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^ VOL, XII. HE LECTURES DOWIE. F Or. Parkliurst Says Plain Things to the New Elijah. * WENT TO HEAR HIM PREACH. Said That I1is Exhibition Was Below the Standard of a Circus?Carrie Nation Creates a Diversion. New York, Special.?About 1,000 IX't'oons, half of whom v/ere Zionists, attended John Alexander Dowies vrly services in Madison Square Garden Tuesday, where Ik? preaehed on "Blasphemy." ile then said he was going to meet the editor.; of the Now York papers at his hoti 1. and requested his followers to pray for him. The Hon members of the Dowie choir will join tin- house visitation force, increasing its number to 1.140. Deacon SpcMeher said the work was greater than anticipated. Dowies ehitf aides, his wife and his son. ar?? about to leave him for a t"ip abroad. Tlioy will start on Thursday from this city, taking the steamer Saxonian Saturday from Boston. They will go tlrst to England, then to Aus- ! trnlia, whore Mrs. Dowio's family : 11 i:- -i? *- - - aLiM i airy no m>i i-siiwi 10 return to th United States until next ; I -luly. ; j Mr. Dowio, arrayed In ? veiling jt clothes, talked for two hours Tuesday > night before a great throng in Madl ]' son Square Garden. The burden of i t his talk was denunciation of the j t elergy and the pr? ss. Carrie Nation, who occupied a seat near tlie front, asked "Elijah" to an- ; sw t some questions. lie refused and I ordered her 1o sit down. Dowio th a ' r prnl: e I the spirit in which Mrs. Na- l( lion lied varied on the saloon, hut I said she used wrong methods. Mrs. I 1 Nation a ai:i demanded the privilege t of asking questions. At once the Zl?m I guards Ki;vr< imded her and with the ? aid of { ? eral pq!icemen ejected iter. ] The meeting was one of continuous ' disorder. . t The Rev. Dr. Charles M. i' sent an open letter to Mr. Howie as , 1 follows: ^ "t do not want to he presuming, but , f doubt if it i? any more presumptive in | me to come and try to clarify you i than it is for you to come and try to t clarify Now York: and 1 don t know I which of ub has taken the heavier con- r tract. 1 attended your service at < Madison Square Garden last evening, 1 and F went determined to enjoy it if s 1 could, and to he benefitted by it. t and to go away and refute some of r the charges that I had heard alleged j against you. Hut it was no use; your ' t behavior on the platform crushed cv- j l ery throb of sympathy I had with you 1 I never heard from a public speaker I such a discharge of efl'orvcscent 1 wrath aud coars" invectives. 1 went to ? hear you preach the Gospel and you j preached Howie. Zion City, 'stink pot.' 11 i was asnamed of you, and almost ] ! ashamed to bo in your audience. It i was a loin; way below the standard r even of the circuses that I have at- t tended in the same garden. The only t consolation 1 could derive was that it I was so abominable and so far beyond ; the bounds of the respectable that v even those in your congregation who f did not know what Christianity is. t would have no idea that it had any- i thi ; to do with what you were say s in ft ! ( : nirao the ridiculousness of the t per. nance was only < nhanced by the t iir.i ':; of your pretensions. If you 3 clal 1 rd to be only an ordinary man 1 tlu i rnlfjbt i?e some hope for you, c even vith what you call the 'rabble,* 3 but the rabble is discriminating and f can discriminate as keenly as the keenest between a prophet and a jug- t gler; between an Elijah and a Monnte- j bank. 1 say this in no spirit of anger. ! 1 but either your head is twisted or ! r your heart inf 1 toil or you have blun- j dered badly in your method. You ran- \ 1 not bully people into Zionism nor j bleeVgurrd them into the kingdom of i heaven. I hope you will take this in ' the kindly spirit In which it is offered j and that it. will be blessed to yon." J < , f Prc'ght Cns? Heard. 1 Washington. iSpeciai.?The Inter- 1 State. Com merer Commission cave n ^ hearing In the rase of the City Gas 1 Company, of Norfolk. Vu.. against th< Baltimore & Ohio Railroad Company. ' Too gas rompany allcgt s that the rail- ' road charges more for transporting ' roal from the mines along 'ts line to Norfolk and points inside Capes Henry ' and Charles than to points outside the 1 cap"*. Decision was reserved. J ritnor Mention. A Chicago dispatch says that 7" s per cent, of the $4,000,000 in jurig- 3 nients against the c ity- are based upon , bogus and fraudulent personal injury s claims ia said to be the charge which \ City Attorney Smulskl is prepared to c make before the City Hall grnft" j, committee. ( H. N. Van Dyke, register of Prime- r ton University, has just giv< n out v statintlcs which show that during the I' recent entrance examination Mevon e students were permanently disbarred a on account of gross dishonesty In tlx- (1 preparation of papers. Thin action is b the result of a new rule adopt.?1 bj p the Princeton faculty to pr. vent rope a titinn of such flagrant cheating cs oe- tl curre-J at Andover la*<t year. n FO NIXON ON THE STAND. *resident of Sh phuildlng Company Tells Mow It Wr.s Wrecked. New York, Special.?Lewis Nixon, rho. from naval constructor, became j uli.Icr of warships and the president if the Uuitcd States Shipbuilding ; Company, was the principal witness at he continuation of the hearing no fore Sxaminer Henry D. a - to the ' 'ffairs of the defunct corporation tamed. He did not lir.loh his recital.! nit in the three hours that ho was on ' he stand lie went over mil a of the | iistory of the corporation an I the a ts of the men prominent In its his- j ory. He said Max Pain counsel for i Charles M. Schwab, had sngscstod a lumber of the diirctora for the shipmilding combination, and sai 1 that lie jirojioivd expenditure "f 0 or improvt ments at the I' ilileheai "ted Works ha 1 been approved by the lirectors over his protest and warning j hat the net inn niii tit i*i 11. i < .... ho main corporruicn with .at funds ind wreck it. -Mr. Nixon swore that :ftrr tills expenditure was nppr< ved ir made Severn! attempts to secure a neeting of the d'r- rs and that Mr. selnvab hod Anally told him that <te tad instructed the director-, t t remain i iway front a meeting. An effort was made to sh-?\\ tiiat \ he directors elv'ei at the sag.r.estion I it Mr. I'am had not been stockholder* tat iikc the young raon of t'ae O.rtoration Trust Company, of New Jersey, who served !i? the early davs of ' he comliinntion. hid he: n given shares nough to quality, hut Mr. Nixon had to personal know::.!ge of the tram.jc ion. Mr. Nixon tt tilVd that hy resolttiou of the director,", passed in lioi < mi? r last. Mr. Ihvu wis given a salary if fts.ono a year, v.h' di was date l ha<:k o t'ae preceding Se u? mla-v. lie ai stilled thai bts.ili's hi. lmn.i:. as 11 inderwriter, and th sunn pa'il for s e toihb hem property, Mr. S ">v >}> - i oived a share of the promo? ? i mnii y. Mr? of which 1m* g.iv* to ("li .'i?3 wites. of the brokerage firm of Mar- , is. < ;at'\i K Co. Samuel t r* ?-1 nicy. r. for the inir.dloldcrs, endeavored t> prove by up j vitness that 'lr.ling it' negoiiat.ops j or tlie purchase n< ill' ronstitu-lit ilants ao one looked after the in;ersts of the shipbuilding compnuh hut hat the figures and report.; of .lonn A'. Young, the promoter, were ,t,vt pt 1. Mr. Nixon said that no Indenenlent appraisement or hiv<-stigntinn tad h? ?-n made, and dia d'iinn .1 nil peronal responsibility for the ue^oiSalons and financial part of tic com.11tation plan. It was brought out in the testimony >f Mr. Nixon that the statements as o th" personnel of the directorate had icen made in the prospectus issued in lone. 18118. and that Young had taken lie ontions in his name. According t > dr. Nixon, secrecy was observed in laying ihe vendors only because l'ronoter Young did not war.* them to mow what was being paid for each dr.nt. There has been much mystery ?ver the cutting of the checks given o the vendors, and it is possible that he explanation of Mr. Nixon will clear t away. Charles Cnnda was the only other I fitness of the day. taking the stand h< ore Nixon was called. He tordiiiel hat the Canda Manufacturing Continny, for which $1,100,000 in cash and ecurities was paid, had a plant at 'artcrr-t, N. J., built for the inantif.tell re of car wheels, but that at the iine of its purchase it was turning out rune experimental work in motor curiages. it had made about 100 ruahines, and employed about 10 men. lie aid that plant would have been usou 1 in connection with some of the onratior.s of the .ship-building eomblnaion. Charles M. Schwab Max i'am ai i ndod the hearing yesterday. Th v a.nt to be sworn, but remained mer t?d listeners to all th:- testimony. They will testify later in the week. Cotton Cirowers at Raleigii. Raleigh. Special.- A largely attend d meeting of North Carolina cotton ;rnw< rs is being held here. E. E. mugiunnge, or tva-gecom be: T. 15. sarker. secretary, State Chemist Kil;?ro made a talk covering his obrcrva Ions of cotton during Ms recent trip hrough the South. There were resoutions Introduced providing that dis ussion should he -solely on the mater of marketing cotton. Rxcellent speeches were made on his resolution by S. 15. A!? xatnlcr, \V. {. CVx Currie. of Cumberland; T. ii. 'arker. John VV. Atwatcr. Ashley lorne and oihors. ITorne. several mouths ago. issued , circular letter in regard to cotton, hewing that reports and estimated tatistiri; \vt rt excessive and that the rop was not m nrlv as large an they tated it to he. This letter was large v published in North Carolina and South Carolina and. gave the growers Teat encouragement. One South Car ilina grow* r said it was worth half :> aillion dollars to that State alone. It ran shown by reports that the crop i not ncarlv* so large as rtafed. A omniitteo of ten was ordered to lie ppointed to confer with Harvie Jcran in regard to securing such aliro lite concert of action as to secure a rice of not less than 10 coats. Such course had the absolute approval of lie meeting. The committee will be annul later. * MI] IIT MILL. S. I WEIIN] TEN LIVES ARE LOST. I Most Disastrous Accident iu History of Sub-Way. TUNNEL WALLS AND ROOT CAVE-IN. Superintendent and 1 o.tinan of Construction Held in $10,000 Bonds? Italian's L j; Cut tilt" to Release Him Item Boulder. New York, Special.?'Ten lives wore i si uy iao cave-in 01 ;n? root unu wn.11 j of the subway tunnel at One Unwind and Ninety-Fifth street Saturday niyht. and four persona were , badly injur, d. AH of tin- dead and itt.1 wore Workmen and most of them , Italians. Following is a list of tlieir ^ names: Timothy Sullivan, foreman; Wm. i chutte, electrician; CJuisoppe H.vrne. Str.nziotie Drune. Ixuiis Tippi; live ti'.idcniillol Italian laborers. Injured: Juno Pawpiale. Hatasto < Velantlo, Alphonz Araiatcllo. Juno It. ] Maski. ^ The are.dent was th? most disastrous that hts occurred in the construe- : tion of th<> sub-way. At the point < where the c.n in <.v.nrred a gang of i twenty mm was at work in the tun- ( nil. which is about 110 t\vt below the , surface. Unfits Curat, general superintendent ' of the tunnel work, said that two eon- i verging scant* had app ared in the roof . of the tunnel during the day-work on Sunday. The presence of these seams, however, was not beli >vi 1 to indicate * any more danger us character of the < i <(d; than pr? viotndy had been omoun- . tcred. although it was thought necessary to pr. a the roof with a number of upright timber braces. The tunnel was being bored by open- ! in;; a pm-prtidicukir embrasure in the face of the bore, and blasting the sides ' to the right and loft ot this embrasure. 'I hrce blasts were arranged by the ' drillers, the lit its being charged well tawn tl th<> roof. The drillers then withdrew .iri'l !.: -Im,." id <s,s were s, t off in rapid s u < esanei by i I -rt rieiiy, loosening large quant ill-. of earth an t rock. T!i" drillers say t li::t about ten minutes lapsed m :i!!.?w the sni #ke to dear away Le.'e e Timothy Sullivan, the foreman. and Kb- t: idan Sehe ;:, ! approached. the latter to string and ham*; lamps to light the way. They were tollowed by sixt" n workmen. The vanguard of the gang had reached the stone when a rumbling sound was heard. Those in the rear had just time to turn about and run when, with a deafening crash, hundreds of tons of rock fell on the men at the face of the boring. When the roar had ceased the cries of injured workmen echoed through the tunnel. Two negroes, in charge of a tram car. rushed to the t opening at two Hundredth street and telepl >ncd an alarm to polite head- ' quarters. Reserves were Immediately ] ordered to the scene, while ambulances ( were sent from several hospitals. Army Appropriations. Washington, Special.?The annual report of Gen. Gillespie, chief of engineers, United States army, for the year t nded Juno 30, 1003. dealing with fortifications and river and harbor work, has been made public. Gen. (till : pie says that projects f-r defenses of 31 localities have been approved and in addition defenses of the Great Lakes ami St. Lawrence river" are under consideration. He adds: "It is believe 1 that the time has come when it would be no longer no. ible to Ignore the question of insular defenses. The Navy Department is properly insistent that all its important coaling stations should receive proper defensive protection to k'?cp off predatory attacks from passible hostile lie Is. "The peaeoaPt dt fen: es of the United States are now somewhat more than 50 per cent, completed. Twenty-live of the principal harbors ef ti e Unl-ed States have a uitUciem niM-ih r i lienv *. ??nn m l 1 :if i .-t -i rs mounted to permit yn effeetive defense against naval attack. and during iho past three years considerable progress lias been made in tht installation of an adequate rapid lire armament now the matter of first importance." $15,000 Fire. Hampton Beach, N. I!., Sp( : ial.? Fire that originated in the Washington ho?i3e Sunday destroyed the hood, a summer boarding house, combination studio and cafe and two small stores. The buildings were all of wood, built inexpensively for Hummer occupancy otiy. and the total lass will not much exceed $15,000. Consul Skinner Starts. Marseilles, By Cable. Robert P. Skinner, I'nited States consul general here, who is going to Abyssinia to e::- e tabllu.i diplomatic relations with that 1 country, and to invito Emperor Mene- ? lik to visit the St. Louis Expedition, d left here Sunday morning, accompanie 1 b by Mr. Wales, his secretary, and Dr. n Pease on board the steamer Balkan for t Naples, where ho will be joined on the 0 27th inst. by Capt. G. C. Thorpe, Unit- j t. r:1 States Marine Corps, who goes with j i' him. From Naples the Machias will I h proceed at once, for Abyssinia. It is ( ti reported hero from Abyssinia that I , Emperor Menellk feels very much flat- I j. tcred at this visit from Mr. Skinner. ^ LL A IfiSDAY, OCTOI'.EIi 2S SHOT DOWN BEEORE WAVOR. tragic Scene Enacted in City of Savannah, (ia. Savannah. Ga.. Special.?Policeman Charles A. Collins was shot down in the mayor's office in the city liall Friday afternoon by Henry G. Green, an ?rt dealer. The shooting occurred in the prescnc eof Mayor Myers, the superintendent of police, the recorder, the chairman of the council, several aldermen and a number of citizens. ! Collins was shot through th? hroast, wid will probably die. Policcoun Collins \v:is under investigation by the mayor on charges brought by Croon. A woe'; o ?> u days ago. Collins arrested Croon on the str? , t< ,?.* a sU' iti 'urns oila"'i r. As a matter oi fact. (It. <11 is we||-;-.i <nvn in tlso oitv. having b? c:i < nn t? ?i v. ilh tlu postofi ice for n number of \ > ars. There hr. ! be on s< veral robborios and burglaries report i to the police. Coll-ns saw* a man st nidi u' or loitering an the sidewalk in tho neighborhood of tihero tho hurglnrios occurred. about 2 iVln.-k in tho morning, and airost' l him. Tho man urovod to ho Green. who rxplained that ho was only waiting for t friend. Tho poliooman refused to actj>; the explanation, and locked Croon up. without giving him an opportunity to see his friends or arrange for hail. The next morning the recorder imposed a flue on Green, who aptioaled to I he mayor and lodged complaint igainst Collins. This oomplaint, was under investigation Friday afternoon, riroon had testified. and Collins was eross-questioning him. Collins asked questi<?t? which reflected on Croen's morality. Quick as a flash. Creon pulled i (>istol and fn 1. Collins arose, an 1 nttompted to get. his p'stol out of iho liolst-r. hut was cam*.lit by the thief if police and restrained. Collina was taken to a hospital, and Crecti was locked lip at the <oimty jail. Itiir Industrial Collapse. Butto, Mont.. Special. By the g'n i.ii nn .< i.inui . i mi- \:ii;iiu ' : 11:? i I'opper Company pmpcrt: >;. r.t.uau i> I'i.OOO iren arc directly I'irmvii on! nf mployniont an 1 nihcrs will be in 'i < idly affected within a went; .,) i Ji*?t ho grand total will reach 20.000. Th Ilrrat Northern will l.:y off a portion if tin' crews heretofore hauling ere >orn Rntte t<> the Rnston and Moatati i Smelter at (treat Falls. The Butt \ Anaconda & Pn rifle Railway will lay iff fraight crews between Rntte an! Anaconda. In addition to these, numerous other enterprises, large and mi a II. whieh relied upon the Amalgamated as their cliief customer, will he jbliged to curtail. In Montana alone tpproximntely $1,000,000 a week is cut jit the pay rolls. Ttutte streets are filled today with i.oOO miners thrown out last night, rtoarding house keepers, storekeepers, tr.. whom the miners owe besieged he justices' court seek in? garnishee lrders. The const aides cannot serve the tapers fast enough and the justices' lerks are working overtime tilling hem out. F. Augustus ltrinze. of the Montana Ire Purchasing Company, today puhished a statement giving his si le of .he shut down, lie said it was ; move in the part of the Wall street sp cuatohs (among them II. H. Rogers, iiesidcnt of the Amalgamated Cooper Company.> to control stock m.tnipuation and was not directly caused by he injunction issued yes; r 1 y by \ liiJl' t >. i ir iiis i ,-;i; uiai ,nriv;t7!an<ry'a (Incision y< sler day was in 'n?* with the Northern Sreuritii tie:ision. Mr. Soallon. of the Ann< soda < >t. ?ornpany, said that there was no th n the statement that Mr. ,m (ient '?f ttir? Amrh-a: r ! f'onp.r (' ni >any ordered the shot down to :f*< he stock market. Sailers ni a l ire. Norfolk. Special. The liv< lory uiilding of th.e Old ix-.ninkn Paper Company, on (' ommerrinl Place, was tutted Friday night and i' was only I.y luperhuman < ; ris the Mane s were <ept within the f.air walk of the s.iiicure. A high n .r!h? ist wind tltr. .v dazing brands for 'pians and serimsly endangered the heart of the nholcsale section. The (ire originated n the fifth floor and had trained pre at teadway before it. was discovereil. \bout 100 sailers from the navv yard tided the firemen ard one sailor fell ' rom th top of a forty feat la.hl'-r j nto the outstretched arms of three of lis companion:, who .raw him raining rnd b'aced themselves to catch hivri. ie was uninjured. Wit at port! us if he building escaped the fi wn? uined hv watei nn.l the immon - -< .ck s a total loss. The damage is cj.'inmt(1 at front $.">0,000 i a $'i0.000. Wants riercy With Justice. Norfoik, Special tri coneidei i;u-. . ? \ nil cases (>:' Chinrvn. charved \ i:h ivlng here in violation of the f'ary Pollution act. Judge Edmund W.villi. of tli" Federal Court sail that he elicvcs Jung Twong, an aged Chinarinn, who has been living in this < >unry for .10 years, shoul 1 no! lie d- porrd. He said that in go la," heel: to Chin v he aged man would be deporte 1 to r'io a misery or be starved to death. He (llevcs the Federal lav; docs net < onemplato either alternative, and ror.ijtued the <aso until November h. ending a discussion of the rase with j he department in Washington. , 1903. LIVE ITEMS OF NEWS. Many Mcttcrs of (ieneral Interest In Short Paragraphs. Down In Dixie. Many towns in North Carolina are suffering for want of labor. Snow foil in considerable quantities in North Carolina last week. One thousand negro longshoremen struck for higher wages at Mobile. Ala., Saturday. It is report.- 1 in Norfolk that a slioonor has been driven ashore on the i heai li at Dam No !. Mills. .11 a storm. ' The Western Union elosel its ?f11? e in South Carolina towns last wool? 1 un account of excessive local taxation. Tlio Tennessee Iroil an I Metal Company tiled a petition in bankrupt- y. Saturday in Clintt inooga. in which it* ^ 11:?? Cities arc sehe.lui ! at $ J.and j its assets at ?t>. A. N. Dent Icy. a masti r mechanic <?f the* Livingston division of the Louis- j \ ilie & Nashville, shot and Killed 11. N. . Uoller. master of trains. The shooting j occurred in front of the court house. The Rim-boat Newport lias been or- , dered to visit Savannah. CS.i., between tiie 4th and Xtli proximo to participate i:i the fall festival and fair Riven under the auspices of the residents of that city. The Secretary of the Navy Moody and Rear Admiral l-'ram is T. Howies ; visited the N>. vpo t News ship LUiihlIiir Company's shipyard. The Secretary was taken aboard of the battleship' Missouri, which is tied up at one of the ship yard piers, and expressed pleasure at the ship's sine performance on ' * I inilii I*Int i . jCollegiate Coif A user union. detent tig \V. ('. Chick, ?>f lift! I. '.y foc.r np ] and Mir* e to piny. Fi om Heroes Ttic f?-a. Tin- French National .A stM: :!> re sained Us sittings. .1 oc.eph <'hnninerlaln luailo :tn a i dress ; i Ni ;\ castle. England, t!; first r.inee his ro < nt attar; of go t. I'!... ! r C. iuseppi Zannrd' :i. of I till-.-, v :. < .1 *!??.? resignations of the j em ire i. ;. to Kit g Victor Em niiMiuel. American . sklents ?t Puerto Prin- | ripe have telegraphed nite 1 Stat s i M!ni.d< . S palres regarding tho all- y. il I murder of aa America:! named Mur- j ray. who 1 opt a h:;tai that city, | uhi< li was . cpor'od by the local papers having t iU?*ii place it. Sunday. Aeroi 'i'tg to . h<- papei.s, Murray was I <!* el a a cell at potico hcartquartcrs. la tf"? siioio eel' was confine.; a negro who harl in his pervasion a knife anil v. ho was imported to hi* mart. 1 AT'sc. ll.-ncous natters. The negro question was discussed in artrtfc e i ,.forc the Amcrlean Missionary A sedation at Cleveland in the hi .iiiiij* before Referee Stanley \V. 1? 'Mef. witnesses testified to the manm r of the value of securities on which Dresser & Co. < ete i a hi;; loan. >'ir K r?d or irk Pol look, who Is on a visit 10 (his eoniitry. Is corpus professor of Jurlsprudeve e at O\ford University. and <#e. upies a distlngi iahed position in the English legai profession. il< has hen ? r.aniin? r of law at Cnnibridgo, and has written many to\tbookH. among them volumes on torts, contracts, partnerships and jurisprudence and ethics, lie also has written a life of Sprinoza. Sir Frederick was born in 1S4."? and was educated at Eton and nt Trinity College, Cambridge, nnd was called to ?he Par of Uineoln's Inn. ! His grandfather was chief baron of the j Court of Exchequer. Sir Frederick has visited the TTnited SV^.0*1 several tltpes. * NO? :$2. REJECTS REPORTERS ? - ? Elijah Calls the Journalists "Tainted Vipers." DRIVES TIItM OUT WITH EPITHETS. Health Authorities Look Into Sanitary Condition of the Garden and Prescribe R. gelations for the Host, Mew Y oris. Spceial.? !>.nvh calh'd for special prayers at the early tnreting in Madison Square Harden for those ol' I'is following who are ill At hast r' a*"i said to he unable to leave their boa'd.n.e houses on account of siektji 'I he conditions in {he (?ard?u \ t I . . is i-;il!cm! 11 t lie at t oath a i .' i he be d of I! :slt It .in.l c.l'dc. r? p;i:il an ?fli< i::l r-i) i >'e's "army" urn will do all possible in preserve sin conditions in the Zlon headquarters. Am.tin a- healing meeting was iai odor Wcdtn ; day. "Inst to show that 1 am in favor wit.'; tin- Christian merchant p in -s oi* this city.*' said Mr. Howie, "I will announce the money which has gome to me tiiis morning ulone. These sums; are from men unknown to me, hut wIk> evidently in iieve I am right. One uenits me a check for $5,000. another a < neck for $1,(100. another for $1,500, and an.other gave mo $200. These contributions unsolicited. They we e accompanied by the Kindest wo ds During Howie's sermon a ntinih ; of students marched out in squads. Dr. Howie was f. reed to stop, an ! after he began again an was interrupted by a allege yell f:i?in outside the (la :eti, aiding the slogan. "Howie. Howie. Howie.' "They a v like most of the students I know," sail .Mr. How it . "their i tins are ?it tin i. c< t." At tliis a eil-uivs I'd man ; i ?p. and as lie was leav ing Howie . . ml at h in. You are u.-t e, anoi nt.. d?? em." I'Vir the tin" time Mr. Howie o- h red ri po.t. is exel ide i ami {tn-se who v.eve seated at the reporter's table '.ere sen. ti ll to the door at Hr. Howie orders to his guards; "Clear the tanned vipers out here, lie eareful Imv. ? ut ban lie th< n.. not to get any of te.nir tilth on yon. Now get out, yon m?nn dogs, you yellow seotindreds of .he press. We will have no more of you in here. I am (laying fur this place. .mil i .11 !>. < i> is iiiv iiiiiiuiM;;. livr'.v up, }>ii;it* The . : ;!?? o*' them dl.-rrnstK, iH". Uon't waste any . i storation ?alk on ill" liars. II is useless. They have sold (heir souls to the devil. I never hop? t.? convert a reporter. They would lie blacks) i<h rs." A squad of iusjx otors from the. health d"r:i. Iincut invaded Madison Square c u \Veiliiesday and ordered ov? -p'tin changes in the m?th ' of liiarti" in?* the /.ion guards and a part if til" "host" of 1,001) there. An order was po- i tliat only ? certain tiumbrr if persons e aid Bleep in inch room ind ti at i . i" aoist bo better * -nuta Ion. 'i'iii vi -rectors also vidtnl the kitchens and watched the preparation i:i Mie mi . The fact thu 41! m< tubers of Howie's follov.eis whom he brought h v. :e - i U warranto' the health d? n;i ii no ill in I'lliiir act . I 'omniissloner l.'dnci Queen of the Sen." iiosloii, Special. Th new battle ship Mhsouri proved Ih"m.> the queen of tin- seas in her elan a ;i spied tr'al trip over the t.'aix ,n roil' e wit J i weather eon ill Hons >>' v. considerably haudic.ippiny nature. Steaming over a ioiirso of :t nautical miles and return, the battleship rtade Jin average sp> t! ot l.s.or. Kir.its an hour. which, with tidal correct cmv greatly in her favor. it is believed wit? advanee it to IN.-2 knots, a ticv world's record for battlivhips of : "lass. Th" host previous r><<ov?i mao liy a battleship in the Missouri's clans is that ?>f the Maine, a isti-r Kip which was 17.'JS knots an liour. Opens War On Oamblers. Chicago, Special.?Mayor Harrison Rave notice t,f ins intention to stop all forms of race gambling and to proceed against the hand-hook evil through the revocation of licensing saloons in which that form of hotting Is permitted Mayor Harrison's cam* iiRiniihi uuoKnmKnrn includes ui forms of horse race betting al al' seasons and against nil interests. Ri;Cfivtd i'ay. Vienna, V . fable.? A s(o: > is \ ;b lifilted hei?* o tile effect that I he '' , la:: artr/ officers who a.- ..:, linat'-d King A. .andrr and (Jncn I reived payment as follow. I'he Queen's brother-in-law. Col. Marhin. now commander of the n:nl Dauuble division of the army. $?.0')K; Col. Mlrchltoh, recently depart: < nt il chief of the Ministry of War. an.: two others, $1.S00; Junior officers fclvht to $1,000; M. AvakunovlcH, for undertaking the leadership of the pro. >. -:iat government. ? 10.000. Thru is ? / confirmation o* the story.