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I Darkair j r, farr+rrrzA m r.7T2KiTn?r.rc=ir.3VT- -3 ' ! have used Ayer's Hair Vigor H for a great many years, and al- fij ' H the:- h I am nast eighty years of R 9 a; , ; I have not a gray hair in D o Geo. Ycllmt, Towson, Md. || p \\"c mean all that rich, ? '? I cr \ color your hair used a j v I to have. If it's gray now, | * J no matter; for. Ayer's! lo | Heir Vigor always re- | s I stores color to gray hair. I ' y Sometimes it makes the i o B hair grow very heavy and | t I long; and it stops falling i " | of the hair, too. | J ? u Ail d.-ujjtet*. S] ( I II ri'ur " cmii'i'. t>:ii|iljr yon, i r e?r.-l our 0<> i .r Jllrl \.r -a lii i>x;>rcftrt jj \ H jon si liotrlr. l>r snru and ui\: tin* camo t$ el your ncaroAt r.xiur;., oiiu-c. AU.lremi. H J. C. A \ Kil CO., 1/iRelli Mum. (3 !i t A Nntur-' Curiosity. f A Brvasw ick? I", man displays n curiam Vrowth found by liirn on a tree in that town which, thus far. no one has brw?nvnblp to classify. it consists a of a hollow, eg?-shaped piece of wood s about th" sine ol' a football and of q wood one<oi;rth of an inch thick. Its c format ion on a tree in such a peculiar shape is n matter of much comment o by all who have seen it. ! j Aggregated Many Years. 7 A somewhat noteworthy gathering j took place recently al the home of r Mr; Helen 1-. ltuesell in Wilton. N. I < H. Infiudir:; the thro icmates < f the home ttiojparty nunihered twelve. With no iVi-ign at all as to aRcu a birthday ' book was enleulnted. The dates sur prise?! -us Into a litth* calculation which 1 ' rovonloi the (art that flu* r.}:!*ro;,jio ago a: M o yi a:.. I > C"?r In City of Vinnna. j, T rr'k of food on tho J tiowolad liillr v irovo a v i!d door Into a suburb ot ^ Vior."a. It vn? duo -.1 and diod ol frirht. | j, fSXfHt.y 'ltT/r** ? / |V / " * Ir^V K->* V>* >v iSi ^TK-vjk. 'j^FW15?A Wis., Bu sincss Wo IT another one of the have been restored Lydia E* Pinkham's ^ " Dear Mrs. Pinkiiam : I was raarri blessed my home. The doctor said I hi and 1 could not have any children unlet me. but after experimenting for sever: justed, and one night, when we noticei been cured of similar trouble through Vegelable Compound, he went out your medicine for three and one half n: and in twenty-two months a child came thankfulness that is in my heart. Our have something to live for. and all the cr Vegetable Compound. Yours very 6i St., Milwaukee, Wis." Vice President, Women should not fail to profi women ; just as surely as tliey wrr rated in their liters. Just so cert Vegetable Compound cure others i inflammation ot' the ovaries, kidnc and nervous prostration ; re men ham's Vegetable Compound tlmt i< any druggist to sell you auything < An Indiana Lady Tells o \ ^ ; \ i *xho1 i i ! .1? \ o? vro1 If there is anything In your c Special udvlce, write freely to Mrs you, for no person in America cai In treating female ills. Address i nn<l always helpful. FORFRIT if w* p?rnot fnrlh vlt vhspnfl uu/f".mIiiuOiiIsIj, itlieu will \ A Find in the Forum. Guided by the clue afforded In the rst iioem of Statius' Silvir. and by le later modifications in the arrnngelent of the central portion of the Rotan Foruin. Signer Honi. the head diTtor of th( excavations, has now unixrthed the enormous pedestal which nee bor the equestrian tatutc of kiniitian, reared in honor uf that Kineror't t: itxrn5:han* campaign against tie Catt: and Had. The base of this :>!<?-smint?: nrer. f >rty feet hi h ngth. went . In width an 1 ten In thickness, nd lay about five ft" t brncath the resent level of the coram. Traces f the sockets wherein were the iron upper!" of the bronze statute and emnatits o the horse's feet go to how that the hor?e and the figure f th" iln.; 1). mitlan were six ini"s larg'-r a iz.e than the recently ineartiied pel ah The pedestal is It;::it:-?1 tiv.ud the ? litre of the 'ortit Tin m rente ha t)i?? Basilira hut.: < .1 ' 1 ' the spacious Basilica r; on it right and the T< mple < { a:: a i?r reaThe discovery oiifinti:- t In * specula* ions o! earlier ink;. d i; i*i! i,; of extraordinary tunortanor ; - regard* the Forum oj)f?:* y in I century ??r iho >mpir". A T>-'li. ion** Jam. - Cut in halve? ml seed tv o pound? of tine raisins, in: ire r them slowly tor an hour iu a uart of \\at"r. !'i<k seven pounds of urrauls and allow thrni to cook tilt hey hreak. Add the juices of two rat v.'s and >. half a lemon, chop the ttlp and peel very fine and put with ha fruit, ad lint: the rah ins an 1 six leunds of sug.r. Roil to a ja:n and ittt up in glasses. This preserve nakes a delicious reli it to serve with old meats. Curse Seems to Held Good. A r< cent drowning at Biddcford. le.. recalls the ??!'! 1. tend ef the urre put upon the Saeo river liy the rulinn sf.uaw wltose papoose was Itrown from one ef the cliffs in "The farrows." hy white men who wanted i? tu*e if it cottiti swim, That curse as. th.e legend iu.s it. that no year houhl pa> s v. itl out at least three .Itite victims oi lh<* river. There ;avo aire? y been two this rummer. cc Pres. Milwaukeel lan's Association, is mill ion women who J to health by using* /egetable Compound* od for several years and no children ad a complication of female troubles >s I could be cured. He tried to cure il months, my husband became disl a testimonial of a woman who hud the use <>f JLydia K. Pink ham's and bought n bottle for inc. I used tooths, improving steadily in health. I cannot fully express the joy and home is a different place now. as wo edit is due to l.ydin M, Plnkham \s ncerely, Mrs. I,. C. Glovku, 014 (irovo Milwaukee business Woman's Ass'n. t by the experience of those two e cured of the troubles emimcninly will I.ydia P. Pinkham's trho suffer front womb troubles, y troubles, nervous excitability, tbor that it is f.vdi.'i li. Plnk? curing womi n, ami don't allow ilse in its place. >f a "Wonderful Cure: ? ">kau Mrs. Pinkham : It if. n pleasure ] to write and tell what your wonderful ne lias done for me. 1 was sick for years with change of life, and my mn thought a cancerous condition of omb. During these three years 1 >d untold agonj*. car.oo* f n l words in which to cxiny bud Uy >.uf.>, i did not expect to e another well day. I read some of the onials recomending your medicine and d to write to you and give your treati trial. Before I had taken half a bottle of t E. Plnkham's Vegptnhle Comrl, i began to sleep. I have tnlrcn now ttles and ain so well 1 can do nil kinds k."?Mrs. Lizzib IIinki.b, Salem, Ind. aso ftbout w hich yon would like i. Pinkltam. She can surely help i speak from a wider experience s Lynn, Mass.; her advice is free t h rr'xtnec the original letter* isnd of * (lieir slivotutr eii,iu: >,'i?. Ljrilla K. l'lakhs.-u llctl. Co., L.isa, Mom, .vvis&ry . OllTUY of a high-j /Ifo ,-'r recommendation j Hum! . ^ y than 1 can Had j ^ A words to express.". \gtBwq7 n This i:? what Mr. I kj u J- H. IMangman tof Bin Sherman, Tc*) $T * ' jH says of Dona's JaBBga?y Kidney Pills. He telln his experience in the following j words: He says, "Sometime in ScptemI I was taken with a dull aching pain ; ' loss the small of my back, directly i vcr the kidneys. 1 paid small atte ntion to tills at tlrst. thinking it would pass ? Hut instead of getting bi tter it b ante worse and in a short time the pain centered through my left hip n:ul pain across down n:/ loa loP Hi ,? - as far as the knee." IRC S17I3/IOf This is precisely [hp hark' ? ?:>. What kidney trouUie vcCKjSzh Ho wiU wlth tho /iy**./ body. iffy iiwA It does r.ot al?V /jj" ways riiow Itself s-Jr at first, but apt^n\ fhiA r pears just in this l\i'>\' ' xvuy* when some /\iit r unusual movement ?,M \> i 4 ;// or action brings fl!'r\\ >v ri'i sharp pains and I ul'l'iv wit V ' 1 exhaustive aches. 11 ;l, A A \ 4 telling of sick kid-I t' \ neys. '^Ir- Phingnian's experience bore this out. I Continuing, he says: "I did not know the cause of the trouble, but 1 am led to believe now that it was | tlrst brought about l>y jumping In and : out of the wagon and in some way I ! may have strained my ba--k. I "[ was i nnri .ally plowing worse," he ' continues, "and I lv s.nv very uiuch j aiarnad about my condition. I knew I tint n tni-thlng had to b<- done or rlous | mult \ ere auto to follow. 1 wont to I a .* ;>( ialist li< re in Sherman. and under; wont a rigid examination." 'j'hon he rcl.itea liow the doctor told him that it was a serious capo, but that lie could cure hint f a* tlftv dollars. Tlie I'reticll ttrornilK. Tito nttnil*, r of recruits accepted for tlio I'ronoli army for l'.HH i- ouly t:.?; ' two. si La: list O.-I) fur l'.);?:5, although ! the dluVrogoe in the number of men j I ou the lists is not more than hOtt. The ' . decrease of ".7,000 is due to a more ! S rigorous examination t.. ihe conscripts. ! How's This T\>offer On- !i mom", Dollar. ltewnrl ror ar.\ ra?e u ; taut caauu he cure I by Cul&iTu ? ?irj. i . J. i hlnky a Co., Toledo, O. ' Wr, lb" iiiutiT.<i';i?od, niiv.* knouro f. .f. Clieney lor tie.-last li) years, na I believe aim i j perlcctly hoiioraar- in at; .limine* < ir.msaelloiisunt thin.anally a < > ia carr.. uui any ; obligations liui'le by lu ur f.r.u, \\ .V i Wno.esnla DragsiaU, To'.ft la, t>. W alio no, ktxnan A .Makviv, Ifbolcuij ! Druggists, ionvlo, O. . ; JouiV v luarn. inn i* uiken internally ,uot? ; I it i; uiriotlj itjion the i.iouu ai.u liiucoun aurIf ol tlln >VitlMd ! f*1 -t? j .11 a..-. - --- I l'rk-c, 75c. p. r \ bout t>y l>ra sgutM. \ > I .unity *M U nr.- ta? Inmi. 'IJuvr < <*;. t*ra: ion* of "( oinjM." i Tlitv-- potior unut- <>; one family arc j ! compositors in tin* otlloe of the 'fronton (Mo.) Kcpuldii-a it-Tribune 'l'iioy aro "Ornndpn" Alien. aped sixty-live; his son, A. Alien. \vn,? .s foroiuau, i ami tho lattor's son and daughter, Thomas ami Mahol, ajjed fourU*en and sixteen, respecti\ oly. I rn'Sm?rmari?nttvoiir*?'1. Xo flt^ oc nervousness after ilrst dnv's use o' I >". Kline's < I real Nerve llestorer. - J> roil > >ttleand fro I'iKofroe llr.I'.H.-Kt.ivr.. f.t.l.. '.'.tl \r,-!i St.. T'iiil i.. I'.t. There's enouyh fun ia tlie wor'?l for everybody to have some. All creameries u?e hotter color. Why not do a- they do ? use J cm-: Tint HctTKR COLOi: A free I'uslour Tuntitutc is to he es'.ah ii-lo-d in \i iv Oilcan-;. jatnsuroPisa's Curs for Cons i-notion s ivs 1 KTlife thrss yo ir* H-.'.t.? Mm. I'liiiun ItostlNS,Maple si.. N'orvyioli. N. v.. '?'?. If, 13)1. The popuiat ion i A'ovssinia about 10.- ' ono.oon. Mrs Wins!'e.v's So ?' bin : Syr i .i ior children t< oti'it'l?. sofr (. th- ifum r.vhieeOalln'nmntlnr. I - : " : . . .-i I ??l '? II. -I > ? I *. -M<*. il JMltl'l A Maryland widow h just cutting her cv I- teeth at the ago of 1(H). KEPT HIS DESK CLE A R. Here is the Secret of One Man's Success in Life. Railroad c'reles. as well as a largo j portion of the general public, wore , greatly interested in the resignation | of W. A. Carrett from the general su- i perintendency of the Philadelphia & Reading railroad a few months ago, i I to assume a more important position j with the Queen & Crescent road. Mr. | Garrett's rise in the railroad world ! has been phenomenal, but one little ; dory which he himself told to a i neighbor hints at a secret of it all. "When 1 first went Into tho rail- i road business as a young man." said Mr. Garrett, "F was called aside by i one the clerks, who said to me: 'Now. | Garrett, let me give you tip. You ' want nlwr.v ; to keep your desk lit- . tered with papers, so that when the ; obi man comes around ho will think you're terribly busy. Then he won't | pile any more work on you.' Well," , continued Mr. Garntt, "I made up ; my mind, that contrary to this man's advice, 1 would always keep my de:.k cleared. And I have done so." To-day Mr. Garrett is getting a sal- I nry of $12,010 a year, while his clerkly i eounsclor is st|H drawing *G0 a month , wondering why luck is a^ain. t ( hinj.? Philadelphia Tress, The how of promise is never seen while we are locking dawn. \ Farm L freed from h j||g ' However, necessity knows r?n law and Mr. Plangman paid half down and took the treatment and followed it faithfully for four weeks. >Xaturally, he thought that he would aoon be ri?I of the trouble, hut in spite of the doctoring he goes on to add. "1 was in such misery that it was almost impossible for me to do tny work." "It was a. this Juncture that Doan's Kidney Pills came r> to my notice and I [3171 777 procured some from j A ?,_? the drug store of C. ft// fit It i .{Cos ! *. Craycroft. I used these tiilis \\Nc--?e according to direc- 'vA A tioria ami to my f vV\^\ surprise 1 was con- i VaI si icrnbly relieved V < I 011 tlie second day \ and in a short time a vOx completely cured." \ J This Is the unl- I versa I experience of '7 / those who have been sufferers from -?o Kidney trouble and who have been fortunate enough to test the merits of Donn's Kidney Pills. There is nothing wonderful or married about this remedy, it simply docs the work by direct action on the kidneys. Doan's Kidney Pills are for the kidneys only and this accounts tor Pain through corla.?"SSL """ I / Early indications Ufill/ rCt) of kU3noy trouble come from two sources, the b.ick "^1 the bladder. U >\ fyj The back becomes \iCfl J and lame 1> \ 7,4 ? IV/iy cause the kidneys iif/ I j ilr are s!< k. and v ? I i / ilC'r rrnm backache '\ vA' crui on'-v co":\\ \ y? pltto when the U iV \ kidneys arc set \ right. TRAGEDY CF THE CAUCASUS. fta cant Murdered His Son "at firs Command of Cod." In the village) of Bayandour, in the Caucasus, 1:\ * < a man named Ivan Aslamazoff. who a few weeks ago started lie community by eat tin;; the liroat of hU :oven-mc.utb~-old son on the threshold of the ehureh. II.' war. / once arrested and . ukon before a Ji !go, whereupon lie gave an extraordinary c\p!r;nation of his conduct. A few year- a*ro, he said, he was very sick, and one night St. John appeared to him in a dream ar.d took him into a valley, where ho saw God seated 0:1 a throne of gold. The Almighty. he continued, then said to aim: 'Ivan. I will restore your good health to you, hut in time you wi'l have a son, and as soon as he is seven months old you must offer him up r.s a sacrifice." Aslamazoff said thai many times sii re then he had prayed (led to spare his son, b'tt that, as the Almighty made no response, Ik- considered it his duty to sacrifice him. His story made a great impr; m .in the people, and the general opinion is that he bad acted like a saint and % t the authorities had r.o right to arrest him.?New York Herald. Pleasure is a bubble thr>? nnvn* uci.. as long ns it takes to make it. s^\ Cleanses the ^ Hj: V J blood of the H drc< vT 1 , EE. aftc: I poisons that v1 u a' and XK H cause f} A w v mcu S Rheumatism. ^ tai'iC ^ V;A ^^^31FC1 B GUARANTEED CURE for all*bowel trou blood, wind on the stomach, Hosted he wc 1 I pains after eating. liver trouble, (allow Skit 1 regularly you ere sick. Constipation kills r U starts chrnr.ic ailments and lonr years of su M CASCARET3 todsy, for you will never get n right Take our advice, start with Cascai 2 money refunded. The genuine tablet star Bb&o^rrfree^^A^drMS^Pterlinc Remedy Co ARE. YOU CONSTIPA Is Bad Blood Breaking < I Have YouLostYour A| IHave You That Tired I1 Do Your Liver and Kidi BR. TKACHEE 1 BLOOD SYRU1 | Vfc wou!d like to convirv bott'.e, see THACHER MEDICINE a 'ssi' k in ii as i n i I * Irritation of th? . , r , bladder shows th;it / tliOliflflt I liSu thq kidneys are out ' eiminaJ of order. Delay la .n^oliauitU ! prompt attention fwf/^^OTi.zerer^>x often c.nues set:- ' "y ' ous complication. Itelieve ;ind our* *1 ' | i.-lck kidneys and ward off dangerous /y? S5?^\ diabetes. dreaded ItU*"-?'J dropsy and Brlghty J /\J "yl disease, by uidr.fc C\V / y\ u 1 > o a n' s Kidney m ' , / XrtV | Dills. (. {f'-.'/yTOi.SJ/, They begin by I. : 'W1: ,'f healing the delicate n ;!| r ;? ntcmbram s and re- ~J.* ' '* ) ' during uny In P. ammotion of the kidneys. and thus making the nc t'cn of the niuiK n ,uiur :i i; M.iuriM. Arhiu;/ hark: are t (.* 1. Hip, br.k, and lain ftaitu overc me. tiurlli y of the limbx. rhentnatini' anil dropxy xignx i :ni?ii, I'fi-y cornet urine i th brick-tin t sct1i,nerif. high-adorui, excesxiif, pain in ']-a sting, dribbling, fraptency. M?u t A* tin en /Vi7< dixxohr and vein ore c<t!c::li and arm rl. Jit I if re heart palpitation, xltrpleMia r*. heudarhe, tit rrotixmxs. l'ostnr-Milburn <v. Buffalo, N. Y. . ISlvUFm 1 Jinf: YMSii NAME .. | p. o - _.r; statc j For frvc tnu' l?oi. r?il thin cupou to 5 r,itUT-SJf.t?Mrii % i, . t N. \ If n.M vc t| I j vv I* uu*oOil.i*4i't, *r.i> iui(lrcjt ou :.tpa-1 | !L?v;?; -J| ! An Involved Cecision. Tito s <{f Froir.nnt'p. tb.p principal port < f Y.'pr t??rn Australia, have given r. n?\v nn| inferor.tinf? ilcci;ion in Mf??renc.< injtPav.'nvayfi. Fh? nf these free trlpptV's were brought ; to lj?? liar and lined !ftrn" pounds each. Of course. they had net the where withal to pay. and the prosecuting lawyer as. hod for tly* niternativo inn position of imprisonment. lint the magistrates dec'.in ij unless the captain of the steamship would guarantee the rout of the macitennnce of tlio 1 n:en In jail. This h" naturally refused to do. whereupon t e stoways were set free. The magistrates stated that i stowaways are punished in the interest.--. of shipping eomtanies, and therefore the e latter shotyl h >nr the cost ' They nb'o expressed the opinion that vessels should he btore diligently j y arched for stowaways before leaving port. The pn-sent nmetice of allow i 11 g crowds of fri<m it of passengers j to remain cn hoard mill almost thf ! Inst minute faeilitat a the operation? I cf stowaways.?-Louden Daily Chronl ! eie. I " A truly Hibernian rrosode is cvnloi; < d in Ralph I lenry Hurl our's story called "The Crown and Sceptre" in November Llppiiuott's. There is an! amazing mix-up ill elopements which j ::tirs the risibles. m-a t cured hun- C& Ooes not B N. is of cases 1*3 injure the w rphysicians H- digestion, J ^ all other 3 bcnelltS 3 if inc? had O the entire $ ^ a. ^ systeir. R THE BOWELS v CA?mv Jw CATHARTIC jE? '\t.~\ npo*ndie iti a. hilimist, -sr I-af hre'u"^! s, foul mouth, headache, induration, pimplea, I i and di.-tineaa. When your bowfti don't move I nore people thnn all other dioeasea together. It | fT-ring. No matter what ails you, etart taking 1 well and stay well until you get your bowela I 'eta today ..Oder absolute guarantee to cure or I r.ned C C C. Never sold in bulk. Sample and I mpiny. Chicago or New Yo.rV. 5?? If ???m? raw ?e, mmwi i wn ? ' LTED? 1 3ul? sp rtile ? Reeling ? *ey? Worti Right? t'S LIVER AND P fcrcresSuch Comrsfajfljs cc you with a FREE TRIAL it on request. CO.. Chattanooga, Tenn. am, wmn na? , ? 4'C C-Ki^C <-0 <!-. O C <> C ? O > O <? O I fORN MILLS and ? y V "> niLLSTONtiS ? tf Iii nr??(| of <*orn HIlu or O Q you wlliftiidlf t'tydurlntci^tfoc ii ri m ?? l ? with ( \itoi.n \ \II> I,*T<?m: ? O. Q 0 r% run. ft I*. man ufutiur*r? .*?f ? nra X 4, ilhln from tlin fam-tin Moore ?ounlr i*rU. A 004CHCr4<>^D4<>>04CHCHO^v>K; . O W. L. DOUGLAS "3.52 & *3 SHOES IS You can save from ^3 to If 5 yearly by wearing V/. L. Douglas ^>3.50 or $3 shoes. They equal thoso that ha<c l>?en eost- S ing you fro.n S4.0D / X 4 to .*C?.iW. The im- ? aSL ini'iisn i>f \Y. 1j. jf? .?gu 1>oii<;Ihs shoes proves LSSflf &>?! thoir Bupotiority o\cr all other makes. { . 2 wff Sold by r.ttuil shoe !; ;-y dealers everywhere " Look for liaino an 1 That Dioixlus utex Cor> jl on it'ol] prtiro I'nr# i? m!u<? in itonttlav vlioon. /kt$}?tbk I trona in tl;.- Iit.-lii-.t .jjffrl*. fj I'l'i'ii' I'al.l.Mlliir mailt*. 0 SI 'III' til r- Unr -ii rot I"' r-jtillleJ ii* m* r? c*. Slmr* fir in nil. - "> rnnii o\lm. (Ilnnl r?1o<J Cituloi; Irci'. Ii. I., not Bi*orklon. Jians. S t rat g Si tc i'i V o u r ii a i r I .tkrt thfi rurl? cvit of !f. i "ft *n<l ?r!<^v bv tis4!\t Carpenter's OX MATOW POMADE | (it'irntr 'i' mirirMM J I v"l II?*!. i -il)i|i I* ?H till* 4M 'IIN'1 ?wrf -? i(t, I!v v ?n! Iiailthy *n**lii nrv E ' In'riMiiltn. M iliM tli? h?tr k*ww, too. P^ICE. CENTS. J ISi'.vit of your (inK";l<t, or nornl tii ?ln? prion I III ?lM!lll>1. [ Vitro... CAKPENfEU & CO., Lc*i!svilJe, K'v. J t'gO.tSE Pl)W;F H HAY' PRESS ' -vV# ' > *.! _ (i i\*nl r' table* , Vv/ "coiroiMtss :<! V J P.-* f ' n ?>;tlll),: .( oiiaH'l \s 5 */?' I \\ :: for j ii? \ itM :ii.y y^if- % 11 .'iry C.peland, ' 'aar^-4.^' (;ii iti 11 ?ocn? IVnn. JMjL' i ''%> re y -luvijq"ua "^luri* h \Q>VJLD's Waterproof oiled ; ^arb? clothing 4 y// I OLD AWH'?f Il?r %<MU> r/\^ V 7 a. i. towit. as, :>< ?. c.s.a. ^r/fyj I V^J/ , T<J*W C.SMA.X\N lO. 1??.L TVWA\ LAH J / \ , __ /^y?\ f ^QAFUDmE' Cfc a P F*!! F*-"* ?""4 tt ivim vn Mm raima, v I " SSa P*- Jvfe ff<?>th?? the mrtei and ' W BU k"W rulievf. :ho a,l?ca r_d GOLDS ANB 6?!PPE"J,i lioiKtucli^M nn?I Krurfilpfn ii-ao. No t ncl tu ^ U. I'JC, I'l-o an,! So LottJka. (JLiviLii>.) It inn i is Talml'sare p \/^ra^jpi'uctncnie t"cr niiuu?. A hundred million* of tin-in have boon sold in the "United Stairs in u single year. Every illness arising from a disordered stomach is relieved or cured by their use. So common is it that diseases originate from the stomach it may be safely asserted there is no condition of ill lien I tli that will not be benefited or cured by the occasional use of Ripiiim Tabules. Physicians know them and speak highly of them. All druggists sell I lien-.. The tive-eent package is enough for an ordinary occasion, and the Family Bottle, sixty cents, contains a household supply for a year. One generally gives relief within twenty minutes. BropsyH t Removes alt swelling in 8 to ao / 0a\ $ ; eiTect-s n ;>ei inauent cure ^ in'joto (n> days, Triallreutnient oiveu free Ni/d lii mct/?o ? 1,?. f iir?? '?"(vS ' Write Dr. H. li. Grjon's Son*. . ?? ' Snn:iali?ts. Bo* n Atlanta. tia. c tv. JU-. d&KSKKBaRfl| IISAW MILLS^HI yfwlth Heee'* Cnlversitl 1 i?k lirama.ltectllln-Fj alear, Hltuuitaneous He'Works anil the Hea jS ffonok-KIn# Variable I'eert Works are unex-l joelleit for accI'uait, simhi.icity. ?rp.?ni^B | mlvy and kask OKOITBATIOM. W r! te for fu 11h [aiU-Aorlmt ve envulars Ma-nifacturcxl Sy theQ 7'Jti.VLK.?! I RON V. i iltKH.M ii'ttr>n-8al?m.N.C.H i i u n'l? ' ?** *"?? ? l^fionev in Chickens i for "JJf. m ntmin we sen I it w J ' F t'AUA UoOJs nlving Mm cxperlewa A ui a prwtlcai hiMiiry Iuhmt-uvI f i \ r \ tu tiimu-ur. out n mail iturtuia / \ ti?r Hollar- atiil imiw?iiuriuit M f (tjrears. it leuone* tiow to neletK V jiintl Cure bhkuuei; i ?* ! lor r.Mi i.lw> for fattening: whtcU K??wUt ? Ty Nitr tor Itrer.lni.:; i vrryitiln^ re1 i tor v*r? > 11 let i < I *? fwuiiry raleI V llitf. UOOK Ki; lll.Mill.NU I (I. I'll l.oiiuarJ M loci, Note t era. >??. 4."? m-?- ai-r-ft <>?t i r' I Mart 'th?Mf uh | \ in ?on4 dulum w :i?ti lj o. ?? 11 I Oil isrx I'unii'ii.v it it., us ?*<?* GUIS Wlitht AU tlkt. EA.La.K? MHeitOwthbjnin, I'nstee Good. line f?a in ttmo. rtold hy <lru.-rl us UH ^asEmaesass^ .Thcmpjob's Eyo Vfatw