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Local ^ and Personal, Cotton brought 10.10 on tin* local market yesterday. Prof. ?T. A Boyd. of Pineviile, was a visitor to Fort Mill Saturday Already the little ones are !> i^initino to talk of '"Santa Clans."' Mr. David Culp lias aeeepted a position Willi (lie MeKlhan y Pa i ks Co. Miss Mntiie Span* >w, of Davi ! Hon, N. C, is \1sii1n4 Mrs. Lizzie Wither*:, at this place. Mis. M. A. \t allien, of Taylorsville, X*. (3 . is a miest at the home xjf her fathor, iiev L. A. Harts 11. Messrs. Waitt'i mil 1 In belt Dutilup, two |kjp ] 1 ni- young in nf were up from Hick llill i'Yui ly on business. ? A local weather piolit says v.*e are going to liiuv a very *colil wintei and advises everybody to lay iu a good supply of iui'l. Wo me pleased to announce that Kev. W. A. XN": i^rlit is rapidly recovering from his recent sev. r illness. 11 ih many friends wish to see him out again in a few clays. The fourth ??u:irt"tly me. tiny: of the Koit Mill eireuit wi.l convene oil t lie ISth of November lit Jl o'clock in St. -Johns Methodist cliux'ch at this pitt-e. All otlicers are requested to l>e present. Several laud owners lutve add ii their names to the trespass notice since (he last issue. The hunt ing season opens next Mom! tv and it you valui' 3*?>11 r lands ami uume. your name should also I>. ?*? !< 1 ? ii to the bsf. '17) cents pays for it. Mr. Ira (1. Smythe, a farmer of lower Fort .Mill, rent toThe Tim s o Hire a few clay a^o two ol the finest stalks of cotton that we have seen this year. The stalks wet" about -1 feet high anil the finis were lie ivily laden with extra large and healthy bolls. Reports from (odd iliil Saturday wer? to tlie .IT ct that Hud (section was visile 1 by a heavy r tin ami hail storm Friday nioiit. Tint oniy dame of consequence reported wnfi tli<* killing o." a tine .Jersey 1 >nII, owned by Mr. \V. F. lioyd, which was struck by lightning during the storm. Constable T A Mills, assisted by Mr. J. L. I'attrison on Fi itiay raided the home of Alice Allen, a colored woman better known as "Hig Six," and seized therefrom eight pints and two gallon jugs of whiskey. The following day Con stable Mills and Olficer .lohtldon relieved one dim lvobiiiBou of two gallons of "red eye.' {Saturday was by several decrees (lit* coldfHt day tif the season in 1 liis section. tlie thermometer-> rci* isterinif at 40 at 0 o'clock in the morning. Not only was the morning cool hut was very disagreeable owing to the (I a in piles < of t lie raiis Friday n glit. However tin* we-.tiler moderated during tlie afternoon and the crowd of buyers in town was about equal to the average Sa t urday. M.-rubers of the town council are still eiideav iriug to contract with tin* (hitawbi I'owor Company for sufficient eloetric power to light the streets There has h en a hitch between lli c >mpmy and couiicial as to r.itt's for the p over, but it is beln V' ! that a contract satisfactory to h >th parties wi I In* arranged within a few d iys an<l the town will have electric li dit^ upon the completi hi of tli<* power company's plant. A t eMail I liou?e 011 the plants lntioti of ('apt. S. K. Wirt . north of town ami occupied by Andy \Vliit? and family, colored. was destroyed by tire Thursday afternoon. The ori 'in of the lire is unknown as While an I family were at work in the field and d:d not d seover the fire until the house had almost burned down, ('apt. While estimates h s loss at $150. while the colored man suffered the I >-s of a 1 of his hoiisebold goods. Miss A/alee Kimbroll. daughter of .Mr. H. M. IviIII 1 ?r?-11 of the eastern pari ol the township, and Mr. Wes. Osborne, of (J Id Mill, were married Sunday afternoon by \V. (). liailes. I he iioI<m1 mrirriau'e art is of upper Fort .Mill. Another marriage Sunday was that of Mr. liistoii and Miss ('>rn Wadford, which took pluee at the home of a Mr. McGitiuis in the village of the Fort Mill Mfg (' ?., Magistrate J. W. MeKlhaney f tieial i ng. Those desirint! to visit the State fair, wliieh will eoiitinue throughout the week, will find the Southern's | resent H' hedule very e nveuient. No 21, local p-?n?ciiger train pisses Fort Mill :,t 0 88 eaeli in ?rning and arrives in Columbia at 10 45 Returning the tiain leaves C luinbin at 5.30 and reaches Fort Mill at 0 02. The fare for the round rip from this place is $8.50, which includes admission fee to the fair grounds. ' ! nun FA LI rKH&*rr?rs?r ?lv? UMI of B>r~i G tm Shirts, P Are arriving dail induced us to buy hea^ j jo O ffo Y* cnrno c?r\or-< "A t Call and see our ! interest, ! . aWUWV*0**L.-Xm++f- itwrv u:Do not forget the o ways filled with a con We can also save 'Js/L X Xj: Xj ? 111 :n i. i \ lii? nil - ill tin*- ;i nil 1 otluw si-i-t inns will In* ^rnl ilifil )? ! t ktk >w Mi.-- N innif TlinriiWt II. . \v!l ' w;i?; up I'M I t?t | nit Ins* \\ ,i .% f r i; : n. > .' " I'i" 1" l' " i \ "" covering. '! In' ?iihi. per Formed hy 1 >r. ] rwi n. < T ('ii i riot le. I I >r. Mas-ey. of I lock Mill. >:ik1 Drs K rkpitriek, Meuel nui. Sprati | ami Thomp, hi. of this |.!a was ; Very sueeessfiii. ami line.-mines pe< ! (1 c< > I! 11 > ii'.'lt inns I is It l> i I I'Vi'il tlial within a f \v weeks .Miss Thoruwtdl will have lull} i\ revered. M* S, L. McElhaney Dead. After iimtjy wee us of int< Mil - ' fi liiiLT, Mr. Samuel L. .M Dili hh v ; died on Tuesday afternoon of bin" i wee I; at I is koine near \\ elfsv.lle. N. V., the cause of his dentil hem (a tumor of the stomach. I'm? funeral too!; place We inesday at liauks' church, Ilev. I Jr .). I> M .ck conduct iutr and the huriul was made in the church yard. Mr. Melvhutny was, up to a few years n*?o, a citi/.en of this township, and was in Id in In !i ? -teem hy those who knew hi:e. Ilo was li I V'-ill's i 1' uoe, find < : ex-C iiil't-fli i ila s >! im . ii iv.n^ <*11 iisl? (1 lit t In- I) :j mil 114 of 1 be tt'n r j with ii mecklenburg { n. (\)e< i?iI lit ny. I > ? ??h?*i 1 was ilia f it i of M:> I. \V. Krwiti an I an uncle of .Vir ) \V. Mel'Ilfbiieo . of 1' is ?)ia c, holh of wtioin wnh a lar_'?' ii mill i i other rrlaliv?-H and friends attend j . i-d tIn* fuiier ii. Thomps>on''Cu!p. The parlor of ! lie I4 dnm ip Hotel was on Thursday eVeninv: the seem* of a beautiful wedd ulu ; '.Mish Lillian, second daughter oi t Mr. and Mrs, W M <'11!j , of th i> place. and Mr i? try S. T uoi up inn. I of (nullum. N. I' , b- ino t'.ie c ?i; ! trading parties Tue mailing' ? ..i. i . . ?/> i rn uii'uy n >ui\ | mi'i' Ml | j# l i) , and wiib |?* rf<?ri 11? <I by tin* bi id -V pastor, Uov. I)r. d. li T;.o; i. we! Mr A. C. Holt, of (iralin n, ne'e as best man and Miss Carrie ivimbrell, of Fort Mill, w.ih maid f honor. (>11 ly Iho intimate friends and ri lativirt of tin-* family wa ir [)I?'S lit. Mr. and Mrs. Tli.unp- - l?'ft o the evening train for (? rail uri, car ry ins/ with tin-in t . 1 i.-st wish s f j a line-1 of reiat ives and fru-nds. Coining Marriage In v.tatn nis i" i ing as f .1 -\\s wt-ri' received li iv ii I < w (l.ys ug : "Mr. and M is. \\ . liiain 1.. Sir: to. iii\it<- yon to lie present at th fringe of t heir daughter ('I ir.i o Mr llarpt-r K. Woo ih on W . dii>-? day evening, November t lie four!! . li i ii teen handled and three at eight Iliirty o'clock. Purity I'resli, tei ian clinrcli, Church Chest, r. Sou! h Car diiin." These you in/ people are well known in Fort Mill, both having formerly resided here. Miss Shah.e was for a number of years a to idler in the Fort Mill graded school, j and by her amiability of disposition and Christian character en ! deared her to many. Mr. Woods j also won many friends iu this see: tion while engaged iu the drag I business hero. , and WiNTE WJ r' T*" ':? '1?' TJ-J. TXL zn:rA^r , ? ,f?-; oodlSj NotSonsp; &ao?sP Hats &m ly, Our increased sales i rizr than ever before, and bargains. STOCK before ycu buy, wmAv'"AV? r?-va ! fact that our Grocery 1 uplefce iine of choicest eata you money on Furniture S &> "3Z~ O 1 v^y v_i> o' o'Z JC> iv'O i.^'c/C>V>'Zs:0^ j Piave iTO "cl ? That Sack | Da si Valley Fl ^ I tfs tile bGG $ T H E C G M P A N ? C;.' -oJ mfOJIfl II Oil 1 rllM FUR! For want of room wv aiv oil!* ontiiv stock of I I >li>i i\; ??iwi i i ; i i t 1CIIIMMU1V (lila \ Merchants. as a rule, cut * late to hciictit t heir eustomc in& to h i:,h prices, until over, and the i;oods cannot V lisr tileai at very low !ii?ur benefit? Not th? customer, they don't need th?m alter ll V* e have adopt d :> i:ei> ru an* cutting pries at tin* von on on all sail and winter l',o< this ri.nht at the time whrii v Ol'oJiis? r?ecau-.0 \Yi* :i ro !: ( (Jroeeries and Hardware, *i carry iari?e stocks in other i cided to sell the following i sacrifice, and iet them j?<>. We do not want to be mini not offering a few old faded n this way to get rid of tin.: the latest styles in everythii nought for this tali and win stock in town. Dry (ioods of ovorv drs 5si<? for Mon, Youths a:i and Caps for Moii, Y'out Shoos fov lUon, Youth Shoos for Ladios, Misro Ladios' Furnishing Co nish i! w Coods, (jllovos, pandtM's, liiosiorv, Rtt\, j)ots, Mai tint?\s aia! V Whito Qniiis, Coir.t Trunks, Suit Casos, Ha: We haven't space to nicnii that are h- re for \ on. We are calculating to bene sel ves. Von will save mone\ for our immense stock of Hai and all be pleased. (iriliia Brand Clothing, Je Hats, the Single, Battle Axe, I tia Shoes. Those are all the and see for yourself. We tli Yours for business, Old - Belial) T* B. BELK, Ps R STOOK Oott i U i 11?? 1 >i <c? . ? 2000 yds AH iiast ( Slices, > ? Rnc rcsi 50c Drcsji Gaps $ Tat fl_ Hcst Cool ? \T ... A i i L-aicrs, I . 4 J < I IS 11 C O t 1 1 ( / m these lines have >)CW j <)t od, we are prepared Now ] half you j C ill It v/tli be to your to our m j mist bo > 1 ' cl CO ill P and see h Department is ah bles. Old Made ~j~ jnt a-. 10-4 .. 10 I .. D <2>sLfVik C&C^ - . j 0 L..J , "Poll rrl^ -}- i. \ 11. i In -? ?3 - ? vlj Wi MIC!! of ?y I len\ v i i l!*? a in I 13is r ?et? | L a.sold jgj M. Y STORE, | CO (iivt'ln'i Bur ns . j Me I'wwl t<> cul down i?<)()(is <\\('(k|)t , * rociTii^s. ? wices when ii is loo / rs. rhey wait, hop- / Use season is a hoot / >e us?d, ihey adver- /r\ os. Whom does ii fc xMs Why not? Because /' ^ \ J SC<ic()il is ()\ Ci'. / ' ie lor this laII. W* M opening ol the s as- jfty:1 ids. V; h\ do we do \ should make our Y ???l_\\ :rcusing our line of \ ind haven't room to :;= If o \ ines. So we have ile- h. g \ inos out at a ureal /(.\ o \ f -.v r*i mdcrsiood. We are V yy ^ and out oi style goous Vn. We are offering >, Ti ng. All new goods. y . -50. jr trade. Th large ? v^\'; 'y^ v<\ ' Ac * \. c icript ion, Ciotli- , (1 (hildron. Hals ^ Its 2*in 1 ( 'liiMrcn, s ainl ( liiidron, 1 / n - 1 ? *; n?H! ^ uiKiron, l)(ls, (/cut s' 1^III"AO<k W VJ!!% Sll.NFurnitim*, Ciir- y^N \mi'ow Shades, f \; rt s, Blanket s, r;<A .*:*' Vs' ? on all the good tilings !ii you as well as onr- y r wnilcwrmak room t(T *d vvan- and (Groceries 1 ^Jefferson and .Madison ' ^C\i Itiehardson and Por- j 7 h<'Si brands. Come ank ymi in advance. le Store ?oprietoi,1 I 1 onOff. Prices Off. Outing at - - 4 c Calico at - - - 5c rd-wide Domestic - 5 1-2 s Goods, all wool - - 25c ? Goods at - - 41c ;ss Goods at - - - 95c Tcta Silk, yard-wide at - 91c king Stoves ever made at $6.25 to $14.5(? at - $1.35, $1.75 and $2.50 n 36 inches wide 6 k2c lb Ladies and Childrens Jackets just receiw " ' 90c to $6.75 aaasaa?? ot Millinery just arrived, prices about Kiy other places. 3iniI that the Fall trade has not come up Seipations. We have a big stock that >idf if low prices will do it. All we ask arisou of qualities and prices. Try this o?\ many dollars you will save. IS. .3. MAft&rv AW Li U I 7 II /""Ml *8. wf B - Q I Dixie Blankets, oi Southern wool by Southern men. vv .1 ! I mkets $2.7.1 ,, liner ^rnde 3.50 Mill Better grade 1 3.75 Best 11nit 1 it y 5.00 \ n il in white, grey and Blaek worth 75c 5U : :<j :o tes r.wba r. I' D t e Lined I'mh-rwear for hoys, girls unci I' \ a (I girls' sizes, 25c. Womens' sizes, 50cts. BB. . in t ho womens'goods. 25c. Pants to match in ) eei.l kinds. OE CTJRTAinXTS. h ?v. in:,' some specials in Lace Curtains. See our i ns. rin y aie the Best values we have ever offered. ji. x i^i^i int e: ii ~*sr. !> has not had one idle moment since our opening. \ .>ur order and if she doesn't make you as stylish a a <,'in L.''t in Lock Hill or Charlotte, and sell it to per, why, return it and got your money. acham & Epps. I . M.. -UL-Xt Just Received n X, A new lot of the celc^ >l* kv y hrated W. L. Douglas Shoes in all leathers. ' f you believe in wear\&fW ing a good Shoe, try a m pair of DOUGLAS, or \^-rr\ HAMILTON ' & BROWN ^Ezrji SHOES. A Durability, style and \ com fort ;i r<? t Vi o oliiAf oc . . ?. ? V % B11V1 WO" , \ sentials of these goods. ;i| See us for Hats. Can't H be equalled. MeElhaney-Parks Co., Thi* Prhe-Culffrs. ! the line for business, ^ ! the line for pleasure, si^-j | t11e line for all the best TWE ! SUMMER RESORTS 1 - -1- ?-r ?^ Omp'ete Summer Resort Folder Trailed Free la Any Address. I** T tSi.'/l/J j | V/. A.T-tri:. S. H. Hardwick. W. H-Tayios. Pass. Tralfk: I :r. C n'l Pass. Apent. Asst. Gen'l At*> i| '..ASHINUlON. L?.C. V//-SHINQTOM, D.C. ATLANTA, OA. I j=rr^: