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Local and Personal, Mrs. K P. Galling of Halle- . horo, N. C., is here. on a visit to . fier mother. Mi*. M. A. Uelk. Misses lleulah and MayQninu,' of Gfistonia, N. 0., are v.Hitiny1 Miss Leatuia Tom nee, of upper! Fort MiH. Uradstreel's estimate of the eot ton erop is that it will l?t? no larger than la?t year, ivbieh was 10,727,000 i fileB. and may not he as lanje. When a business man lets up on advertjoiiti^. hit business generally ; lets up on I:iin. Mr. L X. Culp suffered a pain ful injury to three lingers of l^is right hand Tim s lay while operating a gin at Mr \\ . ?J. Stewart's ginnery. Friend* of Mr-. 1>. N. Culp will regret to iearu that she is a? riou.- - I ly sick at her home on Confederate street. Mr. H. A MeKiu/.ie and Miss Fannie Wadsworth, employees of the Fort Mill Mfg. Company, were uiarr.ed Monday afternoon at the , home of u Mrs. MctJiimis in the upper mill village, 'Squire .J. \Y. 31 e Flhauoy otii ending. A marriage which will be of interest to Fort Millians js that of Mt B. Frank Massey. of Tir/.ah. and Miss Maggie Pong, of Ebcnezer. which is to take place at the home of the young lady's mother, Mrs. M. J. Pong, litis evening at N o'clock. Capt. T. B. Spratt, of this place, is to act as best man. Ticket Agent Whitloek informs lis that on last Wednesday he sol 1 250 tickets to Charlotte. Tlu? attraction there whs the Barnum <fc Bailey circus, bill a tnuj ?rity of those wiio went Iroin 111ih place I were disappointed in the show and say it was ' bum.*' County Treasurer Xeely nrrivtd this morning and will he here today and tomorrow for the purpose of collecting slate and coun y taxes. 1 hose wli'i v W!" VS*Si !t*!!!' y do bo, should meet him and pay up and avoid the possibility of allowing the taxes to go over unpaid. Mr. J. 1j. Knnbrell informs us we were in error last week as to the number of buahelso f potatoes he gathered fr an one and a half acres. The am mat \vns3-u bushels, instead of 12a as stateed. Don't forget the "mass" meet in^ i*i the town hall tomorrow evening. Kveiy citizen of the town, (should be present. The limiting will he called to order at 7.3J o'clock. Dr. J. Tl. Thomwcll is sutferinn J very little now from his injuries in last week's wreck and his fiiends ho [Hi he will make a speedy recovery. MifcH Mary Ardrey returned Monday from a visit to Miss danie Alassey, of Bock 11 ill. Among those, who attended the Woods-Sledge nuptials in Chester last Wednesday evening was C.'apt. T. B. Spratt and Miss Mason Harris, of this place, the former acting as best man. Miss Rena Caldwell, of Harrisburn, N. ('., spent several days of 41,a i. .i \? ? > ... poni nrri\ null MCI MblCI", i>HH II. F. Ci rier, of this place. Mr. .Tames Miuey ami Miss Clara Clmk were'married yesterday afternoon by ^Magistrate McElhauey, nt the l itter's office at the head of .Main street. ?? ?- ? Dr. Tliornwell Injured in a Wreck. Much anxiety was felt here Wednesday over a 'phone message from Chester to the effect that L)r. J. II. Tnornwell was seriously injured in an early morning wreck near that place. Dr. Thorn well was a passenger on passenger train i No. 23, which collided with a work train two miles north of Chester, and while standing in an, Willi tllfOWll V'lnl.Ull lu ?i... a. 'J *" X"K ?"?? . sustaining injuries which rendered 11iin unconscious for a short time. He u'hh taken to Chester and, after reeieving medical aid, was able to return on tin* evening train to his home in this place. The wr ok was due t<> the crew of the work train having overlooked the schedule of the passenger train. Gus lVsti-n, a colored laborer on the work train was instantly killed and a number of other parties slightly injured The trucks were bloekrd f?>r several hours and it was neresr-nry to send out ??e extra train from Rock Ihll to handle the circus crowds who had , expected to go to Charlotte on the 1 regular train. The Whter Will Be ColdTin re is a good old fashioned "sign" that the coming winter will be a severe one. twentieth century omen iconoclasts to the contrary. I notwithstanding. Our grandparents held lirmlv to the belief that where there was a superabundance of fruits and nuts, I>ame Nature's liberality was but the display of wiedom in providing her children \ OUR, FA LI eiuc.T3Bcrra.vffJt* jauujk* u^ar^w v -^taacjs^is of Dry G > Shirts, P Are arriving daii 4-4 * -* induced us to buy hea\ to offer seme special h Call and see our J interest, Do not forget the ways filled with a con We can also save MILLS siiImtaure I M tuc severe winter 11 i;i 1 is e< lining. Anntlier "si^n" that leis 1 un IKitieiMlllle t' r tin* week <>i ?? ?i u.i\k i- nit1 unusually l I < t> 1 rt <1 sunsets. mid even itMt*i* < >ld Sol Ins | 111? (1 up hi.-, last I *i!t tlap nii'l tin 11. i y is vloii. . 5 !u- i; y remains a nlory "I deep criius n which onulnaily fades away I" 1 > i? the ray-oft silvei y moon. These i s'j*tis were all firmly believed in I !>\ out ton f. tiers. The wild fi nits ! and nut- are said to exist in *?re;,t quantities this year, hence the winter should be an unusually hard one. William Voutltr. the susp-cled bank robber who was shot by ?.lli eers of Kind's Mountain on Monday of last week near Wright's ferry, died the following evening at <? o'clock. \uting\s home was in Hull imore. Don't ask us about "Fewer (bilious; wears longer." Ask the postmaster about "F? wer gallons; wenvH louder." Tw o small hoys in Hock Iliilj Raw the man at the carnival make a high dive and, later, tried to go through the same nerfortnanee. They procured ti ladder and when about half way up, the laddei broke and the b-ys, ladder and pot, into which they were going to dive, were in a pile together. The youngsters are still living and it is needless to say that this is theii last attempt at hioh-div no. - -m40+Eisastrouc V7r;:ts. C'nrolessncss is responsible for many a railway wreck and the same cai pes are making human wrecksof sutTerers Ir an Throat ami Lung troubles, lint since the ml vent of Dr. Kino's New Discovery for Consumption, Cough.-. ami Colds, even tho worst eases can be j cured is no longer necess uy. Mrs. Lois Cingg (,t" Dorchester. Mass.. is one of many whose life wasaved by Dr. Kino's Ne v Discovery. This great remedy isouarnuteed for all Throat ami Lung diseases by all druggist. I'rice 50c, and 1.00. Trial bodies free. Notice. I have bought out \V. 0. Hull's interest in his blacksmith simp, ami I will shoe your horses ami mules for fifty cents. All sizes of tires cut at Barents, Hiid rnnliKuul wit In ????' ^!.w.i put in at 10 cents each. All kinds of gun and pistol work done and satisfae tiou guaranteed. A. W. JOURNEY. Trespass Notice. All persons, regardless of age. si'/o or color, are hereby warned not to hunt, or trespass in any manner, upon the lands of the undersigned. Those disregarding this notice may expect to figure in the courts, as I will certainly prosecute all tresppassers 10-as It Ira C;. SMYT1TE. : Important Notice. A "mass meeting" of the citizens of the town of Fort Mill is hereby called to meet in the town hall, on Thursday, Novembor 13th, at 7:30 p. ni. to discuss ways and means of obtaining LIGHTS and WATER for the town. Every citizen is invited toattoud. By order of the council. T. S. K1RKPATRICK, Attest: Intendunt. J. M. SPR ATT, Clerk. , and W1NTI oods, Notions; >antsg Mats ar y, Our increased sale: rier than ever before, an $ 'C.~ STOCK before you buy, fact that our Grocery rplete line of choicest ea you money on Furnitu 3 &, TT O Ov'C ?0 ?C3S?>?G ?S ?? fjj 3HIave ~Y~ O ~u TIim? 1 1 I Ci I k.^41 V 1 Dae ? alley S Q It's title Toe | THE COMPAI 0 3???????????<S ^?550? 3? ?S?@?@5 | Big Bai ? @ || Twonty-iive Pi (? famous Hlanko | '4 $ Elkin, ('. g | ? a *CZ | 3. ? ? Those Blanket <j? g? kind that usual & 83.00, ?4.00 n Call ami see the S Yours for k 1 tiii; old iu Cg T. B. BELX, LTIio "Picnic F< has boon a grc BwBBnHBBIMBHi 00????????? ffiSTQfiK I , Shoes, ?d Gaps 5 in these lines have A 4 d wc are prepared , It will be to your Department is al^ tablesre. XX 1ST Ori?@? ???????? ? l Bought | i ;k of ? Qg Floor Yet?? , ? ,, )3"t SOiCl ^ MY STORE, | u ? 7 )S>89@o)?3?3?? 5??@?????G?? rgain, | j uirs of tlio 0 : Is inadr at ^ 3 1'i'ii'os? ^ d. :>o, 11 |9) iSO. i I s si r<v tlio v IIv sell for jp 1 & ind 85.00. @ HI. @ msinoss, LIABLE, | PR0P 1 >r Havers" at si i cocas. <| i j3k vv @0? ??0 >? ?@? SELLING ( Having decided to di Made (dothing departmeni suit in stock at-' Wholesa] We have a lot of bran ,.!> ? * * ^ w i r ci 11 v V. I I? il 11 tT \> Mllll I I New lot Ladies'and Me to 20 per cent under price. Sorry we have not bee demand for our famous II; was not our fait. All gooi hind on orders; however, way and will he able to suj the time this reaches you. L0 <J? [VIA New Goods Fleered l)ii k white 1*. K M??io of that heavy "skirting for uml Military Hose Supporters, the liest t I look (Support, rs \V<<ii)i*11 and ehildreiis' Supporters.. iocos Try a pair of Iron CI id Hose for yot lis lu sr. tin y are the liest that you en A new line of childretis' hose * )iii .'a* k t trad.- mi: pastes all other ileti . Wo have th in at S2.n0, ?3.00, ?. .ud ?12.~>0. ESIOEOIEiS ? We s II tin- I) -.s! allocs that tlu' mark [<n?'l school slice for your hoy or tfirl, I *?c. SI.(to ??r 51 TI10 same mail m ho for women on carta. Kvery pair Tim Walkover, for men, lias won tl lorn them miio their praiso^. Moacham vp .r-v o.'> V V W V'NPV NPNPSPS "N< ' V I* ;l ESJRE ^ 1 >< 1 you believe in 1 1 yon run y;et the bes "v Htiiniier price? j\; ' 'I Wo invito you t?? Si o I luli-rwt'ni', Sinn's, 11 ; * *V?v Doii t miss out s Hoy's ('lotliino (iltd Our motto is t > carry ^ I lint will at ii |>ri< / readily realize this ^ invc oui prices for yoi \ McELHANEY-P * v I * * s 0*TV*\*VtfVt\va\ 4\4V<?*??V?V4 . \4> v JT'% * \4> f (PUMMER 1> TIIE LINE the line J^AlfcaJ THE LINE ?H TMZ SUM ME C0U7HEF*a = Complete Mailed Ei |\anw?r w.A.T?r,. s V* Pass. Traffic M^r. Cc V WASHINGTON. D. C. V//. ^ /V I J,l*)UT AT COST. iscontinue our Ready t, we now offer every Le Oost. new suits, and this is a ery cheap. rn's Underwear at in in able to supply the irrisburg Shoes, but it i shoe factories are bewe have a lot on the >ply our customers by SSEY. Weekly. 13 and 20c crvvear and kamoners 10c. liat can ho bought 50c 25o 10c 33E5? ir boy. If ho ia hard on ii buy 25c 10, 15 and 25c E3TS. ma. Our Htock is now com;*.50, $5.00, $0.00 $(>.50, $10.00 et affords. If you ever want a Lry a pair of Godinan'a, at 30c, akes I ho be.-t $1.25 and $1.50 guaranteed. u* day. Every man that has & Epps. r- >? X*HAS fj joying where t fronds at a 3 4\ A A $j| i our line of .? ? ate, Clothing, 33 bargains in t* Odd Paula. 1 nothing over '2 ' re. You will jj fact by see- ~P *| urself. Come! ARKS CO. fjj J " ""'""I) FOR BUSINESS, FOR PLEASURE, FOR ALL THE BEST R RESORTS Summer Resort Folder ree to Any Address. . H. Hardwick, W. H. Tatlob, in'l Pms. At:?nt. Asst. Gun'l As.t. illlNGTON. d.c. atlanta, oa. s.i