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Local ^ and Personal, Mies Kittle Walker, of Charlotte, js a guest of Misses Aid ivy of thiu place. Messrs. Walker Wil iamson and ,Tolin Potts, of Pinevi lie were vis- 1 itors to Port Mill Sunday. Farmers tell us that there are more pigs in thiss vtiou at present than for a number of years. County Supervisor T. W. Boyd, | of Catawba, was over on business Wednesday and paid the Times a ; pleasant call. A number of farmers are asking 511.00 per cord for wood, but are jiut t>eing rushed with orders at that price. Mr. If. C. Culp left yesterday , afternoon for Culpepper, Va., where he has accepted a position with K. Ij. Propts dr. Co., railroad -contractors, who have a largo force x>f hands at work near Culpepper. Mr. L. M. Chance u few days llm< fv...ue..O C2 f \\*1 v n ? rt? v_yn | #v . n, Ullt* the Warien tract of land north of Fort Mill. The place contains 151 acres and adjoins the plantation of W. E. Grittiu. Mrs. Jennie H. Spralt recently! received through T. A. Mills, clerk ! of the local camp of Wocdtneit. ?i /check for $3. tk) ?n payment of the policy carried in that order by the late W. K. Spratt. Mr. and Mi*. t*. L. M-eacham on ' Friday evening celebrated their j 'first wedding anniversary by entertaining quite a large number of relatives and frieds at. their hand- j eome new home on Confederate j street. Work wna commenced a few j days ago on a six-room house be- | ing built for Oapt. S. E. White on a vacant lot adjoining that of Mr. S. N. Merritt on While street. The house, when completed, will be occupied by Mr. L. h. Worrells. A speeiul meeting of the Fort Mill Light Infantry will l>e held Sn the armory this evening at *7:30 o'clock. All members are requested to be present as bllsinoHs of importance vrill be transacted.) Eighty per cent, of the cotton crop in York county has been gathered up to date, according to the estimate of well posted farmers. The-entire crop will he gathered inside a week or two if the present favorable weather continues. Following are the irei.tiemon of the jury fr?uu thin township who 1 will serve the first week of the ! *peoial term of court which eoci-| veuea in Vorkville next Monday: 1 Fred Nitns, E. \V. Kirahrell, U.| M. Kiinhrell. The work of Macadamizing Kail- \ road street from the Main street crossing to a point fronting "d. James colored church was begun Moday morning, Mr. D. J Skid - I more supervising. The rock for the work is being furnished hy the ^Vinnshoro Granite Company. A general change of schedule 1 -will take place oil the Stmt hern Railway on November 20th, the : details of which will bentinounced in a few days. The change will embrace the re-establishment of the through passenger train service between Washington and Florida points on practically the same running time us prevailed last winter. Mr. ('has Sahoin, a former resident of Fort Mill, hut now of Carlisle, passed through Fort Mill Sunday en route to Yorkville to ? *?- C L fuicuu uoun. itir, oaoom, II Will he re m eui he red has an ahhhu 11 ease pending against officer It. G. John-, ston of tliin place. The Times wishes to correct a statement made bv the reporter and others before t lie citizens meeting Tlinrsday night concerning i the publishing of the yearly rep ?rt of the town treasurer. The staleinent was made that the report did not itemize the disburs.neut ac- j count, but thin was a mistake, and i we take pleasure in correcting it. Capt. T. B. Spratt, on Monday received from the Bee Light Infantry of Chester, an invitation for the local military company to take part in the exercises incident to the Confederate reunion there on the 24iii8'f at wh ch time Governor Hey ward, Gem-ral Frost and other prominent State officers will be present. A visit to thed'iin Sunday evening convincod the reporter that the officers of the Catawba Power company tiMve iittte regard F.>r the J Sabbath. An employe on the works ; told the reporter that aa a I general tiling Some accident occurred during each week that work had been done on Sunday, ami if this is true there will be no surprise should a number of accidents occur during the present week. We are pleased to know thnt our farmers generally, have housed an unusually large crop of hay and other kinds of forage crops. {So in this important item they aro well prepared for next yertr. With fair corn and pea crops and a good j yeild of potatoes and sorghum, even if cotton is short, what it I I I OIJR FAIT. in? wiim HI i of Dry k Shirts, F Are arriving dai! induced us to buy hea> to offer some special I Call and see cur interest, III lll-wwwtw* WMTJtlt ?r?i%_ > Do not forget the ways filled with a con We can also save hvl x x_i s l icks in ycilil it wi.l ;iv. nyc w. II in price. So they 11iivc in tlii:ii; complain of jlist in?\v. Sportsmen here will he interes i..,i i.. .. i * - .... ... uvu Ulir-I JilM ISSMeU ll\ the railroads of this section to the] effect that hereafter every spmt-o iiihii or piiHSt tiLo r i 11 la* allowed tin* privilege <)t i ai r \ in?r one (! _; frert on the trains. This will prove i a jjreilt convenience to it (1111 *!*. >. j If more than one <1 _r is :ti ri? <! the regular excels <h ir^e.-. will lie made. The order has only recent ly in* into effect and will he taken advantage of hy iiimii\ hunters. About the New Depot. Tin* town con noil is still coin muneatino with the State Kailroad Commission in regard to theer-a tion of a new depot on the eas* aide of t lie t racks here. The latest advice from Chair man (iarris of the rail oad coin mission was to the eliect that I e felt s/ife in advisino the council that in the near future the present depot will he removed A Monday afternoon tragedy which occurred in Camden was the accidental shooting of President K, M. Hoykin of the Camden Hank and the sui.-id * four hours later ol Cashier 10. C. '/. nip. The hanks finances appealed to he in ?_*ood shape. Coiiiireh:: s now in extra ses-ion and in the assignment to committees Senator Tillman has laen lucky, lie has lieon "iveti the chairinanship of the committee on public health and and national . . A :. . mi ? ? i| lit i mill lie. lilt' ciiai rilllitisli I p carries with it a nicely furnished coin mi tt< c room in 11 it Capital and an annual clerk at $2,200. Disastrous Wrecks. Carelt*ssnt'.-s is responsible f?u many a railway wreck and the same en11sea are making liiiinaii wrecks of sulTerers from Throat and Lung troubles. i >ii t hi nee the al vent, of Dr. Kind's New Discovery for Consumption, (Vuijrh.i and Colcls, even t he worst eases can lie, cured is no longer necessary. Mrs. Ijflis ClHirir i.f I tni'i. li?ul>.r \tn^_! i is one iif many whose Iif?? was saved hy l)r Kind's New |)iaeovery. This ureal remedy ismiaranteed for all Throat and Lung disear-es by all druggist. I'riee .">()<-. and 1.00. Trial bolth-a free. For Sale. Will sell a few thoroughbred White and Brown leghorn ileus at lifty rents. One cockerel of each kind for one dollar each. P.O. WH1TLOI K. Notice. I have bought ont W. L. Hall's interest in his blacksmith shop, and i will shoe your horses and mules for fifty cents. All sizes of tires cut at fia cents, and replaced with new bobs, S|K*kes put in at 10 cents each. All kinds of gnu and pistol work done and satisfac tion guaranteed. A. W. JOURNEY. Trespass Notice. All persons, regardless of age, size or color, are hereby warned not to hunt, or trespass in any manner, upon tint lauds of the undersigned. Those disregarding this notice mnyoxpectto figure blithe courts, as I will certainly prosecut? all tresppassers. 10-28 4t Ik a G, SMYTHE. , and W1NTEI: rer .va ja+~e*i?ir oes2s, Notions, 8 Hats and i ^ < - ly. KJur increased sales in Aer than ever before, and \ bargains, SI OCK before you buy. wwvv r*. A-vjx.t-i ' > ,? * Y* 1 : fact that our Grocery Dc nplete line of choicest ccta'. you money cn Furniture. 3 &> Y"C'C ?S0??s?e cc. ?e &s c ? tiE-Iew? YOU. 3 riial Sack o 5? |T^ rr* ^ f <r?> $ 5 ' Pf-.1 r' " 00 ?-> L4< ti J V tti C VJ) & ii ? jg It's tl~xo best | THE COMPANY ? ? 3?S?????a????3S 0? MLQJ .. * 'w | Big Barg 1 . ^ Twenty-iive Pairs ? famous Blankets i ? HI kin, X. C!. ! ? $2j?3( | 3.0C 1f3 CI < Theso l>li?;ik(?ts si kind 1!?stt usually 1) 83.00, 84.00 mu! H Call aiidscc litem. ? Yours for busii 1 the old Kin |j[ T. 8. BELK, FRO ^ The "Picnic For 1 ^ has been a great s | wkobbsbbbbssss ^ '<^2^ O? ?C* O^y 4 'STOOK SEI] i ii f ft & If aviiu , ..,. v Madedlotl suit in st(x ? TIT these have YV \Vc li;n rc are prepared ciiailcc to , New lo to 20 per c t ve 1 be to your Sorry \ 1 demand ioi was not <>u !i nd on on way and \v lie time th rj, pertinent is ais ^ cs? Our a r* -jvw7r ? \J 'i Tv- > l inch ni.-u'k i' I' .! .. ^ ' .. .. t iwv)*wr?^t *?r?( nBtmrvwcr. *? *\ -tf * . .. !o>^ o *2> ' . v <\ y .. >iilk \vi?i v-y . . ?* -i _L A i " H<)M> BOUght U .; .. .. C'V io .. All W.M f ? -?> i . '' 1 1 on. - , f?>. t' J I ' ., /. I ! M' I III r h i r *v* * j,* .? w 3LSE i SJt I ? ' , . i n ro iH i t! i, ^v a! |irict'rf iit11 11 ^ 1 ^ -| C.y ctadi: 0 >Iii;s ^ .-i K |'..J (IImVI'S (111! 1 (i ii.v? s . . . .Ourx-Tft!Cv?>{Oi<?tO'f;;?[ Proctor \\ hcl* ''cyv.yDoo<?iJ N\-w lldis, l>l?c /- cr.r-'rx, Wo \\ ? :i i ! in \ i n;_r h VsC iiihI will nivi* yoi & Ki-: 1 ain. | <1 Re-j c? 0 /? J ? f'?) ot !?" ? ,. . 0 Receive undc at Q lot of Hat Q aiui men j Prices- ^ l.iulies, t?V 0 "Picnic, J""l 0 Thc\ are -""3 ? fail to Jo ?v ipi; Okl Sad u?" J || New lot <? \\ iil say i? 3 ? tiiff7 r*? < y f, ^ v V ? i:v ,h(> ? ^cESi Vy a ? ri \,7 HP. ... , sell for ? <*) S,).00. $ & y"\ 8 f M I loss, ? fuVv a *v-v ? ?, g V @ fr=: ~ $ ! Ji.yeis" ?? suoeoss. c* 2 ? i fi??* B | S?G???S>?t? 1 LING OUT ? AT COST. decided to discontinue our Ready ling department, we now offer every :k at-holesale Cost. e a lot of bran new suits, and this is a ;et a new suit very cheap. i Ladies'and Men's Underwear at 10 cut under price. \ e have not been able to supply the r our famous llarrisburg Shoes, but it r fall. All good shoe factories are beJers; however, we have a lot on the ill be able to suppty our customers by is reaches you. L J. MASSEY. Stow of Dress Goods Glacis JSress Goods. ?r >;i*.Iv 1 <1111, r< jtl English Si.25 and 2.00 $1.00 ill>u k Skin v .75 l> ngi-d and shrunk Serge, the best 100 .. .. ? 75 i < ?im. henutiTill f<?r shirt wnists 75 111 11 nriotui 1.00 75 50 1 11 .-ii (a 50 Serge ,50 75 in iilue ui .M il >ttiil black 50 livs^ goods we hIiuw you all the leading goods and ir; from 25e t ? SI 50. ZVTotioras. 5, 10, 15, and 25c 10, 15 and 25o 25 and 50e I n* iii ikitui TeneritTe lace 25c k and White 25, 50 aud 75c Millinery. *t new Hhipment of .Millinery about every 10 days. W.e ilui|ies now in all the latest styles at n big reduction n the benefit. acham & Epps. i . _ . i. IX. ij 3^few Lot of "8 STli?4!t> Hr*. is. 99 -I CO IOCS For Children, ' V >? d 011 November 17th. Also a new nilton and Drown Shoes for ladies ust in. try a pair of our "American Lady," Sweetheart," or "DixieGirl"Shoes, guaranteed to please, and if they so, we make them good ies Shoes in all widths and numbers, of Neckwear at 2?> cents that you s well worth twice the price. haney - Parks Co : ^ ^'' ' ~ ? ?. THE LINE FOR BUSINESS, ,-r i THE LINE FOR PLEASURE, ,13 | THE LINE FOR ALL THE BEST | SUMMER R.ESORT5 Li,J j Complete Summer Resort Folder Mailed Free to Any Address. ?uY ^ N** W. A. Topic. S. H. Hapopmck. W. H.TAYLO*. J P . 5. Ti ..'fi ' Mgr. Ccn'l Pass. Agent, Asst. Gen'I Pass. Ac* V. I IK.I >N.L>.C. ATLANTA. OA.