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HMH I W w ' ! I ( I = A New Story. Ool. "Dick" Bright, who was senBeant-at-arms In the Senate when Democrats controlled that body, has been on a visit to Virginia, where he picked up a new story. A revivalist who was holding meetings there met a man and asked him to attend service that evening. The man refused to promise and the preacher said: "My brother, don't you ever pray?" "Naw," answered the villager. "I carry a rabbit's foot. ' VITrtnarinannntlv Piiro-I V n Hf cor nnet>nn _ ness after, first day's use of Dr. Kline's Orent Nerveltestorer.t'-l trlr.l bottlenud treatlsefroe Dr. R.H.Kltnk. Ltd.. Ml Ar.-h St.. l'hila.l'a It sometimes happens that people without vices nggrnvat" other people into having more than their share. Ask Your Dealer Por Allen's Knot-Rase A powder. It rests the feet, Corns Corns, Bunions. Hwollon, Npre,Hot, Cal lons.Aehinir fiwentirg Feet and Ingrowing Nails. Allen's makes new or tight shoes easy. At nil Druggists and Hhoe store?, 25 rents. A<- opt no substitute. Hnmple mailed Fhk.c, Addnws Allen 8. Olmsted, Leltoy, N. Y. YV-th the nilvent of universal peace there will he nothing left for the military man ?>ut marriage. The U'.in<l?rfMl a. - Doe* it*< work in thirty minutes and leaves less than J per tent, butter fat. The price in ridiculously low. according to ize. $2.75 to $Ti.OO each, and when von 'bsvc one you would not part therewith for fifty times its cost. JTRT SEX I) TIUS NOTICE with 5c. stamps for postage to the John "A. Salzer Seen Co.. La Crosse, Wis., and $et thnr big catalogue, fully describing this remarkable Cream Separator, and hundreds of other tools and farm seeds used by the farmer. [A.C.L.] The English Co-operative Wholesale Society has 1,392,399 members, and docs an annual business ot $89,500,000. ifr*. tVInslow's Soothing Syrup forehlldron teething,soft mi th?> gums, reduces intl atnmatlou tilluyn puiu.eureflwind colic.tiRe i.i.<>i?i? Tin meaning of an epigram is concealed by the brilliant effect it produce?. Fiso'a Cure cannot bo too highly spoken of ? n cough cure. J. \V. O'Buikn, 322 Third Avenue. N.. Minneapolis, Minn., Jan.0.1300. While the dance goo? on nn awkward man gets there with both feet. Carpets can be colored on the floor with Ft; imam I" ahklkss DVE9. II a matt if -ciiisfird with one inoai a day be can afford to write poetry Much In u Name. The now 1 j iippointiMl postmaster :it I\ ft ikon. Hawaii. is Mr. David Kapohoknhoakiinnkewoniiali. Wo regret Hint wo cniuiot give any guklo to the pronunciation. -Civil Service Magazine. I'ntarrli Cmniot !!? <"ur >1 Witt' men. vtm't.icationa a-- tlmy eanno rea-.ii th?> so-it of the dis-m.". Catarrh 1* p. l?lo 1 o- instituctonal diva '>, and in order to ear" it you must take Internal remedies. Hall's I'r.irn Cure is taken Internally, and nit- ilb- 'I von the b'o ?d nnd nioeons surface Hall h < itarra Cure n no a quack me Heine. It was r resrribe 1 by one of the host physician' in this e inn try fo- roars, and is a regular or'- rlntion. fr eo-npose I of the besi fonies known, combined with tho bust blond purifiers, a-'ting illre-tlv on the inn vo\i> v.iriii'*!**. rue o' thet vo iircr.vlionts is what proilii1"! *ucl? svondcrial n?'iU< in lrinj catarrh. Scnil for tfstlmonials. fro?. i< J. Chevf.v .V Co., I'rorvs.. Toled O. Sold liv druecists. price, 75c. 'J'nfce Hall's Family Fills [or ij-atioi*. "Wlmt w:?s ii your husband wanted to see me aboutV" inquired Mrs. Newliwed's papa. "I think he wanted to borrow a couple of hundred dollars front yon" she said. "He's so anxious to get out -1' debt." I'hi'.adelphiu Led KIT. A warm heart has something iu it besirir spire. DANGEROUS NECLECT. It's the neglect of backache, sideache, pain in the hips or loins that linally prostrates the strongest body. The kidney warnings are vjp serious they tell you that they ure unable to Jr \ tllter the body's waste \ and poison from the blood /W - the sewers are clogged iand impurities are run3 "'lug wild to impregnate ] 7 nerves, heart, brain and j / every organ of the body I JK with disease elements. V l>oan's Kidney I'llls are quick to soothe and \ Tj strengthen sh'k kidneys, and help them free the P*?f system trompoison, llead how valuable they are, even in cases of long standing. 1. ('. Lovell, of 415 North First St.. Spokane. Wash., soys: "1 have had trouble from my kidneys for the past ten years. It was caused by a strain to which ! paid little attention. But as I neglected the trouble It became worse and worse until any strain or a slight cold was sure to be followed by severe pain across my back. Then the action of the kidney secretions became deranged and I was caused much annoyance, besides loss of sleep. I>oan's Kidney Pills were brought to my notice, and after taking them a short time their good effect was apparent. All the pain was removed from my back and the kidney secretion? became normal. Dunn's Kidney l'ills do all that is claimed for them." A I'ltKK TK1AL of this groat remedy which cured Mr. Lovell will be mailed on application to any part of the t'ni ieu Mates. Address FoRter Milburn Oo., Kuflitlit, N. Y. For snlc by all druggistR, price r?0 eciitR per box. OJds and Ends. The ?=tjl*<o of the bricklayers In New York has brought 80 per cent, of all construction work on Manhattan Island to a standstill. ilo who advances always has the advantage in 11-fo'a struggle. Ko. 1(5. JCMIS WHIKIVl USi rTlli. Lil Itart Coutrb Syrup. 'wm (loud. liw ij| la ilia*. Fo'O Sy JriMdl-u W Q@G?!EB51BEPigi THE WORLD* St. Louis Workinj For the Openii April 30th Ne? 1IE first few thousand ear- i __ loads of the twenty tliouO ' 11 o sand ears of exhibits that 71 & will arrive at the World's Fair In St. Louis within the next few weeks have been reeeived and unloaded. Largo forees of j men are employed night and day in receiving and placing the valuable 1 products from many nations of the world as they come in. Any one who has not been over the World's Fair grounds cannot, with the wildest 1 stretch of his imagination, realize the > magnificence of tliis latest ami great- < est of Universal Impositions. With its thousand buildings spread out over an area of two square miles, enclosed I by six miles of fence, the great 1 World's Fair glistens in the sun, and 1 is the centre of interest to all this part of the country. \ The management has very considerately arranged many of the prill- < cipal exhibit palaces in a compact group. While there are more than i twenty-five biddings of considerable size given np to exhibit purposes, the very large buildings are some fifteen < Itt number: eight of these, the 1'alace I of Transportation. Machinery. Electricity. Varied Industries. Education. Manufactures. Mines and Metallurgy, < Liberal Arts, are situated in the north- i . i r > B / . \ yiy \ *<> 1^' " ~ * r-. ? M .t ' . \ * I Copyrighted, PJ;)4, by the Louisiana l'i eastern part of the grounds. The i main entranee to the Exposition will i let the visitor into the centre of this group. As each building covers from i eight to fifteen acres ami contains < several miles of aisles, lined on either < side l?y most interesting exhibits, the visitor will see his time slipping away with a world of things yet remaining 1 to be seen. 1 The Government lias spent more on < this Exposition than it has ever ex 1 ponded before, first, it gave to the general fund of the Exposition, upon consideration that the city of St. 1 Louis would raise $10.tMiO,tHMi. This of course was promptly done. Then, j the Government appropriated nearly a million ami .t half inore for buddings ami exhibits. ami a low weeks ago deeltled to mako a loan of !?l.fUHi.iMKt to tlu? Exposition in order to have the 1 elaborate plans earried out to their completeness. The Government cannot lose much on this investment at 1 St. Louis, for the reason that St. Louis returns in internal revenue taxes for the Eastern half of Missouri alone. 1 over 51o.tHHt.otMi a year. 1 wish 1 might describe the great beauty of the Government building, j It is 800 feet long and stands on a i broad terrace upon the hillside, over- J looking the grand group of exhibit i RUSSIA'S VICEROY. AUliilrnl Alpxelefl n Itlietcr Mlml, n Muster XV111 ami u Masterful llitml. Admiral E. I. Alexeieff. described ! by Senator Iteverhlge in his liook, "The ltusslnn Advance." as "a master mlml, a master will, altogether a masterful man," is the subject of an informing article by Charles Johnston, in Harper's Weekly. Admiral Alexeieff lias toiled for years at the building of a new region of ltussinn influence. a region nearly as large as the combined area of France and Germany, and with a fringe of possible future acquisitions many times greater. only to see the whole of his life work threatened with dissolution. "In this llfework." says Mr. Johnston, "lie hns accomplished miracles almost, facing conditions of great and unexpected difliculty. amid surroundings alternately picturesque with the glamor of the East and squalid with intrigue , and physical wretchedness. Through all these ditliculties Admiral Alexeieff has acted with constant resolution. force, rapidity, and constructive power. VniniKi'Di OnvJ?trymnn of Civil War. The death of Oscar Arion Frost, at Ottawa, brings out the claim for him that he was the youngest cavalryman enlisted in the Civil War, He went Into the Third Missouri Cavalry at fourteen years of age, and served through the war. it cannot be claimed for Mr. Frost, though, that he was boyish in appearance. At the time of his enlistment lie was six feet tall and : weighed 190 pounds. Kansas City ' Journal. 0 S WONDERS 5 Night and Day t tig of the World's ] fti. pa luces. Near by are the Uoveruwent i Fisheries building and sea const tie- t feuse guns. s The Palace of Agriculture is the 1 largest of the Exposition buildings t and stands in the central western I part of the grounds, upon a high ele- i ration. This building covers twenty [teres of ground, the equivalent of a t small farm, and contains many thou- \ sands of exhibits, not only front the 1 States of the United States but front < countries of the world. The Palace ? i?f Horticulture stands directly south > L?f the Palace of Agriculture and is > too by 800 feet. s The Palace of Art comnosed of four 1 large pavilions, is 0110 of the uiost in- ' Leresting parts of tlie Fair. The several i buildings contain a total of 13."? gal i lories, tilled with the priceless treas- t arcs of Ruropo and America, gathered ( with great care by discriminating i committees. As an example of the care with which these selections were \ made. Italy may be taken as an ex i ample. Some four thousand paintings ' were offered, yet only four hundred 1 could be selected. One of the four < buildings of the Palace of Art is de- i voted entirely to statuary. The Palace of Forestry, Fish and i I J.a me is in the western part of the I rrounds. covering four acres. The < lUNPUV WdUl.irs PA1K. COYP.IO trehase exposition. new science ol I'nri try lias here a ' most interest inj; exemplification. < lu tin- central western part ol' the grounds iiic many of tlit.* Foreign (lovunnicnt Pavilions. Sonic tll'ty for- < I'ifxn nations arc taking active part in i the World's Pair, several of tliein spending more than a half million dollars each. These arc Holland, France, iJermany. Brazil, Japan and China. Japan alone lias hrouirht seventyI'ijtht thousand exliihits. 1 I The displays from the Philippine Islands form a very attractive feature [if the Imposition. There iivc some i eighty thousand of those exhibits arranged in buildings tt|ion a roserva- < lion of forty acres. lying west of the l'alaoo of Agriculture. Ahout thirty stores are given up to an exhibit of the North American Itidians. their industries and lunne life. A large space is devot< d t<? the iiyrial < Here will lie held the series of airship trials and contests, upon which the imposition has planned to expend S'joo.nou. of this sum. $l<Nt.imN> is to he given as a grand prize to the aeronaut who will sail an airship in the quickest time over a fourteeninile course. The quadrennial Olympie panics are to he held at the World's l-'air this j?-??. iMiiniiii^ ucvniiMl i<> I MUSIC A N [ > ANIMALS. Thr Pumn IK flu* Mont Sensitive (o tli?? Iiifltw?n<*<* <>t Mclmly. Some very curious experiments have recently been carried out in the <Jermnn Zoological (inrdc'is in order to ascertain tin* actual influence of music upon animals. Tin* instrument was tin* violin and Ilerr Maker was the performer. Of all the animals the puma was the most sensitive to the musienl intlu* etieo. His moods clumped rapidly, noi*nnli!iir !i> th*? imtnf" <? * ?i?o i?\ the animal frequently becoming very I excited and nervous, "just lik4* a Frenchman," :.s the report says. Leopards were entirely unconcerned, hut the lions appeared to he afraid, although their cubs wanted to dance when the usic became livelier. The hyenas were very much terrified, hut the monkeys were merely curious and the monkeys were mcrly curious. The experiments are to he continued, and with a variety of Instruuientu, in order to distinguish between the mental states which arc actually produced by the ntusie and those which are merely tlte result of an unusual ex- j pcrience.?Scientific American. J 1 nter?>?t lug. To hear the niiisic of sweet hells, and also to test solid silver, lake a solid-silver tablespoon, and tie two cords of equal length to the handle. Hold the ends of the cords to each ear, at the same tithe closing tlie ears with the fingers. Then by a motion of the body swing the spoon, letting it strike | the back of the chair or like wooden object. You have no idea what sweet music you will hear. Try it. and see. ?Woman's Home Comoaiiion. ON DISPLAY o Be in Readiness Fair on Saturday, JS? J ihysicnl culture exhibits is situated iu * lie western part of the grounds, and g idjacent to it is the line large ath- I etlc Held, with amphitheatre seating twenty-6even thousand people. Upon this field tlie games will take place during the summer. In this hurried glance at the Gxposi- l ion of 1!R)4, we must not forget that ery interesting quarter, known as the i'ike. This is th<> aniusement street >f the Imposition. The visitor will ertninly open his eyes in amazement l< vhcn 1k? sees the array of amusements ^ spread out for his delectation. It is C t long story in itself, to tell what has leen prepared for his entertainment. t I'lic Pike is considerably more than a y nile long, and upon either side are ar- ^ anged about fifty elaborate and exromoly novel shows. Some of them over as many as ten or eleven acres r aeh. The World's Fair will open on Satinlay. April .'{<>, with fitting eereinones. 1'poii that occasion an anthem n written by Fdimmd Clarence Stedman e will be sung by a chorus of six hun- g Ired voices. The music by the emuent composer. Professor John Iv. ^ Paine, of llurvard University as well ^ is the poem, was written especially a for this occasion upon the invitation y ?f the exposition. Frank Vander- n a a \ * 0 ; ten acres. duekoii, director nf the Cincinnati or licstra. lias written a march, and Henry K. lladley, ?_?t" New York, lias written a wait/., also upon invitation if the Exposition, for its niusieal pro* grains. The eentral feature of the Exposition. or what is intended to lie the most beautiful scene in the whole ; grand picture, is made up of Cascade ! Hardens, the Colonade of States and ihe Hall of Festivals. The gardens with their cascades and statuary, and l he elaborate architectural features, arc nearly a half a mile from east to ! ? west and represent an expenditure of Hie million dollars. It is the most am- jS bilious scheme of formal gardening ever timlurf ? 1.*dti ui ??? 1?* v- tow.;? when-. The Festival Hall, -00 feet ^ in diameter anil feet high. con- I tains the largest organ in the world, j B and lias a seating capacity for thirty- |fl live hundred people. 1 I Practically all St. lands is preparing ' _ to accommodate World's Pair visi- | I tors. The private homes will he open I for the reception of guests throughout M the Exposition. The prices will he from _ otto. to .fl.oP per day for each person for rooms, ltestaiirants are so plenttfiiI that meals may he had in almost i any locality where the visitors n:ay f happen to stop. 1 N-RAYS ANO DIGESTION. This Proem* Cruho* Tlieir Kinittxion, nil ? liiii'* MiiHcuIiir AHivity. That the processes of digestion, as ( well as mental and muscular activity, seem to cause the emission of N-rays, is the conclusion reached hy M. Lamhert. in Trance, after a series of inter- n esting experiments, lie believes that * these curious rays are produced, hy ferments, especially by those eotseernod in the digestion of alhuininoi^ matter. In his experiments on digestion. says a writer in Harper's Weekly. M. Lambert placed a small quantity of tihrin in tubes containing in one case activated pancreatic juice, and in another artificial gastric juice made hy mixing live per cent, solution of pepsin with a four per cent, solution of hydrochloric acid. From these tubes the N-rays were emitted, and were detected not only hy producing increased luminescence of n phorescent screen, l>ut nlso photographically, thus removing tin- subjective clement from the experiment. As m result of these experiments. M. Lambert believes that in the course of digestion the librin undergoes strains whicii act to produce X-rays. I'ronprr.iiK Vnnlio. Yucatan simply boils over with prosperity. Her railways are paying, her hanks grow fat dividends, and her multi-millionaires are buying the best there is to lie had. whether it lie luxuries for the family or a first-class education abroad for their sons.? : Mexican Ilerald. A "M noli In veil Ian Mnxltn. Whatever Is the occasion of another's advancement is the cause of his own i diminution.?From the Prince. i I dent Milwaukee, Wis., Business Voman's Association, is another me of the million women who lave been restored to health by isin? Lvdia P. PinkH?m'? Vp<tp. able Compound. " Dear Mrs. I'inkuam : ? I was maried for several years and no children lessed ray home. The doctor said I ad a complication of female troubles nd I could not have any children un!ss I could be cured. He tried to cure le. but after experimenting' for nerval months, my husband became disustod, and one night when wo noticed he testimonial ox ft woinan who had een cured of similar trouble through he use of Lydia E> Plnkbam's Vegetable Compound, he went out nd bought a bottle for me. I used ' our medicine for three and one-half , lonths, improving Steadily in health, j nd in twenty-two uaontns a child ame. I cannot fully express the joy | nd thankfulness that Is in my heart. iur home is a different placo now. as I re have something to live for, and 11 the credit is due to Lydia ?. Pliikliuw's Vegetable Comlound. Yours very sincerely, Mks. <.0. Ui.ovfr. f>14 Grove St. . Milwaukee. Vis." Vice President, Milwaukee lusiness Woman's Association. ? $5000 irfeit If orlqlnnl of a'toon letfr proving genuine e$s cannot be pn-duemd. "^ "1 mwm j]y. OILED C10THIN5 ^b?\0 -L^f^ v1a<Jt m b!:cK cr yt\\m for til kir.ds ; ' (A / I of wet ".*.ork OnscJc tvtr/ivhtrt ^/A\ \ \ \f j Look for the 5rtn of the ruh ar.d f~ Z\\\ A\ cL / the Mint TOWcR on the buttons. /AV/1 cA!/ I I .' *C?{* (? Oftoi KOI UU / ' V T?w C A1AHw.o. >.? .? tOaffTC my , ' y*Jt' ? )$ ^| ?| 1 SfiiS aZS^k KS'iifi Given Awayjjj y W rJ Writ* n? or R*k an M Alnliastlno dealer for Q particulars end f r??? uotnple card of Tho Sunitury Walk Uoatlni: TV-iitrovad.acaaeRernisaad vermin. Not*; ttj rut* or scales. You can apply It?mix with F8 cold water, r.aairtlful e(T. . ts lu white and U delicate tlr.ta. Not o dleeaee.breeding, oat- B ofdat* hot water glue prepare! an. Buy B Alabattuir tn i< lb package* proparly la- B ba) led, of paint, hardwaru and drug dealer*. B "Uinta on SeooraUoa'' and our >rii.?** M RJ ideas trie *lAB^IUl? CO., (tXMil Kick, M Jjcr IPS Water St,A. ISAWMILLSS'Si with Hego's I'nlversa! I.ojt Beams,RecttUn- M ear. Simultaneous H.-t Work* and tlie Het- M oook-Ktng Variable l'eed Works ara unex- 9 celled for accuract, simplicity, ui sabil- B itt an:> rase or oi'tnTiox. Write for full L descriptive circulars Manufactured by the El kill P fl IOAU U Alil-'O *?' ' Eazaapi^i shronia i?l???.l >ll?#*?#? and I'wniwptiwu. Trail** m l Miu^u.m ultnl ?*iii fr^*? PUr?lol?u? Homo Cure. 1810 (tirorl Ax., rtilad*., l'o ?MNE | LIMITED MEANS OR EDU ALL OUR '.000 GRADL'AT t. II. FAKK I'AID. ioiri) AT 8H.IIO. r,A - AI A R Q? frx Conrm. VJ^A. /AL<ri. It i? ? GUARANTEED CURE fqr jit bowel ttoubt blood, wind co the stomach, bloated bowels, pains after eating, liver trouble, sallow skin n regularly you are eiek. Constipation kills mo starts chronic oUmrota arm tone years of miflV CA3CARETQ today, for you will never get \* 9 right, Take our advice, start with Cascarc*. I money refunded. The genuine tablet stamp [l booklet free. Address Sterling Remedy Com| i i nnsi ? i1 i fJ* ?- ' nr^anaaMS ^HICKENSl^ |M ?? r?*qulr S^k^^dollurs learning by experience. so yot We offer this to you for only 25 cents, even if you merely keop them as a dlt you must know something ubout them. To m< experience of e prsctlaal poultry ralter for (< by a man who put all his mln.1, and time, nnd Ing?not as a pastime, but as n business and work, you enn save many Chicks annually, at point Is, that you must he nblo to detect troufc and know how to remedy In This book will I disease; to feed for eggs and also for fattening nnd everything, Indeed, you should know on >aid for twonly-five cents in stamps. Boo* i'i m. W. L. DOUGLAS S4.00, S3.50, $3.00, S2.50 shoes tmVwohld. W.L. Douglas shoes / \ are worn by more m- Wa men than any other ^ : ^4 make. The reason fcfis is, they hold then tfW shape,fit better, wear ' y longer, and have \ greater intrinsic 1 value than any jk other shoes. Sold Euerywhtre. jiM'il ' I.nuK rt>r nnmr and prior an Ixittam. DoukIu <! ? Corona Coltrkln, which li rrorrwlierrronrrdeil tobetlie Hnrti I'utent Leather yet produced, fait Co or f yrltta uatd Shoe* by mall,26 crntt rxtra. Write tor (.'alalny. W. L. UUUULAS, Brockton, Mm. Small Potatoes result from a lack of Potash i; in the soil. Potash pro! duces size and quality. , a I u a b I c _ books which ^?r'^-y" ~ < .v, VgU [ explain more ^SSBSS^^^ip-y tilizing value GERMAN KALI WORKS, , Jt?w Y?rli ? UK Nassau Sln?|. or I Atlanta, Go.?SVU So. Ilroud Hi. m tnmm^mm m in wm wi FREE to WOMEN A Lar^e Trial Box and book of instructions absolutely Free and Pno. paid, enough to prove the value o 1 PaxtineToiiet Antiseptic Puxtln* is In powder form to dissolve In woltr ? nnn-poisonou * /jkiiand lar superior to liquid antiseptic* containing ' Alcohol which Irritates ii\jT V V Inflamed surfaces, and \SWT^~^ hu? e no clemming prop &Pwmi ^ P$?sfv erlies. The contents * i.Sj? ifiWe*} ?' every l")* makes *39L. "V* Jg'Mrf n?oro Antiseptic Solu V ,vt>?y * <3? ' X"1'1 further?tins more uses fit th-i family and antiseptic preparation Miliar* yuu can buy. Tht formula of a noted Boston physician, and used with threat success as a Vaginal Wash, for Lcucorrhoca, Pelvic Catarrh, Nasal Catarrh, Sore Throat, Sore Eyes, Cuts, and all soreness of mucus membrane. In local treatment of female ills 1 * . xtiiio is invaluable. I'scd as a Vaginal Yv'ash we cliallongo the world to produce its equal for thoroughness. i t is a r< \ < lati >n in cle.ito ing and healing pow r; it kills all germs which cause in lamination and discharges. A11 lendingtlrup, ts ke? p I'm till. : pri?-c.rOc. a box; It > nrsdoc.tnot,si-nil to usfiir it. Itrni't tako a substitute ? there Is tiov lung bko^'axtine. WrlteforthnFrro Hut of 1'itxlliie toskvy. li. PAX TON CO., 7 Pope Bulg., Postern, Itfass. ^ cured E Removes all swelling in S to so days; effects n prnuuncnt cure in .to to ts, days. Trial 11 eat ment given free. Notliingcan be faire* Write Or. H. H. Green's Sons, Specialists. Box H Atlanta. 6* Saw llRitis Tho DoLoach Patent Variable Friction Feed Saw Mill with 4 li p. cuts a.ouo fret |>er day All sires and prices to suit. Del.ouch Shingle Mills Hdeers, "1 rimtnrr*. Planers ; Corn and Btthr Mills. Water Wheels, I.ath Milts, Wood Satvs Our handsome new Catalog will interest you DoLoach Mill Mfg. Co.. Bo* S.M. Atlanta.' Ga So. 1<?. Johi\ W. Atkinson (&j Co., RICHMOND X/ A . I'uluts, Oils, Varnishes. Ac. Try Tlita , tf?tniidur?l" llrnily .lllxcil House I'nlnis. tVDIES! DO YOU SUFFER t h Monti-sly Headache*? ?nc uwtrtt icr them. ?e prompt relief is magical A BOTTLE AT ALL DRUGGISTS. BY A S5.00O fUtfl/fff/ ltANK CATION NO HINDRANCE. ES AT WORK. WKITK TODAY TO US. COLLEGE, Macon Ga. THE i wxirsu a V CATHARTIC y# ps. appendicitis, billou?nrsa?Tai7?reath^ba^|| foul mouth, headache, indigestion, pimples, R nd d!xzineaa. When your bowels don't move I re people than nil other diseases together. It 8 rtr.g. No mutter what ails you, start taking I rell and stay weU until you get your bowels I S today under absolute guarantee to cure or P ed C C C. Never sold in hulk. Sample ?a<l g finny, Chicago or New York. 5?3 y 'N MONEY If Y^U Rive tbem help. You k cannot do this aniens yon itnnd Ibein and know how to enter to their riuents, nnd you cannot spend years nnd 1 must buy the knowledge acquired by others. Ycu want thetn to pay tlxtlr own wny rerslou. In order to haudle fowls jud'oiou'iy, pet this want we are seillug a hook giving the )niy 2.1c.)twenty-five years. It was written 1 money to maktng a sueoesh of Chiekon rn'sif you will profit by bis twenty-five yenra'' id make your Fowls earn dollars for you. The ile Ip the Poultry Yard as soon as It appears, teach you. It tells how to detest and cure j; which fowls to save tor breeding purpose*.; this subject to make it profitable. Sent post idi isniMd IIocbk, 131 LeonardSt., N V. Cltj,