University of South Carolina Libraries
^^Mrs. Ilu^hson, letter follows, is an< Eosition who owes he ,ydia E. Pinkham's "Dear Mrs. Pinkiiam:? I sul weakness and bearing-down pains, tite was fitful, und i would lie a' until I seemed more weary in the r reading ono of your advertisements IE. Pinkham's Vegetable Compo can de8cril>e the good it did inc. besides building up my ffoneral lit out of my body, and raauo me fee Mrs. Pinkham's medicines are cert Mrs. m. E. Huohson, ^47 East Obi( Mrs. Pinkiiam Tells How Ordinn Apparentlj' trilling incidents in displacements of the womb. A Blip on standing at a counter, running a sew ordinary tanks may result in displaccm* The first indication of such troub Don't lot the condition become chron hat vou can overcome it by cxcrriite o More than a million women have Pinkham's Vegetable Compound If the slightest trouble appc Write to !\lrn- Mlnlrl?om ut I vim timely words from her will sliov Advice costs you nothing, but it 111 k ^ ^rs* Lelah health to women who the worst forms of female complain back, falling and displacement of the all troubles of tho uterus or womb. 1 uterus In the early stage of developm ous humors. It subdues excitability, ntire female system. Its record ofr Should be relied upon with confidence. 0cnnn FORFEIT If cannot fnrthi 9wUUU *" wUioh wlu ^ Taive may laugh at locksmiths, but he who laughs Inst laughs best. Mrs. tt inslnw's Soothing Syrup for children teething, soften the gums, reduces Inflammation,allays pain,cures wind colic. 2F>o. shuttle The nvcrnge man wastes a lot of ?in<l airing his views. * I do not believe l'lio's Cure for Consumption liiwi anrqual foreoughsandcolds.- -John F.Hoykh,Trinity Hprimrs. 1ml.. 1-Vl'. Ifi. huh). Gratitudo is one of the host dishes at any meal. So. 7. FITS permanently cured. No fits or nervousness after first day s usu of I>r. Kline's Grout Ncrveltestorer. *~2l t inlbott leant t rent Isefreo JDr. 1?. 11. K, Ltd.. 1?81 Arch St.. Pliiln. Pa Sometimes painstaking people gi\e yon more pain than they take. Itittnl Power liny I'rrm S'iX.tH). Greatest, simplest, last invention of the tage. A hoy can make regular sized 1I.\|K\ 4S in. hales hk.- fun. and two bevs inn bale three tons per day easily. bi:nd this notice to-day to the John A. Snlrer Seed Co.. La Cro?r, Wis., with .r>e. stamps for mailing, and get their big catalog, fully describing tins great Hav Press, so also hundreds of tools and thousands of varieties oi Farm and \ egetable Seeds. fA.C.L.I mm liik-air # Five Physicians tiod done their b m 8. C., who had one of the most J record. Tbcy ell felled \ j?WF-.cJMel"? }*' Wilkes writer In the cnurae of lor ?^at'^K8BB8kh My '*"** were drawn back until my t H ' fM pearly 12 naonthi. The muiclea ol x^K'He t, ^ 'm ^ Mffctsd death many timer over. Wntre rone them J ^ RHEUMACinR. I bejan I ??ed 54 battles llgHg^BHl^SKl^ceelirma Mr. Wilkea' TNinL lijjtye, F#t**?cAL co? p :>f Chicago, whose j| Dther woman in high r health to the use of Vegetable Compounds fcrcil fi ir von va ornnor-j 1 - - ~ * ' ' * * w" w?a?.*a ov"v t,4a caused by womb trouble. Aiy appeaake for hours, and could not slee p, iiorning than when I retired. After I decided to try the merits of Lydla und, and I am so glad I did. No one I took three bottles faithfully, and \alth, it drove all disease and poison 1 as sprv and nc tive as a young girl. .ainly all they are claimed to be. ? > St., Chicago, 111. ry Tasks Produce IMsplacements. woman's dnily life frequently produeo the stairs, lifting dqring menstruation, ing maehine, or attending to the inont ent, and a train of serious evila ia started, le should be the signal for quick action, ic through neglect or a mistaken idea r leaving it alone. regained health by the use of L.ydia E. ars which you do not understand i, Mass., for her advice, and a few v you the right thing to do. This ay mean life or happiness or both. i Stoweil, 177 Wellington ingston, Ont., writes: its. Pinkham : ? You are indeed a omen, and if they all knew what for them, there wotdd be no need in^ out miserable lives in agony, d tor years with bearing-down nains, ( nervousness, and excruciating nead\v bottles of T.ydia E. Plnkham's table CoiMitouTKl made life look ? 4 ~ t i:~li 1 nivi j>n> in i>m^ in 11:tr. A iilll iliui i \ and I do not know what sickness i 1 I now enjoy the best of health." Lydia K. 1* ink ham's Vepe table can always be relied upon to restore I thus suffer. It is a sovereign cure for j ts,?that hoarinp-down fceliii(ir, weak womb, inflammation of the ovaries, and t dissolves and expels tumors from the ent, and cheeks any tendency to cancer, nervous prostration, aid tones up the cures is the greatest in the world, and rtth prndi'fle th? oricinal and flgnatur?? of >vn their absolute ceniitn*ao?? iu K. Finklium Medicine Co., Lynu, M?m. (>cri?an H? nits. Diseases of the lietirt have been on the increase in tier many in recent years, one person in every seven being j atllieted. Influenza, alcoholism and excessive addiction to bicycling and other sports are named by l?r. Steekel as the chief causes. Lucas County. f j Frank J. Cheney make onth that n? i? i penlor partner of tlm tlrni of K. J. Chkxky .V. Co.,dolnvr basiim*-, in tho City of Toledo, I County ami Stato .if a-o-aid, ami tit it sai l ; Urn will pay tlm sum of one iiundiuip noi.l.Aits for each ami < veryeaseof c\ r auuii that I cannot ho onroil by tlm use of tlAi.i.'s Catarrh Cure. Frank J. Chenf.y. Sworn to bofore 'lie and suh-isribtnl in my ? >? . presence.tillsilth day of Dcenmltor. I SKA!,. V A. L)., lNStl. A. W. CiLEAKON. ??- iVofnr;/ Public. Hall'sCat irrn Cairo la t a Venn intern illy, an 1 nots directly on tlu> blood and mucous surlai't'8 of tlie system. Send for tostimoni iU, Iree. f. .1. Cheney \ Co., Toledo, o. Sold by all l>rui{irists, 75c. Take Hall's Family Fills for constipation. Good Shot for a Boy. A boy in Bonils. Mo., shot a blur boron on tlio wins ht n distance of 1 1.000 foot ono day last wook. IflBEftiifSlUSff est Co euro Jamas Wilkes, of Dillon. \ tor Ihle esse <, of RIIEL'M4TISW on ft until uuo doctor prescribed? n nadmA "LPLE3S CRIPPLE. TO i( letter, dated Aucuit 18, 1903: a eft tnurhed my hipr. I wit ai heIpleta at a baby my arma and'ega were hard and thri*eled up. 1 Itrd by tlx different phytic)ana in McColl, Dillon j?j in any good, until Or. i. P. Ewlng. of Dillon, told j.i to take it, and before Ike Arat bottlOaraa uaed up H :*! wta completely cured.1' 4 &jj tatement in ctary particular. . ' i 1ST ON APPLICATION TO NOPRIETORS, BALTIMORE, MO ngfc iffl A Moneyless Monarch. The credit of Servia in Europe stands at the present moment at the ! lowest ebb. Wherever King Petei , turns to obtain money with which t<: i establish the stability of his thrum he is unable to obtain it. i Driven to desperation, a represent a five of the Servian Government called i at the branch office in Vienna of the Gresham Life Insurance Company with a view t;p obtaining a loan on the security of the king's life. His ef j forts, however, were unsuccessful. The unfortunate representative of I the discredited monarch had made ! the rounds not only of all the banks j in Vienna, but also the private mil lionaire money lenders, in a vain endeavor to obtain a loan, and the failure of his last effort to obtain $to0. I ?? ??? on the Iran pledge of the king's I life was the last straw. It. will 1)0 remembered that King Peter sent Prince Arr.enc to Pari? hoping that his influence would obtain for him monetary aid: but the banlo refused to accede to his request, and he was obliged to t al without suecess, to some woli-known millionaires. THE GENDER CF ARKANSAS. Small Boy Claimed It Was Female, and Proved it. "The life of a school teacher would oe sorely monotonous," said a teacher of a boy's school not a hundred miles front the City Hall, "if it were not for his sense of humor and the really funny things which happen every day in tin' school room. One day. for instance, I had up niv smart class in grammar and set the boys parsing. ! | called to Moses, a colored boy, to parse Arkansas, and ho said 'Arkansas.' with emphasis <m the second syllable. I corrected his pronunciation. and ho went on: " 'Ilark-en-saw is a noun, objective ease, indicative mood, comparative degree, third 7>erson, passive, and nominativi case to scissors.' "'You haven't said what gender, Moses,' I remarked. " 'Feminine gender,' quickly remarked my smart scholar. " 'Why, sir?' 1 asked, somewhat puzzled. "'Herns it's got Miss Souri on the norf. Louisa Anna on the souf, Mrs. Sippi on the east, and ever so many more shcmalcs on the west.' "It was so well done 1 joined in and encouraged the laugh which followed the smart hoy's humor."?Now York Press. Music Taught by 'Phone. A pupil of a I'lira cornet player, who lived many miles from that city, broke liis leg and was unable to leave his home. The teacher determined that he would give his pupil in town his usual h-ssous and proceeded to transmit his musical instruction over the telephone. The experiment work r. jpy 1 1V I IKIt ISSillll ?y ^SFy#! f kidney I'O inIf J \^S> plaint, but | without derivtlu? house the hack ache has been so had that it brought tears to my eyes. The pain at times was intense that I was compelled to givi np iny household duties and lie down. There were headaches, dizziness and blood rushing to my head to cause bleeding at the nose. The tirst box of l>oan's Kidney Pills benefited me so much that I continued the treatment The stinging pain in the small of my hark, the rushes of blood to the head and other symptoms disappeared." I>oan's Kidncv Pills for sale by all dealers. .r?o eents per box. FosterMilburn Co.. Buffalo, N. V. Putnam Dyks color more goods, per puckagc, than others. People seldom appreciate anything they can afford. For P1 Money Order. The John A. Salzer Seed Co., La Crosse. Wis., mail postpaid l."> trees, consisting of Aprieota, Apples, Crabs. Cherries, Plum*. Peaches ami Pears, just the tiling for a or eountry garden, including the great Ihsmark Apple, all hardy Wisconsin stock, arc E'-I11 you iree Upon rcci ipt of $1.65. AND FOIt 10c. AND T1!1S SOTK'K ou get. sufficient seed of Celery. Carrot. Cxblugr Onion, Lettiicc, Radish and Flower Seeds to furnish bu?h?,:s of ohoire flower* ar.d lots of vegetables for a big family, together with our greut plant ami red cataloe. [A.C.L.] Tlie patience of those who ait down and wait for u dead man's shots i? not a virtue. r.ngliiorrllig In Montana. TIenry I. Me Daniel, ex-City Engineer of Atlanta, now ?n charge of Government engineering in Montana. sa\s that he contracted a terrible cough which no physician could relieve, hut was cured by Taylor's Cherokee Remedy of Sweet Gum and Mullein. At druggistSj 25c., 50c. and $1.00 a bottle. CAUGHT I REL I ^ ^ ^ m1 most satisfactorily, the notes of the cornets of both instructor and pupil wore heard distinctly at the receiving end, and whatever verbal suggestions the professor hail to make were sent, i f course, just as readiiy over the wire. , Lobsters cannot bo persuaded to grow up together peaceably. If a dozen newly hatched specimens are put Into an aquarium within a few days there will he only one?a largo, fat and promising youngster. lie has , eaten all the rest. A WOMAN'S MISERY. Mrs. John Lnltue, of 11"> Paterson Avenue, Paterson. N. J., says: "I was troubled for about nine years, and what I suf>-jfered no one V y (INCCRPORAILO) ' 4 \ I'M' \ I. NTIM'K *a?,0IM>.4>0. niiKliirak"v hen yon thmii ol ituluc "I1 to school wrll-- fur CnllfRf .Inuriml anil SimtImI < Iter of th li-sillntr Hu?1i*?a and Shorthand ilio.Mv Addrr* KIMI'S IHSINKMS ?Ol.t.K<Jll. IC i? I I it It \. or (intrlofli'i \ . r, | II o aU^> Iffceh Ut.nk ki-r|ilnu. shorthand. Kuv, ?>y metL] l8AWMILLSr? Hwlth lie: ??'- I'lilkt r 11. llronis.ltertilin ??r WitiNiui.l 111* !!< ? *Hcook 1\ l v. g Vz.rtoUo Feed \\ oi k-1 ?"e un*xalocll* ! for *< < ( j; wv, -r:i ! icit , . mraiiii Witt AMI BA>r Ml' OI'KR.VTI IN f,>r full iTltli'serlj-tlve rlreulii' Manufactured by th* fflSAI.L l 1 ICON \V (?!tK.N.W in top Snleiu,N.C. Saw Itlills , Tho DcLoaeh Patent Variable Friction Fee Saw Mill with 4 h. p. cuts fret jier day. A sizes and prices to suit. Detiouch Shingle Mill Edeers. Trimmers. I'laners ; Corn and Hut Mills, Water Wheels, Lath Mills. Wood Saw Our handsome new Catalog will interest yot DaLoacb Mill Mfft. Co.. Bos syt Atlanta, Gi ! 51 ?? ' V: 1A CUIPI'K is epidemic catarrli. J spares no class or nationality. Tito cu lured and tlie* ignorant, the aristocrat an the pauper, the masses and the classes ai alike subject to la grippe. None are c; cmpt all are liable. Have you the grip? Or. rather, has tl grip got you? tlrip is well named. Tl original 1"rench term, la grippe, lias bee shortened by the busy American to ren "grin." Without intending to do so a no worn has been coined that exactly deseribi the ease. As it some hideous giant wit J BESI^i tJc?yjg?|g|j | GUARANTEED CURE for nil bowel trou 1 blood, wind on the stomach, bloated bowel \ I pains alter eating, liver trouble, sallow akin I regularly you are sick. Constipation kills r I starts chronic ailments nnd lone years of su 1 CA3CARETG today, for you will never get 1 right, Tal;o our advice, start with Cascai V money refunded. The genuine tablet stan ^l^o^etftee^^Addf^em^jterling Remedy Co 11/ i/tl UPSET YOUR STO (jStli ?y To Cure Your Hcm m TaKe CAPUT n Immediately while you wait and h it ,^'u- Cures Cole tw^PMPaMaaBBaHMMwii iBn i qti jf A Golden Rule jj of Agriculture: 5 Be good to your land and your crop' .i will be good. Plenty of Potash n in thefcrtillzer spollsquality ( A.. ' I and quant it v in the bat- , I i/i J I vest. Wi .te us and S we will s ad von, yy jWe' bv ncxl. m:'11 v&ztylWi 1 [i Olir Illilll-H' %* ? nm.%.. J 8 bookr- " ^kw$W!l 3 HERMAN KAIJ WORKS, Jil iW/V'-'j t New York?93 NVse*: St. M AlIanla.Ga.?22'.'So.BroadSl. . ! ^^ , % iY THE GR1 r>'* ^ A. COWC/U. An ? C73 iBSI i [ x^\.| | EEr ~"*" ^ # ? * M*M*wwtwr:iinr??? WUTO?<**?? It ' awful Crip had. clutched us hi its fatal il- i-las p. Men. women, children, whole towns d and cities are caught in the baneful grip of < a terrible monster. v- The following letters speak for iheini selves as to the etlieaey of l'erunu in ease* i,. of la grippe or its after effects. " l/Ver t'/t'ri-l s ?</' I.n ( ' rt iiur HraiHraln.1 " i n (j 01/ iv-rii-iin. w Mrs Krod Weinberger. Westerlo. Albany 's{ County, N. V., writes: hi "Several years ago 1 had an attack of l.i ? TEJI" nAUfPA n% 1 IBI^ ^ CAftDY CATKAtfTSC bits, appendicitis, biliousness, bad breath, bnd U s, foul mouth, headache, indication, pimples, 3 and dirtiness. When your bowels don't move I tiore people than all other diseases together. It M iTerinj;. No matter what nils you, ntart tnking g well and stay well until you (Ret your bowels H ets today under absolute guarantee to cure or V sped C C C. Never sold in bulk. Sample and fi mpany, ChlcoRO or New York. 50a MffiBBsaaaKcaasgaanBMirig^^B^ NACil With Nauseous Cnthartics UJSTE. it Ctxrcs || as no had effects on the Stomach. IT IS ^ / 1" O '0. 23 tknd 50c a boltle^^^B Cotton Gin Machinery PRATT. MUNGER. WINSHIP. EAGLE. SIMTH. | Wo iudko the moot comviolo line ol oat Iioncetn \u the wotla. We a'so tn.?re ENGINES and BOILERS, L1NTERS lor OIL MILLS. ! "t sell everything needed about a Cotton Cm Write (or Illustrated Catalogue. ) Continental Gin Co., Sirminnham, Ala. p CENTS SHAAtE j ninl positive ownership In old Mill Concentrating ~ I I'lnnt nnd Oroupof Ooltl Miner Mill now grinding _ I out gold continually. Look* like speedy and conItlnunu* dividend- New company Just starting rictuses. prospectus. OWMI OK K free. #rX?ET COM) I DMl'AM , ?00 Mack It lock. lll!\t EH* COLO. Remove* n'l nteltinK in 8toto ? / days; effects a permanent cure jfg/V in joto 60 days. Trial!rentineut /JR%\ given free. NothinRcan be fairct ' 'roK-'UVii Write Dr. H. H. G'esn's Sonc, 2^1 , .ABi^ Soer.laliglg. Box H Atlanta. G* ClRlSWMtRl All list fAllS. KT Uost Cough Syrup. Taster <j)o\<3. Cao pji to tltua. Sold by drug got*. If BsciaaaiaaEca^ ^ ip. PE-RU-NA. ;ripj>e which loft my : erves in n prostrated condition. Then 1 hail another attack of a grippe which left me worse. I had tried three good physicians, hut all in vain. I guve Perutia a trial. In a short time I was ' cling better, and now 1 am as well as any one." Mrs. Fred Weinberger. fiini, ./roues 11. < 'iilll. oj' Omaha, Hon. .lames 11. Htiill is one of the oldest and most esteemed men oi thnahu. Nib. He lias done much to make it what it is, serving on [mblie boards a nun her of times. He endorses 1'erunu in joiloiring words: "I tun tt8 years old. am hale an I h any, ittd IVriina liu< helped me attain ii. 1 wo i . ; .wo I ljad la grippe toy w -s tie , . < : Uliil N a\ i'H llll'. >? . II. ' '-mil. I ?>/' '.brcin; n f.i neit' r? ; M: " - "i Lilt "III, wlio I e- ales .it illi! 1 "ii'i-t, \. \\ .. \\ a -hington, I). < .. Ii.ix the Hi' r nt being third cousin to Abraham I .im-inn. 1|o v\ i it i -: I i i:t*ii>|M- live times before using your medicine. ! our yea' ? ago 1 "'gun till- use ot If i mil. ni l- v. :ii.-li me I have not 111 i ll tii lli'iil Wl'.h ill. ; i'. I hi now <!o ,.s ii11n-Ii work at in\ li ,-k as 1 I' ut could in in\ lib'. I li i vi< gained m >re j " ten pounds in wi'i. ht." S. S. Lin olti. ! /V-j'H-ittl Yof ihlliji ii re;/ i.n (.'."'fji/ie Hut Heue;lletl the Whole N;/.x.'rin. M - Mice M. I>rc- lev, Idl". X. iiryant \?c.. M "iiii ;i|m is. Mum., writes "Last spring I Milo tc l jumi la grtiipe ml was | irtially cuu i. but the bad atter clVivts nui' lim d through the summer, and somehow I did not get strong as 1 was be ton-. < >111 nl t:.\ college friends who was visiting me asked i:ir to try I'eruna and I <li<l -o, and found it all ami more tiian 1 had expected. Lt not only cured me of the aiarrh, hut restored me t?> per feet health, luiilt up the entire lyslciu and brought a happy Idling of buoyancy whn-li 1 tad not I ktinuii lor years."- Alice M. Drossier. An .lelrcfw' Ten! tmonlnl. Mi? dean t on .till. I nsvv -Id I Ipera House. Troy, N S . i - the hading lady v.itli the Aubrt \ Stoc k Go. She writes the following: * "During the past winter o:' 1901 I snffered tor several weeks from a severe ntlaek of grippe, winch left a sen ilis catarrhal condition of the throat and head. "Some one suggested iVnina. As a last resort, after wasting milch time and inoncy i on physicians, I tried the remedy faithfully, and m a few weeks was as well as | ever." Jean ('ovvgill. A Southern .fudtjr Currtl. Judge Horatio J. Goss, llartwell, Ga., writes: "Some live or six years ago 1 had a very severe spell of grippe, which left me vvitu systemic eatarrh. A friend advised tne to I try your I'eruna. which 1 did. and was immediately benefited and cured. The third ; bottle completed the cure." U. J. (loss. If you do not derive prompt and satisfactory results from the use of 1'erutin write at once to Dr. I'.art man, giving a fall statement of your ease, and lie will be pleased to give you his valuable advice gratis.^ Addle s Dr. President of The llartman Sanitarium, t'oiambus, Ulno. W^'3 IJl A Few Sworn to Yields. H m>| IS IlouiriiuiliJir t oi ri. xiii to. pr A. M ^ ^ U'0"al S,(> ^a" | .on < er.rmuie WWII aro 1J| !|J pedigree Block, right up to big yields. fjj I Salter's Speltz (Emitter). jfl ft Orealeat cereal wunitrr of the age. It i? 9 I* not corn nor wheat, nor rye m r harley,nor \ oata. biit a golden coiiitviifttlon of tliem all, 1 yielding t><) I'll, of grain Hint 4 ton* of rl?-li H trww liay per aeie. (irmtrit Hlui'k fuoUou || eatih. Doe* well everywhere. JK Salzer's Million Dnllur (iraan. jl Most talked of cram on earth. Editor* and 9 College Professor* and ABri. Is-eturer* 111 limine it without (tint; yield* H i. n? of riuli 3f nay and lot* of pasture beside*, per acre. I Sat/er's Tcoslnte. Salter'* Teo*!nt? prodm-m llii rleh, Jnley, kj i/\ sweet, leafy ?tneh* from one kernel of seed, 14 jW Jl feet high lii t<> days; yielding fully HI ?.KJ P ton* ?.t irr.en fodder per note, doing M V ?.-II everywhere, Cast, Woo'., houlh \ * or North. SCraMrw nistl Clovers. A Only large mower* of grume* and .*?' \ h[ clover* for seed hi tinmen. IIS v',\ operate over t..uo act. 'or I ?v|(M,\Pbs.H * need* are II 111 ranted. We make V.~=-V lii! M 3 ti great (iH.e.nlti of (lra*?e* and a Clover*, i od l r l'lanls, < om.l'o- /TT7>v / MBtrMm tnloea.i inn.lis. I 'ahlMge.aiul all I. ,dj \\7 *t3I *>.(!* ol Veg.-tal lo fteeda I,V " Yjl I Q For 10c In Stamps fi and the name of thl* istner.wa f ^^^^9^9 :|l Kill m <1 you a lot of fcnu V7jr.1V ?Fi|)''rHj jj K-e.1 sain| [r-, It.eluding aome ^^1 ivffi<$$> flip} (CAPSICUM VASELINE (PUT UP IN COL.I.AP.H11H.K TC 11KB) Asubstitute forand su perlor to mustard or fir.y of her plaster, unil will not blister the nuiKtdnlii'Aiu skin, The paln-ulla> inland c uratlvenuali ties of thisa rtic.le are wonderful. 11 wi 11 stop the toothache at once, and relieve headache and sciatica. Wo recommend It as t lie host and safest externa) counter-irritant known,also asanasterna) remedy for pains in tlio chest mid stomach and all ic, neural fie and gout > complaints. A tri?l will prove what we claim for it, and it will b<> found to lie invaluable in the household. M an y peoplesa y "i t1st lie 1Hist of ai i of jronr | Price i E 'ts .at all drnpirlsts or other dealers or by y send in ij t hlsafiioun t tonal n post ai* o stain iU wo will send yon a tube hy ma il. No atticlc 1 should l.e accepted by the public unless the | - a mo carries ou r label, a ? ot her wise i t is not N Kuuuino. CMES*?BttOllOH MF<1. CO . a 17 St ito S tr< t. New Yohk < i r.I y-s CROUCH VJ Marble and Granite Co. /^fA ? H AM FA fit lIKlls OF? MONUMENTS, Vaults, Statuary, llead.toaea. etc., in any Granite or Marble. Death Musks i\ Specially. (?9~Mentlon this piyfer.) ATLANTA, GA. Ill n title to4 with TkaAataa'a f mi t veewK ?ym, mm iwinpwn i CJV Wtltr gag mm