University of South Carolina Libraries
r Items of Loc.; f .<f crest Prof. J. A ' ;i i v->n1 nuiay it) llot-k Mill. Hon ) 'i IT ? to liirt h ino l y - i Wut'a w .s v ! tuny it v?II I ' O'e " ! > 't' IILT* ' in S| i .;it> i V Si. .-|c The tsuia.; i.. 11 ( i < innri* |3roctiitsiiii^ - -ii< s and ottr ?h: 1.1 ? t' 11. Mr. It. 1 .i Buck) i 1 slafi \vm- a v ! Haiti rd-v. Miss *s Ka'? < -i ir.ii Kiuilirel! !? {'. : s > ii ing from a Visi. . . \\. K. Taylor, of lain i ' Tin* count v ; i Vrijmiijo i . .iri?? i ht-r t t' w it< <l?-ftr j?c i . tit ct'd llit- i? > ' \ Mr. IV M. ' n | . ino a , h j,| .? t t| i | Mlu. C oil i pa . . I lv lii jured h lew ?i ? a while crossini; v. >r I the <iy e mom. We are pie: o pit tlml K. W. Defter r . < V .11,.y. who aiitii red a s. ... of ;>u la lysis a few days (- i.rovered sufficiently to > <> . .iu-oii. The condition !' Mi. \\ ilhorn, who l as. I d to his bed lor .- * v. r i: 1: < It ill11 -ks at t he ho. < ! i i . h i. Mr. L. li. \\ rr i to say, unimprov. Alare : of the N li< n .< hi yesterday i i >. Dutilap with t i -kU oi'ed >! r. i . C < . J I ill 11. laid. The si I" l\? ' i ir \ lii .Mi culled off ntti -i !i.i and ciIUK are I r t 5 at i: 11. Till* pri. e It- ' 11 1 tl to la 1 ?-II ,t e In tile real vain . TIm- ffirtin I ' I '? '':lVe done very lit i,> .,1 | aril ^ tlieir land I c I 'ntlie continued cold 1: ae wvaili er, and on top <it' ;u - !i tains of the |>ast lew davs > it thein I auk for si vet <d .. 1 v ,, A lainntifni \i It 1 oiiu inent. In he pi iced tie it the lute \V K. rspi pt ! n I on last Wednesday a id >. -weeted wi'hin the u.v litis no' iie n am r \> th r ther will he pet it r> . in contu cti >11 wit It t: a tii The Times was mi>iu('<. iiicd lust \Wi k us t<? the proli l> i Mluhlish liieut of it hottlinir t ; ,r\ in 111?> Spruit Machine s building. We have since learned that it is a waste mill instead of a 1?. ?ttling factory that sonic ,f nur citizens are thinking of -'urtint; up. Those who mail i ? u the various rural r >uto-? n entry should remember tlr. : seary t ) use a L.' n' ' icip it takes just as > la letter to (i i ltiia's t- i . 1 t lie rural route. it . l one to California. ' v n Sun's way of d 'in^ bu. in\ : . V'IV I - I | l I -? (1 fhn Inf.- 'fgtslntur pr -I s ||,ui mileage tickets sh it. ! : ti ,t only by tlie pari *v I l< 'lie mom bet-? t? lb > .riiy. The purclne. >r in ' in im 1 > the company a b ! ' , i*,l>?-rs of his family and ! viil be written on ;in tic The salary of rum! m ! carriers will be iu.:re .~ .1 ft -r .lay 1st from $t> 0 I o S i ')<) \ en lie i. After'Inly the earn - v. 1 ti ! be allowed to take or I i^ . to carry packages for pay. il pre.-iunptioi. is they have , .?i?_fh to do in handling and d> 'rib .tin.' the mail witl'.out o'd -iioy or 1 ere or carrying merHiandi As a lesult of a head ?^n col lision between a work train and the Southern's matlitionnd Palm Limited, the lntler which is due here at about 12 p. in did not arrive Friday until S a. m. The crolliaion occurred a f?-w miles south of Columbia, and v.h.le the track was blocked for s> vcml hours, the damage to the w is slight. The remain t i. (ieo. W. Croft, oonirres-on ,u i r .in the 2nd district of t. i S a ?, parsed through hero .' i ii . .mini; on a special car nitn i< I . ti tin No. !DI, Col. Ci t <:t ! riiur.sday morning in Washing! < of nlood-, poison an I ihe r ; ii \?ore carried to his o d Ii :.!? ,i: Aiken for burial. The board of visitors of the Citadel ncad-Mur ' 1 i 'ir meeting in Columbia. <! ? i?i?* . :o sen i the cadets to (lie Si I mis ? xposition, where they v. i i : ? into encamp ment from tht I >t i to the 2.r>lh of June. The S* wi' pay their expenses whil ! *re. I ut they niu.s tpay their < v n wp rt ti ii, winch wiii not h' much. as the roads will give them special rates. FRE1 JLJS Sxxit, o XV c arc ?i<: ii .i l< number <tf hcans t store, a hr.rdsonu How to 8 c; 12 With every 50-v these tickets er.til liave, the betiery Furniture. The b interested parties (iive us your pa cheaper than our DVCIX..X. Mis. Sal y N\ riiili* lets |i'ire|i i-e<l a I*it near tin* i!"\v M 'i i 1 > ell u IT 11 ami will have a re?;tlen"i eiedeil tliOn'CMI Ml wli'-e. S'jo will make Naiisville lier lm in- ami il 11ml rstiMiil Ilia' 11er c'lr.iiriiier . .>l is W . A. \\ r In . i > .1 A. il. M isH Mil 'Hi <)i I I lnii,.i. ami M ihs i. Il ,i . 'il. r n.u? 11' I i I t'hiili' j with Ii??r, -M ss M iiiii iit.w :i t rni in <1 n .11 in .ti ,i' ami | Mi. j i i:i i is ii a :iii- : s 11 i m A ork ouuly.? BacU . . . M ?-. ui>i<11 VtniM^li'ix ii, wlin niifii-d in Kiit'in y.t*r i nvis'i p i?v .Mr. A , I). CIiohIi . h.i* \v 11 In A 1'kittiHiis I 10 iif 12 years au >. wm slioi ami! Uiiit'll hv a ii ur-> i-inpl- vet of limi rail toad on wliieh M i. A oiin<;i>loo<i ! was Wurkllle a ill ti iniiul..! I \W have not In-, m able t?i learn: any df the purl * i;!ars i< aditiLT up (o the murder. Tin in liierof tin , deceased is Ml-.. ,\i. ( ). Yolinj/ I blond, win. ?1?iw li'.. s in Fort Mill townshio with In r sou. dolm F. Voting bin id. Ui.ek Hill Herald. Tom Avery, colored, was niveu a i preliminary hearing Saturday af 1 ternoou before M a?di-tiT. ('. Ih-ckhum on the charge ot ihtainiIItroods llll'ler Sd-c j from Lee S. Nivalis. ??f F? .Mill 1 township, having b .11trt?t i hoist from Mr. Nivens and >_h v-n a inortj?a^(e on sonn cattle ' i- lint belong to him. 11 - v !>-,ie.d ! over for 11 i d d 'In* ter*u ? the circuit court an 1 ! . I i a $2oo bond wa . id York 1 jail yester la by ( 1 d .1. F. \\ innate.? Ko k II il :I r 1. The S ?utin rn 1. ii . ! v irr escap.-d ti- ! ><.-,!<; . s ?me bridj ? a.*r? > i ai; .' a r. Friday morning ab e.d d y hi ik I poii appr mchino 'h lu i ; . eiiifin- r of No. Ill. t 'ie " , Flyer," - .'.v tin- file d. . i , his train, extin^ui. lo d i .< d n. II was thoui^liI .i.?.t the . . were tired by a .-j irk irc'i a 1 freight train which i pa.- d lover the bridge only : t 'i before No. !?l. Ab ' a do/. . li were so badly hurii-d ' 1 ti. \ had to b i moved. Seyeral of our contemporaries are coin plaining of t lie small boyof tlieir respective towns throwing rocks and breaking ylass in the buildings. Such a practice has * *? " * . ..*< 111 run i> 1 ill lor some time, and we doubt if there j is a dozen whole ^lass in (lie build in^ of the now idle Spi at t Machine Co. Several yoiinusti-rs have been caught in the act and r mildly (diastised, but still the throwing! coiitinnPH. Parents will doiibtlf.-s j conclude at an early day that it is about as near an impossibility to atop a boy from "chuukinij" as i is to keep him out sculp.-! while j returning from school. KOIt SALE?One hmulretl aurl fifty ] bushels of Providence Yam Seed Po tatoes. J. I.. KIMBKELL. NOTIC-E?1 am now pre par <1 to furnish Single Comb Hr >wn l^-irh 'rn E I at JI.'Hl p -r s 'in ; .f ' Mv **hi cms are hr .1 fr >111 priz winners emit tied to registririon. Apply to J. W. 1 Koonce, For* Mill S. C. A Fort Mill Womak asks I "have you .t floor paiir ha. will I t tw i weeks?" Y a we hav l>. vo i has a V. au iful rl ?? " ' "ill Wear t yearn if properly applied. YV. E. ^rdrey & Co. EEL LULti?\xl /TT5 tr-TJuir, -TO*T >x jf ulxm: > nive to the customer wh jo .tai.:ed in a jar. now : $7 S Suii ?! I'll 1*11 i111n? ire ?isesses: :ent 51. chase we issue lies y j t > one guess, on!* chance to possess tl eans will he counted on J and the suit awarded to trnnnge. We sell you 1 competitors, and it costs Respectfully yours. ^ > vyv yyyyyyyy^yy; | Tiiii Old Reli C >) rn '{UIMHM 0 1 Bargains Ii ?> ________ ^ We were fort 6) nig our new 1 O Clothing at CO font, mirier r Q O l liis fact cnal | Genuine H in this 1 i 111" an f) vcrv fair pro CO have a nice li IS i ^ v-y :'.!! ! r??!?!! !!!?'!" ? $? bought before ? and can offer 1 ?s bargains and Yours for } Tlis Old Rel 1 Ta B> BEL (C7 ?303?3? ?????@ Everybody is playing PIT The popular new name; < i... ? * me- (iiosi interesting ol all for old and young.' .SOc a package. Ft. HZ. strips?, at Ardrey's CIEI. $75 iitxix*e. 0 guesses the exact or on exhibition at our >'ou a ticket. Ten of File more guesses you lis magnificent Suit of 1 lily '20th, by three ilisthe successful guesser. ?oods as cheap, if not you nothing to guess. 9 LJ JLNI VJT laiile Store I 1 ClolliiiJ _____ cl miato in buy- ^ CO ine of Spring q CO least k2o per CO CO ovular prices. CO >!<ks us to offer ? Bargainsg (I still make a q fif \V,v .?I ...* @ It* M V ^ nc of Spring 0 Dress (Hoods 0 the advanee 0 the ladies rare 0 latest styles. 0 business, <|| iaMe Store, | K, PROP. <|> )@??@??????oS ARRIVAL OF TRAINS. Ill accordance With the schedule, effective Nov. :i!?, 1the Southern's passenger trains now arrive at Fort Mill as follows: PROM fit \RI.OTTE. No. 27 (regular stop) 7:3-1 a. 111. ,, 33 (Hag stop) 0:01 ,, ,, 2.7 (regular stop) .... 7:07 p. in. ,, 20 (Hag stop) . 10:20 ,, ., from COI.l MltlA. No. 30 (regular stop) .... 0:13 a. 111 ,, 23 (regn'nr stop) 2:18 p. m ? 28 (regular stop) v13 ,, ,, ,, 31 (flag stop) 0:00 ,, ,, Ifel ^ . Title O Vim 1 a ticket fi>r every dollar' M:i-srv's store. All tlnse tick 'ts v In Irawn >ut hy a blind folded rlii iliawn out, you m?t tin* Piano free. ') s. tin* better your chances will b in* drawing has 11 >t been decided \ his year and will t>.? announced in Our ISTe^w Si Is complete in all depart un nts. so many pretty things and special t ion t Item now. Xju O". \pvv 1 MVIt 1M1?5 1 1SI.ACK Illack plain \ oil. I t inch Illack llrilliant \Oil. to inch, Illack N nh \ oil, .'III inch I thick NuiisvciiiiiLT, vrrv line, toil Illack N unsveilin^r. dd inch Illack Scrjje. storm ami worsted... Illack silk-warp Henrietta Illack all-wool Henrietta (Miainpaoitc \ oil. 10 inch lloyal Itlnc \ oil, I" inch I'art wool MlIcriiiinc, d> inch, lilac Se ?nr line i I t Ot ton \ lis. ail et A.I I iineii Suitinus. o'J men NOT] All summer Handkerchief-. line an Twelve tlo/.t n neat 1 nnhroidercil 1 lor for, on sale at It) cents. Twenty-tl\? do/en nice Shear Hat at o . New t i.liars. O. 10. ami 2'ic. Spi t'rushed Leather Hells, all colors, ! < tar store is tided with new on see t hem. Meacham ft"'v Watch for on** opening anno Spring is Ne And il finds us itli < of Spring and Summer a from head to loot, that "~T have all t / I \ styles. I] K IV of low ei nk N e e k w e a i | \ (5^ you buy, i M you, we \\ m the eall. W 5 111a; \jjk^ | remind y | x?sx arc soic ' \ \V. L. Douglas Shoes--th See our Autograph C McElhaney P Mules! Mules! Just received a car load of extra fine Mules. From now on you will always find me wiih a /food supply on hand. Call and do business with inc. If you haven't iiic ut.Mi i win sen you aim give yon all the time you want. Very respectfully yours, S.J. Kimball Rock Hill, S (1. J. U. Tray wick & Co., DEALERS IN FIXE EIQIM>RS AND WINES, No. 4-2 East Trade St. CHARLOTTE. - - - N. O. ?pnp $300 Piano Given Away Absolutely FREE. ' ?J -L- -L U. s worth of nonds you buy at L. J. nil be pltuvri in a box, and mir will lil. If your name is on the ticket. The more tickets you have in the e li> jjet the Piano. The date for :et. but will l?? -i. wv I'M,,, niiir iiiii l 11 due time. oring Stock Call ami oo>* the new goods. Have bargains will not attempt to menDress Goods. GOODS. $i.oo 1.25 50 icli 1 00 50 50 and 75c $1.00 . 50 and 00c ?S5c 85c k. blue, brown, a bargain .... 25o >1 ?i'H 15, 17, 20 and 25c 25c IONS. id shear, ass"I hemstitched $1.00 doa Iatnlkeiehiefs, one you have paiil idkerchiefs, the best we ever had milled Collars, 55, 50, 75c and $1 25 and 50c, oda and we are anxious for you to i &Epps. uncement which will he soon. ar at Hand, one of the swcllest lines pparel for men and boys, money can buy. We he new i*oods and latest >on't fail to see our line nt Shoes, llats, Shirts, r, Clothing, etc., before ilid if we can not please ill, at least appreciate y also be well to a^ain oil of the fact that we ij?cnts here of the celee best made, laps at 50c each. arks Gomp'y CABBAGE PLANTS Now ready for delivery, ton 'million Cabbage 1'hints of the following vanet ios: Henderson, Succession, Flat Dutch, Selected E.:tra Narly Jersey Wakefield, and ('harlesion large type Wakefield Also, Alexander Seed ComuinvV a?. Kusta Karly Trncker. Price?$1.50 jier thousand. 5,000 to 10,000 at $1.25 per thousand. 1 0,(MM) to 50,(KM) at $1.00 per thousand. Terms?Cash with order or plants sent C. O. D. These plants are tfrown in the oi>en air on the Sea Coast of South Carolina. They are stocky and hardy, and when replanted will stand severe cold without iiijnrv. I huv? n u.-wu-i i ? ~ n>>v rain with tho Southern Express Company and plants can l>e delivered at any point on their line at a rate of 20 to 40 cents per thousand; minimum chftrge 011 single iwiokago, 115 cents. I am distributing agent for GLENN SPRINGS MINERAL WATER. Prices and cir. ularson application. Will. C. GERATY, Young's Island, S. C. i Telegraph aud P. O. i Til 12 TIMES WILL DO YOUR JOb PRINTING. JMHnI