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/ h ) tems of Local Interest I for i\v* laat few days the weath- ' et 1h?* b><?o'decidedly wipterish. j Mise Beitha Masney returned Friday frmu a visit tr> reiatives in Rock Hill. It la time now for the candid dea ta coiiip to the front and let the <Jenr know who is t^oicg to nut). Quite a nuitit>er of Fort Millian-s went to Charlotte Fri<J y to .witness the play of Joe JeflFet:&o*i in The Rivals" Me?eic. L. A.., R. P. and Juo. S. Harris have rec?wt4y toouulrt out j the ComtiHiiv utorc < ? the Pni-? Mill : If fir. Company, Hcd Iwive n very tntcrestinir niuo<?uuce?iont in stiot^er colutitu whii4i should be read nil of our read era. Rev. J. K. McMntinway, formerly pastor of the Baptist Church ! here and editor of the Pott Mill j jtfejra, was in Fort Mill Friday in the interest of the Baptist Courier, of which he is now traveling; representative. j Tlvs loillowivK Fort Mill iyen ! have b?eu drawn to serwas jurors i!-wu*tr the eecoyd week of the approaching term of the court: W. A. Grifhu. B- S. Torrenee, O. H. ; Branson, J. L. Oab>?rue, Walter Stevens. ti... ..i..-: :? ' uiv, ounr.iwft 01 Oold Hill school will he held on j tfie 20th, 2l*t and 2?ud of jthis ,month. It in always hu event of : a j^reat deal of importance in Fort j Mill township, as the Gold Hill school ia one of the best in the county. Among those who have lx?eu mentioned an candidates iu the ap- j preaching cau.pAign are the following from this township: For sheriff, ?T. H. Sutton; for clerk, J. A. Tate; for treasurer, .1. R Ilaile; for supervisor, W. H. Wiudle; for j the House, C. P. Blankenship and | f?. Kpps, Sr. Trw**- No. 31 and 32, the Southern's Palm Limited,p issed through here Monday on the final trip of (the season. The Florida trains on #Jl the other Southern roads were also taken off Monday, which 1 il t 1 I < ui?rKM me rorinm Closing or the Sanson fl tourist, travel. A few days a^o the black mar- | tin, or ft wallow, made hi? appearance mid sou tided his mellow whistle for springtime. A weatherwiae ; (iiHu noid the wiater was broken. : tSiiu-e then we h ive had the thermometer down about 32 decrees. | We w. ?uld like to kaow whether the man or the martin made the | ci intake. The contract for grading the ! foundations for the 100-foot ext.en- j ion of the Millfort mill has not up ' to this time been awarded, hut a' purohr of bids nave tyeen submit ! ted and it is understood that the 4E*#utract will be let rlarini; the week ind flint the grading will bejjin ' Ui? first of next week. The Times a few days a^o re maived ? very interesting communication from the Clay H.ll see j Son of the county, but eanuot publish it because the writer failed to sitru his name thereto. It is a rule with all newspapers thai cum immicauons thus* oe?r me wriwr s signature, otherwise they tiiui h j quiet resting plHie in the editor's waste basket. A force of lineman arrived yes- I terday morning to stretch the line of wire from the mills in this place , to the Catawba Power Company's ! |>lant on Catawba river. It is understood that the motors, etc., for the mills are en route and are daily expected to arrive. Immediately ; upon the arrival of the electrical equipment a force of engineers install the same, and it is thought that our mills will he humming | with electric power inside of a! mouth. ; [t is probable that 'lie dates fori the aiiuual reunion ot the Confederate veterans of the tue Slate in Charleston will be changed from j May 17 18 10 on account of the j conflict with the State Democratic | convention. There was no intention to have the conflict and as the date of the Ktate convention cannot be changed the reunion dates must be altered if the conflict is not to j take place. A meeting of the committee will he held in a few days to act tipou the matter. County Chairman J. S. lirice o /.ui! f... *1.* iv ianf _ ic clubs of the county to assemble at their places of meeting: on Sat- j urday, 2drd inst. for the purpose j of electing drhgHtes to the county ; convention which meets in Yorkville mt May 2. At the comity convention, ten delegates will he elected to represent the county in State convention to be held in Columbia May 18th. A member of the State executive committee from York county will be elected, as will also a county chairman. It is hoped that all members of the clubs will attend the precinct meetings, for if they do not turn out and aid in the election of the delegates, the purpose of the club meetings is destroyed. r i TPTD TPT mSmm ?eEn*JE JC A. Bea Sxxit o We will &ive to tl number of beans c store, a handsome How to Seem With every nO-c these tickets emit have, the better yc w u i uiiurL', I Jie rx interested parties < jive us your pat cheaper than our i JS/LXT-.T. Mr. S. \V. Merrill in the posm rsor of ii len-tnontbs-nld heu that probably holds the record for laying e^s. During the past thirtyfour da \? this particular fowl has laid thirty two e^ir*. and Mr. Merritt says that she show a noeiirusof qiitt.wt; t lis most profitable practice. W TT nrtm iiutiiiicui, a young white man who was formerly employed in on one of the twills at this place, was triisl liefore Mayor ,1. .1. Hull, of Rock Hill, Monday upon the charge of grossly indecent conduct in the presence of several young ladies. There were eight indictments. Hunnicut was found guil ty upon each clmrge and sentenced to pay a line of 525 or serve HO days on the county chain gang for each offence. In all probability Hunnicut will take an appeal to the circuit court. The railways have announced the special rates to St. Louis on account of the Louisana Purchase Exposition May 1st to December 1st. The rates are already in effect. The round trip ticket for the season will be $HC>. 10; the 60-day limit ticket. $30 10; limit ticket, $21 05; the special day rate will he $18.30, the holder of the last not being entitled to ride any where except in the day coach and will have to leave St Louis within ten days after the ticket was bought. All tickets will have to be validated by the agents at St. Louis before a.. - -' * mtr rciuru trip. To Have New Depot. Fort Mill is at last to have a now passenger do|V)t. Superintendent Henry A. Williams of the Southern was in town a few days ago and stated that work on the new depot would be commenced within a few weeks. The present passenger depot is entirely to small for the needs of the town ami by reason of tbc fact that it is located on the west side of the tracks from the business portion of the town has been a standing menace to life and property, a number of persons and vehicles have narrowly escaped injury from incoming southbound trains, by reason of the fact that lie trains cannot he seen until within a huu Ired yards of the depot. The new depot will be located conveniently to the business district of the o vn, almost opposite the old depot on the east side of the tracks, the stated dimensions being 22 by 4H fert. It will, of course, be provided with sepernte waiting rooms for the races, and besides will have a baggage and express room and a ticket offi -e. The announcement of the new depot gives much satisfaction, as there tins been a great deal of complaint against the pieseut pass* 11 ger faculties. NOTICE?I am now pre par ft (1 to furnish Single Comb Brown Leghorn Eggs, at $1.00 per setting of |8. My chick, ens are bred from prize winners entitled to registration. Apply to J. W. Koonco, Fort Mill S. C. A Fort Miu. Woman Asks "have yon a floor paint that will last two weeks?" Yes we have Devoe's; it has a beautiful gloss and will wear twt years if properly applied. W. B. Aro drey & Co. Fewer gallous, wear* logger; Devoo D. EKE! ."ULtlflXl ! ? Furn le customer guessing the obtained in a iar. now $7r> Suit of Furniture. re Guesses: cut purchase we issue } les you to one guess. 1 >ur chance to possess tlii sans will be counted on J1 and the suit'awarded to t ronage. We seiJ you g< competitors, and it costs Respectfully yours, sS % ?????? ???? I lie Old Reii ! Special ? F< j|j During April, i Boy's and Chi ing will be sol Regardlesj Boy's Knee P* cheaper than 3 sibly buy the I why not buy much labor? Yours for ? Who flld D01 11110 uiu noi 1 T- >el A NNOUNCK ME N T S J i FOR CLERK OF THE COURT- ( \17eart? nnthnrixpfl toamumiiw Mr. J. ] a WILBORNof Rook Hill, am a cnnrtidiite for OT.KRK OFTHKCOURT , mr i ors county mmjoor to mo action j of the Democratic party in the nominat- ( ing primary no\.t. *uminer. FOR SHERIFF. , i ' VVTeare authorized to aimonnco Mr. < JOHN F. GORDON ana candidate ! for the office of SHKHIFFof York coun- < ty, subject to the choice of the Democratic voters as the same may bo ex- ! pressed in the primary election of Augur: uo. i EEC. |75 , .itxix*e. ' exact or nearest exact ? on exhibition at our I I rou a ticket. Ten of hey more ' is magnificent Suit of Lil v 20th, by three dishe successful guesser. >ods as cheap, if not . vou nothing to guess. TXXTO awe StBre l Sale I )r April. I our line of ? ldrcns Clotli- ? > of Cost. I ints arc made ?? ran can pos- <?) - cloth, and x and save so ? business, g iable Store,! K, PROP. 1 Notice of Election. Thorn will ho uu olor.tion helrt, in tho (ownof Fort Mill, S. C., by tho qualiliitl voters of s?i<l town; on Tuowlay, in- iifiii iii?y ut April, ivit>4, between the hours of lOn. hi. nnd 2 p. in. to decide ' whether or not the present charter diiill be surrendered, ill order to accept incorporation under the (lencral huvs >f the State governing Municipal CV>r- | pnrations, enacted in 1002. Fallot* to read?"Shall Charter be nrrendered." Tlu?se desiring to vote in the affirmative must write "Yes", in ballot; thorn in the negative, "No." I* N. Cnlp T.I). Faulkner and J. C. Hughes have been appointed managers, lly order of the Council. T. S. KIRKPATRICK, Attest: Iutondant. J. M. SPRATT, Clerk. WE ARE To show you one -of the prettiest MILLBNE Spring Dre At as low priest as ever offered. Mis nir Millinery room and is assisted luive about one lumdretl hats triiuiuec soleet from, ami will be pleased to lm \\ ?? llfllTO li.J* ? ? ..... V mu urvv MMl'h i at ire stock was bought from Armi t?urne<l out iti the Baltimore ft re, ami Call and see the new floods and ? Compare O And don't forget that you ^ot a every dollar's worth of Kuods you bu$ L. J. ]\1A YOURS PR Have you decided on we can help you. 3SJ ?"w F'IslIC In Green mixed, very KZm otted Nice and shear, in live A.11 Ijinen Nothing nicer, in Gre* JVLottloci 111 Black and Navy, 3? B?1 Crushed Kids, Black i JEiemcilkLOD Pure Linen, very shea Vnri' ?..??* I." ... U....; -1 T W. > IIV.UI IVIIIIII (MUCR Plain Hemstitched, a Hand; In all colors, 25c, 50c, Cora Summer Nets and Gir< R. & <*. Tape 1 Corsets, Meacham " 1 1 M. " t.' > Sixty-Sevei Will buy one pair ol pers, if yon will conn out. These Shoes go < not last long at so Ion \V.. I *--!? -A ?tv- iuiv w tl iii 11 m()( ladies' low cut shoes i arc confident that yor giving them a glance chase. Get the habit and c stock of Slippers. McElhaney PRICE CI j 1 1 ANNOUNGEMENT. > \\ e linve bousjit tlie mercantile interest of the Fort Mill Mann faeturing Company and are open f<>r business in their old stand. We wiJi to have our friends and P tlie public at large to call, talk 1 prices to us and if you can, let us do some business with you. We shall endenvor nt all times to give you value received. Yours truly, Ja>n. A. Harris, n Rob. P. Harris, Jno. S. Harris. P. S.?All paities owing the d Fort Mill Manufacturing Coin- ^ pany will please settle at once. - - 1 J TT Travwinlr Rr. f!n v W * * WJ f f w WVIJ m DEALERS IN FINE LIQUORS J AND WINES, i No. 42 East Trade St. 1 CHARLOTTE. - - - N. 0. reIdy itiki most fjtskUjHHbte Hues of RY and 86 Goods, s Louise (Jairiann has charge of hy Miss Mabel Ardrey. They 1 Htwi several hundred. shapes to re your order. iu Millinery this ^ason, as our jtrontr, Cator & Co.. who were all the old slock was destroyed. \xr Prices, tirket for tit.e $300 Piauo with t frotu uh. 8SBY. 11 1 Am SUIT it? If not, come ail4 ? Goods chick, 35c yard. Voiles. : colors, 12i-2c yard. Suiting: ;n and Blue mixed, 35c "Voiles. ic per yard. ts. ;Yt md (Colors, 23c and 50c. , roliiofs. . r<n,l ir, 10c each. **?? id Linen, 10c each, good one, 5c each Bags. 75c and $1.00 each. letsdle.s, 50c. $1.00. 6 Epps. i Cents t f Ladies Douglas Slip- ;* i before they are sold jn sale to-day, and can caprice. ? :.i:k of gentlemens* and v n all leathers and we i will loose nothing by before making a pur.*rv. ome along to see our -Parks Co. TTKSS. X^ork Well Done. o v Have you Table Cloths, Countermines, Doilies, Window Curtains, >lankets, etc., laundered by the Model Steam Laundry, of Charlotte, N, C. Prices for laundering the above rticles cheerfully furnished. Our shipments arc made Thursay mornings and returned Saturlays. WcElhancy .-Parks Co. Tfci CUtktag ?d |k?? kM Don't suffer with yonreyw and iPRtlHcheB. Have them tested mutt itteil with proper glasses. Examnation absolutely free and glasses it half price for a short time. Sat? BfRction guaranteed or no pay. L. J. MASSEY, i