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SISTERS 0 Use Pe-ru-na for C and Catarrh?A Co ^-S.W V V\VV\V?VV?'VV\\VVVVVVVV?^? l\> In every country of the civilized world Sisters of Charity are known. Not onlv do n icy minister to the spiritual and intel-j needs of the charges eomiuittcd to Choir i ire. hut lliey also tuinister to their Vulily needs. VV'ilh so many children to take care of u.t t > protect from climate and disease. WiOhO wise and prudent Sisters have found PeWuiii a never failing safeguard. IV, llartman receives many letters from (Htijolie Sisters from all over the United Sl.tlcs. A recommend recently received trooi 1 Catholic institution in Detroit. Midi . reads as follows: />? . 8. It. Hartmnn, i'olumbu/t. O'do : Dear Sir:?"7Vi?' young girl uhn ?t drff fits* I'/'iMin.i i?i? *. '?*??> ? lariiit (itt Is. and (dsn o/ r?(rr. The result of (he treatment teas must mat in/a etory. She/nun i ureal relic/', mud after further use of the medicine u<c h"pc to be able ia mi u she is cnttret 1/ ru red. '* ?Sisters 11/ ilha ritu The young girl was under t ho care of the ( Histors of Clmrity. anil u-?d I'rrutiu for catarrh of the throat with good result*. as! the dhove letter test sties Send to The I'eruisa Mi .Heine Co., Co-1 Odds ttttd Hrds. Although the scientific uicn of Ansti;.x and Germany refused to take the Into Rudolf Call) and his weather and earthquake prophesies seriously, his name was constantly in the nowspa- j (HHi), and some are inclined to think < tluit there ts a kernel of truth in his theories, which are based on the assumption, that the licpiid inte:ior of ; the oarth has Its ehh and tide, and is Influenced by the sttn and the moon. The new Irish I^and Act went iuto effect November t. and today large tracts of land were to come into the jejsetitilon of the tenants, the Govornnuati loaning the money for the purchase on oasy terms. The tenants will Iwe very energetic in taking advantage of the new law and within a. short timr many thousands of acres on which ttiey have been paying rent for generations will he t licks to enjoy and to leave to their children. Scotland has an area of I9.0i>2,t82 . acres, of which 1,1)84,4^6 acres are un- j ntjr cultivation. tine uunurcd and j tfroU'e persons own one-half of the to ' till area and eighteen persons own uno fmrtti of it. tary Parkdale Tennis Club, Chi-! cago, from experience advises all j young girls who have oains and i sickness peculiar to tkieir sex, to use Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. How many beautiful young girls develop into worn, listless and hopeless women, simply becuuse sufficient at ton- | tion lias not been paid to their physical development. No woman is exempt from physical weakness and periodic pain, anti young1 girls just budding into womauhood should be carefully guided physically as well as morally. Another woman, Miss Hannah K. Merslion, Cob Ungswood, N.,J? stays: * I thought 1 would write and tell you that, by following your kind advice, I feel like a new person. I was always thin and delicate, and so weak that I could hardly do anything. Menstruation was Irregular. 1 tried a bottle of your Vegetable Compound and began to feel better right away. I continued its use, and am now well and strong, and menstruate regularly. I cannot say enough for what your medicine did for me." ? #5000 forfeit If original of above letter proving genulnenees cannot bo produced. Lydia K. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound will euro any woman in the land who suffers from woinl> troubles, inflammation of the cv.:: I , ;:U I.troubles. n. F CHARITY Roughs, Colds, Grip ftgressman's Letter. ?^ "> ;j nimbus, Ohio, for u tree book written By l)r. Hartnian. The following letter is from Congressman Meekison. of Napoleon. Ohio: Tlio I'crnna Medicine Co.. Columbus, O : Gentlemen: "1 * ' bottles of IVruna \ heiicfi ted thereby* r^jf * from mv catarrh t if * of the head, and * ^*\j, ' iccj encouraged to t JsfajyV * cotuinued use wi!i ?&* disease of thirty | years' standing."? # David Meoklson. i David Meekison. * ?%?%%%?%?%%?,%??,# Dr. lioilman, one of t?ie best known physicians and surgeons in the United States, was the first titan to formulate IVruna. It was through his genius ami perseverance that it was introduced to the medical profession of this country. If you do not derive prompt ami satisfactory results from the use of l'pruna. write at once to l>r. llartman, giving a lull statement of your ease and he will be pleased to give you his valuable advice grat is. Address Dr. Martin.m. President of The llartman Sanitarium, Columbus, O. CAFUDINE iparri It Ktl Inon-diaOdy? CURES S.mJtS.1" You "don't INDIGESTION and APIiRIYV w?*lc to knowlt* good. It rurea AuiUl I I HKAD teilGft ALHO bf rsivfiug the c?u*?. locenli. Lonijfiil ItrldgK In tlic World. The longest bridge in tDo world Is tIte Linn llridge, near San gang. in China. It extends tive and a quarter miles over an arm of the Yellow Sen, and is supported by 300 huge stone nrehes. The roadway is seventy foot above the water and is enclosed in an iron network. I.i'ifiirr oT Ointment* For Catarrh That Contain Mercury, rs mercury will surely destroy the sense of smell and completely iterance the whole system when entering it through the mucous surfaces. Suoli arttclesshould never he used except on proscriptions from reoutahio physicians. as tho damage thoy will do Is len fold to the good you can possibly derive from them. Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by I'*. J. Cheney A Co.. Toledo, O.. contains no mercury, and Is taken internally, noting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of thesystein. In buying Hall's Catarrh Cure be sure you get the genuine. It is taken internally, and made in Toledo, Ohio, by F J. Cheney A Co. Testimonials free. Sold by Druggists; price, 75c. per bottle. Hall's Family Tills arc the best. Death Too bi|irntlf?. It is a significant fact that with the phenomenal increase in the price of collins has come a marked deerease of mortality among local Chinese. The natives just simply cannot afford to die at the present undertaking rates, nnd that's all there is to it.?Shanghai Times. The wound caused by the operation upon Emperor William's throat was reported almost healed. So. 48, FITScerniunentty cute I. So llt? or nervousness after llrst d:?v"s use of Dr. TCIIno's Crev NerveItestorcr.t2trial bottle and treitlscfroo l)r.::.II. 1 ,td., 'til Arch St., I'hil i. 1* t. \n electric railway is (o he built from Home l<> Naples. It will b? lflO miles long, and will cost over Slii.OOO.OtHi. Dish Washing In Winter. Housekeepers naturally dread dish washing in winter, owing t<? the fact that it. nn| I- ill.- unman nil'l li llllt-l- I IM'lIl Uliril tin'l rmii*h. Much of the Injury, however. results from the n^o of 5m aire ?o?p. if Ivory ! Soap is used in washing (li?bp? nnd the hands nr.* carefully rinsed nnd dried, they w II not eh p.? Ki.kan hi It. Pabkrk. | The tight-fitting I'vitish uniform is ?! | leged lo lie the c.itise of much lirart d'.s| rn?c among soldiers ! Mrs Window's Snothln :Syr:ir> for children ta-eitdmr, soften the gams, reduces hflitnrnation,allays pnln.oures wind *iilie, 23e. n l> >ttlo Since the beginning of tlie war in Soniabland annul 10.000 camels have been used. Old Silas. Hackr d (.'hairs, etc.. run ho dyed with PUTNAU FADELESS DTE8. Fifty kinds of degrees are given by American colleges. Piso's Ourocnunot be too highly spoken of ! as a cough euro.?J. W. O'JIriks. 322 Third ' Avenue, N.. Minneapolis, Minn., Jan. 6.1000. One person in every 575 in the United States is a physician. II. If. Greks's Sons, of Atlanta, < ?., are the only successful Dropsy Specialists In the J world. See tholr llbernl ofTer in advertisei nieut in another column of this paper. Americans imported *25,412,7?0 worth of ' rrccicu- stores last vcb:. % Spaniih Sugar Factories. It Is reported that of the eighty or more beet and cane sugar factories of | Spain, all except two or three have i just been merged in a Sugar Trust, . The former finance minister, Dopez Pulgcer^er, has been elected chairman of the hoard of directors. The beet j sugar industry of Spain, although comparatively young, is already far more important than the cane sugar industry. The two together pioducc almost 100.000 metric tons annually, some of which is exported. WISDOM OF THE BEE. Legent of the Visit of the Queen of Sheba to King Solomon. "Here Is the legend of the visit of the Queen of Sheba ao King Solomon, ' said tho Pascagoula Diogenes in the Rotunda of the Great Southern , hntol f 1111 r,. .?-f "TV... I I nv/n. I, v M II I V A ( , U 1 A I 1 \ A (A J 1 11C UCU II ! reigned over a people that lived on ! the border of the Rod Sea, who were ! the richest in Arabia. They were rep- ! resented leading an idle lifo, owing to the abundance of natural produce of their country, which afforded the sus | tenance of lifo and also frankincense, myrrh, cinnamon and balsam that gave them an extensive commerce . with other nations. "The queen, owing to the splendid j reputation af King Solomon, whoso power and wisdom had spread to tho remotest parts of tho world, visited him at his own court. Presenting herself at the foot of his throne, in each of her hands sho held a wreath of i flowers?one composed of natural, ! the other of artificial. Art, in the labor of the mimic wreath, had exquisitely emulated the lively hues of nature; so that at the distance it was held by the queen to exercise the sa gacity of the monarch for his Judgment, it was deemed impossible for him to decide which wreath was the production of nature, and which the I work of art. Solomon was, for a moment, perplexed; yet. to bo vanquished by a woman irritated his pride. "An expedient presented itself to the king by a swarm of bees on the outside of a window, which he orderod opened; the bees rushed in the court and alighted on one of the wreaths, while not a single one fixed on tho other. Sheba was baffle/ and I | was convinced of the wisdom of Solo- | i mon. 3ueh is tho story handed down I , that the bee only rests on the natural j beauties nnH nnvni- I , V>4. UID I'UIUl" | od flowers, however inimitable thi j color may be laid on."?New Orlcaus | i Times-Democrat. BONES TELL OF COMBAT. Skeletons of Hunter and Cougar Are Found Lying Together. Evidence of a terrible tight in which ! a h;iman being and a wild animal | lost their live3 was discovered last I week on the slopes of Mt. Gibraltar, one mile south of Republic. Wash. It : consists of a human skeleton, tho ; bones of a large cougar and a rusted i rifle. The position of the skeletons and the fact that the rifle was pumped out and its lever thrown down proves ihut there must have been a terriflc j ! encounter between man and beast. .An examination of tho gun showed that it had had a year or more of ; exposure. Tho find recalls to resi- | dents of Republic that two men have i disappeared from that town within three years, all trace of them being ' lost. One young man started for his I father's ranch in Okanogan county was never beard of afterward. Another man left Republic for Spokane, via Meyers Falls. He went alone, carrying a rifle, and although a letter was expected from him from 1 Myers Falls, no word was ever re- j ceived. it is believed that this man j perished in the fatal encounter with | the cougar.?New York Herald. , : Not Taking Anything. "Have you taken anything for your trouble?" asked the doctor of a long, lank, hungry-looking man, who com- | plained of being "run down." "Well. I haven't been taking much of anything; that i3, nothing to speak i of. I took a couple of bottles of j Pinkhain's hitlers a little while hack, ! i and a bottle of Quickera's Invigorator. i with a couple of boxes of curera's 1 pills, and a lot of quinine and some I root bitters. I've got a porous plas- ' ter on my back, and I'm wearing an electric belt, and taking red clover four tiiri^s a ilnw with a iins? nr i of salts every other day; excepting ! for that I'm not taking anything." I CURE BLOOD POISON CANCER. Acliing r.iinM, Shifting Pains, Itchlnc skin, Pimples, Kuting Sc.res, K(r. If you have l'imples or Offensive Eruptions, Splotches, or Copper-Colored Eruptions, or rn-.h on the skin. Festering Swell* ings, (Hands Swolleu, Ulcers on any part of the body, old Sores, Roils, Carbuncles, ( l'ains ami Aelica in Fonts or Joints, llair I or Eyebrows falling out, persistent Sore Mouth, Cuius or Throat, then you have Blood I'oison. Take Botanic Blood llalin (R.R.B.) Soon all Sores, I'implcs and Eru|?- I tions will heal perfectly. Aches and rains era c. Swellings subside and a perfect, never to return euro made. 11.11,11, cures Cancers of all kinds, Suppurating Swellings, Eating Sores, Ugly Ulcers, after ail else fails, healing the sores perfectly. If you have a persistent pimple, wart, swollen glands, shooting, stinging pains, take Blood Balr.i and they will disappear before they develop into Cancer. Druggists, $1 per large bottle, including complete directions for home cure. Sample free by writing Blood Bai.m Co., 55 Balm Bldg., Atlanta, (la. Describe trouble and free medical advice sent in sealed letter. If all men were true the world would "*wm be made cow. So. *8. WHAT SICK KIDNEYS.CAUSE. Kidney Comim.ainth.? Dia betes. Bright's Disease. Inflam- * IK.% mation of the Kidneys, Dropsy HTT-fT (swelling of the limbs or body). incessant pains in tho back or TH1 loins. 1 111 Bl.adder Troubles.?In flammation of the bladder, in flamed passages.pain in passing Wm. If. ? urine, incontinence of urine, too known jev much or too little 11 riue. Street. Wy Umc Acid ? ? - rvniic n>u Rheumatism. Gravel, Gout, (lf grip sett Gall Stones. Lumbago. j |mve s,,jj Nerve Tnorm.ks.? Neural- sjnct. with ? cia. Sciatica, Nervous Col lapdc, across the Sleeplessness, Melancholia. always m Many other disorders are morning, caused directly or indirectly me to stoo by faulty kidney action, and jf j sat dow cau bo reached and cured by time it wi Dean's Kidney Pills. This arise. I 1 remedy has cured every com- Doan's Ki? plaint recorded above, and over c]uu tijsag .10.000 testimonials prove its UIC '? surprising merit. * 50 cents per box, of all dealera, or mailed on receipt of I \/| oriee, by adilressing Foster- I J Milburn Co., lJuiTalo, N. V. ^ A Bottled Brother. Dr. Gillespie, the present moderator of the Church of Scotland, tells how j he was nonplused the other day by a ragged urchin with whom he got into conversation. Ho said: "My boy, who looks after you?" "Naebuddy," was the quick reply. "Where is your father?" "Ho's deld." "Have you a mother?" "She's deid, tae." "Have you not a sister, then?" "I nivcr had yin." "But surely you have a brother?" "Yes. but he's at Glasga College." "Well, eannot he spare some timf from his studies to look after you o bit?" "Na. sir; tor he was born wi' twe uems, and they keep him In a bottle.' ?London News. Of tho quality of the flo?h of rat- j nsh there can be no question. We speak not of the huge creature which frequents the Mississippi and other Western rivers, the flesh of which is i coarse and rank, but of the small cat- i fish, from half a pound to a pound in weight, which abounds in fresh water ponds and streams everywhere. There is no exaggeration in saying that in beauty to the eye, sweetness and delicacy to the palate and nutrition to the digestivo system its flesh is scarcely surpassed by that of any other fish in thn world. I" ?%" Coughs "My wife had a deep-seated cough for three years. I purchased two bottles of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, large size, and it cured her completely." J. H. Burge. Macon. Col. ) Probably you know of cough medicines that relieve little coughs, all coughs, except deep ones I The medicine that has been curing the worst of ; deep coughs for sixty j years is Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. Three sl:e?: 2"c.. .r.?c . II All druggists. Consult your rinrtoi. If he sits take It. then ill) as he says. If tie tells you not <S to take It. then don't take it. tic'knows. M Leave It with him We are willing. '-J J. C. AY Kit CO., Lowell, Man, I 1 *>* shott gun ~ "fl SHELLS I are found on every American K n farm where there is a live ? i boy. New Club loaded with | black powder. Nitro Club ? 1 and Arrow loaded with any k S3 smokeless powder. They arc ft I "Duck Killers." ^ Catalogue free. >'*- The Union Metallic Cartridge Co. B Vj BRIDGEPORT. CONN. ^"enCjs(''X J i 1 riLL MAI ? ORIGINAL DISCOVE i ONLY GENUINE. ieioiibokf. the well- ! II. B. McCa'kveu .eler of West Main Cherry Street, Portia tlieville, Yn., says : ' /'on. inspector of frei r years ago an attack ! for the Transcontinen led in nty buck, and ! pany, says. "I nse? ered olT and on ever [ Kidney Pills for back: i dull, heavy aching I other symptoms of small of my hack, ! trouble which had ami ore severe in the for months. I think It was difficult for was responsible for tl p or straighten, and trouble. It seemed to rn for any length of j inv kidneys. Bonn's is hard for me to j Pills rooted it out. 11 i took two boxes of months since I used tl Iney Pills, nnd the j tip to date there has reeable aching left j recurrence of the trou AN'S KIDN I Factory Loaded Smc ^JcSraBSTa'' I *ts not sentinr,cnt ? it's nc - wSSSSl 'J rn?st intelligent and auccesi " Factory Loaded Shotgun 1 jjMlgScL' give. It's their entire reliab vuniform shooting. Winche Ct* smokeless powder. t*1e rnari'et* Winchester " '?>- ? ? smokeless powder are chea] ! ?. Try either of these brands : ? $ Be sure to get W inches THE SHELLS THE < n?aa?B ? ? THERE IS NO ,?gg& SLICKER LIKE brews' Forty years ago and after many years of use on the eastern coast. Tower's Waterproof Oiled Coats were introduced in the West and were called .Slickers By the pioneers and cowboys. This graphic name has cojne into such general use that it is frequently though wrongfully applied to many substitutes. You want the genuive / ZA; Look for the .Sign of the Pish.and the name Tower on the buttons. / ml / MADt IN BLACK ABO YILLOW AKD vfPjl SOLD bY REPRESENTATIVE TRADE f lift THE WORLD OVER. M> /\lL? A J TOWtB C0_&05T0K MASS.U.S.A. 1 "llilMMII llini/ll f'KU MHH mSmM ^80NT?' CAN joij Our mnnry winning hooks, JZ* written l>y men who know, tell K-j 1 Pota-sh 1 gj They nre needed hy every man El They arc free. Send postal card. fcflj GI KMVN KALI WOBEA Rg 5 New VoTii?98 f*s^'ru Street, tjjiL Afltntn, <? ? 22?J So. Kroud 8t ffij J?B ? ?W W ??ill I ? CAPSIUUM VASELINE . (PUT UP IS COL.I.APSI IW.E TITHES) A substitute for and superior to mustard or any other plaster, uml will not blister the most delicate skin. 'I he pain-allaying n nd c u rati veq utilities of t.h I sort tele u re wonderful. 11 wi 11 stop the t oothacho at once, and relieve headache and sciatica. \\ e recommend It as the best nod safest externa 1 counter-irritant knowtt.nlso usnnnterns) remedy for pains iu the chest and stomach and all rbeumat ie.ncu raltticand itotil) ct .nipiaints. A trial will prove what we cla im for i ts and it will i>? found to he invaluahh in the household.Manypeonlesny"itisthc be-tof all of your preparations." Price is Bets?at all tlrn'ircist mr other dealers, or I y I r send i net blsa mount ton si n Tmstaee Htatn ps I N we will oiinlt ? ?>" it V, 1 IPhoiild Imacoopti"! hythc jniS>lir?ril<'~vtl.<-1 * hinecurrlcsour 1 nWl,n ? m lu??*11T- not 1 Kenuino. C'lBREnaOHOH KO. to . j 17 Stato Ptroct. Nk'V Voijk < nr. J ffWPE WRITERS I CHEAP I Bu ' J?t 1 o:. ini-i'n '1 Much nr< of ?li r),vkt*H i??-n as part p?.v for tho Oliver K;?i jinin* for quick buyer*. J. < IAVK?,( hnrlotte. N. C, C//ro/r . 1,000 // C f'ff/if Your.g Men TO QUALIFY S-OH /'OS/7"/OA\S GUARANTEED IN WRITINC. 503 FREE CA. - ALA. BUS. COLLEGE. MACON. OA rf. f \ I'ATD for fl.lrrvflnc envelrtrr*: "*"<1 dime *7* ra *n<1 stamp for full instructions :< !? nly work *4* V S. V. 8?j uiov * < ' . * **4 ?t-. N. V. Mrs. Grotcgk Wai.lack, Jr., JV of Elniirn, N. Y.t wife dl (leorjjo Wallace, broker, R"Y" West Water Street, and living * at (I(i7 lkddwin Street, says(: "In March, IS'JT. I was cured of kidney and bladder trouble bv Doan's Kidney l'ills. M y physician said at tliat time tbnt of 2^1 my life nmld be saved only nd. Ore- bv mi operation. Nieht after i 1 r ], I T I - a ii.i<? i/luii i\rjM aw.'ihO tnl Corn for hours tit u time with ter1 Dunn's ril?!e pain in my hack, noil the ichc and secretions from the kidneys kidney were in as had a state its p<>sloycd me sihle. I sulTen d with hctnort a cold rhtigcs frequently and was in lie whole a weak statu Four boxes of settle in Dean's Kidney Fills cured ine. Kidney and I now gladly rePndorse the s several remedy, because during the eon. and time which has since elapsed, been no neat ly seven years, I have never I>lc." had the slightest sign of a return of the trouble." EY PILLS. keless Powder Shciis. j st the price ? that makes the JWugSji sful shots shoot Winchester Shells. It's the results they *?b?|*!yjjr v ility, evenness of pattern and 1-ffrTSrm S ister " Leader" shells.load- $ are the best loaded shells on t Repeater" shells loaded with > .r*^^ p in price but not in quality. - F md you will be well pleased. 1 ^ iter Factory Loaded shells. d K CAMPIONS SHOOT. KipnnsTa bu les are the b;'st dyspepsia /v^Qyt^^^^pStiii ilieiiie ever made. A hundred millions 0<^ 'hem have been sold in the United Stales in a single year. F.very illness ! arising from a disordered stomach is ! relieved or cured bv their use. f>o I common is it that diseases originate | rrom ttie stomach it may be safely tfs[ serted there is no condition of ifl I health that will not he benefited or cared by the occasional use Of Klpatis Tabules. Physicians know them and sjteak highly of them. All druggists sell them. The five-cent package is enough for an ordinary occasion, and the Family Bottle, sixty cents, contains a household supply for a year. One generally gives relief within twenty minutes. "I bay# anfforad with pilot for thlrfy-eix win. Our year men laat April I boKan taklnic Caai-arate for rnnatlpution. In tha courae of a area I noticed ?h? pilot began to disappear and at tha rnd of alx weoka they did not troubla mo at all. Caaoarot* hare dona wonders for mo. I am onttroly cured and faal like a new man." Georco krydar. Napolaou. U Best For & The Bowels WteG&km Candy cathartic ?anuM t?H? Plrarnnt. Palntahl*. Pr.t<?r.t. Ta*tr Good TViOoo#. Never S.ckon. Weaken or Ori]??. 10r. kSc We. Nov*# old lu hulk The connino tabid otMiupud CCO. Guaranteed to core or your money l)*ck. Sterting R'mrily Co., Chicago or N.Y. 555 ANNUAL SALE, TEH MILLION BOXES \| T~ HORSE POWER h hay press 'J 2 Ch**|i and rellabl*. i^?./ AA COTTON PRfcSS / For Hallntr cotton and waste. w5r t Write lor prices. Ho* '. *! |''> - Henry Copland, JHWBC* Cu :tt kiioo^a, 'l'una. Remove* all swelling in StoM / rta\ s ; effects n permanent cure jgy?< >V^ io 30to 60 days. Triattreatment /?4 <( ry^rs civou free. Notliinpcan be fairer ' Wr ite Or. H. H. fireen's Sons, j -^rT* i **ii"_. Sceciallsls. Be* It Atlanta. (in. wmmmmumBUBtaaKKsmm pAWMILLSSSJ with Hope's I'nlverrni i.otr Krame?Rectilln- B w?*:, Hjii,iil:?i.cninHi-r tVnr'ksmi(l the lion I SJooek KInK Variable Food Works are unex B , B celled for accuracy, mmpmcity, oi'rahii - H rrr MD uii or ortBATion, Write for full H ! Hdoscrlptive circulars Manufactured t.y tlic | BgS.U T d IRON WORKS,Wlnstor 9i>!cin.N.<;. M I S:SRAW FURS wanted | for l/uiion January aulos Opoaaom Mii?kr?t, Mink, i Mii'iit. Itm-coou nttiera, llljt<ie<t <\?*h prlcaa paid. Write A.f .Rur* bardt.Mnln ,t -M, ?'ii.clnii/iil.O. n a epii ya port' r. ai nuiti. i*?t?>ii <n?rwm l~> n 3 t- Pi I x ? ? ?1 it.iii.t.ii p. <1 | H I Lll I Oi'i ims rsoHPTl.Y s 11 it.a. u ?i ...L ? .... .........I. ...... mi:n i So. 4?. htt CIMS WHIHi All tUt MIU. TO haa licet t'oncb Hyrup. Tastes Good. Lac Yr\ In time. Hold by druggist*. W S^Mr:T?T!rlcfy3 AIdh ik