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I * VOL. XII. i WILLIAMS IS LEADER ????o Democratic Minority Makes Nominations l or Douse Offices THE CAUCUS MET LAST SATURDAY Representative AlcClellati Was Given! An Ovation i-.x-lhmocratic Leadei I hanked. Vva:-hinpton. Special.- The Demo era tie r.i.omhers of tin- House*, in caucus ;>t l! capito'. soli f t <1 lie presentaiivi - Jehu S. Williams, of Mis .sissippi, us She unanimous choice of tlu* minority for Speaker. This action makes him the minority leader of the coming, Congress. Rep"?*scntative George it. MeClcllan. mayor-elect of New York, received an ovation as he entered the caucus and was conirrat ulated by his enllc agues on his victory. ily a rising vote, on motion of Mr. Cooper, of Texas, seconded by Mr. Williams, of Misissippi, nn.l a half dozen others, the thanks of the caucus were extended to Mr. Richardson, of Tennessee, the retiring minority leader, for his services to the party. Mr. Richardson responded, thanking his colleague*, in turn Mr. Hav, of Virginia, presided: Messrs. Cowherd, cf Missouri, and Smith, of Kentucky, acted as secretaries. Mr. Williams was placed in nomination by Mr. Cooper, of Texas. Mr. Yandiver. ?.f Mi.-.;::!!*1., s- < < a led the nomination, whi*. ii was t i oniv one placed :x 1 re the ?: u us. The newly-ehos n l.ader ro>} *' in an uddtv.-;.*. thanking 1 ? caucus. Mr. Williams, was greeted with plause as l< came in and was :ppluuded du tig lite course of lii;* tvtna Us. lie said the Hentocratic party was mure united now titan it had been for years and that its prospects for success at coining elet t ems w et* exeoll< ut. He said lie would be the monthpiece of the party, the term "leadi r" b.-ing a mirnomsr for bi:n. The other nominees of the caueii? arc as follows: Clias. A. Edwards, of Texas, for clork of tho House; E. V. itroohahlrc, of Indiana. ser^eantutr arms; A. L. Julim, door-keeper; J. K. Jackson, of Alabama, postmaster; E. G. Bagby, of Virginia. chaplain; J. II. Hill, of Ohio. James English, of California. Q. Knight, of Georgia. and Joseph Slnnot, special employes. Except for one of the positions of special employes, there wore no con tests. Mr. Williams, ef Mississippi, offered a resolution, which was adopted, providing that the Democrats be allowed one more representative on tho ways and means committee and that the Democrats be given the same representation they had on committees in the Fifty-sixth Congress. Mr. Baker. of New York, proposed the following resolution, which was referred to a committe e: "Resolved. That regardless of the practice of the Republicans, it is the sense of the caucus that its members do not accept passes or favors from the railroads." Nine Bodies Found. Ha'.i'-x. N. C., Special.?News of a sea tiv "y was brought to this port Sunday by the lighthouse steamer Tyiian. whose on arriving from Sable Island, related that two weeks ago the hull of a schooner with nine decomposed bodies in it drirtf*?i ashore or. the Island. The name of the wre? kk! c raft was made out as Topaz, but the name of her sailing port had been lbliternted by the sea. only rim tl st letter "S" remaining. It is believed li e ill-fated vessel was the French flshine schooner Topaz. c?f Saint Mnlo. Fran?-> The bodies were all buried in the little island cemetery vcitli appropriate v'ces. Bird Will Stav Away. !.exin;*ton. Ky.. Snoeial. \. K'oy ' llyrd. Cnimu.iuweailh alio ?.f llrer.thitt ennnty. who gnire i ; -i: taFen 1o Ft jvo'ieetition or Fa .nit and Tom V bite for the m;?. i<? of Attorney Mareum. ia a ling r!s icru1 telephone coiner-.ntion to tin 1 - :-oc*a! 1 Pre corn s pendent. Sr. ilej "irhf. cetill "? I the rumor 111:. !i* has decided to remain away .inn Hi ath'tt county during tb tern: com t. Operation on Clrrman Finiprror. Berlin, By Cable.? Krapevor William Sunday underwent an operation to: a polypus from bis !nry:r.\. The ouerntion w.s performed by Prof. Moritz Schmidt nnd was ntlrtdy > ... < -sfnl The only inconvenience suffered by His Majesty is tlir.1 be has been enio'red not to speak until the vound i?t!<"cl by t'.ie operation ha* beer. Iieabled. The bulb tins announcing thr remit of the mcratlon ? turn i HMonishmeiil. even among court o.'.ici: is. who bad lro suspicion Ibat HiMajesty wan : i tier ng any aft lion of the tliroat. ' * I _ ORl FO TERRIBLE SUFFERING OF CREW Lashed to Broken Mast Hours and Without Food or Water. N< w York, Special.? After being lashed to a stump of a mast for 18 hours atnl v. ithout fresh water for three days. Captain Gabrielsen and nine of the en w <>T the wat< r logged -ehoon r, Jolin W. l.lnnell. luiva remind this port aboard the Italian sl)ip Cr.!?ri< ie l)'.\!i. Notwithstanding their privations the shipwrecked marinor : r ? ? ..... .1IIUI.I 111^ >Ut Bt'I HIU.1 i 1 > effect: . 'I'he Linnoll lift Keinandltm on October 17th ami on the 24th I '.it'g< .1 into a terrific gale. Owing to the heavy tea running. Captain (laI bt le'sen reefed his light sails. The n xt <lay 'he wind blew a lnirr'cftno 'and it w?< found the schooner was leaking. Tie wrecking pumps were started. but proved of no avail, sinl | in a short time there wai six feet of water in the; hold. The big seas had smashed the small boats and ruined the tanks holding the fresh water. The sailors' plight was made more desperate by the fear that the vessel j would turn turtle. To pro\. ut this the masts were cut away and the crewlashed themselves to title of the stumps. The vessel was awash with the exception of top of the nfterdnck house arid the sailors : ufferod terrib'y from Iju k ot food ami water. The waves broke over them eontinually. f>n the 2tlth the schooner was do- per .n the wat '.* and the gale continued ittv iniinished velocity. On the j afternoon of the 24th Captain fl.ibriel! son sittriu-ted ?lt. attention of tin* look1 out on the Cahricllc It'All. and after jn hazardous trip tit" l.innoM's tncu I were transferred from the sinking j v? :vel to th D'Ali. Tit l.innell was I abandoned in latitue<> 'to.v., h ne'tmh 7 : > < iti' i. < - . . .... i<-i tuning, an.i inti r i v;iy rcj"?vt??.l ItV till' ill r .VlVi II, v. i Icli arrived at Vineyard Haven, No- j Cotton c op Falls OH. \WsM:?r in. Special.- A 1 >nll< [in is- J sir h\ il: i' usus; iJ.i*-. an n the ro;ion ginned I'ur.n i'..< growth of ; nr.. r>nt yrar up t October 1*. places ^ i1k> amount a; i"_7 ? mint re! i! kales. as against "i.SVJ b iles gin- ! nvn up t<> tii" same date last v? nr. TIi1 empleie returns on pi' ilnetion for ! 19ti2 .- row. i that f?:l.r? nor cent, of tin- ' tntnl oiv.p had been ghnior prior to OcI tol or is. of tb it yen . but the percent- j i ago of tin r-.inunge prior to Oi tabor IS ' ! < this year cannot be known until the final report for the year Is made. Moan- I time, tsvo other reports will he sub- i milted, on November is ami December 13. The statistics for the present year ! We O C0l1o/0"?> i fount opera the c ginnt only the f. is t.h statu aiiro I cofni i Th duct i for t A) ali I'lori Torr una sour Oklu 70f>; ! VirR \\* part t'ron. th.dopa niin> from The EJIt'Ci As wo m way wc s Air.!: hi w. Will 111. wan tivci on:? hyt? Pn. in ls:v. '* n t > k r part n. hy i Fire Bar: I li if? lii:n**(.v of their prayers. All-day scrvi . were hold at the mission. comi .? tirinu early in the morning. Prayer v as held for several hours in the earmorning. the ortition heing specially that the circus he not allowed to perf ' :v It. was not known till late in the f< . in.mi limt the cireus managers had <. i<: :1 net to give the shew here, an ! when the tact was learned there was p.irch rejoicing. It is claimed that the failure of the cireus to show was due entirely to the prayers of the mission people. >. .. -;> MI RT MILL, S. C., WE 1)1 REPl'BLIC RECOGNIZEP. Developments of a Day in the Re? volut ion. Washington. Special. The events of tin* ?lay as they developed here relative to the situation on the isthmus are: Recognition of the <le fa. to government; the receipt of dispatches fro n Eomniander Huhhard. of the Naslivilie: the arrival in Wasiiinelon of Consul General Gudgcr. of Panama. and tlio issuance of orders to Admiral Cochlan to forlliwith to the Isthmus with the consul gcnoral. Commander Hubbard ca!)led that the Colombian go", *rr. ment troops, tin ier Generals Torras and To.var. t.'iO strong, of Colon, had departed on a merchant V( S?f*l vtflti' 1 tho iet.tiiinie trom one siiU' to th" other, was In the hands of the revolutionists. This statement is of the greatest importance. The United States government is bound by treaty to maintain order and preserve free traffie across the isthmus, and is also under obligation to prevent any hostile collisions either along the line of the Panama Railway or ut the termini, Panama and Colon. Thus the future attitude of the Colombian government towards the new Republic of Panama becomes of little importance, for it is prank-nlly Impossible for it to go to war with Panama. Officials hero familiar with tire country declare that It is impossible to move a Colombian army overland to tire isthmus, owing to tin* character of tire country. On the other baud, if an att mpt is made to bring tr; of.; c'.P"t to Colon or Panama by waier. the United ? ; tes navel officers at those points would fnt rfero. Thus liy force of ti -.!> ?b!igati?. ns renr.i nu tl.c i.iaint' nance of order across tie i tiroes ns .1 ne; : try condition to free t: -iisP, in' i i I: i jv aies rrov-r in "Jit P t 5 call;,* has been pine i in the ; csitinn or i ? >ti tor to the new 1 v: .mbii of Panama. ; " i that. ton. regardh ; of any biaa cat 11* * part of tbe I'tiited S?t:it*.". ? govcrnnu ut towar Is cither party to the strife in Colombia. It was anthoritati\ ly stated Friday that, though the recognition of the n? w republic is of a business character at first, consisting of an authorization through our consular officials on the isthmus to do business with the new government us they did with the Colombian government, this will, in due tin.e. he followed by full political recognition. This latter form of recognition will he deferred until the governat Panama has takrn a more reform. It is presumed iieie that the will very soon issue a call tor tV< ntinn a/hloh w?ll oH.w.t ? ion and provide for the selection President. Then it will he in order ilnisters to be appointed between wo countries, the United States 'annnta, which will constitute full .( al reoogintion of the new State, eondition will ennble the conduct got'.ntions that may he necessary e successful execution of the proof tlie United States for the ?ontion of the isthmian canal, and it ertainty that existing concessions not suffer. Ion. Colombia. By Cable.?Genera! iros. the prefect of Colon, and the >r officer commanding the troops h arrived Tuesday on the gunCarthacena from Savanilla. arc ttainlng their position of refusing knowledge the authority of tin '.sional government of Panama, the troops still refuse to return to nillu. The lives of American reslr are threatened. American and gn families are Hocking for shelter .e railroad stations, tshington. Special.?Vice United s Consul Ehnnan. at Panama, s the State Ifc-partinent under nesday's date that the Colombian rnntent warship Bogota is shelling ntv. One Chinaman Itns been 1. Mr. Ehrman has men instructprotcst against the bomha dinent. r* consul's pretest is not sufficient, .-onimander of the United States Ship Boston, which is by this on her way fo Panama from San i del Sur, COO milts distant, will nptly seize the Colombian gunboat, e.i.surv f-> stop the iKimbardmcnt. Cotton y-'atfstfc* rerpool. My ( able. Fallowing arc weekly cotton statistics: Totai - ? of all kinds. 14.000 bales; .. American, "1,000; Ka^i'sli spintakings, 04,000; total exports. 7.- \ Itntrj.-ts of all kin.Is. l".:00<>; iin-I *. Ajiic ir-an. lll.OOtt: stock of ail! l'oy.000; st.n-k. Aim :hun. 1:19.. .Hinallty afloat. Ar.a r :n. tUl.OO'); su.'os on "peculation. ?;na; t ,;;;! to exporters. 1 ,700. News in Brief Japanese minist -r at Washiishas received front ids a merit r..t explanation of C irral rthur's eharj'e tit at the Japaueso t! at Manila promised to the F lipinos. " ae .inrttiel rate ot expenditure for ti inp -rting malls in the Fnited States .. $f.:i.*>04.C92. The report of the Commissioner of n ation show, that 17.4GO.OOit pupils enrolled in the public and private ; h'.ois of the United States. >'t tntor Morgan, of Alabama. says he believes ihe Democratic national j ticket next year will he (?otma;i an;' McCl Han. ? LL A n'EiSDAY, NOVEMBER A provisional government was established at Panama for the new reuubiie of the Isthmus and the Columbian warship Bogota sailed away aftor firing upon the city without (loins m< d> damage. It is boli >vrd by some that the United States was cognizant <>.' ilie revolutit s on th > Isthmus of I'an.imi. The ro.:-; of Germany ami lttisi rvt at Wiesbaden, Germany. S T : ; ?' Ha an a in mm I t. t? \ i . .... :.i (!k remit in Ohio .1 nut altered lis j)- ?! nn 0:1 the matter of Jit" presliv *ii ?f:i?ti in IMOt. The Venezuelan Arbitration Court resumed its sessions at The Hague. Charles F. Murphy, leader of the To :v::n>\ was said to favor Judge \. II. IVrl iM for the presidency. Two mo-e members of ilie Armenian R 'volut.ionary So ioty wore ;iss i?inat 1 in London. tho murderers then committing suicide. The apti-Add'ckn lb publicans remained ttway ft on* tin iii'inony conference culled Jo meet i t Dover, Del., to lical the breach '.a tho Republican party in Delaware. Previous Jlarnley. a farmer. v;na drugged, robbed ant! almost killed by negro women near Richmond. Daniels Must Hane, Newbern, Special.?The jury In the Daniel's murder trial at Trenton, "ame In at 7::10 Saturday night with a verdict of murder in the first decree. Tin y were out 30 miliut a. The detract4 had no witnesses, lint asked for a verdict for manslaughter. Judgv> Moore overruled the motion for a new trial, and notice of appeal to the Sop'otne Court was given. Thv judge m ntcnced Daniels to be hanged Decern- 1 her 11. N wt of tlie Day. Diet 1 A M Reedier ivki 1 11. ' !.? ! j till on the battleship .Maine. All negroes have 1j? ? ti notii ? ii i*> . leave Mor-an l'ark. a Clii .it*.* s : 1 ?:ir!? ' Knragi'-l over :> runaway hog Calvin K. Wade. :i New t'ork Stat'* farmer. shot his wife, who laughed at him:: then !'? committed suicide. H'shop John llrondel. of Montana, i = dead. Mrs. Kliza ('. Hen l. irks. v idow of Viee-l'ro ident Hendricks, di? I at In uianapolis. 1) \v c*.h Lnst ric'tinjj. Now York. Special.?John Alexander Dowio held his final meeting In j New York in Carnegie Hall Sunday night, addressing a sparse audience, | which he characterized as "scrawny and miserable." He announced that he had established a branch of his Church In New York, and that in future regular Sunday meetings would be ad! dressed by various authorizojs. He ' also declared that ho intended to return in two years at tho head of a hoar. 10,000 strong. Sharkey Jacksonville. Jarksouville, Special.?Tom Sharkey, I who will wrestle with Torn Jenkins for i the championship of the world, arrived | with his manager from New York. Jenkins has been here in training four days. Final arrangements for the wrestling match will he made ar The Times-Fnlon office at 1 o'clock In the afternoon, when a referee will he appointee? The wrestling match for the championship of the world will take place at the Carnival Stadium at "J /clock tomorrow night. Attempted Assassination. Lexington, Ky., Special.?Twelve , shots were fired at Captain Rwcn, the ; star witness In the feud eases recently ! tried In Breathitt, county, as he passed along Walnut street T\icsday night. ; The shots were tired from a blind alley. One went through his hat and another through the lapel of his coat, but none ot them touched him. He was walking along with Judge W. 11 Mann, at whose home he is staying, and the judge had just crossed the al- ! ley in front cf Ewen when the firing began. Cable Cn s Collide. Kansas City, Mo., Special.- One p vsou was kille<l outright and .">1 other;, injure !, two of them perhaps fatally. in the collision of two cable cms in a fat, early Wednesday. on tit steep Twci: h street viaduct. Moat of t!:c injure ! \ ere shop girls on their way fioin th -ir homes In Kansas City, Kan.. i : the blj; dene1tment starts on the M v?*fi side. The dead g'rl. Nellie Tu ( tube, aged 20. a cUrn. w.i; kl'led vstantly. She was found hurled beneath the debris ?>f the wrecked trains. N ? r;? iilect'-d Oraoha. sp. ial. Mu'd < * eitenvui w-.s cum e 1 ;>t the polling booth in the fourth district of the fifth ward hy th<? election judges forcibly "jceting a colored policeman. After the count completed the judges discovered an error thai re ci trc.i revision. The patrolman undertook to force the judges t<? turn the ballots into the countv clerk's o'.iec antS his interferon* c wan resent* *1. A fight followed in which the colore! man was thrown forcibly from the booth. Kwoter?What's that old saying? "Take care of the pennies and? " .Ncwitt?And the dollar.- will take rare of your heirs. -- Philadelphia Press. \ t'-riirrfTf* ir'''n -ito't liflj i ''t*. . ' ?Si >'<t.. riME IK 1903. CANAL TREATY REJECUD Thought t<> Be the Cause of the Revolution. Panama. Special.- The revolution which occurred Tuesday and which rc- i suited in the proclamation of the in- 1 dependence of the isthmus of Panama was not unexpected. Since Sunday lnsi. all kinds 'of rumors had b? u in cir- ! culntion. hut it was not until Tuesday night that the hour so Ion?; loo! i for- ' ward to hy the inhahitants of ! arrived. I-'or two days previously groups of people had h< n gathering Shout the town ?! . t:ssi: : the s' .ration. which i ". ! alarm upon tlie part of the nuthorltii to: the houses of Dr. Manual Amador. .!? - ? Arnngo and h'tcderico Boyd an' other load is of the popular ninveni?'iit were write! etl by the police, hut the revnlut'onistx fearlessly went in and out of their residences. issued tluir orders and their plans wore carried out. The rr-volrt it'iiisfs decided upon "> P. ni. as the hour to proclaim the inde- ! pendoneo of the isthutus. hut a change J occurred in their plans ami word was < sent to Santa Anna, where over 2.00H ; men had ennprreRafed. for 'he revolu- i tionists to disperse until 7 p. ni.. lift j they were alrcn ly marching towards the IMar.a Chlriqni. < -hoe im: enthusiastically for the imh-pi adence of the lrtlrtims. Thereupon shrnal was Riven j to General lltterta. of the revolution- j ary forces, chu, ill the name of iho Re- I pr.hl'e of ( unatr.a. arr steal General and his staff :mi 1 ? o; ted tlietn to police headquarters amidst wihl cheering for tin- m-w cji.ihlh-. for Hr. Atndor and for the other leaders of the revolt.1 ion The t' a of the He- ! puhlie of l'an-iina then form rly hacs'ed. Tli" cause of the revolt turn may he hriefv pmnr.ied up : he'ui', the r?snlt i f fin* (i;;n ' ' t1- < c'ri , of ('?>loud !: . it Ih'-'rto in r r the Hayl'er'-an *:-. 11 'i h v :;i.!u;up s*!n ost to a nun e ; -. v> .*:' the cop. -r; lieu *jf the rami !>-.* t' e t'nite '. States. ->n i ;t '-a I . >tv at-lily < uu ooh'. !c 1 ! 'iire and a 11 r ' inivv"t'rm of Gongre*- that I'nnaiii t v.o-iM foci d'* ii the t: at y v.? - i< ct** \ am! would prnh il?!y cm < to t cms | with tlio ( iii"( 1 Stnfif"i I1-.!- ) :i ?ing it' tin- great isthmian g:r< " v. Tin' revolutionary junto is eonim sed of Jose August in Arjatto. Fr hico Boyd and Tnmos Alias, who have ' charge of the eovernnicnt. The composition of tin* provisional j cabinet is as follows: Minister of the j (Government. Fitsbis Moralta: Minister | of Finance. Dr. Manuel \nvidor: Minister of Foreign Relations. F. V. Dp ! Fsprllia; Minister of hist ice. Carlos Monciozu: Minister of Public instruction. N. Victoria; Minister of War and Marine. De Obarrio. Jr. While Dr. Amador was in conference with government generals, the officer who is in command of the government warship Bogota, sent an ultimatum to the Colombian government. the time to expire at !<? y. m., yesterday, but before receiving an answer the Bogota began a bombardment of Panama. Her fire was answered by the guns of the town forts and by those of the gun-boat Padilla. which had declared in favor of the revolution. Shortly afterwards, the Borc.ta left the bay. hut as she has very little coal on , hoard, she will not he able to go very , far. Com mu n hat ion by telegram with Bogota in interrupted. Tli" Logical Candidate. Cleveland. O.. Special?Senator Manna. referring to the renewed suggestions made in various quarters to the effect lh.*.i lie is the logical Republican candidate "ar the presidency next year, as a result of tlif unprecedented victory In Ohio at Tuesday's election, made this statement; "The result of the "lection in Ohio Tuesday :n no wise rhnnjr a my opinion in refereun* to my candidacy for the presidency, of which position the public he? been fully isod." Hoy Kill* n Man. lti< 1:'.iiond, Va.. Special.? \ .Stuart. Patrick county. Va.. special .civ.: 1 William O'Dell was Ui!';?i z* ' li;er j t> Tit*1 lay in it row w th some boys one of whom t!m w a s'one, striking 1 <)' Pel I oil 11: nose with suTlrient force j to knock him down. O'De 1 n'eil against ! lop. and 1 'eke bis nr k. Tp pvr 1 ties oncers:oil were arresetd. I ooRiit to 'lit; f)?a h. ' i W: thrvllle. Va.. Special.? V fat- i : .!?.) t:p*; ;i:;iy l? iw" ll uiuiiicih < ur;< ! Wednesday night t.n I'ot > ' ?'r< Grayson countn-xt Jo t!.< | Nor.h Ca'-olinsi liri \ The I rotherrt. In: Halsi": c:i?I !> (!, liulse/. hud un ob! grud.*e\lHek Ha!:cv '.vr?, seated oil ! ! ' !? and his l?rc?tlj??r was stand lr. . i ii tin- ground win n .he latter ihrt iwipe :U f?ick without effect. Die1. 1 (li.Tuonntod and the two clinched. Dick was getting tin- better of the fight when Ira shot him through the heart, killing him instantly. Ira was In I I for trial. Virginia ticnrral \ isf ;nt>ly. IMcliinond. Va.. lab?Th? In f e. t i< turns i'r?.:n . i<\ t: or.'a Virgin: * .1 .v t!::: the cor., ii vtion of the General Ar.-wmhly wil/ I ? ibtlo if at a': chai ned from wh:it ii i.v now. Thero will le about i'J Republican votui on joint ballot, two Fusion is votes and i one independent vote. The total mem b'.T.thip of the assembly i; 1 Id. I I NO. 34. M'CLELLAN W1NN5R il '* " ' ucdYv iJtiiiRcrauc r.aj ?ruy Kccordtrtl in >cw Yt.rk City IN!) or A RHUPK MH.E CAMPAWN Total Net (i*ins cf 103,000 tiroot and I lowers Idct'ci!, l\?o- l/lhfr Kb ctions. Now York. S'wrial. -C? ovpe ft. VV? Olel'.an (Punoernt) will bo tb'- next mayor of (Iron! Now York. defeated Mayor Keth l.o\\ f<r ro-efe* tic.11 by : plurality of iLlT.n. ,,o;??{ttoie unodn returns have Ih-i d revive.! from every election dist:i.l m ;h>- .11 Hy tb" same returns Comptn>11-' IV ward M. Grout and Charles \V l"i>: u? *. president of 1110 board of a lire. ni ?i. running for re-election on the Lbtnui ratio ticket, though elected twu yo.niago as Kusionists. defeated Heir KV ion opponents by 06,700 and plurality, respectively. Comptroller Grout leading; the city ticket K.'pu i.e.ill.* wo. \ N l> o?n. Nib.. Special Ibe-rd ??r ;? turns from II" voting pre incta mtside of Lnnearter county pun. m;? and Pouirlas onnty (Ornuli.tand ? puit'ii in Stat" ccntr: 1 coinndtn a* tniiln; bt made 111" rlaii.i of t .< < lion of th" entire U"pnMie.m -urn" ticket by not less than V u-n pt . c\ Tliin claim is c-nisidcn 1 1 >:i ;? and i:"'.',"sp.,p r retail s ten ? Urn if. The vote f r ; ii" o. in tb" Slat *5v? s l >. ?it niihlfc,.n) ii.r.v.': Siilliv '.?? t:" .. 1 in- same |i" 1?. I'm! V .t? '"o \ e | be ! {< ! blie .Il ' t i ' id ? ? f.'t >' Kiwi ni. ^.b'T. a ntlifj 1 slight 1 1 It it v iM !' 11 i 1 v a ' 1 1 1' ' 1 uui a in al . ' 1 " !; 11 i 1 i. m 1 1! !: 11i: v ... 1 1 * v. 11 . <th o !i aviSy ! { ?> b't .? Coiumbus. Ohio. 1 I i i ..- . pub' c , Stroke their n ?;,) . i1 -hi ii plura'it < for uovi t ini,' !> i. Myron T. Derrick (llrpubl ,1 ) ,;vw Mayor Torn I., .lohnsrn r I'riinn v-i ) considerably over!> Tin j?' . :11 ity on joint ballot of i.o t <!U m ;.h?. la -,1s1.!l: re for tile ro-e|e (ion ttf jietr .tier 1 In 11 ii;i. more than J :-ipl? ?-- ;>::y v'ons I'vord. Oilier lil c'lors. Huston, Spe.-ial. One hfimitci) pre rinctr. in Huston save Gaston Demo erat, 23.233; Hat s. Ilcpublb-an.. )t 92i*. a plurality for Gaston of h,3u7. year the same precincts pave Gaston 22.73?; Hairs 115.393. Democrats estimate from these lip ices that Hasten will < arry Dnstoir by 10,000. Boston. Special.?John H. Bate? vva*> i?;-e)i'i teil Governor of MassachmscU* l.y a plurality of 33.849 over Col. Wit liain A. Gaston, the Dewoern ?r. uaii liate. With returns compute from every town and city in the state, the total vote for Governor war* Hates (Republican). 199,393; Gaston kIVuxvr itti. n;:?,r.44. Haltimoro, \lil.. Special. ? I ait-* r? turns show that Warfield's maturity Is s;rowinK. and will probably resudi 10.000. The Democrats will certainly have H> Senators to S R< -piiblb aus; an iiit* Mouse i?.*> i leiiiocrjiis 10 4a mo publicans; on the joint ballot, r?? jorlty. Judge Wilson Shepnrd flr.van, .! an interview, .-.unrests the North <-irr linn constitutional amendment ;?* u possibility in Maryland 1' ??> eliminate the negro vote are being general h considered. Vib.sny, N. V.. Special Charles, It. ; r.s. itepublican, \v.,j ?-(lei ted mayor i' Vlbany by :i plurality considerably li.ryer iban ttmt of 1 wo years ago, ?K outing Col. Wm, (ioiitam itice, formerly United States civil service votii inissioner under l'rrsitbnt Cleveland, rhe caMpaign was one or ibe hot toot it: ?** ent years, being conducted 01i' siioly o'l local I;n? T'j.e p;e;' IMiblirnu city Mrket Is obctQdL ; 'nee, U. Sv'-I ' .;! /.: !r.'.'.jM k .i.-:: iijri ...t* I ti ; ' m ?.f (Jcvi", :*>i (!:irv.:i, II.m ..i, > <vM.v ivilufi il pi n i.'.'y. Th?? k : i- . ! -v. !u.\vv?"., sir ! !"? k i ' . il probably . i iioiib:. - ill - I . :li . iis beam it< n. publb-?n fitnlo contra) oommitfoo ! ?"..? * 1 that later r? ?in n* \.?>nbl iv <la rv ill's bml .1! iridni" !i* .?? cr I 'ol. l ' .il. lit puliT :.!!. i -.? . i Vin ? . Mi'Vi r Mi'N ;. t ;?.? fiat. as r?'-i Wt? <1. Baltimore, Special. At 1 < .v.u Wednesday mornipR (be Baltimore City and (be VT:?: > I its Ins urc ineauro, o win it t< tie- ' lie ballot, anil, therefore, it * rlble to aecuralrly estimate tin .t The indl alions. however. 1 !c lion of Relward Wavj'e i.i <. o r.-iii ovi rnor o\or Sf?' Willi..(RepnhMrstn) a*..I :. - i l.? 4i-l:;Sitva which \.ill f '1 f!ir . - Be .iator will also in- i Louisville, Ky.. Sj:" i-.l rt lcctlca of Gove : nor .iolie I-: nt. t'.ii- DfinofM? ! [VI. Xw'.* P?. Bolir. . ' a Majority of fully 1.0/1 -. > '?i'red. The Republicans i e f'r-. i!(,n (,f Governor hi-i; ?. .. I -I 1 I