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)RT MILL TIM ES OE WOCRATI ~ 3LISHEP EVEUY WEDNESDAY B. W. BRADFORD. lis of SuOsci iption: iu year * luonths PO irv" months nrri'spondeni't' on eurrf nt subjects is but no responsibility Is ns- j ne'l for (he views of correspondents. \nonymoua lonununimtlons will not published in there columns. WEDNESDAY. ODTOBKK 21. l!?o:i. ? ? The revenue <Jepart ijient hart ad >ltirted the sale <>f the freiIt chi id tlic f>00 gallons of whiskey* . dzod Saturday by Oeputy Collec>r llutcgiijs iiiiIt*kb claim is lil-d . itli the department v\itliiii tlic f\t tli s i ty day*. The piilx'iul .v ill probably make i lium 'or the tr, I>111 ib liaidly probable that .ic owner of the whiskey will apeHr. t Tlie increase in llie uio|i"y in [ ciuulatiop in the I'nited States'; tliiiii^ tic year ending dune h'0 was sH21.77i5.t2.j5. of which $/>i) 77<>.4'>2 wan in jjohl anil cortilii ' rates and $01,520.1H5 in national; banknotes. The share of money] for e-'cij petboii incteasod SS ecu te ' and the proportion of trujd to^he whole rone to 42 per Cent, the! hiphesl ratio ever recorded. * The two oldest military orenniy.itions in the world have been rnhhiiie elbows in Huston for some j days. The Honorable Artillery (loinpaiiy of liQpdon has been vis i'iK the Ancient and Honorable | Artillery Company of Boston, and lli?* goal words that wort1 exehangt d and the wine ting was; consumed would suggest a bond of sympathy between the two ua1 ioiks i loit. would cuu ho t lie (j cup an emperor to swear oil Sunday. * * This is til:* seaaon of the year wlieu tin* leaven are falling from t lie t Ives and ponph* who take a prid* in cleanliness are gathering thein up and burning tln in Tins i s commendable, but it might be well not to do too inucli of this burning at night. It is an easy matter fur a fire to tie left before it dies out, and if a wind springs up there is danger of a costly eon ilagralioii. Let the leaves and rubbish be burned during the day, >tnd the danger of lire will be greatly lessened. O *0 t? The United States secret ser- J vice announces the discovery of a | new eoliiiterfeit Sit) I niteil States J note. The note in hand is of a! H H of 1U01, Lyons, Keg, Kobcrts, Treasurer, with port rait* of Lewis mid Clark. !t. is a well executed litliograbir production, printed on a pood duality of bond paper without any att< nipt to inn tale silk fiber, the color of the neal, numbering, and is large, with superimposed "ten" on the face. The note is pink instead of carmine. "The way, the really and only i w iy, in which to rid a continuity ; of drunks" any s t he Kockford (111.) Register, "is to make it so warm for them by due process of law that they will find out it pays best to keep sober, (letting drunk is a progressive nff dr. No man rolls into the gutter without notice and j instantaneously. He knows that lie can carry one drink, perhaps two or three, but if lie knew fori driiil sure that tli?i third or fourth ! which will surely knock hi in out | would hind him in jail for thirty days In* would stop at tljo second drink.'* The I\ock Hill papers of a few I days ago made the announcement j that a man had struck that town who didn't know hit) own name, where ho came from, why ho was iliero, what he ever did and, in fact know nothing of himself. or any- I one lie rcsemlded. lint Hock Hill ib still in the rear. Spartanburg papers report that the clerk of j court lias received an inquiry from a Texan who wishes to know if lie was ever married in Spartanburg. , That a man should forget his name and nativity is a little startling, hut when one's mind is 90 affected hy this pew disease ( ?) as to cause him to forget his marriage, it heroines a matter for investigation by the medical profession. They j might at least {iud a name for the disease. Improved Passenger Service. Passenger trains No. 23 and No. ; 24. which have heretofore been operated between lfock Hill and Columbia, are noyy being opcated | duly b-tweet) Charlotte and Col-j 111 tibia No. 2d, southbound, leaves , Cha lotte at H o'clock in the morn- J ing. Hiriying here si and r un Columbia at 10 15 a. in. 1 N?: Hi h avea Columbia at 5iJQ in j the 11 ft ? noon, passes Fort Nrill at } U.02. and arrives 111 Charlotte at | Tillman Acquitted. The jury ill !he Tiilinnn ease an nouiiced at 10:15 Thursdi\ that they found tin- |> i?s >inr 11 t guilty of thn murder of Jvlitor (Innznies. Tim jury was out twenty hours. After they made the ami >unceii)i 111 that they lia I reached a di i-isi >n tin- di tVudant and attorneys were Kent fpr and the v? rdiet read. Tillinan'H friends immediately irave vent to their f. eliims with 1 ml and continued app'auso, although tin* /court had rduu-nir-lted the. K|i-etators to refrain fiotn any d> nj">n-1 n?ti >n. Til man alio >k i hands with 11)?* judj^o and jury hm>1 left the room accompanied by his friends and council. The jury stood ten for acquittal and two f.>r manslaughter on the tirat 1 .allot. One juror turned over Wednesday afterm on. hut the 1 21h jui or did not sii^n the vei diet until it was actually sinned. Tillman refused to take his pistols. syvim,' h?* had luul enough of them lie joined his wife at the jail where she was waiting for him. Till in a ii went to Kdmrlb Id, his homo, on the aft. moon train, lie has since received many coiiuratnlations and telegrams. Col. Tillman, ii on his acquittal Thursday, is quoted us luivini,' spoken as follows to a number < f i.: r..: .. i... ii im ii n 11;in: '"I feel very mat. fill as to tic result of tin* verdict. I in t at no t im?* ?1 i<l I apprehend any serious COtlgcqiiellCeH. 1. of Ci illI'Hi*. de? p ly regret tin* death of .Mi. (1 n/.at es, toil I wan forced to do wind I did. ( have never apprehended a conviction, for I felt that I did ito more than any other man would have done under the .saute eireuin at a ncea. and what I was eomrelled tod >. M , position was fully slat 1 eel in the testimony I gave on the stand. I did ask for a change of venue, because I was eottviued on aeeoont id prejudice in l\li lllatid eounty I could not get '* fair and impartial trial in that county. I, felt sure that as soon as my ease could he presented to an impartial jury. I would lie vindicated. The verdict has justified the correctness of my jutlgnictit. Li-xin ton County was selected by tic prosecution. Its people nrc law abiding and have lone Item n ted f r the correetne s of their v* rdiels and have been praised by the press." The liisf trouble between Till man and (iotr/des began in 1SJM, rein'wed during Spanish American war in I S!M. became violent in contest f r licutcnaiil governor in I'M). The r<dalions Iccame absolutely strained in the gubernatorial cam paign in lUOti. Tillman shot (jonzih-s January 1 "?, 1 <!(?:{. (ion/ales died Monday, Janua ry lit. 1 ItO.'l. (/omner's inquest brought in charge of murder against Tillman January 2'). PJO.'J. Application for liail made in February, lttW, was refused. April. lt> term of court inl'olutnbia trial was p >stpuied on ar , count of ebs> nee of witnesses. Change of venue to Lexington county granted at >1 line term of Richland court. Defendant arraigned in Lexington September 21, HUM Date of trial Set for September 28. 1*103. TiHmun pleaded not guilty September 28, 1 l.l 8. Jury secured and taking of testimony begun Septeuib r 28. 11> tj Prosecution closed Oct. 7, P.H)3 - I .. ?? ^,<ni, win v urn i (in journed on account *>f illness of Juror Sharpe Tuesday < )o.l. t>. Defense begun its testinioiiy on Wednesday O -tober 7. 10021. Tillman on 11??* stand Ov't ober 8 and 'J, l!)dil. * Defense closed on ufteruoou of October !> 1W21. Kehiittal witnesses for both sides lit*- rd Ortolier 10, 11)021. ?Jury charged October 11, 19021. ? ? Damage Suits Against the Southern. Fight complaints were lodged with the sheriff during Wednesday 1 and yesterday, all claiming damayes against the Southern Railway in aniountH ranging Irom $5,000 to $50,000, ft>r the breakiny of bones, injury to health, and loss of life, nays the Yorkville inquirer of Friday. The plaintiffs in the vnrioiiH net ions together with their attorneys and the amounts sued for are a? follows: F. Sadler Love, administrator of the estate of Hiehard NVayner Miller, colored, deceased, wauls $2'),- ! 000. Miller was killed in the wree.k. | The plaintilT is represented by Maj. .las. F. Hart and Messrs. | Wilson 6c Wilson. J. B. Johnson, as guardian ad J . litem for .Julian Hoy i Johnson, wauls $hO.(JOO. <>n account ? f injuries. The |l iintiiV i-- represented l>y M-s.-rs \\ ilson A \\ lis >n. Mrs. lOii/a i . Ihiist w mis 000 on account of injuries. She is represi tiled by W. i'? MiA'aw.l <j. Air. VV. T. Stautghter is asking* for S20.1X).) on ace Hinl <?i injures. lie is represented hy Messrs. Me Dow tV Lewis. J \\ . Kliyue. as ndminst i ut<r of the estate of Fr<'(h rich L. I'iivue the th-ml ti'iinan, is asking for ? tO.t 00. lie l- represented l?y I'. 1 <ii'Is ' i. of A hinta (in. I hiisc 1'h (i K oner, as in I in in i -t i a t 'i* "i the t state ot ( 'has. .Inline m Smith, the il ml mail elerk. ( co 01 ed ) wants $:!0,0o0. 11e is n-|?! sen id hy .Mitchell it Smith, of. I 'hill l> s'e >11. Kilward Turner, the conductor of tile train, wauls 5-0,'M) lor injuries. lie i> ivpr -souted hy (.'. I I Jin is> m, of At! lit a, (?a. Janes L. .Moss, guardian id litem for Tnlie linrri-, colored, wall's So,000 for injuries sustained. He is la 'pre.-ic n t ed hy J. S. lit lee. New Passenger Station. ft seems that tioilforls inan ;nr-ted hy the own coiiueil six' months iilT" to induce tin' olliei 1-. of the Southern railway I ' provide passenger aeeomiuodations in nv in k i oi <r with the ininurtauct >! !lit' loW'i an* at last aliotil In Iimvi? t!j? (|f-ir.iI I'lVivt. and tin* an it nini'i'ini iit is mailt' I?v 15s ' I'ical ii??"Ut of the company tliat i' is Ilicit par11 -s tu ln-uiti tin "rod i hi of a p'tHSfiim-r stit inn i >11 tin* ? is| side ..r tin- Inu'l s at a point o| pn site tli" it| | as s miii as tti" I it111!ht. i t<\. lot' tli" I'UihliiiLC '"in 1).' placed np hi I In* oi< niii'ls It is tlso stated that ill" Company in tends to jir.iv d a iin (h rii. suli -'.ant ial liniItIilit; which will Iir a. ! ipiat" to tli" needs of thr town for years. Then tli" old station will lu> usril c\clnsiV"iy as a fr> ii;ht 111* 11 ! I'lie announcement tint', tho town is to h iV" a ti"\\ p is-' ii;.'"!- station will lir pleasing information to ihe pulit ic A -nl fi otn 1' i" I art I li 11 tin* pr- s lit passi'i|0"r qual t"i s ar "lamped and ? 11?ir? ly to isiit d f r III" 11 r" Is of til" town, tli" far t tiiat II a* stat ion is I itril on ill" w rst >i t" of the tracks ih a st.iinluio I nii'iiar" to life and property, d /. ens of narrow "scapes having orj curr.'d I>v prospective passengers and ot liris ci ossin^ t lit* 11 a h- |'i?iin j tll?' luisinC-H p ?ltl'l|l of loWII ill front of H|)pr iit lniiu I ains. I W hat t In-dimensions <?r ilic now , <1> j> >t will l>i* is not antiouti' o?l. -? ?Newton Lanier's Murderer. Arcoiuin-r to the ( Mi iriott > Now' I reeent tlnto. t o iniii'?I.'for o N. wtoii Lanier, tlo' Loit Mill \"inio man who was killo I < n the outskirts of (Miarlotte sum two yours m_o?, was none other than Will Jones. a negro, who was hanged at Ihmville \ a , on the '.till i nst. .1 >no- was convicted o! another orinie ami on the o!t|| ,ws confessed to having mui'iiured a ill ill in Charlotte mi the < veiling of ,\ no u si "J. 1 hi) I, w 11 ioh is ill-' \ net dito Lanier met his heath. It will lie ieiiieinIlerotl that Lanier. while mi a visit to (Miarlotte. was imhiooil t>? go to tin* liotl-o I a woman of ill repute ami while tli re h ('11111'' th link ami hail his money stolen. Later his dead h >d\ was found on tin* roadside near the oily. It will also l? leine.u bcied that n whi'e til in, ('h is Lyle. was convicted of swindling Lanier out . t liis mom y. Ly mean of a trick knife, and was sent, to prison f r a let in of one year. Pleasant Valley News. Mr. N ance 11. ('r>tne, of ( N mcord, N.C., init f ?nnerly of Pleasant Valley, and Miss Mary Kate Kulohnin of Wilson. N. (J., were mar rit d mi the I 1111 iust. They vi tted relatives here Saturday and < i.,.. k ximwiij Mr. ?). L. Wolfe, of Chni'l'ittc visited his parents here last Sunday. Miss I*:tl,el K ' >ss ami M r. ( J eortre l>. Justice, of Ch ill ?1te, will he married lit the I'IouhuiiI Valley Baptist Church next Monday > veniiivt, the 2t?th 111st . at 7. o'clock. I'ln* corenioiiy will he performed j hy Key. A. ?L. Slough, the In ide's pastor. A delightful party was enjoyed at the h >iii>* <?f Mr. J. I*. Itailes on last Friday night. The Harrison string Imnd was present. ami furiiinliOi 1 Koine excellent music. Two of our prominent farmers arr going to move away from Pleasant Valley. Mr. J. W. Kims and Mr d.S. Miller. The former goes to Fort Mill an.I tins latter to Pineville. A large number of our people will attend the fair at Charlotte next week, and of course the n ig<jei'8 will go to'the circus on N?v. 14:1. * S, IS. B. I % THE NEWS OF THE .COUNTY. Interesting Items of York News CuF led From County Contemporaries. Mr A . \ I I'tl'T S: <>'l. I |' \Y;; J|iiiLj1i>n. and Mi.?>s .f? miii*. I ?11 r of .Mr mid Mrs (1. \Y. S. llart. ?. 1 Y->ikviili\ wi l l i: i: red W'.dne lav evening ..t tlio fluuc?!i i 1 tllo (in nl SI11 |it11 ri 1 in York vi lie. .Mi-s C)! 1 ! ,. I. r. dtnvjflitor if ex-lit i?rt-b. 111ntw W N. K'd r. w II 1) umrrii (1 n < 5e! ! > r '2 I . ' o M J. Palmer M >ore, 11 Hotlietdtj the relent aiy lieuijj pel t'. rue il at lie' ivM i nee of lie - bri e s p ir ii 1 s near (in t It rinM'i !l . I . ii .. i:.. .!. .. i J? i MII vi i ii. iin* in-'; ?? n HIT I wr;<# Brill' W i s ii in V i kv. IBi?'rnt!y. i- .fill at ' t i'_fi nin! t lir I!"vrrs ! lllr law !i i\r n<> Unowl rilo,. ,?; t,> 'urt whrrnih' :IT- llni<liu is ?;?i< 1 I" have > "ii :i |" aer lll'l" "CO| > wli ii -; t, lull \Y 111'II diiikiiiu at till c nnpl' lrly v ild. 'Ill* l; ill'' ii 1 ! ' 111111 i;--ion I :is |l!|l>iisl|i'(| it- l*i |) ill ill 1 i" Wlrrk ill 1'isiiiiii cii'i k. mill will submit it Id (In* Iro it u rr ' at it-- n \t HHs-toli. [ In I*.* is attarhril ! rr1> irl of ('??!. .1. 11. A v. rill, the xpl'lt r 11I 11 r t I' \V D Wis ?||l(il \*? ?t Id III..I H"'l ill.' IGllll 1 lllr I Molt, til ' I ft i MID' V of till- wit I less ri r'x Mill I ll< (1 li I I Dirk Mill II III! of the of Ii ink of tin* IomiI rxaini nnl n < 'olliin: in, i> i. \ i wril anil srVrViI vaI il lblo? >il:ri'" st inn nt'r mink* Id t il<* I' 1^1 -i ll III I'. Tii" strain.'' l* in tlio Bo.'k lli 1 hospital iia-r Divi'i ri| h s iiiom u v ho as Id i'h iitilv hiiMsi'll" as Mat oM K. Lis . of B >%v" 1. Mirli. lii'i'ini ii< >' n*r ii ii I f " li'-- iir i in_j in 1 i " !i 1 1 II li rui 1 r- t v.- on ;n I i '?;>!. 1 v' i. N..\ . \\li?M" lit' Was in|>!o \ri 1 liy a Mr. i ins. a <*<u. ! i :r*1 Mrs. l)o|-itliy A. 1'iickiiuiii. will >w l i .ii 11r II. nry I"'i i' W 1|D lost hi- I i f - ill t ; 1 rrr II l illsa-i ; at l*'i li u" <*! ? k tr : li s " 111 -1 it utr.I suit I'oiiiiisj tlio Soinli ? in K iiluay f r ilaiiiaors to tin* aniDlilit of 11 M). .M is. l' ! i I. f M l. < Mivo, N I ' . b|li 111 M Vi'llll (I I \ h i' I llf pisl wook with fiiciii'.H in l*'i il Mill. In vitiLr In Sunday m >vnll!Lr 1 r ? V1H I to io|idi\. > :n It O l< 111!! Mi's. <'< ;d ul I wa- on 'I ll<'<du\ < f las I w a \ i?I i? I lii d i in i:ji's in tin' sum r -"N >. i 11\ ill. si mi or m nil i i' M no kh iiImii*^ noil id v. an a rosn!J < fa -nil >?<_ i i nsl ill - Wosh rn I nion l idoor ti li ('o . for laiiur t s promptly d? livrr a in ss'i^'i' si id liy In r somrl inil* . a<_;o A Lcvc Letter Would not int most \on if ymi'ir loo1 in" f >r a y in *anlfi'd Salvo. I'm Soros. Iiuriis or IMos. Olio l> aid. of Condor. Mo . wrilo ; "1 snlVorod w ith an ni_d\ sure for a ynar, lint a li ix of \ rnio i Salvo rnrod ino. It's llio Imst Saivo on oarih. *.i *)o al ail di no sloi i s. An dlior c liision, in whioli four traiinuou wmo i siiintl\ Uiilod and !i\ soriou ; \ iii i11rod. ooourrnd i n I iiO Soui iioi n M nday noar Koysvil'lo, \ a. Confess":?.: Cf A Pr:::: I o v. ?l n i S. ('ox. o| M a o. \ rk writos. "F 'f I'J yours I sttll'i rod from \ ?'l l< !\v -I Jt u mi I i? ? . 1 consult ?I ii itm 111 i> 'i of i-livsii'iaii.s iiihI Iri-d nil s><rl-? ??f m ilicims, Inil tint tin !' -1 i? I Tiii'ii i I t'i*- in tinlist' (if Kl ? ( '! '(' ! ' 11 U't H II l|> 1 11 ( ! I i; a I 1 mil ?I I\V Ill-Ill (It 1 f!i.?i-:iMi' t 11 ?11 11ml iin* iii it.*, m'lis,) f n* i \ yi'iir." If vim want a ivliiiilf iii.mIumim- fur Li vim lUill K lit i i' V 111 nililr. s'tillKi'-Ii <?isiiii|?m' or no-ici t! (! bility, t i?ct ICIerir c l?i t is. li s iro irtuiUvii Iiy n 11 (11 u_u;i >ts < )111v People who l>iiv most t I' 11? ir >???!? in ncighh -rinu' cities art* usually 11ii* ones who ask loiiu I inn' civil 11 of the local merchant ami h >111 t i 111 s neghct 1,1 pay their hills when. Sr.ves 7to 7rcm Icath. "Oar tilth' (laughter had an almost fatal atincl of whooping cough and iironchit's," writes Al rs. \V. K. Haviland.of Armonk. N \ .. "hat, v. h n ail other remedies faihd. we saved her life with 1 >r. Kind's Ne? Discovery. O .r non e, who had Consumption in an ad v.meed stage. also used this wonderful medicine ami today she is perfectly well." Desperate tin oat and lung dis ases yield t > Dr.! King's New Discovery as to no other medicine on earth. Infallible for Coughs and Colds. nOe ami $1.00 bottles iriuurant -ed by all druggists. Trial bo'ties tree, ? Keep a close tali on our ndvei* tising they mean soun tiling to your pocket. Brcic Into His IIouso. S. Lee Quinn of Cavendish. Yt., wne robbed of Ids customary health by invasion of Chronic constipation. When Dr. Kings NAw Life Pills broke into his bouse, his trouble whs arrest* d and now he's entirely cured. They're gnnrnn- ; teed to cure. 25c nt ali drug stores. I . | . / .* i For Kent. Whilo or part of large rusiilonoe ocottpi?<l l)_v W. i'.. Anlivy. Apply at Arilivy's Prug-itore. Seed Oats For Sale. I now h ive on sa!o :ii I he siorf of Mr. A. O. .loll' - \ : I humlrcil Imshi'ls of \]>|)lni ltubt I t )'<'.its. 1 ?> .' 1 I f KDl All .IOXKS. \ A)St. A v'v.nril will l?r ]uiiil fov i 1j? return > Tilt 'I ?!lu l! of Ollf lIllWl.T Ovrl'l iial. li?t '1 iiursdiiy hut worn tlio hriak vurdmi l <U'|iuL at l'",t Mill. tin; tim i;s. '! :;i sl'ass n?)tr'k Ml pars ?ns.ire hoivhy warnr<l against lnuiti^, I i -1? ?i -_r - or oi hcrwisc in-pasMiiu' upon I ho land* of t la*^nod, uii li'r ]> 11a 11y of t ho law. w ir U'iyiii i?" Lumber For Sale. I urn i ; .ii' I t<> till your orders for Ian iher. d>I Port Mill. I i\iitie a iii 11 of vour wan' s. I i 11 He ' A MIX. liAKUKJt. Porkers Wanted. I will pay th<* highest market prims for a munher of I'orkers, tit for market purposes. I'ititie No. 11. Port Mill, H. f. lo-lltf. W. 11. M YT111;. TKI>.\\SS N< >1 I. All ])t""s ?!i- are lu rehv warmsl not to hnut, fish, or in uu> \\ ly trt spuss lipnti any of the lands owned or eon trolled hv t he undersigned. under |>eiiuitv of law. W. H. .ION KS .1. W. Alt 1 ?11 KV. .1.11. * Ol.TUAllP. HH V> - ^ - <> I $ NCV MARKET. i ' <{) $ yi ! have opened i llrst class ? sp Meat Market im th> <?lii i nip c$ & stand ,?m Main street anil will & & keep <m hands at all time a supply of choice I cot', I . rk, ^ ^ Million, f-ausap\ etc. Mv ^ pre i s w ill always lie as low <& ^ as th - lowest, 'i hone v ?ur or,'ers to No. '.".t anil receive ^ A pr nipt aitlcniion ami lair 4 J dealing. p - \V. L. HALL. ( ^ ft'S*~ Fresh Fish ami Ovs- ^ & tors everv Saturday. f \ <$ * ro no voru nrsI X FSS IS MY iU'sVxi^SS! Therefore it' yon wish to buy, sell, or exchange Real 5'state. Stocks, 1 ><>lids, etc., kiiul!\ let me know what \ on want or have to offer. ! have 1 long list of property throughout the State, and soiieit your business also. Nothing accomplished. no e h a r a e s. "Quick deals*' are my motto. J. Fal<?nr 1'oiii*;, r.KtlKK ROCK HILL, S. C. par T:S SELL -Columbia BAIL LCC::TYP2W3-XEB3. lo 7 lw O <><> ?> O <?" ><> <fc <& <S- f* * A I Tlio Modol o i * * ^ Mi > I ^ ? Stoani Lammi'v, n o ' ? o ^ OLDEST, + < HlGGliST, ? ? ? <% ? HFST. 0 | KoELNflNEY-PARKSCO.$ J Agents, . J ? (6 J Fort Mill, S. C. J J Shipments Wednesday Evenings. Y r ^ n i A Carpet is unhealthy, It is expensive, (\>vt r your floors wit!) our Si.'tillfc- ninl Polish HCCC lilin_C t > rocipo \vh oil wo will give you, ami you will have tl > u s tint J oil often s? e pit ! 11 ivb of. Neat - Clean - Healthy, T1h? o >st is only a trifle ? about oU cents p t room?and you get any desirable shade. W alnut. .Mahogany an 1 Cherry are the m ist popular. Ardrcy. DO YOU READ? I f - >. 1 can furnish you with the following standard literature: Ainslee's ,, 10o Met'lure's .. 10c Leslie's Popular Monthly 10c Serilmer's 25c Smart Set .. 2fio Stl*uii*l lOo < '<>itier's Weekly 10c Vanity l'air 10c Ladies* Home Journal 10c American Ley 10c .1 udgo 10c Puelc 10c Muasey 10c: Ar^osv 10c The Purr Mcintosh 2.1e \Y ide World 10c 1 ers m*8 10c "The Statu," on Sundays ~?e Also several weekly newspa^ pcrs for sale. At Ardrey's Drug Store. DO YOl DRINK? I i So, Try ()ur OLD NORMANSORN WKiSKY (i iiaraulceil ;t to 5 yuarsold. MiItl and Mellow. Always the Same, $'2.50 per Oallon. 'l'honeaml Mail Onler# Promptly Fillet} <?. \V. NORMAN, Pot h * Phones P. O. Pox 55. CH&BL0TTE, H. 0. GIVE US A TRIAD ORDER and get the i> EST WHISKIES, . AY 1 N E S, PR AN DIPS, Etc., \i I hi' most riMMtu sbV |>rici"?. J. D. Ross & Co Props., Tin: (iorKI) SALOON, Ull.\ KM)TTE, N. C. No. J't W Trade Both 'Phones, I HAVE YOUR MEASURE T AKEN for your new Fall garments. It is tlie only proper and satisfactory way of buying your clothes, beiiiff that "GOOD CLOTHES ARE ALWAYS M ADE TO ORDEK." Make your selection from the tail M orin g line of STRAUSS BROS. Chicago, Est. 1877 Cioutl tailors for over a qunrtev century Y<m'll find a world of pleasure in wearing the clothes made by Sttauss Bros.,? faultless in style, fit, finish and materials. They're so much better than the ordinary run of clothes, yet prices are astonishingly low, and your perfectly safe in ordering, because if garments are not satisfactory, you I needn't take them. \VE VIM. BE BT.F.ASED TO SHOW YOU OUK GREAT LINE OF SAMPLESCALL ON 1 MeElliany-Parks Co. | | FonMill^C^I