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r Dress Made of Dog's Fur. Mrs. Harry WlllouRhby of St. Johnsbury, Vt.. has a unique piece of cloth, from which she is soon to make a dress. The material consists of a two years' clip of the hair of her pet do(c. a white and brown spaniel. The hair was cleaned, prepared and woven at the mill. It was colored brown untl makes a handsome piece of elotn. cluh woman, Mrs. Edgerton, Wis., tells was cured of irregularities and uterine trouble, terrible pains and backache, by the use of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. " Dear Mrs. I'inkham: ? A while *go ray health began to fail because of female troubles. The doctor did not help me. I remembered that my mother had used Lytlla E. I'inli hum's Vegetable Compound on many occasions for irregularities and uterine troubles, and 1 felt sure that it could not harm me at any rate to give it a trial. " I was certainly glad to find that swlthln a week 1 felt much better, the terrible pains in tin* back and side were beginning to cease, and at the time of menstruation I did not have nearly us serious a time as heretofore, no I continued its use fot two months, and at the end of that time 1 was like a new woman. I really have never felt better in my life, have not bad a .;?1, I,,.1 .,n ! ..V?u?.?v . ouw -? Rounds more than I ever dirl. so 1 unesitAtinffly recommend your nn'di ine."?Mils. May IIaci-k. Rdfrcrton, Wis. .Pres. Household Ko? uomicsClub. j ? ft000 forfeit If original of a'jovc letter proving gmnlmeneee cannoi be produced PIMPLES "1 tried all kind* of blond r.rncdi#'* which failed to do rue any good hut I ha\?? found the riirhl t hlng t la?t. My face wm full of pimple* and black* head*. After taking t'aacarot* they all Irft 1 am continuing the iinh of them ami recommending neni to my friend*. 1 feel fine alien 1 r1*o n the morning. Hope to have a chance to recommend OMCiTMI." Fred C. Witteu. E.m ?t., Newark, N. J. ' The Bowels ^ kMwmto CANDY CATHARTIC Ptoaaant. Palatahi* 1'nomt Ts?*?nAAd r\r* n^.1 Herrer Sicken, H>?krn or Gripe. 10c, L'ir. 50c. Never old In bulk. The genuine tablet * tamped C C C. Guaranteed to rure or >our money back. Sterling Remedy Co., Chicago or N.Y. 555 ANNUAL SALE. TEN MILLION BOXES Corn J must have a suflicient supply of I Potash in order to develop into a crop, f No amount of Phosphoric I Acid or Nitrogen can coin pen- | sate for a lack of potash in *? ?e"<t hee to any farmer ourl.ttlc book which contain* valuISlFnil able information about soil culture. V* OFRriAN KALI WORKS, | Ntw V?rk-JB Na?aau street. nr I Atlaa.a. t.a. IAU1-, a?. Hroad St, H RlpnnsTnlmh'sntt th(> >K'8t dynpepsin fVfr ninde. / A hundred millions 11\ V/ r?f them linre Inwn sold tbe l*iii Stales in a single year. Every Illness arising from a disordered stomach Is relieved or cured by their use. So common Is it that diseases originate from the stomach it may he safely asserted there Is no condition of II i health that will not t>e benefited 01 mred by the oecaslonal use of Rlpnns Tabules. Physicians- know them and speak highly of them. All druggists sell them. The five-cent package i* enough for an ordinary occasion, ami the Family Bottle, sixty cents, eontnii.rt household supply for a year. Ongenerally gives relief within twoni.> minutes. So. 52. Money in Chickens i Kor -i.V- hi itarnp? iva aaad a IJj 1 y / CAOr. BoOK giving Uia exparkutoa ' i j-1 A o| a |inwtk?l Couliry ttaimr?not /if /A an amaivnr. but u man working \ for dollar* anil canta?during a> f V > oar*, it leacbas how to Oatooi i L linil Cur* Olaaaaai; hood ronUtf tor fattening; which Fowlato ATT/ save for breed la,;; everything reV 1 uuielia (or proniaida t'ouitry rate U1 in* HtMik rUBI.IMHINU CO. 1*4 UisaH MlreUt New Yyr*. 4 j.tS ' ; . , Ox Furnished Much Beef. "Jerry," the 1>1k ox which has been exhibited at so many New England fairs during past years, was killed last week. He was 18 years old, and as he was losing weight it was thought best to send him to the slaughter house. The ox weighed 4,365 pounds at one time and was one of the heaviest, il not the heaviest, oxen in the country. Dyeing ih as easy as washing when KaDELXU DYKS are used. Most of the children in are tsuirht to write with troth hands. Pisos Cure is the nest medicine we ever used for all nffeettons of t hroat and lungs.?Wm. O. KnI'slev, Vunlnireji. Ind.. Feb. 10, l'.HK). It, is against Itaiiun law to sink a well within ."00 feet of a cemetery. An t'niimely t>outli. An untimely death so often follows neglect of slight cough or cold. If Taylor's Cherokee Remedy of Swct Hum and Mullein is tnken in time it will prevent any evil results. It cures coughs, colds and Consumpt ion. At druggists, 25c.. 50c. and Sl.OO a botlle The biqgest gold-producing mine In :he world is the iloiiicstake. in South Dakota. The ore yields less than 5t t ton. but is worked at small cost. 'I lie >utput now is over 2<mmmi ounces line fold a month and will soon be inrreused. too Howard. SIOO. The readers of tilts paper will lie pleased to learn that there is at least one dreaded dlsrnse that science has been able to eure in ait Itsstages, and that is Catarrh. Hall's ( alarm | Cure is the only positive cure now kunwa t > the medical fraternity. Catarrh being noonititutional disease, re ptires a constitutional treatment. Hall's OatarrliCureistakeninternuliy, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the s W'vn, therein- destroying the I laudation of i he dis- vse, and glviu ; the patient strength by building up the constitution and assisting nature in doing iu work. The proprietors have so much fultliin its curative powers tnat they offer Onw Hundred Dollars forauv case that It fnilst ic ire. bend fur list of testimonial*. Addrs*s K. J. ('h*xkv Si Co., To led i, dSold by Druggists. 7 j \ UnllV Family 1'ilW are the bos . About $.V.ihmhmi have a!ready been \ paid in Spanish war pensions; the average yearly value of the Spanish war j pension is SlhT, and tiie average annual value of all other pensions is $1.":;, and UO-t.NOP nppliealioiis for Spanish war pensions await adjudication, PERSONS WHO LIVED LONG. Men and Women Who Reached Years of Remarkable Length. The lato I'ope Leo had a long life, but compared with the ages of others who had gone before him he was comparatively youthful at his death. Thomas Parr and Henry Jenkins are. respectively, credited with tho ages of 152 ami 169. Jeanne Serimphan was married when she was 127 and died when she was 128. Dr. Dufournel married at 116 and became tho father of two children and died at 120. Marie I'riou reached the age of 158. A woman of Meti. the mother of twenty-four children, died at the age of 100. Surgeon Politman celebrated his one hundred and fortieth birthday. Patrick O'Noil burled seven wives and died at 120, and a Norwegian peasant Is recorded as dying at 160 and leaving two sons, one aged 108 and the other only nine summers. Robert Taylor li^gd to be 134 and died of excitement on receiving the picture An Irishman named Brown, who was a habitual drunkard, lived to be 128; he had a daily jag for ninety years. Durond n'KstlvoI of Cahors lived to be 12S. A woman of 124 drank strong; coffee in great quantities all her days, whilo a man of 114 lived on fruit, chiefly melons, aud chewed lemon peel. The Canadian Pacific Railway sold last year from its subsidy land nearly 2,600,000 acres at a price averaging less than $4 an acre. In the previous year it sold less than 1,600,000 acres at a price averaging a little over $3 an ai re. KITSrer:ii.4 on... >> nis or nervous* nessart?*r IIr-*. dnv's use of Dr. '?line's Orcat NervelUntorer. fit rial bottle und t'oatisafree Kltxe, Ltd.. 931 Arch St., L>hlla.,Pa. In some of the rural districts of Germany the expenses of a marriage feast are boms by t' 3 guests. Oult Coughing. Whv rough, when for 2f?r. and this nqtice you get 2.5 doses of an absolutely, guaranteed cough cure in tablet form, t>ostraid. Dr. Skirvin Co., Lu Crosse, Wis. A-C.L.] A bird cage large enough to contain 1000 birds will be one of the attractions of the St. Ixniis Exhibition. Mrs Wlnslow'sHoothlngHyrupfor children toothing, soften the gums, reduces Inflammation. allnvs naln.oures wind colic. 95c. a bottle Present day pilgrims try to moke the first day's manna last for seven. | M ^ 1 J Bronchitis " I have kept Ayer's Cherry Pectoral In my house for a great many years. It is the best medicine in the world for coughs and colds." | J. C. Williams, Attica, N.Y. All serious lung troubles begin with a tickling in the throat. You can stop this at first in a single night with Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. IUse it also for.bronchitis, consumption, hard colds, and for coughs of all kinds. Three (ire* : 25c., 59c., SI. All <rojft*t?. fl Cooinlt yonr doetnr. If h* Sake It, O then do a* hn *aya. If he tell* you not to t*ko It. theu don't take It. IT* ksowi. Uit* It with Mm. \T? are willing. 1 J. 0. ATER CO., i,. wsfi, Jfaaa. I WORK OF CONGRFSS A l.ot of Discussion and Utile Prnc tical Business. The Senate spent more than tiv? hours Saturday discussing the Cubht reciprocity bill and during that tiun three speeches were made. Mr. Fost cr, of Louisiana, led the dlscussioi and occupied the greater part of th? day with an argument in opposltior to the measure. He declared that its i passage would greatly injure the sag sir industry of the United States. Sen sitor Depew, on the Republican side and Senator Clay, on the Democratic side, supported the bill sis a nieas tire in the interest of both countries Senator Clay sjiid that he accepted it as a provision for the reduction of duties on the part of both conn tries. Mr. Foster declared that there Is no moral obligation on the part ol this government to enter Into the proposed arrangement with Cuba. He said we are standing nt the "open door" of the far East oaylt.g we ran 1 compete with England and other for | eign countries if given equality ol I I'ifhtc tt'hiln w*\ of/* " *~ i?*? - ., >tu>iv v? * a? vj CUlt'llllK 1UIU d I contrary arrangement in our own hemisphere. Speaking of tho claim I rontrary arrangement in oui j awn hemisphere. Speaking ol the claim from tho standpoint | of business, he contended that even without the proposed re; ip rocal arrangement the manufacturers uf the United States could. get the Cuban trade If they would ask for it. lie also declared that the reduction af our revenues which would result from the enactment of the proposed nw In the five years that the law was !o continue In force would b<* ?U5,000. 000 of $40,000,000. Tills money must go either to the Cuban sugar planters ! 'jr to the sugar trust. In either event he policy was one contrary to out awn best interests. The speaker pronounced the treaty not only a political end economic blunder, but declared it lalla little short of a legislative crime. The fundamental error of the measure, he said, is the taking of the fruits and vegetables of Florida and tlx* far West, tho tobacco and sugar 1 oroducts of the country and placing ! them In competition with the Cuban I products in which the tariff is reduc| ?d of 'JO per cent. He predicted that the preferential provision of (be lieu*v will hrinw n?? r? ? r-, it till ill \t ill Willi I foreign countries, because anvthing .coming from foreign rtmntib's will ! be discriminated against. Reciprocity, | 'io said, was called bv somo KepubliI :ans tho hand-maid of protection and >y sotiic Democrats the Iiaid-maid of free trade, but in liiis uge of cumI morclnlisni. if ho might so t -111 it. lie i leclared reciprocity to bo tin handI maid of special int* :? -is. Senator j Foster declared that behind the ' rcaty are every power and inlluoruo i Df the sugar trust. Ki\ ink as his r< I ions; that the building up of the be't j sugar industry :?f the West means the down-pulling of the sugar trust. Rural free delivery, reciprocity with ; Canada and the new lepublie oi I'annma were topics of discission in the House Tuesday. The subject, of rural free delivery was introduced by Mr. Maddox. Democrat, who claimed that certain States had been favored in tho t stablishment of routes, which resulted in a lively discussion. Mr. Hepburn. Republican, of Iowa, and Mr. ilemenway, Republican, of Indiana, were among tlie j others on the Republican side. Mr. Crumpacker. Democrat, of IndiI ana. defended the course pursued by the a.lminljtrttion in dealing with the Central American situation and replied to criticisms which have been made tin the opposite side of the chamber. Washington. Special. B> tho do Msive vote of f?7 to IS the Senate passed the hill carrying into effect toll reciprocity treaty with Cuba. The final vote was taken at the c'.t so of a ^1V tliot teou ???.1..1- ..I ?v?. .? which, while :il times animated, was never acrimoniuos. The principlal speeches of the day were made l?y Mr. Spoonor for the hill and by Mr. Bailey against it. Both Senators were subjected to frequent interruptions. !n his remarks Mr. Bailey referred to the recent agreement ef the Demo rratic caucus to stand solidly on party questions, and warned the Republicans that in the future tho.v could Qot depend on straggling Democratic votes support of Reuuhlicnn measures, regardless of whether tliev were or were not. In accord with Democratic doctrine. The vote in detail was as follows: Yeas?Aldrich, -Vigor. Alice. Allison, Ankeny, Bacon. Bull, Bevoridge. Blackburn, Burnham. Burrows, Burcon. Clapp, Clnrk. Wyoming: Clay, Cockered. Cttllom. Depew, Hilling ham. Doliver, Dryden, Klklns. Fairbanks, Foraker, Foster. Washington, Fryo. Fulton, Oallinger, (iornian, Hale, Ilanna, Hansbrough. Heyburn, Hoar. Hopkins. Koan, Bodge Bong. rtcuomas, Mccreary. McCumber Mitchell, Nelson, Overman. Pct>ros? Perkins, Plntt, Connecticut: 'Matt, Now York; Proctor, Quarles. Scott, Simmons, Smoot, Spoon or. Stewart, Btone. Wetmore?57. Nays?Bailey, Bard, Bate. Car mack, Culberson, Daniel, Duhins. Kos ter, Louisiana: Mc-Knery, Mcl.nnrin Malory. Martin, Newlnnds, Pettus Taliaferro, Teller, Tillnmn?18. The bill passed carr'ed into execu tlon the treaty between the Unitcc States and Cuba, which was ratifier last March. The treaty provides foi a reduction of 20 per cent, cf th< rates of duty under the Dlngley Inv on all Cuban articles imported int< the United States and a varying re duction of from 20 to 40 per cent from the established Cuban duty ot articles imported into Cuba from tin United States. Stand Against Russia. Tokio, by Cable.?In consequence oi Russia's reply, a ppeelal conference o the elder et*t??nion of Japan. In eluding the Marquis Ito. and the eabi net ministers. Is proceeding here I is understood thnt the utatesmen art considering the adoption of a flrn s'aftd against Russia. Oeneral Kod am a, the War Minister, was presen for the first time at the conference There la renewed activity at the ml mlralty. In view of a locslhle navn d> monetratlon. X 1 A eV' X I v PE-RU-NA PF Against Wintei Many Hegleoted Colds in Children ^ Oitan Bring Disastrous Rssults. j Peruna should be kept in the house all the time. Peruna should be kept in every , house whore there are children. A Don't wait until the ohild is lit'i siek then send to n drug store. Mufti Have Peruna on hand- aoeept no iufn/U IV-rii-na I"rt?te?-t?* Kntlre llffinf/ Household A ual list tit I nn tin I Ml/WW t?tsen?u?. YMf/IM As sfiun as tlie value of Peruna jSjih)' is fully appreeiiiled by every KKGgE household. h.ith as n preventive and .aire of . latar rlial nfTeclinnv s^wfi ten? of t ii tiisands of lives will be s^gj?saved, and hundreds ot thousands |6g9 of > hi-'inie. lingering < ases of .lis IgSS! use prevented. Peruna is a house HBff hold silegua id. %$! yj^y tiv ' \\ ^ Pc-l'tl-liit Kept In llm IIoiirc tor KI v i' V cur*. Mr. ilhcrt l.ict/iiiiiu. Milwaukee Ave.. ('hieagu, 111., write*: "1 a.ii ou'.v Inn glad to mtoi iii \ mi ttial I an. Iceling ami liave never I**11 | In in: in m\ hit-. through the advnv of j a i i n ii<I i 11 it'll IVn.iia, ami am glad to mi !! eiireii me to pci feet inn. I In gait to' tell a li'ii'inl about I'erini.i tlie oilier ?lay,! ami 1 had no -tooner uiiitmm e.l than lie told me In- folks have kept I'ernmi in the house lor tiie la-t live years. I am sure I wouldn't he without it. Mother also use* it to keep herself in good health." Ask Y our- Druggis He Knew His Business. At an English rent-audit dinner the squire noticed that s\ new tenant of his. sitting in the place of honor on his right hand, was taking nothing to drink, so he said. "Well. Johnson, this i won't do. You at" drinking nothing." 'etc. Johnson replied. "No. squiie, 1 j never drinks nothing with my meals." i "How's that?" asked the squire; "are ! you a teetotaler, or suffering from j | rheumatism or anything, and acting ' I under doctor's orders?" "No, squire, I 'tain t that. It's this way: If you take a bucket full of water, you can't (get no titters into it; but if you put : the t.iters in lirst. It's wonderful what I a lot of water you can get iu after[ wards." i Dcr.tic.ts Use Much Gold. j If there is a scarcity of gold during I the twenty-first and twenty-second cen I Juries dentists, according to a German statistician, will probably be more t< blame than any one else. He asserts that they use every jeat in filling teeth attd other worn about eight hundred kilogrammes of gold the value 01 which is $500,000. and that at this rate the graveyards of the various countries will contain in time hundred years from now $15o,000,0uC worth of gold. Guards Seldom Catch Anything. "I see smallpox broke out at one of the suburban jails recently. That's rather funny, Isn't it?" "Yes; but it would have been still funnier if the guards had managed to catch if."? Philadelphia l.edger. wawWBwMPMKBHirr'*^T"n m IIH ^(4^ 11/ fj\t UPSEr YOUR sioni ftv-'A " " ?J/ To Cur' Your Hrtvd] K TaKo CAPUT) ' H lmmedia-tely while you wait and ha; Ctires Cold ^ " NEW f Loaded B!ac shoot stronger than any oth /?r' \S81 s^e^s on the 1 IfBj & S they are i?ac* t ll|| JJ and made n ? Try them. T i N^^^TSIf. HUNT I tOTECTS THE r Catarrh in Phases. ALICE SCHAFER. r~ ; If, 4 fi j Mr?. .Scliafer, 4.'UJ Ho J "In the early part t " 3 5 /or my daughter Allc ^ ?i?7^L/ # n pu ny, stckl!/, a Hit* ^ i?Ci?l ? convulsions mill cult B/la , s taring until xcr conn Jf" ItvIbCI 5 strong anil well. Pel ? malleine 1 have ever 11 $ "1 ii'tiK fn a vert/ wj { men ceil to take Perm j I bif ' i rholehoily, Out than 1/ ) right. 1 would not hi V<V\H # " Peruna en retl my \ Vj J n >tff lever, tie Is a bt[ V^Vj' J hare given htm Peru J \ It, Ink that ts why he i * enough, li e ha re nrtl J Peruna?all praise t? It*- s lire to IIhvo IV-ru-nit on llnntl lliirttip tlit* I in'l?'i?n*tit Month* of I-:ilI ami U IiiIit. t rou|>, capillary in oiiciiitir- am I uriicii'ni rheum;iii-in .in ili>' special bancs of cliildlitinij. These all alike nsiilt iroin catching roil!. line < tiM (iitclii's < oltl ami siuits its mother into hysterics by having croup in the ilt .nl i?i liixht. < I Aunt her child t at. lie- '-old, dev.-tops iii stiii'ooin Kjiuh that will not yield to ordinal^ i ini'dit's The parents are tilled with forebodings. Still anothei ehild catches eold and tiecolons that most fatal malady of childhood, capillary lironeliili-. The doctor is tailed, pronounces the tare pnetlinotiia, ami if the ehiJd is lucky enough to live it has developed weak In tips Iroin which it may never 11 cover. t for free Pe-ru-na . Sl^KfiBnauEalcSaR ? EVERY SilOOTER i WHO SHOOTS 4?%! ? I lUw i MUNITION B fci U Hhas a feeling of confidence in rj his cartridges. They don't H " misfire and always shoot where * B y?"aAm- I U l ell your dealer I>. M. C. jj Hwiien he asks " What kind ? " _ Sen J for catalog. Tbe Uaion Metallic Cartridge Co. ** Bridgeport, Conn. HRB6?98Ssaasssafis ctauanca HaDunin Remove all swelling in ftto.'o J"*-I days; effects a permanent cure * fV in yoto Aodays. Trial treatment - A>TS\ given free. Noi hingenn be fairer i *C/m5''54WR V Write Dr. H. H. Green's Sons, -22:' ~"Jl_ Specialists. Bo* R Atlanta. Ca. ^EESEBnaagia^i IS CmsSlillil ALL (LSI fAlUT ra M Brit <'oui(b Hyrup. raster Oootl. Leo UTrl Iti i iriio Si?!fl hv tlrinrc'ldit Iwl IACII With Nauseous CAthnrtics IJSfE. It Ctzres ^ s no bad effects on the Stomach. IT IS B" l i o * ''""'.I' j5J WVAL" k Powder Shells and reload better ter black powder market, because gP^Bjfc ed more carefully pi y j| lore scientifically. SriMij] \ ; LITTLE OWES 1 us """""" ^ P ^MrnrnJy/^'i^ ".My little daughter. t ?f?? In a later letter she -la-' C "Our little dmightur ror.tini?I. vies to have good health r ipe Ave., St. Louis. Mo., writes: J i/tflnf yea r I wrote to you for a d nee J e, four years of af/e. She has brrn J (1 child since her birth. >he lit"' * rtrrhul fevers. I was alien ys tine- * 11 eneeU to use I'eruna. S'<e f/rcw ? ' una is a wonderful tunic: the best f n?e?/. * wretched court it ion irlirn I com- ? i?. I had catarrh all throuy'i mi/ jl k God, your medicine set me alt * ive tiny other meilteInc. J habit boy 0/ a very burl sjicll o) raid ? (/, heal thy boy ft f teen months old. I f mi off and 011 since he was born. I J s .so well. I cannot praise I'eruna J ' had a doctor si nee ice bey an to use f *it. ? Mrs. Sclia/rr. 5 VV^'S Ami yet .another child eateho.s cold and 1 articular rheum.iti-m i> tlie r -'.tit. Ai.hh'f, knees, wrists ami elhoxvs heroine suddenly 1 swollen and paiutul. V Ion,:, disastrous illness follows. The ch.ld .>mv live . nil become convalescent. a miserable (lit 1 i 111 of | valvular disease of the hitr'. Ml these mishaps . re the direet irvjii nrglci tr<i ' old. lYrun.i is the safeguard of the lam , by. If u child eatehes eo'al I'eruna should he used immediately. | A few doses ol I'erunu and a child s cold j is gone. The apprehension of the parents llee away. The household is tree irntu fear once more. 11 you do not receive prompt sat;s taetory results troni the use of I'eruna. write at once to Dr. Ilartiuaii, giving a full iateineiit of your ease, ami he will he pleased to give you his valuable advice ?rat is. Address Dr. Ilartmaii. President of The 11 , . 1 ... I I.' I I 111*111 ??l 11 I I .1 I 111111. I ? ?! 1. i?. Almanac for 1904. A Itoston physician's | covcry which cleanses ami -^r?3P ! heals all inflammation of the mucous I membrane wnerever located. In local treatment of female ill- Paxtine is invaluable, ('soil as a <1??:i? lie i; i is a revelation in cleansing ant! d'.eg power; it kills all disease gettr.r. which | cause inflammation and <11 < 1 atc'c. Thousaiulsof letters fromwontrn prove that it is the ureal.- .' cure lor ieueorrliuRiiever discover - I. 1'axtinc never fails to cut pelvic catarrh, nasal catarrh, sote threat, - -re mouth and sore eyes. !> m t' is? diseases are all caused by inttunv.r. at it | of the mucous metubratte. For cleansing, whitening and | reserving the teeth we t hniSciigc lite world to produce its c?iu:il. Physicians ami specialists <-vetvwhere prescribe and endorse Pa\tin<-, and thousandsof testimonial letters p oveits va' if. At druggists, or sent postpaid 50 cis. A large trial package a ml book of instructions absolutely free. Write I The R. Paxton Co.. DeDt. -o Boston, Mass. 1 11 ? ?? (capsicum vflithirri (POT ur IN OOL.I.AI'M 111.1. '21TIIKS) J A sabstituie forand mi peri < : to mustard or uuy other plaster, and will not Mi. icr tlnmnatdelicAiit skin. iho pa . >-; !!;i. u-ruud c u rati vo<i untitles of thisu rticdea r<- wouderf ul. 11 \v*il I stop the toothache at once, and relieve headache and sciatica. \\ e recommend it as Iho best and safest externai counter-irritant k imwn.abo asa n ex terns 1 remedy for pains in the chest And stomach and all rlieiiina lie, neural uic a ml jjouty complaints. A trial will prove what we claim torlt, and it will bofound to ho invaluat .< in the household. Many poo ideyay "it lst.h',y bestof all of your preparations. Price ?! c) a., at all <1 rnutfists or other d ciders. or by H sendiiiKthisamount tousin postn-ioslnni) sH we wilisend you o tubeb> mall. No article! should lie accepted by the public un!e- ? the I same carries ou r label, as ot horwi-olt is not ! i /uiucuonni tfiu M C/I r<? t in-. vuc^nui^vi wii "?' *? v" fl 17 State Street, N?;tv Yohk < /-n CROUCH \-J Marble and Granite Co. ? man uf acttrehs ol*? MONUMENTS, Vault", Mutually, lleaiUlonei. etc.. In nny Granite or Marhl*-. Dentil Musks a Specialty. | <?*^Mentlon this paper i ATLANTA, GA. so. iliSAWMILtSrHS? SHmIUi Here's Universal l.oft Beams.Reotllln isj I sir,, Ho Works* id the !! '?. gl c >ck Klnr Variable Seed WorV s nro ui:e? H | ooiled for iccuraci , NtMei.Icn v, i>t liw.iiKJ itt isn t??r. of on i.T'mN, Vrlte for full ;? dosorlptlv? circular-. Manufactured liy tin -.'l B3ALEM IKON WOKKS.IV instoii alei.i.N.r.. ^ bli