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Local x and Personal. The price of cotton on thin mar ket today in 93-8 for tin* best. Mrs. VV. (t White rotumed to Jier home in Yovkville Friday, at' ter a visit to relatives in this place. : Rev. W. F Thayer, of Rook Hill, prencliod to a Inrfcie emigreRation at the Baptist ehuia.h here Sunday nt'>ruing. Miss Almu limit'v. one of Km shaw's most accomplished young Indies, is tlm gn.e.-t of her sister. Mrs. O. l>. Magili, at Ur.titan Mrs. W M. l-'hillips r?*tiirii?-ci < > her home in Rook Kill Friday, cf ter having spent a few days hero jnstruotiuu. ?. class in the art of .dressmaking. Mr. Will White, son of Mr. A. S White of this township, has no .cepted u position wit!) the Charlotto Telephone Co. He began wui K yesieniuy. A force of Southern railwny carpenters liny * been for the past few days making a ?ui > needed repairs on the over head bridge on ('lebourn street. The Times acknowledges with thanks- the receipt of a press ticket Jo tin- State fair in >lninhia. t > -t. 21 .'JO We hear that quite a mutt lier of fort Miliums will visit lie fair this \ear. The rise in the price of cotton .during the past few ?iavs put a great many fanners oil the move, anil the receipts on the loc 1 market have been larger than for some time. (.'iti/'Mis of flea-ant Valley inform ns that the c neli'ion of t .c llailes' bridge over Sugar creek is flncli as to render it impassible Tit e attention el the county snpi i visor is called to the fact. The Tillies is ill reeeint of nn "I interestinn letter from a friend at Trinity college, Durham, N but tiwiit?x t<> tin* length of t!m communication and our limited Hpacr, we have to dm line to pubI isli it. Tin* Times is requested to announce that ilio special sermon to the local halue of ()l*l Follows, which was to lie preached by Kev. \V. A. Wriulit on next Sun lay even inn, has been po>?t p - med on accouut of the illness of ih*'reverend pa-nt Ionian. Miss Nun Thorn well has been seriously ill at Iter home on Confederate street for koiii days from an attack of nppendicitis. We are informed that an nper.ition will he performed today by Dr. Irwin, of Charolte. asnisicd by 111*' local physicians. To the chain^aiiL' for 110 days # for steal inn a don was t lie sentence imposed upon Sam Knox, colore I. Fi id iy by .Magistrate J. \Y. M 111bancy. The complu an mi tin rune was ?lim dohuson, a moio farm lend on tin' plantation of Mi. W. II. Jones. According to the hooks of tin*' freight agent at this place, tin1 Charlotte Brick Company skipped to various points 117 < or M.ItSO.OOl) brick during 'lie month of Sep ember The revenue to tlu-| pail mad company from tins shipments was something like $ We hear that some of the Bell telephone people are "nosing" around with a view t > est thlishing ttn exchange lime. In view of tin* excellent service and moderate rates i f the local company, it is not likely that the Bell people could ect a franchise should they /isk for it. Tin* Fort Mill f iemls of \lex. Mack, Md., son >1 Kev. Dr. J, .?. Mack, and who is well k own in this place, will learn regret that In* is a patient at St Joseph' Infirmary in Alia <in. The uatu of Ills illness Could (lot lie le i III (I Dr Mack's home is in liiwkio^ ville, Ga. Mr. S. M Mil's was awakened . Thursil iy night by a n ise in his foul house, and siipp sing some thief was making a raid on his fowls armed hiinselt and ijuickly app< ai - < ed upon tIm k ene lie was pleasantly surprised to timl that the intruder of his hen < oop was a big. i tat o"possum. One shot pu! an end ( to Mr. 'Fossum's career. mi - e i m ii i- ? - - i lie rori win 11 lends or rundoctor KintC, who has Ihvii running b. tweou Churl< tte and (Jolnmhia for a number of years. will he pie iRed to know 11?it ho has bei-n promoted to the position of matter ( of trains on this divis.on Mr ' King sncceds Mr. Williamson and ( will take liis new p iHition Oil November 1st. Contractor A. A. Bind ford, Jr.. was on Friday awarded the contract for the erection of a four ' room cottage for Mrs. B. O'Oon- ' irell. The house is to he huilt on a lot just south of the graded ' school building on Academy street. .Mr. Bradford informs us that he i has recently furnished estimates on several other buildings to be I erected in the neur futuie. < OIJR FA LI iwjw.t.1.! iiu?i uuxn of Dry G Shirfs^P At4? r4 -\41 - -.A ? Mi i i. T ilig induced us to buy hea\ to offer some special I Call and see our I interest, Do not forget die ways filled with a con We can also save MILLS Til,' Snllt lll'lll's SMItll tl Ullld piiHSt'ii_x>'r ti;iin \\n? nl? ml s> v,n j hours hit, yesterday; d-iained on iii'iMUiil of a wreck near Kovsville, Va. I'lltVlltS \v!l ) orCMRiolllv H-'lIll I their boys lo tin- post >llice air doubt less unaware of the annoy iiiic" they cmiso t ? a iiiiin let of fit iy. ns. and possibly t In* postiiiast, r, by ill, ir loud 1 ?lk and pli\ wliilf the mails arc boino opemil ('apt. M . .M . \Voife. aert/tupaiii. d by his dauolit, r .Miss Mannir. \\ out to ('Inn lot to Tliitisilay, \\ Icrf | Miss Wolff is takino I( <,,ui>e ol turdiral tmatiik iii at ilif Chariott<* Private Capital. Mrs. M . F. Ilaiii- and Mrs .1 ('. !l iiltIu's. ?>| tliis plaff, are als path nts at the Private 1 lospital. John lioss, tin* colored man whose two rows were siauydii>-r'd ; in tin* 'hifUi'ts two works jiuro. j has disappear, d from tin so p.iris. It now ,lev,-lops that tln're w r, iliortoaoos to hi' ainoilii! of $ 10 ; on Kos.-" rows, and his Iruvini. j or.- 11 a t hi ill \ 1,-ads oil,' to ho. ,\<tliat It,* fit 11 ? i com in i I t."d the lirrd , oi \\ as Connor tod w i 111 it hi oin< way. |)iu iiio tiie past few NVt'cks | . . i r > IJIMIl' >1 lOIIII-iei III Mill" "Mill s<*i iln'is liiivc in ale uii[)iiii nih 111n 1 llic paper tl?>o? not reaeh jiietu regularly. Most ? f t liese i >m ; plaints mine ti ill [lillit'H Ipm. ( aloiitr the various 11. K. I). rem-s. , These failure- air il< Ml! <1 lis.-. 111 it lo ill carli'ssm >s of 1111 i'a rn r- ! ] as it has always lieen the i n!r - I ( I h is 1111 i ! 111 I'Xi'i vi-I* esperia I '-a i \ hi uuiking up 1..i.-i-ii mail. t! >\v ever. we aii* ulml these failiiiis have In en rep. u l is I to us an* vvi shall make an i ariu'st i llorl jo a-- | i-i'i'taili \\ here the t i*i Millie lie* i KeOSe a III) lolili \N i in if- p i , ' a a! Lee II eat h. t i.r e re I l urn ' hall-Is mi | tie of .Mr. fl .M I Sr. ?t I, were aire Pal lv i ! up. a wan hi s? mii on I 11 I re Ma i late Mr I !. an- y r ha l: 'iia Wi t:i s . .i I iio r i ... I . a, t j ii . i. j It is s.l.l tllo I ll> H lie i .<1 O. i? pea -illy t>ik<n ?li??n Ii|mii t Sc.> t farm mill .-old it to ,j \v11ii< i man lii tills t i\v!isl11 . and ii ^11. mil'1 tli name of the su-ji ctccl i > 11 \ i 11- known, we do not lr?-l \ta rant *(l hi making a s atom id h i t -uliji-Ct as no <diai ges lm\w yi-1 been pr I<ir. (| ;io;i u-i Idni' lie.I: find Hit- t ,m< Willi r-|.ooi- wen Committed to jail in dcfaliii "i > I). Mid ot $J()d caidi Th?- tindmo of two suit* of c mi viet clothes under a Inidoe in hi l lit* Millf .i t mill win 1h< Jeans-- ol ilincli Coinin -lit on the sta-eis I'd lay. H was reported the previous! t day that a nnniliei of eouvi ts lia.l Dseap-d from tin* Al? -ifjenhur w R a I iiL'ano, and the lindh-g of tie- f clothes nut urally created 1 lie helm that sonic of the eseaped eonvi -I * h d hidden the clothes near tlx-: mill. A report was also current on I ] the streets in the afternoon that * two strange negroes wor- seen in,, the woods east of town tnd it \va- ' * believed they were the parties to whom the clothes belonyed. A pos*o was organized an wen! in pursuit hut without avail, as the'suspects hud already departed for other climes. h a mMla i*. ? ? ? i and WI Nr rvr vk vmmiwjhma:-- ~ v pods, No^oai Hats \ y. Our increased s ner than ever before, bargains. STOCK before vou b / ? a+ jyxrvx. w*?v* .\ *? * : (act that our Grocc nplete line of choicest you money on Fun ?WH^ V?.III r. ? ?^r rvntr-_v?xvrwi Icv<r>,icv./c >, ?">., ; > v. - ,< , VO '- v. -C>< J-. '-CV'v. ,_y ti. ?0 0 Ir?aL~v~3 "Y" C 1 That 0 <? Dan Va!3c; I It'stliel ? T H E C O M P A /?-><-!./?' rv -rt. - "> > *\ c? ^Q9Qyo>Qy<; . Wr;W TH r * is . n 1 I u i ? i < j jl H. For want oi' rooio \s our cut iro star! I 3 s I j*( ! \t 0 i ( ' ? Merchants, as a riiic? late to be no til ihcircn inii to e? t IiiuSi prices, i o\er, and the ^nods l.ti>f them at \ ei;\ low bcnetU? Not til coslm they don't need ih m a. Ns e have adopi d a > c :ir<- cutting prios at l- ? on on all fai J ancl w int this ri.i?ht at 1 he time >v profits? I>eeausj we;.? UrociTles and Sl:? !- !. jarry lar.^c Uoeivs in oi ;ii!cd to soil 1 hc ioilo\ i acriliee, a:ui let lhe;n \ We do nor want to 'ne lot ottering a tew o.M I; in t liis \va \ to Let rid oi the latest styles in evei anight tor this tall and dock i: 1 tow r. \ )r*> 4. id;;'' > <>>" e \ i \n:X Col M 01), \ Oi : :\ ami v 'iijjs for hie:i. Shoes Cor Men, V< Shoes Cor Ladies, hi Ladies' Furnishing nishim*' (doods, t d in nenders. Hosiery. \ i " ^ pots, Mattings an Whito Quilts, ( Trunks, Suit Cnsos, We haven't spaee to 11 hat a re h- re lor y< 11. W e are cniciilatiiu; to .riv es. You \vi11 sa\ e m or our iminens;* sloe!, ol mil all he please J. (iriltin Brand (Hothiit Hats, the Eagle, Battle . ia Shoes. These are a I mil see lor yourself. V Yours tor htkiines* Old - Eeiii T. B. BELH i * j PER STOCK "tt .b*. V 4 fkS5.^JUi>^ ** \&9 Shoes, and Ctfps ales \i these lines have and we ere prepared uy. It will be to your :ry Department is an : eatables, lit ure. 3 XT 1ST Gr _ o v ? -? ? _ - _ . vl jlj o vi. v; -iv v St* 1=9 to Sack of CD^ y Flour Yet'? U CD Destsold P ANY STORE. I y> SO v?- r- . r -o >- ^ ^a^vajk t. ?UJ t-'O' . - < >"?.. v_V ., 1R BUY!RS 1 ionvd 1 o < lit down . < ;1 tfoodtt PXCPOt r?(i f * roeonas. cut prices when it is too to sue is. Tire) wait, hopintii ike m;nmi is about :??>i he as'ti. ihe\ advorii^tues. Whom does it vser. W h\ not? !h*caus? ter the season is over, vv i tsie tor tiiis tail. W ven ope id 1114 of I lie s ;o r rood Why do we d< h a we should make om e increa? inj; our line oi re, and haven't room ;r her lines. So we Las e deal;; I ir es out at a ;.?c, s?* misunderstood. We hit : tis l) and oat ?>:' st\ le i>ood. them. We are oilerin. vthini*. All lies. :;oo-. win ertrnJc. Th i ?i\; j drs'T 'it Hit, < !oi h i t ! i .. ' . . ' V ... ?.l 1 O i i i t t ii 1U1 -v '1.., 1 it, mills and ( hildrcn, issos and Children, v joods, (onils Furvrs, Xockw r:?i\ Sas4]\o.. Ft: mi! '.ijv, ( trd Window Shade., ondoit s, Fiaid.ot s, . icniion all the t;ood things benefit on as well as ouroney \\ hilc \vi* m.? k room f iiardwan1 and (jroccrics l;, Jefferson and Madison \wy Richardson and I'or1 I lie host brands. Conic \c thank yon in advance. ?? 3,1) in = Store lf Proprietor, i?. ->* * Cotton Off 2000 yds Outing at A11 best (Calico at Htavv yard-wide Domestic , c Dress Ootids, all wool 50e Dress Uoodsat y?1.2^ Dress Ooodsat > 1 s - ?s:ii ? i^UK, \ ?.l 111 - \\ Kest Cooking Stoves ever i Heaters, at Sheet f roii ;h> inches wide New Lot S adies and Childr* ed. ' Gr^KSST ftiH New lot Millinery just half vou pa > other places. N\ e admit that the l'a 11 (!) our anticipations. Wo Ii must he sold ii iow prices is a comparison of qualifier and s-!.-.j how nian\ dollars > !Lo JL MA< A few Fall 712 \ tH) nu ll Si.i: s. i.ivt ly hemmed, '(. . 12 iueli 1*11 u (' i-?'s ' 1 I ! ' I | K'l !'.' I'll. ill'llt'll > 1 I 1 i II I'in ,t? (I S ic. i i11.. i I;:.-MC1I< <1 siici'i.II^J ii i t ? . 111 i i 1' i . 1 . w (' s i n I ' ' !'.? \ ? il! -11 I I II I, |\?Wl is villi I to III I NiioT lilt :nt'l I > m li Si-iuls A ih'W iit.. <>1 l?. .;s I. .i U ( in' i All W <il 11 iii( i Skit( i nul Ih !'i i _ lis i Art Sijuni'. . all woo hi \ 1!> ' \ 11 S, |iihl i s \ ! '1 1. I I' 1' . S< |i. ii s BUc^cSiarn I /Ul\ J Gk \ \ hr //J \ ' % . y Si / x w / M3\ irn in I SI >' > Pa M- ,wj; - tA> \ : '< -A r&\ iv^\ r/ft ? \ :. !(i,::^i. \ y| ^ v ' (l ? A ir | ^--37-i | CO J {?UX:4?R V~ V.v ?. THK LINE 4#$ a fTCf | TIL: LINE ^,jf.JiZL-J THE L'NE on the j SUMME (ftmJEBi;! 1 iZ't^ 0>mp!etc *""" M liitJ I*"r ^ {tatf W.,..T..?. , ^ r I ? i' r. c V | > IN .??! I . . V.. t Prices Off. 4c 5c m 5 1-2 25c lie 95c idea! - 91c nude at $(>.25 to $14.50 $1.35, $1.75 and $2.50 (i l*2c lb ns Jackets just receive 90c to $(>.75 kWR-vcMsea arrived, prices about tradr has not come up lave a bit* stock that will do it. All we ask > aim prices. I ry tills rou will save. SSEY. Specials. 00c 10c :.r 20c .. 2oc 23c 28o 121-2c 10c r ( a bargain ) 10c 25(; ! 50c 25c nuain) (iOo h1 2. ply $8.00 $9.00 $-7.50 % Epps. JiistteiT A new lot of the celealec! \Y. L. Douglas iocs in all leathers. 11 you believe in wearg a good Shoe, try a lir of DOUGLAS, or HAMILTON & BLOWN SHOES. Durability, style and mfort are the chief esntials of these goods. ^ee usfa.- Aats. Can't : equalled. eElhaney-Parks Co., 'I h?' I'l lf,r-( ulliTs ? SN FOR BUSINESS, FOR PLEASURE, FOR ALL THE BEST R RESORTS Summer Resort Folder re to Any Address. i i h. Haktwicic, W. H.Tavu>f ' K' Agam, Asst. Gen'l Pass. Art. Hilt , rOM. O. C. AT1.ANTA, OA. * i e WMMMIK????W?IS , M . -M . _ .. , . v-Mm