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too Howard. Inn. T In rendansof this paper will be pleased to learn thnt there is ut least one dreaded disease that science bus bi'tm able to cure lu all Its stages, and that is Catarrh. Hull s Catarrh Cure Is tho only positive cure u?>w known to tho medical fraternity. Catarrh being u constitutional disease. requires a constitutional treatment. Hall's CatarrhCureIs taken Internally, noting direetly upon t lie blond and murvms anrfaces of the system, thereby destroying I ho foundation of the disease, and giving tho patient strength by building up stitutinu and assisting nature in doing its work. Tho proprietors have so much faith in Its enrol ive. powers that they offer One IJun^^..1 I ..II I !. . um UVI1IH9 1UI IM1/ COM) I II in II ill I Uf H > Hi'inl for list of testimonials. Address F. J. Ohknf.v ?V Co.. Toledo, O. Sold b> Jtrupgists, ?5o. Take Hall's Family l'ills for constipation. Steam launches with glass bottoms an* now at flic service of those who wish to view the marine growth about Catalina Island, Cul. Knr]ir?t (ircpii Onion*. The .lohn A. Salzer Seed Co.. T.a Cro?se, W ?s . always have something new, some- I i hmv* valuable. This year they offer .imonK their new money making vegetables an Karliest Green Mating Onion. It is a _ Vf .. P -- I / ?I -iimi i mi. i" 111 mv( ?mii vi?ruciicr. irsT this notici*. ami tr>c. and they will ?end vou their hits plant and ?retl ato<i, together with enough seed lo gm \v 1.000 fine. solid Cabbages, "*,ono delir iows Carrots, 2.r*)tt Htancliinc. nutty Celery. "2 <MVI rich. buttery Lettuce. t.tlOiV splendid Onions. 1.00ft rnre. Itlseiou* Itadislios. 1.OOO gloriously brilliant Flower*. In all over 10.000 plants?this great offer is in.nli to get you to test their warranted vegetable seeds and All, ron BUT IOC. POSTAUK. nroiiding you will return this notice, ami if miii will send them 20c. in postage, they will add to the above a package of t.he famous Berliner Cauliflower. [A.C.L.I The Tin tied States mint at San Franns? in the large-it. institution of tie- kind n thi' world. An I'ntiinrljr Drulli. \r. untimely (loath so often follows nogVcl of slight cough or cold. It Taylor's Oirivkor Remedy of Sweet (Juin and Mullein is taken in time it will prevent any evil results. It cures coughs, colds and consumption. Vt druggists, 2."c.. title. and $1.00 a hollle. If takes bravery to face the cry of inconsistency. bo. 12. f i Miss Rose Henitessy, well known as a poetess and elocutionist, of Lexington, Ky.t tells how she was cured of uterine inflammation and ovaritis by the use of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. Dr u; Mrs. I'i.nkiiam :?For years I enjoyed the best of health and thought thai I would always do so. I attended parties and receptions thinly clad, and would he suddenly chilled, but 1 did not think of the results. I caught a bad cold eighteen months ago while menstruating, and this caused inflammation of the womb and congested ovaries. T suffered excruciating pains ond kept getting worse. My attention war. called to yonr Vegetable Compound and the wonderful cures it had performed, and 1 made, up my mind to try it for two months an l see what it would do for me. Within one month I felt much bettor, and at the close of the second I was entirely well. " 1 have advised a number of my lady friends to use it. and nil express themselves as well satisfied with the results as 1 was.** ? Miss Roar: Nona Brxnrhhy, 410 S. Broadway. Lexington. K V. ? SS000 forfeit If original of above lettor prcolng aanulnenes* cannot be produced. LAZY LIVER "I 8*4 C,?<-nrrr? ?o (food that I woald not !> .imkiul vunui. i vrm trou'ilod n great ileal w ith vnrji'Kt liver ami lionilarlir. Now ainre taking *'a*oaret* Candy Catlinrila I feci very much better ahall recommend them to my frleuds a* the bout medicine I have ever Been." Anna Uajinet, Oalmru Mill No. a. fall Hirer, Man. BOWClS NWjiN, CANDY CATHARTIC Plenaant. Palatable, Potent. Taste flood ho flood, Tlfvi r Sicken, Weaken or Ori|e\ 10c. Me. >? . Never eiM in bulk. Tim Cnonlnn tablet stamped c C 0. Ooaruntood to euro or jrour money hack. Sterling Remedy Co., Chicrgo or N.Y. 6oi AHKUAL SALF. TEH MILLION BOXES &>\ ? i ^ null* I Uf\Ti? WUAK $ tCWEfcfc Waterproofs $g 2? OILED '? r^/fBRM? CLOTHING' t ^ > Si^CJC or YF.LLOtr. ^ $55 IT MAKES EVEIY DAY COVKT (ft mm aiBir Ur g>r di bmUm I y yr Juni frwl |MTr?fW A* immt 4M/M f/ A* [/ i? ?i* m( /?r AM v fAf JMf, ;MH. ##? ?. MM Uma " ?l i f BOY CIVES IN HIS SLEEP ?xtrM<>r<linarr l?entli in Kn^t.-cnl of a i Somnambulist. | Perhaps tin- most extraordinary fat.ility rvcr recorded as arisini; out of somnambulism was impured into by the eorumr of St. Ives Cornwall, August :;i. Tito victim was a pleasant ami popular hid of nineteen named John Summers. who with his brother Cerahl ami his father. Mr. -lohn Summers, an ironmaster of Iniriewnoil. Pin-shim. had been staying for three weeks at the Porthmiuster Hotel. St. Ives. 1 niriim the visit ".1steh.'* as his brother <-;i11?-?t him. had done much divini; into the sen, and iliis undoubted Iv had made sueli nir impression upon liiin tli:it it revived the of sleep walking, witielt lie had formed in bis childhood. It wits n driimntie story wliieli tJerald Summers told to the coroner's jury. "We oeeupied separate beds in the same room about seventy or eighty feet from the ground." lie said. "and retired a- usual on Sunday evciiitm. "Suddenly, about o'"loek in the tnornimr. 1 awoke, and missintr Jack from his I ?d. called to him. I not no i reply and just it that moment I was startled to see iiis lieu re outside the window. tic was standing on the parapet with 'tis hands up and Ids head and shoulders inclined as if lie were taking a header into iii<> sea. lb-tore 1 could do any thinir I saw him iroimr over, and then I heard tin- thud on tin- ground." Ilo alarmed the hotel people and the poor follow was pirked up. snfferim; ft out severe conoussion of lite lirain. a broken jaw and other severe injuries lie never woke front his fatal sleep, hut died at 7 o'eloek on Mmnla) innrn>nt: Hit the soft grass of the lawn was plaii.h \ isilde the mark whieh was made h\ his head. Mr. .lohn Summers said that his son . had perhaps heroine overeseited hy his I daily divine. Wlti'it he was six years | old le" was addieied to a mild form of : sleep walking, hut the wititess had ; not known it to happen sinee. it eraId added that he knew his brother had teen dreaming about divimr. In-. Kat'Uhottse said ilutt lie had ir.ol \ the deeeaseil and he was "very til" in twory way. 'I'lic jury, in fliulinu Hint iloatli >\as aoohlontnl. I'xiiroM'il its ?loop syin- , pntliv willi tin* fumilv. Tbo hoilv wns ' taken to MniiclnMor for burial. -lau. ilon Mni!. WORDS OF WISDOM. Theft "s noiliiiu bettor in this worM llinii usefulness lie niinisinu: never toll uiikiiul stories; iihovo nil. novor toll lunsr ones.'* Vnnily likes to ho foil. hut. if nooos snry, it. onn supply its own nourish- ; incut. ?Puek. What wo want to hollovo wo believe; what wo don't want to hollovo wo regard as foolislmoss. i'utienoe has boon ilesoribeii as tlio | ballast of tbo soul, that will Uoop it 1 flMlli rnllliw mil .nnililnur ' ?. Mi.* ' osl storm. The man wln> is tumble to appreciate ! humor yots a \:ist deal of oomfnrl out ! of the pride lie fools in his oommoii | solf. lMiek. Tin; otistom of blaming others whou | things 1:0 wrout; is :<;i insidious ami ; dan^erum one. Far more is it the |>u; pose to iiuptiro whether the faitli or imieh of it may not lio at homo. I'.'iii<*i|>:i) I ucri'dloulx <>l Ctiowlii^ i.iim. i "I i is impossible for tne to state the amount of ehowin;; mini manufaoturoil j in ?11i- eo'imry." said \V. \V. rivnns, of j lmliaiia|io!is, 1ml.. who represents the largest mamifaotnrors of ehewinj: gum ' in tiio world. "Our speeialty is spruoe | srnin. 1 mii we nianufaottiro all kinds, j The spruee is obtained from the for- j osis of Maine and Canada. The trees ! are not tapped for the piteh. hut are | sealed, and tile orodiie: tluis eniheroil l The great amount of gum is made from a vegctald product Known as chicle. which minus from tropical countrii's. it is something like a sugar beet. Then a vast amount of pa ratline is also use<l. These are the two principal products going into the manic > facture of chewing gum. peppermint, wintergreen ami other llavoring ex tracts being added. Millions of pounds arc manufactured and consumed in the world, this country being the largest producer." ?MiIu attkee Sentinel. Vou Molikc'h Ncpln u, The post once occupied at I'erlin by the "battle thinker." Moltke. is soon to lie conferred on his nephew, Lieut.(Ion. Ilellmuth von Molike. now commanding the lirst division of the Prussian <?ttard Corps. Con. von Moltke is : tall, polished man, with a distinct family ecscmhlancc to his great uncle, and lie lias proved hltnsi 'f to lie a diplomatist as well as a soldier. It was tie who was sent to Frledrlchsruh by the young lhnperor with a peace oPeering 10 Kisiuarck, in tlie shape of a liottlc of .leltanneslierger Cabinet, while lately lie went to Copenhagen to present King Christian with the insignia of his 11a-r 11 villi: lt> ill" I -- ?- ( * ?I.otulon < 'hronlc'e. Itmv >1 m il Slrc|i in Nrrritnr,?. A proper of sleep is, of course, absolutely essential to eouliiMieil good health. but. if dietetic habits are correct it is matter which will regulate itself, [f a rule is needed, one will follow naturally front the fact that almost every one feels languid on waking and Is disposed to take another nap. I no matter how long lie has been sleep- I lug. This is it morbid sensat on which it would take too Ions to explain here. It is enough to say that lock of sleep should he made tip. if possible, at the beginning and not at the end. The best general rule Is to vise at a given hour every morning, whether tired or not. and go to bod when sleepy. Ccu? turi Magazine. . . - ! 28 Army Generals i the Inventor of Brigr.clicr-General King.of Confederate Army. W rit???: "1 unhesitatingly state that I am convinced IVruna i? a mcilii'inc that will cffi'rt all tlie < ttr'*s that i* claimed for its use.' ??T. Floyd King. Washington, I). C. General Smalls. Beaufort, S. C.. IV-:... . ?? rum: i nave uaea I'cruna tor catarrhal | trouble, ami timl it benetieial anil to be all j it promises, unit freely srive it my unqualified svcommcndat ion." Hubert Small*. General Abbott, ot Washington, D. C., Writes: "I am fully convinced that your remedy lVnimi i- an excellent tonic. Many of my friends have used it with the most lieneheial results for coughs, colds and catarrhal rouble."- Ira tVbbott, !Wt? M S:.. N. \\ .. \\ ashinglon. D. C, Captain Yarn ell, of Washington, D. C.. \Vrile<: "Vour medicine. fVrtina. I believe . to be the fiest medicine for catarrh on the market. 1 have taken only a small amount and can see very benefit ial results." W. >. \ ii nell. l.ilieoln St.. \ K.. Washington. I). (\ General MeBride, of U. S. A.. Writes: "1 have no hesitation in ree.uti- ! mending I'cruna to all persons who are at- | Miited with catarrhal troubles." ,1. 1). j M. Miide. lYntn vivania \\e., N. \V. \\ ashing!on. I). ('. General Longstreet.of the Confederate Army, \\ ri'e?: "I can testify to the merits of IV rutin, both as a tonic and a catarrh rem j edy. IVrtimi enjoys the {greatest reputa non as ,1 catarrh remedy of anv medicine yet devised."- lame* I sc.ip-n r -ct. tiainesvil!?\ fi.l. j General Noske. of 0. V. U.. \\ i it v.-. "1 commend IVruna l?? those .vim are troubled with colds producing .'atarrll as a most I'lKi.irioiis euro and as a good ; general tonic." ("has. K. \oske. -1U St.. 1 N. \\ ., Washington. I). < . General Erwin's Recommend. "Many of my friends ha\? used l'eruna as a dyspepsia remedy with tlic most beneficial results." .loiui 15. Mriuii Washing ton. O. ('. Brig .-General Schell Benefited. I 1? : ?? 1 * . .-i mi.i i.i mui-t'ii .1 wotiucmu tonic. and | lor cough-* ami colds I know of nothing j hotter." I . M. Sclu'il, \\ aiiimgi.on, I). C. I General Duffield, of the Union Army, ' Writes: "1 have used IYruitfi in my family nud have found it a valuable medicine, and take pleasure in roeouimendiiig it to all who suffer from catarrh of the stomach or who require a tonic of efficiency."- The t'airo, \\ .ishingtou. I"). C. O lds and Ends. A new system of simultaneous tele- | graphing and telephoning, liivented by I>rof. Urn tie and an engineer named Turehi, is being Introduced extensively in Italy. Portugal and England. Ainerieans write about forty letters a year, and that average equals forty per cent, of all the letters written in the world. Sal/cr's l: art lest Cuiir. Another in w thing. t an lie cu. six times during a season and sprouts again with lightning rapidit>. Next to Sale t s T-o.-mte il will make more giein fodder tlinti any tiling < he, oil ap as dirt and grows everywhere. Of Salz-'i's Renovator Mixture. just the ihiic.'iot' -lying out. pastures ami meadow... Mr. lv Kapjiold, hast Park. , l ? U Pill/.!'! a* Mj.iSH ^liXllU'i' <>n soil 'so pooi two men could not raise a fus? 011 it,' and in forty one day- a'toi sowing I iiad the grandest stand <>t" grass hi the enmity. Sai/.er's C.r.iss Mixtures sprout <|llickty ir.d |?roiluce etiorin ou-dj 100,POP 1 arrets eiioite Scrd I'otatoiv. SAt./KKS M.W NATIONAL OAT?. Hiii' is a winner, a prodiyv, a marvel, enormously prolitic, su.uo. hralthv, vigor ' us. producing in thirty States troin l.Vl t<> aotl hn. per acre. Voll had lies' sow a | lot of it. r. Farmer, in 1904. and in the | fall sell i'. to your neighbors at si a Int. lor seed. fA.C.L.l Kvcrv heart has iis secret si , .i-.\ w hied the world knows not: aioi oftentimes we ( call a man old when lie is enlv .-ad . t tl> not believe iMso's Cure tor ? otistinip- i lion has nil"* t ii *tl for eoliths and olds. -,?<<nx , F.ItoYMi,Trinity Springs, la Feb. to. I'.HMt. j I I- the gia.r tea drinking city of the I'nited Kingdom. Yon ran do your dyeing hi bait an hour with IVinam ! \i?ki.i:sj. Dviis. ( ardill export- |-2.n in.npn tons oi > >.n i yea. Mewe.i"tU al> 4.000,000. FITs t>ermn:ientlvettred. N< < "itsornervo'.isness after tl-st day's ttseo. Klim V <ir. n! Nerve lt"s(.orer.>U trial dot t !< and t r ant i efrr<? X>r. B.fl.Ki.PtE, ltd.. :?.:i \r -h ,st.. Phi la., Pa The people of the I n< States -at up ?150,000,OOtl worth oi e.mdy iii a veai. HO Kuobels Macaroni H ln<?t Vit Arro. Introuurrd hy the I . S. IVpt. of \jr. Tt is a < copper, vie ding in good land SO 1m. per aere. ami on dry. arid lands-, sin li as are found in Mont.. Idaho, the D.iko'a*. < ii.ii,. it \vi I vieid frot? I 41 to 00 bit. "'"his Wheat and Speltz and 1 IT ninit F.u-Iev nd Hroniii* fnerni-s anil Ktilion Diillar flrass. makes ii possible to grow and fatten hogs and cattle wherever I soil is found. .it'st skvi! 10?\ avti to i? notut : ( i 11m .Inltn V S I'/po s- I '<* I .? i *.. . - and 1hev wiH send von fieo i s:uiin!o o." tins Wheat mill other t'ann to pet her witli their ( riitalo:1. alone | #100.00 to ?nv iriiV-mrakc farmer. fA.CI.. | A tn-?i> forsakes I lie evil of iii* way*, not licr.iUHP he ha* (*.o"ii uod. Int. because lie lms crown tired innl ?l> sceptic. |l?r Allen's Ki>oI-Kh?>. Tt Is the only cure for Swollen. Smarting. Tired. Aching. Hot. Sweiitlnc Feet.Corns and Punlons. Ask for Allen's l"o.#t-Fase, a powder .to lie shaken Into the shoos. Cures while you walk. At All Drnfrirists and Shoe Htore ,2.V\ | Iton't aeeept any substitute. Sample sent , Forr. Address,Allen S. Olmsted. I.eltoy.N'.Y. Mrs. Winsloiv's soothlngSyritpforebildren teethlnR,sofien the gums, redneesinflamnia- 1 tlon allaysfatn.cureawind colle. 16c. a bottle I Send Letters of Em the Great Catarrh General Butler, of South Carolina, Writ??m: "I osm recommend iVi'iiiw for dyspepsia and stomach trouble. I have been using your medioino for a short j?erio?l and I feel very uitieh relieved. It is indeed a wonderful medicine besides a good tonic." M. ( . Ihitler. Brigadier-General Kirby W rites: "l ean reeonimenil IVrtuia to nil those who sire afllieted with catarrh. ? tienerai It. T. Kirhy, Washington. D. ( . I veil, rowen, necKer jtosi jno. wii, Writes: " \tter usinn one liottle < t Pcruna 1 I hoc.ime convinced of its curative quali-| ties. .iiiti continued its iko to date. All j symptoms of atarrli have disappeared, yet ! I continue it.s moderate use as a preventive and in (dd man's tonic."? W . II. Powell. IMlevd'o. III. Gen. Sebring. of the Confederate Ariry, \V riles: "J . .in cheerfully Kiotiiniciid your . valuable ri medv IVriliia a- a ver\ evcell. iil tonic, .1111! a I cm e?>n ! for roughs. Ms, < a tatrh . nvi general debility. ' \V. II Se bring. liV{ \\ . 4ili >t.. .1 aelwoiv illc, Kla. ! , General Lumax, oi" Washington, D. C.. Writes; 1 .in ( hcerlnlly recommend your remedy as .1 permanent ami effective iiht tor catarrh. roM* ami to arty our wit > ueeds att in v igot at inn Ionic to build up j tii -ir system." L. I.. I.urnas lli:t;: 1 tit It St., , \\ .ediingt on. I J. t Gen. Payne, of Washington. D. C., W rites: "I join wall toy comrades in r> c ounncn'ilitig I'.niii.. to my lmads .v an in 1 vigorntiug tonic to build uj> the s\ stem." j lien. KttRene It. I'ayne. tt'7 4th >t. ' Washington. I>. t". General Tallay, ot Pa.. Vol. U. S. A.. , Writes: ottr I'd una has licen used by i mi' and my friends a- a relief lor catarrhal t trouble* with the most hetietieial results, j ;i I* am so convinced of tin1 ell'cacy of l'eruiia ; 1 that 1 do not hesitate to give it my teconi- ! y tnciulation." Win. I'oopVr Taliev. 71.'! I); St.. N. K., Washington, D. t". j I E3iarrniimiiii i i 3^#$* \ k Factory Loaded Smol 1 n It's not sentiment ? it's not c S most intelligent and succcssi I' 1 I factory Loaded Shotgun S ? "lvc- 't 3 l^*c'r <-'n''re reliabil ii jj uniform shooting. Winches ^ r<" w't^1 smokeless powder, a ' ^ ^ fl the market. Winchester "F ?i y a smokeless pcrvder are cheap ~ i 3 Try cither of these brands a: rjj S Be -jure to get W inches' iT-?"t <LMS rnL c 1 our teen Stains have passed laws ! providing for the examination. regis- j luring and licensing of barbers. In j Massachusetts '.to ton is tb" only Hty ! where limbers ate subjected to a set i of special regulations formulated by I he board of health. The Sialics sire New York, Connecticut. Delaware, Kansas. Kentucky. .Michigan. Minne ' sola. Missouri, North Dakota, Oregon.! Ithode Island, Utah. Washington and Wisconsin. RESTORED TO HEALTH. Many weak. suiYering women do not know Jtiat their kidneys are sick, ltaekaelie tells of sick kidneys, and so do urn arv disorders, vf? Sick kidneys make bad blood, and l ad idood A (* makes bad digestion, I u A\*S heart palpitation, dir.ry 7.\ headaches, nervous ttes.s. sleeplessness, sei atiea. rlieninalic pains :,m' em-slant depresMSfjTCSj&ff si<?n. M?mIm <"an't be restored to health ttmil the ne.vs are cured. Head j?ffig/jiSPSt?&k how one woman was , / tite restored by using - ?evJ: Doan's Kidney I'ills: Sickle. ."Ml (itli Ave., S. \V.. ICoanoke. \ a., says: "Kidney trouble was iseradi- i tary in our family, and 1 had been so < '< I 11 f I t I 11 !1 1 1 t* -* ? .IIIIK 11 11 lilt* III SOU KC thai 1 to despair of even temporary relief, Sometimes I suffered so so. 1 veroly that i was eonlined to iny bed. The aching in my back was intense, and the kidney disorder caused an ex cess of uric acid in my Idood which iin- j paired my digestion. J was compelled ! to deny myself of many of the little i do c|)(.j,?s of diet. The doctors dingnosed my case as congestion of the kid- i neys. I had about given up hope when 1 began using l>nan's Kidney Fills, but 1 took only a few doses when their j curative powers were proven to my satisfaction. I have never been with- ! out them In the house since." 1 man's Kidney l'ills are sold by all I dealers; price, 50 rents, or mailed on ! receipt of price by Foster Mllburn Co., ! ItutTnlo, N. Y. Write for free trial. m ^ lorsemcnt to Remedy, Fe-ru-na. General Bigelow Cured. Gen. .1. (!. Iligcluw. 1.11 i' St., .N. \\ usliington, 1). C.. writes: "I'ermia has made hip well and it has Riven mi' more than ordinary st roust h ami spirit for work." Gen. G'Beime. of Washington. D. C., Writes; "'As many of niv friends and acquaintances have successfully used your I'cruna as a catarrh euro. I feel that it is an effective remedy, and I recommend it as such to those sii fieri up trout that disease ;is a most, hopeful source of relief." lames K. (file irne, HixkkIuhv. U I l>. V. General Chase. Asst. Adj. Gen'l. G. A. R.. Writes: "The excellence of I'cruna as a cure or relief for catarrhal disturbances is well established, .\liuiy of my friends h ?v? Ik-cii benefited h> its use." It. F. Chase, '2H Harrison St.. Vnaeostia. I). General S S. Yoder. of Ohio. Writes: "I have iouml I'erutia to he a wonderful remedy. I onh used it tor .1 : short time and am thoroughly satisfied as to its merits."- f*. S. Voder. \\ a.-himttun, I). I'. General O'Connor, of U. V. Legion*. \\ r ice "It you are suffering t'rotn ratirtli t?r physical debilitx immediately commence the use of l'eruua. It has Ikh'U ot the iircatest henelit and service l<> many of rn\ triciids." Dennis O'Connor 7.'tS rrjd >' . N W .. Washington. I). ('. [Jen.Wright, of the Confederate Army, Writes: "1 take pleasure in recommending l'eruua. T: is a remarkable medicine and should he used In persons who tire in need ui 1 good tonie and by sufferer* from ca- | larrh Marcus Wright. 17'J4 Corcoran j St.. W ashington. D. <' Gen. Haw ley. of Washington. D. C.. Writes: "I hav? Used IVruna and find it vcrv I - n.UiM I 111)11(111' 111(1 s ; penally good roughs and .ulurrha! troubles." A I'. Ilaivlcv. Gen. Urel!. of Spanitk War Veterans, V\ i'iti's: "Manx m m> tri?**i?1 - liaxe um.I IVrutia with I?? ?!? !i< i.iI results a-. .n etl. ve remedy tm " \1. Kinm. t I nil. SI.'! I'.'th >i . \ \\ .. Washington, " ( Itthel AlinX tieiiera!.- xvlio |>r .li-( |'e | una are: llrlj/dil/er-ta iicivi/ took, ??/'!{ avh- j It fltml. It. ( . (.Vmcivi / Stlfjlff, of II (i s/i i n iff on, It. ( Hftn'i'iil M Ithll fton, lla in-oi-l.- Ili-f/in out. I . I . I .. H tl sfi i ilfltnil. It. I . It yon ?lo not deuxe prompt and snisfae- i orv results from the u - < oi IVrttr.a, xvr:t>* it to Dr. llartnian, kix Iiiu a lull .state neiit ol your case .mil lie will Is- pleased in ;ivo you his xahlalile advi. e gratis Address Dr. Ilartman. President ui i'he l man Sanitarium. < ' Iniiilms, U. JS J3S&0M B. iclc'ss" Powder Sheik.] . the price - - that makes the | 6k$3bt;') "ul shots shoot Winchester i ;HSa9B^g ;j hells. It's the result-., they r ; ? ity, evenness of pattern and : ' HclraSfiS^ tcr " Leader" slie: 1 s. load- ) j> j in price but not in quality, j k'j? --3.1 18 A M P IO N s s ru? O Y. 1 f;l,,, r. vJ j Z.'T . ?? uitvriauX'fl '*.CMiVflmi3i9R.>CCI% feaFSIUUf!! VASEUHESi Q (PtJl UPIN COM.Al\Sini.ETUBKS) !.\sthst iiuto forni'd superior to iiiumiip.Ior !| any other plaster,hm?1 w ill not blirlvr tlie? niorr.itolieAtc Hkiu. t he puin-alla) ini; -uni g iv. iiuniitii >! lliim rttc ioure Monitor-? j f ul. It will ,stoj? t in- t onilmcho at oocp, ami jj iciitivu uviwn .*? iitin wiauvAi ? i' recom.I lunid it ah inn iio-l ami safrol ex (i ron I f! rouiitoe-trrltnnt k nnwn.also uaAnrittirunl M remedy for pani' in the cheat and stomach n tnl a 11 rheum'vi ii'.neu ralgionnd gouty coin- I plaints. A trinI will prove what wechiitn ' fori t, and It will he I<>.inil to bo inv ikiuithiv In the household. M :i :i y i?'0|i|bm V*'it- lathe | hestof all of "our prepu rations.'* l'rice if is., nl all druggists c.r other denier*, or l.y | [ snudiugthfsainount toiiuin postngestani) > | u wo will scud yon u tube by mail. No art i< lo 3 j should ho accepted by the pu hllc u ulcus the | 3 saniocnrriesourInhe'i.aso: horw ifeit Is not S I genuine. CHGSHUWOl tltt MFil. CO . a 17 Statu Street* Kk.V VoilE ( i, r.J The DcLoach Patent Variable Friction Food Saw Willi with 4 h , cuts a.i feet tut day. ah | sires and prices t suit. lv-l,ou "h Shiny!' Milliliters, Trimmers. 1'lanrrs Oun and P..hi Mills. Water Wheels, l.ath Mills Wood Saw- j l?vir handsome new v'.itah.y w ill interest ?.> ' DeLoach Mill ftflf*. Co.. H -* ' i Ail.uifa. 'la r- -tfi wnrp^rnnmn^r pg SilLL3~; II with Hoge s I'nive.sal l.og l!e?ms,Heetllln- Hj Hjear, SI mnttaneous Mot Work - anil the Ilea H| Hcook-Klng Variahle |>cil Works are unex Wfwslled for aoct'RAor. ?r.u i.icitv. ti. H vr.ti jJJ ^1 IT V AM' K A - K OK OI'CR ATIOK. Write (or full ft, Srienorlptlve circular.; Mauufacf ureil hy 'he K SALEM IKON WoKKH.Uliot !, *n mu.Sfj ~ ~ CURED Dropsy s Removes all swelling in Stojo rlavs ; effect* m permanent cure vV in jntn to<lnvs. Trial treatment azp'-;- given free. Nothin|{cni? be fairci , * "r Write Dr. H. H. Gmch's Son?, j*ll?t?. Bo* ? Atlanta, da ; R1PAW8TABITLWI *ra the bert dr?- | ?A ? \rr u A htiti- | Birtvl million* of them hnrohoon noltl , m||)ip|f ytyvr. ('?mat* put Ion. her.rlf ^ , Au /y l> irn, airjc hndm ho, dczlno?H. I a.I '/JPv7vi//?l Ivy In rath, ror? ami ctity lllnr** " *n*ln:r frmn a ?lt?ordernl atomy h Wrr ai*** rell/?vo 1 r?r rur?si h? ll.pnns Tul ulr?*. O:io will |Z"ti?'mtly c?v?> rrlW w!#htn?w*nt* minutf*. The tiro rent j.iwLnu'* i (enough for h.:i onlin&rj o< cnslon. Ail UnifctnaU ncll tlusm. 8* J COlS^^lt^AU^UJ^f^lZ^lSl Dev. <>>u(b Syrup. Tasiui Good. l<?? In tlmo. Sold by drue<rl?ta. 1*1 1 13aEOQEI^ i W! : mT =g ; , The 1! ivor ol TOBACCO may be injureil bv tlu* use of stable ate! rank i organic manures. ; :Potash: Iiii i.nv ior;:i i?i suipftate prt*lur??s an < unproved ll.&vor jitici a jcood yield. Tubacto must T*av f\>la\?t Our lur?e l??"?i;, *Tol?am? <*ulturc.~ cont ut tnti 1 *.\ uM: inlorm.itioii, ;n i w ?y ] l??l x > routr can a com* lt*? oi cliar^c by HUlaig for it. HERMAN KAt.l WORU5 > i Nm 1 -rk U.'t >uinii<i Htrrrt. or t Atlantic, Ua %'j **<?- Hroitd it. ;icd trgetable Sfeds In ?i? John A. Salzer Seed Co., LA cw,ss,E rromPimples to Scrofula To those who have suffered long and hopelessly from Humors of the Blood, Skin, and Scalp, and who have lost faith in doctors,medicines, and all things human, CUTICURA Soap, Ointment, and Pills appeal with a force hardly to be realized. Every hope, every expectation awakened by them has been more than fulfilled. More great cures of Simple, Scrofulous,and Hereditary Humors are . I ; 1 . r ... ~ 1 i. ? -?.? uaur uy tiiem inan by all other Blood and Skisi Remedies combined, a single set, costing but one dollar, being often sufficient to cure the most distressing cases when all else fails. Sold fSrawhoti! the w.>-"d. (\ttlmrm R?*0oW*fi?. V /In form of CUccolar I on'fil, 3.V?. |?*r rial of I*., Ointment, .Vk* . Sntp, ?5r I1?|M<(|| London, t7 t'htriifhoiiM K<4.; J> r' Ifiir ijf la f'tli , IT/ l.'o QUiUua A i ?ol'.?r l'r?i|; Chen ? 'orp , Kcle Pfo<"? ClT~ Mad for "Ail Al?vut llio ski* au?i Sctly.'' Mo l'i W. L. DOUGLAS *3.S? & *3 SHOESffi w. i.. 1>our1uh . ?liup< havo by tllplr / |ii|i(>rlui' \v0nrin4 i i]ualitips ncliirvcil fy'***& -Wgt*1'. fljp) t h<? liirwHl null* of il<?? ('orilim \ < ??lt ?U In. ivlili'ii Iipi p ryw liprp r*?nce<l?*<l to tntlie 1'ttioiii l.p-'nilirr >H |tro?l iir?<t. /"f Co or lifltlM n'-il. Shor* h? mall.illr.rat r*? W r 11 foi Catalog. M.L.IiohkIrh, itrochtCH. MaMt