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t ?tACM THE SPOT. core nn aching back. T?t?? paint; of rheumatism. The tl redout feelings. Tow must reach the spot?get at the ?an&r In most rases 'tis the kidneys. TV van's Kidney Pills are for the kidBeys. <0harles Bierhneb. stone contractor, living at 2t?25 Chestnut St.. Krie, Pa., 1 says: "For two I I. - I I Sir trouble. and there w,,s su, h ? $puin throu?h mv loins and limbs <llUI 1 ?Ot ''vl stoop rr straighten ul? without great pttin, had ditlieulty '{firat?-^?| in gettiiiR about ioffitC an<1 U:,s tillable to 8^R3a?fe^?Mroj ro9t s,t nipllt> aris' ' inu inl'tired and worn out. Wx$l$fa?'Tho kidney seeref?* ^off a. lions wore im?guular and deposited h?*nvy sediment. Doctors treated me for rheumatism, but failed to help tne. I lost /ill confidence in inediciue, and betpin to feel as if life were not worth living bean's Kidney I'ills, however. relieved me so quickly und so tborough. I3 Uial I gladly made n statement to tbot effect for publication. Tliis was in ISC>8, and during the six years which 1 bivi- elapsed I lnrve never known | Doau's Kidney Pills to fail. They cured my wife of n severe case of hacka>-be in the same thorough manner." | A free trial of this great kidney nicdlr.*ne which cured Mr. ltierhach will be [ availed on application ti? any part of ' the United States. Address Fosterllilhnrn Co.. Buffalo, N. V. For sale hy all druggists; price f?0 cents per box. Are Kind to Their Hories. Evidently there is one place where t?he*rr Is little need of a society for ttfae prevention of cruelty to animals, atnd that. Is Jersey. The farmers there sure ho careful of their horses that fcbey do not work them more than is absolutely necessary, and frequently I ?V> work w'.-Jeh Ib done elsewhere by Hors?*s Jf a farmer ha.s to plow a heavy l>?ere of M'ound he Is obliged to use Hi* tnjn. out 1*' the ground which is to be broken tin is light it is very jscmboblr that he will take the place of a. Horse At hrst glance labor of this kind Bxay 8PRm very irksome, but it reallv its not. for the fanes in Jersey are jmai) uml it does not take long to cultivate tl'.e ground. Still, in other 9Jbu-<- wh re the farms are equally *uu7? no one thinks of sparing the Vorscs. and there is little doubt that vjy ti?-<lnt e agriculturists consider the Jersey farmers far behind the tunes fteraoso In the kindness of their tvnrr* they are as lenient to their 1 'horses as possible. 'ITT I suffered vrtih chronic con- ' dnrinn thin tiny J liw-t ?.. ntk? n:i . v" AJUl V. :\t or (turn r\ <r\ l\ liuurti )?efr*rc 1 IWM vJvfr^r- n mr, bo* ?it lUpph i ? . l l\m n Wrll lil.tti. 1 ' nw^iTiK .h<< lO cy.jis before I u?rd C?*etirri? l kr untold misery Willi Internal idle*. Tl.nnk* ?iimu I urn (r?f. fr..ui nil ilim i)n, inorntnir. You i * *?! I L It lu buluil. ill ' iffr'Tjnj; lllllr.AIIlt V '1 B. K. f'iitjMr. KiiaooVo. 111. 5 _^es* ^or E *^'ie bowels r XttBllk. CANDY CATHARTIC ' ?)?*?*.nt. l'Mut .b!e. Poteei. Tittle Hood Do Hood, Mevvr aickru, Weaken or Clrlpe. 10c. .' <>< N'.\er <1 ol-l In tinlk Ttie eonnlnt tal In (lumped C?'C. AmssdI' . d to cure or your money linok. Jitrrlirg Remedy Co., Chicane or N.Y. 603 ANNUAL SALE,'f Eli KILUOM BOXiS , frH'ipiVp1'K"wini" i ItiLKL. a J SUCKER LIKE V^2xKVS I forty years ago and after many years \ of use on the eastern coast. Tower's HfcfcJjCTproof Oiled Coats were introduced \ rs the West and were called Slickers by ttw pioneers and cowboys. This graphic jnarve has cc-.-ne into such general use that rit is frequently though wrongfully applied ie> jBwvy substitutes. You want the genuine Look for the .Sign of the fish.and WV the name Tower on the buttons. ' MAM IN M. ACX AN? VUJ.OW A*0 a OLD EY RPPRKSf.NTATIVn TRACE f Jfift THE WORLD OVER. .aUL* a:J TOWM C0,BCST0N.KA5S.U.S A ^ TOWtB (AHHD1AH CC.I mrtfdI.TOBOIiTO.C.4W ?"hroni<* N?wm1 diiri?i ? ?r l ( ?*n wpr. Tr??nt??o And St my tan* Manfe -eni fne Homo (.hire, IBIS GiraiJ Aie.. I'biladA., t'? John W Atkinson (Sb Co., RICHMOND V A . FaIhi>. Oil-. > urni-lir-. Ac. Tr? Th s j llemly Mixed (lemur I'Mftitft. _ *i? I I ^ w^l^t All IL^AIU^ ^ j^j ^ Biim ~ STOf V? V* f',~. For nil hlncU nn<l < ! ! jjw S? 15 1? |ri "' ("ll'ul J'K* <","'">!"!1''' Ik^T tjHf ! Motlrrn s*o:-> Kpnn?? W# I ,-'ltjL_J Uyf n ull'f" II SOUTHERN F-'OUD '* COMMERCIAL LATIN. Volapuk and Esperanto Already Dead Languages?Wonderful Discovery. The necessity for a universal lan guage has now passed beyond the realm o( discussion. With the railroads, the high speed steamers, tho telegraph and the telephone bringing human beings closer together every day. it is outrageous that speech should still continue to separte them. Let us. therefore, unify all langaug:s. Hut what language will the trust of mankind speak? A living language is not to he considered; the national print- 01 urn many naiions would nave to bo encountered. Artificial languages have 110 prospect of success; they arc too arbitrary, Cnder the plea of progress. Esperanto, which superseded Volapuk. is already opposed hv the "Neutral Language" and "by the "Common Tongue." Dr. Colombo asserts that oniy a dead language has any chance of success. and that Latin is the most availaide. To begin with, it is not a language that is to be made; it is already constituted; it is taught in all connMies. Ten million persons can speak it, and, being more synthetic than any other, it is eminently th language of the telegraph. But it is said that Latin i- n difficult language. Yes. if literary Latin is meant; and that is why the periodicals printed in tiiat language in Leip- 1 sic. in Merlin and in Rom ? have their subscribers only anions th learned: no. if commercial Latin ia meant. The latter is as simple as anytbins can he. The sailors, the soldiers, and the merchants of Home, tauu'.it it without , difficulty to the barbarians v.-ho dwelt j nlon^ the Seine, the Thames, the I Rhine, the Nile and the Euphrates. Dr Colombo declares that he has t rediscovered commercial Latin in the j ruins of Pompeii. It has no deponent | verbs: the passive is formed in ail ! cases by means of the auxiliary j "-urn:" it employs the shortest words; its grammar is reduced to a minimum. and it has no amphibologies. This kind of Latin Is clearness itself, and j can be mastered in a few lessons by a school bo v. > If it should he adopted as the uni- ' vorsnl lancrimaro tha ivnm-i* wasted over it by so many mpdiocre students in the higher educational Inst itui!. ns will immediately become time u.-"fully employed. l'nder the auspices of the Unguistit I'nion of the Cote d'A/.ur. 111*. Cole;.il >. in furtherance of thin now important movement, has already published a "Manual of Commercial Latin." CotTrrler d s Ktats I r.L How the Farmer Is Benefited. The grange 1.- a ben lit to the farnir beeause it. gives him a r?*spect for i lis railing and an enrourag"inent to nako something of himself; beeause i helps 11? train his mind and thougnts o ttsefuln* ss: instills a partiotism i mil engenders a spirit of fraternity rhich i. the gr atost sweetener of inmnn toil. It furnishes a medium hrntigh which his desire for the good if himself and others can material 7<>; it directs Itis efforts to greater isefulness. The grange benefits the armor Just in proportion as he strives hroiigh the grange to benefit bis asoeiates. When the individual niemier ceases to ask of the grange. What is tliere in it for me?" hut asks Jither. "What can I put into it?" then hall the greatest usefulness of the range be realized.- -W. N. Ciles, sectart New York State (1 range. Senator iturton. of Kansas, was eonii ted at St. 1 ,ouis of having accepted ompensntion to protect the interests a the Hiaito fSraln and Securities Com>.tny liefore the Postoffice I Apartment. PITS permanently cured. N<> fits ornorvmisio.vs after first dn\'s use of Hi-. Klii-e's Croat Mervc Itos. -irer.^'it rial holt Ion ml t rent i-.-t roe Pr. It. II. Ki.isk, Ltd.. it: 11 A roll Si. Philii.. Pa The man wlio marries live times in or<it-r (.? (ni'\ iiice liimsi i >tutr mairiii&c is a i.moho on lit to be lurked up lor wife keeping. For lldr. and Tlit? Notice The .Tohti A Silver ^rcd Co., La Crosso, Wis., n il! send free 1 pkg. Mnv 1st Carrot in.1 p'.jr. Karliesl (Irecn Fating Onion. .. .1... 1 pkg. IV. |i <)i D.'iv Tomato. ?(! 1 pkg. Salzei's Flash Light l.ndieh Inc. 1 t>ke Lang Oui.-L. Quick Ttidish .'do. 1 .a-- o....... -r ?" >>- > * . .. . i 11 .ii ,\u i\n<i;<n inc Altovr six rare novelties. the choicest anil ' nest ?>t thin kind, have a retail value nt 70e.. but tliey are mailed to ynu free, together with Salter's big catalog. well " irth SI00 00 to every wide awake gardener. all upon receipt of but fiOr. in pastage and 5b'< notice. IA.(\T..| Nothing nuiki*- a woman so angrv ;i? to -1 a for his candid opinion of Iter ami get it. Mi>. Wlnslow'sSi nhtagSvrup lorchihlrwn tee' bine, soften tin* gums. reducesInflninmat ion allays res wind otic, vtfie. a liott l? \t w nuving experience a man seldom b mst- i f Ins bargain. I'ieo's ture Is the best medicine we evemsefl for all affections of llnont ami lungs.? Wm. (.?. Knpsi.v.V, V.llilnireii. Ind., Feb. 10 l'.'OO. 'loo many pen pie are anxious to finni-h a came regardless .it tlie effect. Kiuit aeuis wdi not stain goods dyed with 1'ITNAM KaPKT.KRH 1)YKS. Never judge a man's reputation for i:nthfulness hy what he says when in iove. IE FRONTS - iiirt* nmiuiiiK' "* uirninr. an inaiorlal t-ntcrin.Itotv Kronth Wrlto i<? ;?!? ! ><?ur prnpomnl buildin I My li' 01 (r<>nl and w ill ??nd yon, ! ' K KK Oll:i?' I'rin* I'litn, and ?in?n y?u: un xtrrmaly low ir Evorlnisitinfi irl*yov all ill !}'> >( ! 'W?nl Nrw York ?v oaf Sflld lor ( |% I ii Iniin r 1DRY CO.. Owensboro, Kentucky VDIES! DO YOU SUFFER t h Monthly Headaches? iKo CAPUDINE for them. i? prompt relief is magical A BOTTLE AT ALL DRUGGISTS. THE JURORS BRIBED Startling Revelations in a Western Court of Justice FOUR MEMBERS FACED THE CHARGE Judge Orders Entire Panel in Important Case Into the Custody of the Sheriff. San Cranelsco, Special.?Late Wednesday afternoon Superior Court Judge Cook announced from the bench that an attempt iiad been made to tamper with the jurors in the Molkin ease, lie declared that he would discharge the jure tomorrow ami begin the trial of the case anew. Acting: upon information that four jurors had I teen bribed to favor the prisoner. .Mrs. Cordelia Botkin. Judge Cook ordered the jury into the custody of 11 sheriff until tomorrow morning when he will formally dismiss the jur\ and begin the impanelling of a new one. !t is allege J that beside four jurors who are said to have been in tiuc-med. an attempt was made to bribe a fifth one. Mrs. Botkin's attorney made a passionate :-i ech. disclaiming tlmt Mrs. Botkin. or any one connected with her ease, was implicated. H also sa'd that he would not continue with the presi tit jury. The State's at totnej concurred in a motion to tire jury A brief investigation was held by Judge Cook after t lie jury left the room. Chief of Police Wittmun testified that one of the jurors had followed him to Iris otfiee after the noon adjournment yesterday and said that on the previous evening a stranger liit<1 called on hini and said: "We have secured four jurors fen the defense and want a fifth We will give you $.r?0.' Tl\e juror told the chief that he turned down the offer, asserting thai "1 am no such dirty man. 1 would not take *:,<> nor $r>o,nurt." Confirmed Bristow. Washington. Special.?The siatctnenis mjule to the \IoCall investigating i "nunittc e by Chief Inspector Cochran of the I'ostollh e Department "were made public Wednesday. Air. Cochran onArmed the testimony of Mr Waters before t he committee, t: it the original lis: of < lerk hire < asc s was pre pared by Mr. Witters in N->cember after the original Bristow r< port w ;s wrilt: n and before it was printed. Mr. Cc>? i.ran had ordered Waters to prepare this list on an order from Bristow for the putt - of rub ?w; il :! I ing -| si llctncni Ml I >t";ilKr,,' ti::ti made it< his roj rt that there were a hundred alitor such cases involving Congressmen" . the.* than the '< \ ho h. ii) referred t - in his report. Mr. ?'richran iilont iiioil i is original list, which Mr. Bartlott. of tin* romntitte o produced. having retain- 1 if wln-11 it was presented liv Mr. Waters. Mr. C tchrati e-rintlrmed Mi. Mristow's testimony that ho (llristowi had not seen tli - list <>f < lor!, hire and lease i aso; that was prepare'! for tin I louse committee* on postolllros a:ui p >sr roads. I.Ives and Property Lost. Detroit Spi rial? Five live- have been lost and upwards of $:{.0(>(>.000 damage litis been done to property by the floods during the pas: live lays. Tuesday night the indications are that the en d is in sight, though conditions tire still ver> lnid at (irand Rapids and also along the course of the Saginaw river. At Grand Rapids the rivet lias fallen two feet to day. ami at Saginaw and Hay City, while no such marked improvement is to be noted, the fact that much of the ice tint. blocked the month of the rive;- has gone out is taken as a favorable indieation. Tonight the ice gorge went out and the river began falling. Six Chinamen Deported .Tncksonvile. Special.- Six Chinamen who ware ordered depone: by I'nited Stat":- C tmmissioner An hihnld last week, have failed to perfect then appeal within the time specified, and today the commissioner issued to the i'nited States marshal six writs for deportation. The Chinamen will he taken to San Francisco and delivered to the master of it vessel sailing ior China. Race Trouble Quid. I'.oaston, Spe ial. He manager of the limber mill at Sllshec Tues lay t - tolti wtnf <??1 * -.v_i ouii' m *?? ?i i ?? iwr I I lJTTUIf' ill tlint point had quieted down. rn. ' of thp negroes having flrd when " rar-tlke demonstrations were made. They had ? ensiderable friction at that point ;u v< ral v.liitf men being robiicd an I the homes of the negroes tired. The man. Mullock, who A.i8 ambushed and diot by negro footpads, died this afternoon of his wounds. The other two wounded nun are getting along well \Vhil<> a scan h was made for the negro* >vho ban done the shooting, there \v,i< no attempt t<? molest the other negroes outside ol dosing tip a blind tigc. Mig Store Burned. Newark N. .1.. Special.?The Broad street store of the C.eorke Company was gutted by tire, entailing a loss o( $100,000. Tbe store, which is six stories in height, has a frontage of 50 feet on Broad street, with a large ell 200 feet wide on Market street front, and was prevented front spreading l?y the shutters. The 14-story building of the Prudential I,iff Insurance Company stands within 100 feet of the Georke store, and the tire corps of the building poured j volumes of water on the flames from above. J forth, of St. Joseph, was cured of falling its accompanying p; Lydia E, Pinkhair/s "Dear Mrs. I'ixkium:?Life feels that her strength is fading a being restored. Such was 1113* fecli 1 advised that my ]>oor health was cai ; womb. The words sounded like a set ; hut I.ydia E. Piiiklmm'H Vog 1 an elixir of life; it restored the los g d health, returned to me. For daily and eaeh dose added health ai the help 1 obtained through its 1 1W)7 .M'les Ave., St. .Joseph, JMicli. A mcdieine that lias restored en 11 produce proof ?>i* the faet nun is tl>e record of Lydia 15. l'inklm cannot be equalled by uny other duccd. Here ? troubled \v (lie.v 1 j ti: . %! <^\ ^M dim S(M*:'u ; |f t\ \ tni'jliciii", '**+> U Ij.vlin I? i | jiree *'1' I Center *t., JS ?FRr,K X'ii'iK'AL A I ^R'oiupji would s;ivo time un \rrite to 31rs. I* iiiMtam tor:i(lvic( loins ai?i>enr. it is free, ami has rif^lit road to r -i ovcry. >1 rs. Pinkhrim never violates Iter, and al'lioiiv;h sho imlilidx-s WOltK'tl tt'htl ItOVIt ltl'1'11 novcr in nil lior^x^ri'-Hcr liassli the full consent, ;uut often l>y s;?e I tHrAlRiri FORFEIT r \7ocn::not t irthwit ^L|%MSbun iibuvo to?; ) f ^l.i? li will j Jw tJ l-ycila i ? Statue of l'o[ll> I< . Itondi. ili?> Italian sculptor, lias com iiionceil to work on the great tuarhle statue of the late pontiff. which will crown a hill that overlooks f'arpiuoto. Italy, i'ope Leo's birthplace. S r a rE or Ohio. ft rv > Toi.rho, ) r.XtCAK CorSTV. 1 " Frank .1. ('m .wv .c.tic oath itint I"' i? senior partner of t li "rat of 1". .1. i'iikm.< A: <'<?.. doing Liim cs? i;i t nc t'it\ of loli-co, t'ount> and sot af'U'-Miid. and that said I'rin will j si v tit sunt < ! ict: iicmoikh iuh i.aux f-r cn.'h and every ease of catarrh that <1111110! tie cured iiy tle'llS" of IIai.i/s Catarrh < ,a;K. Frank .1. Fiikxkv. Sworn to liefore me and suhseritied in mv , ? ? presence, tilts titli day of PncemI | SKA i.. iicr, A. It., lwS(i. A.w. til.HAHON. ? Xitlnri/ Pnhfir. llall's t 'atarrli 1 ure is taken internally, nuit ad' directly on th" ldood and inueotts s?trfuces of the system. Send for 1 estimoiiin 1.-, free. F.J. Choky A Ca?., Toledo. I). Sold t'v all Druggists. 7.V. Take luill s FatnilA- idlU f..r w\iiaii. ii? . Agriculture In CaglHe. Land in Castile is in umiter part devoted to the priMlut tion .Y)l' wheal, and during planting ami harvesting limes laborers, especially reapers, are taken there from Cnlieiti. CURED AFT No matter or how : ^Here is one: Mrs. R. PLndell, cf 315 Fas; Biddlc Street, a well-known Baltimore lady, was cuied of rheumatisn: that she said was hereditary. Two , bottles of RHEUMACIDK did the work. ( Mrs. Geo. K. Packham, of 1517 East I Avenue, Baltimore, after suffering two years irg many other medicines, was cured by feu writes that she "feels like a new woman." Rheumacide aids the digest bloody tones up the en ASK YOUR DRU<: \ -V- ' * woman, M rs. Dan- ^ Mich., tolls how she 1 of the womb and ains and misery by Vegetable Compound. looks dark indeed when a woman way and she has no hopes of ever in# a few months a^o when I was used by prolapsus or falling of the knell to me, 1 felt that my sun had ctnblo Compound came lo me as t forces and built me up until my four months I took the medicine ml strength. I am so thankful for >? \t..o 7.". ? I ? i' UtlllKAtCi J'AiVrUKIH, I so many vomoii to health and it he ropirdcd with respeet. This m's Vcp'tahlo Compound, which medieiiie the world lias ever prot ]Mus. Pink ji am :? For years I was itIt tallin;; of the womb, irregular I menst i u.i. ion, 1 neorrhu a.! earings, haekarhe, headache. tii/.r.y and :.ells, Clid st i>*,I: trouble. ton 'i f. r about 1 i w years but did 0 improve, i beftan t be use of you r tiini have taken seven bottles of 'inkhnm's \ ep '.;;!>? Compound, il?-.o<l Purifier, and also used the Vx ii and l.iver Pills, and a a now ).>; 1 h alih.and li.iw ryiued in limit. Litic >an very liuteh for what you dm." for me, and lmnuih. ris om1 your medicine h> all sulfuring n."1 ? ,M ? Kmma JCnyjiuu, 21b Hust La-ion, Ohio. r>\ to won: d itiadi sickness if they would as .soon as any <li stres* i:ar s\ inu put thousands oi' uoux'ii on the tho oonftdo.iirf tSieatrusti'il to thousands of testimonials from d l?y hor udvieo and medicine, e x)ii!?li:?hod Kur-li a letter v. ilhout eial request ol' the writor. h j>r<xlui-o tho original U '.urr uud *ig?isture? cJ i- tii. ir nb'.ilntc i i.. J'lukiiuui M4-?t:. too Co., Lynn, .V.uaa. THESE BIRDS AR1 INGENIOUS. Ucs Spectacle Frames and Clock Springs for Their Nests. The crows of ih?> orient are said to ! far advanced in the art of stealing beyond the crows of this country. The story is told of a pair of crows at Morabay that robbed an optician of iu< i?- trntncs. entering his rnooi repeatedly for that purpose! Tin ;< bird:; Hrriod otl ? ij;hty-four spectacle francs of K?Id. silver ami steel, wliiclt were ; > ingeniously woven together in their ne.-.t that it wa.^ a vcritabh worii of .1 rt. Ir the Swiss Muscat:) of Natural History at Solour< is a wagtail's nest built mtlrely ??f clock springs. Several clock ma\< . s" shops were near, where the waste lay scattered about the doors. Tbi-, the birds had woven with much Ingenuity Into a nest n:ore than I'm four inches across and entirely comfortable for the little family. lie who advances always has the advantage in life's struggle. So ER 20 YEARS. standing the esse, RHEUMACIDE cures it. Hitjh Point. N. C., July 19. rinp for 20 years with inflammatory rheuma1 was induced to try a bottie o? RHEUMADL. After taking one bottle, I haw felt five VC^IS VOUTlPPr. I *rr? rsraxte 70 vearcni acre. tnd wish to testify that I believe RHEL MACIDE is the best remedy for rheumatism. MRS. MARV E. * WELBORN. ion, cleanses the tire system. iGI$T ABOUT IT. ' ' vf Cotton Gin Machinery PRATT. MUNGER. WINSHIP. EAGLE. SIMTH. Wo make the moat complete lino oi aoy concern ton the woild. Wc also make ENGINES and BOILERS, LINTERS for OIL MILLS. We sell everything needed about a Cotton Gin. Write for Illustrated C?tnlo?ue. Continents! Gin Co., Birmiwjhain, Aia. FREE to WORSEN A Large Trial Box and book of in1 structions absolutely Free and Postpaid, enough to prove the value of j PaxfineToitetAntiseptic Pnxtinc In In powder ?form to dissolve In water ? non-poisonous oncl fur superior to liquid nntirrptks )n? aJccho! v. hicii Irritates inllumrd surfaces, und crtics. 1 ,ic contents of every bo* mokes goes further?has more uses in the tamily and docs more gnod than any antiseptic preparation Tlx formula of a noted Boston physician, I and used with great success as a Vaginal Wash, for Lcucorrhcca, Pcivic Catarrh, Nasal Catarrh, Sore Throat, Sore Eyes, Cuts, and all soreness of mucus membrane, i In local treatment of ftvnal ills l'axttnein invaluable. I" od as :? V. rial Wash we I challenge* tho world t" produce its o(|iial for thoroughness. It is a revelation in cleansing and healing power; it k;l!s g? rtns which enure inflammation nttd discharges. -All li'.i lillKdru ;- t price,TiOc. alwix ; if yours.I . s i>. it. m-ikI to ?s|..r it. Don't take a substitute ? there is nothing like I'a :tino. Wrlti1 tor t lie I 'roe ISox of I'liTt !ne to-day. E. Pr-XVDIf CO., 7 IVj-t. -jid;;., 2,.lcn. '" -s. S* .'a r.( ft i C f? *" '. '<$ ? . ..... ft-1-.-. : A EG --"s, , .... ;.? ' ^ A fi .' ihlHtllw ? J A/ "v.'.-'"- *<" - , ; 3 ui,. i ? .' . :. : (\ "r f t Hii\i Is : 0' ' " i hj... J , - 't ' "J I'.'TJ- . *J J Uo ii i-2 r'.t Our mt-.K".' v . nti;ng liniil-s, k. -?/ iMj o\ .it u v.'l.o iiut'itell b'H Th' v arc needed hy cvuiv man SJj i ii who owns a t.. ld and n pW. and idO ' 3 who desire:; to ;;et the t out |? "Hi. y T' fr.-r. Send t" tal < .irJ. iiKIiaA'i . .1.1 ttflUllS ggj N.?? York--!?' .. .u ?n-.t. ' ' ; W. L, DOUGLAS S4.00, $3.SO, S3.GO, $2.SO UNION O AJ) f"* ?.* ^.'1 BEST IN MADr. O n UCU THt WORLD. \Y.L I )iui^his .shoi's ^ irr worn !?y imiuv / i men than other / Jsi 111:1 ! .( . I'll reason . fx <g^ ]S/> iiif V hold thei: (' f ^v gy sha|?e.ilt holier, wear ? 4V^ /y j ? ?* J.1;1;'; f ' value than an> yT'c^,. .Jk OlluT sIliH'S. * l.ooli I'.ir 11 uin*- stn?l iiclc < 4?i. liulli'iiii. - - . ttiiK'ii in ? ? ??r> ? liere i iini'oiii'iij'ilirl he thirst Patent urrtl. /ii.sM.'o'im t j/eleta used. hlitu-H I y in.ill.< .- !|v i \ir *. W'nti- lor Pulsion \\ . 1.. I>IM I. V.AS, Itrncktuu, Mum. Tho DeLoach Potent Variable Friction Feed Saw Mill with 4 li ji cut* feel pel day. Ml M/maod price* to unit. D'-l.onch Shingle Mill* Kdeer*. Trimmer*. l'laner* Corn and Hnhr Mills, Water Wheels, l.alli Mill*. Wood Saw* i iiir handsome new Paining uill interest von DcLoach Mill Ml* Cc. IUis Mianta. 'la W? l I 11 hi l PAWMILlS'SHsSI gflwlth llf-K' - Universal l.n; Htar.m.Keetllln- B JjQear, Slmnltaneoas Her Work* and the Ilea- B 1 Mcock-Klnjr Variable Feed \Vork~ are ttnex- KM >J[celled for acci i-.act, mmvi icitv. ntiRAUii.- B Hitt anp k ask or <jpkh vtkin Write for full QL Ejdmcrtntlve circular* Manufactured by the B SjjSAI.KM IKON W'OKKB.'.V111-ton ji.s.eni.N.C. RraovM i.\\ Mrtllinf in 8to30 / ilays; effects n permanent cure A in\oto 60davic. Triultreatment y ja iffcyN given free. not hinge in Ik- f.iire' '< 3530^11^ Write Dr. Ij. M. Oree.V* Sons. I SD?CI-II?I?. Uo:. R Al!t;ila.C^ rliE PIEDMONT J* TEACHERS' UNION Furnishes Teachers tor Hj hool* iiiuI I ollrfff* \i if'total <?%t In tiny ; purl ol llii' I'. !4. Z*o%lfIon*iiit mm uitiI lor worthy tra^herfc in mi> ui me Mtatfe* ?1culrril. W imj \itruiirlroitl prrnrnl. I'orrrapi?fnl?'?ir?? Miilrllril. TKAMIERM' j IMON 1*4* M. Tryoti St., t hni lottr, X. ' /.KHArothobertdy*_/r'afci*\ ii 'li i'lo 1-%'T undo A Imnmlliloi.nof th hi bavoboen nold , : Jrtr. ittoa, hcvirtIN. -* .<*9/ burn. aUK ! id.-obo. diuinc i*<1 ' < Atk.Bos-'- llnoi-tnnd ry lllnew '.- 3 Wfl;*r: ' uri-.n* frciin 14 ?ii??rrtrn ?1 nt'ma.h v?ix ui? ivlloved or on rod bv (brain* Tobuior. linn nil Ki mmlly ift?e rrlb'f ??'!hlnt>T?ritvroinmo<. Th. ll'ci rnt |Mu:kinroi*<-noiisli n,r Jul ordinary oocaidon. All driirKlnlo no" tbom. Thompson's Eya Wataff