Parke* has showed that in England,
while the number of eases of scarlet
fever per annum has remained practicably
stationary for the last 40 years,
the death rate is only about one-eighth
of what it was in the former period. His
tables also show that diphtheria has
Increased and that it now causes nearly
twice as many deaths as scarlet fever,
while measles and whooping cough
cause more than twice as many.
A man's religion in the shop is worth
twice his religion in tlie* church.
Russell Sage has lost title to Minnesota
lands involved one million dollars
and the homes and modest fortunes
of one hundred anil fifty American
farmers. The San Francisco Call
nays: "It is such gratifying in idents
of lav. as this that tend to make the
closing yearn oj the millionaire mi.-'cr
appropriately miserable."
Tin biggeet monkey rver exhibited
is rt gorilla fee; 10 inches high. with
on arm spread of feet "? inches, from
the Camaroons. West Africa. lb stands
with his skeleton beside him in the
nirsmm of Hamburg. The crowds at
t museum have been enormous and
th?- comments upon its marked semli'ani
. to the human species have been
g< r.cral.
p Gray ? f
"My hair was falling out and jj
turning gray very fast. But your P.
Hair Vigor stopped the falling and M
restored the natural color."?Mrs. tj
E. Z. Benomme, Cohoes, N. Y. jj
It's impossible for you
not to look old, with the j
S color of seventy years in j
I your hair 1 Perhaps you 1
Q n f n poirnnHr onrl trnti It'L a K
your gray hair! If not, J
use Ayer's Hair Vigor. |
In less than a month your jj
gray hair will have all the ft
dark, rich color of youth. 8
51.00 a haJtle. All drrjr'*<J.
If your druK^-t't caunot pnppljr > < ;!, {j
|. inl i.? one dol'.ar R'.:<1 mo wiii i xitosk m
you a hurtle. Bo nuie haiyjlvo tlir i.riinn J!
cf your usaieRt' >'Tivn olllrc. Atldi <* >*, M
J. I . AYF.K t'O., JAIWC'1, Masf. R
IB1W.VW1" *>' ''I'"1' ' J
M rig: 1 rit, *- rr ti. I -11 .a il Marll : oj
? nil makes talt-v. m pnrt. :>?\ !'i?r tl?*
oilY.-r n>? outti* for quick l>uvn ?. '
J. ? It A VI on, I 1?. luttc. N. C. I
Op 6 ;
rU /J
'/& \&NEft's Waterproof '/y\
OIL?D >h
0 , CLOTHilcG t
xv! ?? /
tXA L?T9 iT+e ?'? M<rVr. I
{/ .??* fmr ilnlir. // A# 1/^
aw ??? ?.,v, / ? ?*t #/ .?*?
r/rl *?o. MmCMt
a' ...
WJ^/?2tW&0rttomr?&TU&?ir. ( >
so 4<r
Young Wown Defy Superstition.
There are thirteen young women in
Chester, Penti., who have no fear of
fate in eonneetion with that unlueky
number. They invariably have charge
of No. 13 table at soeial functions ^
connection with St. Michael's church,
hold parties of thirteen and recently,
at a reception given by the chairman,
Miss Mamie Duffy, sat down to supper
at thirteen minutes of 9 and arose frum
tlie table at thirteen minutes of 10.
When a man gets to thinking that he
is top-heavy with science he is likely
to trip up tor the lack of a little sense
At rent, in that ? ity, lavs:
"With my nightly rest broken, owl .g
to irregularities of the kidneys, suffering
Intensely from severe pains In the
sinali of my hack and through the kidneys
and annoyed by painful passages
of abnormal secretions, life was anything
but pleasant for me. No amount
of doctoring relieved this condition, and
for the reason that nothing seemed to
give me even temporary relief I became
about discouraged. One day I
noticed In the newspapers the ease of
a man who was a filleted us 1 was and
was cured by the use of I mail's Kidney
rills. I lis words of praise for this
remedy were so sincere that on the
strength bis -*a:n:r?i?t I went .
the Hugh .Murrey i'ltlg t.'o.'s store and
got a box 1 found that the medicine
was exactly sis powerful a kidney remedy
as represented. I experienced
quick and lasting relief. 1 loan's Kidney
lMlls will prove a blessing to all
sufferers from kino-* disorders who
will give them a i??!r trial."
A I-'iiki: 'I til a t. oi this gr-at kidney
medicine. whlc'o cured *ir 'A'nlis. wilt
be mulled to any part of t!t? t'n't"d
States on s?pp|b alien \d?!ree.c Toster
Milbnrn <'?>.. Ituflalo, v V. v>r sal**
by all druggists, pi ice f-e ivu.j per box.
Mfo / N
; ;j , Hi &
t?iuci\ anel ? ?
? ? /^Venture.
'IS. K M .M A OA it N IS II
^ Snellin;;, who owns li:ilf of
O \T o tli?? < .'arner-Westfall cattle
ranch in Xuvajo County. on
"ZiGTf the Atchison. Topeka ami
Santa Fe ltailrosid. lias
Peon more ira;: <ly than one man in
20,tKl0. Siie is fifty-live year*-, old. ami
lias been si participant in enough excitement
to 1111 columns of a newspaper.
She was horn in Cleveland. Ohio, and
went to Colorado with her parents
when n fprl lifteen years old. It was
sit the time of Pike's Peak sold exeitenient.
when des;i;?rate characters
t.. 11... .1
part of the* border. One night in on nip,
near where the town of I.n Junta. Col.,
lias since grown up. when the snow
was failing and the weather was bitterly
eolil. men came hurrying into
camp with the news that the Kiowns
were coining to massacre the whole
camp. Mrs. darner and her parents
hitched the mules on the wagon and
drove madly away, while the whole
camp scattered in the snow storm. As
they lied they heard pistol shots and
the exultant shouts of the ICiowas.
The wind blew a hurricane, and the
family almost died of cold ami their
intense fright at the .attack by the Indians
and the murder of their friends
and companions. The next day the
family reached Trinidad, and there the
news of the Indian attack was given,
and fifty Mexicans went back to gather
up the dead and to inform the troops.
Mrs. tlarner was married when site
was hut seventeen, and removed to
Santa Fe. X. M. Four years after her
marriage her husband wont on a mining
expedition among the friendly X'avnjoes
and never came back. Scan-lies
were made over the mountains and
through the canyons, but no trace of
him was ever found.
For two years the young widow
cooked in a mining camp at Ksinoralda.
X*. M. She was one of four women
among -1(50 men. There was a shooting
there every week. Once she was
11, ill 1-111 .r ....IT, I.. lY... |> Iw......I..... ....
enemy popped his ln*!ul in the door anil
shot t!ii? man dead before lm pick
op his tin cup of coffee. Afterward tlm
shooter felt so chagrined that he should
have killed his man while endangering
the life of the widow tiiat he " her
S'JOb or $:10(I iu bullion, and olferetl his
heart and hand. At another time two
of the widow's hoarders got In a row
about a domino game, ami while the
little woman hastened in to calm the
troubled waters each man fell with a
hole in his chest.
At the litre of twenty-four Mrs. (lavnet*
married a Mr. Siielling. The couple
started to go to Salt Lake iu October,
hoping to get through before the snow
became too deep in the IJoeky Mounttains.
There were fourteen men and
two women and Mrs. Sncllinjr's little
trirl in the partv that set out for I'tah.
Oil the way down tile wesiern slope of
the Koekles the miners visited placer
digging- anil found very rich dirt to
wash. Men and women worked together
with pans, getting out i?4 and
$." each in gold every day. The NavaJoim
eatne around and warned the .
campers that if they remained all winter
they would be hurled in snow. The
men were making n lot of money and
i>111 inii nit* warning. "t lit* i.i ;
limaiiou of trouble w;::. t!i;* failure of
the last park train to arrive, in November,
ami they began to go short on rations.
Some of the miners became
alarmed and returned to Santa Fe.
leaving Mr. and Mrs. Snelling and their
little girl and eight men in ramp.
The Indians were right, for the snow
fell as it had never before fallen in
that region. A Herman mail carrier j
lost his way and wandered around in
drifts until liis feet were frozen. He J
j was found unconscious by one ol* the
men. The man's feet and legs were
frozen so badly that amputation was
necessary. The victim lingered on for
a few days and died. Another miner,
in going down the range, fell upon the
pole used to guide himself with and
ran it almost through him. so another
death was added to the camp. Then a
veteran miner and an ohl friend of
S telling's was laid low with scurvy,
and Knelling was frozen to death, Hy
that time provisions had run so low
that absolute starvation stared them in
the face, and Mrs. fuelling made up
her mind that perishing on the divide
was better than starving to death in a
cabin covered with twelve feet of snow.
She therefore announced that she
would take her girl and start for Santa
Fe. The miners said they would go
also, ami the mail carrier, who had not
yet died, and the old man with the
scurvy, and one or two others who
were too ill to travel, were left to die
in the cabin.
The party started on}" IStJb.
for Santa Fe. leaving almost all the
food, including a little dog, with the
wretches in the hut. The snow was
twenty feet deep and more was falling.
The first night was spent in Fte gulch
trying to keep from freezing. The next
day a fresh start was made without
food. Mrs. Snclling's luggage consisted
of two blankets, a change of clothing
for herself and child and a shotgun.
There was enough Hour in the party
to. keep them from starvation. A fte.
i a;old suffering the men reached a
cabin at the bottoip of the range, llorr
they made a fire in one corner an<1
fixed Mrs. Snelling and her little glr
as comfortably as possible. The worn
an could proceed no further. In tlvc
days the resetters returned to find boll
the mother and daughter barely alive
The party reached Santa Fe on Wash
ington's birthday more dead than alive
The men left In the cabin all perished.
4 Any one who has seen a pilot boa
to board n groat "liner* ran
appreciate the dangers that attend a
deep-sea rescue. This sort of work is
sometimes doue far otT Ilutteras, and
in these waters is exceedingly hazardous.
The lifenicn must know every
foot of water for miles out. because
the sea is studded with rocks whost
ugly heads lurk close to the surface,
and a high roller might at any moment
lift up their frail boat and break its
back across oti<* of those jagged unseen
fees. The British steamship Virginia
stranded on the Outer diamond shoals,
the most dreaded point of that dreaded
llatteras. The steamer broke into
three pieces, which were held together
I by the tough steel framework. One of
the boats containing seven men capsized
before it could be cleared from
tin- ship's side, and Its occupants were
drowned. Then the large lifeboat
manned by tifteen men reached the
water in safety, and made for the open
sea. being picked np later on. The only
parts of I In- steamer now out of water
wen* the bridge and the bow, with the
sea (lowing between them. The captain.
tlrst mate and three sailors remained
huddled together on the bridge
all uiglit. watching and hoping against
hope for assistance. The next day the
captain swam from the bridge, and
dove into tin* forecastle for oil and turpentine
which was stored there, slnd
when night came on tin* desperate
HUM. ntiMiv ii MTIIII- lira. iio;wi.^
to attract attention from the tnainhiud
far away. Hope ami despair wri-c
their lot. nail whan morning brought
a -pale from tin* northward tha poor
fallows well-niph k:ivc tip. for they
kttaw tiiat faw lioats could liva in suali
a spa. However. l?y !> o'clock tlicy
wan1 astonished t<> ltaholil tlia plea mi tip
sails of two surf-boats. Tha ('ratals
liill boat aama to within a fourth of a
mila of tha wraak. and lay to for tha
Hattaras boat. Than a aotifaranaa was
held. A tramamlous saa was running
ovar tha shoals, and to approach tha
vassal in any othar way would involva
tha jrreatest parll. Finally it was deaidad
that they ware to run to tha
southwest of tha Outer Diamond, ami
than proceed under oars. One boat
was to take tha craw from tha hridsrc,
and tha other tha eaptain and mate
from tha how. where, marooned by tha
intervening sen. tha.v had burned their
sianals through tha niyht. Although
tha task was exceedingly hazardous,
and involved patience as wall as darinjr,
both keepers ware masters of surfmauship.
and soon had their man safe
ly aboard.-\\ oman s llome Companion.
coniaiir, on Tin: i;i:axi? hanks.
an extraordinary ?'? ;?: of rouraite and
eooJness was performed by John Clements,
who was vast away in a dory
only las; summer oil* the l.ahra<! -r
Hanks. On July U1. when the selmouer
IVoteelor was just beyond the Strait*
of Hollo 1st',-. Clements and tleorye
Johnston, iiuoiIkm* < !' tho < row, were
urn in a dory together. The l'oi: shut
down suddenly and slint lluun oil' from
their ship. They rowed about for
hours trying to lind her. as there wore
no other era ft in that region. and laud
was thirty miles away. When niii.r.
ea.tne on they determined to make iv
the enast before the jiolar enrrent
swept them south. They were without
food and water and the ocean was
tilled With ieeherus.
The morning nine at hist with a
britiht sun and breeze, and they set a
sail for a few hours. Hut a storm followed
..nd bv r.iulittall foe boat was
I'M J f full of :un! lying 11> m dray,
the mill 1 touring <l?i\vn and both men
hailing their hardest. As the third
j night mpproa "heii without sight of
| hui'l Johnston lost heart ami abandoned
thenars Clements hehl on tintil
his ina;?? Iioeaiiie ileiirioits and
threatened t<? Jump o\"erl?oar?l.
Then Clements. being the stronger,
overpowered .iohnsion and tied him tip
in the hottoni of the an operation
whleli, from their Mrugg'-s. nearly
s.wampcd her. After daytireak Cleetents
pn out the oars a train, and at
noon reaehed the shore. lainiimr in a
little rove. Here In* found a hrook tliat
Save .lohuston a refreshing draught,
besides a meal of fresh roots ami berries.
This restored tlie latter and
Clements eut him loose. Then liiey
started to roast south ami in the afternoon
were oieked up by a Newfound
land schooner. l'atrirk MefSrath. in
l.eslie's Monthly.
ItlSffeted by one of the most terrific
storms of the season, the Harry line
steamer Alice Stafford, with lot I pnssenders,
was for twelve hours driven
disabled before th" gale 011 l.ake Mi oigatt.
ltlanke'.s, soalmd in keroseoe,
were horned on the de k of the sliip in
an effort h> the attention of
other era ft. but withoul avail. At noon
'apt a in Steohen .Tones of the II. II
Williams risked tiie safety of ids shin
in a Miceessfnl effort to help the Sfaf
for i. The tlisahled vessel was towed
to St. Joseph.
The Stafford's danger developed J'
hero 111 Robert Mnnnicr. assistant eng
neer of the vessel. who risked his lit*
to prevent the si earner's hollers fron
exploding when the machinery broke
ami the safety valves refused to work
Mannier ran to the stokehold and rak<-i
the tires from beneath the boilers. Athe
last eoals fell at his feet he faiulei
from exhaustion ami would have die?
from (lie s had not fellow sailor,
carried him to the fresh air of Tin
I dock. lie had severe blisters oa tin
I | face and arms.
j For hours the pa senders expected flu
4 I ship to founder, and the officers foun
! it necessary to kpop theiu locked in tin
| main cabin. o. j.-_.
An Innovation.
A lady in New York has had he
bulldog's teeth tilled by a dentist. Th
usual prnetiee is to let the dog til
them himself with u tramp.'?Toront
t Star. .
The Pharmaceutical Era Is inveighing
against the multiplicatlou of drug
stores, which, it says, forces the pro- I
prietors to sell cameras, stationery, ;
cigars, books, soda water and other
things entirely foreign to the business
to make a living.
In sixty years the annual per capita
consumption of whiskey leas gradually
decreased from two and a half to one
and a fourth gallons. In forty years
the consumption of beer has increased
from less than two to more than seventeen
gallons per capita.
CURES RHEUMATISM AND~CATARRH. Cure* Dnnp-Sratrd Cases Kapcclully
?To l'rnvo It It. It. It. Sent Pree.
These diseases, with aches and pains in
bones, joints and back, agonizing pains in
shoulder blades, hands, fingers, arms and I
legs crippled by rheumatism, lumbago, sei- '
atiea, or neuralgia; hawking, spitting, nose
bleeding, ringing in the ears, sick stomach,
deafness, noio. in the head, bad teeth, thin
hot blood, all run down feeling or catarrh
are sure signs of an awful jxusoncd eoudt
tion of the blond. Take Botanic Blood
Balm (B.B.B.) Soon all aches and pains
stop, the poison is destroyed and a real
permanent cure i* nimlc of the worst rheiiinaUHir
or foulest catarrh. Thousands of
eases cured by taking B.B.B. It strengthens
weak kidneys and improves digestion.
Druggists, $1 per largo bottle. Sample free
by writing l'l.ooti Bai.m Co., 54 Bnltn
Bldg.. Atlanta, (la. Describe trouble and
free medical advice sent in sealed letter.
Machine to Sew Up Wounds.
A wound-stitching machine is the invention
of a doctor nfimcd Michel. it
works very much more rapidly than
ho old method of stitchln;; by band,
is painless and effective.
It consists of a case, or sheath,
holding a number of rlckel hooks, or
bands, like thono used for the corners
of card-board boxes. They are put in
position with a pair of forceps and
can tie adjusted at the rate of 25 a
Their round' 'I po'nts do not penetrate
the lower layer of the skin, but
only the epidermis and therefore the
rain caused by thorn is very slight.
I They have the additional advantage
i of being v? ry easily disinfected.?
i Stray Sto: >s.
Flcr.d Benefits One f/an.
Tho M;ps-.iv:i river J!: xl i:ai; Kivpn
P. ('. s of Rocheport. Mo., a
now hour", ciapl-. *oly furnished. The
high wuter drove Mr. Nurkles a<rty
; fiom his farm. and when he returned
to it ho ti.niid < n his is.r.d a comparatively
n*w ho. ;.o. which wns in good
i condition dcrpHe its vr.iory Journey.
Thorp in i.o'.him: a'.nut it to indicate
who tho owner is.
A I'cor ri'icithiiil.. r.
T.'t; 1 ?'i i:.t?i.t -;i . i.. iii -ijjnor of
'"Uig lie. ugh :i ii ; oio.olv. ' till
retains hi.-- ^ I -11 . :t -.* itlii-- liii:- 'io*
gisi. * cltiintiov rjoelt dvsigae i i?.v him
is being < ii. i\vl mi tin* lower <*f the
parbli > huivb i.L i'.-eikin^haiu, near
Stat* or (>mo,'"i rv of'o, i
Lcr \h < 'oo.i rv. i " *
1'raks j. 'ieasuv nuvk<* oatli ihut he u
Fiinlor oartiew of tin* lir.n of 1'. j. i ' "c
<Io.. doing busiues- lo th Ciiy of Toledo,
(lounty an 1 :>>o. * aforwedi nn I that .sold
llnti wiil pay t'e* siun of o.\"r. iit:snni:;i i?;>i,?
j Ana for o.ieii and ovory raj-."o.r o rxcnii 1 :t it
cannot bo cured by tho mm ,,f IUix'i
catakhu e'ejir. krisk .1. i'lir.itr.
tiworn to before me and sulircribcit in rue
. ? *? j.fiidouoi'.Utlaothibiy I Its.* * nbor,
- ( A. I'.. /. W. Ht.r.ARos.
' v?~ 1 A'ofor./ /'uhlic.
halt's, 'atarr'.i 'hire ' ? ittliiia iat***ually. nu 1
acin directly on the blood and mucous surfaces
of tnesysi,.)!ii. Komi for testimonials,
free. t1". j. (' <t- < o., Toledo, 0.
soiii'b) all ?.ra.;gi3?.-\ 75*.
lluJi'.-j family l'lils are the l**3t.
A Coveted font.
At n meeting of the Wandsworth
Guardians applications were received
irom no rower tnau i!7o persons for
1 the post of messenger at u salary of
thirty shiilincs n week, with three
hillings a week extra allowance for
Sunday work.? London Tit-BiLb.
FT'PHper'iinnontly enro l. \o fits or nervousness
after llrst day's us1 of l?r. Kline's Groat
NorveR?storer.8'itriul bottle nud treatise free Ki.ittx.Xitd., 981 Arch St., I'hilu., Pa.
The l itiversity of Zurich is about to estableih
a ( hair of journalism
Mrs.Wiuslow's SoothingSyrup for children
teething, soften the gums, reduces inllamma|
Uon .nJinys pain . uses wind < <>U- . 95c. a ts>ttie
A flock of ostriches nt PhooDi.v, Ariz.,
now nuiuliers more than 1000 birds
You ran do your dyeing in half an
hoair with PlJTNAM Kadki.Ebs Dvks.
It's all rigid to lie wide awake bo long
as Toil don't suffer from insomnia,
i "I
J k i -lire cannot Do ton highly spokenO?
naa cough euro.? J. W. O'Hribs. 32*2 Thlrii
j Avenue, N., Minneapolis. Minn..Jan. 6,1000.
| The man who is rich because he is stingy
I :b alto stingy I w he is rich.
Itsrfi 11 fcrt? imvnslMttlf ?
. CUkEo '??,B "
rou* in* tfc? omau*. lOcuntt.
I -
whru vor r.*K
i Orjcst.r's OX 9MS9W MS WE
' -1-sr ? <rriTii1** <
n-.'? r If ??|n t'torvi*" lv mi- ? ??
n 1 ?" ?.id?**i'n K * Htb"!*"!* f * .
'*!' -i - ' "vl n r?n da.nlrtiff. t<vi. lie:t?-r 'l.n.,
ati Id 1; >.il or tool:.
; ? 0"\ r.F*JT<5.
A? vn-ir or h.r mall.
i.n-? C \ < ' iN ?t:M Jc CO ,
L>f I o ?lr.v ile, K\
Odil* and Ends.
The ash?9 of Mrs. Laura K. Anderson.
who died at Muncle, Ind., several
months ago, were scattered over her
favorite rose bush last Tuesday afternoon.
in accordance with her dying
wishes. She was a free-thinker and at
one time editor of the magazine Free
Thought, .lust before dying she requested
that her body be cremated and
that on the anniversary of her birth,
which was Tuesday, the ashen be scattered
over the rose bush in her front
to tb> rtuM1 and temom It. "Better hrol
rterk. "f WmMtiii. N wt'<? ??* ? "
lor. u . I. mb.rU St.. B*lt tnnrj. W
Trial U-ttli t;ev. llOUnil
If you have never tried it t i
VOU. free cf charrr unnn re
I /f'E!:3T m
J ^j^-""^-".''J -^'1-^ / '(y
pff-aavvtUS*. Ji e>'\-a.i > --^Xl
I O'1A ?tA ! "i I'.i--} CITKE ft>- !', ho? cl trouti
K or. *.h? nlnmirh. hlntlnt ruwr!i
H pair.s a(r? r r,>t:r^, liver trouble, tr How aicin
It fcf'iltrly you it- ? *U. Cemtiyatson kills m
! jj *Url? rb? uiim.r.te and long yrari of ?uf
in CASCAVCT3 today, for you wi I never get 1
b right Trke nnr a-'.vice, .tart with Cnacert
jj? is^r.ey refund' "1. Tli- grm:ine tablet atarrt
Dl^lile: ire*. /. if,'re?i. f?te-|uig Rrrpfijy Con
! [ *1
I K/S? ..?a '
\ Jiiil >jv
! # m HC
QiRESAlL ujr
Appetite poor??^ Bowels
constipated? Tongue coated?
Head ache? It's your liver!
Ayer's Pills are liver pills, all
sold for j p ** ? pa
I YV^^>aUl^" ?iity yf?f. I.owclf. Hmnl
Want your mour tachc or beard
a beautiful brown or rich black? llgc
j nrrt its r?? purnotstft o? ft. v. 11 mi > ro.. wa?um'*. w. ii. ,
Ripnne Tabula ar?the
lw??t dyffiK:psi?
n ediriue over made.
f'HT ^ hundred million*;
of them have beer,
sold in the finiteStates
in a single
year. Every illness
r.rlstag from a disordered stomach Is
relieved or cured by their u?e. S<i
com Bon Is it that diseases originate
from the stomach it may be safely asserted
there is no condition of ill
health that will not be benefited or
cured by the occasional use of Kipnu*
Tabtdes. I'hysieians know them ami
?peali highly of them. All druggist*
ell them. Tbe five-cent package i>
enough for an ordinary occasion, ami
the Family Bottle, sixty cents, contain*
.1 hoepehold supply for a year. Om
.1 nenlly gives relief within twenty
rstrm ktztc? *WE?.E*?., mm
~ Hf v Bv Vi to planter. r-o*e.
1 well r?olml grape vlnei
SI for $110 of ConeeM
Cj NUittn Wnritrn. irt fbr our ifm
e lal price of frnll tree*, etc. Novenribei
' Iini time for aetllnit In Month. a* cm
| w*nt il for 1XU We aril thn Unlverae
l>U?t tpr?>?-, lint, mull effective rpnjai
* 'Jt intr Ju.vd A 4(1 rem
Emporia JV arteries,
Emporia, Va.
V*; tCKU VilUl All f Atl?.
i y# lit?t it-rush syrup. I sates U<r?l. 1?bo r V
O In tiuie. S.iM hT ?lru*KI'la. >+1
/"Unor Mention.
A member of a board of education of
a scliool district is held, in State vs.
Lceehner, (Neb.) 59 L. R. A.. 515. to be
a ministerial ofTicer within the meaning
of a statute providing for the punishment
of certain public officers for
malfeasance in office.
Lord Denbigh, of the Honourable
Artillery Company of London, is said
to be the best and kindest landlord in
all Wales and to have the warm affection
of his tenants.
Not rorrc temporary rclrt. It |
Clraua ?>ut of tor b.o<?l all tlia J; |
uric and la* lie acids tbat causa s; q
KUEt'MATISM. (Si. riKl.t ?K?wn \>
th than eeer before." antu 1.'*. J \0 I
mble atifTtrer !cr ;* jeara. win. A. A J
d U11DT otber? the mire testimony.
T CltEUICAI. CO., Sallimorc.
has t?en used in thousands of 2j
families for fifty-two years * * ?
. LiVor or KidneyTrovbles ja
sample bottle -*i!l be mailed to
quest. For sole at all dealers
Chattanooga, Term. 3
rnffi BOmS ^
~ C&KDY A?
lea. appendicitlr, biliousnrsa, bad breath, l-ad
, foul mouth, headache, indication, pimples,
end d;srine*s. When your bowels don't movo
nrr people than all other cliseuren toe other. It
[ering. No matter what tiila you, start taking
welt and stay welt until you Ret your bowels
tn today under absolute guarantee to cure or
p* d C C C. Never sold in bulk. Sample and
rpsnv. Chicsijo or Nevy York. ft
kjji A IW
?- * 2^ ^
WfiyW/ffPE. M *J? r .
? '1
. *3.5? & *3 SHOES
You can save from $3 to $5 yearly by
wearing W. L. Dougia3 $3.50 or $3 shoes.
I They equal* those
that have been cost'
ing you from ?4.tni ?
! meliso sale of NY. I,. gr<
I Douglas shoes proves {Sfn^ $B&1
i their superiority over
Sold by retail shoo
dealers everywhere. C'^aySv^-ii !
l.ook for iiamo and > We~yyjrv. , /
That Douglas nse* Cor- L
oust oil proves there is /m.
talue in Domrlas shoes. jflgV~ / 'Settfch
Corona Is the hiehest IjBSWbLS /j?; f>]i2
era.le I'at . her made.
I Our S4 Qllt Ldir Lirr rnifiot he euunlled at ami tiricr.
Shoe* l>) mall. rents extra. Illustratri
Catalog free. W. I.. DOCtiLAS, Brorkton, Dim.
We insure farm tlwelliiurn, barns, country nierraatlle
risks. etc We ran nave you nirent's commission.
Wrtte lis for rates, etc. All prurient uu u eri v Ciro
Insurance. Ayvrits wanted. THoKNIX I XLif.ltM
III THUS. Station 1>. New York fit y.
-f If In need of Corn Mill or Mlllstoaes 0
O you will find it tnyour Interest to corres|>oi><l
, i with I AKIIIJY* Mlll.krnx F. I O. Q
Q fa'.urou, K c , oaaaufacturers of Corn 2
4 Mills from the famoue Moore County Ortt- fo
n with Here's Universal J.oy Beams,KerftllnB
Rlrar, Simultaneous Set Workeand tlte Heal
Wooek-Klng Variable Feed Worka are unex-B
Moelled for acctract, simplicity. nuRAniicil
Uiitt and kasx or operation. Write for fullB
. i yj^R'erlptlve circulars. Manufactured by the JJ
| PfSALF.M IKON WOKKS.b ineton .Salam.N.C-H
te Dropsy!
-Jffr&V. y Removes all swelling ii?8toao
T ~ / tlaya ; effects a jiermanent cure
fV in 30 to todays. Trial treatment
given free. Nothingcan be fairet
XT ,*? *if'S jr Write Or. H. H. Groan's Sons,
^? i ** Soreiailslt. Bex It Atlanta.fla>
hO, 4.'{.
xvcak e> i *, uae Thompson's EjoWator