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Items of Local Interest Friday is All FijoIs day. Next Sunday is Easter. Spot cotton was quoted at 14 , cents here yesterday. Mr. Henry Mnssey, of Tirzalt, | Wits a visitor to P?u-I Milt tiny. Dr. and Mrs. J. Jj. Sprat t spent scleral days of the past \v? ok vritii relatives* in Chester. Messrs. Hob Bryant met Will McClelland, * ? n^ville. w< re visi turs to Fort Mil; Sunday. \ ery few fanners are so n on the streets nowadays when the ^rrun : is not too wet to plow. Miss Lou Anna Marshall, of j Rock Hill, spent several divs of toe past week with .Miss .Mm y Calp, of this place. (' I'.'iwh i loo No A F M . will h' Id its regular monthly meet 1 itig in the Masonic hall tomorrow evening at 7.30 o'clock. \Y. Ij. Hall and family i are now'oceup) ing the house in Sprat tville reeently b mghi by him from Mr. ?J. Ft. Bailes. Mr. Meacham Thrower an I a Alias Fittnmn were married Sumtlay afternoon at the latt> r- home | in tlie village of I Lit - Fort M iil M t'g company. IjllMlber line liann ?J ..I ground fur tii?* erection > f a small , dwelling house For Mr. W. F. Hnr-1 riH on a lot to the roar of Lis home on liooth street. All of the giivornniont set il set t us recently have heen triven out iuul those whoojid not share in the distribt ion will liftv?* to wait until next spring for free seeds, "?\ i t' i' i 11- increase in volum- of liuHin-ss, the firm of Merchant A* Kpps find t1, r floor space outirely too i:ni' uul will with'n a short time lie-in tlie erection of a d-d-footjoXtension to the rear of their storeroom. The"Piesbptt rums of this place are making preparations t r> pur and improve the mnis-at an early date. The committee solicit iier contributions for thi> jmrp we is meeting with much encouragement. At a meeting ot tho b >ard of health yesterday it was decided to ask the council to pis-; an ord; nance, to become effective April 10'h, prohibiting the piaciue of hojr pens within tiflv feet ot any house or street. Henry McDonald, colored, was nriaietied bfoio Mayor Kirk pel iick Monday ntorm: upon the charge of transporting whiskey. The evidence Ktrainst the m^rn was conclusive and he was taxed and tho costs. .Mr. 1j. J . Alassey Int. made : nr.-* notable improvements during Hit* past week to the lion' 1 bis department store. Harp glass have been put iti the doors ami show windows and with a fresh coal of paint the front now presents a v iy attractive appearance. The condition of the drain through h tho waste water from the public. well lh>ws along Main street, is very annoy- 1 ing to Home of our in -iv'iunis. 'I lie street force should keep the drain j well cleaned and prevent staguit tion. such having taken place during the past few days. At the stoic of Meachnm <V Kpps today, t he hulic s of this H"ci ion will view all of the season's late st styles in millinery and dre^-i poods, it being the annual spring oponinp ' day of that firm. Daintily printed invitations were issued sev. ml days ago. and indications hid t!iat a larper crowd will attend than at any former opening. Messrs. J. T. Mctirepor, C. T Haley and others, spoken of in th.^sc columns a f>-\v weeks ago as intending to establish a butting factory, have leased the Spratt Machine shop company and toe storing therein the wast varn and cotton of the two mills in t his place Those interested say the tnachin ery will not be installed dnr n_: the present year, but th et sueli a move may take place next spring, is i.o" nt all improbable. - ? Negro Man Mas Smallpox, Lnndo Davis, a c??! uvd inn n, I i? flick ft I'!h home "u "DVimhi r How, " near t lie graded m I??? ?l. with what is thought t<? I? m to mimic case of smallpox. Piivin Iuih been ill for about a week. but tin* fad wan not known until M< inlay afbu noon, when Oflieer Hull, in uijjI*i n liia round in tin1 neighborhood <d I)avis" homo, was told by a ? ??l-?i. <1 woman of tin* man'a eonditi ?n. Tin* matter wan reported to tin' board of health, and lb I . It Meacham, of the board, made an examination of (In* ease anil pro nooncod it smallpox. At the present wi ititif? no a?di >n has been taken by the iiulooiilmH in the matter, and lucre im little excitement in the town over the discovery of the case. JET* JEr^JQjJC W/M auuaB igcanon^ K\?s~x Suiit o We >vill s>ive to t 11 umber of beans i store, a handsome How to Secy With every 50-c these tickets entit have, the better y< Furniture. The h interested parties Give us your pal cheaper than our ^/?TT-,JL Firs PrcJoctioi; aid Lights. The question wl ?<jti |>|?i*it?; the] town with water works ami elee trie lights is again being agitata I<*?I It is conceded by all that those are two of the town's greatest needs, mid theoniy way to secure '.hem is through tln? issuance ot b Mitis. or l> vy ol m specie I tax Fill or t?f these steps will iiecewji- I t..te an ainendinc. t to the charter, and is the present ehnrter will expire soon, the council, as will o seen by "Notice of Flection in another colmnn. ha-- thought b"st t ? submit th" question of suricn del ing the present ehnrter and h?t\ iug the town incorporated uud< r the general laws of the Slate governing 111 niiieipal eoi p u nt ion-, which would give the conned mi - ! thor.ty to imp i-e a tax suliieient j to * sluIiiis i and maiitlaiu a water works at 1 elect! ie light system. The must pi act ieable and, it is thought, the cheapest plan of put! iug in water Wot Us would be to build a pumping station at the seveialdeep w? I s in Sjirattville. which were formerly used in furnishing water for the Fort Mill Mfg. eoinpiny, and for which a J reasonable compensation would bt | charged, t reel a large tank oil Ardivy luil, and from tin re lay the inaitis ah ng the principal stria ts ,,r a. i 1 - 1 * i nit- iwwii. .1 imcik loijueu lis | >ihove iiaiiu (1, with an elevation of, say 40 fret, would furnish aiiiplt f> ree to throw a stream t<? the top of any I>u lilino in town. Benidt s this, should tin pe p!o at a future day d< sir<' to use the water for do n.e.-t.e pin [lust's, v e know of no place i.i this connuui. :i v whom a more bountiful or pntei supply ol | water could I; i>l>la and. As tu| electric !;_d.t>?, it is well known I that power can hi* set urial front the Cntaw Ivi Power Company at a far lees cost than the town con I \ civet and maintain a p wer piant 1 11 is cstiinatcd that a water Works system as (I scrih-d ah >ve could he put in for ah nit ?0,000, Hits, ol course, depending upon the yard.of o p laid, number of hydrants erected, etc. The cost of lights would liki-wi e depend up m the 11II ?*! I ?t !' used. It ihcre he those who persist ill j saying III.II l 111* IHWII i K ill IIO llt'Cil I liir protection. our hi nt nrgit tu ill t > tin* o ml mi y, is to call at trillion to tin' 1'icciit disastrous lire in Ptitrville, a mi. in the lnwnV j)i"-cnt shape, which Fort .Mill is i likely to siillVr al any time. 1'aixt Vol a JH'unv fok 7n Cents, Willi I)cv<h's (floss Carriage J'aint. It w eirhs ' > : > N o/.s more to t lie pint than i?i her wears longer; ami jriv cs i. gloss ei|an I to m w work. l-??1 1 l?y \V. 1J. Anli'o.\ Co. l'i?K SAL!'' One Immlreil am) liltv hnshols of I'roi iduncit Vain N'eil I'mtin i \ls,i a n co fresh milch cow J L. KIMHRKLL N<?I l? 'K I .1111 now ]>r< to furnish ' i-tni/lu < \nnU lirowu 1 : al il.'H) |n r s<?| t inn of I {. My cliiotf I oils .?r? tin i f miii winnrrs cut i | Hod |o ro.pst r:it iotl. Apply to .1. W.I Kooinv. Fort Mill S. I'. Foil SALE Fifty I?u?1ii?Ih of i-hoi I I'otntiniH, tor planting- H.Oti pur liu^li'il. W. K. VVnrrtm. FOltHAI.IS Siwrrnl hunflrnil olil iii'Ws iiiipiTH nt "0 remh piw lintulrorl THIS TIM EH. ED, LlXtlflXl X Jr3 111 ! li.> *1 uv ^UUr?lIlg III' ontained in a jar, now $75 Suit of Furniture. re Guessess rent purchase we issue ies yon to one guess, our chance to possess 11 cans will he counted on and the suit "awarded to Lronage. We sell you j competitors, and it costs Kespect fu! 1 y y<>urs, CZ2? A v V/ ??? ?? ?0??0< ? I Bt Old Eel 00 wnmami'???a?? ? Bariains li V ' We were tort g iii? our now i & Clothing at & & Wilt. U1KUT 1 ^ This fact dial | Genuine ^ in t his lino a? ? very lair pre ? nave a iik'o li ?1 and Summer 8 Qg bought before & and ean oiler 5 bargains and ? Yours for 6 | Tie uiii Ri! P T' B' m ANNO I N C 1? M K NTS. FOR CI ERKOF THE COURT * * c are aw nori/.eii toiir.noniici' .Mr .1. " < ?. WII.HORN of Rock Mill. an .t for t M.K'tk OK TI1 K ('<)!" RT l'??r York county, subject to the action ot i he Democrat ic party in the nominutnijt primary next .summer. FOR SHERIFF. \\re nve antliori/"il to announce Mr. JOHN K. (it >RDON as a candidate for tho ofhoe of Sll K.ll I KKof York connt.v, wiihj of to tho choice of the Democrat io voters as the Maine may be expn ssimI in the primary election of August JO. 3E. $75 e exact or nearest exact ' on exhibition at our you a ticket. Ten of Mie^more 'guesses^you lus magnificent Suit of July !20th. by three ilistlie successful guesser. 4000s as cheap, if not , you nothing to guess. ) XT 3>3~ G3????e??????? ial Slurs 1 0 Clfllliiiii.l unato in buy- ^ In., sc.*..: ** iiiv w? 7 j ji 11ijj; least per H ovular prices. ? hies us to offer ? Bargains! ul still make a ^ >(it. We also ine of Spring ? Dress Goods ? i the advance ^ the ladies rare ? latest styles. ? business, x liable Store, | LK. PftO?. ? Notice of Election. There will be an election hold, in the 1 litwn ol Fort Mill. S. U., by th<<<|iiulifit(1 voters of said town; on Tuesday, ih?' Ibtli day of April, 11HM, between the hours of Ilia. hi. and 2 p. in. to decide whether or not the present charter shall 1? surrendered, in order to accept incorporation under the (icneral Laws of tlie State trovornin^' Municipal Cor porationa, enacted in Intnl. \ i allots to read?"chall Charter lie Surrendered." Those desiring to vote in the affirmative must write "Yes", on l>allo;; th' st 111 the negative, "No." L N. Culp T. D. Faulkner and .1. L\ Hughes have been apjMiinted managers, liy order of the Council. T. S. K IKK PATRICK, Attest: Jntondant. J. M. i: PR ATT. Clerk. WE ARI I To show* you one of the pre!lit IVSSLLIINI \ Spring Dr Al as low prices as ever offered. I our Millinery *oom and is assist* have about one hundred hats trimt 'select from, and will be pleased to We have nothing but new sty *ntire stock was bought from A burned out in the Baltimore lire, a Odl'and see the new go*.ds an Compare < And don't forget that you got every dollar's worth of goods you 1 T qJT. Wednesday Of' I'll its w I! be *>u' lost display * fully say this >? .11 surpass ;iI! othe show you tliore Iriis, piettii r hats, fore. Mrs Cu'.p lias had ten days has had. Huyimj earlier, we not styles as you will see in any city hut none mme stylish than <>urs, > price. So come and s< e the new 1 he all ri^ht. we want to soe you ai steel;. < Mir f ill line of Summer ( A Souvenir Yes, we will give one, a real 1 i three hundred yards of All-Silk F yard We will for this day only g Think of a real silk dress for S? ?t ; ^feachsm P. S. If \v(duesiia\ should 1 j Thursday, from t) a. in. to Id p. in c tfeil*. j rV ? 2-t: ? T-^B ! P ^5 I n|.- ; ? |5 o fr ffjp ? < vpnoi) g^gg; 'J! E Mules: Mules! Jus! received a car load nf extra fine Mules. From now on you will always find me with a good supply on hand. Cal and on bu.iness with me. If you haven') (he ca>li I will sell von and five vim .it the time you want. \ery respectfully yours, S.J. Kimball Rock Will. S (], J. U. Trayw ck & Co. DEAMHIS IN FINE LIQv.'OKft AND WINES, No. ITrade St. CHARLOTTE. - - - N. C dl ] READY _i i ? ? " - hi una most lasinonable lines of ERY and ess Goods, tTiss Louise (damson has charge of nl by Miss Mabel Ardrey. They ucd and Severn I hundred shapes to have your order. les in Millinery this season, as our rmstrong. Cator & Co., who were nd all the old stock was destroyed, d T?-i-~A a ticket for the $3U0 Piano with buy from us. kJSSOETST. , March 30th >f Spring Millinery. We can truthr efforts nlonj^ this line. We will and n linger variety than ever belonger to pr? pure for this than she tirst choice, and will show the same on may see more luits in cities, ivliich are about half as cheap in things. If you do not buy, it will ill uluiu' i'i>? <1.I. ? j"" iiiKiuj. ii uiir tnure ionds will also be displayed. for That Day. lice one too. llere it is: We Iirvo bulurd, it's worth .'15 to JO cents per ive it to you at 10 cents per yard. i G Epps)e a bad day, we will continue over I - i I Work Well Done. llnve j on Table Cloths, Counteripuines, Doilies, Window Curtains, Blankets, etc., laundered by the Model Steam Laundry, i of Charlotte, N. C, i1 Prices for Iminrlorino flm W.x... _ . . ins, ? ?^ ii *jyj y' I , ? ! articles cheerfully furnished. Our shipments are tuado Thur* day mornings and returned Saturdays. , McElhaneyvParks Co* The Clothing an>f Shor Mt* _ ngi They say a late spring is followed hv a good cr<?p. Farmers have to , , woi k kii hard then to catch up and j keep up that the grass does not have time to grow nor the ground . 4 time to get hard. *