University of South Carolina Libraries
FORT MILL TIMES DEMOCRATIC PUBLISHED KYKRY WKDNK DA^ B. W. BRADFOVj). 'JVrni.- of -Ij't.'in; i ?n?> v?*nr M Six mnnthn T<> Tlir?*p niontliK. ..... ,'S> ?"?jrK*s|nin'lj*in < on Invito!. but no I"' 'V;.i m*. Mtit) i-: ;m-J for ihv \ i*-\vs of < . ' w.?. Annnymnim oummtinl 11 , u. t I in llw.V.. ... ' On to 4 h ) > 111 > 1 :: 11 J vertlflnk jutos nro iivi< I u ii those Int'-rost'Ml. FNirt Mill "Phono (with ton ;i i n?< c*?Tnio? (ions) N"o. 2<-. MARCH HI. I ' )! Mcro Seed Frr ; . In >i I ft I ?r i roin V? :i i< n i y?*Htenl:iy, f L** p'! . ' <: w in toritied I I'll1 In- _ m ii i : il> jjartuietii IihO i>ee i ii'-V'U -Ih(| by I'ougreKBiiiMn Kinley to p to Hm* Fort Mill Time* tMJ pa mes of pardeii se?d. t ? I)** disi .t < *; Irw to tho people of this sert i mi (>111 v H bIiOI'I time hljo Tllf t'lllleH l? > eei veil from S<nalor* Latimer n email hulk nl m ki1 Mini these weir , fjiwu out ituue licit. I v. [i is our; intention to divide the Heed ?is ?*t111 m! 1 y as poshiijle all) mi^ those wishing 1 li? in. ami as \v< hav?* no leoorci of tin- riti/.t iih i?i whom we have already lp veil a share, we would ask that eland hack and allow others to .share in the coiniui! distribution. N>> ify this office hy eunl or otherwise ami the fceed will la- i. ailed out immediate|y upon the arrival i f die lot. Public School Libraries. JJow, that an act was passed by the last legislature providinif that the Slate shall contribute to es- 1 iahlishiii<r libraries in public schools. it would seem that a wise i step for the For! .Mill Graded school. which has been at work for several tnoiiths endeavoring to raise a suilicient sum of money for this purpose, would be to turn over to the county superintendent, the 1 required amount and secure the State's aid in tlie establishment of i tlie library. The net provides that when the patrons or friends of a free public school shall raise and tender III/ sum of $10 to the County Super inteudeut of lOdncation for the ohtahlisnmeiit of a library for a s hool, the school, tlm county and the Slate Board of Education will each contribute a like sum. muk- : ini; available for the purchase of books from the list selected by the State Board. Only twelve lb braries will be established in a county in one year. Fact* About the Panama Canal. People very often bite otV more , tnan tin y ohu chew, according to an old saying, and while the peole of this country lu-ve unlimited faith in anything I n< 1? Sam undertakes, the follow inart iele from World's Work will >-how the immensity of his latest bi'e: , About two liftlis of the canal is already cut, incluuinif 14 miles from the Atlantic coast and I miles from the Pacific coast; but these sections will need dc p< diitf. Thirty-six miles of the m >st ditli?*nlt part remains to be cut. It is oh!limited that this 1 i*isk will require tlie work ?.f 7)0,0 ;0 men for eight years. A great dam is to be built ut Bohio, wliieh i- 11 in ilea litluiid from tin- Atlunlie coast, that w ill make ? lake lilt \ -two feet above the Atlantic into which ves nels will bo raised h\ l< eke. The new level thus reached will x* ml 22 miles. Then, ve.v.- s g in<_ t ward the Pacific, will desc . ml by lock* about sixty-five i' et to the Pacific level. The (! m will sup ) ly power that, will b- used in ex cavating, and the work under American supervision is expected to go on much faster than the! French company conducted it. We tdtall presently be within sight of the realization of the most important change that has ever been made by man in the physical structure of the earth. ? ? Fort Mllll'l Quaint Fisher.nan Of all people in tlio world who make ? hnainesa of Hshiuu: Fort Mill probably possesses the quaint eat. "Aunt Caaaie,M nit old colored woman here who in more than ninety yeara old, may tie found winter or summer on the hanka of *i... ? ? li. i ... 5nr iiver prouauiy several myitis during the week. What is more remarkable tiian her age is the fact that ahe is a woman ami yet will apend the darkest niuht of the \ear alone, mutely coaxing and patiently fishing for cat Hah. at the tender meicy of the hoot owls and - wliipporwills, with no human be-i intf within a half mile of t he sound * f?t her voice.?Fort Mill cor res pepdent Charlotte Chrouicle. ( hKos *enrr Mxd* I B ill VM?M fat* M Dsvrv-'n, i Lazy, Drunken Uattates. Tin' (inil'ney Ledj/er. one of our | most vuluHit exclmn^eh very wise Jy rethinks: '*( )iih of the timet clotMuthI?1 ? OUtVH^eS thill til IH C'OIUIMI'llitV lias t?> I).Mir with i.s tin* ti|>f>'>ntZ f'lthernof the liriiiJit hiuI iin'ujstrioiiH hoys | >ititi uirls who work in our 1 'net vies. If it is possible for the ' I > ishiture t? ft miii" i) law whereby I I in*-.i* little kiuuB uii' 1 que-m of industry < uii receive the benefits ?>l t! 11 11 labor M!lij it litH to route tn tliei" r? lief, then (lie law 1 ui't i.ors will luive eomniitt"d ?? ' iTMtie l?y tln-ir neuli^eMee. There i is ki inel!iiii^r radii-ally vu-outr in a ( syt-'eni Hint will allow a ln/.\ ?!? :?' fii <!>?(!<)v to draw 1h? earn in of his rhildren and squander ,v il at tiie State's rum mills and t |?.\v Mick m lu) earn it. and those | \vh> wmild help 'lie winner and children. to suffer try reason of the wort 111 ess n ess of these hrutes in human foi in.' 14..i <i.:u ..i i ?* ?> mum ri ?#? un i n*i? ??r jiiiM*tifM IK iir>t routined to til** cnlllttlll- I IIity of (.latt'tiey. It is vogue ( in every section where inanufieI in ii?lt is curried on. and we agree w)111 The le-dger liuit our legisia torn are guilt y of crime it tliey have i the p over to stop this disgraceful | practice and neglect to do so. , Former f ortmi'.llan Endorses Hearst Hon. Win. Mack, presidont or j the leceutly organized "Dixie Heirrst (Jlul) of New \ oi k" and a Kon of Dr. 'I. B. Mack, of Fort ' Mill, hail the following to say at, a ^ meeting of his clul) a t'? \v nights i ago concerning the pr< sidentiul i-uudidacy of Mr. W 1\. Hearst: "I think Mr. Hearst would make ,l a winuing candidate for piesidmit ' un the Democratic ticket. Born in ? the West, educated in the Fast, tl mid BUcreHsfully publishing four , large uevvspapere in four of the largest cities in tin* Fnion one in H New York, one in Chicago, one in San Francisco and one in Los An- j ti geles?he is perhaps today more closely in touch with the rank ami ( tile of the American p ople than any other man. 1 "He is a young man the young ; men would enthusiastically rally f around him. He is a friend of , labor?the laboring class would bail his nomination with j ?y. Ibis fearless in championing the rights of the people against all in- 1 fringinents? thousands of lb pub. a lica.'is in the cities where his news 5 papers have cheeked the encroach- ' metits of greed and wealth would pay their debt of gratitude by voting for Win. ft. liear-J f< r pro-id nt,... A man of wraith j hiiiiseir, he sin ulii not be uiiwrl- , ci in?--d to the moneyed class. x Broad in the fullest sense and un- j derstanding the civic conditions of every section of our country, lie | . would suit the North, the South, 1 the Fast and the West.'' , ? ... 11 Franchise Tax Law Not In Force. , The attorney general has ren- <1 tiered a formal opinion on tlu? en- J foreement of the franchise tax law ( tliis year and. as was expected, the ( opinion is that the tax cannot he j collected thin year as the time for making the retnriis has expired. < The act was approved by the gov- . ernor on February 2!>th and under the law does not into effect mitil March 20 aa no law noes into effect until twenty days after the governor's signature is attached unless otherwise provided. The first section of the act says: "Bo it. enacted by the general assembly of the State of South Carolina that every corporation organized under the laws of this Slate to do business for a nmtit in I Ilia State ahull make a report in writimr t<> the comptroller general t annually during the month of Feb ruary in such form as the secretary of Slate may prescribe." Am the law doe? not go into effect until March 20 it cannot be ' enforced this year and under the ' ' opinion of the attorney general j there is no way under which it can be. The State's revenue is uf- , 1 fected about $lf>O,(X)0. ' ? j i Was tha Legislature Buncoed? Now the telephone act is found | dofootive. The franchise tax cannot be enforced until next year. 1 We are informed that there is also 1 something wrong witli the insur- , nnce law. The dog tax law cannot be enforced. We do not know *\ wli?t will develop next. We would like for some legislator to explain how all this happened. We know J that often there is uiuch underhand work in the passage of acts, and frequently a single word or seemingly harmless amendment is gotten in at the last moment of a daily session or at that of the clone which practically destroys the in< : tended effect of a bill, There are so litany of them turning up wrong that we have about ooncluded that somebody's tine Italian hand is responsible for all of it, We do not < flgiow, but it all seems to he very ^uoge.?Columbia Record. PiifEVtlLE FIRESWEPT. bight Business Houses Destroyed. Causing a Less c iiobauiy $25,CG0, With Cniy S>lC,CwC insurance. i. |m il t< Th Tinuis.) 1'inevillo, Mnirl. 1 i. One of the J most disustrou-> .ires in the history : f i'ineviil" lno' ->ut ln*re shortly *flor ~ (>*? ! !< '1 s morning in the j building u.rii. .1 hy I)~. \V. K. K. id iih ji dru^ luic. "ne dibcov- ( tv of tin- tin* \\ s ma ie by a col>red man who *mis sleeoing in an nljoit'ing 1?i::!?'i iiu nd he iimmiiati v notiiied < ' < p- r1 eg whose -lv ping o; rt 1.1 \ < re nearby. III I'm* II. tin 1 lr weie | -1 1? .i " \ .ir . h* d it iimii 1 i . ' *' ' ' ' i -? 1J p' .1 mil iing nmi k omi .J. i \ niiml a -?l nt./.?iib i.aii arrived i ipou (In* scene and each put forth t i?*it?i * ' "?s t< pr-*"e-. t the Haines, spreading to adjoining buildings. In i. - . i.iw ver, they were unsuc ? s i.I 1 a* the building occupied 'v \i !iin iV: I In v r was soon en- ' ! p *d in tiauieb and was fust beng reduced to ashes, 'rom this mihling the lire spread rapidly to In* fnruitlire store of M. V. Hnr <ey; lh- n to the fancy grocery of tV. II i' 'It harp. Here it was hoped hat tin* tire had spent itself, for lie n? xt in line was the two-story i, i:I.I: i... T i M l\ I'll I 111 I 11^ IM I IIJJICU l#%> . M. Morn w iV Co. This building did lot ignite as readily as the frame itru. tores and it was several millitfH Iiefure the tlnmes laid their iery Kn,sP up"n it. To the sooth , if the Morrow store is a briek wall mil this alone possibly prevented lie burning of the entire business leetion of the town. Of the buildings named above, ill wi re destroyed. Considerable itoek was carried from the burned listriet but wae da in apod owini; to i ouyh handling in its removal. The lire it is believed resulted | rotn li^htninjr, H heavy storm hav- \ iitf passed over the town just pre'ions to the tire. The loss, so far as can he ostinated at this time, will amount to bout $'Jo.O00, with from $8,000 to ! liO.OOO insurance. Mr. Heath's Liberal Offer. Mr. t >. F. Heath, of Monroe, who s noted for his liberality in con- I ributin^ to charitable and other vorthy causes, was a visitor to j ?\?rt Mill recently. While here, Mr. Heath was apirised of the fact that the Fort | dill Methodist church wits burl-ned with a heavy debt and that lie in milters were then making/ an tV; ?rt to raise money to pay otT the ] lei>t and ini| r> ve their church j jroperty. Mr. Heath's sympahetic nerves were evidently j ouched by this intelligence, for a e\v days later the ccngregratiou | eceived from this loyal hearted i rentleinan a volurlaiy tiler of! >500 t?> l?e ii- I : >r church work. ; litis tiller, h wev r, v. as basal up- j m cr 'iditi(i:i i it tii.- congregation | nis- the sum of S30J to bd used ii a like manlier. The Meth di is wetv much euhusetl by Mr Heath's oli.-r and it once set id mt t raise the rejnired $300. (>' thi. amount inont. $2o0 was subscribed during lie past we k and il is expected bat the remainder will he in hand >y the ? "d of t present week. Tho.o w'm d ir to aid in this Host v. ri'n\ ? ^. slum! 1 hand in heir contrihuti mis at once to any I ifiicer of tlit- church. ? -? ? A con at t net ion gang of the Ca-| awba Power Company 011 Monday levari the <-ruction of its pole line1 0 the power plant on the river, the work wh8 begun at the receiv- j ng station near the upper mill tnd will be carried through to the river as rapidly as possible. i^euer lo H. Branson. Fort Mill, 9. C. Doar Sir: There are tfive ways if badness in paint: (1) stuffed out with ohalk, or som?> thing like that; I'2) harytos, barter than ohalk, but no covering to it; nobody know it's there; (H) bensina in the oil, or water, or jther huoil staffing, (4) too thin?too mnoh liquid, whatever it is, for the solid, (6) short measure; j Now will you buy by the prioe per "gallon"? Wo furnish our agents v.'ith a state ihemist's certificate of analysis that tehs what's in Davoo. Yours Truly F W Devoi: & Co 15 Now York P. 9. "W. B, Ardrey & Co. sell our paint, ? See announcement of Mr. John F. Gordon, of Yorkvillc, in anal her column. Fewer gallons; wears longer; Devoe LUpentary Conditions In Yctv Gcr ?/ I Cupt. vV.II. Edward# in The State." Now i t up xe'nim t > n ' nent lo Hie Hii> I) .i. and t..M j Yt rk com tv hp mu i!Imstrati its t.p ration. The t> v. . c< Y< rkviile voted a <lief;eiiFar> up n the : town, v.hile an l!it lalarct of ??ie county hnii nothirt; to do with it. No v, v-l'v a provision of l-iv 'tin' v "1 require ih<- v tt- f tr - * In Itc r?iiy t . v h !h - ? i' 'n ii r? - I iiuii'i it he renir?vv;\*f 'the prnei- ; ' im oi local OKiioti V(p r? -e im1;. .1 i: voting in 'n diK? ? " arv. nur i ign Ti d w1 >. n ilk t.? v tang it ! out. and - 'y- t tno t v < i' Y- rkvilie, You i5m : t gel n. voice oi the qir.lified elector tin county " I'll y in \ rein ve it ntliri that they r?>r ternmiuaiii ' < I i t q .. " ?<t ' O v r ?r*. lx- !. r i lot f 111 i i'lum twio t'i tuvie of Yorkville unci one of the wealthiest towns of it? ei'/.e in the up country?don't want hikI won't lmvc n dispensary. And while they had nothing to do with voting a dispensary upon Yorkville. 1 . .. t 1.1 I .... 1 -1 - -S. ? . ! . mi vmiiiki nnve vuiecj itganisi ii 11 they lifid been given tlif oppoi'tu nity, now if they vote to remove it they must pay 1-2 mill tax on $2.000.0 JO of property to help Y<<rkv i 11 h <wap one nuisance for anoth er additional penalty by emu-lint;. "That any county voting; out a dispensary shall not hereafter receive any part of the dispensary school fund." Shades of Calhoun. McDuffie. Hayne and Pinoknr\! Any member *?f the gem ral assembly who voted for that ai.sendme' ' is not fit to represent a free, liberty-loving; people in their lawmaking; body. H is said to be a secret rule in the Uu.-sian army to kill all the wouuded. This saves hospital expenses, and then, there will be no needy pensioners left at the close of hostilities to live off the bounty of the public treasury. Working Overtime. Eight hour laws are ignored by those tireless, little workers?Dr. King's New .Life Pills. Millions are always at work, night and day. curing; Indigestion, Hi liousncss. Constipation, Sick Headache and all Stomach, Liver and Howe I troubles. Easy, pleasant, safe, sure. ()nly 25c at All drug; store's. There were forty-five convictions in the Charleston city court on the *i.? nil. :?* - iiiwi 11111^ wi rut- .MII puriH'H charged with violating lite ch'speii- j earj* ordinances, net tint; $1,225. nearly every dollar of which paid on the spot. Nearly every d? fendant submitted to a tine of $25. It Saved His Lee. P. A. D.tnforth, of La Grange, i (k., suffered for six months with a frii/htful running sore on his leg; 1 but writes that Bucklen's Arnica j Salve wholly cured in in five days. For Ulcers. Wounds, Piles, it's the , best salve in the world. Cure guaranteed. Only 25ctw. Sold by All Druggist. : ANNOUNCEMENTS. FOR CLERK OF THE COURT. \\Te are authorized to announce Mr. J. , C. WILBORN of Kock Hill, as a candidate for ULERK OK THE COURT for York county, subject to the action of the Democratic party in the nominal- I ing primary next sunnner. FOR SHERIFF. ~\\7"eure authorized I . announce Mr. , ' * JOHN F. (iURln";N as a candidate for the office f SHERIFF of York c un/ty, subj' ct to tin. choice of t h D i-aocralic voters as the same may Ik v x- j pressed in the primary election of August 30. Old Boreas Will make this his busiest month. His icy breath makes the ; Hands and Face rough and red un* j less one is prepared for him. Witch Hazel Jelly Enables one to withstand his attacks however. It quickly cures chaps and redness of the skin and renders the complexion soft, velve-* ty and beautiful. A tube of generous size for " twenty five cents at Ilff A + ^ ^ - w, JB, /Vrdrey & Cos, j BlaekMnttbing and Woodwork. I have leased the Bailee smith- | shop, near McElhaney's stable, aiul will do your blacksmithing and general repair work in the moat satisfactory manner. Horseshoeing a specialty. Give me a trial. J. Ebb Pattersoa. Mil T / THE LOUD TALKER SAY; PI1P jlg| TJATW fifl swei THE LARG 23 Pounds (jJnunilatc SI worth Kinbroidory liiseporablo-t ho 1 wo Spot < You only have to see vineed of their value. 2,000 3s all we have at thi> is a remarkable offer an taj?e of it will be well pi Compan The State Democratic ? xeeutivei committee will me. t in Columbia April nth to arrange for a State convent ion ami such oilier busi- j liens as may be brought before the committee. Tragedy Averted. " lust ill the nick of time our little boy was saved" writes Mrs. i \V. Wat kins, of Pleasant Cit y, (). "Pnuemonia had played sad havoc with him and a terrible cough set in besides. Doctors treated him, but lie grew worse every day. At length we tried Dr. Kind's Now Discovery for Coiisuniption. and our darling was saved. lie's now sound and well." Kverybody ought to know, it's the only cure for Coughs, Colds and all Lung diseases. Guaranteed by All Druggist. Price 50c and $1.00 Trial bottles free. The most disastrous tire that our neighboring; town Olu -I r has stiffen d i" ma ; y ars l.rok. on! in th b nun of tin B? w fey llardw.-.r. C . Saturday ight at 11 o el el.. {...pit * tin* Work ot tl fir. o p rtiuv-nt. rnj idly spread i ?... ,i; :?i v ' ? * I.HJ- IMII ucv U[MTU by ill- N. . York 1? ick t. For a i tim it .:.jr * a red ti> entire hi ck j would tT", I nt the til'- wnt uoth n iiiiUt r i. ri' ? < I Nbout H uV hx k Sunday nurain^. after destroying $00,Oo J w orth ul j r? )? rty. More Riots. Disturbances of strikers nre not nearly hm i?rave as an individual disorder of tin1 system. < >verwork, loss of sleep, nervous tension will be followed by utter collapse, unless a reliable remedy is imm diately employed. There's nothing so efficient to cure disorders of the Liver or Kidneys as Electric Hitters. It's a wonderful tonic, and etTeclive nervine and the greatest all around medicine for run down systems. It dispels Nervousness, PI 1 XT I..!. 1 i iiiK'iiuini inui unit iiruimijiH | expels Malaria germs. Only 50c, and autiBfactioii guaranteed I?y All Druggist. - The ruling price of cotton on the local market yesterday was 15 3*4 cents, SUNDAY ORDINANCE. Be it ordained by the Intendant and Wardens, of the town of Fort Mill, in Council Assembled, and by authority of 1 the same: Sec. 1, Hereafter, it shall be unlaw- ; ful for any person, or persons, to trade, j barter, buy, or sell, goods of any dose rip- j tiou, (medicines and necessaries for burial jm raises excepted) on the Sabbath day. Provided?That milk may be delivered and ice up to it o clock Sabbath moruill ATM. Sec. 2, Every violation of the ul>ove ordinance will be subject to a fine of not less than $.">, or imprisonment in the guurd house not less than 5 days. Done and ratified in council this the 7th day of March 1904. T. S. KIRKPATRICK, Attest; Intendaut. I J. M. Sprntt, Clerk. " 4 i DO(i AND LIQUOR ORDINANCE. J After the 15th of March 1JKV4 the "Do# Law," enacted in 1N95, will be enforced. It provides a tax of $1.00, for every j dog, and $2.00, for every bitoh allowed i to run at large, on the streets of Fort Mill. The "Liquor Ordinance," passed in 1901 in reference to selling Patent Medicines, etc., a* a beverage of which ijlcohol forms a part, will be enforcid from this date. / T. S. KIRKPATRICK' Intendaut, / mm stakes i V KIND OF CHEW /ON ENOUGH GHEWERS / AR TO MAKE EP-STAKES JEST COMPETITIVE BRAND , iCHNAPPS TOBACCO. t <1 Sugar - - SI .00 or Insertion - SI.00 for .... S'2.00 Oash. these i?oods to he conYax*ds i unheard-of price. This d those who take ad vaileased. y Store: YOUNG | TENDER ! 0 * j JUICY \ d * ,f' These iiro the points of merit J ^ in our beef. You never run the ^ ^ risk of getting old or tough ^ A steaks here. Wo assure you wlien a d you eonie to us for meat the quul- d d ity will be right. J A Our experience teaches us A d how to best select meat and how d # to best serve it for you. d A Juicy, tender steaks are our A d pride?they give you an api>otito # d every time. All Pork Sausage? ^ ^ tlio kind your grandmothers made ^ J ?loc a pound. J i I. T. I. II A U U I Vi 2 ^ - ? ? y ^ Next door to Mills & Young. ? Don't suffer with yonr eyes and headaches. Have them tested and lit tod with proper glasses. Examination absolutely free and glasses at half prioe for a short time. Sat- . isfaetion guaranteed or no pay. L. J. MASSEY, . .. J? J 1 j ELBERTA PEACH TREES, BARRED PLYMOUTH ROCKS. RED RASPBERRY PLANTS. Eggs for hatching a specialty. All inquiries promptly answered. Write for Circulars. GEO. P. MONTGOMERY, MARIETTA. GA. GIVE US A TRIAL ORDER and set the BEST WHISKIES, /WINES, BRANDIES, Etc., .11 the most reasonable prices. I J. 0. Ros* Jt Co. Props., TIIK GOURD SALOON, CH A KL< )TTK, N. C. No. 29 W Trade Both 'Phones. Work Well Done, Have you Table Cloths, Counterpaines, Doilies, Window Curtains, Blankets, etc., laundered by the Model Steam Laundry, I of Charlotte, N. C. I Prices for laundering the above articles cheerfully furnished. Our shipments are made Thursday mornings and returned Saturdays. McElhaneyvParks Co. Tilt Clothing and Shoo Men.