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t " ' FORT MTLLTIM ES DEMOCRATIC PUBLISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY B. W. BRADFORD. TelWi or Bubsc: iptlon: One year J1.00 Plx months 50 Three months 25 Correspondence on current subjects is Invited, but no responsibility Is assumed for the views of correspondents. Anonymous communications will not be published In these columns. On application to the publisher, ad- j vertlslnj? rates are made known to those Interested. Fort Mill 'Phone (with long distance . nonactions) No. 2H. NOVEMBER 18, 1903. Note and Comment, Tin* VmerioHti neonle nrp wa'ch* ! inir the course of events in Panama .villi intense inteiest. * A time for everything, every(<iimlt in its place, and iio place ? niply, in n no<?(l maxim. u v m The roe Mit election linn completely destroyed all the presidents! prospects Home people ever hud. Nearly 10,000.000.000 pieces of in a 11 Wore handled hy the postal authorities last year, and its transivrtation cost more than $011,000,000. . m m m The United States in drawiin/! nearer to the wealth of South I America The day will come when there will be no Central or South American republics. The stars i and stripes will wave over them all. * The indications at present re- ! gnrding the subject of electric lights for the town is that an election upon the extra two mill tax will take place sometime in Decern- ! her and it successful an application will be made to the next legislature for authority to impose the special levy. . New York's Next Mayor. G. It. McClellan next mayor of New York: Is married. Speaks 5 languages. By profession a lawyer Full name, George Itritton McClellan. Is a graduate of Princeton Universi y, class of 188f?. Father was Gen. Geo. B. McClellan, of the Union army. Will take his s>-at as mayor of Greater New York January 1, 1904. Always been a Democrat, voting for Bryan in 1891) and 1900. Worked as'a news nancr for n few v-eio-u in r-r- - i * .. .... j New York City. Whs president of the boHrd of aldermen of the city and county of New York in 1892-tKJ. Will be 88 years old on November 2d, havinu been born in Dresden, Saxony, where bis parents were visiting in 18(Jfi. Was elected to the 54th, 55th, 5t> h and , 67th ooi(presses from the 11th, | ltith and 18th assembly distriete of New York. Is now a member of congress. Causes of Wrecks. The railroad commission will in its report to the legislature discuss the frequent wrecks that have occurred mi this Htnte during the last six months. The report wiil ' review every one that has occurred, and there will be several important sunuostiuna made. From a statement niHile by Chairman Gnrria recently all of the blame will not be put on the management. The commission keeps a record of the wrecks in the state, and the roads ell tile official statements with the 1 lie coiumiifwion hh to the cuusfs of I'HcIi wreck, with the number of livea lout. This will he added to the report. lohnston^Norman Case Nol Prossed A 'phone message from Yorkville yesterday mottling Hinted that the cane charging K. G. Johnston of Fort Mill with the drowning of J. K. Norman, some months Hgo, had been nol proaaed, the grand jury having tailed to find a true hill. The message alaoatated that the grand jury had been deliberating for ahoul two hours upon the SHtiom-Johtistou assault ease, hut up to that time had no' mado its report. Ywr Opportunity To Do Good. The Thornwell Orphanage is lonatod at Clinton South Csrolinu. It is the property of the whole Southern Presbyterian ohurch. It cared last year for 216orphaus, with 28 teachers and oftioers in charge. Of the orphans, 112 were from Sooth Carolina, 4(1 from Georgia, 15 from Florida. Every Southern State was represented, ifhd some Northern. The support of this family and their education was proi ided altogether from voluntary donations. They do the best toward self help. They cook their own food, make their own clothing and shoes, raise all the milk, butter and vegetables used, and dispense with all servants. They are worthy. They ure your own little brothers and sisters. Thanksgiving day is coming. Show your thankfulness by sending a gift of iiuouey or provision to the founder und head of the institution, Kev. Win. P, Jacobs, Clinton, South Carolina. h ** The "Mass Meeting" Thursday. About fifty of Fort Mill's representative citizens met in the town liall Thursday evening at 1 :'M) o'clock for tin* purpose of deciding upon tin- most practical means of obtaining water and lights for tlie town. Dr. J. H. Mack was made chnirninn, and after calling the house to order announced the purpose of the meeting and that th chair was ready to present for consideration any suggestions offered. Mr. .1 M. Spratt, town treasurer, arose and explained the financial condition of the town, showing that the receipts for several years had been used for incidental expenses, and stating that, in his opinion, the only available means of obtainini water and lights was by taxing the people with an extra tax levy, ne iiinuutit llial Z nulls would lie sufficient for eitlier water or lights Dr. T. S. lvirkpatrick wns the next speaker and, after dwelling for a short time upon the treasurer's remarks, made a motion t lint the town issue bonds in the sum of $3,000, to be sold >1.000 each year until disposed of. The motion was put to the house but failed to be seconded. Mr -J. W. Ardrev then took the floor and stated that as an extra levy of two mills, and he did not believe that the people would submit to more, would pay the cost of only one, he favored water, saying that he considered water not only a protection to property, but as a necessity to Ihe better health and comfort of our citizens, while lights were what he looked upon as a luxury. Dr. Mack disagreed with Mr, Ardrey and consumed several minutes in explaining his grounds for believing that lights were more importani than water. From this diseussioti arose the question us to which \v ih preferable, lights or water, anil a vote was taken upon the matter Init resulted in a tie. Several speakers then discussed the subject and it was finally decided to take a vote upon an extra levy of two mills "for water and light purposes." Th h motion carried by an almost overwhelming majority. A ways and means committee, consisting of Messr . .J. \\ . Ardrey. Ij. 1. Masst-y, It. \V . Itradford. was appointed to meet and confer with the town council at its next regular meeting on the tirst uionday in December. There being no other business before the house, the meeting then adjourued. A Beautiful Marriage. The liock II ill Herald of Saturday gives the billowing account of the marriage of Mr. It. F. Aiassey and Miss Margneritte Pong in the Presbyterian church at Kbeuezer last Wednesday evening: ' At the appointed hour from : ... m o nn- ciiuii niniiou aiiim.s -joaif rewell hiiiiu' will) much sweetness 'Oh, Promise Me,' with organ iktdiii- j paniment l>y Miss Kiltie Kirkpai- i rick, of Foil Mill, cousin of the i groom. Then lifter a pause, the low, sweet noies of Mendelssohn's march announced the coming ol the ushers, Dr. ?T. E. Massey, Jr., and Thorn well Nrely, Lyken Watson and Lyle Black, who took position at either side of the altar. j Then came the bridesmaids from | behind the screen, each being elegantly attired in white, carrying boijneis of ferns and carnations, j the couples entering singly from either side of the altar and cross- ' ing in the chancel pissed down' the nisle on either side out into the vestibule, when they crossed attain and re-etering the church,! each marched back alone the op- I site aisle and upon re-entering the | chancel crossed again and took po- , sit ion, with t he otficiat ing minister. I Kev. l)r. ?l. II. Thornwell, thecen- i tral figure of a semi-circle of as pretty girls as ever stood for a t friend in marriage, the couples as arranged being Misses Janie Massoy and Minnie Friedheiin; Uohpi'lft Tl If It'll W'?> II of Mill .... I Lillian Massey, sister of tlie tfroom, Marion llarshaw, of Yorkville, and Janie ?Slack, Roberta Muldrow of Florence, and Alia Fewell. 1 Then came tin* groom on the arm ! of hia best man, Tlios. B. Spratt, of Fort Mill, cousin of the (4room. Entering the chancel the grooin took position at the loft of the minister mid awaited the coming of the queen of his happy heart. "Then down the right dale came the handsome (lame of honor, Mrs. S. M Jones, aunt of the groom, j and the bride's sweet-faced si-ter. Miss Carrie Bell L'o.?g, both ele- ; gantly attired in white, carrying boquets of white carnations and ferns. Following came tin' pages, 1 their faces wreathed in innocent smiles, marching, hear- j ing satin pillows, upon which the contract! ng?par ties were to kneel. This sweet little couple were Master Joe Miller and little Mis-. Elizabeth Miller. They preceded the brids, who curne upon the arm of her fine looking brother. Fed] Poag. She was in tuil bridal mi*- ! ray, her costume being white ciepel ?le chine with silk fiinge t im i tilings and mouslin fiills Her I veil whh caught by a handsome peiirl brooch, gift of the groom, ami it was adorned with lillios of ! 'lie valley. She carried white carnations and lillies of the valley. Proceeding to the altar k'iih was claimed bv the groom and tliey stood before the mail of (t-k|, who said the mystic words that hound : the hearts of the young couple in everlasting love. During the cere tnotiy the sweet notes of Heart1 and Flow* rs. iih played on the organ by Miss Kirkpatrick, added charm and solemnity to the beautiful ceremony." The News of Pleasant Valley. M r. Tin is. K. Howie, of Pleasant Vallev. and Miss Mnrv I toss of I Poortith, X. C . ware ninrrioii on the 10 iiiBt. at the bride's home. Curds have bom received in Pleasant Valley niinnuiiciii^ the marriage of Miss Julia Blankenship, of Gold Kill, to Mr. Fred M. Kimbtvll of Fort Mill on Wednes- j day afternoon, the 25th of November, at 3 oVl.ick. Hev, J. Ii Mack will preach at Pleasant Hill church next Sunday afternoon at 3 30 o'clock, and Pre- ' siding Flder W. P. Mcadors, of Kock 11 ill, will preach on the after- I noon of the fifth Sunday. M iss Mannie Wolf, of Fort Mill, is visiting relatives and friends in Pleasant Valley. Miss CI >nd Mall visited iclatives in Charlotte last week. Prof. J. J. Bnileg and sister j Mi~s Bleaker, visited friends in ! Waxhaw Saturday and Sunday. Messrs. J P. Harris and Lee i Bickett Spent last Friday and; Saturday in Lancaster en business. | _ , "***" ~ ~~ Pincville's New Church. Tlie in*'A* Baptist Church of the ; I vi-hiLie is j^ettiiuj a fi'?*h1 i stmt (oI wards its completion. Plasterim* in Roinyr on, and it will he painted | soon. The ladies of the church ! are to urive a silver t? a, and an oyB1 ter supper at an early day, the pro. i coeds of win -h will he devoted to j pulpit furtiishinir, carpeting for the aisles, etc. When the church : is finished. the pastor, Kev. A. L. j Slouch, will feel that a load of I care has fallen from 11in mind and I I will he at his best..?Pineville Cor. I Charlotte News. ? The Cotton Crop Short. A bulletin issued by the census bureau in Washington a few davs ago nti tli** cotton crop ginned ! from tjie crop of ||u? present year i up to ( )ctoher 18. places the amount | ut 3.839.027 commercial hales, as 5.925.872 hales ginned up I to the same (la:e last year. The tiiii'>11111 of cotton ginned in this county this fill shows a falling j olT of nearly one-third. The uuin , her of hales ginned up to the 1 Sth of October last year was 18,(M)6, while up to the same date this year t lit* number was 12 WO?a shortage this year of 5,510 hales. The number of gins in York county this year is 121, several less than last year. ? Real Estate Transfers. The following transfers of Fort Mill real estate were recorded in the county auditor's office during the month of October: T. It Belk to Osmond Barber. One lot; consideration $800. ('. B. K inluvll to L. S. Nivens. 03 acres; consideration $300. O. B. Kimbrell to W. E. ICimbrell. Two acres; consideration \ cum V 1 Got Six Thousand. r I Attorney D. F. Morrow of \ ork- | vi 11 *- has returned from Washing- | ton, where lie went to endeavor to i bring m compromise in the ease against the Southern llnilway company in tlie suit his son was to have I?r tight for a broken leg and , other injuries he received in the 1 Pishing creek wreck near Yorkville j some weeks ago. A tier some days debating with Southern Railway attorneys and offi. als in Washington, Attorney Morrow succeeded in securing a compromise of $t?()d() together with other considerations for his son, Marvin Morrow, who is cashier of the Rank of Blacksburg. "Fewer Gallons; Wears Longer.'' Tho secret is out and Fort Mill can go ' on living just as if the riddle had never I beeu asKod. 1 No it can't either. Fort Mill is not I going to be what it was before. Its ' houses are going to be brighter; its people a little more prosperous?they are \ going to have some of their iuouey left 1 to buy other things with. The answer to tho riddle is this: you can paint a building with fewer gallons of Devoe Lead and Zinc paint than with mixed iNtints, aad it. will wear several j times us long as a building painted with i lead and oil mixed by hand There's proof abundant of it all over j tho United States. Thoro will noon be | proof abundant of it in Fort Mill. What will people do with tho rest of their uioaey ? ' The farmers nre busy Bowini; wheat, 1 im 111 itiLf wood and prepar- > intf for winter. Thereis little cotton corning to market, notwithstanding the price is Imverintr near the 11-cent mark. The farmers i want 12 c ents anyway. ? ?---?? . Not A Sick Tay Since. "I was taken Beverly sick with | kidney trouble. I tried all sorts of medicines, none of which re- ! leived inc. One day 1 saw an ltd. j of your Elee'rie Hitters and de- \ terinined to try that. After takinu a few (loh.-s I felt roleived. and h >oii thereafter wan entirely cured, and have not Been a Kick day since. Neitdibors of mine have been cur- I ed of Rheumatism. Neuralgia Liver and Kidney trotihliB and General Debility.*' This i- what IV F. Bass, of Fremont, N. (\ writes Only r?Oc, at all druu stores. 18 cents was the price paid for cotton seed yesterday. A ItonaTay Blsyele. Terminated with an uglv cut on lite leg of J, 13. Orner, Franklin Grove, 111. It d? velop.-d a stub- j born ulcer unyeildiug to doctors and remedies for four years. Tiien liticklen's Arnica Salve cured. It's just as good for Sums. Scalds, Skin Kruptions and Piles. 2"?c, at all drug stores. ?? C/ott011 Bold for llcts 011 111ih nuuket yesterday. Eoesn't Hespect Old Ago. It's shameful when youth fails' to show proper respect for old age. I hut just the contrary in the case of j Dr. King's New Life Pills. They cut otr maladies no matter how severe and irrespective of old nee, Dyspepsia, Jaundice, Fever, Cons tipatiou all yeild to this perfect Pill. 25c, at all drug stores. DYEING, CLEANING, PRESSING AND REPAIRING. I have employed mi expert dyer and am prepared to dye, clean, press or repair your clothes in the most up to date manner. My establishment is to the rear of McElhancy-l'nrks Co.'n store. All work will bo promptly executed, ' and guaranteed to gi.e entire satisfaction. 1 will appreciate your patronage. W. R. Ca rot hers. INDIAN POTTERY. A IICW lot inst from the Catawba Nation. liny now and oet dosirable pieces foi Xinas presents. Shredded Wheat and Force, A fresh lot of each has just ar- ! lived. It is easy to ^et in the habit of eating this healthful and wholesome food which is ready prepared. Garwood's Perfumes Are par excellence?tiie hest that money can buy. Ten odors. Price 50 cents per ounce? At ARDREY'S. PROPOSITIONS. If you desire to buy h?* 11. or exellHIlgO ileal Estate, Stocks, lioinU. I &?., ink loss idle (jucHtioiiH iiiiiI shove up your bumnesH propoaiiions. I am open for business, hut it is offers I nui after mimI less questions. 1 have plenty of property that 1 ran sell you throughout tln> 1 State. If nothiuu on my list to suit you, it is my business to find it foryou if you will apply in a bus , in eufc ? ny. Let Me Sell You Tlie Furt Mill Construction Co. j complete, real estate, machinery, ! too 1.4, &c. Or will sell the machin- j ery ieparate from the real estate, j Don.t let a good plant lie idle a- i rouml you. Make a business prop* j ositiou and put it to work. I am i told thi-?irtgo?>d machinery in good repair. One thing sure 1 want to [ sell it, and will sell it if yon make j a business offer. J. Kdgar Pong, Broker, Rock Hill, S. C. ^ ytiMmpponf""' ^ ^ / Capital Stock. $80,000.00. BUSINESS.?When you think of going ????? off to school, write for collage Journal ami Special Offer of the leading Business and Shorthand Schools Address, Kings Business College, Raleigh. N. C., or Charlotte, N. C. [We also teach Bookkeeping, Shorthand, eto.. by TRESPASS NOTICE. All jHTHnng uro hereby warned not to hunt, fish, or in any way trespass upon any of the lands owned or controlled bv the undersigned, under penalty'of law. W. H. .J< >NES J. W. AUDREY. T. II. COI.THARP. I). A. LKK. ALEX. NI YEN'S. J. 1). WITHERS. H. 1). SPRINGS. E. R. SPRINGS. II. W. HUFFMAN. T. II. SUTTON. B. F. MASSKY. T. H. MERUIT T. * NEW MARKET. i> i i f I have opened a first-class 4) $ Meat Market in the 61(1 I'ulp ^ ^ stand 011 Main street ami will V ? keep on hands at all times a J V supply of choice Heef, l'ork, V 4 Mutton, Snnsafje, et . My j (b prices will always he as low (0 A as the lowest. *1 hone your ^ ^ orders to No. 29 and receive j j prompt attlention and fair 4 J dealing. J I W.L.HALL. ? * ff.CT Fre sh Fisli and Ovs- ^ w tors every Saturday. T * * The MODEL STEAM LAUNDRY Of Charlotte, N. CM Is unuxccllcd in the class of work it turns out Anv work not found to he entirely satisfactory will he rela mid e red free of charge to the owner. McElhaney'Parks Co, j Agents, Shipments Thursday mornings. Basket returned on Saturday. An Ordinance. Granting permission to the Catawba j Power Company to construct ami maintain i<s line for the transmission of electricity along, o>er ami umler the highways of the town of Fort ; Mill, ami to eouduct and carry on within the limits of said town, the business authorized under the terms of its charter. Section 1. lie it ordained hv the town council of Fort Mill that permission is hereby granted unto the Catawba l'owor Co. to construct ats?l maintain its lines for tin' transmission ot' electricity along, over and under the highways of the said town of Fort Mill, and to conduct and carry on within the im-orpor- j ate limits of said town the business authorized under t he terms ot its charter, including the right to use, lease or sell electric power for manufact tiling, light ing, heating or other purposes. Section 2. All piles used by said company shall be erected under the supervision and th?! direction of the commit- ' tee on streets, and all streets and sidewalks that may be disturbed or dam- j aged in the construction or maintenance of said lines shall be promptly replaced i or repaired by said company at its own expense and to the satisfaction of the said commit tee on stveets, and all piles s mil be substantial and symmetrical and so located as not to interfere with the public use of said highways or to endanger the property or persons of the j citizens of said town. And in case said company shall fail to so replace or re- I pair said streets or sidewalks within five (lays after written notice so to do c ? i- * imin me i-iioiriiiuu 01 sain nrwt niniliiittee, the same shall he replaced or repaired by I ho town authorities, ami the said Catawba Power Co. shall forthwith pay to the town treasurer the costs of such work, and tn addition thereto, t he sum of ten dollars for each place so replaced or repaired by way of a penality for such failure. Section 8. {raid corporation shall he subject fo the ordinances now in force or which may he hereafter passed relative to the use of the public highways of said town of Fort Mill. Section 4. Said company shall hold said town free and harmless from till damage or claims for damages arising l>y reason of the erection, or negligent maintenance, of said lines. Done and ratified in council under the corporate seal of the town of Fort Mill this third day of November, 1 *?.?:?. T. is. KIRKPaTHICK, Attest: Iuteudaut. J. M. SPRATT, Treasurer. FOR GOOD WHISKIES,' W1X ES, I BRANDIES, ETC., CAM. t?N (IK WHITE TO \V. It. 1IOOV KH% I li ?ii ) < [ l>, N C. * DO YOU READ? I f ro. T can furnish you with the following standard literature: Alanine's ,, lOo McOlure's ,, 10o Leslie's Popular Monthly lOo Soribner'.s 25a Smart Set 25o Strand 10a Collier's Weakly lOo Vanity Fair 10o Ladies' Home Journal lOo American Boy lOo Judge 10o Puck lOo M tui Hey 10o A rn> >sv 1 Oc The Burr Mcintosh 25c Wide World ' 10c Person's 10c "The State," on Sundays 5c IFL. E Parks, AY Ardrey's Drug Store TRESPASS NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that all persons are warned not to huut, fish, or trespass in anyway on the land of the undersigned. Those who violate this notice will be dealt with to the full extent of the law. as well as suffer other consequences that may follow. J. P. B vii.ks, DO YOU DKINK? If So, Try Our OLD NORMAN CORN WHISKY Guaranteed 3 to ovearsold. Mild and Mellow. Always the Same. $2.50 per Gallon. 'Phone and Mail Orders Promptly Filled * (?. W. NORMAN, Both 'Phones P. O. Box 55. CHARLOTTE, N. C. GIVE US A TRIAL ORDER and get the REST WHISKIES, W I N E S, BRANDIES, Etc., It llic mist reason* b!e prices. J. 0. Ross & Co Props., Till: GOUR1) SALOON, CLlAK LUTTK, N. O. No. 29 W trade . i . : . . Both 'Phones. MEASURE TAKEN for your new Fall garments. j It is the only proper and satisfactory way of buying your clothes, being' that ''GOOD CoilTllRS ARB ALWAYS I MADE} TO ORDER." Make your selection fiom the tailoring line of . STRAUSS BROS. Chicago, Cst. 1S77 G001I tailors for over a quartor century You'll find a world of pleasure in wearing the clothes ^ ina<le by Strauss Bros.,? faultless in style, fit, finish and materials. They're so ! much better than the ordii nary run of clothes, yet J prices are astonishingly low, and your perfectly safe in ordering, because if garments 1 ] are not satisfactory, yon ] needn't take them WE 1 WILL BE PLEASED TO } SHOW YOU OUK GREAT I- . ? LINE <>F SAMPLESCALL ON I McElhany-Parks Co. I 3 Fcrt Mill. S. C. I J U. Trayw c'< & Co., DEALERS INT FINE LIQUORS AN1) WINES, til 1 No. 42 Eu?t Trtido St. CHARLOTTE. - - - N. 0. _ _ . t.n CO YEARS' E X P E RIE N C E I I l J J * L J m It 1 I j . 1 I R k I r? 1 Tr^?c Marks ^n^hft Designs "ft" ' 1 Cory rights Ac. Anrone rending it rketeh and description may quickly ascertain our opinion free whether an Invention ir probably patentable. Cnniinunlcatlonaatrictly confidential. Handbook on I'ateuta aent frco. (llitMt airency f?>r rerunnp patent*. I'atcnt.i taken tnrouah Munn h Co. receive rpteial notice, without charge, lu tho . Scientific American. A handsomely Illustrated woeklv. I.rrgest clrculation of any scientific Journal. Tormi, f.'t a year: four months, I. (.old by all newsdealers. MUNN & Co.3618'""*"- New York JJraucb Office, 620 F St., Washington, U.U ,