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jr?jjv. *--jr*ooer> N.v -fir. .szurj u?wiv*f:eiruia&n Your jF/a/rJ "Two years a^o 'my 1;air was $j falling out badly. I purchased a l bottle of Aycr's Hair Yi.;or, arid K soon my Inir stopped coming out." F Miss Minnie Hoover, Paris, III. ? Perhaps your mother 1 Ihnd thin hair, but that is p no reason why you must rf go through life with half- ji starved hair. If you want ft long, thick hair, feed it jj with Avcr's Hair Yiiior. 3 1 and make ii rich, dark, J | and heavy. 1 $!.90 o bctt'c. All "'""iV'yoiir cannot sumdy you, ff rruil im onn Uollnr ami v < will rx)>"res!? ? you a bottle. lie sure anil ivc the nemo of your nearest e\|>ni. oihvi'. Aihlriss, g * J.C.Al lilt CO., I/p.vll, M-.t-v A Golden Rule of Agriculture: I He good to your land and your crop I I will be good. Plenty of Potash 8 in thefcrtilizcrspcllsqiinlitv f .A. ?~J 5 f, and quantity in the bar- , J f'cfoj B 8 vc i. Write tit; and A . VW P /ia we will send you, Uty.'wfJljpStl 1 I frre, by next in iil. r,,<?; .Vif>'<l/if#*! our money winning Ljfl I r.LBMAM KAI.I WORKS, , ut'!ff? ?ll 8 1,?w Vtrk?OJ Ni-siu St. * I A: acta,fia.?22'-;So.nrosdSt. . ^ AiWvMm I ".iii A S^IB {?**>. 8 K? ' VrArU Iks' S file l?? CURES h.'a?" <* ? 7ii?-,.. ncrvoiiM ALL KEAQAtfHES ?Uuctou bruin or lin IOr. 2.'* ?tni :*>c a butll*. (Licfio.) vgar.rT.--^rx-sif *;m xa-rsnT.-^srrz^xr jrKri^ CAPSSCiiSmSELliliill fpur rr iv'siiii.k Trisi si j| A nub- tltnto lornml mi ju'riorl.? muMur, 1 or 9 i any othi'r fillister, ami w.ll not blister tin* 1 most ili'lli'Kii' --kin. I !u> p iln-iillny line ami fi t%i\ rat Ivi-iiii.ilit Ii'sof thlsarticleam wotnlvr- 1 j ful. It will stop Mi" toothnoiii* hi oiico, nml j rvliovo lioailai-rii' nml ?ci:itli-it. YVe roroin- Q iniMulit.ii?i tin* lio-l it?l suti'sl external I j coiiutrr-lrrltiint known,also nsntiexternal ? . rcmeiiy for pnins in tin- < In st nml stomach I ami nil rluuiiiwit ic.nonrulicienml oiiiyinni. 1 iiininis. a trial will prove ivba! wi?rl:iiiji i lor it. nml it will lie fotiml to ho tiivaluiililn I in t in- liniisoliolil.Many |>ci>i>lcsuy"it istho i?'tof nil of your preparation*." Price is i tit, fit nil il riigpist* or othi'r ile.alers. or hy i ormli in;this run mint Lou*In |msuii:i' *tnnipa wo w. ill soiul you n tube iiy innii. No article olioulil hoiii'coptiMl by tho public utile** the | ! winie onrrictuiiir label, u* otherw ise it Is not i | genuine CHESHBKOPOH MHO. CO.. ' 17 Stutn St mot. Nt'll VoltK C'lTV. i 1 CHEAPI H Pig l ot Soi?nil-hmul >tnrh!fio? of ? * ** nil makes token n? port. pay for the Oliver Mm gains fur i(ui<'k buyers, a*. J. K. CU.l YTOIK, t h irlnttc. N. C, PAWfLLS jtf wtt i Hrpo's Universal I.op Hsams.Rei ttiln H r. Slmoltanouuti Set Works and the HwhI gj| cock-King Variable Kcnl Work* are unex ft! Rjc?*.iled for Acrrr.?cv. simpucitv. <>vn*nti -H ' r."Y and k ask of hi'Kkation. Wrtta for fulIM r9j|rt>'Hcrlptlve rirouiars Manufactured Hy tb.ejj day a c <T? ta a permanent care in'jnl.? ?m ?Uvs. I ri.ilticntmcnt given free, nothing' an be fniret WW5>*S?n v Write Dr. H. H. Oman's Son?. ]_5-w ' Socclalltla. Bo* ?i Atlanta. Oa. S?>. 47. m r~ ?, ?*? A 1TO> IT F. RI IIXIU*. MMI Mla?m?y PA I ! m I V fj? niUKhti^ W H? :.nt?r!on l> I. ) f% I l^ll | l \ Srl t U.D. mmxjm ! i if CouiA?LoU UAlCUl* ?eut FKKB. I -. WSffii . :\m Ls i ; ----KB9 out M RTHACHEtt KEDISINE CO.. ckattai ^^rmgr-^srvz: .r'.'.i^.Trri^r'vwmn ** ?. ?aa?f.t /@ CESTFOS blood, wind on the atomaeh. bloated boweli pains alter eating, liver trouble, sallow akin a re5u!arly you are r.ick. Constipation kills n I starts chmnie ailments and long yean of eu I CASCARET3 today, for you will never get right. Take our advice, start with Cascar J money refunded. The genuine tablet star ? CURES RHEUMATISM / ND CATARRH. Cur< * Ilcop-Scateil 1 >0,0* Kspocir.ll j ?Ti? I'invo II II. IS. II. Srnl I'roc. There diseases, it J? aches and pains in bones. joint) and bark, agoni/in/ pains in shoulder blades, hands, littror.s. arms and legs crippled by rhemnat srn, lumbago, ,-ciniica. or neuralgia; hanking. spitting. no-.c bleeding, ringing in the cays, rich k! rnacb, deafness, noise in the head, bad loelh. thin hot blood, all ran down feeling or catarrh are sure signs of an awful poisoned ? ndition of the blood. Take lknnftio lllool Halm tl'.I'.H.) S in all aches and pains stop, the p ii- >n destroyed and a real pc.nia.i at euro made < I the worst, rheumatism or foa'.r : catarrh. Thou amis of <a c. cured bv * all in cr*. It stroll-th ens weak ]?.i ! an ! improve digestion. $1 per lary. ho'tie. S;in.;?]e free hj writing l)UH?n Halm Co., .'4 l'altn IVair , At'anta, Ca. Describe trouble and , free nicical adv'.v suit in stalcil letter. of the strike t in Great llrltnin l:\-t year 90,917 wnv s ictfcssfu!. .M."> unsuccessful aiul 41,015 accented compromises. Microscopic experiments have shown that the clcdrlcnlly made steel is n t different iu any way from crucitda steel. ptatf or Onio, ''itt of toledo, i Lucas Qoustv. f ' FnANrt j. Cheney make oath that he ti prii'.or partner of tho !lr:n of l\ .1. t'liESKV A Co., tioln^ business la tho City of To!e la, i County and Htato aforesaid, and that sal I firm will pay tits sum of one>nr.:> i?m.? . tiAits for ouch iiu i every ens >of catabiiii t.'ia: cannot bo cured by tho uso of Haul's , catakuh ccbe. Fr.ank j. ("HENUr. j Sworn to bufore me and subscribed in my j ..? ? . presence, this Ctb day of Decomber, j seal. / A. I)., lb'id. A. W. Oi.eason, j * ?' Notary Public. Hail's Catarrh Cure is takon lntera illy, an t acts directly on tho blood and mucous surfaces of the systorn. Send for testimonials, tree. F. ,T. Cuesey & Co., Toiodo, (.?, j Sold by all Druggists, 75'-. | Hall's Family Fills are tho host. The longest telephone wire span In tile World Is JUJOft feer from nnln ti> 1 oh\ spanning the Susquehanna River, near I,a funster, I*n. The tenement inspectors of New York City have found over .'S2."UKJU occupied rooms which have neither light nor ventilation. Odds and linds. IIK^ Secretary Hay told the Chinese Min is tor that he can see no way by which this country can iuterfcro in China's Manchurian troubles. In the interest of making Australia "a white man's country," a government. bounty is paid for sugar grown by white labor. Of the last year's sugar flop of 100,000 tons, seven-tenths was produced by Kanaka black labor. Among the little heard-of relatives of the famous is Orestes 1'. Chaffee, brother of Major Gen. Chaffee, who has just visited Washington. Ho is a vigorous, small man, with 70 years and many adventures behind hint- a Confederate veteran, for twenty years a resident of South America, but for a long lime with the military department in Cuba. a groat deal of trouble and pain. Tito kidney secretions were very irregular, dark colored and full of sediment. The I'ills cleared it all up and 1 have not had an ache in my hack since taking the last dose. My health generally is improved a great deal." Foster-Mllbun: Co.. KufTalo, X. Y. For sale by all dealers, price r?U ?"lita per box. Tlm.-ty Items. The trust companies of New York. I on Docemlx r HI. 1002, owned $103,014.S37 of stocks and bonds: State hanks on May 23. 10o?,. owned $0,720,400: and the national banks (ex-msivo of bonds hold to secure circulation and United States deposits) owned on June 0, 100?, $100.412.100. Here Is a I total of more than .>..oo.t 0 of so I rarities owned by the banks and trust | companies. yiu?giiriT n L' nn win DR* Til AO HER-S ves* sums* ?2ioas? i == Sye*C3p = j <Ds hy Renrovfxg tho Caaso X RFC -FOLD RFMFDY for all ills due to func. I troubles. Acts on the LIVER and KIDNEYS and | PURIFIES THE BLOODm <QQuA, TZWN. bottle by mull lr?f. i i for ?nle i*f all rifulm 1 L-.rieXitassBMaBiaaaxTTr^ ttktLttnriNa.iimm.s & ^TKS K CAKCT ]jf\ CATEiARTCO v# blcs, appendicitis, biliousness, tad breath, bad i, foul mouth, headache, indigestion, pimples, and dirtiness. When your bowels don't move norr people than all other diseases together. It ffering. No matter what ails you, start taking well and stay well ontil you get your bowels eta today under absolute guarantee to cure ." tped C C C. Never sold in bulk. Sample and npany. Chisago or New York. pas NEWSY CLEANINGS. Hanann growers in t.'anlemaln cot only forly routs in gold for Mh? battalias. The deficit on account of the I'ritish postal telejjrajih is $-l.5tt?.ft?xi for the year. The hanking capital of New York J City las been doubled within live years. , ill" llrllish Museum lias just celebrated its one limulml anil fiftieth birthday. America Is now exporting about ?7.-1 01IIi.isa) worih of S| oes a year, of which I tJreat Itrltain ge one-third. The tenement insp< i-tors of NewYork Oily have found over oltri.HiMl oer.ipicd rooms wliirli have neither light nor ventilation. Otto Woininjr'T. an Austrian, aged , twenty-one. wrote a book in whirls lie made a sj:v.: ge on: taught oh woiiicii; then In* committed suicide. Tin* Italian <lon.gress has voted a large sum of money to establish a wireless station for telegraphic communication with South America. An offer of over NOO.OnO.O-'tO was re- i eeiveil from an American trust for tho J pottery clay mines of Horsctshire and i fVvnnshire. England. which the owners are said to have refused to sell. (Ireece is overstocked with lawyers and pliysieians. owing largely to the t!o\< mint at's poticy of offering free instruction at the fniversity of Athens. An engineer on a Kansas railway ha? made a request to lie allowed < ? run faster than sixty-five miles an hour, lie- j cause a jack rabbit has been making fun of him on hi run. It is said thai (Ini;:o|, the I' historian. owed his life to a cigar. A man followed him one day, but said, when i he saw him smoking, that lie was not I the man he wanted to kill. The finest paintings of tho late Itob- j ert .\!ols. of Antwerp, decorate tho house of hi*- sister. Man*. Osterrieth. in I P.russejs. He i.-> noted for the mitiulj realism of his pictures of ships, Proposition 5-icjrctcd. Louisville, Col.. Special.?The official count of the votes cast by the minors of the northern coal district, Saturday night, reverses the decision an 1 defeats the proposition for a settlement of thr strike. The sub-district lu>ard today announced that the proposition was defeated and there would ho no work tomorrow, but refused to make public the vote. It has leaked out that there was a majority of six votes in favor of rejecting the proposition. (ircat Day l or Catholics. Albany. Special.?One of tlio m?.-t elaborate ceremonies in the history of the Catholic church of Albany took place Sunday, warn Most Rev. Worn i de Fnleonio. apostolic delogato of the Catholic church of the I'nlted Slate*. paid his first official visit to this city and celebrated pontifical high mass at the Catholic Cathedra! of the Immaculate Conception. The occasion brought thousands of both Catholics and Protestants for many miles arcund. and the church streets surrounding were packed with people. I1;int-Vandcrbllt Suit. Ash' ville. Special. The damage suit of Hunt vs. Vnnderldlt. for $30,0<)0. will lie taken up in the Federal Court. There, is a large volume of evidence in ho heard in the case, and it is expected that several days will he consumed in the trial. This is the case in which Hunt war. injured by a stone being thrown from a blast, while the Negro Young Men's Institute, of this city. wan nn1>v construction. which Vanderhilt vns having built. Threatened Assault on Jail. N w lu rn. N. C.. Special.?Newbern was thrown into a state of intense ex iten>< nt Wednesday afternoon by a message received from the sheriff of Jcncs county, to t'.i- slierilt of Craven county, to the effect that a movement on {< t around Trenton to raise a body of men to come to Newbern by road and :aid the county ja<l for tlie purpose ot liberating tlie murderer. Dixon, of .Tuner county, v. ho was convicted rind sentenced twice to be banged f. r the minder of Weber. His last iwnten -e is that he. Dixon, is to hnng on the i st day of December of thin year. Strik in Chicago. Chicago, Special.?Constant scenes of disorder over u district approximately SO miles square in extent resulted Friday from the inauguration of ft strike b ythe employes of one of the two principal surface street railway companies in Chicago. AH along | the lines, wherever ears were started. I strike sympathisers made desperate onslaughts on tho crews, beginning at 1' the dawn of day. and cntinulng as long as the ears remained on the track. The tie-up was male com| plete. 1 N-jv.'s Notes. J Admiral and Air- Dewey arrived at I Norfolk and inspected tJie navy yard I there. ) Tlie Norfolk and Southern railroad has been iiv.'ic ted. charged with violating the "Jim Crow" enr law. The Oyster Commission reported to the Virginia Legislature. which met in Richmond. recommending tho lease for planting nl >ut He.Onn acres iu the Baylor survey. Postmaster <! nerai Payne estimates the deficit of the postal service for the fiscal year ending Jnne 30. 1005, at $8,613,700. Rear-Admiral O'Neil in his anneal report says the greatest need of the Bureau of Ordnance is a larger sui ply of guns. Two hold-up men robbed \ssistant Cashier Melville Wheeler, of the telephone company at Knoxville. Tonn., ol *3.000. Representative Denny introduced ir the House two bills providing for appropriations for the improvement ol Baltimore's harbor and a deep-watei rhannel to the sea. Eiliy's War Record. """ I A veteran of the Spanish-American i War was before Justice Lewis, at the j Northeastern Police Station, on Saturday morning, in the person of Hilly ! Goat, late-mascot of the United States 1 ship Atlanta. Hilly, a moderately largo gray specimen of the genus goat, was the bono j of contention between Charles A. Halle, 261 Np't.h Wolfe street, and Joseph Crov.vy. 16 South Castle street, the latter being charged by j tbo former with the larceny of Hilly, i whose value was p.iaeed at $10 bv his 1 owner. Billy was turned over to Halle ! and Crowley was di a barged. Billy has a record tha' is enviable. l!o has served on the United States ships Detroit. Buffalo. Dolphin, Texas, Annapolis and Atlanta, lie was enlisted as a member of the Atlanta's crew, being rated as an ' able mascot." ! papers as to Ids physical fitness having been drawn up by the ship's surgeon. lie was assigned a berth and treated like his shipmates. Several times he was severely disciplined for drunkenness, and once was compelled 1 to do duty in the engine mom for breaking tip a ping pong game between bis superior officers. Once while Halle was a patient in the Marino Hospital at Norfolk D<<> goat in some way broke its leg. Thereupon "Billy Goat" was regttarly registered j as a patient and put to bed, where ; he remained until the leg had knit. Previous to his departure from the ' police station yesterday the goat "shook hands" with Justice Lewis and others in the court roccn.?Baltimore Sun. ....A Metropolitan Tragedy. There was tragedy in his eves. You : see he was very much iu love, was poor, but proud. He stood facing the girl, his face set in the lines of blank despair. Sho looked at him calmly. There was a raiht regret in Iter expression nothing more. "You promised me faithfully." he said. Not alone in his words but in ' nti^naif v /-?t' Klo t-lin ! read a bitter reppoach. "I am sorry," site said simply. "1 . <lid not know that you r?';?41y cared so i much. If you would only wait?if you would only give mo a little nion time?" "I have been waiting longer than most men rould boar. My trust in , you was never, shaken before. Now. ; when my hopes have been raised to j their highest pitch?" I IJut lest the reader misunderstand i we will explain that the man was not ! in love with the girl 1o whom he was ! | talking. She is agent for a laundry j and has promised that his laundry I would be done that afternoon, tier promise is unfulfilled and the man | will not ho able to call on The Girl | with whom he is in love. Sadly he leaven the office of the laundry fingering the two dimes which will just pay for a telegram to The j Girl, saying that he is ill. A Peculiar Accident. Thomas Walsh, aged 14. employed in a rope factory here, mot with a peculiarly horrible accident which undoubtedly will cost his life. His body i was perforated by a thousand steel ! neeuies m the machinery. Walsh's duty was to watch the machine which separates the hemp into strands and regulate the movement of the hemp. As he bent over to pick np a piece of hemp the machinery clutched his clothes and he was drawn into it shrieking for aid. There were 1,000 steel needles moving up and down and his hotly was fright- ; | fully torn. The machinery was stopped, j ' but it was found necessary to take it ! apart before he could be released. So j acute was the pain that the boy prayed j for death after reaching the hospital. ! FITSpermanently cured. No fltsornervomj ncssaftor first day's use of T>r. Kline's Orea* | I NorvoUostorer.^Strlalnottleaivl trentlsofre? ! Dr.P..U. lii.iiiK, Dtd.. 031 Arch St.. Phils.. P:t. Gold now constitutes noarty onc lialf our stock of money.' itfrs Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup for children teething, softon the gums, reduces inlliynraft- j tUm,allays paln.dures wind GOltC. 35c. a bottle ( Canada produced over $4,000,000 worth of I Pig iron last year. I PIso's Cure is thobost medicine wo ever u.'od i for nil nffeotiofts of throat and lunge. Wm. i O. Kndklky, Vnnburvn, lad.. i < a. in. i, Siberia is going to be strong competitor | in the European butter market. Carpet* can be colored on the floor with i Putn a it Fadeless Lives. Nearly one-third of the 351.WO inhabitants of Cleveland were born in Europe. ~\- : ... V ^ I.:. r8n? Easy ta c Will pinb?Mf do ibr W01 A f X L cuira by grtiing fid of i'i v1 .--Ky' . -Atv# In the ?ntcm. Ilpurilir*l .aSm ery?, tie chronic constipal il .*.4 AitiSB lion ol (be Ultrm. fe# * tft4$ Though Mil. Mlfy F t fjtl *r"' battered Ircm rhe ( w)h by rheum ACIDK, and d< ff \ ftijAt tt)T "?l| who a.* auflerirg fd\fS$?b.t 'm try RHEUMACtDR a-.d he rbv. i. r K?S Md., vritrt enihutlaiticall imp jjj hhmicm nfbukttn OOBOITT CHE ^kSSBKt^ M "?ST8 AT THE ^]\Irs. Anderson, a woman of J acksonvil Recorder of Deeds, her signature to the fc Lydia E* Pinkham's "Dkar Mus. Pin kit am : ? There have not at times endured agonic* a: I wish such women knew the value c Compound. It is a remarkable me< I ever knew and thoroughly reliable " I have seen eases where womei nent benefit. who were cured in less t Vegetable Compound, while others came out eured. liappv, and in perfec with this medicine. I have never ui benefit. A few doses restores my hI the entire system. Your medicine li I fully endorse it."?Mrs. li. A. A? sonville, Fla. Mrs. lieed, 24 ? I* Ik Cumberlai f| " omiiu When women are troubled with irt noss. leucorrham, displacement or uleci feeling, inflammation of the ovaries, 1 indigestion, and nervous prostration. t1 and true remedy. Lydia K. I'iliklin removes such troubles. The experience and testimr women of America pro to prove, 1 Pinkham's Vegetable Compound once by remoi inp: the eaiiHc ami ami normal eomlltion. If in don Mass, as thousands do. Iler adv No other medicine for women i: spread and unqualified endorsemer record of cures of female troubles. <?*pnnn forfeit if wo cannot forthw UwUUU ik"J<JT? wblch win prm u?"niia.-'.RAWFURS Wanted 1*or l/iti'ioii .January mil* s Muxknif, Mink. Ml link. ItiU't'onll unit "fliers, oaiih price-* i piilil \Yrlt?? \.K. Hurfc ha*r?li. Main 2?l. f'lnolfinatl.O. Katscd Objections. Because Mr. Charles T. Verkers brought Clerman bricklayers to Ia>ncion to i>ut up two tall chimney stacks at his new generating station in Chelsea local labor unions are saying some very bitter things about American enterprise, Mr. Yarkor's manager explained. apologetically, thai British J bricklayers were not accustomed to building chimneys from the inside; : hence the alien workmen. Mr. Yerkes i- nun iiciiiK ucitigeu wim leuers trom ail parts of the United Kingdom, giv- i ing lists of chimneys "inside-built," which are solely the product of British i labor. The manager, newly arrived J from Chicago, spoke not wisely but too | well, and the local contractors, hav- , ing scored a point, are crowing with delight. Meantinie the Merman bricklayers are having an unpleasant time in Chelsea. So. 47. UMATISM, Dangerous to let It ll| :urc now. A single bottle c? k. Bad catrs require more. RHEUM ACIDS ^5? if rauie, aa that no trier ol the disease lingers MB the Mood, re! errs Ihe I lift am nation ol the kid- H tea aaJ the catarrh that follows such a condr- , j iVelborn, cl High Point. N. C., ia SO years old JHb umttisai for 20 rears, ahe was completely erred BM ;c arrs she (cell"years voongrc" and is knsious Ln Irorr. any of If.a forma of thm dread discaac" to FJC a noted Mrahodiaf minister, of Reisrerilnwn, ly of RHKUMAC1DE, which cored him. He ia in the miniatry SO years. IH l( aOTTLC FfttK FROM jft MICAL CO., PROPRIETORS. Mg IALTIMORE, MD. Kj JOINTS FROM THE INSIDE." prominent society^} lie, Fin., daughter of West, who witnessed >1 lowing letter, praises Vegetable Compound* arc but few wives and mothers who ml such pain as only women know, if Eydia K. l>inkliam's Vegetable licinc, different in action from any 1 doctored for years without permahan three months after taking your who were chronic and incurable t he id th after a thorough treatment icd it inyself without gaining great trcugth and apjmtite, and tones up iss been tried and found true, henoo sDr.iisoN, '225 Washington St., Jaekid St., Philadelphia, Pa., says: Ins. 1'inkiiam: ? I feel it my duty nl tell you the good 1 have received a E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com* e been a crrent. snffbrer with ying different doctors and medicines >nelit. Two years ago I went under >n, and it left me in a very weak I had stomach trouble, backache, Imitation of the heart, and was very ; in fait-, I ached all over. I find is the only medicine that reaches troubles, and would cheerfully rectal J.yilia lb Pinkliam's Vegetable omul to all suffering women." ovular or painful menstruation, weak-atiou of the womb, that bearing-down backache, flatulence, general debility, bey should remember there is one tried ni*s Vegetable Compound at once my of some of the most noted icyond a question, that Cyrfia ID. i will correct all sueli trouble at restoring the organs to a healthy iht, write Mrs. Pink ham at Lyun, lee is free and helpful. a the world has received such wideit. No other medicine has such a Refuse to buy any substitute. ith produce the original letters avd signatures ?I r?_lfi?lr absolute genuineness. i L. l'luUhaiii Motllclne Co., Lynu, .Hutu. "T tt?rse power ISlM* H HAY PRESS \ KljBBa p59- . J I Cheep ar.d reliable. V|l?7 COTTON PRtSS H^KySfi SwB # Vor baling cotton end watta. ffKaHg UftTj Write tor price*. 9c* 260. ChattiuooB*, Tena. WEI WEATHf (t COMfOST v--v 1 - 1 There is no satisf action Keener than being dry and comfortable when out in the hardest storm, i. YOU AttE son OF TO5 ^ If YOU WEAR ^3 Sji >f .^CiWEJtS *L Jj tcaflJ X WATERPROOF 'J I J OILED CLOTHING | MADE INBIACK OR YtllOW AND RACKED &Y OJR GUARANTEE. _ITA .1 TOVVCB ro .ftOSfON "lAVVIM A L T~\X ionf k r avapiai cu.ri.niUD. iomistd.un,Tt"*AiK YOUR PEALER. >J I If he will not Auppfjr you c--".ni rSrui for oor frre catalogue M a-vrmerits so<t Imt.v - - cr?. -jMrJHH 11UWII < I U llll WW mflgPES^tk I'ipnnsT.nbnlesare i -Hi" tiost dyspepsia w&c^Vm'(,iclno made. f^sr%JA hundred millions of them liar*' been sold in the United Stairs in a single year. Every illness arising from a disordered stomach is relieved or cured by their use. So common is it that diseases originate from the stomach it may lie sufely asserted there is n>j condition of 111 health that will not be benefited or cured by the oeernionai me of It Spans Tabules. Physicians know tbent and speak highly of them. All druggists sell tliem. Tno five-cent package is enough for an ordinary occasion, and tlie Family Hottic. sixty cents, contains ' a household supply for a year. One generally gives relief vith'n twenty inlnntes. Esaosnam'hi# bunts wsim ah ?aTT ST Omsh Syrup YbaU- licet Ceo JJJi In time. com t'r '1ro??in<, Wf rjz&Gisqjfr j weak ? >? ?, uno Thompson's Eyo Water