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DOCTORS Frarticinsr 1'liysiclftns recognise the unl INlla by prescribing them for Buckacb orders?a tribute won by no other l'r froui ?'j(ote? of lllHl'ra^tIce,', by l>r. L rosTEB-MtLBi'RN Co.. Buffalo, N. Y. t'Jr.ntlnncnI hnve been engaged in tion for ten years. This is ? very sickly mar the Arkansas River. It is partiei meet with many and various abnortua prominent among the cases in which I t kidney dlseuse. Many of these disorders back, often extending to other parts o present, caused by urnetuic or chronic u or ItUlneys, clotuly, tliicketied nnd foul i corruption; inflammation of the kidneys. i>\ excess or urn* acid and decomposition times met with, caused l>.v high state of There is no class of diseases a doctc variety ol' kidney diseases, in inuuy of ' rigors. followed l?y fever, a result of the add poisou from the system. Such ea their natural functions, then the poison i bliock to the nervous system averted and I have, for some time, been using manifestations and with uniform sueees Buy that even in hopeless eases where Kidney I'ills afford much relief and pro! In conditions of excessive or deficient > loscencc from swamp-fever and maluriul eases in my practice. (ASK 1. Titos. OitK.i.i.. Hear, Ark., ago Oil. Pain in bark (or several weeks, *heti chills, irregular sometime*, severe risers followed l?v fever. fJave good purgative of calomel and ptidoph. an?l Wean's Kidney I'ills. After taking four boxos of the pills, patient up and enjoying good healt b for one ot his age. CASK 2. Mrs. Smith, Tarry. Ark , age '^fi, mother of four children. Had female complaint and kidney trouble, manifest by pain in hack nnd urine irregular; sometimes very eiear, changing to cloudy, and with much sediment on standing in chamber. Have local treatment for Omale complaint and prescribed Doan's I'ills; after using six boxes she regards iierselt as cured. These are a few of the typical cases I'ills. In a great many instances I us xr bile with some others indicated remedi 1 believe Hint by tlm judicious use i cations are arrested ami many hopeless a prevented. I have often found tlint one box of tl >1 rtm\ but iti somo raxns 1 rontinuc thoi ubHi iit ami tin- ctlic uflVetunl and prrnia A fr??. trial "f tli1? itn-at Klilnay ami . IUa<lilcr Hiifi lfl.' ran Im> nhtaiiicil lay ail >0--, <tr?.M?(iiy VoMar-Mtlbnrti Buffalo. n(J/-* N \ Thr rvtrnlar al/.r t? fai rrnln |>rr ' ( la.* It n?t t.?r nalr 1>j your ilrmririHt or rlrulrr. will lw? will by mall, fhnriri*H prrfulcl. on m-rlpt ol prlra. "All m FAIL IN A DRY TIME I THE M Of THE flSH NEVER TAILS . t IN A WET TIME. Remember this when you buy Wet i 1 Weather Clothing and look for the name TOWER on the buttons. ' This sign and this name have stood for the BE5T during sixty-sevei 1 yiears of increasing sales. If your dealer will not supply .you write for 1 free catalogue of black or yellow water- 1 proof oiled coats, slickers, suits, hats, and k?rse goods for all kinds of wet work. A.. J. TOWER CO. THR BOSTON. HAii~ U S A SIGN t * ja -1 TOWER CANADIAN CO.. -^T^' : < TORONTO. CAM. I"*' ?. rJSff MttfW' s ??m??HMaa?inn * bri |>ru n ili built r icmiiiul hoii^ for the lucky poa*c*??r. Seecutalnj ^<mw!W pS^fcfc*^^ Claiomrra h:i.| of flu,?. ru hi !* . JP)' jflAMpM' bn. |>rr m'pr. hu. per ni-rr. ^ I!M1 hu. pi-r mre. . ^ l>4*r ni'rr* L*fl C b i ^ V y-r i '^" Jf Fnormoual/ proline. |i.h-? well . fcl MLTJJJE^ fv nature. It w??i i lrf rmir a : j[Pf| ' I pri*lun? Ina Itian |tvt hu. Try it. I#1^ ?W^ BrWl Dllllon Dollar Grass. TVruiil he a?hamr(t of J ^Erj|L^gjijy pt iitin vlih, kiffthrr with oar ?kMA ? |iSAWMILLSH:3B: with I1m-> ("ntversal I,or Reame.Keotilln H | ear. Slmnltaneou* Set Works and tha Hea eoek-KlnR Variable Feed Work* arc unai-S I oallad for accobact, ?imi-i.icity. orm*nii.-B , rrt and ?a? or oraaafion. Write for full B| . descriptive ctmilar* Manufactured by the ' Vh ?LL IN LINE. 'aillug reliability of Doan's kidney e, Kiduey, Bladder and Urinary DIsoprietary Medicine. Four cases cited ,eland Williamson, of Yoiktimn, Ark. Yobktowx, Ark.. Mar. i. 1904. the practice of medicine in this seeclimate, on the Bayou Bartholomew, ilarly malarious anil miasmatic; we 1 conditions of the human family; lave been called upon to prescribe is manifest themselves liy pains in the f the body; sometimes headache is rie acid poisoning, soreness in region smelling urine, discbarges of pus or extending to the bladder. Is caused i of the urine. Hemorrhage is somc' intlnmmutlon or congestion. >r Is called ofteuer to treat than the which the pntient will have chills or kidneys falling to eliminate the uric ses require the kidneys restored to ind foreign substances are removed? natural health restored. I>oan's Khluey Bills in these many s. curing most cases. I can further they have waited too long. Doan's ong life. I can recommend tiie pills ?ecretion of urine, as also in innvn. attacks, as verified by the following CASK a. Biiow.n Kaks, Wynne. Ark., age *21. Had aeveri* cane of malarial hoemataria or swamp fever. Clave necessary liver medicine, calomel and pndoph, and inortih.-sulph., to relieve pain, and ortiered IJoan'a Pills for the high state of congestion and inflammation ot the kidneys. Recovery resulted in two weeks. Prcscrirted Doan's Kidney Pills, to be continued until the kid neys were thoroughly strengthened and all pain in back subsided. CASE 4. Ki.i.iaii Ki.mott. Tarry., Ark., age 34. Pain in lmek and legs and headache. Uric-acid poisoning. Prescribed Doan's Kidney Pills After taking several boxes pain subsided urine became normal, or natural, and patient able to resume his work. in which 1 have used I loan's Kidney e tlieiu alone with curative results, es are associated. >f Doan's Pills many serious compliml iiicuralile eases of Height's disease ic pills is all that is required to effect r use until all symptoms are entirely nent. Yours truly, Youktowx, AnK. Spirit Photography. An Irish woman went to a phot okapher's and, after stilting that iter lustiand was .lead, requested a picture of him. On being asked for a ikeuess, she said: "Shure, if 1 hud wan picture of him. ivut wild I come here for?" The photographer, always ready for 'tin, replied: "If you give me and a description ? fyour husband, I think 1 can accomnodate you." "Well," answered 'he woman, "he >ad red hair, gray eyes, was tall an' hin and rather narvus." On receiving the picture, and with ears streaming from her eyes, she ;aid: "Oh. Dennis, how you have hanged!" Sergeant James Reardon. of the I'nitd States army, who has just died at "ort l.eavcnworth. Kan., was known hroughout the ainiy as a mathcmatiian. His unusual ability to manipuite figures. though it never benefited im practically, wave him a curious r< ssure among liis soldier companions . ' ' Mi ' '^ ft ?t. J " * ~--htt- J h- . .#? 4 x' - . _ --"Sffcr -' ^ j Miss M. Cartledge gives some , lelpful advice to young girls, j 1er letter is but one of thousands which prove that nothing s so helpful to young girls who ire just arriving at the period of vomanhood as Lydia I:. Pink- I lam's Vegetable Compound. "Dear Mrs. Pimbham:? I crnnot >raisc Lydia'E. Plnkbam's Vege- I .able Com pound too highly, for it s the only medicine 1 ever tried which ured mc. I suffered much from mv Irst. menstrual period, 1 felt so weak ind diary at times 1 could not pursue ny studies with the usual interest. My thoughts became sluggish, 1 h.-.d lendaches, backaches and sinking .pells, als>o pains in the back and lower iinba. In faet, I was sick all over. " Finally, after many other remedies lad been tried, we were advised to get Lydin K. Plnkham's Vegetable [Compound, and I am pleated to say dint after taking it only two weeks, a ivonderful change for the better took [Mace, and in a short time I was in [>erfect health 1 folt buoyant, full of life, and found all work a pastime. I im indeed glad to tell my eaperienee with I^dia JS. Pinldism'* Vegetable Compound, for It made a different girl of me. Yours very truly, Miss M. CitTtiMt, SSI Whitehall St., Atlanta, Oa. " - ?MOf fvf?H If *4$l?i / itew littir erav/sy gtnul* ? ?? ves/m kfo'uiii A JEWEL OF A SERVANT. Boy's Tact and Discretion Endeared i Him to Club Members. "Speaking of the importance of having servants of trained discretion." i said the out-of-town member, "reminds c me of a hallbcy, once in the employ of a famous New Orleans club to which 1 had the honor to belong. Well, gentlemen, that boy was tact and discretion itself. Wherefore, you may be sure, he did not long remain j in that humble status. An instance t which I have in mind?and this is but ? one of many?will suffice to give you 5 an idea of whnt a jewel of a servant that boy was. j "One even'ng while passing down ; the hall I overheard the boy r newer- j ing a 'phone call, or course. I could ? not know precisely what questions '/ prompted the lad's responses, but I | caught enough of his conversation to ) enable me to reach the decision that > for real discretion that boy was unapproached in his line. f " 'No. madam, no, madam.' was the 5 reply that his questioner elicited from j him several times. Then, after a bit. ' with not the least trace of impatience j or of impertinence, the lad quietly in > formed the lady at the other end of j the wire: "Yes. madam. 1 caught the name; | hut really even if 1 had not done so \ it would not make any difference, for. [ ma'am, no one's husband is ever av tills club!" He Was Feeding the Fish. Joseph Jefferson, the famous comedian. has stocked the lake on his Louisiana farm with bass and other game fish. "Not long ago." says the comedian. "1 came upon n stranger fishing in my lake. I did not learn until afterwards that the trespasser had been there all the afternoon without a bite. Stepping to his side. I politely Invited his attention to the fact that he was fishing in a private preserve, in violation of the law. Tha stranger smiled sndly. 'Yon are mis , taken, sir." he replied. 'I'm not catch- \ jng your fish; I'm feeding them!'" J i '1 lie Cuban government should feel ! well satisfied over its aueeess in nego- J tinting a $.Ti.OOO.iH)() loan at !>0 rents on { the dollar in these times. The war dis- < turhanm has not improved the market < for such a loan, lint the relations ! Cuba holds with tho United States give ; i*. a stability which assured the suet-ess J of such tin undertaking. The ooniple- < 11 on of the railway to Santiago will ; make it difficult for a revolution to ; obtain any headway, .'he education of the children, which is being carried on more extensively than in other so- J called Spanish-American republics, will tend to check attempts at revolution. Not So lUtl. Oil an average five editors a week are sent to prison in tJermany for the crime of lese majeste. Taking corn, card wood and potatoes 'for subscriptions, in the United States, isn't so bad, after all. Ilrntnrno Cannot lie Cured I'V local npplii-nt ions us they cannot reach t lie diseased portion of the ear. There is only one way to cure deafness, and that is by "Onatiuitional remedies. Deafness is caused by un inllunicd condition of the mucous lining of the Eustachian Tube. Whenthis tuba Is lnllamed you have u rumbling sou ml or imperfect hearing, and when it is ent|r*iy closed Deafness is the result, and uuleas the intlam- ] uintion can be taken out and this tube restored to Its normal condition, hearing will be destroyed forever. Nine eases out of ten urn caused by catarrh, which is nothing hut an inflamed condition of the mucous surfaces. We will give One Hundred Hollars for any case of Deafness (cause:' by catarrh 'thin cunnot lie cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send b>r circulars free. ! '. .1. Cii::n t.\ & Co.. Toledo, (i. Sold by Druggists, 7.V. Take Hall's Family Fills for constipation. An .Astnnliitilnn l'??nt|i??rl?oti. I! IIP* JICWspiip'TS PltVUIlttOU III til'* 1 nileil St at i*s iii ;i yojir wito primed in hook form (hoy would make 4.U00,(Hill.(Hill I'J IIIO. VolllPIOS. FITS permanentIv enret!. No (Kmor nervousiios.sftf(??r llrst day's mm* of 1?r. Kline's Great N<*rv<*j;?*.s[or?*r. Ut rialliol I loam) t reatisefreo I>r. 1;. I'. Ki.iNK,Lt?l., '.:;i Aroh St.. I'hila.. I'u l.ttiii'li . < on i.(i.oi;:> onerale in group-, ol ; \*.. Ill 1 III ?*r. rill* I . S. Dept. of Agi-leult ui'i* C vr< to S.i l/er * ? '.?ts iis lieart*rit en- a ciorfeeinen!. Nal/er's New National Oats \ ieldod in lilii.". Iroin 150 to .'Ml lui. per nare hi tin different Staler, and von, air. ( .inner, can heal (Ins in 1(104. ii you will. Saber's * ed- are pedigree seeds, hrecl up through careful selection to big yields. IVr Aero. Salter's I?eard!e?? Rarlev yielded 1 hu Sal/er's llonn* I'nilder i'orn.... (MM) lm Speltz and .\la-iiom Wheat.... Si> hu. Snlzer's \ letoria Rape 0(1,000 lbs. Salzer's Teosinte, ihe fodder wonder Itin.-tOO lbs Salttr'i RilliWn Dollar llr??? wimn iiu Salvor's Pedigree Potatoes 1.000 hu. Now such yields nay nad you can have ti'.ein, Mr. Farmer, in 1904. 8F.NI> Mr. IN STAMPS and line notice to fhe .lohn A. Salver Seed Co.. l.a Crosse. \\ i?.. and you will pet thenlug catalog and lots of farm seed simples free. | A .C.L.I The most valuable feathers are tlio.-e of the mirasoS. a bird of Argentina. Mrs. Wins low's Soot hi up Syrup for children t> ething. rotten the gums, reduces inflammation allays pniti.curcsw ind colic. 25c. a bottle Copenhagen ha* I he largest inclosed deer park in the wor.d. lis area is 4'itKi .ores. For :tOe. ninl Tills Notice The .folm A. Salver Seed Co., La Crosse, Wis., will send free o I pkg. .\|,i> 1st Carrol *. lOe. N 1 pkg. Far Heat lirten hinting Onion 10c. c I pkg. Peep Of Day Tomato 20c. ii 1 pkg. Salver's Flash Light Itadish 10c. a 1 pkg. Long (Jtuck. Quick Itadish KK-. 1 pkg Salver's Queen of AH ltadiah. .10c -j Above six rare novelties, the choicest and *a tincst of their kind, hate a retail value of |( 70c.. -but they are mailed to you free, to get her with Salter's log catalog, well worth $100.00 to every wide-awake gar- ^ dener, *11 upon receipt of hu' IU)c. in postage and this notice. [A.C.L-1 A locomotive, when g?>uig at express speed, give* 11156 puffs per mile. Putnam Padki.US Dyf.s produce the brightest and fastest colors. !. In a cubic foot of honeycomb there are t about 9000 cells. Plan's Cure la the heat medicine we ever used for all affsotlons of throat and lungs.?Wm. of Kxi>, Tanburea. Ind., Feb. 10, 1900. A COMRADI Says: "I Do N Sup< BEVJAMttl F ; ^w?v?mvvvvvvvvwv?v v%vvvvvv I * ; * RMijaHiiu Y. IliwkM, uf YTukiort* ; * Comradei ?r (leaeraJ iiruKt i i ? J v^vxxvvvvwvv VVV*\V\V*V\\VVV \ VV\\1 J ill a r?f?Hl letter trout SI 1 t? ?trcrt, | S \V Washing) ?n. 1>. ( ' rim; \ J i .iuW trntlim4ii ??f iVruiiu i t ? ' ! hn rr trlrd Frrtinu after har-* Itifi trirti i n rnia ethei- remeU Irm J for rata rrh . a tut I run m y iriJA oiif J ? revriii/ fori that I nrw /Mf a | s-i/otpfom o/" relief until I hutJ jrimi | ? ."ccuiwi Wo* simple trial that ifa J ttl rwruleHadrlne.\l da not ln-lirrr It * ? iri*?i superior. either ana remedy 5 ! '.?? ra ta rrh or an n tunic for the? i ? > Irorrn -rtl ami r.rlta ustnl t orn/?' a | t (mi ir/n'r/i Isoneofthee/J'ertaoj'Hie ? ' 'israse."?ttenjamln F. Matrices. I SAAC HKtM K. .1 ritixen <>: \1 i.en , 1 nun County. Teaar. has lived uir 114 ywar*. in ^peaking oi" lii.? good heaitii and I rjtri'nii' old Mr. 1 truck aav* "IVruna exactly werte all niv require uwnta. It prelect* itv from tin* evil ? ( feet*- of midden change*; it keep* me in good appetite: it give* tuc Ktrrnglli. it keeps my blond in good I'iri'ulntHMi. I ALABASTINE af tHm Durabale Wall Coating, I Won't Auk Off; WHY? ?' Because it cements to, ami is not stuck nil the wall wit h decaying, animal pluo, an an- < 'r the various so-called "wall finishes,'* which are kivlsnmincs ti( sold under fanciful names. Ysa car. appty Alabasiir.e. / "f A nti-Baecoline A /^.TV A W.' cn?riiiil?rl?nini a r\w./\g k ?u.- un .-.-.. ..?nt... B V UrlvvV ? >' fi rill. -(><-?< m.-Ill ft rant. nakk. hi ki; y-w AVI) .tlil(KI'.AKI.E. Jf T, . Vhii tak<- mi rhaiiivm ffl 1 if tv irA 4'urr V* Cut- a tl iwtvk ffl 9 1 AJ 3k |v.n?icrn-? ?trl<-ilv iwinllilrn II I S ll:il. AdiirvM Tkf m m ?" *tiii AI.(| - ifiiccniliio m o.. urr?*ii%-ilit**.x str, TMEm ^Takc- Down F Don't spend from $50 rtt ' much less money you Sy J? Down Repeating Shot outlasf the highest-i 153PW besides being as saft A J\*? dealer can show you on lf> ~*lf Ami FREE' 0ar !6C * * WINCHESTER REPEATIh Tcoslnto and IIIIIloll Dollar (Iruu. The two greatest fodder plants on earth, no good for 14 tons of hay and the other ' ( tons green fodder per acre. tirowa very whore. so does Victoria Kapr, violdng C0.000 lbs. sheep and swine food ucr 1 ere. [A.C.L.J JX'8T SEND 10c. IX STAMPS TO TIIK nlin A Siily^r ('a la fVocoa w:- I nd receive in return their big catalog and ota of farm seed samples. A weekly paper published in Athens, Jreece, is written entirely in verse. An Old Field Weed. Many seeing that old field weed, the niulein stalk, never consider the good it is ac- I omplishing in curing lung troubles. It >resent? in Taylor's Cherokee Remedy of Sweet Gum and Mullein the finest known emcdy for coughs, croup, colds and conlumption. At druggists, 25c., 50c. and $1.00 s bottle. A carrier pigeon, flying with a strong vitid, covers 1000 yards in a miuute. E OF GENEI ot Believe Re srior for Catc IUWKES. 11 kVWVWVWVVVVV?X.?V?V?VV?VV?V J ! HI, U. ia Onr of Ihe Three Lir- * > His ( adet Days at West Point. J ' LV.UV\VM\VX\\Vt?t ??\???.vvvvvx' > have come to rely upon il almost "utirelv for (he many hltfc things tor which I raednnue "WUou epidein* * of la grippe lust honan to make their appearance in this comii try 1 was a ufferer from tins disease. J "I had several long siege* with the grip, i \t first I did not know that Peril!!* was| .1 remedy for th*> disease. When I heard I hat la grippe was epidemic catarrh. I tried I'oruna for ia grippe. and found il to be j juwt the thing " Isaac Brock Pe-ru-nu I'ufd in Ihe Family for \ rars. Mrs. K West. l.'tT Main street. Mena>h.<. Wis., writ" "We li*\c used Penma in our family lor a number of years and when I sax thai il is a tine mode in<* foi catarrh and colds. I ktioa what I am i diking about. 1 lute t.iki'ii is every spring .slid lull loi four \ears ami I tind that ii keeps me rohimi. strong. with splendid i ap|?e4.ite. and free from any iUucse. A few icar* ag<? it cured rue ot catarrh of the stomach, winch the doctors had pronounced incurable. I am very muoh phased with I'ftuna 1 am ST years old VI r? K \S wt. | MABA The Only Sanitary and Pe 1 LABASTINE la not a dlae jo?- brsed In % ing a lodgment and harl>orgrouiHt for c Ja nooapoattioii, in white and many exquisite * for rn.e by simply mixing with oold wa ALABASTINE comanta to walla, die troys < r or scales. Other wall coalings, under fanolf atar, arc unhcalthful kalsota'nce, stuck on tl luriNhrM germs of deadly dim-ore, rubs and scat hen it ia iineitssnry to reflnlsh, the old i?oata agreeable job, making the rooms damp and When walls are once coated with Alnbiustiu ter year, without washing the walls, thus sa Hot and Cold Water Kals* line dealers try to sell them, buying them cheap, iti 1 such time as their customers learn of th THEY ARE WORTHLES If you cannot, buy Alalastine of your ban .Stations, and \e ritr us. We will toll yon wher sell it to you direct. (QOO.OO GIVEN AW. I.catirt ot dainty tints, hints on decorating, a ring the borne. Free. Hny Aliilu?tinc only in \!abastine Ccmpai r V ' (iKCORPOSATU)) V. -v? tl'I'I AI, N l'Ol k !i?,(MN?.00. lt?l?l >? ? V hMI > <IU thill* of K' ll'K oft lo x llool. w rl[o for i olloi;r Jon, nnl nii'i S|m*<-I>iI i ITfr of tin' n?ll:ie Hu?.|- < >.? ami Sho.-ilinml -clio-il*. ArMr.x KIN?M m; MI > F.MS (UI.I.IH.K. H..l.lttt>, S . or < liajflntlr, S. | >V<- nl* . tiai'li Bookkr?|un<f. nhiirtliawl. Kir . I>v mall) Wesfm Repeating Shotguns to $200 for a gun, when for so i can buy a Winchester Takegun, which will outshoot and )riced double-barreled gun, reliable and handy. Your e. They are sold everywhere. LPaje Illustrate J CMMogue. IG ARMS CO. NEW HAVEN,CONN. a CROUCH Marble and Granite Co. ? If AN I'FA iITLRKH* OF? MONUMENTS, Vanlt*, Stuiuory, lltaJdunci, etc., in any (iranito or Marblr Mahkn n Hpcrlalty. tC*F"-MenHun tin. ATLANTA, GA. Saw mills Tho DeLoach Patent Variable Friction Feed Saw Mill with 4 h. p. '-uts frrt |x*r tlav All j -..votUXUH. IK-I..WCII .1lli:lUlt Mill" j Kdger*. 1 riinnter*. I'lar.ers , Corn ami Buln i Mills. Water Wheel*. I,ath Mill*. Wood Saw* Our handsome new Catalog will interest yon DcLoach Mill Hit Co.. ik>< Svt. Atlanta, Ga MIIIWMIl All kJ Boat (tough rtyrup. Taatoa Ouod. Lao P"1 __ 1Q 11 ro?. flold by ; 1 1ALGRANT 5-ru-na Has a irrh." Pt-re-na is a Catarrhal Tonic Esptoialiy Adapted to the Baelining Powers of Olu Age. In old up* tho iiiUOOtls incmlir i in-< I>? come thickened and partly lone their fun<*ti??i Tht% lead* to partial I us* of hearing, small and taste, as well as digestive disturbance* Prrutta em-recls all tins by its specific operatic* on all the mucous membranes of the Had*. One bonis will convinie anyone. Once uaed and Pernna becomes a lifelong stand-by with old and young Mr* F. E. Little. rolona. 111., writes: I can recommend I'cruusi as a good medicine for chronic ea- _________________ turrh of tfar Mom A TRAVELER nch &T1 i llOtt <*U, I AT t: r V< V TV MMthave been troubled AJ^fc!JTY-ONE severely with it lor 1 tARS 1)1 ALE. over a year, and = also a cough. Now my cough is all gone, nnd all the distressing symptoms <>t oa turrit of the stomach and "bowels have disappeared. I will recommend st to all as a rare remedv . 1 ant so well I ant "ontemplating a trip to Yellowstone Pari, this coming season. How is that for one 71 years old?" In a later letter she says: "I am only too thankful to you for your kind advice and for the good health ihat I ant enjoying wholly from the use of your I'eruna. Have been out to the Yellowstone National Park and many other places of the West, and shall always thank you for your gen eroaityMrs. K. K. Little. Slroog and Vigorous at ihe Aire of Eighly-eiglit. Rev. -T. N. Parker. I'tiea. N. Y , writes: "in .lime. 11*01. 1 lost my sense oi hearing entirely Mv hearing hud Ih-cii some what impaired tor several vears, but not so much affected but that 1 could hold converse with my friends; but in .lune. lfWI. my sense of hearing left me so that ' could hear no sound whatever. 1 was also troubled with severe rheumatic pan is in my !imb*; 1 eopimcpcrjl taking Peruna and bow my hearing is restored as good as it was prior to Tune. 1801. My rheumatic pains arc all gone. I cannot speak loo highly of Permit. and now when eighty-eight year* old < an sav it has invig orated my whole system." Ret. .1. N. 1'arkor Mr. \V. R Sdinidi'r, of Torre Hill. !' , writes: "1 (rollick every winter ant] liatl a spell of cold in February, 1K00; I eonld not do anything for almost two months. In l)e .-ember. 189W, I saw tine of vour books about your remedies. I'hen I wrote to Dr. Hnrtrnun tor advo-c, and he wrote that I should eomtnen?e the nse ot I'ertina, and how to take care ot myself. "I did not lose one day last winter that 1 coultl not tend to ray stork. I am sixtythree years old. and I cannot thank you too much for what you have done for tne." If you do not derive prompt and satisfaeior> restilis front the um' of IVrniiu. write at once to Dr. lUrtmnn. giving a full .statement of your ease >vad he will tie pleased to , gtve you his valuable adviec gratis. Addre*-s Dr. Hartman. President of The | 11 art man Sanitarium. Columbus, l> ST IN El rmanent Wall Coating id. hot water glue wall finish, furnishliseasi germs; It la a natural, rook-base ly beautiful tints; In powder form, ready tor. Anyone run brush it on. list-two germs nnd vermn, and never nil >s ul names, nnd usually mixed with hot he wall with glue, which soon rots. ?\-*, HjioiliiiK walls, clothing and furniture, mast be washed ?1T?an expensive, nasty, unlit to live in. it*. .succeeding coat* may be applied, year vinp groat expense atwl annoyance. Drnines Have No Merit an<l trying to sell on Alal astineV demand > imposition. S PREPARATIONS iwart*, paint or drug dealer, refuse nil < you cnn pet A Labaatine wit hoot delay, fcY. Write for pnrticu'ars. md our artists' up-to-date idea* on beaupackages, properly labeled. GRAND RAPIDS, MICH, ny ana 105 Water St., Kwr Tort Ct1y. W. L. DOUGLAS s3.= &s3 SHOES ffl \V. I.. DoiittliH ?-.. i shot's tin ve by their /f superior wimi'Iiik j| _ t|ii.tlities, nchleveil aft ! I lie largest sale ?if May TSw difference is tho price. L l.oo'l for am! |?ri"T hi, hotloin l>i.uRlti* MM-, 4 .noun ('oilskin, which Ui'vcrrwhfrf conceded to ho t he lincst Patent I,rather yet produced. f'lit Co or t ifltr.i ?.?*</. Shoes l?j "mail.S&r.rvt ra. Write foi lata tog. W .l,.llmiglak, Biockton, Haas. ICAPSIGUM VASELINE (pur UP IS COI.UA PHI HI* TOHEC) .* substitute for and superior to mustard or any other plaster, and will not aliaterthe mot drllcaie sltin. Tho pain-allayingand rut .itlveiiual iti?**of this article air wonderful. It a 111 atop the t itii?eh? at >nee, and relieve headache and s< latlra. V\o rfcomtunnd It as the !>e*t and safest externa) eonnte'-lrritanf known,also asanexternnl remedy for pnlns In the cheat audstomach and all rhrumr.t If. neural gicand gouty complaints. A trial will prove what We claim forit, and It will hnfolind to bo Inesluablr 1 n tlie household. Man y people sat "11 lathe he^tof all of your preparations. 'rice ig 'ts., at all <1 ratrirists or other dealeia, or by send I ngt hls/t mount tousin postage stamps I we wfllaend yotiatuheby malL Noartlcle shonld be accepted by tho pu hllc unless the *ani? carries our label, n sot herwlse It la not gouulne. ClieSHUKOl'tirt MPO. i*'.. i t *? e IT. 8o. lO. SV Dropsy H T R'mortt all swelllag in Itoaa / davs ; effects a permanent cur? A iii yoto 6o dars. Trial treatment gtvrn free. Nolhingcan be (aire* ^ Write Or. H.H.SrMa'a lea*. immi, imtr Sfttcla?lU< Blt u aiurUiH