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Local x and Personal, | Many a porker has tnei d*?atli iij (tlie past few days. Mr. E. H. Phillips, of Roek Hill, whu a visitor of Fori Mill Sunday. Mr Clyde Burlier line accepted ? position in the depurtigent stent* <>f L. J. Masoey. Tin* Fort Mill Mfg. Company; was idle Saturday, owiwg to a break j in the engine. Subscription receipta can be had i M this otfit-e upon nppl.cations sc. j coo.puuied by the cash. Friday was lite coldeat day <?f aeasoti. the tlicrui?uneter regisiei-] j,pg at 24 degrade -at # a. tn. The h nutans ?ire in the fields almost daily now and some trot a good uiauy birds en c&very trip. The good price <>? cotton is ! making the fanner KHsile. Ho feels that ero lung he will be on top! Tomorrow, the 2tilh, in the day . set apart .to return thanks f??r tliej liiuny blessings we have enjoyed .during the year. Nuinljers of huge boxes and cases iif hol'day goods are being received by our merchants, and I will soon be opened and displayed. 1 The Times is always glad to recieve items of news from any of i s subscribers or friends. Let us have Hie uews of your couimuuity. The residence of Mr. C. H. Ibansen, on White street is being remedied and repaired, and will be enlarged by the addilieu of anuth?rroom. Through the courtesv of Onn pressman Fmley, The Tiucn is now receiving the Congressional i Record, for which we extend thanks. Or. and Airs K .R. Hotchkiss. of New Haven. Conn,, are quests lit the home of Mrs. Hotchkit-s' mother. Mrs. M. A. Rcik, of this place. Dr. J. FI. Thoriiwvll will conduct a special Tliaukegiving service in the Presbyterian church tomorrow morning at 11 o'clock. All are invited to attend. Pupils cf the local graded school will be given holidays both on Thursday and Friday of this week having attended sch ?<?l Saturday : iuo d?*r to Ik* out on Friday. Miss Nannie Thorn well is rapidly recovering from her recent attack of appendicitis and hopes to be able in a few d <vs to resume tier duties in the Fort Mill Grad- i 4(1 school. Mr. H. E. White, who was re- | cently comiuisintied a guverme it architect and stationed at Martinsville, Vs.. spent Sunday with his sisterS, Misses Bessie and Alice White, near Fort Mill. Work was commenced a few days ft^o on the six room cottage of Mrs. T. II. Barber, oil Spratt street opposite tne Baptist church. The work is bein^ done by Mr. A. A. Br dford, Jr. Supurvisor lloyd informs The Times that the bridge over Steel creek, in upper Fort Mill township will be repaired and put in proper ' ehape as soon as lumber can be ; pec tired with which to do the work. A vajrrnnt pnragrnph *roinij the rounds of the press inquires wliy a paper is like a woman, and 1 answers: "Every man should have I one of of his own and not be run- i liing after hin neighbor's." Will you eat turkey Thanksgiv- 1 ingY If you do, you will be lucky.' The gobbler in scarce and hard to get and the few that have been i brought to market were sold a!- i most before tiiey got into the j tlenler's coop. Patrons of the rural free delivery routes need expect no mail tomorrow as the day is both a nu- j tional and state holiday, and the; carriers will not go out. Most of; the business houses will also oh- j Serve the day. Mr. L. M. Chance, of this place, holds the record, so far as reported for the heaviest hogs this season, I linving butchered two porkers on Friday that netted 398 and 389 pounds. Mr. Chance lias bought n number of shout es for another; year, which lie hopes to make even heavier than those killed Friday. The Lam-aster Ledger stinouticps that Mr. T. (3. Hicks, who was I seriously injured in the Fishing Creek wreck some weeks ago and who is well known to the h siness fuen of Fort Mill, is again able to be out, though lie has to he rolled ; about in a chair, uot being able to walk or even stand up. The lunrriage of Mr Fred M. Kimbrell, of this place and Mirs Julia Blanken-diip will take place this evening at 4 o'clock at the home of the bride's uncle. Mr C. P. Blankenship, of Gold Hill. The newly married couple will iminediatly begin housekeeping in the cottago recently built by Mrs. J. A, Smith, on Forest street, / OUR FA t.I of Dry G Shirts, F Are arriving dai] induced us to buy hea^ to offer some special 1 Call and see our interest, Do not forget the ways filled with a cor Wtf> *"*r>n alcn WW V vuii UIOU OU V t ZMZXXjX-iS Flurada's orange crop will be very large this yen, which should make this luscious fruit cheat er than ever. Cotton eon 1 inn?'s to advance in prce It is believed by many that it will booh reach 12 cents. There is not much ot it left in the hands of tin* farmers. Farmers are about through picking cotton and gathering corn. Some have sowed wheat. The cotton crop is short and what remains hi the patches is not of much aecou nt. The Rev. \V. P. Meadors will preach the closiug sermon for this fiscal year for the St. John's Methodist church next Sahhath 11 i^rht. All the officers and those interested are requested to he 1,resent. J. P. Caldwell, Jr., hoh of the editor of the Charlotte Ohsciher, committed suicide Wednesday Veiling at t> oVIock hy shooting himself through the heart with a pistol. He had h.-en despond* nt the past few weeks. He was lit years old and recently re* urn* d from the L". S. navy. Have You Registered? Citizens of Fort Mill, who are not registeied in the county, should take notice that the hooks of the county hoard of registration are open at the court house in Yorkville the first Monday ill each month. There is but. one more opportunity to register this year, ami as the town election conies otV in January, all should ? over on 1> ecembt r 7th and register. Besidea the town election there is likely to be an election Boon upon the question of an extra levy for lights and water, and every citizen of Fort Mill should prepare himself to participate therein. Tintown registration books close on the 1st day of January, lt>04, which will debar all those who do not obtain county registration tickets the lirst Monday in December from voting in any town election duiiug the year 11 >04 ? fn a Quandary Over Turner The man Turner who broko tho lock on tin- Soutlicrn switch near the river bridge last summer is a perplexing problem to the county officials. lOvidciitaly the man is of an unsound mind, and for this reason criminal prosecution is out of the question, while Col. Mo Corkle declines to send him to tin asylum b cause lie is from another State, Noitli Carolina. This leaves the man in hands of the sheriff, who is anxious, of course, - to dispose of the case.?Rock Udl Herald. ? What It Means We're tired answering questions! "Fewer gillons; Wears Longer" means that you don't have to paiut your house so often, and you don't have to use so much paint. Costs less for the job, and yon don't have to do tho job so often. The new i?iint is not new at all. It's the biggest-selling paint in the United States, and tho firm that makes it is 14'J years old. Dovoe Lead and Zinc?fewer gallons than mixed {mints, wears twice as long as lead aud oil. WANTED.?Several good Milch Cows. Must be good stock and fresh milkers LON. A. HARRIS. j and WINTER STOOE pods, Notions, Shoes, ?ants, Hats and Caps [,? r~\.i i -? ' ? l y, il/ui m^rcusea saies in tnese lines liav /ier than ever before, and we are prepare bargains, STOCK before you buy, It will be to you : fact that our Grocery Department is al nplete line of choicest eatables, you money on Furniture, 3 &> "X" o xt asr o. r?@???0?0????0?????@?@@<8 Have YOu Bought | That Sack of S ? ? | Dan Valley Flour Yet? | ?| It's the best sold ? | THE COMPANY STORE,! ? 0? ?0??0???????G0?8@@@?? ^ ^???? ?????0?????????????? % ? g Iii Exchange For ?. | CASH 1 g xve offer a few specials in <? g Furniture that are : : : | GKNUIXK BARGAINS 1 ^ One 820 Sideboard for 815.00. ? One SIT ? ? 13.25. ? g One 812 Chiffonier ? 9.15. $> ? One 810 ? ? 7.85. 0 g One 813 Bed Lounge for 9.35. g ? ' One 812 ? ? ? 8.85, jgj ? One S7 Tai lor ? ? 4.95. <?j g Two 80.50 Parlor Lounges 4.68. ? ? Odd Drossors ?3.75 and upward. Jg ?j Chairs from 35 cents up to 8'2. ^ ? Hookers from 50 cents to 85.50. <?j g Our entire stock of Furniture, ^ Jg Cooking Stoves, Heating Stoves, g 1 Mattresses, Springs, Carpets, g Mattings, Window Shades, ComForts, Blankcrs and Counter- ? panes at greatly reduced prices. @ Yours for bargains, oa | THE OLD RELIABLE, ? i T. B. BELK, PROP. 0 Don't forget the famous Elkin. ^ ?0??????????????????????? ' - * ' f 'r-S' "| Something New- II l|| A Remnant Store. j| fi We have a lot of odds and ends in J jj 55 Dry Goods, Shoes, Notions, etc., that we ?3 C 5 J are anxious to net out of the way. so on ?? w w V * r ^ ' Nov. 28th we will open these goods in "y, d H our Millinery Kooni, where most of them ji) will be offered at about half price. Noth- 58 ; J ing in this room will be sold at a profit J? >5 but most of the goods at lessthan Whole- 2* j. ?? sale cost. Our sole object is to get rid of jj << the odds and ends and remnants. It will pay you to call and see what bargains 55 + y we are offering. - U L. J. MASSEY. If // _ 4 4? y ' ____________________________ 0 j" it I i J j ! *' | T 1) A N KSG I VI NG. j|j| . 5 5 4 $ 5 2 our Customers and Friends: 4 4 , ^ z We hope thai you are happy and 2 2 7 7 have much to he thankful for today. To 2 4 7 one and all who, by your patronage, have contributed to our busineM success and 4 5 aided us in making this our banner year. <! jj 4 y we are indeed thankful, and in return '<> xt 4 4 promise our very best services. 4 4 WLhiug all a happy Thanksgiving. 4 4 we are. Respcctfnlly yours, >> z Z MEACMAM & FPPS. * 4 V, | 4 i > > 4 4 _____ > > 1 H :j: si i I J - -? J New Lot of I * Red Pepper" Shoes I For Children. r W ) ) ) Received on November 17th. Also a new J lot of Hamilton and Brown Shoes for ladies v and men iust in. 9 Ladies, try a pair of our "American Lady," "Picnic," Sweetheart," or "DixieGirl"Shoes, They are guaranteed to please, and if they ?f| fail to do so, we make them good B Old ladies Shoes in all widths and numbers, flj j New lot of Neckwear at 25 cents that you will say is well worth twice the price. I McElhaney - Parks Co. f ill THE LINE FOR BUSINESS, THE LINE FOR PLEASURE, J^ATES THE LINE FOR ALL THE BEST omtmc summer resorts cauthern ? ? 1 Complete Summer Resort Folder f<!5^y Mailed Free to Any Address. f\ailwffif W. A. Turk. S. H. Hardwick, W.H.Tatlos. r Pa?s. Tra/llc Ker. Gan'l Pass. Agent, Asst. Gao l Pass. Act* ^ w/jhimotoh. atlanta.