University of South Carolina Libraries
Local and Personal, Cotton on thelo al tnnrket yesterday brought 12 o-S cents. Mr. Wan! Pegrnn went t?? .Tack- | sonvilie, Flu., Monday on a pleas- ' lire trip. The attention of the young men is directed to the fireworks ordinance in another column. M< tubers c>f tlie Fort Mill Ger- ( man Club are arranging to have ?? j big dance one night during the; holidays. There are a number of subscrib* j ere on our hooka who will not have the pleasure of re di g The Times next y ar unices they p iy up. The family of Mr. Saui'l MrFIlwntey, deceased, who have hi en living near Wolfsville. N. I)., have! tecetilly removed to Fort Mill. Having nothing on the farm,ex cept the dogs and cats, that will not bring a big price in the market, it appears the farmer can now be styled Mr. "It"?with a cap 1. The new town ordinance puts tho quietus on the merry pastime I of shooting cannon craekers. dynamite > anes, ami other kinds of lite- I works. j Tue mairiage of Miss Eddie j Harnett and Air. -J C. Butler look i place Sunday morning ut J 1 :.'I0 at the homo of tin* InideV mother in the village of the Millf< rl Mill, j tho Rev. K. A. llartsell olfici iting. ] While it is customary with most weekly newspapers to drop an issue during the holidays. The < Times h is never followed the rule, *1 nil our snbscrilier-. may < Xpert , the paper next week oI tne usual time. Parties heie were notified Sunday of 111< death is II n'k li d of Air. Bur Bryant, a toting 11111:1 who formerly reaided in this place. Mr. Bryant's ? cath resulted from paralysis hy which ho wa a tacked a few days previous. Tl I ?* I.HllllOi it ifttll d M isK . ittiirv Society will hold special praise services in iIm* l'i? 'sbytenan church next Sunday morninmi 11 o'clock. Alter I e services the installation of the new ofiin rs of the church will lake place. The mayor was confronted Monde. morning with quite a cr wd of evil doers, who had been run in Saturday night ml Sunday by the town's bluet-oats. Most of the sinners were co|. rod and were charged with plain drunks. The fines col lected amounted to SIT. In a contest at Winthorp college M -mlay night between eleven young ladies. Miss Kit tie K rkpatrick, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. T. S. Kirkpairick of Fort Mill, was the winner of a gold medal offered by Mr. Kd Mobley for the best essay on "the Confederate {Soldier." II T? Till n... I m .. Mriinvvn a*. ia a iiiiunii mm i?i I Brazen I e, of Anderson, members of the light commit ec of \\ inthrop college, met at tlie college Thursday and elosed a contract with the Catawba Power company to light the binUling. Scores of jugs ami boxes of whiskey have been received at the local express office during the past f w days, and the indications are that there will be something doing in police circles during tlie holidays. Let ?s urge nil those farmers who may yet have a few hales ol cotton to k- ep their Inies ??tT the ground. As this season m the year, when cotton gcis wet it will not dry off quickly, and unless looked after it will damage, (button is too valuable to throw out in t he weather to rot. The to. nl ? ? " vw... <>? America !? now romfortahl V quartered in the Ardrey building on Main street This lodge, wlncli hurt a membership of about twentyfive, is n<iw in a prosperous con< 1 itloti and has rec? ntly fitted up a hall, which any of the orders might justly feel proud. Meetings are held the a -cond and fourth Friday evenings of em h month. The verdicts against the Catawba I'ow r company nave to be paid by an insurance company that as- j Humes all nsks a-, to personal dam - I age t< employes. The power cotii[>any pay- the insurance coin- 1 pany a premium of s much per mo- tli per head on all of its em- ! ployes, and the insurance complin) eugagt s to pay such milages as inay be as?< 8scd. ? VVaxhaw Enterprise. At 3.30 o'clock this afternoon M ins Fannie C'oltharp, a popular' young lady of Gold Mill, ami a daughter of Mr. J. II. Colih trp, i will be united in the holy bondsof wedlock to Mr. D ivid Gibson, who is employed as a saleHimiii in \V. E. Griffin's store. 2 miles north oi Fort Mill. The marriage will take place at the nride's home in the presence of a large number of relatives and friends, 'l'l.e nrideaud groom have many friends and arquantances who will wish tln-m much happiness.' 11 A. .4 , I ? mmammi w 11 ifTii^tfW] HOLI MILL I li<* i'ori Mill (ii.uhd Srli'wls j dotted Fii ay afternoon for tin- 1 holidays and will not !>? i . t^mii : I aeHin until the tirsl Monday in January. ()ur iiierohautH know the way lo (In hiisiuexais, to have a y;ood tin tic and l?-t 11 he known, iv i onr novel i vi mr i-i il ii iti ii hihI iH.ii'ii where to buy Chtistmas j^onds. It is uiidi'istood that the cotton tnills iii this place will ktis|> *iiiI worn this evening ami will allov j their operatives tlie remainder of I th?- week as holidays. In pi ici iu^ your orders for job i pnnlino, don't foi<ret that the Tillies is well equipped with j .h nuiterial and will do yoin wmk aati faetory and at very leas malde prices. Mr. J. M. K eudrick, who WIIS well known to many people In-re ahouts, dropped dead at his lively stable in Charlotte la^t W-dnes day iiiornino. Mr. Keudriek was 511 years of a^e and a native ol this c atnty. Ti.? . _ i i x ur- tow ii it'^tMraiKUi i??m?k . wh en have lieeii pan f??i- hoiii tune at the S viiiuH bink will l>. closed on January 1st. Those win do not register b\ that time cannot vote in any town electi >11 <iin inj^ 1904. Our nierchnntH arc doim* a lr <> business, much better Iha-i th \ .anticipated. In the Fori .Mi. stores t here can be f -ami anyi hint ' needed for the holidays in the ? ii \ j of m ct ssities, luxuries 01 pier-, n s ! of lurj^e or small prices. Injured By a Powder Explosion Roy, the youiii; sou of .Mr. on Mis. J. II. MuMarray was fcirfu!1 ly burned a out the face Friday by an explosion of powder, lie with several oilier boys had pouieii a (juanity of powder into a hole it. i the earth and hud Bluffed the In.I. ; wi'h paper 'and lighted it. I'he ! powder did not take lire at onre land young MeMurray returned ti are if the fire had gone out ?lii[ an he Hto<>ped to look into the h the pown- r became igint-d and 111e little fellow caught the In 1 foree of the exploBiou in his f .ce. He was at once taken to a ph\sn iau who drented hie wouiiiIm, aim in now getting along mh well iif. could he expected, tliotlL'h it h feared that Ins eyesight may h< impaired as a result ol the a c.(l> til Walker^Hartis, W dnesda'y evening. Deeember Ifith, Mr. VV. (3. ilartiB and MihLilla Walker were happily united in mairiage at the Inane of tin bride's father, Mr ?I. A. NValkei, of lower Steele Creek, the ceremony being performed by llev P. C. Battle. pastor f Z >ar M. 10 ehuieh. Mis* Walker is wellknown to the people of l-'..rt Mdl Her parents are recognized am ng the best families of the community. The marriage wa quiet, but beautiful. Miss Walker lias many blends and is held in high este- in liy all who know her. Mr. Hurt is is one of Steel Creek's substantial young men, and excellent farmers Mr. and Mrs llartis have a host of friends, who congratulate tliem and wish f >r them a longand prosperous life. A FBIEND. , :.k i ?"" " ' * ~ . ? . ,, r " f I i ) i i ~ti' ininin?1it iiiiwmnimT?mTWTmi?nii?Mii> ? ?i iit-im :day goods. ,s & y oung. IIWll ilPWWHi _____ I I - - - - - - 1 00 000000000??0?0?000G GS 00 jyj ?1. ti V e X LX OOUgil L jg ? That Sack of ? ? ? | Dan Valley Flour Yet? f g ] t's the best sold g g THE COMPANY STORE, ? ? 3? 3?9? ??????? ???????? SiQ'o) g?????e?????e?@???e?????? j | Hie 'ill i liaMe Store I ? ' !? i ','lp nwwriMmiifc~ifc.^Muiinii iBiuiiBiuLJuwu-LiagEam?n?a??a?? ( I I " jj A Meny |? ii ~^T TVl O O ^ ?5 -/-A-XJLJLLt 0 ~ I To All. I pis Oift ReliaMe Store,! 1 T. B. BELK, PROP. ? OLD SAN' Has .arrived, m TWBKTTT ilas made his he place-' Massey's 1 Where you will tin beautiful as well as use at prices too low to advi ( all and take a look Kings, Brooches, Stick 1 Silver Spoons, Forks, La Cut Glass, Spectacles, ? es. Sleeve Buttons. Cloci Jars, Vases. Tea Sets, I ware, Lamps. Stationery tores. Frames, Rocking Matttings, Stoves. IleuU niture. Art Squares. Sid< Wagons, Velocipedes, T< t.all and see what w L. J. M/ y ? l\ Who Has Loved Oi ? \l Who Has Friends? a a ? VV For lhene you imi6t liavi that it may bind von closer t< ..... . . ;; hn 11 wii lie with many lliou Z J may enjoy this pIcHBure. ho JS piost one of all. ( )ur stock of Holiday (] ZZ those from infancy to tin* old *Z will not attetupi to ijive you i * * to call and ?? will take ^re throuuh. If wt- haven't what you v > a very few days. You 18 foi a << Meachtvn / / A Christm* What would he more ireSLMlt for vnur <on lo** >r friend than a nice nev well line in the 25 and E Don't miss seeing the Our stock of Hats, C ?e reduced bv January 1: raiting for Xmas to bu nd see us. Our prices will cure nixing fever. Wishing all a merry ( 11 for their liberal patrc u sin ess, we are Yours for 1 McElhaney "Wc keep tl m f* i 'ou Want to Buy, Sell, j or Exchange Real Es- f tatc, Stocks, Bonds&c. 1 full on, or address the on deraigned. I have a long list of City ami Country property throughout the County and State to offer, and would be glad to have your business nl* hii. You dout need to see me " to do buHtness. Send coinplete and holiest d aciiption of your properly, and put a reasonable price on it is nil ' that ia necessary. If you want to buy, give complete deserip- 1 Con and price you are willing to pay. J. Edgar IVag, lirokyr, Kock Hill, S. C. [W e Hell the Columbia Ear-1 oek Typewriter. Auiong the 1 endcro.J [id as iii the Last JmBBBBm adquarters at Dep't ful ;rtise. ^BS9|BH^SbBPHI at the W;^HHnHSSHHH Mns, iiat idles, BruMBbSP^MmB8mi83hS Salad ancy Cliin^ I r, Sewing Mai nj Chairs, irs. Furs, Bla^Bgg|j|jfl|^jgg ^hoards, Kid >ys, Fancy e have. iSSEY. ies?-- 1| Every Soul. I The. Friendly. jl a something to give Xtn?s, ogether. It may he with you, ?? sands, tho last Xiuhk. You JJ try iiiul make this the hap- 4 J oods, suitable for gifts for 2? lest. iH now complete. We jtjc 111 itemized list, but ask you f c at pleasure in showing you 4$ rant, wo will get it for you in jj* a merry Xtnns. ? ? en & Epps, If _ 4? ? is Present. appropriate for a nice >ther, father, sweetheart v tie. We have a very >0 cent qualities, in. aps and Clothing must st, so if you have been y your Clothing, come the stingy and econo^hristmas, and thanking mage since opening our business, Parks Go. be styles," Oapital Stock, $30,000.06, BUSINESS.? When you think of going . off to school, writofor cotlege Journal and Speciul Offer of th? leading Buhui?'?h and Shorthand School! Adrirea*, King* Basines* College, RalMgh. N. C.t or Charlotte, N. C. [W??hK> ojmh Bookkeeping, Shorthand, eto., by nail.) ll-18*6fcw to t'tun FOJR fiOOD POvSIHONS GUARANTCCD (N WAIT)MA. 600 FREE 8CMOtt!KlV .",2?*,# OA -ALA. BUS COLLEGE. MACON * DO YOU DRINK> If So, Try Our OLD NORMAN CORN WHISKY Guaranteed 8 to 5 yearsold. Mild and Mellow. Always the Same. $ 2.50 per Gallon. Phone and Mail Orderv Promptly Filled G. W. NORMAN, Both 'Phonos P. O. Box &. r ~ . CHARLOTTE, N. V i> ' v r