University of South Carolina Libraries
J* For n New Two-cent Stamp. The little reddish two-cent stamp iuhv in use has never been satisfactory in any respect and the people will be. glad to ace the last of it. The stamp which takes its place is of more artisiic design aud more suitably proportioned. It is more simple in composition, the draped flags being discarded and the bust of Washington, which Is the main subject, being p oportionately larger and more dignified. while at the same ting- the text is more legible. If the color is clear and decided, instead of being pale, indefinite and of no decided character, the improvement will be inch appreciated. Double-Deck Cars. Double-deck street cars are universal in fSurope. In some instances the upper deck is roofed over, in others left open. This deck is almost uniformly dtvtdod longitudinally witli seats for torn cn each side of the aisle. The upper dock is reached by a semicircular stairway and in pleasant weather is the most sought, tofc- tlvose losses. Dnring last year no dividends were paid on $667,000,000 of common and preferred Rtrect railway stock, which is nut less than 60 per cent of the total i&Mcd. Mrs. Rosa Adams, niece of the late (icneral Roger Hanson, GS.A., wants every woman to know of the wonders accomplished by Lydia Li. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. " Dr.An Mkh. I'ixkiiam 1 cannot ten von with pen and ink what pood Ijyilin K. PinklinmN Vegetable Compound did for me, suffering from tho ills peculiar to the sex extreme lassitude and that all pone feeling. I would rise from my l>ed In the morning feeling more tired than when I went, to bcrl, but before i used two bottles of IJJdla E. rinkhum's Vugelablf Compound, I began to feel the buoyancy of my younger days returning, ' bepame regular, could do more work and not feel tired than I had ever been able to do before, so I continued to use Itontil 1 was restored to perfect health. II is indeed & boon to siek women and | I beartily recommend it. Yours very truly, Mks. Hosx Adams. 819 lt'th St., r<Q?lisvillc. Ky." _ SSOOO forfeit It original of ><ti letter proving grinilnenett cannot ho produced. FREE MEDICAL ADVICE TO WOMEN. Don't hMltnte t/% irrlf# Mm I XMnkhum. She will understand your case perfectly, and will treat von with kindness. Iter ndviee Iff free, and the address is Lynn, Mans. No woman ever regretted having written Iter, and she has tielped thousands. Li TTORSE POWER ^E3t" H HAY PRcSS % I^HM II (heap ?n?l reliable. \?|/ " COTTON PRESS / and wa?U. Write for Ho* '.*1 henry Copelantl, ' iwy Chiltmnog*, Tann. Dropsy! r Remowi ill amlllDl in 8 to w / tlavs ; etTro'.v n jwrnianent cure Jw (V iu'-toto todays. Trialtreatinent -rftfev given free. Nothlngcan be fairer Write Dr. M. H. draen's Song, 3!:1 Specialists. Bos 11 Atlanta. Ua. with lief*'* Unlvrr^nl lx>p Hranm.r.pctllln H H?a.r. Htinultanptms St-t Workx hikI llm llrt W Hwcu-Miii! Vmlulle l>rd Work* are unex-H J'Wllod for ACCURACY, MMM.ICITV, ?>UR Ani I.- 3 rrt AM. KA *". or OPACATIOM. Writ* for fulll EXrtMcrfptlv* circular*. Maiufactiircnl Sy iheQ PaAI.K.o IKON \\ Inston Bwleiii.N.C.B __ 4 0 SBmBHnpppJh U?S WHlkt All U!>( fAlii. PT ltoat tVmgh byrup. Taste* Oood. litn PJ1 In tlnjt . Hold by dru?i(l?iA. If mviim^likiWWfgA I VWim, Jp^jiake-Down Don'i spend from $5' Hp<ra i much less money yc $ Down Repeating Sh< (jvta outlast the highest prffil besides being r.s sa ll ^ I 3 ' dealer can show you o fll-fif' Wi FFEh' J I > ' ': h WINCHESTER REPEAT lli f i # m "T'cum^s. "Karirn tak'<n yonr wonderful 'Paftear^ia** for thron month* and nmin lv <*ur?-?l of M catarrh and ?1\?p*-i??ta. f think a word <?f |.rni?i? i? duo to "< 'iwruM ' tor tlioirwouderfuI '' lui'OHltioti 1 havn tak'*n nurnrronn oilier rn-.-al!M r?*iu?*dlr<i h it without nvttll and I find that < a*. t ? Uioro in a uhv than nil tho others 1 h?\o taken would In a" J am la Mcdnoo, IOh klerccr St., Jrrsfy City, N. J, /,/ ^ The Bowels Yjgiikv. CANDY CATrtANTIC r?l?tr>Wn. Potent T??t? Ui.0.1, IV-i Hood, ^.?vor Slckon, W'-akf-n ortlrlp**. I0o, n>, t".-. N.?v? r o|il In btllk. Tho connlna trvM^t fnn,ii..,l tied Quar.ititvcil to euro or your money Luck." Sterling Remedy Co., Chicago or N.Y. 59a ANNUAL SALE. TEN MILLION BOXES <t>c fkrtffc BANK DEPOSIT COv3.VFVPVP Railroad Faro Paid. 500 * * FKEK Courses Offered. OnHKHBI Board.tCcst. Wrt- Outck GEORGIA-ALABAMA BUSINESSCOLLECE.Ma. .n.Ga. .luiiialca T... Ton culturo oxporiinonts have proved successful in .IniiiaicH ami it is now hoped that this most unlucky island will prove an ideal place for the growth ami cultivation of tea. The Chinese varieties grow luxuriarMy, lint more hope is placed on the Assam and Ceylon hybrids.?Mexican Herald. Slim Kntvnrtl. SIOO. The readers of this paper will ho pleased ' earn that tuoro is at icasi um- dread:-.! di*.easotiiat seleu -e ans heou able to euro in dl itsstages, and tout Is t'.itarr.i. tilth's i Cure is the only positive euro now known t? ilie tnedieal Ir.itoraity. I'atarrit being a eoustitulional disease, ro piiros a constitution it treatment. iluU's CatarrnCurc istaken internally . aetingdireotly upon tin- Laood and uucoussurfaces of tue syste.n, taerehy de<ir-lying tao Inundation of i nedisease, and giviii; i?m- I'-im-iii mi^ui ny mi mil n ^ up mo ooastitut'ou niiii assisting nature m it# work. I'lio proprietors have so union Vat thin its curative po.vors tint tu?y <?IT??i- Oik* iiuuilrcil Dollars for auy cast* Hi it it labs i n;jf bead lor list of testi notiiiils. Address r'. J. t.'UKNEY A Co., I'oMJiio, O. Sold by Druggists, 7oi*. Hull's Family i'llls urn the liwt. Metal 4 I it House. I?r. J. \V. t!iiy oil ui I.ovin, Coryell County, Texas, has an all iron gin house. Tlio frame posts are to be driven into the ground about two feet; the corners and joints are to be fastened together with locks and bolts similar to bed locks: the wnl's and cover are to be of corrugated sheet iron. VlTSnurmanant vcuei. ?o (1.-> or nervousness after first (lav's usn of Dr. Kline's (trnat Nervelteatorer. t'Jtrial bottle ami tr?v?tl*efrea H. Kn?, Ltd.,1'31 Arch St.. l'hlH.,Pi. It is claimed that Canada can wood for palp 840 years Mrs Winslow's 8oothlngSyrup for children teething, soften the gums, reduces iuflain-natlon,allays r>aln,eu res wind colic. '25:, a bottle The population ot tlie world is about 1,851),000.Ooo people. Piso's Cure for Consumption isini infallible mcdlcino for coughs and colds. N. IV. Samuel, Ocaan <;r.>\c. N.J., Feb. i". rtio. Stock Kxchange seats, which sold a year ago for 982,000. arc quoted at *50,000. Fruit acida will riot atain gooda dyed | with Pctnaw FAnKt.rea Dries. I U^f .c. I Millions of U.M.C. Shot Shells I are sold each year. They are M made In the largest cartridge I factory In the world. a The UNION METALLIC CARTRIDGE CO. B XIOGIPORT, CONN. H i lu.T dealer ' I , sell, them. Catalo* sen! M ?I 'BESTB&s Repeating Shotguns 0 to $200 for a eun, when for so mean buy a Winchester Take}fgun, which will outshoot and -priced double-barreled gun, ifc, reliable and handy. Your ne. They are sold everywhere. '60-PjtQt Rlusfritcd C'jtljlryjaf. INQ ARMS CO. NEW HAVEN. CONN. _ HAD A WRONG EFFECT. Impressive Sermon Confirmed L!s? toner in Evil Ways. The little English vicar of Hexton, wlio;o oljjoct.ic)!! to liiyn church ritualism brought bint recently into conllict with liishop I'oft r in New York, sat one day drinking si brandy siml socb; in the cafe of the I'tir. Avenue hotel. A group of ri iK?n era ur-\mndod him. One of the r . \ r. r . . rid: "Why don't yon try to down ritualism. Mr. Fillingham. with smur.ona rather than with violence?" The vicar smile J. ,?rrnon-<." he said, "have an effect alwav but t <> often tiiis effect is the onpo-.i.e one to what the scrmoniz r in. el i." "How do you mean, sir*."' the reporter asked, i "I'll illustrate to von what I nrvin," ' said the vicar. "1 once had a par: thinner v;bo was a miser. or t'si man's benefit 1 pr, uek i one Sunday a strong sermon oti the neci sit;, o! charity, of philamh ?. .. : nion ci the duty and the joy of i. The miser, at whom I ga/.od often. ! , .u a impressed. "Next day I met hini on the street " 'Well. John* I said, 'what cii.l yor think of yesterday's sermonV "'It moved mo dec-ply. sir.' he r.n swercd. It lias brought home to me so strongly the neocsdty of givinr I ????nr? Ilia*. IUIUOI l.V, I VI* 11 ! mind ?> turn beggar.'"- New Yorii Tribune. A Find in the Forum. CJuided by tlio duo !n 'lie I first jMJom of Statins' Silviv. an i l?y the later modifications in the arrangement of tlio central ixirlion of the Unman Forum. Signor Boni, the head director of the excavations, has now unearthed the enormous pedestal whirh once bore the equestrian statute of Domitian. reared in honor of that Emperor's triumphant campaign against the Caltf and Daei. The base of this colossus measures forty feci in length, twenty in width an! ten in thickness. ; and lay about five feet beneath the | present level of the Forum. Traces of the sockets wherein were the iron supports of the bronze statute and remnants of the horse's feet go to show that the horse and the figure of the Emperor Pondtian wore sir. times larger in size than the roc ntly unearthed pedestal. The pod< stal is situated toward the centre of the Forum. The statute lias the Basilica Pauli on it ; left, the spacious Basilica Julia on its right, and tin- Temple of Vespasian hi ?'s fear. The discovery 1 confirms the speculations of earlier arehimlogists. and is of extraordinary Inuxirtance as regards the Forum topography in the first century of the empire. I- -ir-r, n< ?k. r~ I Great cure should he taken to keep the canary scrupulously clean. For , this purpose the cape should he strewn every morning with clean sand or fine gravel, for small pebbles are absolutely essential to life and health in cage birds. Fresh water should | be given every day both for drinking j and bathing. During the moulting ( season a small piece of Iron should bo ( put into the drinking water. The I food of a canary should consists I chiefly of summer rape si*vl, those small brown rape seeds which are obtained from plants sown in the spring, and which ripen during the summer. A little chlckweed in spring, lettuce loaves in summer and endive in autumn, with slices of sweet apple in winter, may be safely given. Avoid bread and cheese. A few poppy or canary seeds and a little bruised hemp may also he given, hut very sparingly. Cleanliness, simple food and fresh, but not cold, air are essential to the well-being of a canary. During the winter the cage should never he hung 1 In a room where thee is no fire. If the air is mild and the sun bright the window may be opened for fresh air. The cazo should never bo loss than eight inches in diameter and a foot high, and should have porches at different heights.?Clara I-awrenee. Curse Seems to Hold Good. A recent drowning at Blddeford, Me., recalls the old legend of the curse put upon the Saco river by the Indian squaw whoso papoose was thrown from one of the cliffs in "The Narrows," by white men who wanted to see if it could swim. That curse was. as the legend has it, that no yea: thould pans without at least ihrcr white victims of the river. There have alrereiy been two this summer A Natural Curiosity. A Brunswick, Me., man displays ? curious growth found by hir.i on a tre. in tnat town wittcn, inns tar. no one has been able to classify. I; consist: of a hollow. egg-shape I piece of wooi about the size of a too ball ami ol v nod one-fourth of nn inch thick. It? formation on a trei in such .1 p< s u'.iai shape is a matter of much comment by all who have aeon It. B. B. B. SENT FREE. Cup? * Hlooil 11 n l Skin IliiiMvci, ('nicer* I tali 111- Humor*. Rone I'nin*. P'.tr.nic Itlooil llalin (15. 15. I! 1 rare Pirnpli s. sruhhv, *cniy, iteliinc Iv'/.oinr Clcers. Kaling Soros, Scrofula. I51ihm1 Poi *on. Mono Pain*. Swellings. Hiicniii''.i*m Cancer. Kspecially advised for 1 hroni's that doctor.*, patent rue uicipt.s .ini Mot Springs fail to euro or help. St e^lli ens weak kidney*. Druggist*, *1 pi.- I.rg< hottle. To prove it cures 15. 15. 5. -.en fice by writing lll.oon Hai.M Co., J i Male. HIdg., Atlanta, l!a. De.sorilie troa Y nn; tree mediial advice sent in scalcifl letter Medicine sent at once, prepaid. M\;i tvi auk is that you will .-peak a good Ard fo Ghosts'' in Science. ' i"horo ?-<?s a time." says Sir Oliver Lod;fe, "when the investigation *oI ;?ii. ~ii*al si'it*in was tabooed, and when any one w iu> flabbicd in experiments was r. -aided as a perron who s; 111 h: io unvt :| foriiMden nv oierles, si: 1 i t make li'i ise!f wiser than men ttcri' intended 10 la*. The oldest human legend < ' this na'ure. an.I -Iti'v that time tin- forbidden topic has taken ?ne i'*?ia;! ir another, until now the . tn \KN'uit' is applied rhi<?fiy to rtii.'n i;?.y< hical phenoniand the a -uturoiM e.vplnrer into the in.v.d -ri? i; t > itiier'with j r'.di ale or v* It ii uperst it'ous a'cof- j U araorl.i: ?:t : Ji?- temp - anient j O!" .lie .X" : lo tie ouai:it( 1 v.' h ' !.- < rimir-- i i? "-mi" i.Oiict ite.iev in t ' -thy, r.r i link's th;.i the nietim'. a id p'n<< vi'i h ! ,ive proved suecessful in 1 t?>: ill I se ' is are penally nop! value i - Hi ? oT spirit tin 1 pll< ll >-'< :. I. (1 ie r "'..Ml.pies of in; s i. nt'l'e i- " v.ho have (impelled out into what t'1 ? majority of scion* i '- U r p; >. i . sit niv raw, p .? ?- < ii'iiee :ir<* a. '1. ViVhice. tho eo-i . revrer *w :111 ! ? In of se 'ioti. and Sir William Crookes. the : a' I' ii.;.l;sl\ eh? mist. .ho h; a firm hs'Vev-: r in *:iiritu:? -1-? and phn.'.ts. i'r f. Y.'Iliinrn .1 aires .u Harvard . I.. . : aiiK. < !;% or ,.:er cvriainly having claim to scientific distinction. Iroth apparently believed in Y'\- plp-r. win), if sin* did not -make her living, at any rale made h< r reputotion by e.mvnrse with disembodied spirits. New York Commercial Advertiser. Odds and Hnds. The Canadian plan of preferential | tarius in favor of Great Britain and the J British colonies, which remit one-thiru j is now being adoptld it*, the British colonics of S tuth Africa. A. IJnrnese has liad an mi pleasant ex- ; perieni o. While reluming 1' >m > laic in the night the worse fcrr drink he fell into the bears' pit at Berne. i'? r- j tunatily he was in ii>< pi l reserved for young hears and !i w .1. t > sleep t'lirronnded liy the anim.-.C. OndiMtv. eirng his plight next ni ntiiiv; li j shouted for lielp, and viiti in* aid of j topes and a ladd r "ie v... drawn up ; into the street apparentiy 11 ie t! I worse for tin- adventure. j k-?I?Z - - - ^ o.?nji/r; | Colds S " I had n terrible cold and could u hardly breathe. 1 then tried Aycr's X Cherry Pectoral, and it gave mc im5} mediate relief." W. C. Layton, SideU, III. Jg How will your cough I j be tonight? Worse, probably. For it's first a cold, then a cough, then bronchitis or pneumonia, and at last consumption. Coughs always tend downward. Stop this downward tendency by | I taking Aycr's Cherry Recti toral. * Three fttua: 25c., 50c., SI. A!l 4ruf|ftte. S Consult your doctor. If ho tako It. I then do as lie (aye. If ha telle you not to take It. then don't take It. He knows. n I-saro It with htm. \Y>- are willing. B J. C. CO.. Lowell. Man. i"capudTNE" ^a I I ipifc W" if* It acts irnm. Jiatalr ? C _ II fer E? *4 ton feel its effects la 19 V minutes. You don't ! INDIGESTION and tYu! AOiniTV week to know its food It cure* AulUlIT UCAlttt'lIKH ALMO bf rru- iluK the cause. lOceute. Caterpillar Causes Blindness. E. A. Wood of Bristol, Vt., crushed R caterpillar on his arm about a year ago, causing a sore tliat has affected ' his eyes and It Is now feared thut be 1 will loso his flgllt. Taking Out the Romance. 1 That back TCast poet who wishes he > "were the belt that clasps my ladye's ' waist" might feel somewhat enibar? rassed to learn that she y.ot it at ;? ? bargain cale for 1'J cunts.?Denver . I'ouL HAPPY WOMEN. Mrs. l'are. wife | of It. are, a prominent res- \ itlent of tllas- / \ gow. Ken- g . /'.V.-f t'v ^ tticky. says: / \\>.> \ "1 was sul'- # fC* .b*1 fcrlns I ffl \ n ooinplica- H ^ ^ ' \ 1 had :i irreut denial :.f troj.'jle with tin* ' secretions, which ; wcrr exceedingly variable, sometimes excessive niu! at other times scanty. 'I lio color was high, and passages were accompanied w i111 a scalding xensa'ion. Dona's Kidney Fills soon rcgu la led the kidney secretions, making 1 Ihelr color normal, and banished the inllammatinn which caused the senld1 ing sensation. 1 can rest well, my hack is strong ami sound, and 1 feci much hotter in every way." !> Foster-Milburn Co.. ltulYalo, N. Y. 1 For sale hy all dealers, price 50 cents per box. ,S ' MARSHALL FIELD Cured of Catarrh P^=ru=] ~ -. n 3II i . i "f<W> ; . - u / T: g Vfv:"' ..r:; - S / A mm- t lmxT Jwll.N T. NllKJtlfJ Hon. loliu T. Sh>\ih.ui. who iuis born lor sc< A (\?.V whohraln w.^tHioiw. uml is cor|K writes tho l'ol!o\vin< letter from .T/J3 ludaiu iVriHiti Medicine. Co., Col n ni tin *, tthlo. tlentlcmcn busl mh miner I c.tuyhi in 1/ kidney* an i affrcte I them badly. I t la rgely ad err tilted, bit' thry Hd not hrfi told me of the great help he had rc'-rivc l ease, and ? at once procured. * >tne. "It iras twice f a b'casing to in ", a * I < day, and trouble site t o s I bad a/fected i I'eruna cared mr eat irrl : and. I ivould i salary." / </J.Y T. SHI..Ill I V. Mi. ?l.n-oh Wfi!- front 44 Suilllll.T I siu avenue, ItrooUivn, N. Y.: I ft* " I a hi note a neir nt'iu at the tutc I *l" ' | tint of oevsiti ;:-/! ** ear*. I lion lex In \itnir | won icr/nl r. oic.iy I crnnti-?' > Jacob Fitly. ' . ' ' Catarrhal inflammation of the mu^tuiI itr l'Ti in;; nl t; i iilt."y*, nl?n -1! i ,! " 1 : m it 's i .is list-use," may l>?- ivilu-t a> ate olirnnii*. ? itio unite Inr ii prolines * finjitorn* ot rut T .in* it: ui-s *nl 14@%M ^ issues "NJF TheYouth's C THF. FAMILY PAPER OF NATIONAL ClRCLI.Ailv CHARACTERS ST HELPS TO MOLD ARE TYPK annual s'uhscri The \>w Fuhncrlber whocu - of this Papar at onoe with T> __ ___ All the laauea ot The Compa I 4 The Thanksgiving. Chri'tir The Youth'* Com|ani:>n J cgraphci! In twel\r i yl Then the fifty-two l*?ue* c J of the be*t reuitinfc I FULL .4 XXOUXCUMUXT AS'l> S KM I'LL S THE YOUTH'S COMPANIO If You Don't Want CURLS IN YOUR HAIR / villi Di> WANT i Csrpe iter's OX IMROW Plt'iXftf /l'KW\f!f OP tMir.iTI ?S D k sj I, ; * i ? 'ip-* r ?Jr ?4t r>*!Cht?Mi<*i* * >) : : pmk? I t * lj? fi't. I '! . ?U 1 1 -fe- I ).f?' I If-**. .il*>: tli*n * orth tin* i?rl<o. g ( P ?IC = . ?5 CENTS. J j J \i;il ff v*Mi,a 1-*:.* -i-' 'i I*?:' 1* %%*? \cHl viiil it l*> f nihil >n rt'i-'lu! <?f -'*? Is in ?*' i: ???>. ^ l CAKPF.NTEK & co , i * LO"isv<lte, Kv, I ? 8" 4'J" lIDON'T , ; GET WEI!? ii; >A5K YOHfi DtAllP FOD THE h SLICS\E? I" i MADc FAMOUS DY A DEPUTATION i j \ EXTENDING OVtD MOIte THANf? i i ! "j HALF A CENfUDY. | < J TOWcR'5 garments end jfj^ j VS;A A hat5 are made of the best /' f:-) V* *\ a > materials in blc.cK cr yellow 'If -) ! > H for all kirvis of wet work. ' ' ' iAinr-Aaion is gwaktied it- you stick to , , ]Hc SIGN OF THE PISH. I ' A J. TOWER CO . BOSTON. '1ASS .U S. A. V SEHOUSE MANAGER of Islidneys 1 >y na. 8I9ih& .f;-4 M *? ' %$ ^ % b mrnm k X, OK CHU Ai.O. rentren jrcara manager of M^wnJijUt >ra) 2d Regiment Infantry, \. N. vi., 't'liiif, Flat Six, Chicago, 111.: t a cold which neetneil to nettle in rtcri a couple of kidney rcpicdlea r? me tiny. One of my fore/pen In using I'crunn in a giml.'wr rt in on nil/ frrt a large part of the hir xrri mixly, but four bottlex bf ml be irithoul (I for three mouJlr*' li prominence that the serious nature 11j (lit-c i .t- is at onvo susjiected, but hie >ni varietj may come on so Kniiiuully i insidiously that its presence w i*->t sunted until alter it linn fastenej itself irou.thky upon its violin:*, it tie* appi i ranee of the tirst 3> 11441 run "11 M i should he taken. This r? ntr?Jy ihv 1 at once at the \ciy root of tire di*e. v hnoh on catarrh sent free hy The l'*lc Mi divine I v. Columbus. O. III I llll 111 ? l| 1 '\ t\ A inirnciKsmani^ '-t.x Companion _?N. .HT i.lFE IT PICTURES 4NO TtbS liA!. OF OUR TIMES AND COUNTRI OU'?BU2XKa]inMaHBHMM| ption Offer. i ts out itnl rends tills slip or tile name i t .75 will receive : :i!oit tor the remaining weeks ol I90.t;n? mJ New Year's Double Numbers. Springtime" Calendar for 1904, Mfholor> sod gold. if The Companion for 1904-sUbrsr) or evert member ol the uniffr. i. i Ol' THE I'APBR iUJU N. BOSTON. MASS. Kipiin?Tnbni-.,;<?re tbe l>?st dyHyu^islet iSfA^sm medicine ever mud? /u4 e>/a hundred iuM&o?* ?f thorn havo sold In the United Stales Id & ski#)** year. Kvery ittmwa rrom a uisoruerea stomach ;< dieved or cured by their line. So mtmon is it that diseases originate 'oni the stomach it may be safely :?*>rtrd there is no condition of ill faith that will not be benefited or ured by the occasional use of Ui|>;rL* abides. Physicians know them and [teak highly of them. All druggist* ^11 them. The five-cent package is nough for an ordinary occasion, and to Family Mottle, sixty cents, contains household supply for a year. One cnerally gives relief within twenty dilutes. iflf~ L. DOUGLAS 3.S8 & *3 SHOES? You can oavo from ?3 to b5 yearly by woatiag W. L. Douglas $3.50 or $3 /noti. Tlicy equal those list have been oust- /r . g you from ?4.00 ? '? s.' 'Pio iin- r' uonso sale of \V. L. ?j - te>.l >ouglas shoes proves flHt hair superiority over Wivy GV1 .11 other makes. L Vr w|' Sold by retail slioo 'J [ealers everywhere. ' J'h*l I?i?uelas uses Cor- .,?<*>?* 1. kn.nColt proses there Is JMC7* / Bk. *!? ? ill ihniirlas -hoe*. I'ornna Is the hlvhmt ,-^fV./^#v iE .j iraile her uia'lc. *JpV Our $4 Gilt Edtj? I int- -nnnut i* c. uatfod a( any tiric*. Shoes Itj mail, 2o rents e\t r.t. Illustrate.! l'.\!alog fre?. W. I.. l)Olr<;l.W Itroriston, Ma*s. s ma mil! f. nrr.vim. Psini hiwmt ^ 11 I l-hi I \ MsCon l Bu.l.ltnr, Was Morton It 0. H | Lll I On mis PHixii'ri.T .s, ? U>?ifcl?t ou rtlaal* M*t VV^iK