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V ' ? *? ' J , ? i'OUT MlU/ilMES DfMOCRATIC publishi:d hvkky wkdnespay B. W. BRADFORD. T'-i ins nf Subsi i ii>ti >! : One year $1.00 Fix months f.O Three month? 2f. Correspondence on current subjects is Invited, but 110 reRji.iiiHlblllty Is ?isKun.ed for the views of correspondents. .Anonymous < ommunic.'itlons will not he published in there columns. On Mppllcntion to tin- publisher, advertising ate made known to those hit' test <!. T'"ort ^1111 'I'hone (with long dUstauce ! rnnnections) No. 2?>. r? NOV EM UK It 11. 1 - i? - ? It is 11>>t only nt'i'o-Hiiy, 1ml is h duty, 111mt eviTV citizen of Kort Mill tit t * * 1111 the "mass meetum" to he held in the town hall tomorrow < Thursday ) eveniiiyc at 7 wit o'clock. The inntlor to he discussed is one of utmost iit)portanoe to every citizen of the town, anil to reach a I satisfactory conclusion every male resident should he present. It is conceded by all th .t lights and water are not only two >>f t lie town's greatest needs, hut are absolute ; necessities for the eoiufurt of ? ur people and the protection of iife and properly. The pnrpo e of the the meetilit;, as slated by notice in another column, is to devise means of obtaining the ligals and water. The muelinjr, as stated, will he a public tratliwrini! and the sutrtjeHtjon of each citizen will be "considered impartially. .lust what the sentinient of the general |?nI>is, or will lie, the rep ?rt -i is 111111, ble to any, Init, from information iniined through conversations with a number of prominent citizens, it is presumed that t e issue before meeting will lie whether it bo advisable for the town to put on a special tax levy to pay tin* rental of sue 11 services or issue and sell bonds sntiieient to erect a water and light plant. We have little ' 4dea as to the eosi in either in-! stance, and art; unable to say which we favor, but from our information it would seem that the election of the plant would be preferable to paving rent for the service for an iudetiiji.e period. We shall not attompt to further discuss the matter, however, as we feel confident that our citiz ns. with a keen view to t he interests at stake, will aceept pr adopt no proposition or suggestion that may lie ofTerod without first investigating jt thoroughly. Again wo will ask and urge overy citiz m of the town to attend the meeting tomorrow evening. I \ 1! - I * a - ? - A I 1 WIlHJtMIU If pOIHIOlOHS Uirolltillnul tin1 country lire pleased at tin* result of last week's elections. While the party < 1 id not succeed in defeating Senator Maium in Ohio, it had a splendid victory in Maryland, where Piesident Roosevelt's attitude on the race q nest ion formed the principal issue, and in New York City it prevented the Republicans, undor the mii-o of Fusionists. from retaining control of the city, M Clelland's majority of over (>3.0lX) is sure to bring j the State into the Democratic line pext fall; ami Maryland's repudiatin ion of the Republican party lifts caused the present ad niuistra lion much alarm. In the senate. Gorman will have the prestige of paving administered a severe defeat to the party in power, and in the house. Hearst will recall the fact that his papers succeeded in bringing the Democrats into line in New Y ?rk Oity. Tliese men will be the champions of the Democratic cause and one of them may i possibly load the party in thecam Mign next fall Senator Gorman! will attack the negro policy of the president while Representative i Hearst will sh w the laboring men 1 how little they have to expect from the Republican party. The : "open shop" controversy is by no ! means settled in the eyes of the j lab ?r lenders nn.l tliev nr? li- ' able to turn to Mr. Hearst to lend Hie r opposition to the President. Manna will come bnek to the !Sennteniid it is heleived by ninny that hin victory in Ohio will lend liitn to beleive tlmt he is destined for greater things. The republican defeat in Maryland where the President was an iHsue, may serve as a pretext for the opposition in his party. At all events the loss of New York and Maryland will weaken the present administration. Work is progressing rapidly on the statue of General Robert 10. 1 Lee which is to be erected in statuary hall in the nntional capitol. It is gratifying to the public in general to feel tliht the old prejudices ?if the civil war have been so far removed as to make it possible for a statue of the great confederate general to be placed alongside of those of the federal leaders. It is as it should bo. Hubert K. Lee was one of the greatest generals America has ever known, and I hough lie fought for a lost cause his rterling qualities are so well known he is ent.tled toall the huttQr we tan give Ilia i?enp?ry. 7 I An fX' lun IK*' asserts I lint Wall s'reet lilts lit'coine absolu elv <11vorcetl from Southern ami Western intlusti ji'.s. Ami it d>e? ?cem k<?. Some years aijo a situation like the present one on the New ^ ork stock exchange would hav shaken the country to its foundations. N >w the tiouhles of the W all stro t men have become merely a local issue and do not af feet the ot.|jeral prosperity of the' country. Southern and Western; act i vi I ies and money n o at home. The business is real. Their er ps i are in si^ld. Their money is in the hank, or invested in local in tlu^t l ies, farms, cattle ranches, f ic lories and business blocks. These ! values do not shrink in a day. and ar?* 11 .1 mutters of speculation Notliiny short of a disastrous crop failure can cheek the present p osperity. The fanner now is not in the condition of lBD.'i, when lie was carry mj a heavy morl</u;r?\ and had to li >rro\v from month to month and you to year to harvest j and move li s crop. Tod iy lie is intrenched behind a farm which is paid for. and a bank account which is ample, to say notliini; of tlie small LTiaiu in the barns and the cattle in t he fields. The fanner ' is prepared to stand otT the wolfe for a lam,' and so 1??11?_r us lie is prosperous the rest of the e din- ! try will d ? very well. I t's I lie farm, and not Wall street, which sup j ports the country. Will's iii ninny lmv?' gone up fully u hundred per cunt, in Chiea while the cost of living 11us increased iih >ut fifteen to tweu- j ty per cent. The net ion of the In hot" unions, however, in forcing the price of hilmr up to nn nhn >r null figure has resulted in a siugnation in the building line, ainl the city will l?e indeed lortiinate if it gels through the winter without conside able dislresH am ?ng working men iih a remit of their being1 iinn'ole to ^.'-f constant employ nieiit The moneyed interestH of the city refuse to make any invest moots in the const ruction line until a more set tied condition exsist s. and a shrewd business in in can | hardly blame them for the -stand they li ive la ken. I ? \V\. -II- : ?-- ?> ' " ?t. U.n'iyn-r villll IIJU IVUCK 11 II) I Icrald Hint after January 1st tin* closing ??f t!io Charlotte bars ni 8 p. in. will cm use "weeping among (lie 'old sou Us' in those purls.'1 So j long as the afternoon tmiu makes I daily trips to ('hurh)tle, the bar men of that city will contiinio to reap the rich harvest, which should ! benefit "those parts' under one or more Well regulated disp usuries. One of our nraniest coiilenipo- j rarieR strikes the keynote when it I says that reckless and uiiscruplous promoters have done more than legislation or preaching fan do to put an end to stock inflation and to discredit, get-rich-quiok concerns Such enterprises must fool the public if they are to till anyone's pickets and by th ir own greetI they have warned the public to fight shy of them. The reev'iver to< the notorious ship comhuir has recommended that pro ceilings lie taken against Charles M. Schwab and others to com el them to pay for the millions of stock which they received for nothing. The receiver puts Schwab and associates in the same category with other theivo;. o ? a In a talk to his Sunday School i class D. Rookfellcr scored the j trusts 111ht are worked f>?r personal gain to the deti iment of t ha public. We hope that will deter the old innii from raising the price of oil ana in this week. Ask yonr lawyer about "Fewer gallons; wears longer " Ask yonr dootor about "Fewer gal- j Ions wears longer." Charles 11. Thomas, a white Republican of Chicago has euvolvad a campaign button for which his parly would not stand sponsor. It represents President Roosevelt at dinner with Hooker T. Washington. Across the face ; of the picture is the word "Equal- j ity." The zealous Mr. Thomas ( wished to impress upon the colored brother the idea that the only way to the higher life was to vote the | Republican ticket. His brilliant idea is depicted in the campaign button. Thousands of the buttons are being worn by ^olured m mi in Chicago and the demand throughout the oountiy is glowing. Ask your Minister about "Fewer gab Ions; wears longer." Ask yonr grocer about "Fewer gallons, wears longer." i ?? Those people who think it j ensv to publish a newspaper in a small town would doubtless change their beleifs were they tolake hold of the Times just at this time, i It is dend easy to get\up a p?p*r when news is plentiluf. tint when there is nothing happening, it is just a little difficult to manufacture new*, \ . \ ' "!* ' ' i * s I COMPLETION OF THE DAM. j With Good Weather, the Masonry Will Be Finished Within Two Week j. Power Prices Higher. Tim limn <>f the Catawba Power I Co. is 11t*iii in<_r eomplelion, Says the Hoitk Hill I b raid. There is now only a trap of a be ait sixty f ?t to till in. ti is enclosed within the las' iMill'er dam, ami the waters of the river now pass thr ai^li the nates. The water has all been pitiiipe ! out of the hi-t roller d tin ! and if there should not be a flood in tlio river or the weather heeonie too severe all the masonry will be completed within two weeks or at the tardiest three weeks, when the nates will be closed and the yreat lake be_'in to till. 1 )r. \Vvlie has been here f.?r ? veral ilnys. lie is greatly pleased with the progress of the work and deli^hled at the bi 't prospe t for the t n I lie lias striven so faithfully to reach. His rinht hand b over, Mr. Lee. has uroveii t<? In* t lie ri'dit in hi in tiir rich! place, ami to linn Dr \'t ylie a-ci ill -? j^i fit praise. Vest.mday in a talk with Dr.! \V)lie lie made it plain that it is now up id 1 ioek II ill whether Koek Mill shall o-t all the power Fold .Mill and L'-iinville in v not use; or with ilie excepti.?n of 1.500 lior-epower aire idy eoiitraeted in this city, shall e() to CMixrl >tle in proferenco. Dr. Wyliesaul: Mr. Lee experts to have the wheels turniiie hy Christmas and he ready to deliver electricity in Kock Mill soineliine in January. I We will have ah ml 0 000 horse-I p*?wer on tin* machinery now heme put ill. to Hell. We think that Fort Mill is the hast market for us. h'raits it is only ah ml three and a half miles fooin the plant, and the next is K ?ek 11 dI, because it is only six miles distant. In slaitino this plant, we offered to sell to the different null men' p i\ver for use in their mi I is at ?15 oil i'io line, lit idle! itlLC electricity to the mill men at that time t u 4l\ ..... .(..i..,l i.. < I..... <i..., was it I ion I one-half tin* actual vul in* ?>t" electrical power ?|**v?*l<?p?*<I by tin* best st en ill plants, as found by tests at the Noith liy both s > entilie and business men; and we are ready to cleatIv prov?? t at electricity t ?i day no- in I'onnsyl. | vinia and New \ oi k. d *veloped t>y water power, is b*in-_j Hold and eatferly taken at about one cent an hour for horsepower, or >o-> 00 for eleven hour p aver. But our reason for offering it at sueli a low rate at that time was that this I'll- ! terprise was a new one and a very ddli-nit one t linanee, electricity not heiiiK well tin lei'sto id tliell. ami 11 was ii -eessary lor u- to have ! a certain iiin<>uiit of power contraded f??r before making the sale of on bonds. Thai has ad l> on effected; it l as all been financed and iegardless of any contracts, We are able to show that we can develop s> Hindi power and now again we offer o the mill men of Keek Hill an I Port Mill this power at about two thirds the actual value of that power developed by steam. Our reason for s > doing this is that llork Mill is out best market, on account of the distance. and especially, because we are carrying 11 big m ? rest expen o and we wish to sell enough power in the near future to pay fixed charges. Having s Id now ab ail 1,500 hnisep over, we will have about as much more power to grill in Kock 11111. and we now offer it at $.*{.00 more than we di last year I.ere. Instead of bang $15 00 we now ask $1800 per horse power. I We give notice a year ago that this would be true. .lust as soon as this amount is taken up, we wilt hold power for a still greater rise of from 20 <.r 25 oer eeni which w.* I'll!) afford to do as soon as our rout:acts will enable us to piy tixcd charges. And uulrss the pro- ^ ptr of ii ?i k Mill and c >min 1111 itv arouml take t his p nvrr lit t lie price offered, namely, SIS 00, we have all our plant ready and arc romnnmi- , eating with the Charlotte people with a view of currying the main i part of this power to Charlotte tor sale, and we hope that the matter will be clearly understood by the ! unit men and other people interested in the progress of this city. 1 In addition to what Dr. Wylie has stated, Mr. W. S Leo. vicepresident and chief engineer, says the water wheel is at present installed for 12.000 horse power and we are now installing the electrical equipment for fi.OO'J horse power. The power house is completed and there, is about .1,000 yards of masonry to l>o laid on the (lain, the total amount of mas niry in the dam being about (10,00) yards. We lack about <10 feet of having the walls connected. The last coffer dam has been completed and we arc now cleaning its foundation. All the stone is quarried and on the grounds ready for use; all materials, such as cement, &cM are abooii hand. Willi continued good weather the stone work will be laid by the end of the mouth. In order that if may not appear i from what has hoen said that the company intends or ever expected to 'squeeze" anybody into signing a contract. it may !>? proper to slate iIihI in order to lay our mains front the dam either to Rock Mill, Fort Mill, Pineville, or Charlotte, it is necessary for us to know approximately how much power we will possibly sell at either place; consequently we are now taking I np the matter o' rout rants \\ i 111 ! all pirties interested and as soon as we can determine about what ; power will be used at each phce, we will lay out and build mains ncc ad i ugly. We are now within only a few weeks of the time when we will be , ivady to deliver power ami it mm lie understood how impciative it ithat we must close contracts. Ask W. It. Carol hers about "Fewer gallons; wears longer." er..:> r m.v ... .. n - ? ?? an iui n nvr nmmnsi wears l-onger." -* *> The heaviest host of the season appeared Sunday morn int.', and p et n vegetal ion is a tiling of the; past for 1 his year ? Tot A Cick lay Since. "I was taken sevoily^siok with kidney trouble. 1 tried all soils of medicines, none of which re- | leived nie. ( hie day I saw an ad. of your Kit e i ie Hitters and determined to try that. After takinu I a few doH-s I lelt releived. and s Oil thereafter was ciitin ly cured, and have not seen a siek day sinee. Neighbors < f mine have been cured of Hlieumat :stn. Neui alyia. Liver and Kidney tronbhs and (!eneral Debility." This i- what tj. ' F. 1 hiss. (,f Fre uu nt, N. C. writes Only f?()e, at all di n^j stores. ('apt, Kdwards of ( Miester was a visitor to Fort Md! yesteidiy. A Kor.a^ray Bicyclo. Terminat-al with an u^'v eij! on j ih.? 11'it of .1. II. Oiner. Franklin I (5 rove, III. It d vel<>p d a stub- j b >rn ulcer utiyeildiiio to doctors and remedies for four yea is. Then ! Illlekleii's Al'llica Salve cured. It's just as ooo l for thirns. Scalds. Skin Krupi ions and l'iles. 2~?c, at all dru^ stores. Cotton sdd for 10.05 on this market yesterday. Tcccn't Kcspc:t Cld Ago. ll's sliiiineful when yonlli fails to show j>r?>p??r respect for old aj*e, Im: just tI to contrary in the ease of Dr. Ivinii'sNew Life Pills. They ciil olV maladies no matter how severe and irresp olive <-f old no,.. Dyspepsia. Jaundice, l'Vver, Constip ition all yeild I?? this perfect l'lll 'Joe, at all iii no stores. Jiqller and e^oH aro in demand at present. INDIAN POTTERY. A new lot jiifd from tlie Catawba Xati 'ii. liny now and ort desirable pieces foi Xinas presents. Shredded Wheat and Force. A fresh lot <>f each has just ar. :.. - i i 4 : 4 * -1 nvtm. ii is easy i<> ^e i in uie habit i?f eating this li?*a 11 li fn 1 ni:d wholesomo food which is ready prepared. Garwood's Perfumes Are par excellence?tlio best hat money ecu buy. Ten ? dors. Price 50 cell's per ounce? At ARDREY'S. j PROPOSITIONS. If you desire to buy sell, or exchange Ileal Estate, Stocks, Ponds, Jfco., ask less idle questions and sljove up jo ir business propositions. f am open for business, but it is offers 1 am after and less questions. 1 have plenty of property that 1 can sell you throughout the Stale, if notliiuu on my list to suit you, it is my business to find it for you if you will apply in a bus iness ?wiy. Let Me Sell You The Fort .Mill Construction Co.l complete, real estate, machinery,] tools, Ac. Or will sell the tnuchin cry separate from the real estate. Don't let a good plant lie idle aV uind you. Make a business proposition and put it to work. I am told this is good machinery in good repair. One thing sure I want to soil it, nod will sell it if you make a business offer. J. Edgar Pong, Broker, Bock Hill, S. C, iLv.v 'irfAsMi . 1 TRKiiPAPH NOTICE, AVI persons nro hereby warned not to linnt, fish, or in any way trespass thkui nnv of the lauds owned or eon trolled liv flu' undersigned, under penalty qf law. W H. JONES ,1. W. AUDREY. .1. If. COLTHARP. D. A. I.EE. A LEX. N I YENS. T. ]). WITHERS. B. 1). Sl'RIXt :s. E. B. SPRINCJS. H. W. HUFFMAN. J. II. SUTTON. B. F. MASSKY. T. II. M ERR IT!'. ft,*.** * ^ 4 lilpr^ $ * NEW MARKET. t> $ I have opened i lirst class ? ^ Meat Market in the old Gulp d <? stand on Main street ami will ^ ? keep on hands at all times a J j * supply of choice Beef, Fork, ^ ^ Mutton. i-'ausajje, el.-. My w $ prices will always he as low <p $ as the lowest. ' 1 hone your A orders to No. '4!) and receive A > prompt at t lent ion and fair a J dealing. X 5 \V. L. HALL. # * fjer- Fresh Fish and Oys- ^ ^ ters every Saturday. t t $ The MODEL STEAM LAUNDRY Or Charlotte, N. C., Is unexcelled in the class of work it turns out Any work not found to he entirely satisfactory will he relaundcred free of charge to the owner. McElhaneyvFarks Co,1 4 x . A^CIllS, Shipments Thursday mornings. Basket returned cn Saturday. FOR GOOD WHISKIES, WINES, BRANDIES, ETC., CAl'l- ON OR WRIT? TO W. II. IIOOVER* tB\KM>lTK, N C. DO YOU READ? !f ho, T oan furnish you with tho following stuminrri literature: Ainsleo's ,, ? lOn McUluro's ,, lOo I/twite's Popular Monthly lQu Soribnor'K 25o Smart Sot 25o Strand lOo Collier's Weekly 10o Vanity Fair JOq l.adies' Home .Tounial l(ln A in on can Hoy 10o J 10o Puck Munsoy lOo Argosy I0o Tho Hurr Mcintosh 2oo Wide World ...'. 10o Person's ICo "Tho Stntc," on Sundays 5o IF?.. IE Parks, At Ardrey's Drug Store tjiksi'ass notice, Notice is hereby givon that all i**rsons arc warned not t<> limit, fish, or trespass in anyway on the land of the undersigned. Those who violate this* notice will he dealt with n> the full extent of t h> law. as well as sutler other eonseiiucneoa that may follow. J. 1'. J3.\U,ks. DO Yor DRINK? If So, Try Our OLD nmUH CORN WHISKY Guaranteed U to 5 years old. Mild and Mellow. Always the Same. $2.50 per Gallon. Thoueaml Mail Orders Promptly Fillod (?. W. NORMAN, Hoth 'Phones P. O. Box 55. CALOTTE, N, G. GIVE US A TRIAL ORDER n n.l a.if f l? itnu l II W H EST WHISKIES, W 1 N E S, HllANDI ES, Etc., \t I la c in w>t re;iMin<?bt<? ptico. J. 0. Ross & Cc Prop^., tiii: goi ud saloon, Cll.\ l.Ui( >TTE. N. C. No. 20 \\' Trade Botli 'Phones. HAVE YOUR MEASURE T A K E N for your now Fall garments. i It is the only proper and satI is factory way of Diiyingyour clothes, heit!!^ that "'(lOOD ; CUOTIIES ARB AT,WAYS MATH: To OKIiKK." Mako your selection from the tailoring line of STRAUSS BROS. ' C h i c a g o, i S s i. i S 7 7 Good tailors for over a quarter ceutyry | You'll -iiml a world of pleas-. J? 1U ?tUI?ll(J II1C tlUUll'.S H made by Stratizs Bros.,? x' 9 faultless in style, fit, finish q ; nu materials. They're so much l etter than the ordinary run of clothes, yet prh-ci are astonishingly low, and your jierfcctly sate in ordering", because if garments are not satisfactory, you needn't take them \VB Wlhh IIIS PLEASED TO * l liov; YOU OIJK CtRKAT ; 1,1 ,F? < :<' SA.lPnL S? CALL/ OH I Fcrt Mill, S. C. 8 I J J U. Trayw c!r & Co, DKAl.EItS IN FINE L1Q; <>I!S AND WINES, No. 42 KftHt Trwle St. CHARLOTTE. - - - N. 0. ' 1 . r _ \nrnnn < m ?kot< h and description m*y qulrkl v .oworuin our opinion free wtirthm ao Invention is pmhnbly patentable. OomniunlratlousRtrtotly <-<>nildontlal. Handbook on Patents sent frmv oldest mroncy for securing patents. l-atents <nkor. through Munn ft Co. rocoivo tprcial nntlct, without cbnrve, in tho ! . Scientific American. A handsomely Illustrated weekly. I-arrest circulation of any sclonttfle journal Term*. V< a year: four month*. $1. Mold by ull nowsdealor*. SIUNN & Co.'6'6'""-". New York I Branch Ofllco, C2b F St., Washington, 1>. C. ,