Ormand, S. L. Meacham. Hon. S. 11 F.pps, Sr., was endorsed as a delegate to the State eonvention in Columbia .May lHlh. with l'?. NY. IL ad ford as alternate. Election in Second District Keports From 111? election Sat unlay i" the Second Congressional I>istrict, in which a number of politienns contested for the seat of the late < ieo. \V . Croft, indicate that a second race will likely he run between T. (1. Croft, eon of the late ('otiirtesHinnn Croft, and S. (J. Maytiold. The reports of, yesterday from the various boxes, thirty one of which had not been heard fioin, onve the following result: T (i. Croft 3.502 S. (I. Mayfield 1,57!) 11, fl. W illi tins 1,345 .1, O. Patterson 1,02!) < M' this nuiiiher Mr. Cioft is short of u in ijority hy only 100, anil it seems morn than likely that ho and Mr. Maytield will have to make a second rare. A Warning to All. The Cotton Plant says the almaliiii inaker:-> ouijht to insert thi-* warning the first of April: "Look out for the oily tonmied n^ent ahout this time." Never sitjn any sort of paper presented by these sharp fellows. l)o not ovoii'write your natne on the blank pa^e of a memorandum. Out west one of these fellows went around amongst iiic hii uiris usii iisimy introducing some machine that the farmers wen* interested in lie was not taking orders, but finding out p ob'ihle purehasers so as to have circulars sent I?y the house. For Home reason or other lie could not write and he asked the farmer to write his name and address. He managed so the name would be on the lower l ight hand corner of a blank p ige in his memorandum, which page was about the size and shape of a note. After getting a few of these signatures ,he tilled out bankable notes above.the signature. and then cashed them, lookout for the agents / for lightning rods, patent churns, farming implements, cooking stoves and deal very cautiously with them. A Iways buy Mich tiling^ from t rust woitliy merchants and nianufactureis and you will not be cheated. ? -? ?-- - . . Memorial Day at forkxllle. May the 1.0th is tol be a red letter day in YorkvilIe.| Besides being memorial day, tho United Daughters of the Confederacy have decided to have thy ceremony of laying the cornerstone of the (Ion. fodera t e 111 > 1111111 * * 111 on that day < unit luivt* requested the Masonic 1 grand lodge to perforin the ceremony with Masoyfie honors. Addresses will tie spade liy Some of the grand lodge Officers. The Ms- | sonic lodgCH, the W. (). W. lodges, tho l\ I). C. ramps and the military companies of the county and those of ('heater and Cornwells ure expected to attend. Tien. John I). Frost and Col. J. C. Boy:! have promised to be present. Crosses of honor will be presented to Confederate veterans who have tiled their applications. After the cor- j nerstoue exercises have been concluded |t lie usual memorial day services and decoration of graves will lie carried out. The idea is to have a big basket picnic and the whole countryside in exported to contribute. In all, tli? occasion promises to be one of much interost to all those present. Judge Slmonton Dead. Jndgi Charles 11. Simonton, of Charleston, died at n hospital in Philadelphia Monday, lie went to Philadelphia a short time ago to receive treatment for brain trouble but grew steadily worse till death came. With Judge Golf, of West Virginia, he composed the federal bench of the fourth district, which includes Maryland, West Virgin a, Morili and South Carolina. I ' / f I Other Items of Local Interest Mr. Frank Hunter lias resigned hie position in Fort /Mill to accept ' the position as hook/ keeper for the Cotton Mill Storef Co., at this place.? Lancaster ^etlger. The corner-stond of a Confederate monument will ho laid at \ orkville on the 10th May next,' under the auspices of the Da ugh-! tors of the Confederacy. Capt. S. E. White returned to, his home here Friday evening, after spending several weeks witu his daughter Mrs. Leroy Springs, of Lam-aster. Lev. -I, Barr Harris, who is well known to the people of this section, was released oil the lltli ot tins month from the Montana State prison, after serving a term of one year for the Reduction of a young lady of that State. iiittle boys, and big boys, too, should be careful at this season , not to frtll into the bad habit of robbing birds nests. It is wrong! and cruel. Then, don't kill the I little birds; they are useful. Up to the time of this writing we : are told' there ir. a mighty good prospect for a plentiful crop of | blackberries. They are a powerful help; blackberry pie rounds up a dinner beautifully, Mr. R. M. Whitesides, of Western York, whojis to make the race for county supervisor in the approaching campaign, was a visit- I or to Fort Mill Saturday. Head his announcement in the candi- ! dates' column. Tax executions have been placed in the hands of Constable T, A. [ Mills and he has been busy for the i pa-it few days looking up the de- I linqnents. Mr. Mills informs us, that fewer evecntions have been i issued against Fort Mill people! | this year than for several yours! past. When you want job printing, be j euro to see us. We have the material and the workmen to turn out tho very best class of printing, and i in fact, we only do the good kind. ! We do work for people all around j this section, and we lill orders by mail. There are complaints in many towns and cities in the Stale that tlowers are being taken from the j : graves in the cemeteries. Such coin pin inta have been heard in i Fort Mill, but not recently, and it | is hoped that this heartless pracI tiee lias ceased altogether here. The annual meeting of the State council of the Junior Order of United American Mechanics is in session in Rock llill. The sessions, which began yesterday, are ; being held in the hal' over the Rock Hill Hardware Co., and will | continue thiough todav. About one hundred delegates are in at- i teudan -e. It is about time now for the | clerks to begin the agitation of ! early closing of the stores in the afternoon. The stores should close [at 6.30 p. in., in order to allow the I cierks a little recreation. Our merchant** are all n liberal minded lot of gentlemen and we know they will agree to thiH, So circulate your petition, boy**, and commence the early cloning on May 1st. Mr. C. C. Crappa, whose home ia near the plant of the Fort Mill : Mfg. Co,,was much surprised MonI day while moving a hen and brood I of little chickens from n nest, to : tind that one of the chicks was the possessor of four well formed legs. Our information yesterday was I that the chicken was apparently j hale and hearty. At the request of the snperin- : tendent of education the attorney general has decided that school trustees have no rii/lit to diiv mil ' ? it | of the public funds attorney fees i for representing them before the i State board of education. The i question caine up on the argument i of a Marion matter at the last meet- j ing, the fee charged by the attorney being $40. The friends of Hon. S, H. Epps, Sr., of (Jold Hill, announce him this week as a candidate for the House of Representatives. Having for a number of years couscien- I tiously. faithfully and satisfactorily performed the duties of legisla- ! tor, Mr. Epps is well fitted for the place. He is not only popular in i t? l ct 11 r\i%f A ? '? ? lv.?A I hid iiwiiic nrl>liuil Ulll I1HH UlHIiy | i active friends throughout the ( county who will be delighted to see ; him enter the race. The seventh annual exhibition ! of the Pleasant Valley high school ' I will take place on next Friday, the 29th. A very attractive program has been arrnnged, but the crowning feature of the occnssion probably, will be the big picnic dinner, the viands of which "Will be of the Pleasant Valley type? the best. llefreshments of all kinds will be serVed on the grounds, and in short, everything will be done to make the (lay an eztremely pleasant one for all who attend. The public is cordially iuvited to be present. 1 'W \ ? Adjutant General Frost has re-11 ceived from the adjutant generals J of several of the other statrs endorsements of his idea to have the ; encampment at Manassas, Va . in | August instead of JSeptembt r. 1 )e* . spite the statement of the war department that tlie date could not 1 ha changed Gen. Frost has taken the mat ter up wit h the other Son! heru states has already received tele- | grains from a number stating that they will take it up with the war department. While the date may not be changed this year it is certain that it will he more eoi.ven- | iently arranged next year In The Times of hist week the j statement was macle that Oapt. S. i E. White was seriously ill at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Leroy Springs. in Lancaster. Ouriufor-j mation was gained through a report current on the streets on Tuesday, but it appears to have been erroneous. The Ledger, of Lancaster, says; ''The Captain probably has not been in better . health in years and sure he has , never looked any better than he does now." The rimes takes pleasure in correcting the mistake and offers appolo^ies to ('apt. White. Dr. J. H. Thornwell and Mr. R. K. (Trier returned Kridnv from Winnsboro, where they bad none to represent the Fort Mid Presbyterian church in a meeting of Bethel Presbytery. The reports from all the churches were very gratifying, showing that this has been one of the best years in the history of the the presbytery. Several interesting addresses made during the in? eting on the subjeot of education, one of which was by Dr. Thornwell, in behalf of the! Presbyterian College of South Carolina. The presbytery accepted the invitation of Dr. Thornwell to meet with the Fort Mill church next fall ? ? Further Assurance of New Depot __ t A special to the News and ConrW?l' frnni Wit all I Iwrinn cove* "At u conference of t lio Soul hern railroad officioIh and C. W. Gams, chairman of the hoard of railroad commissioners for Sunt h Carolina, held here today, a number of important improvements at various ] points in that state were agreed p upon. Hotter depot facilities are i needed along the Southern railway | in South Oarolina and Mr. Garris came to Washington expressly to discuss that subject with the railroad people. The claims of the 1 various localities urging improved depot accommodations were taken ' up and considered in detail. As ' a result of the conference the railroad company has agreed to proceed without delay to provide for ' new passenger and freight depots at the following points in the order named: "The work already started at ' Spartanburg will be completed, 1 after which better facilities will be : 1 provided at Fort Mill, Greenville, : ' Gaffney and Williston. When 1 these projects nr.1 finished improve- ' meats will bo made on the Char- 1 lesion division of the Southern ' road. Mr. Garcia was unable to give an estimate of the proposed improvements, but lie says the railroad company is now prepared to I push forward the work so long delayed, and a satisfactory underst indium has been reached regarding the points mentioned." i - ' ' Paint Your Bcooy kor 75 Cents, with Dovoo's (tloss Carriage Paint. It weighs 3 toN o/.s. more to the pint than ( or nor, wears longer; and Rives a rIoss equal to new work. Sold by Wt B. ' Ardroy & Co. 1 ] - > i Considered lay States New York i leads in population, with more i than seven and a half million; a Pennsylvania exceeds six nnd a < half million and Illinois has passed ! five millions; Texas has threJmil- | lion, having passed Missouri.]But twenty-two States now hnv*j less ' | than a million inhabitants and j i fourteen exceed two millions. T""f . < Letter to Millfort Mill Co, j | Fort Mill, S. C. Dear Sirs: Mr Frank Robinson, Titus- i ville, Pa, bouRht Devoe with a Rood ! deal of feeliiiR against the whole tribe of mixed paints. Ouragcnts there Messrs Kornochan & Co, Rot him to do it, He < says: , I am moro than pleased with the job. I had one third of the paint left-over; I know of several other jobs, a year old or j more, painted with Devoe, that are wearing well. What a pity we have to all go through ho same school,sto And out what print j to put on a house! Experience teaches. imi ir mere uuy easier way 10 loarnr Yours truly i FW Devok <fe Co' I 7 New York j P. S. W. B. Ardrey &Co. sell our puint. Mr. Blankcnshlp Declines. Editor The Times: While I thank my friends very much for suggesting my name for the House of Represents- I tives, I will have to decline to make the race, us my private interests will not admit my becoming a candidate at this time. Respectfully, C. P. BLANK EN SHIP, Gold Hill, 8. C., April 33, 19tM. 1 Fewer gallons; wears longer; Devoe [CE tREAM Making cornea on at a critical time when one is entertaining at home time which you can ill afford to spate from cooking and company, We deliver it rijLfht tit youi door ready to ladle out at ti price as low as you can makt it i vourself. if von use tl t game quality of materials Then it will will be 1CL CKIiAM that y(?u will hav? n<> cause to be ashamed of Telephone your orders to? Ardrey's Drug Store, The relatives of Scr^t Earnest Reynolds, of Rennoltsville, tlm State, have received a cable^rnn bearing the sad intelligence thai he was killed in a battle near Manila a few days ai;o. He was torn to pieces by a cannon ball, dyinc instantly. ? A Thoughtful ManM. M. Austin of Winchester, 1 nd knew what to do in the hour ol need. His wife had such an unusual case of stomach and livei trouble, physicians could not helj her. He thought of and tried 1 )r jv' i iutl: Voir I i fn I * i 1 I . ... ' V ?? Ji.?* * i i n fill*! Plli' ul" relief at once nml was finally cured Only 25c, at All Drug Stores. A Fokt Kim. Wom \n Asks "have you a floor paint that will last two wt'cks?" Yes we have Devtie's; it has a beautiful gloss and will wear twl years if proi?orly applied. W. ]?. An tlrey & Co. Rev, II. 11. jMurchisoii lias re signed as pastor of the Centra Presbyterian church, at Anderson and will establish a weekly papot in Columbia to be called Tin Weekly Visitor. It will be a pa pel For the home ami fireside and wil leal with news and liletaty topics religious news. etc. Hakes A Clean" S^-ecp, There's nothing like doing r thing thoroughly. ( If all the Salve* you ever heard of, liuc-kUmi's Ar tlicn Salve is the host. It sweep.* iway and euros Burns, Sores Bruises, Cuts. Boils, I leers, Skin Eruptions and Biles. It's only 2~>c, md guaranteed to give satisfaction by All Druggists. Caleb Bowers, the former seere tary of State of Kentucky. now undt-r stntenee of ileath for tin tnuider of (Jovernor Oioehel, i? writing a hook concerning his per sonal experiences during tin troublous days of Kent ueky's tiei e* partisan war for control of tin State. Itobbed The Grave. A ?I: i ... ? t i .n. oirniiiiiL; iiiriut'iii, is? imiiiticu by John Oliver of Philadelphia, at follows: '*1 was in an awful eon lition. My skin was almost yellow ?yes sunken, tongue coated, pnin jontinually in back and sides, n< tppetite, growing weaker day b\ lay. Three physicians had ipvei ine up. Then 1 was advised to list sleet ric Hitters; to my jpvat joy Ihe first bottle made a decided itn proveinent. I continued their net for three weeks, ami am now a wel man. I know they robbed tin .pave of another victim." No om should fail to try them. Only 51 r^ents, guaranteed, at All Dru^i Stores. From each weather bureau sta tiou the appearance of the firs robin in spring must be reportet by telegraph to the Washin^toi office. The movement of no othei bird or animal is noticed. ^ ^ \ A Oreat Sensation. The're was a bi^ sensation it Leesville, Intl., when NV.JI. Hrowi tf that place was expected to tlie had his life saved by Dr. Kinu'i New Discovery for Consumption He writes: "I endured insutVerabh agonies fioni Asthma, but you New Discovery ynve me immedi reliel and soon thereafter elTectet a complete cure." Similar cures o Consumption, Pneumonia, Hron oh1118 and Imp are numerous. It i tlie peerless remedy for all thron ami lung troubles. Prioe nOc. am $1.00. Guaranteed by All Drug gists. Trial bottles free. Peter Neidmeir. the leader o the Chicago boy ear bandits am two of his associates, (iustavt Marx and Harvey Vandine, wen Imaged in Chicago last Friday The fourth member of the ganj. was sentenced to lite imprison mont. The boys acknowledged h having killed eight persons. ' 1 j * ' * 4 ' f ji * f * r '* '< - ** /> ANNOUNCE!! liNTS. Candidates' ranis will bo inserted under this heading until the primary olection for if earh. Our terms to nil are CASH IN ADVANCE. F OR CLERK OF THE COURT. \\ro sir * authorised to announce Mr. J. '* C. WH.BORN of Rook Hill, as a ' candidate for CLERK OF* THE COURT for York county, subject to the action ' of the Democratic party in the nominating primary next sunuuer. l FOR SHERIFF\\rcarc authorized to announce Mr. ** JOHN l'\ CORDON asa candidate for tlie oilier of SIlERIFFof Yorkeouu> ty, subject to the choice of the Demo crane, voters as tin4 same may be expressed in the primary oloction of August 80. FOR COUNTY SUP?RYISCR\VK are authorized to announce Mr. K M. WIlITKSlDKS, of Bruul River township, as a candidate for the oflioe of t I'l'KH VISOR of York County, subject to the rules of the Democratic party. FOR REPRESENTATIVE | > KCO( ;N 17IN( J the ability, high character and true democracy of our fellow citizen Ex-lteprcseututive S. 11. Kl'l'S, SR.. wo take pleasure in ; presenting liis nanio to the voters of York county for the House of Representatives, subject to the action of tho Democratic primary election. Four Mi i.i, DE MOCK ATS. ;' Don't sutfi r with your eyes and hendnchos. Have them tested and fitted with proper glasses. Examination absolutely free and glasses at half price for a short time. Sat infliction guaranteed or no pay. \j. J. MASSEY, : Work Well Done. o IIhvc you Table Cloths, Counterpaines, Doilies. Window Curtuins, Blankets, etc., laundered by tho , Model Steam Laundry, of Charlotte, N. C. I Prices for lauiulerirg the above articles cheerfully furnished. 1 <)ur shipments nre ;nado ThursI day mornings and returned Satur* ' days. McElhaneyvParks Co# ' The Clothing Shoe M?n ! A N NOT N CEiM E N T . ' Wo have bought (tie mercantile interest of the Fort AIi 11 Manufacturing Company rnd are open for business in their old stand. We wi.-h to have onr friends and , the public 'at large to call, talk prices to us and if yen can, let ua do some business with you. We shall endeavor nt all times to give you value received. Yours truly, Los. A. Hakhis, Rob. P. Harris, i Jno. S. Harris. ' P. S.?All parties owing the Fort Mill Manufacturing Com | jmny will please settle at onco. > - J. U. Tray wick & Co., DEALERS IN FINE EIQUOKS AND WINES, No. 42 East Tiade St. ' f!fT ART.OTTR _ _ _ N n ; Mules! ! Mules! , Just received a car load of extra Tine j Mules. From now on you will always imi] me Hilli a good supply on hand. Call i and do business with me. If y ou haven't the cash I will sell yon and give you all . the time you want, i Very respectfully yours, S.J.Kimball J Rock Ilili, 8. C. f;oit GOOD WHISKIES, I WINES, BRANDIES, ETC., 'r CALL ON lAR \ITRITE TO AV. II. HOOVER, CIllKUOTTp, N. C.