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FOltT MI IX TIM ES DEMOCRATIC PUBLISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY B. W. BRADFORD. ms of Subset ipttnii: ( nc year , tl.oo Fix flint)tIts fiO | n?r?*? months 2f> ' t"01 i eijpmn'.irtu'p on cui ri lit subji-i-ts is i invited, but no responsibility is as- ! slimed for tlii* vIuwh of correspondents, ooynpius ioi<?munica tions will pot published In these ciilimiiis. <)n >i|)|>llcatioii to tin* publisher, advertising rates are niaile known to those Interested. Port Mill 'Phone (with long distance orneetlojis) No. 2'i. NOViSMHKR i, ISM. The Prophet Elijah, The Spartanburg Herald given the following summary of achievements by John Alexander Dowie, who lias been in New York with mi Mrittv of ZionistH trying to convert j It lie nioiUsi n Sodom: TImh huAl Howie is unique in many respecus. He in no ignorant fanatic, as these ''prophets" usually are. He was trained in the excellent schools of Scotland and studied theology at the Tnivers ty of j'Jd nburgh. He Is no fool, and J some seriously question that lie is a crank or a fanatic, believing that he is a cool, calculating business mail who understands tin* follies and weaknesses of human nature and deliberately sets about to take advantage of tlieui and reap gain unto himself. He hafi built a city -12 tnilcs north of Chicago, c died Zion. Here, it in said, are factories, h collet' and schools, hotels, batiks, ?tores, an electric power plant, j water works, and other requisition of a city; also, most, important of till, titer.* ih a palace for the proph- , et. Zioti occupies II square miles j of html, fronting 2 1-2 miles on lake Mt- ltioau. All this land is owned by John Alexander Dowie, i but lots are leased to the inltabi- j tants, 8,000 of then) now, for 1.J00 years. One of the conditions of the j lease is that there shall be in the] city no "pjuces of iniquity," like ' Saloons, guniblinu houses, brothels, "unclean tueat markets," and druu ?tores. The people are taught to ! hate (Irt)^s ami despise doctors, j J)owie is the supreme dictator, ilecontrolseverything?commerce : religion, social relations. He is in fuel what s.aiijj phrases would call ''the wlnde tiling," and is the one: piopliet in the history of the world who ih not without honor in his j own connlrv and town ? ?? Note and Comment. A merchant who advertises generally has something worth buy Between Dowie, the devil ami the deep sea, New Vork in in a h t*t;U way. * * . j Look Up tjje bargains in our advertising columns before making a trip to town. People who drive teams should re in end mm- that their faces belong in front of them. ? Cotton is slowly advancing despite tJie efforis ot tlie speculators Lo keep it down. Patn ni/e home merchants and home industries. They help to keep your own head above water. 0 J oat us soon nfl we begin to have tt few warm days like these, the wiseacres commence to talk about i .............. x 11vi i? nuiuuiri . Of course it is not true that the insurance companion have nil withilia a n from this State since the acquittal of Tillman. m 40 ? Wonder what hag become of Will Harris, the outlaw ? Our Charlotte comtenipornrieg haven'tsighted the deseprado in several d iys. # In accordance with n proclania- ; tion issued Satuiday l?y President Koosevelt, Thuisday, 26th instant, will be observed as a d <y of general thanksgiving throughout the conn- I try. m a a Of gouts* money talks, but there are a great many people who are never on speaking terms with it when it cornea to paying, newspaper subscriptions. 0 9 9 Someone lias suggested tliat in ! order to complete the "farce," South Carolina ought to send the Hon. Jas. H. Tillman to the United Stales Senate. ? Considering the fact that the people "pay the freight" on the extra session of congress, it is to j be hoped that our distinguished senators and repreaentatives will <lo their duty by Cuba and therapy earw their salt. About Taxes. From (i 11 article publish <1 in Friday's Yorltyille Fnquiivr we get the f?>1 lowi11information: The total amount of taxes to he j exacted from the people of York county this year for State, county, railroad and school purposes is StM>,;Vjr?Ot. The tax hill this year is not so Inroe as it was last year. The dilfercnce is $4,89.") 79. and the reason is because of a reduction of one mil! in the levy for, ordinary county purposes. The total value of realty in Fort Mill township is $273,910, while the pets anally is valued at $220,97"). The aggregate assessment of taxes against this township is SO.388.07, together with $390 for pol Is. The total value of realty and personalty in Fort Miil township this year shows an increase of $21930 over that of last year. The aggregate value of the prop. erty ??f the county as returned for taxation this year is $0.380.303 I"), as compared with $<>.239,171 last year, shows a net gain of $111,132 45. Train Struck a Funeral Procession. Dr. James Nosbit, of New York City, who wdh his brother Dr. Oliti Neshit, of Charlotte, arrived here Sundav moriiin.r t. .1*1 ..I' horrible accident '.1. urred ?ti (ilass\ u station oil Ho Southern I'iitli'oail h few miles above Concord, N. in \v11ic*li four members of a funeral party met instant death and the corpse was thrown from its receptacle. The funeral party was on its way to a neighborhood burial ground and tiie four kiln d were in the wagon witii the corpse. At the point where the accident occurred the county road rune along side the railroad for quite a (lis tanee. the track being level and straight and the view uiiohstruct ed. The engineer of No. .'$7 saw the funeral party driving alone the road, but there was no cause for him to anticipate a tragedy .lust before the engine was abreast of the wagon.the mules that were hitched to the latter became unmanageable and swerved to one side, carrying the wagon and its occimitiils ilii-KiU l\r 11... t I ? ? - J in front of too ti*>iin. The wagon was at ruck with terrific force. The i casket containing the corpse was, broken to pieces and the corpse i was hurled through the air with the four victims. The bodies were hadly nullified and tile corpse it self was mutilated. ?y Paid Conscience Money. P. T. Heath had an unusual expetience last night, says the (iastonia News When he returned from supper he found two hoys vvmi j11to see iiiiii. 11iu' <>l I h?* hoys said lie wanted to apeak to Mr. Heath, and told him that he wanted to pay him 15 rents. He saiil lie took two toy pistole from the store during the opening last Christmas and his little brother was with him when he took them. Recently the boy has been i* 'in^ to preaching and his conseienee hud been annoyin<_r him and he 1 wanted to pay foi the pistols and make Hcknowledtjme it. Mr. Heath ask d if he had taken other articles and lie said that he had taken a small mirror from *1 A. Hunter's store and that he was ooin^ to .Mr. Hunter and pay him for it. lie said that he had la-en m>iinr with bad hoys and they had led him astray, and lie had decided to do better No name was given, but the boys live at one of the mills here. The boy was assured that lie would lie forgiven and went away happy. A monument to the Confederate soldiers Iroin the State of South Ua roil mi who f**11 in the wnr be-| ween the Stales was dedicated at , aJ-rernwood Thursd iy, Oft. 27. j The dedicatory address whs delivered by Judge William T. Gary, of Augusta, who eulogized Sou- j them wotnunhood and tin- pari it played in the days of 18(H) (>."> ; 1'he inoiiuinent in thirty-live feet , Ibid), the panels oil whieh the inscriptions are cut. are from the granite quarries of Vermont The remainder of the granite in the monument is from South Carolina. Fewer (anions; Wears Ixuigor. Fewer Gallons; Wears Longer. Fewer Gallons; Wears Isniger. Fewer Gallons; Wears Longer. Fewer Gallons; Wears Longer. ? - - The Atlanta Constitution very truly says when the Southern farmer gets him elf in shape to live the better part of a year without credit, ten cents will be minimum priee of cotton and there wdl be no marketing under duress. The old advice?hog, hominy and di versification, : - The News of Pleasant Valley. On tin* fvt iiinii ?>f Oct. 2'hh, at 7:30 o'clock, Mr. (htirj^c i>. .Jus I i ? **. ol ( * i i; 11 lotto, Mild Miss 1'itlicl Hi hs. daughter el' Mr. (\ II. Koss, ef litis place, were married at die Pleasant Valley liaptiKt church, Kev. A. [j. Stench officiating. The church had been beautifully deeo| rated for the occasion, the fern and chrysanthemum being pro | doiuiuatit Promptly at the ap pointed 11<nir. tlu' inulay partv appeared. and to tin* sweet strains of Mendelssohn's march, as played by : Miss Stella Doster. they entered the church. Tlu'ii in tin presence ; of a btrj^e concourse <>f friends {lie |)d|iuIki youiiLT couple were pronounced mail and wife. Tin* bride wns die-seil in white Persian lawn and carried a linneli of bride's roses. The ceremony over, linn left for their future home in Charlotte. The 1*100111 is a yomiij man ot most admirible trails and is possessed of a pleasing and genial disposition. The bride is a very tieautiful and attraetive yount; lady, lint (piite unassuming. We I extend eoimratulations and best ! wisln s to them. Dr. Klmore Kelt, son of Dr. -J. T. K? II of the Harrison community, died Friday mornim; Mt 7 >*. j clock at the home of Ins brother, .Mr. S. II. Roll, after a lin^erin^ illness of several months. The circsisiis?uilees make his death peculiarly sad, lie hein^ a yoiino man well educated for his profes ion, having only a few years a^o completed his education in (lerinany. He lias been for several years a n sident of Chester, and liis many fi ieiids will lament his wut.nieK death. His remains were interred at Hanks' chureh Saturday nfle:iiooii, after funeral services conducted by liev, .J. li. .Mack, of i <?ri -Mill. Moil O. \V. l?otl? attended t!?? fair in C* >1 i 111lim Inst week. Key. Mr. ) Ik Mack will preach at Pleasant II ill cliurcli Sunday afternoon at 15.110 o'clock I lie Pleasant \ alley hook clnh met Friday night at the residence of I )r. K. M. Potts. s. i:. n. Fewer (callous; Wears Longer. Fewer (Iiillons; Wears Longer. What He Knew About Texas. * A Texan, while visiting in an other State, was asked to tell in a speech what he knew about Texas, and he responded: "Texas is a whopper. She's a . pencil. She's tin- widest and the bioadest and the longest country on earth, extending from east to west, also from north to south She could put (Hindu Island in her vest pockei. She could swallow three or four StaLs like .Maryland and Vermont and wn>h them down by drinking the Mississippi river dry. and could digest them with out even having the colic Texas is the Empire S:ale of the union without any Kaiser Pillforun em peror. She's the clliefest among ten thou-and and altogether lively, wild and reckless. She's the pebble on the bench. She's one of tluohl blue hen's chickens. She's the cock o* the walk and the Democrat of the world. She's the wolf ? ! tlie wolves, and it's her tiny to 11 >w| ''Texas i.> hounded on the east l?y the alligators of Louisiana ami the htiekleh rry thick ts. l Aikanhms. She i hounded on the n rih I?y tlie tomahawk and war whoop of the red men. She i* hounded on the we.-t hy the chile eon eaine < f New Mexico and the hot tainales old Mexico. She is hound- d on the south by the (iulf of Mexico; and if it wasn't foi that measly body of salt water, she would extend bcy-uid the solid) pole. As I said in the heiriniiini;, Texas is a whopper; the joker of tlie deck; a hi^h-snorthilt torn eat, and don't yon ever doiiht it I1V.1...1. n.,n.. \o 1 ? j \ ?? \ i \ Miiiuun* ^ Tiiin uni^cr* Fewer Gallons; Wears I/>nger. Fewer Gallons; Wears Linger. -? ?No fact is better established than successful nieivliandi.-inn is impossible without publicity. There may be hii honest difference of opinion about the best means of obtaining it, but no one doubts thai it must be had in some way. ? Disastrous Wrecks. Carelessness is responsible for many a railway wreck and the same causes are making human wrecks of sufferers from Throat and I Lung troubles, lint since the advent of Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, * Cough.-, and Colds, even the worst cases can be | cured is no longer net-ess ay. Mrs. Lois Ciagg of Dorchester, Mass., is one of many whose life was saved by Dr King's New Discovery. This great remedy isguainnteed for all Throat and Lung disi eases hy all druggist. Price 50c, ! j and 1.00. Trial bottles free. Hot A 2id* Bay Since. '"I was t;ik<-11 severly Kirk with kidney trouble. 1 tried nil sorts of medieiues, none of wliirli relei ved me. One day t saw an ml. of your Klec'iie Bitters and determined to try that. After taking a few dos-s I felt releived. and a-ion tliereafter was entirely cured, and have not seen a sick day since. Neighbors of mine have been cured of I theumntism. Neuralgia. Liver and Kidney troubles and (Jcnerul Debility.'* This is what B. I\ Bass, of Fremont, N.(\ wiitcH Only 50e, at all drugstores. A F.or.away Bicycle. Terminated with an uylv cut on the let; of .1, B. Orner, Franklin drove. 111. It developed a stnbb a n nicer uuyeildin; to doctors and remedies for tour yea i s. Tit en Bneklen's Arnica Salve enred. it s just ms o<>od for Burns, Scalds. Skin 1'lrupti<ms and Files. 2~?e, at all <li tio stores. Some people believe that a jjood walnut year is followed by a fine wheat crop. If that is s ?, next year will turn out the wheat. Icocn't Kccpect Old Ajjc It's shameful when youth fails to show oroper la-sport for idil a/^e. | 1 hit jus' the contrary in the ease of l>r. Kinir'sNew Life Fills. They1 ... i i r i i: - - I'll I Oil IIIMWtllli'S III) III It T T?* I' IIOW HO vot't* and iriVHpri-Jive of old a^o. Dyspepsia. .1 m1111< 1 ift*. Fover, (1onsliput ion all yild to this perfect Fill. 2i>r. at nil druii stores. Important Notice. A "mass meeting" <<f the < iti/.ors of the town of l*\?rt Mill is hereby called to meet in tlu' town hall, on Thursday, ; November l\?tli, at 7::!n p. in. to discuss ways and moans of obtaining I.IUHTS ami W ATKK tor t ho town. Kvory citizen is invited tontteud. lly order of the eouueil. T. S. KiKiviWTItlCK. Attest: Intnudaut. J. M. Sl'KATT. Clerk. About Your Hair? Is it falling out ? Is it dry and itchy ? Is It turning grey ? Is it full of dandruff ? Gibson's HAIR RESTORER Is a harmless and fragrant pr? puration fur invigorating and beautifying the hair. It will restore grey hair to its original color, promote a new and superior growth where the hair is fallen and is remarkably useful in preventing dandrntf ami destroying parasitic hair killers. % Price SO cts. At ARDREY'S. i .. / \ i: z\II \ 11U 1111111CC. (Srantiiitf permission to the Catawba Power Company to construct and I maintain its line for the transmission of electricity alotiK, over ami umlcr the highways of the town of Fort j Mill, ami to mmluct and carry on I within the limits of said town, the business authorized under the terms of its chnrtcr. Section 1. lie it ordained by the town council of Fort Mill that |>erinission is hereby granted unto the Catawhu Power Co. to construct and maintain its lines for t he transmission of electricity j aionff> over and under the highways of the said town of Fort Mill, and to conduct and carry on within the incnr|H>r? ate limits of said town the business authorized under the terms of its charter, including the right to use, lease or sell electric power for mumifuct uring, lighting. heating or other purposes. Section 2. All poles used bv said com^I.-.ii i .. i? '.i I .? ... . n il iiiioci i lie super vision aiul tIn* direct ion of the committee 011 streels. and all stroots and side- ' walks that may bo disturbed or damaged jn t he roust ruction 01* maintenance of said lines shall he promptly replaced or repaired by said company at it* own expense and to the satisfaction of tho said committee on streets, and till poles shall be substantial mid symmetrical and so located as not to interfere with t he public use of said highways or to endanger the projiertv or ]>crsous of the citizens of said town. And in cusk said company shall fail to so replace or repair said streets or sidewalks within five days after written notice so to do from the chairman of said street coin- | mitteo, the same shall lie replaced or repaired hy the town authorities, and the said Catawba Power Co. shall forthwith i?iy to the town treasurer tho costs of such work, and mi addition thereto, the sum of ten dollars for each place so replaced or repaired hy way of a initially for such failure. Section :i. Sraid eorjxiration shall ho subject to the ordinances now in force or which may he hereafter passed relative to the use of the public highways ef said town of Fort Mill. Section 1. Said company shall hold said town free and harmless from all da 111 aire or claims for damages arising by reuson of the erection, or negligent maintenance, of said linos. Done and ratified in council under the corporate seal of the towij of Fort Mill this third day of November, liHW. T. S. KIRKPATRICK, . Attest: Intendaut. J. M. S PRATT, Treasqrer Trespass Notice. All persons, regardless of ago, tdze ?.r color, aiv hereby warned not U* hunt, or tres|*i>-s in tiny manner, upon the lands of I lie undo* signed. Tlioite rtisre- ; garding this nut ice inayt xjM-ct to figure in the courts, as 1 will certainly prosecute all tresppasser*. )?>- -'* Tt 1 it a (I, SMYTHK. Seed Oats I or Sale. I now have 011 sale at the store of Mr. A. O. .Tones several hundred bushels of Appier Hunt Proof Oats. 10-21-tf EIX JAR .TONES. TRESPASS NOTICE. All personsave hereby warned against hunti-g, tishing, or otherwise trespassing ujHin the lands of the undersigned, 1111 < 1??t* luitioll v nf t 111? 1' 1 u' W. H. WIN DEE, Lumber For Sale. I mil prepared t<i till vonr orders for Lumber, delivered at-Fort Mill. (Jive inc a hill of vour wants. 10-14 Itc * ALEX. BARRER. I'orkers Wanted. 1 will pay the highest market prices for a number of Porkers, lit for market purposes, Phone No. 1 t. Fort Mill, S. C, 10-1 l-tf. W. R. SMYTHIi. ? TRESPASS N()TICK. All persons are hereby warned not to hunt, lish, or in any way trespass upon any of the lands owned or controlled bv thy undersigned. jiulcr penalty of law. W. H. JONES J. W. ARI>REY. J. U. COLTHARP. 1). A. EKE. A1 .EX. N1VENS. J. D. WITHERS. R. I). SPRINt ;s. E. R. SERINES. H. W. HUFFMAN. .T. 11. SUTTON. R. F. MASSEY. TRESPASS NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that all persons arc warned not to hunt, lish, or trespass in anyway on the land of the j tindev-ujriied. Those who violate this notice wnI be dealt with to the full ex- | tent of tlie law. as well us suffer otherj eonscuuenees that mav follow. ' .1 P ; $ NEW MARKET. i ^ I lmve iijx'iti'it a ttvst-cla.. {t f Moat Market in tbu ohl Culp ^ ^ stand on Main street ami wijl ^ ? keep 011 hands at all times a ? 0 supply of ehoieo Heof, Pork, ^ ^ Mutton, Sausage, etc. My r f?> prices will always be as low 4 ^ as t ho lowest. '1 hono your ^ ^ orders to No. Jli and reeeivo A j prompt at t lent ion ami fair 4 J dealing. \ + W. L. HALL. ? t tG~ Fresh Fish and Oys^ turs every Satijvdity. ^ 4 %-v i TO DO VOi'lt !!!'<_ ; - ' V>r I V/ V * V A / ^ J"' IX KSS, IS MY HI SIX KSS! Therefore if you wish to buy, sell, or exchange Real Estate, Stocks, Bonds, etc., kindly let me know what you want or have to offer. I have a long list of property throughout the State, and solicit your business also. Nothing accomplished, no charges. "Quick deals" are my! motto. J. Krignr Pong, bkokkk, , ROCK I1ILL,S. C. gOT WE SELL "CCLUMEIA BAR-LOCK" TYPEWRITERS. n?-7-4t? The MODEL STEAM LAUNDRY Of Charlotte, N. C,, f Is unexcelled In the classof work it turns out Any work not found to be entirely satisfactory will be relaundered free of charge to the owner. McElhaneyvParks Co, Agents, Shipments Thursday mornings. ! Basket returned on Saturday. i i 'it i . i H. ? DO YOU READ? If An, I can fui'iiiah yon willi tint followirnr Btanoard literature* Aiuslee'ii ,, lOo McCluro'a ( Hte Ix'slio'H Popular Monthly lOu fcfcoribiier'a 25<t Smart Sot , 2Ao Strand I'Hi Collitv'l Weekly Ida Vanity Pair l*)o Indies' Homo Journal...... lOo American Boy 10o Judge 10l! Puck 10" Mun.sev 10o Argosy J 'Hi The Burr Mcintosh Mo Wide World 10o Person's ldo "The Statu," on Sundays 5o Also several weekly newspa* pers for sale, JR.. IE Parks, A! Ardrey's Drug Store DO YOU DRINK? If So, Trv Our OLD NORMAN CORN WHISKY Guaranteed .'I to Syearsold. Mild and Mellow. Always the Same. $2.50 per Gallon. 'Phoneand Mail Orders Promptly Filled G. W. NORMAN, Both 'Phones P. O. Box 55, CHARLOTTE, N. C. a REGISTRATION NOTICE. The books of Registration for thequalIlied voters of the town of Fort Mill for the year 1904, are now open at the Savings Bank, between the legal hours of it a. in. and Hp. m., and will close X.. ilw. I . -1 1 "? - uii mil im mil oiiuiiiiry i;kh. W. 1'. Mcuuhuiu lius been appointed Registrar. By order of the council, 'f. 8. KlflK!* ATltU'K, Attest: Intcmlaut T. M. Spkatt. Clerk. W ?1- ) -il 'I'M I- . -I FOR GOOD WHISKIES, WINES, BRANDIES, ETC., CAI.I, OS OB WHITE TO W\ II. HOOVER, HHRMHTK. N C. GIVE US A TRIAL ORDER and &et the BEST WHISKIES, AN INKS, BRANDIES, Etc., \i the iuost reasonable prices. J. D. Ross & Co. Props,, TIIE GOURD SALOON, CHARLOTTE, N. C. No. 29 W Trade mih 'Phope*. ? ./S Jzf i^\ve! m MEASURE TAKEN for your now Fall garments. It is the only proper and satisfactory way of buying your ! clothes, being' that "GOOD j CLOTHES ARE ALWAYS MADE TO ORDER." Make your selection from the tail' oring line of STRAUSS BROS. Chicago, Est. 1877 Good tailors for over n quarter century You'll find a world of pleasure in wearing the clothes made by Strauss Bros.,? fanltless in style, fit, finish and materials. They're so much better than the ordinary run of clothes, yet prices are astonishingly low, and your perfectly safe in ordering, because if garments arc not satisfactory, you needn't take them. WR WILL IIF, PLEASED TO SHOW YOU OUR GREAT LINE OF SAMPLESCALL ON ; I McElhany-Parks Co. | I Fort Mill, S. C - | J. U. Trayw'ck & Co., DEALERS IN FINE LIQi'OHS AND WINES, No. 42 East Trado St. CHARLOTTE. - - - N. O.