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v v > V* v?^T "yf;Kv-. i * Miss M. Cartledge 5lrl\71PP f A trAimrr ?*u > IV\< I.V/ ^U13. of thousands which so helpful to youn? arriving at the peric Lydia E* Pinkham's 44 Dear Mrs. Pinkham: ? I ci Vegetable Compound too highly tried which cured me. I suffered n i r.u? ? 1 . a ino ?u aim cnzzy at limes J the usual interest. My thoughts backaches and sinking spoils, also In fact. 1 was sick all over. u Finally, after many other rei vised to get. Lydiu E. Pinklinni pleased to say that after taking it < for the letter took place, and in a s felt buoyant, full of life, and foun glad to toll my experience with Compound, for it made a differ* Mis:-. M. Cakti.eimik, .r>:w Whitehall At such a time, the grandest ham's Vegetable Compound. It the necessary changes, and is tl for woman's ills of every mil young women who are ill to wri Mrs. i* ink bam, Lynn, Mass. firs. Estes, of New York " IJicau Mus. I'inkham :?I write ought to know how much good youi making for years before 1 was marriei Pink ham's Vegetable C'ompoum the strain. There is no other work tl ii?w mj imcu useu to aclic from the b 1 would have to scream out from the terribly tired and weak, aud my head 1 eat after work, I was so worn out. frightful cramps every month they wo 1 would have to give up working ac ham's Vegetable Compound eha Yours very truly, Mlis. Martha ICrtkb. No other female medicine in spread and unqunlillcd cudorsen a record of female troubles ourei all substitutions. Remei vlted to write to Mrs Pink ham symptoms she does not underst J, vim, Mass. iNrnrtft forfeit If wo cannot forthw a^iPlSli aU>vo tcMtiinonlaU, which will |<ru //) ''Jyftt 1 LIMITED MEANS OR EDV ALL OUR 6,000 GRACUA' It. ? FAKK I'Al l?. IIOAhll AT IK IIO. f"i A - AI A i KM Kir> ( Ohft. C 'jBszrzrrzrzrzrsrz RIFLE (Sb PIS " It's the shots tha Rifle and Pistol Car they shoot accurately trating blow. This is t if you insist on having ALL. DEALKKS SKLL Wl ^'ST F0S blood, wind on the stomach, bloated bowel* pains after eating, liver trouble, sallow .-.kin regul-trly you are sick. Constipation kills r starts chronic ailments and lone years of su CASCARBTS today, for you will never get right Take our advice, start with Cascar money refunded. The genuine tablet stan booklet free. Addreaa Sterling Remedy Coi ?san-was?P?anaMii si ? sags 0 Dropsy II .iBlt. / Rrmnws all swelling in .ftoao / daya ; efTecta n permanent cure /V in y>to 60 daya. Trial treatment given free. NotMngcan be fairel <^H)iniP Write Or. H. H. Graon'a Sana, -5U ' i"1 Sanclalltta. Baa M Atlanta. Ga John W. Atkinson <?> Co., RICHMOND VA. Falata, Otla, Yaralafcea, Are. Try Tk laaiai I Beadr Mixed Haaie Paleta. _ % >-1 ji " ^ 7 ^ ->(. />~.?? ,<- * gives some helpful Her letter is but one prove that nothing is ! r girls who are just >d of womanhood as Vegetable Compound. an not praise Lyrila K. Pinkam's , for it is the only medicine I ever I lue'i from my first menstrual period, [ could not pursue my studies with lieeanie sluggish, 1 had headaches, pains in the hack and lower limbs. medics had been tried, we were ad's Vegetable Compound, and 1 am ?nly two weeks, a wonderful change hort time I was in perfect health. I d all work a i*astime. I am indeed Lydlu E. Pinklium's Vegetable^ jnt girl of me. Yours very truly, ; I St., Atlanta, <^u." t aid to nature is l.ydia F.. Pinkprepares the young system for tie surest and most reliable cure fure. Mrs. Pinkhani invites all te her for free advice. Address, City, says: to you because I believe all young girls r medicine will do them. 1 did dress1. and if it had not been for I.ydia K. :1, 1 do not i>elieve I could have tdooa lat is such a strain on the system. Oh, ending over ! I would feel as though j pain, and the sitting still made ine so throbbed like an engine. 1 never could Then 1 was irregular, and had such ! uld simply double mc up with pain, and ,?1 lie down. But I.ydiu F.. Pink- | nged me into a strong, well woman. 513 West 125th St., N. Y. City." the world has received such widelcnt. No other medicine has such ri. Sold by druggists everywhere, tnber every woman is cordially inif there is anything about tier laud. Mrs. Pink bam s address is itli produce ttie original letters and signatures of iTe tholr ?hMlutr leiiuinmtai. Lydla K. IMuUhaw .M?il. Co., I.yna, Mm?. K\ A $5,000 '//rn//f frJ | ) C AT IO N NO HINDRANCE. rES AT WORK. WKITK TODAY TO SUS. COLLEGE, Macon On. i&sfWIi TOL CARTRIDGES. t hit tuat count. " V/inchcstcr tridgea in all calibers hit, that is, and strike a good, hard, penehc kind of cartridges you will get, tne time-tried Winchester make. I INCH EST ER MAKE OF CARTRIDOES. I ^ CANDY CATHARTIC! bloa, nppendicitis, biliousness, bad breath, bad i, foul mouth, headache, indication, pimples, and dizziness. When your boweta don't mova no re people than all other diseases together. It ffering. No matter what ails you, start taking well tr.d ntay well until yau get your bowels eta today under absolute guarantee to cure or toed C C C. N.?.r -~i-? i- o. - * ZJ\ i He who advances always has the I advantage In life's Struggle. So. 14. ISAWMILLSHTSI with H?m'i Unlnntl l.og Beama.RocttUn or. Simultaneous Set Work* and ttM Im I oook-KIng Variable Keed Works ar? ?a?x oollod tar aotoxact, amrLioiTT. dcxaxii <tt axp baas or orxxxTtox. Writ* for fall aBBSrtattOO BtsswUrB. Manufactured by the h V "The Fashions for Spr In R Coata and skirts are now being made of the same material, but they are no longer fashioned upon lines of almost geometric severity The newest material for these, and one that is rapidly coming forward, is crepe de Chine. The spring coat may be made in any one of three distinct shapes; one is the short sack coat, loose and straight, which was seen last season; another is a modified Russian blouse, somewhat suggestive of the kimono; a third style Is a plain. loose coat with a cape. From present indications, two noteworthy features of the new (towns are likely to prevail. The more important is the ever increasing vogue of the short skirt. The other is the frequent use of drapery across the front of the waist. Too much importance cannot he given to the soft, sheer fabrics that lend themselves so readily to the graceful tiowing lines of the season's modes. The voiles and veilings are, perhaps, in higliest favor. Bordered materials in soft silk and eotton mixtures. sheer cottons and linen canvas are among the popular novelties. A glint of gold is introduced in everything. Gold braids, buttons, frogs, cords and pendants are some of the foims of this military decoration. Laces that are tine and flimy are the choice of the moment. The colored eotton embroideries are among the novelties. There are lingerie frills and ruchings without, number for the sleeves and neck of the fashionable gown, and buttons are conspicuous.?From The Delineator for April. A house Colonial in Type. A house that is modelled very closely upon the New England type of Colonial architecture is pictured and described in the April Delineator. Its direct simplicity is something out of the ordinary In present-day house building, yet not in the least unpleasing. The Colonial scheme is modified to a certain extent to mort modern needs, the big living room, occupying one-half the first floor, being a radical improvement upon the best room of early times. The furnishings are in accordance with the period of architecture, contributing largely to the inviting atmosphere. It is a house that will prove suggestive to prospective home-builders. WHAT'S THE BILL GOOD FOR? Brooklyn Tailor's Comment on a Recent Find at Nippur. On the ear the other morning I ! happened to hang by the strap next 1 to niinmelsteln's. Between begging ; pardons of and granting pardons to my , near neighbors. 1 managed to read a | /on' nupii irrnrtlic ir. mi? notvenu n/?r I Ono of 1 hem tolii of n remarkable llud by a Nippur expedition of the University of Pennsylvania, it was nothing less than a well-preserved and thoroughly authenticated tailor's bill nearly 5.00(1 years old. Since Himmclsteln himself is engaged in the clothing business. I j thought he would be interested in this ancient relic, so I told hira about it. ! but. the story scented to make no impression on him. "Hang it man." said I. "don't you j understand? It's a tailor bill almost j b.OOh years old." "Veil." he answered, "vot iss it good I for? l)ey can't go)lect it." I 1 . The United States furnished JSO.OOO,- ' oon ?f 11,,. $2t?.">.tKM).(Mto worth of gold j ...... ..I.- ...hiu jir?unifi*u in jinrj. Colorado produced S'JS.tiOO.OOO. California SWi.iMMi.niMi nn<| Alaska $S.iM> HrHlnrM 4 Mil not lie Cnll'il by lorn! applications as t hey cannot reach the diseased portion of tliernr. Then* is only odd way to oure deafness. ami that is l.y constitutional remedies. IVafne.xs js caused by an Inllanied condition of ilie mucous lining of i tho Kustneiiian Tube. Wlieti tbis tube is ip- I flamed you liave a ru inblingsound or iniporfeet hearing. and when it is eutircly elosed j Deafness i? tin* result, and unless t h?< inllam- I mn'lonca: be taken out and this tnl>e restored to its norinal condition, hearing will i lie desi roveit forever. Nine oases out of ti*n arceau-ed by cntarrh. wliieli is not bing but itu inflamed condition of the mucous surfaces. We will give One Hundred Tiollnr* for any , case of I vainest.. can sol l>y catarrh itlint runnot be en red by Hall's 4 atnrrli ('uriu Semi for circulars t r..c, V..I. I nrui .V ("4>.. Toledo. <). Sidil by liriiggisrs. 7.V. Take Hall's Family INl's for constipation. "Within tho las: fi-w years tho vulvitis j eolonios of Kuroponns in Kgypt liavo 1 hull: 1ht?ir own hospitals. There tiro j now in Cairn French. iSmuttu. Austrian. \agio American and Italian Uo.sitnls. 1'ITs i?erinmient!. c.i -c-i. No fit f or nervousttPHS lifter ll r?if iliiv >: 1! .Oi.f lit* li'Un/iJ ^!ihio? . Nerve or'r.$j I rial hot t fa ml i reat isofree I Dr R. H. Kmnk. Ltd.. 931 Arch Ht.. phllo., Pa j It isn'i n!??i a eoinpUnirit: to Ic'l a tfirl that he"? >- pretty a? .i picture. I.atlle* ( an tVeur Shona On? ir.f smaller after nsjng Allan's Foot- | Kmc. ii potTilcr. If makes tight or new shoe* ' ensv. Cure* swollen, hot. sweating, aching foot, ingrowing nulls. corns and bunions. At all druggist* and shoe stnivs, '25o. Don't accept any siilwtirtile. Trial package Frf.f. bv mall. Address. Allen S. Olmsted. I,?Roy. N.Y. Few men < an he intrnsoA intcresteil in auytiling without letting tlieir neighbors know 1. Teo.iaie nint Itilllo'i Dollar Cms*. The two ^re.itest i'oilfler plants on earth, one ^ood tor 14 tons oi hav and the other ! St tons green fodder per acre. (Irons ! everywhere, so does Victoria Rape, yielding GO.'.'iM) lh*. sheep and swine food per acre. ("A.C.L.I JUST SKND 10r. IS STAMPS TO TIIB .Tohti A. Sal/er Seed t.'o.. La Crosse. Wis.. 1 and receive in return their lug catalog and . lots of farm seed samples. When a girl know* she is handsome she dors not object to having her picture taken in a group. For fctf.ll.1 Money Order. The John A. Salzcr Seed t'o., I.a Crosse. iVis., mail postpaid l."? trers. consisting oi Apricots. Apples. Crabs. Cherries. l'luins, ??eachcs and rears, just the thiuir lor a citv or country garden. including the great Itismnrk Apple, all hardy \\ itcousm mock, re sent you free upon receipt o( $ 1.6ft. AND FOK 16<\ AND THIS NOTICF, vuu(ijet sufficient ?red of Celery. Carrot. Oabnagc. Onion. lettuce. Radish and Flower Seed* to furniali bushels of choice lloweia and lota of vegetables lor a big family, together with our great plant and seed eatalof [A.C.L.] ' < Perhaps some people are descended from monkeys, while others merely dress differently. . _ _ NO APPETITE Many Women E From ErXtrerin and Nervou PE-RU-NA, Mia* Bertha M. Hush, 5435 Kinearde street, l'ittsburg. Pa., Superintendent Junior Society of Methodist Protestant church, and loading soprano of the choir, writes: "Words cannot describe my thankfulness to you for Peruna. 1 was a sufferer from systemic catarrh for years and was in a very much run-down condition. I was extremely nervous, and had the most foolish fears over nothing. 1 was tlnn and emaciated. "My physician advised me to leave this climate, hut as it was not convenient to do so at this time, I took the advice of a friend to use a bottle of Peruna. 1 took it faithfully, and when the first bottle was gone 1 telt so much better that I bought six more and took them faithfully, after which I looked like a new woman. "1 gained in tlesh, my appetite returned and nil my old symptoms had disappeared. I am more than thankful to Pcruua."? Miss Bertha M. Bush. I AM TIRED. Everybody is Tired?Spring Weather Does It?Every One Should Be Cautious. IV, - * t.i. rnuii ui iur ni-i ?iiu? system mt tnc approach of spring is the cause. tJeneral lassitude, dull, heavy sensation*, cotitinual tired feeling, with irregular appetite. and sometime* loss of sleep. I*erutiH meets every indication and proves itself to he perfectly adapted to all their varied peculiarities. I'eruna invigorates the system, rejuvenates the feelings, restores '.lie normal appetite and produces regular sleep. That tired feeling which i* the natural result of the depressing effect of warm weather immediately after the invigorating cold of winter quietly disappears when l'eruna is taken. Thousands are daily testifying to its priceless benefit. Mrs. II. Kassatt. l.'toJll \V. loth street, Des Monies, la., writes: "1 am happy to give my endorsement for your valuable medicine, l'erutiu. as I consider it a valuable medicine to take when the system is run down from overwork. About two years : ago I felt that 1 must take a long rest, as I j had been unable to work for over a month and could not regain my strength. 1 could j not sleep at night and was in a very net- | i"u?. iiikii kiiuiik condition. l deemed to try what J'rruim would do to build up my strength. and am pleased to say that I began to improve vert shortly, and in less than two months I was able to take tip my work, and f *lt bettor than 1 have lor j years. I take it now twjoe a year, und-timl that it keeps in.- in perfect health." Mrs. Kassatt was for over ten wars the mana ger of a plant furnishing ladns' wear and employing hundreds of women. Tired. Nervous Women. There are thousand* of them everywhere. A few lx>ttWs ot iVruna would do them untold lienetil. As a tonie and nerve in - igorator it has no equal. It huihls up the turves, it gi\?s strength to the eireiilatiou ami at nuee restores the appetite and digestion. No feeble woman should be without l'eruua. V warm heart has something In it beside spire. Mr?. \Yln?tow"sSoothingSyrup forehildron teething, soften t ho gums, reduces inllummation allays pain.oureswitiil eolie. 25c.abottlo \ mall alwavs looks well w lie:i !i#? is looking lor another man who owes hint money. All creameries use butter co.or. Why not do u? they do ? use .lu.NK 1 int lll'TTKR I OI.OK Any man ?.in e;u?ii\ ni.ik..' .1 tool 01 himsoli .ill In* hits ?o <lo i* t<> net kittenish. I'iso's t'ure t->ri 'on imp; ion i- an infnllibio medicine i".' eoii:;n.s and colds. S. \V. MA XI ix, ??''?;in i \ rove, N..I.. Ke'i. I?, I'.Ml.t. When the v.m hi is unable to understand u man 1! dubs him .1 . rank. Marchioness Spinola, who was .Miss l ily Page. daughter of Capt. rage, of Kn hmond. Va.. died In Home. HAPPY WCMtN. Wouldn't any woman lie liuppy. After years of liai-kaehe suffering. i?nys ?>r misery. nights of unrest. The distress of urinary troubles. She finds relief and euro? No reason why any reader Should sutler in the fuce of evidence like this: Mrs. Almira A. Jnekson, of Kast Front St., Traverse City, Mich., says: ... "For twenty years I never ^ l^^w ^ ^ vr^ most paralyzed. 1 could luirdly stand on my feet because of the numbness and lack of circulation. Hail n knife been thrust into my kidneys the pain < (011(1 not have been more intense. My sleep was disturbed by visions of distorted figures. The kidney secretions were annoyingly irregular, and I was tortured with thirst and always bloated. I used seven boxes of Dean's Kidney IMlls. The bloating subsided until I weighed Ilk) pounds loss. could sleep like a child and was relieved of the pain and the Irregularity of the kidney action. My circulation is good and I feel better in every way." A free trial of this great kidney medicine which cured Mrs. Jackson will l>e niHlled on application to any port of the United States. Address FosterMtlburn Co., Ruffulo, N. Y. For sale by all druggists; price 50 cents per box. -EMACIATED >uring tHe Spring e Lassitude, Loss isness?AVKat THt THE ORE/ V'.'.V.V.W.V.VAW.V.V.SV.'.V, i ? MISS BERTHA M. RU I Miss Rush Suffered With Systan "l No Appetite, Grew Thin and Emaciati " Woman Alter a Course of Pe-ru-na. f Ifi/tnt tin ant rfcn'iv/?r??w|)/ tiitrl so ' fVni im, wrlfr t: f inter to l)f. Utirlnntn * fit sf, ti ml ht- icill be >tlr<tsetl titf/tee ijt * AiltlrrHH Or. Hit rt mn it, 1'renUlrtt * I'ol < in iniM. Ohio. C & Ri fTS Given Away? vJUH Wnt? mi or ut an Alabaitlno dealer for partlrnlan and froa anmpla card of -j McAfee s TbaRciollarr WkllOantlnc * TVeirersd Gcnstutriasruyl lanln. Tint? ?a mbi or ecal?. V?u r-vu (MM'ly It?mil w Ith M oold irdtr. Ctuilhil nr? II <n while and Jxj doll rate unta. Not* dtaeaar breeding. out- K of dale hot water cine preparation. Buy |lj Alnbmtinf to 6 In. per?.apea properly la- K) belled, of paint, hard warn ami dra^ dealer*. 19 ** Hln'-o on Ducnralie*. ' aud our Art lata'H ideas trie. ALAIAM1AL CU_ brud ktidft. H mimwwBTh row nyihb nw* ? ; <&mi s i ? Jgk ^sa b$V& ! Jsmk ^AT&ePKQor WUtP CbCTMiHS i t*LRYWKfcR&. 1 I "** tot materialsbilled wor)tr*ncjvi I S3 TOWER5 JJt<kcri Coats end hatj WiH Jema the wor!o o*r Thfy wr in I ! I htei.kcr wl!(*v?v Alll.^. rf^-? L I ?.? ? . .v mv ivur\ J ft.-4?vrr) 3cirnfnt betrAjtV SIGN Of i *** TrtC FISH o x^ewlto x* ABOVE iifectiav AM rehaWe drateo jell then. ! in ?a.j.tom ctt.5o3t0f.nas5.uja. ^ All UIBTD Town cmaww GximrtuKOTacan FREE to WOME1NS | A Large Trial Box and book of in- I Btructlons absolutely I'rre and Post- j paid, enough to prove the value ol PaxtineToilef Antiseptic i LA* Paxtlne la In powder form to dlaaolve In ,i! p.\ water? non-poisonous ,'jU/AKSJjjCijfcV on.I mr superior to liquid \ antiseptic? containing tfiJrv T 'vStS.'\ 'eohol which Irritates tRi'l Intlnmed anrtacca, and wkL have no cleansing propf ima 9>USk| * ertles. The contents ?* 0very bo* makes SwfBA more Antiseptic Solu ' '?&&"{/] *'on?lasts longer? i \ 'jriBtt ^ -*TiCy 1 - goes further?has more '.TOjlft jw u>es In the family and , dcesmoregoodthanany -'yj un'i'rptic preparation you can buy. The formula of a noted Boston physician, and used with great success as a Vaginal j Wash, for Leucorrhcea, Pelvic Catarrh, Nasal Catarrh, Sore Throat, Sore Eyes, Cuts, and all soreness of mucus membrane. In local treatment of female ills I'aztlneis invaluable. Used as a Vaginal Wash we : challenge the world to produce its equal for I thoroughness. It is a revelation in cleansing and healing power; it kills all germs which cause inflammation and discharges. All lesdingrirupitists kcrp I'axtlue; price,BOe. a box ; If ynursdoe* not, send to u? for it. Ikou't ' tako a substitute ? there Is nothing like Paxline. i Writ? for the Free Box of Paxtln? to-dny. XL PAXTON CO., 7 Pope Bldg., Boston. Kass. 1 MS ttHilt IWJsl ?ma ?itk.ui i?u r. i ,r?a. . ale pwilul) ,e*a , I ikrmU blkod llm>w u4 Cm i I hwSm Trrailm .*4 y?e?,.m kliak ?aat <r? I ykfsWuin Host Car*. lilt 0lrtr4 tn. rkUa4*.. f? H ? j - NERVOUS. MontKs Suffer \ of Appetite ?y Need Is IT TONIC l W i mrk'-m I 9BB?S?1 ' , j: II : :i _____ .... ?: Sfi?PITTSBUHG. : lie Catarrh?Was Nervour, Had ?d. She Now Looks Like a New a - a m a a ill aaaaanaaavaaaai u it tsfartory results from tiff ?':.? '?/ * , f/trtiifj a full statement of i/our ? >11 /its ra I noble ailrtcr (/rut is. t of The Hart man Sanitarium, $ ? * j A Golden Rule of Agriculture: H Ke good to vour land and your crop B will be good. Plenty of | Potash m ... i.n-ii-iniizrr spcuiiquaiity I I W. L. DOUGLAS 3.SS &*3 SHOES ? W. I.. l>t?lltflllH ^ Hh oi>s liuve l>> tliclr /f excel l?*ii ( style, ? any shoos In the Tlicy arc just a* 7i?u I :?.-? thnsn thai cost \ on -j Colts' . uliit'li is every where rimrrilril tr <? 'lie line-i I'utent l.ritlhrr jrl iimilui'ril. hiit Cu nt C(flats used. Shoe* h) mall.2fir.extra. Writefoi i <lalu{. IV.I,.ll(iii|lu, ItrorWIoii. >las?. Saw mills Tha DcLoich Patent Va-.a'ole Friction Fcad Saw Mill with 4 h. p. ?t p<rd?>. All sires and price* to suit I .. .oh Shingle Mills Kdgrrs, Trimmers. Plane: s. Corn and Bnhr Mills, Water Wheels, I,ntli M.lls, Wood Saw*. (Mir handsome new Catalog will Interest you. DaLoach Mill Mfg. Co.. Mo* ftt. Atlanta. (I? ??? N S (INCORPORATED) ^ ? .iriTAL ft'l'Ot K |!IO,04N) (M). Htialoeoo-* Whan you think of going <>PT 10 ?'hnol, wrllo for CAllrg* Jinirntl tnil Sprrlnl < (Ter of th? leading Rnrf"'M unit Shorthand >chor?l? Aililraoa KIKO'M HI H1KF.U rOI I.Et. K. K.?lel?h, N. C., or <'fciarlntt?( Jf. C. (W? also t?-*on Booka cap In*. shorthand. Etc . t>j n.all) So. 14. CD la Mm*. Bold br drontata. r*i f:V \ ' S