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Local' and Personal, ML53 li.MidaJi Fa* is carfjue up from M'ithtlnop >Sntui<Uy evening ! for a sli<>rt,vit*it to parents in. ii< d Hifci. Mrs. J., W. A ixirey retorued Sa ** jurday evening from a visit to her j daughter. Afr?. W. A. Wutoou, n? CliariotU*. Cafit .V. M. Wolfe wiM to a few day* o|>en up h Une of ^roceiies ill dhe Sprati utoeehoitee. uear tin* Millfort Midi. By (jeitiun us f?mr new paid-up .fuilhsortfjers you get The Times .and the Home and Fartu <uue year tree of charge. Mr. J. tei. ILeKihhou left Monday for a tiitfee w. eka\viaii io cela dives tin Gainesville, T**ct. On aecoutd of the illness of the ! ir^.r < -r i\~.......a ..e iv .1 i l^mnvx<A ?yk *>* . i?. ?# . v.* I mailt, Ul lit* I- ' ;aire, tilled the pulpit of thn^letli-.odist cluwch Sunday wonting. The Times man was the recipient Thursday of a half bushel (if j .choice sweet potatoes, sent us l?y J <Capt. S. 12. White, ?cr v/liiqh we extend thanks. People of this section %wpi 11 lx? interested to know that the ejeaet tonst to Kicliland county of the Tillman rtrial .is $2.4 14.43 Tin* .amount is to he jxtid io a feu- days. Mr. J. J>. Kiuilmdl, cf Fort Mill, leads tlie sweet potato throwers. i fie tfatlu'rcd 125 bushels from an ,-ncre aud a half, and t Uis is not a ^rood year for potatoes .either, nay* ,the Charlotte News. Times rentiers w<ill regret ito learn (that the condition of the &ev. AV, A. Wright in not so favorable .as reiKnlixd in the last issue. The ! ^reverend gentlemen lien improved ' shut little, if nu>\ timing the past (few days. A problem which is agitating tthemiudsof liie pen pie itirough^iut ,tlie eouu;fy in as follows; j Mary is 'It yearn years old. Mary is (twice as old as Attn was when Mary .was as ?id ;us Atiu is now. How .old is Ann? Mr. Ur. T. Hoagland. of this place vuh u victim <?f the pickpockets in Charlotte Thursday. While peeing the sights at the fair, one of t he niuibie-tingered gentry relieved Mr. Houglaud of u u ice gold watch .chain and charmParties who went from this section to the State fair lust week .speak in the highest terms of the | exhibition. Many of our people attended the Mecklenburg fair at Charlotte during the week and say I it was also a success. When in town don't forget to i .call and pay that tittle amount you thav? been owing for the paper we we have been sending you these 1 ?nauy months. We have favored JHattV of our mihaeriher* in u-uitin.r patiently on them mul now we expect them to show their apprecia- j , tiou by a nettlenient. The Fort Mill friends of Mr. Howard A. Bank*, lately editor of the Charlotte Chronicle, will be ! {interested to know that he ia now ! with the Aaheirille Q-azette'Newa. Mr. Banks ia a journalist of ability and the Asbevilla paper is for- i innate in securing his services. 1 He ia a relative of Mra. J. B. Mack, of thia place. Mr. H. E. White, a former Fort ! Mill tnau who haa lately resided 1 at Rock Hill, haa been conitnis- j .sinned government architect and waa Ja few days ago ordered to! Norfolk, Va., where be ia to draw {dans for a $lfj0.000 Federal build- ' ing. Mr. White's aalary, we un- j deratand, ia $?,000 a year, with all .expenses paid. Post master M>issey in for ins us that hereafter mail will be deliver- I ed daily, Sunday excepted, from i nuBanfurtii* trui?? ^O ? 1- - - I |/nno( n^ri l l n lit I* * 9, Mti , "VS 11 It" 11 III"" rives here from Charlotte at fi 38 1 h. in. Thin service, which began yesterday, will he of mqcli bene ! tit to the people of this section, as the Charlotte papers now reach here in due time to go out on the rural free delivery routes. The volume of business done by the Fort Mill merchants up t this time has far exceeded their expectations. The secret of this li?-s in 1 the fact that our merchants buy right, know how to advertise what 1 they buy, sell ut prices to suit i their customers, and consequently are making things hum. Watch the advertising columns of The; Times from week to week and you will profit thereby. Mr. S. L. M each am is getting up a list of Hutweribera to a pro-1 posed electric light service for the j business houses and residences of ; the town, the power to be fur- | nisbed by tlwe Catawba Power Co.! Quite a number of the business men have signified their willing- I ness to take the lights and it is he- ' Jieved that little trouble will he experienced in securing a sufficient iiumb'T of patrons to justify the installation of such a service. The cost of the lights will be only a trifle more ih^u the ordinary ker<>seue lamp.. ' OURRLL of Dry Go Shifts, Pe Are arriing daily, induced us toxiy heavie to offer some special bai Call ancsee our SI interest, '?W?W "Hi! W^.IIWI Do not forget the f ways filled vith a comj We cai also save > Injured by Trin Rockers Mr. V. B. Case, a youn?r man who in employed in the Millfort mill at this plain, was painfully injured Friday niilit while returning front Chariot * on train No. 25. Upon reach it;; (uilfith. a htation 5 in ilea souti of Charlotte, a number of rocks were thrown at tin* train, one o which crushed through a windo* and struck Mr. Casey in the fact inflicting a deep gash 011 hi.s right-heek and severely bruising his fre. A passenger on the train saiothat lie saw two men running Iron tin* railroad at | that point, but 'as unable to say whether they wee white or black, owing to the dar.ness. Movin. West. Our neighbor* up in Gold Hill seem to have .ttely been struck T with a Westeri "fever." During X* the week sevenl families have left that section foiditferent points in the west, and w are informed that a number of olier will follow in the near future Those who, with their families, eft this week were ! Messrs. 0. It timbrel I and '/. H * Cranford, and will make their homes at Ghicaiba. I T. Mr. It. V Garriflou accotipanied the party t and, after looking out a suitable location, will return and move his f e : i __ a. L itiuuiy west. ? ? ? Court at Yorkville. ;i The full term of the court of ^ general sessions will convene in * Yorkville on November ltith and P last one week. After the adjourn- (. ment of the regular term, a special ^ term of two weeks will he convened ^ with J. E. McDonald, Esq., of Winnshoro, presidium as judge. ^ The following' are the first week jurors from Fort Mill township: 11 J. Ij. Patterson, J. T. Mnckev, j V. H. BlAiikenship. Z V. Brad* ^ ford and S. H. Epps. , The jurors for the special term " UL'l II I )H I 1 I'M 117 II <111 T ItAiJflilV f\f I S week while tin* court is tn session. ? Dr. Elmore B. Kell Dead. A 'phone message from Providence Friday morning announced the death there of l)r Elmore 1? Kell, paralysis being the iminedite eaiiHC. I)r. Kell was a son of Dr. TIiob Kell, of Mecklenburg county, and whh a bright young man, with a promising career. He wiir a man of coiibiderahie means. being worth probably $150,000. lie had been in bad health for the pant two years. The funeral net-vice wan conducted by Rev. Dr. .1. ?. Maek.of Fmt Mill, and the burial w?h made Sat- . urday afternoon in the cemetery * at Banks' church. Mr. >V. H. Stegall, a farmer of ^ the township, reports that he recently pulled from his Held a num- ^ ber of ears of corn which mens- : ur??d 14 inches in length. 1 Today, Nov. 4, is the anniversa- { ry of the founding of Dayton, Ohio, # in 1795. The birih in 1812 of S. 1 ' Prince, clergyman and long edih t of the New York Observer. The birth in 1810 of Stephen ?J. Field. | justice of the United States su- | pre in e court and one of the famous Field family. and WINTE ods, Notions, mts, Hats an< Our increased sales r than ever before, and gains. HOCK before you buy. act that our Grocery >lete line of choicest eat< rou money on Furnitur s &> "sro" 20 ?????00? ?00? <| JrZSL^T-O YOUL ? That Sac | Dan Valley F It's th.ebe ?THE COMPAQ ? (o0?@@?0?00000 PICNIC FOR or want ot room wo an our entire stock o Hardware and Merchants, as a rule, cut cite to benefit their custon ng to get high prices, unti iver, and the goods cannot ise tlieni at very low ligi >enefit? Not tic customer hey don't need th- in after We have adopt* d a new i re cutting prices at the ve >n on all fall and winter g his right at the time when irotits? Because we arc i irocerics and Hardware, arrv large stocks in other iderJ to sell the following acritice, and let them go. We do not want to be mi tot offering a few old fade n this way to get rid of th lie Infest stvles in evervtl tought for this fall and wi tock in town. Dry Goods of every d %> ing for Men, Youths n and Caps for Men, Yoi Shoos for Moil, Youl Shoos for Ladios, Mis.Ladies' Furnishing (< nishing Goods, (J love ponders, Hosiery, Ft< pots, Mattings and White Quilts, Coi Trunks, Suit Cases, 1; We haven't space to mei hat arc here for you. We are calculating to bei You will save 111011 or our immense stock of II ind all be pleased. Griffin Brand Clothing, . lats, the Eagle, Battle Axi ia Shoes. These are all tl md sec for yourself. We Yours for business, Old - Relia T. B. BELK, ] RSTOCK 1 BMMBKUnBHMHflBDMBWElMRW :: Shoes, 1 c d Gaps | I s in these lines have j we are prepared jl It will be to your \ i i ? i ---- - ; Department is al^ 1 bles. *e, i crusTOI i ?0????????? ? Bought jjjj k of C? [our Yet? I 3t sold. i iY STORE, | i Cp i |J50@?0??@??<S> 1 IMs-! e forced 1o cut dowii; f goods except Groceries. a prices when it is tc o lers. They wait, hoi)-' I the season is abo it he used, they adverires. Whom does it wiiy not'.' Ikcau ^ the season is over, uIe for this fall. Wiry opening of the s asoods. Why do \\(; do wo should make our ncreasing our line of and haven't room to - lines. So w e hit v e delines out at a great * I sundrrstood. \/e are d and out of sty J e goods em. We are iffcring ling. All new goods, nier trade. Tb is largest rscript ion, Cloth iki i manor . iwus lit lis <iii(l ( \ \ (dm?, Its and ("liUiroiu >os and Children* roods, ( jor Is* Furs, Ncckw i*?r, SitsFiirnit are, CarWmdov Shades, 11 forts, lihmkets, hi-s. Hion al I the good things lelii you as well as ourey while wrmak?* room ardwarii and Groceries Jefferson and Madison ?, Kiehc.rdson and t'orlie best brands. Come thank you in advance. ble Store Proprietor. OottonOff. ' ?(>()() vds Outing at Ml best Calico at [Davy yard-wide looniest it 15c Dress Goods, Mil wool ">0c Dress Goods at M.25 Dress Goo dsat ? K1.2r> Taffeta i* ilk, yard-w [test Cooking Stoves ever Heaters, at dieet Iron S(> inches wide Sew Lot Ladi es andChildr ed, ^ New lot Millinery just 111 If you pa*y other places. We admit that the Fall o our anti ci pat ions. We 1 must be si >ld, if low prices is a conip arison of quaUfic iiul see 1 iow many dollars L. J. Old Dixie 7/lade of Southern woo 10.1 all wool Hlankets 10-1 ,, M .finer mail 10-4 ? ? ? Hi i 11 bettei lo 4 M ,, M best (pialii All wool yam in white, urrev and Kxtra heavy I'Meevo Lined I in women. Hoy?* and girls' sizes, Heavy rihhed in llie wotuens' ^o?j 2."> ami .">() rent kinds. LACE CIJ] w e are showing Koine specials ?1 eO Curtains. They are the has MILH.IT ]SIrs. ('nip lias not had one idle (iivo her your order and if she d< hat as you ran yet in lioek Hill < you cheaper, why, return it and Meacham ? ^srsr\?Sr\r.N?\rN?\^\r\r% *' ?*' u >< If EIRE yi 1).? you believe in ? * jon an get the In * ^ Buiuller price? J? We invito you to h f - I'iidorwear, Shoos, 4 * . r? Ac. t>oll\ 111 IMS O hoy's Clothing hi ^ ? <)ur motto is to car ^ tint* will go at a |i ^ ? readily realize tlii ^ ? ing our prices for ) If McELHANEY < V* :<< WS?\4\4S?\A4\AA4\4NA4 * N I ' I '< ' 1 ~~": \ _ _ ' -* RUMMER AW . THE LI1 | ^Rates toe LI! ON THE 5UMM gdUTHEHH """ ~" "-^b- S |\aslway, ^ ^ Pas.".. Traffic Mgr. I ^ WASHINGTON. d. c. 1 ^ I Prices Off. \C 5 c : * 5 1-2 ? fJSc ? * 41c. 85<S ide at -. 91c mailt* $6.25 $14.50 $1.35; 51.75 apd $2.50 , 6 lV2c lh <ns Jackets just r?ccn> ' $Dc to $6.75 arrived, prices about i i i iratio nas not come up. have a bi^ stock that > will do it. All we ask ts and prices* Try (his you will save, ,SSEY. Blankets, 1 by Southern men. $2.75 3.50 maile 3,75 ly 5 .00 liltick worth 75c 50 WEAR. lenvcnr for hoys, girls nr.d 25c. Womens' ni/.t'B, 50cts. ils. 25c. Pants to match in t-C"X*^3k. AJXT 5=7. in Lace Curtains. See our t values we have ever offered. ^BRY. moment since our opening, ipsn't make you as stylish a or Charlotte, and sell it to not your money. & Epps. 1 :KA! II buying where ? i'?t grinds at a 2 Z c A; A; 11 e one line of * *: IIata, Clothing, iir bargains in id Odd PantH. 2 ry nothing over 2% rice. You will ? V irt fact l>y aae- v V p'ouraelf. Come! ? ? PARKS CO. If II M a ME FOR BUSINESS. ME FOR PLEASURE, ME FOR ALL THE BEST ER RESORTS lete Summer Resort Folder i Free to Any Address. S. H. Hardwicit, W. H.Tatuor. Gan'l Pass. Ae?nt_ Asst Con'I Pass. Ac*. I WASH: MOTOR. P. C. '