University of South Carolina Libraries
i ]hurc): I)? rectory. Sc.i3tist Church 11* v. M \V. i i. i IKistor. 1 u'.j liiau I vt Sunday liiirht and 'inr.i Sunday u -viii ami auti uijzht. Snuula> ?. 'i-at u\i?ry Sun day at i <? a. . t:. Mttthodist C'ilTLT"') ! ". ) ' . Oinuill* iKis'nr. t'r* a- !- in: ' ,*s anday at 11 a. in. ami 7 [ m: i .-*l -nnilny .it .'?:dd p. la; t'oii~tU Sum. ay a > ' ( n. Sun ?luy school at 1 ?a in. 1'- .v. r ni'tin^ Thursday ev* tint.: a 7. *? . In.-k JhtMb^tc-Tiar. Church- !<?' -1 11. Thorn Wi v,l. pastvr l>n .. h a;; "iii'l ami It It >?uu<}ays a 11 .^?a nta .nl . }> at. Suntlay Sell io: a i 1 ; in. Local ^ *:nd ' Personal, 'Ihu piic*. of sittli, like col toil, >i :. Nut Wi vinv" a f<. now !.? not 1>? lie i n t lie In- 11 hi VW.t ). i : ?? ' :4 * <. v * i -v ?i?. u m i ?i n rjivt'Z <L'*.Jk : , lllll\*<j. Mid I I .i.Mi leJ\S. li 1? Kitid tlliMl nil' t'llltl i:i fiuMllati III. The Times is .. t\ w inf?r** packages of the n>'v t e.ed s?m us k fw a;/i. 'w ?S n I i l.-dituor. Those (.V oar ii'tuli'is who desire a . tl: r\ thi> ce and share i-1 *h ' <h.-t;-Ki.iiioti Deputy S i'-rill .1. ! Hunt v !;i to Km t Miil his; v iiu. ' r uiuiil back Will \< it 1(4 r.-p u, colored who was witm'?'d in his county t r lire/tell of i mi - ><d li" In r.i^lil Will Dixoh w*l?o had luon arrested in lioc;; I \:' n ; similar climpe. ?ncasl r I'liiliM priM1. A 1 irp !' , . (hit a vim ' a\ | in \ H cat p. ul.;- ?ic now busily < '.? o building t lie iI fo< i 1 : i _'< a ss A i i - mi creek, which was nueie net oss-u y 1 > V 1 he neerit rise in lie ci'eejt caused I>3* 11 <1 ; of ii." dam at the jiowei pi m;. I (:? r?* wciv hut two 11 nn.-h I Fort Mill :v?! ii'i'i'i It1! in tlie county uiwlit >r\s ofii iluiini; the tr.oiuh < i ?l.'iitii'ir\ Mul those were: \V . !j I? t.I y ,\ t *??.. to ?1 HO. WMt l IllKIJrV. ) > '? H'T' >: consul* iaii Si.' mi ! I'i \\lii(<- to !.. M. Chance, lo-i acres, coiihi !? ; <.1 ion, i . The n?lj . r.i! i- - mlii j ouL to ' if i ion : ilitin y e on panics tin* 1 i(t'lri<l<{i'6 for use in tin* IH'W K J ? l'.!f Knell I'Hlll jinny tr<'s ;i ll lusun l roiituls . :? ! mo fur nO.h'.h liti' c li fu M-ni on!. The i mill military company i. CtMVi'il ITS .-i lit < '1 I lie < .U . 1 || l.;t s a f?'iv tin \ s w*o. 'lli T.turs ill ?II lias HM-o'illy liujt! <?mi p ninth I r an . (lie I'Tinnrs alt- til tlx srnivitv ? i labo > M i ! liiciv iiiv it jri'i al mu:iy i ii 'i 'i's in I his c notion who Wnit.ii !i In i: i"is tin r c *! at nt;tvi .. * ii 1 hkmviiso i*- liktnv t ? It winitII i< a , lu' i t i: 1 '.at I iif lal '.M ouniiot !; ruwl wnii which ; work ?*top. ( 'in' may i'. ' or avo sole! ii oo;.'s from stu-li an < n'n ;i o. but I!??-.? is no ilr I'm I i I 'i ' pfd. try him. fomiiiflial in a pro; ?M' sili<i Ini-iiiff- i iMunti would ;iay in or near I .> I .Mill. i'o; tlio p'^t year or i\\ J uav lias boon a ~t?' d\ tl nil m l fur chirkon.s and t'wo.. . f un tfcn . .ails prirtH. Only a at:.all ? n'liy vvmiltl be itajn. " I to hop ii r ; -!i a binnies-. from which liti,!. <* i 111riis would bo 1 I'Ot it ?'il Tic Catawba 1* uvr Company was n;i last Saturday awarded I lie ootprnrl i fi?riii~Ii ( ! ?< t.. pnvvci for the etiv'-'n of ( har !> h If. |, c rout. at". ; : ice 1) -i iif Snf.t'h per v. ir cai'i: arc li^lit. and tli?' < >n!r?<! i4- foe live years. This priee is i:iii' !: lower lliau ti.e city is now |.i\ii)f for its power ami (ii'.inu lii> life of lie' contract will realiv.e a mi.virtu" ??f about >!' ),Tlu* power company has oh. liualod itsi If to turn -h tin- power within six. months. The trended scho ! entertainment. piva n in tie' town hnll Mnn< 1 ay cvi niiitr. was largely atter <h d. It inajotity ol the t..\vns|i"0|de end numbers from the in lonmiintr countiy 1 i iiie pr-.s et. The reeitnt i( ndialo ".e-. Hiring, etc.. i the S< liool (hildon were exrep liotta i I y food, and the ia ad in us ami recitations of .M'h-i Lumpkin and l'rof. Knr.rd. of Koek Hill, \v? r-* of a hi^h til ni'-'l r. Quite 11 11I Slim < f mom y was. realized from tlif on'? ; luiu.ueut. A report runout on the streets Hal unlay was to tie- etVeel that Dr. T. S. lvirkpatri k hud puichnsed from Mis,.! M. O'tuil. of C'onei ?ril. N. C\. the hotel's liijr plantation t? miles west of toil Mill, the purchase price Is im; ^lO.lKK). This tract ol laud, iym*.' as it doesal mo Catawba riwr. is said to contain some oi the t'.nest liottom land in this see* j,in, health s several linntired acres of lie* v? ry host upland. Mr. W. 11. ?len- s. who h is for several years h 'en overseer for Mrs. ()"dell. will. understood, remain will; Di I\ii kpati iel;. We mortals are very hard to p ease when if e nit s to the nlmighty de ll 5'. A few days noo when cotton hid reached the lacent mark a number <f farmerr, who hud n few bales, on hand, of 01\T"R "ltv :itjkvaa v\2 *"*" - ? tu, mlf * g* r? " r -r^l&gJS ^ ! h?^nl ' wK^ 1 riving daily. You yv warehouses hiiod with the itiost f>i)i>ii!i* k \V(l will >. ; ]] y m \ (iy v t k i i > f * i 11 (.I* ?' < I; i \ 1 i * uiar;.?in. When in u< r-uI r i <> su* us, as \vc ai l\Cill? 1 iid ii i< < ii ti 11 i to cliw out at 11') <. ( 11: s. ( M < -i' 11'?' denier tii't'lilllHl. lilt) lll< ' .lUf'l II-'I V II lint I tin I i I spoil- i oil Still t In* Inrnii'i.- In . want 'i! 17 rents, Itiit moa '.:i y tv sor y i< r Willi ti.?* 11.vt i:t : ir v I.ISi U> rl\ i IK ... . : k ' k '! I ft V \ .-!him[? iiml i tut it: i l ' ' <ii* 11 iI .<mi .11 iIn* week. i. . i! i;i linv I lie t j e > t pr. oil .id v VI ?0. V'. R. C<..- Home Borne*. \ ( .:' !''-l V MKHIlilliJC i ok i >i-!; 1 !>f li t : i . oi':i<jc oi ( iji! S. 1 ,. W !1111 . lit .t;* tin* iv. i i11 ui I?r ?!i_r? on }>i t i m!root . mi nci'ii pied by Mr. W . ii (. ir.rul in : . was 111:-. ?>?..!' 11 11 11- < III 1; 11'. i'ile loWII jilt* ill i! iiiii:i 1 i;i:t Iy s<111!11!* (i ill. illarm and -oon a I live el >wb i riIi/. us l"iJ a. r.?I . 11. *i tin' 't ;i. i:ul w: ii lnn'k. I- I ?t .M .h - iov : |?r ' "i 4 on ilnsli- (1 M'hi v i: | > 'lie Iuiili!i to iii an ?11 i' it. ? .vin L'iti-1: the i! i::!t'\ Little i/ >. il was accoinj' ishe I fr i i t liis jt < 'rd:. Itowi'Vt , w ii j' in llu* far*l l at in. \\'t e in Ii 'iii It i \vr n i.i i in). mi'! ?'fi! iin . atui all lull . , tin m lurcr 1 i liif r inovai of tin 111111 iti elf '*. ii w is indent fortuiniti' I it lit wind earn - from a northerly (lirri'tioii, for tint house I catching fiii; on flit# south Stile.I burin d vt ry -.1 t\vly, allowiey t.,( people a 11 i | > i I :iiit' to I elliovt' a., tin' liotiseholil troo'.ls to a pine ' <>! Kir. ty. Tl'.e lire in i?_ri nat.d .'roiii a lit t -t'l i ve s ! o\"f 11 lit1 rill i! the i oi tin.' ! utilling is about S'ibi*. Mr (! i. '-c i j? ' it >s. i It ii tin- I r i!: : /" of ii-. furniture in it> r.'ii. tva!. whirl: w -t - slight. l)on'l suM'it \vi ii your eyes mid ; inh'ii !; s. } i ii \ in p. i t> .i and ;il ! with prt ji inssi Lxaui mation ali-olnt i\ tree and>. at Itnif pricv lor Mtoii linn-. S it 1 -f irluin uti inm1( I or no iny. li. M ASSK',, < '})t it-i in nail 'i.'\\ NOT! 1'ntiMin i.f i In' K >. t Mil; To It jthoii Co., will tak" notiiv that oil iwl . i tin 1 1 iiist., tin- rMUliiii.v oil*co Iioots of tlii- i t iitntl^tAtion -i iil l?i! tli > samo on othor ?l:i\ . rn|)i cl i.l i i'oiii 'in. ' it in. S. I.. Mi-arli uii, I?j? i ! V V A A _ ] T J..V i?i E E N N T T I I N N c c I' b ?! s s One cent to $1,25 each. j> W, B, Ardrey & Co, . . 91 ^v)51LnrcrS) w^rwreo 'ii "",; ;,s*-T ?ha tar+yrrv*.. sil w -.Zci <<xXost aa-Jia \\ o <^nbai K(>;! in 1 iu )ii5' su!'<* .vss ia Inis ji >ur most samvmnr <*> oar I \ wo Jm\ o *lo* khI effort in this lin< TJV'. of UpFo-dato 5'll 5!! always fm<! our tile h test <iesii>'iis of aiiiare of a!S kimis. * eloso for cask, or - - . > 1 -. < i ?? i *; v ' i It ' vn ?t i ?_ hm! of Furniture L>e e ( \i .hie* 1 ' o w ' s: .C*\ db< r * rnc*; Is ?L1?> ... ?e<8i3??G< i tsiv.n Oi:] ]3pj, ^ i. .lill Uiti i*. JI' 4 Mcn-Tv-vfv? . : : -rr~:~.w -< & ? | W | ? Vw d, 11.16 s;\> tt..C cr* ?' \Tj egi V v v * e f; 1 ^rr fc-.-r- r"'*T"rs?rr"? vrsr (: S; Cp lf? v\" av ? y <5? Cc) i' >r (.\>1 (oii S. Cw jjcg SjHH'iili i ,,, 0^. V: . our orsco <1 rrp; jmvlbin $ p (&j slii! ill \hr & (; ) \ our-, lor hn. $ ??>? ' f Gt. r /.-rT'.'Trtr^wnwn r i I fin 01(1!((]! A" A 0 *' f r r**j I, ?' ) > At 3 L<h>& 1 f *>? ., ' o . r ?><cv.?-? .vaa ? w#' '.jc su:-5 o*v.v v,_? ?> <y vc ARRIVAL 0? TRAtfiS. !;i itc with ilu- - 'li''(1?i]". cf < .V J'l, l'? ., I ||> S "It it'Ti ?m n^cr tram- now arm ;it Kurt 1111 jis follows: t ;;om < i vklotti:. 7o. 27 (rngnlni *top) . .7:31a.m. ,, $ t .Ian >p i ' >. ,, .. 2">/regular ~t op) .... <:J?7 p. m. ,, 2'J (ilatf stop) ... . Jt):20 ,, ,, rirOM ( ,1 'MA. I Jo. 20 (I'f^nlar 'op) . . !> ,, 20 (:*ij?u'tir stop) 2:13 p. in. ,, 23 (n>;{iilar stop) 3:1:1 ,, ,, ? :?1 (t'.iir stop) 11:20 ,, ? s A G-O 'UUL*-J ui- .'XL ^mf3^ * Fnniii ui*c* business, it'/ 11;!v bovomi ;}u ch\l ions. "for the aied to oimUo a spoA o have savcTal \ ra i\ nvo w I lie 11 is a rsB' v _,^|_^1 vTyiTrr?y x rs a .'a t i litni'v, ir [ "? ;?*?" ' 1 i.T .vn ix Vw rWJTt'* Li' ly-o* Vb o- '?.Wy H_f>^y Viiy-Ci' y> <.v jgiiip. \inre 1 L U ; i i J J I b A U * ;<?. ' 5% 92 (^*1 -r-r-vrrrt ?j aw**. u.ih?*.-.; v vv.v s ?& & ! *w'? arl I ? *w* (ft ,, i i ? 'o' 1 r;ur' i /3ff?c?CEa:mzrxuvai ? v <A iO> v_y t o .... V' ! : i'i ':! /(TS O Vjv ? ? > t<> <W(]*-i I t 0 >s :i!i!orc iiih b ?* J-. ' V tx urr tO ?> \'i .in ? CO <;0 ? uurs.s. co ? nr: 0 to **y> " 7 "J -v V- '' V V fs ll n * mbiu Lti0l8,| ? to a? rtlvr? tO ? < *$ '1 KLSI'ASS NOTIt M. All j>? i.- tu> :,if I re by wnvii'V i.nt to, fish, or i i any way nv .ui i upon any tin* lat:<ls o\vin*?l <u* <m1 >1 ]? 1 I v rli ui)il< ? niuli r pi . i; > of law. W. II. .Ti >N I.S I W. A Kim MY. .1. II. < OLTil Mil'. .). \. MM 10. ALlvX. NIYKNS. .1. 1). WITHKI!S. 1 1). SPlIfN'f ;s. 1'. lb Sl'It IN*( is. II. W. I; I IFF.MAN. .1. It. st TT< >N. l'?. F. MASS MY. T. II. MMliiaT'. HALF-PR1 mrtv "wi" We have just finishe stock and find lots of ends in Dry Goods, Sh< cr/, Notions, etc,, that Remnant h?nom /-J _ - V ? N vrv* 4 1 MA1U V/A lot at HALF-] There arc a lot of dc Jot that will interest y< yourself, ir J, !WA ITTI * ' a? w mtft Go IT*' F UX "H '-Hfl!A e arc showing all il novel? ics. !>'!)! \ UNliN-.We h cctliat; Ihr best line we ci 10, 12 i-2, 15, in C-S. 20 ai via:sian i a\viss--s aiul dresses, 10, iJ l^C, 15, PI VIN NAINSOOK--] DIMM H]S--ln small 7 1,*2, 10, 12 12, IS and 20 e< ORGAN 1)1 I?S-(>4 inc c:iu<x:k i \* nainsoo \\ p. r.-io, is, s i. r i f , j . i-iv ,i ? ?v i . t ? r. j \ v i !\ S.'v!', tJ t> C C ! I >. i.!NKN SI I i'l'TiNGtlii.'iL; i\?r your early wais. . , ]\[\\c the l:inbn summer. Fbfeactiam x 11 (I V ij 1 i || 3IA(j.\Z!\"KS. | i !?i> is i lie place to &et tile fo!!o v,' M 11 ip- v 1 (K; . . 10s \ills!n , . , .. . 15(1 Motnr ; ill Ifio Si ilniir 515c Sniarf ,v i 2">c " ;> i'ar Mn: i 10c Vault. I 1 i ... 10c ( .standard 10c | Frank J.c-H)ii sl'opnlar Monthly 10c I < la ! ilitnu ... ' 10c World lOo ! Ev rybody'a 10c 11 Pi arso < . 10c ! s mil I ... luc 11 .'ii'l iih: :< is ?>1 Ints. ;; ;> 11?k'< *? t 4 * -A to i i ^ r<; rev's i i J. I). Trayw'c1* & Co.,; DKALETIS IN I. VI XE LIQdOHS jj AND WINES, I No, 4 J KiUtt Tr.ido St. I CHARLOTTE. - - - N. 0. *'] ' rvTWifii^Mr fulfil^ '" 'M , . OE SALE. d taking inventory of remnants, odds and Des, Millinery, Crocks we have put in our fer anything in this PRIOE rsirable goods in this 3u. Call and see for SSEY. ods Sale. ^ rJBMKsim te .staples as well as the ave been fortunate in rer had at 5, 7 1-2, S 1-3, >.i "> = < i vi i*? y v_ w 111 . hear and nice for waists 20 and 25 cents. ! 5, 20 and 2.5 cents, and medium checks at juts. h at 25 cents. K--5, 7 1.2, 10, 12 1"2, 15c :0 and 25 cents, i \S-10 2-3, 25, 35, 40 and for white waists. The d, 00 inches wide, $1. >idcry (Cotton for this S Epps. ? ? J 1 . I WJ!S* HereWeAre With the best line of Clothing for Men & Hoys ever shown in Fort Mill. We have them in Keguiars, Slims & Stouts Those who have seen mil* ni'iv ... t. .h<fvi\ c^Ullb Say tlicy surpass any thev ever saw in Fort Mill. >Ve have just received on February 1st a new lot of llats in the latest shapes & colors. (let the habit and buy a new hat or a pair of Shoes from McEihaney-Parks Co. Price-Cutters FOR SALE. 110 12 acres (S. L. Coltlinrp place) 215 miles north of Fort Mill. $1,505. SS Fort Mill Construction Co. realestate anil machinery, either or both. I have farms all sorts and sizes mil city property, more or less, throughout the State. Then, it is K..~: i-u ,,j wimiurM 10 oiiy os well as to jell. If you liovo Anything yon vvisli done in my line, don't forget my address. Jk sure to shove up your propositions, if you want to lo business. AVe never know,:jto ertain what w? can do ufltf we i try. I lu.vr line property v;^ sail n il cheap it will roak^| aij|v jP'* tI Wt