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Items of Local Interest The 1 uniting senson ?xpire<l Friday, nnd there will be no inor birds shun until November. Mrs. L. J. Massoy returned Fri- j <lnv from a visit to her nu?tlier. Mrs. Wilson, of Morgantou, N. C. Mrs W. M Onlp is spend in" n few <lrivs Willi her dnmrhfrer M i" G. S. Thompson, nt Graham. N C. We are informed Mint duri n" the past week. 1he Charlotte Bliek Oompany shipped to various points thirty-seven cars of brick. T)r. C. Ren Stephenson, of Charlotte. spent Sunday with his m<>Mier Mrs. Sarah Stephenson, of this! place. A cold wave struck tins section Sunday and by Monday mornip?r the mercury got down to the free/- , iiifj: point. Mr. W. R. Carothera and fanii'v are now occupying the R>u hothouse on Bootli street, having moved there last weduesdav. Mrs. Mary Clawaou and Mr \V. \ Ij. Adkins were happily married Sundav evening by M-?lt stride ,1. W. McEllianey, at the hitter's Dome on Uontederate street. The farmers have been rushingj the plows for the past week nr?pnrinptlie land roc planting. With enother week of fair weether ii is j thought they will he as fnr along : with their work as is usual at this lime of the year. Several large rolls of wire and other electrical goes is have arrival here for the Catawba Power Company ami it ia underatood that the wire will be stretched from Fort Mill to the company's plant during j the week. Alter spewling several weeks on his farm north of Fort Mill. Mr T. II. Bailcs luts decided to again engage in the mill business and with his family has returned to town. ? Prepare now for the candidates and the prone.Iiors l>v starting otT a good crop of chicken-?, says n i x change. The melon patch is also an important factor in the campaign times. The resolution of the hoard of health regarding the placing of hog pens inside the town, should have read fifty yard-. iusVad of tifty feet, from any dwelling 01 street. The Fort Mill Tennis Club is a new organization which was perfected a few days ago. The cluh have erected a nice court to tic rear of the Spratt Machine Shops, and numbers of young people daily enjoy tlio sport of this delightful game. The Times goes to press prompt j ly nt <? o'clock Tuesday afternoon, and all matter for publication should ile in our hauns Monday evening or bright and early Tuesday morning. EVreons wishing to ; lmve news ileum or business locals inserted should bear this in mind. Mrs. Sue Wright, of Fort Mill, has decided to remodel the resi- i /douce and otherwise improve the old Wright homestead, near Hartsville. When the work is completed , it will he a very desirable piece <d property.?Hartsville Messenger.' . The friut, according to one of our oldest residents, has thus far ! been effected butltitle by the cold wtalherof the past few days II it is effected in tny way it is helped r,... 1....n > " n?i mo uuu cuuseu ilie youngest of the buds to drop oft", and in Ibis ! way will improve tin- quality of those which will mature. The closing excercises of the! Flint Hill sclnxd took place Fri- : day, and consisted of speeches, ro citatiaus, etc., and a big picnic dm- ; ner. In the afternoon a game of i baseball was played between tbej Pineville and Flint llill nines in 1 which the former was victorious1 by a score of 11 to 8. Lando Davis, the colored man whose lllnoss with smallpox was ! tioted in last week's Times, is mi- i dor quarantine at his home on i "O'Connor How." Davis is get tint; .Ia.W, I" I ' 1 ' ' aiuiifj nr ncn (IB COlliU UeeXpy. led. and while he has been very sick 1 for several days, his ease is said to 11 be of a very mild form. Birds eat the boll weevil; it is therefore of prime importance in the cotton belt to preserve the insectivorous birds. The farmer or land-owner or merchant or matin- j facturer who permits the destruction of such birds on his property { is encouraging his own nun. For the boll wevil is coming. t ( The ginnery of Mr.VV. J.Stewart, i just outside the incorporate bmits ! j of the town, narrowly asenped d? - j struction by fire Monday afternoon. | j A bale of cotton hud been left lean- 11 ing against the side of the build- m ing and was discovered to be on i fire by a party of colored men who I were passing by. The cotton was . lolled some distance away from the J gin house and the tire extinguished, it is thought the cotton was set on tire by some boys who hud been playing there u short time before. JFTRJEJI SlXlt O Wc will give to ! number <>/ beans v store, a handsome How to 8e<;u With every 50-* these tickets entit have, the better y rum it lire. The li interested parties (jive ns your pa cheaper than our TS/LTJL->1L (' minty -i| Ktluciuii n .Inc., ('a! roll, wliu is p lyinjr Ins nn-1 muhI visi's t<> tin1 scIk.o'is ? t" tliej county, spent Inst Wednesday n Km l'\ut .Mill town-hip. Mr.Citr-j foil, jis i? t!>?> will. .> - -T ? * * mi *\ iitayn ixy of tin- ofli *o holders of the county, will stand t"?if iv.? lection in the approaching p iiiiny. M ik. L^e Griffin, of Oflioo'n whose* mind has been deranged for some tilliO, whs on Inst Thursday iiinlit taken from tliis place to Co ninbia lor treatment at tin* State hospital for tin* insane Mrs Gritliu, who is a K:8l?*r of Mr T. M Staines. of this plaee. whs nceompanied to (Columbia by Mr. I). Iv. Ilall. of the Osi vol a HOCI i<>||. Tin* Following treut lemen from this townsh p have boon drawn to serve tin* first week of the circuit court which convenes in Vorkville on Monthly, April 18. at whic . ?lud{r? (in?re will preside: \V. H Stamen, J. F. Cmmim/ham, N. Mc.Atecr, \\\ (>. Ihiiles. W. F Ardiey was drawn cas a errand juror. Mr. W. F. Harris went over to Vorkville Monday, it beini^ sale.*-day ther**, and reports that many 'ran! -is of real e tale and peiSotilll . lll'llll.'lMl' ur*?l*.? 11... fn..l t l" ' J " V ?V |/> ? ? *?? ?.< U. Fori Mill people? will road with! i tercet iho miiim u ireruent of tho' martiage of Mi.-s Iteesie (iibsou to) Mr. Morgan 1>. Sprir, which is to take place at the First L' oshvteriau ciiurch of (.'liarlo te on the evening of the KM h inst. Mi.-s (Jibson is well known here, bein^a daughter of Mrs. J<. It, Gibson, who some years ag , resided ii Fort Mill. It was stated her? a few day.-I n<;o that Mack Steele, of this place, i had. through iiis atto in y. \V. I> I \\ ilson. Fs<| . of Kock 11 i!!, entered suit : against the Southern Railway in the sum of The suit, it is stated is the result of Stee.eV having been put otV a passeng' 1 train between Hock Hill and Fori Mill ?t short time ??go because t!ic agent at the former place had | punched the year 1JM5, instead ot 11)01, of h ticket that Steele lm i bought, and which the conductor claimed was not good for transportation. ? <* ?> ? The Miilfort Mill to Enlarge. During the past week plans were drawn t'ora l'JO foot, two story ex tension for the Miilfort mill. The j additional room will be erected at i the North end of the main build-| inland will be equipped with 1"?0 looms. This will make in all oh 1 looms m the mill. The new build-1 ing will extend tie rose Sprat I street us it runs at present, but as there is a consderable eurve in the road to the oast of the null, it ran lit straightened so as to cross the railroad at the crossing now in us-- aid it tho ?-ame time allow the mill people a11.}do mom for their p.oposed enlargement. It is under ' stood tiiat the contract for thej' ivotk will be let at once, nd that the grading of the foundaliona will begin in a few days. NOTICE?I am now prepared t<> furuisli biugle Comb llrowu Leghorn Eggs, at $1.00 per netting of 13. My ehiolt- I ons are lived from prize winners end- i tied to registration. Apply to J. VV. | Kounce, Fort Mill S. C. i S3. uuxtilTmX "nr*?ti i r un lie customer guessing th routaincd in a jar. nov r $7r> Suit of Furniture. re Guessess rent purchase we issueties you to one i?uess. our chance to possess t cans will be counted on and the suit'a warded to tronaue. e soli vim competitors, and it costJUespectfully yours, "sre ?0? ????????& |fll! 911 111 <i m i ' I special; 1 F ^ During April (^> Hoy's and Cli Cjr CO ? ing will ho si ] I Regardies ? X Hoy's Knee 1 @ cheaper than || sibly buy th jg >vnv HOI; onv P much labor? <g Yours foi I Hi Old Is! g T. S. EE! &Q&8&&QQ? &S>&, AN NO l XCE.M H NTS. FOR CLERK OF THE COURTW^o are aut hori/.e<l Lour.unun<-<> Mr..T. C. WriJiOUN of R,.cL till ;i< ;i candidate for I'LKRK OKTIIKCOl RT for York county, subject to tin- action >f the Democratic party in tit a nominal injf primary next suiium r. FOR ?HIR FF\\"e are authorized to antionncc Mr. .IO(l\ K. (iOHD' >N as a candidate for the ofiiee of SHKKIr'Fof York county, subject to the choice of the DoinoTat io voters as the same may be expressed in the primary election of August yy. p-rrp artarJB m $75 e exact or nearest exact v on exhibition at our you a ticket. Ten of 1 he" more jj?uesses"yoi! his inasiniliceni Suii of July 20th, ?\\ three di>S?ods as cheap, ii not i \ on nothing to eaess. 1; X T TVT a^-L S?O?00????E0? & ialls Storgl ? PCB^M^'rrajgfr -?' >m? i ?V?- ""TT? '< Sale 1 'or ApriLS , our into of lildrons (Moth,,d 1 ?1 s of Cost I JKZ CO & 'ants arc made ?? Q V* you can nos- t'h 0 c cloth, and V< 0 and siivi* j s ? * business, 0 CPS .. JWUCT j?* liaMe Store,! $ V LK, PilOP. |? S0??ei| ??@s?l_ Notice of Klectio'!. Then- will 1> an rl'-ntion lwM, in tlv 1 town of ! *?n*t Mill, S. < li\ tin ij.ii! I ( el vol <T of t o\. n: 0:1 'I' -<l.i \ . tin- l"tli day of April. I*.?.> 1. I?. -i v r.e 1) mivs of I it ;i. it:. a ml v p hi. to . ! i< ' \> li Jut iiv r? ?i t ti present ehoi er shall 1)' surrendered, in order to i < pt incorporation under ll> <.ene>.il lawof tli>- Stall* governing Munii i| .< 1 ? input at ions, enacted m 1Si rj. i allots to i id '.-hall ("ha 1 S nrri'iifh r? ?1." TI use desiring to vote in tin* affirmative ou st write \ s , oil ballot; thoM in the negative, "No." Ij. N. t ulp r. I). Faulkner and .1, < Hughes have been appointed -;-s Ky order of the ('outieil. T S. KIUKTATItli K, Attest: Iuteudaiit. J. M. SI KATT, Clerk. WE ARI !'o --I? w y >u one of tlit prt ttie MPLLIN! Spring Or At us :f?v.* pri of iib ever olTered. ^ our Millinery vo'Un Mud is nssiste !i:ivt d!)i lit one in.11 livo huts tiimr srloct from, anil will hp | h used to We lmv."* nothing hut new styl n'ire stork wis bought from At" '(Mud out in lie Baltimore fiiv, ai < all u l si I , n? \v i (Is am Compare C And dun I forget thai \ou opt i e\ rv dol! : s v.'oitli of ^ooils you 1 x_?. ar. ^ssuji rwe" Will In mi.Is Lawn tups ?t L'.'m*, oOi (Mb!iIivn s w'is1 I' K Mats at I Mi ild n - Wli 11 Lawn 1 )resI ii i >id. v i ii.-. - .1... I 4 4 . . - y . ...!? imp< i UUII at nfi Z V 3 3 3 Ml ! .i. 'i S mi in. - in (! ivt'i! . ZZ n i o Is. o rb to i " mvr, I \vi i.i ndi ill I i i r IT! _ . Ill 1 *> ri'lllS. Cotto In 14 ?y *? I >! I thick ;?t. G-rene Ir^^ioi;. lii'.i mi I lil'iiwn, pit Ninthly inoin s aide. the tiling Si <>0. FWty im li lltisU^*!- Lition, JLj3.cL1c=>: Wo h'lvo sovinil roiiI bm^iiin.tiiiisli ul si "ill ii i! /. II. Drop Mit< 11)o, 11 . 'J-x; nml .V> . $$6acham jj 'jr. ~ Mules! Mules! .!;;.; received n tar load of extra tine U..i . i - -- - :nrv> ruin inn -)I| you V.Ill Always me wi!ll tfoml mnpiy on hand. Call a in' iJ*> h'i iii?.>s wiili inc. !i yosi baw:u'i Ibc ?.;::?!< ! v.i'l svil \ hi anil give yon all I he llh!v >l?il W.'Ulf. Vi. v .'cspecffiillv yours. S.J.Kimball Hock niii, s <:. J. U. Trayw ex & Co., dk.a i.r.r.s i.v FIXE EIQF<>HS AN 1> WMN ES, No. 11 Cast St. CIIA LI LOT T IS. - - - N. C. 4 St . 5 READY Ht and most fashionable Iities of 5RY and ess Goods, lies Louise damson has charge of d by Alias Alabel Ardrey. They iim! and several hundred shapes to have your order. xi:11: - r.o 111niiifiy huh Benson, ns our instil nur, Cator & Co., who were nd all the old stock was destroyed. !? D\xt Prices. ii ticket fur the $300 Piano with HIV fr. m us. k?3?3IEr5r. Show You . 75c and $1.00 *J V, 50 . 7-)c. 05c and $1.50 cs. neatly made, trimmed in ein . 75 and Si 00 G-ood.3 in I iillie. \ "i \ swell, at 35e the vrl oker Suiting m. I Slue mikI i>'ack mixed, nil the tl Voii 20c t lie yard. Lrdeen rt wind goods, 18 inch, at 2.5c. meeting t<?r a waist. One yard for a waist, .">() cts. 3 Hose. i to otl'er. One a beautiful plain di in black, white, tan and greys. at i ^ IT. ? i , ' V && V ^ H Work Well Done. Have j on Table Cloths, Counterpoint's, Doilies, Window Curtains, iMnnlods, etc., laundered by the Model Steam Laundry, of Charlotte, N. C, Prices for laundering the ttbovo n11 icleR cheerfully furnished. ( >ur shipments nre made Thursday mornings and returned Satur McElhaney'Parks Co, The Clothing a"1# Shot ?** JUtAXM .avdlVr willi your eyes and hWjjpWfaf*. U?v^iiu*n? tested and ftlrei with pri |)-T Exam ^ . ! in At ion ntfcwiiutely Tree and passes ^ ul half price for a short time. Satisfaction iruaranteed or no pay. L. J. MASSEY, ** .c^n3M