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FOIIT MILL TIMES DEMOCRATIC PUBLISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY B. W. BRADFORD. Terms of Subscription: One yenr fl.OO Six months CO Throe months 25 Correspondence on current subjects Is Invited, but no responsibility )s as8uu ed for the views of correspondents. Anonymous communications will not ec published In those columns. On application to the publisher, adyectlslnK jule.-i ure made known t<> those lnt<rested J'ort Mill 'Phone (with long distance connect lens) No. 2?i. DKOKMBKR 23, 1903. .. 1 ii? NOTE AND COMMENT. A <1? nf man can hear the wn^eH dropping these ti:tyn. His hr illipr tiffi 'cih are making ^desperate efforts to diai/nose the ! e ?se of General Wood's army reool (1. I) Mi't throw Bton 'H at your no ohhors lieu if she is oti strike jil present. The etiRH site has produced the past year have been wor h over iwo hundred and tiftv million dollars. It realy h'yins to look if G<*n ral Woo l's nomination to b in ij i>i' lji 11 *ihI would he confirmed l>y (he senate. However thai may I)**, it he n lotus time before tile smell is removed. The farmer is the irreatest multi-millionaire in this con >hy. In ten years he lias ex ortecl 7.0T2.0t)v).0 t) worth o stuff. and he is capable of much greater things than that. The farmer aa a power jn the la ml has no equal. mm* The total of number of Nex\ England mill hands whose pay baa been lowered during tlie pns'-n i'i>tton crisis is over 85.000. Fif teen housaiid additional opera ties j-eeeived notice that theif pay would be cut next week. Most ol the nulls whirl) have participated in the-cut to date follow the conrs' of'the Fall River schedule, adopted November HO. ? The postal authorities at Wash- | iiiLft* 111 have recently issued an oilier to all postmasters throughout the I'uited States proliibitiu.' the employes from furn shttig infornmtiou concerning mail matter over the telephone. From now on, persons who want to find out w hether or not this or that package lots arrived, or in fact anv similar in ormation wil have to viait tne postoffiee instead of simply using the telephone. ? * The New York World has start i'd a canvass to have the next Democratic national convention meet in that city. It offerH $5,000 toward the fund for the purpose of seeiir ng an amount that will lent Madison Square garden for the convention. The only Denioeralie convention ever held in N> w York was thirty six ytnueago. The pap r claims the convention is important to New York and to the Deim cracy, In justice to several merchants who have laid in large stocks of fuvwi rks for tne holidays, the municipal authorities should cut out. for Christ mas day at hast, the recent ordinance relating to tire works, thereby allowing the suiad hoy to enjoy tlie sport illlou feai of p lice nti-fereiice, and giving the merchants a chance to s? II off a...:. :ii .1 iiini niut*n, yvijii ii ? ill ollitfiWl t* oe letl nil tiicir hands. * A * In the reports of the various bauds, pastors, mid presiding el<1 i s at I lie recent session of tile Methodist Conference quite an encouraging inereaBe wasshown over previovs reports. There are in the conference 275 preachers, 732 churches; total membership ill the State, 7t),0T.'t, an increase of 1.311 Contributions during tin* year were as follows: foreign missions, $13,331 45;domestic missions, $15.404 10; education, $4,205.00; church Mtii-nsiiiii. $4 381.73; conference claims, $8,801.52. Much has been done recently to remove advertising dodges in the giliseof periodicals from the sec olid, class mails, much to the delight of every legitime e ubbsh -r. Abuses of seeond.clnes mail privileges have loiiu been a disgrace to the posts I service. A'leged p- . liodicals which were in reality^ books, or merely advertising mediums, or bad a free nir ulati hi. or an xcessive sample Copy dislriI u'tioii have b en deprived of the lights of second class mail,- The Millie l ights have been d< nied news agents, who fomterly returned their nnsod matter at the pound KfcrjeJv ... . ' L . mk: ' I Some Cotton Figures, Tile Attn ft.-i Clin>tlte|e -ays the hit'll price of rotten, the distill** i bailee ninon^ the nils. and the I hull t'tcti suf Mis re. Sully, llniwti h el nth' is tlir- ateiiini; yet higher j fi_tu;iH Hve set everybody to talking mi.I v ri?iiiir bout mtt >11, nod one eM 11 haul y pick up a publica* i i tioii "f any eharartor that itoes not contain mi article on cotton. I'll discussion ha- led the New York 1 World to m? into statistcs, ami it ! notes that the highest price ever : r? H'hod by cot-on was in lbtj-1. dniiniitlie ivil War, when the crops were cut short hy disorganized lahor conditions in ilieS >11 |j. and the blockading of ..tir p rt-. winch itf egress to tin* world's markets. In tliatye.ireo Ion reached $1.90 per pound. Tin I ; lowest p itrr ever i cached was in 1815, when ils market price in New York whs 5 cents a pound i The lamest Amer can cr ?p ever] raised was in 1S98. ind wlncli a.- i j?reifated 12.lot) l)U0 hu e S no then, in 1899, il was 9 442.000; in ; 1900. 10.549 000; 1901, l0,7t)0.000. 1902 10,750,000 and the yoveiii incut's est mi .te of the 19 .4 crop,! Ill t was given out last week, an : I which caused the unpreeented | rapid advance in pric-* is 9.962,000 hales. The New Y >rk P.>st the record to show the December i estin ste has always 1) en uiidei i the crop. That any lie true this year also, lint the departments' < w iill te is lint usually more than i 200.000 or 500.000 1> les too low.! and with these added to the lie- j camber estimate there is sill a short crop, and a guar ntee foi i high prices. -? ? Political Pot is Simmering. With the approach of I lie legin- i lative session. which in only four I eeks off, the political pot will : begin to boil, t hon^li b\ even i the widest stretch of the im- I aginatio it can hardly he said to i he mme than simmering so far. Til's being an "off year" in ele ! lions the vacancicM which the legisatnre will be called upon to till will be few in nutnber and for the most part unimportant. There ia no promis" of any lies ed contest, though the endeavor to become members of the dispensary director ite may develop some excitement. It ?s unders ood that the chairman, M*. L J. Wiliiamn will letire and that Mr H II hivans- will aspiro to this place General Wilie Jones cannot offei for election, Gov. Hey aid h .ving appointed him to till out the unexpired term of Mr. Dukes. Afllollir lll?? I'll mt ii In In* f..i' runi'u ?. I" ' seuta ion in ihi* directorate i-x Mayor \V. MeB. SIohii, of Colum bia, Col. John Bell To will of Lexington, Representative Walker of Barnwell Representative Oourditi of Williamsburg ami ex-Senator McDertnout ol iiorry are mention ed. As to Toy Pistols The attorney general has hu? ii been asked aH to the sale of toy pistols and the raps for llie-e pis tola. T further e lijhten il.e dealeis. many of whom have u It-u stork of eneh art ele, the act passed at the last session of the legisln tare is n veu in full: See 1. Be it enacted by ill" Ceneoil assembly of lie State ?>f South Carolina, That it shall Itiitilawfu' for any person, firm 01 corpo at on ui tins Si tie to k* ah. sell, ker forsile, <r offer f r sale any n.y pistol, in whieh ap<> i /Ml it i ill . ?-?u ur I ? ? * - ? ....j, i nn <1 | cHi trul^'S for 11? 11 toy pistole Sec 2. Tim v r\ pora >n. (i lit ..r corp .ration viol it o tli pr I vitdons of section 1 oi tui-. hc 1 hIimII upon conviction he fincil no xceeiliin* $100, or he imprisoned (in ciihc of mi individ .in) tor a term not to exoce.l lit) days. -* ?? L< tier to I. K Kl LKi FORT MILL, S. C. Dear Sir: Messrs Ivachnmn A Rileliti, (irafton, VV V#, had been selling a paint which thev thought well of; ami > this lia'l occurred. They had sold a customer 18 gallons of it to paint his house. A few years later they sold the same man Devoe lead and zin the .same number of gulIons to paint the same house, lie had 7 gallons left. The point of the tale is. 11 gallons Devoe paints an 18 gallon house. Do you waut to sell it? Of course, that isn't all. Why doos 11 gallons Devoe go as far as 18 gallons of other paint? because it is all paint, all truo, no sham, and full ; measure. Do you want to sell it? Jtiut that isn't all. Devoe lasts long- 1 jr, Jio, no; you haven't got to wait ten years toll ml tltnt out. Ten thousand i pfcople know it. We've got their names. Our agents know them; they think a heap of Devoe. There's no difficulty in showing your townspeople what to ex- ' i pect of Devoe. $10 will pamt a $1> 1 house; and the paint'll last twice as j long. Do yoa want to sell it? Yours trnly r. w. DcvomA Co I 4$ New York Christmas Luxuries of 63. Kdi'nr Times: The health f our nriirhh >rs in ijihk! 1 t ink, mimI every!)-?ly seems to have j f Mu i-l nuis in <le limit s We hear of severnI birr dinners, etc., spoken of. Heniini; this tnlk carries our mine! bark to he momentous Christmas days we spent in Vir- 1 irinia and Tenness e duriut; the war nml now we will te I you where we wer . what we were doin*;, and what we had for a Christ mas dinner in '(id. Forty years n?*o next Friday, in September that year. L must reels eorps was transferred from Virginia to the Western army when yitiK around Chattanooga. Tenn. 15y December we had d ifted into lie eastern counties near Morristowii. We had been on short r >tioiiH for a lono time, but here j they were shorter, and for some i time our only bread rat oils was i an ear of corn per day and a little poor beef. A reward f $"23.00 was offered llio person who would find a pa tiele of mease in the pot where it was rooked. It was ?train t the law to kill a row that could step over a rail ( hi Christ- , mas day. a coi l cloudy one, we ' were stand mi on picket on Hols-! ton river, with a scanty i tion of i. . i c ... .i: i I |mi< uni iM II II t'ti uiiiiit'i Mild 1 I VIM water for desert. Thus pass d H WH V l^lllislniMH of 0.'}. Iii January til, we were moved | up nt'iir Bristol. H?*re we drew a 1 bread ration, which ju-t heat Boh Tail. It was peas. trune seed and oata g-ouod toget er. If there w?ih anything else in it. except dirt, we never discovered it. The boys called it "mixed feed," "new issue," j etc., but we never worried about ; ihe quality of rations, it was the 1 qnanity we were after. We reuieinhcr one morning Copt. Alston waa ordered to send a man to the butcher pen and Lret meat. The detail lell on that sturdy old veteran, Jno. A. Kimbrell, who has long since passed to his reward. He went off and in a short time came walking up quite glibly with six sheep, three on each end of a pole. We W' re delighted for a time thinking of a mess of mutton. Well, old (turn Onskey, now of! Lancaster, viewed the carensses ni in- incut and says, "Boy- I'll swear I there's not an ounce of mutton in the six" He arjiu* d that a sheep must be fat to be mutton. Hut those were just simp y sheep. Here we had neither q antity nor quality but just the number. Here we were, but poorly clothed and numbi-rs barefooted and Loiiltst reel oidered all of t his class to ^o to the utrher pen and have ninecn-ins made from the hides. Well, we went. A cow hide was sp ead on the uron id, hair side up, our feet placed on it, and it wasd uibled over the feet closely, cut off and sewed with strings of the same material. Tnese were called "L. gstt'eet Gaitors." When we started to camp tlie fun started for we couldn't stand up. and every I une n fellow fell, it was, "Damn | old LonvjHtreet." This is jud b wee bain|de of war luxuries. Splinter. The News of Pleasant Valley One of the prettiest chureh weddings which has been witnessed in heae pints in a long time took place in Pleasant Hill church Thursday ni^ht, when Mr Win H. hiekett and Miss Charlotte It die la 11 ood, dau^oter of Mr. A. K j Hood, wer united n th.- bonds of! wedlock hy Kev. F. W. Pi.kens. Til b (Id parly m ir lied m ?.a Meiidelsshon s we tdi march was lentlered by Mifl' ltebecca Harris The bride and ipo an were pr.-oede by the fol owini; a'teiidant , Mie Kllie Wolfe wiih Mr. Tlios. | W Cu'p and Mi s He.en Harris I Mr. Koiiert M. Hiekett. The ^i i ? ... . * r ?i i oiliikmi win most mi eruiiy decor- I iiled with cedar, ferns mul ivy | and Whs tilled to overflowing, which evidenced he popularity of he young couple. Superintend' nt of Education A. C. Howell was in Pleasant Valley hint week. Whde here he visited tho Pleasant Valley Acadeiuy and the Barlu-rvi lie High School. Mrs. \V. A. Wright has been chosen assistant teiolier for the Pleasant Valley Academy for the earning session which begins the that M .nday in ?fannary. Miss Boiimli Ross and Mr. Badger Brvant, a popular young couple of the Providence Section will be married at ilie h une of the bride's parents on the 24th inat. Dr. and Mrs. J. L Spiatt of Port Mill via ted the lat er'a parents, Capt. and Mrs. W. K. Ardrey last week. Mr. ?T. S. Miller moved to Pine- ; ville last week, and Mr. I. L. Paris of Gold Hill has moved to Mr. Miller's place. Mias Louise Gar ison, of Rock Hill is te? school at Belair. Prof J. J. Bides went to Columbia Monday on business. S. E. B. Fewer gallon*; wear* logger; Deroe ii' ilJr'*" "i-i I ? ?? ! I I I . Chris'ma; Tree On December 25th, at 4 o'clock p. m. h Ciiri-trna- Tree will heercced in 11n* Pii sbvt inn ?-hurch, for the benefit ?>f ' e Sniidiy ko!*? ?>'. and it in liopi d that ewry mem her will I? - present The o'linm ttees will take notice ' of the change in 1 he hour. The Fight Will Be Bitter. Those who will persist in closing j heir ears against the continual! r-commend'Ui -n of Dr. King's, \ew l)ts ..very for Consumption, i w ll have a long ami bi?t?*r tigh' it h their tr utiles, if not ended oli.r hy fatal terminati*hi. Read what T K Real I. <>f Real I. Mis.-., Ii to say: ''List fall my wife had very symptom of con-umption >> e took Dr. K ng's New Diseov ry after everythi ng els.- had fai led Improvement came at once and foir bottle., on iiely cured her." f? .. ii 11 i . r* t mi irMirt' u i?\ mii ci u :uih s, inn' 50 a nl Si. Triu bottles fr e. There will hi1 only two e> lipsi s ii 1001 bo'li of the siiii Both >\ill lie invisible in the I'ni oil I St i B, i-X 'e, t tin- H st. .Mareh IT. may be i n by ui Philippine citizens. Revolution Imminent. A sure si"n of appro n*li i lit; reVolt and serious trouble in youi | system |S nervousn -s, 8!e p essne8H. or stoiiun b upset . liters will ?i ii kly di-mem her tbe troublesoiin cnises. It never fails o tone the B'ouiaeh, regulate the Kid cys and Bowels, stimulate tlie Liver, an I clarify the blood Run down systems benefit particularly and all ilie usual attending .-.elies ' vanish nuclei its searching and Ii rono'.j tTec iv. ness, Klectric ; Bitters is only ftOr, and i- re- , turned if it don't yive peifect siltisfactioii. Guaraiiteid by all dinoLjiHtH Tli" {National Uepahlieun eonimitte I met in Washino.on las week alnd deemed to In>1 I Ii - president a| nominal inir < on vent ion in Clii?'i(rl> ?!iilie ? f ti x year. I A Costly Mistake. Blu.i le is arc f? >iii' tunes very expensive , (fcrussionally life its It j is tliep rice of h mistake, but you'll | uever,?i e wroin; if you take Dr. j Killer" ^ew Life Pills fur Dyspep- j sih, I >x 'A ess. Headache, Liver or j lluwe' roll I ?les. Tliey are ntle | yet thi ouiili. 2oo, at All Diuu Stores ... A eirl oail of tin ore from the' Ross nit les. near GafTney, has lie. 11 hIi i ppel to Liverpool, Eituhind. This k lrep 'i teil to he the first shipimtil of tin ore ever maile j from *ii? country. A Frightened Horse, Rtiniiiiir like ti 1 h(1 down the i sir. et nipipi ^ t he occupants, or a hundred other accident*, are ev- i ery day nceii ences It behooves eve.yb?dy to have a reliable Salve handy *nd there's nolle as oood Ms i Boekleu's Arnica Salve. Burns,! ins, r*> e.s, iM'ZtMiui and I'll h, cl s- | appear qui kly miller tin H<>oliiin^i tf ' ! 25e. hi All Drue Store* AN ORDINANCE. Be it ordained by the town council of Fort Mill, S. C., That from this date the shooting of fireworks of any kind on the streets, or within 1'H) yards of any building with in the of Fort Mill is poohibited under petalty of a fine of from $1 00 to $10.00, or from 2 to 20 days work on the streo.s of Fort Mill. Done and ratified in council under tho corporate seal of the town of Fort Mill this 10 day of Decent her, 1902. T. S. KIRK PA TRICK, Attest: lntendunt. J. M SPRATT, Clerk. 5^MAS ^URMTURE | Whit would be more appreciable for an Xmaa present than n niro SideboardV?whieh is an everlasting present that will emind your friend of y< u for years to eume We also have a b g lot of Fine Ro'kers that your friends would appro iate as an Xiiiuh pres. ent. In our stock will t?e foun I ev rythiiiL' that is kept in an upto-date Furniture Store. Call and see us, we will save you m?ney Carolina Furniture Co Reck Hill, S, C. I 1 LADIES!. J ust receiv # ment of the $ Ladies' Coats I GENTLEM * ^ Select your * Overcoat whi $ complete. & We are sell in J kin, N. C., all S the old price. g A. Friedheim & Br< X ni a s Suggestions, j BOOKS Nothing nicer or more appreciable could offered hh presents. Tliey are alike acceptable to rich and poor. You save worry, time and expense in selecting books. We have A. B. C. LINEN and PICTURE BOOKS, .1 LTV EXILES STORY and PICTURE BOOKS and FICTION of all kinds, including some of the latest copyrighted novels. Xinas Cards. A beautiful line. Nothing goes further for the money 111 homing will. From 1U cents per dozen to 25 cents each. i * ? i n _ ircriuiiics ana :>oaps. Handsome packages of each of (Ik* very besi quality. Cigars. \\\* have the lai^eat assort ment of the best brands ever carri.'d in town. Put up in boxes of 50 and 25 at $1.90 ami $1.U0, respeeti Vely. Box Stationery. Our usual attractive line is resplendent with u lot of new ^oods. Games. 1 Educational, Dominoes, Cards, Check rs, Jackatones, Halls, etc. Miscellaneous. Xuimh Tret??Candle8 a tic! Holders, Purses, Brushes, and Combs. At Ardrey's ? " r I IlKMMAs IK HID IY HA IKS VIA OUTUKRN RY. Tho Font horn Railway will soil Christmas Holiday Excursion Tickets between all {stints south of tho Potomuc and Ohio rivers and east of tho Mississippi river, including St. Louis, Mo., for One and one third first class standard one way fares, p us 25 cents for tho round trip, (minimum rate .r>0 cents). i leiters win De sold December 2:5-24 25-30 31, 1903, and January 1st, 1904, with final limit to January 4th. 1904. They will also soli upon presentation and surroiider of cortificatos signed by Superintendents, Principals or Presidents of the \arions institutions, December 16 to 22. 1903 inclusive, with final limit to January 8th, 1904 to teachers ami students of schools and colleges. Interline tickets will be sold at Coupon stations only. Apply to any Agent of the Southern Railway, or Robert W. Hunt, Division Passenger Agent, Charleston, S. C. J [1. ' rayw c ^ Co, DEALERS IN FINF LIQ; OKS A X 1> W IN ES, No. 42 Kast Trade St. CHARLOTTE. - - - N. O. 1 ' 1 1 1 l I. . . ARRIVAL OF TRAINS. In accordance with the schedule, ef- j fective Nov. 29, 1903, the Southern's passenger trains now arrive at Fort Mill as follows: FROM CHARLOTTR. No 27 (regular stop) 7:34 a. m. ,, 33 (ting stop) 9:13 ,, ,, | ,, 25 (regular stop) . ... 7:07 p. m. | ? 29 (flag stop) 10:20 ? ? KKOM COLUMBIA. No. 30 (regular stop) 9:13 a. m. ,, 26 (regu ar stop) 2:18 p. m. ? 28 (regular stop) 8:13 ,, ? 134 (flag stop! 9:06 ,, ,, . MA , r*" ' od a large ship- 2 latest styles in M from 85 to 825. g EN!^> 1 * Holiday Suit and ? ile our stock is m ? the genuine El- jo -wool Blankets at 5 :>, Rock Hill, S.G g * NEW MARKET. ? ^ I have opened a first class ^ f Moal Market in the old Culp ^ t stand on Mail) street and will w ? keep on hands at all times a ? T supply of choice Beef, Pork, ^ ^ Mutton, Sausage, etc. My ^ f prices will always be as low i A as the lowest. '' hone your 6 4 orders to No. 29 and receive 4 ^ prompt attleutiou and fair ? J dealing. J 2 W. L. HALL. 5 ^ f&F~ Fresh Fish and Ovs- ^ w ters every Saturday. # 4%VV\%\\ Give US A TRIAL ORDER and &et the BEST WHISKIES, WIN E S, BRANDIES, Etc., It the mast reesonuble |nice*. J. D. Ross & Co Props., THE GOURD SALOON, CHARLOTTE, N. O. No. 29 W Trade Both 'Phones. The MODEL STEAM LAUNDRY Of Charlott , N. C., Is unexcelled in the classof work it turns j out Any work not found | to be entirely satis factory will be relaundered free of charge to the owner. McElhaneyvParks Co, i Agents, Shipments Thursday mornings. Basket, returned on Saturday. j TRESPASS NOTICE. ! All persons are hereby warned not to num, nsn. or in any way trespass ni>on I any of the hunts owned or controlled by* the undersigned, under penalty of law. W. H. JONES J. W. ARDRKY. J. H. COLTHARP. I). A. LEE. ALEX. NIVENS. J. I). WITHERS. B. D. SPRINGS. E. B. SPRINGS. H. W. HUFFMAN. J. H. SUTTON. 1$. F. MASSEY. T. II. MERRITT. _ L ! JL-LFOR GOOD WHISKIES, WINES, BRANDIES, ETC., CALL ON OK WHITE TO W. II. IIOOVER, (UtKLVl'TB, N. C. \