f ?
Young Man?
By Frederick Breithut.
?? ?? UK voting men hate advice.
I | it which tliey have to swulh
3 1 As things staud to-day,
1 ^ n i expected in school. We doul
I I tile home.
1 I But. lie that as it may, t
ir?TTz will.out any knowledge of
I "J~J.~2.tJ_ I Society, realizing its weakne
manner. indulgently forgive
that lie is "sowing ids wild <
Some few people, oeing where things
chap along l?y giving him advice. They
which years of education should have clon
The young man do s not forgive soe
li!m. lie realizes (unconsciously perhaps) 1
soothing tall; which he is invited to digc
the man who i< doing t!io advisiing is in u
iiespite all t his. wo are going to give a
girit * to preach a sttc<c-> serinonetto of t
Wo don't euro whether you save ten e
1. makes much difference. We don't care
cess or not. We know it does not make
in these days of mammon worship it
man to look upon anything higher than tin
out witli higher ideals iliau the nttuiunuM
? .-? * >iii\ t ii **m?i hi n iit'aii. 11 us 11 III I y Oil II
Hut ?>us* words are feeble. I-ot us rat
had to say on this topic. John Uuskin's v
'I have no patience with people who
youih' indulgently. I ha?l infinitely rutin
the indulgence due to that. When a man
any way bo materially altered in his fat
with his fate, if he will: but what exei
thought at the very time when every oris
decisions? A youth thoughtless! when ell
depends on the chances, or the passions,
when tiie career ?>f all his days depends o
in ?
be 1
yot '
y 11i
tin f
^Ife hy the Clc
Illl.K attending a recent y
neiit physician directed 1
Jf JT under which roost A uteri
\V\# time*, ho remarked, in tl
73 " _ clock, hy the ?.*:i 11 ??1" a son
^jasjjSuaQ read tho paper on tiino, a
frequently -in our hand,
outsilo on .'.a-.foments, husinoss appointinon
?Tii:_r the tmiount ??f time that will h" rot)
mot;: accordingly. Often we subdivide t!
oxr . ly how long wo can discuss a suhjoot
This is no exaggeration of tisc America
a>. stvo compelled 1 y the need of physical r
limits. \\'o oaf on time just as wo transa
typi ::1 American were to he depleted in
would he perched on a stool at a "quick I
day meal in seven minutes at the outside.
! huddles* punctuality is a virtue. 1)
thin.rs exactly on time has won for us. as
trial -access. Rut, carried t<> an extreme,
individual. The people whoso nerves lire
to overwork are not often not so much the
of compressing every hit of work withii
anyone try the experiment of doing a giv
.application, hut without noticing hy his x\
lime ite is consuming, and he will lie nnia
Ko off th:in when ho is liming himself, ?u
task within a lixed number of minutes.
We know a aroat deal more about sail
grandfathers know. We have bunted do
eornnis. Diseases which were otiee rojran
now know to he preventable and we take
'Ail these .liscovi ries and new remedies 01
to promote longevity. They have not dot
they nii-tht do so if they had a fair elt.an
Uiese devices for lengthening lif?? we an
shorten it. Due of the most wearing of t!
details of our work witliiu exact tin:e liml
Eccentric H
By Helen OldfleJd.
AfUTiOFJiavs*. HSKKN KKS may experien
& and t lie blunders of genl
m 4>,ec*W C may even feel a secret sn
Ar B of tlie gods are in some
M ft M H tuls. but nothing they ma
n '-* , -^,*1$ g Hut the latitude alio'
B \ same blunder on the pat
Xj-a./vj-msdr l?vel-headed and shrewd
t lint of marriage.
The usual explanation tlutt they are e
true sometimes, is uot always so, and when
for the why and wherefore that men who
Into character, men who rarely if ever utal
select as their lieutenants, who choose
remarkable for good judgment and stroii
when it comes to choosing the power no
life: into.
Caprice, under the guise of fancied i
influences able men in nil affairs, and in
and by the subtle attraction of so:; It s
If this be the reason, caprice is the cans
suspected and becomes patent only when
plainly known to every one.
Next to tlds coines the headstrong,
which makes a man certain iu his own coi
understands hor and will be able to sliap
Opposition oniy confirms him in his oj
men exhibit this propensity, a feeling a
ancient rule of chivalry which obliged
tight to the death In support of his la<
beauty above all her sex.
. is For You.
"When you consider llio amount of
dw. you can hardly blame tliein.
i hoy is taught as much as can ho
tit whether as much can he said for
lie youth is thrown upon tlie world
it. Naturally, he makes mistakes,
ss in not preparing him in a better
s the young man on the ground i
arc wrong, try to help the young 1
hope in this way to do the work i
*' j
iety as readily as society forgives
where the fault lies and resents the
?st. Moreover, lie often feels that
o way superior to himself.
dvioe. llut. young man, we are not i
he usual order.
cuts a day or not. We don't think
whether you make a worldly sue
any difference.
is dangerous to try to sect a ycung j
ney. Ami the young man who sots '
it of wealth is ordinarily regarded
g man we want to talk lo.
her listen to what a powerful man J
ronls follow:
a torch to the laid tram <> .
of life or death! Itr thoughtless
it, indeed, there is only one place,
deathbed. No thinking should ever
0 make them real, no matter what
v your work hotter than they do.
hut you cannot get away from
'.tut it is not everything. To place
Moralizing irllttetae, the results of
.cw Yuri; Kveniug Journal.
adhering of his profession. n 11 endtotieo
afresh to iho daily tension
cans do their work. We vise ott
ie morning, whether l?y an alarm
rant, or by habit, eat breakfast ami
clock in every room, and a wateh
We then, on time, meet office and
ts, consultations, always prcconsidluired.
and timing the next engagetis
time, and note "ny our watches
n habit. Kvcn such breaks in work
efreshment are brought within time
et all our business on time. If the
bis most characteristic attitude, it
luneli counter," consuming his tnidnubtless
also the practh*e of doing
a people, a large measure of Indusas
it often is. it is wearing to the
ak down from exhaustion incident
victims of overwork as of the habit
1 prearranged limits of time. J.et
(Mi piece of work steadily aiul with
mi tell or a clock exactly how nr.tcli
zed to llnd how much easier it will
d scheming to bring the prescribed
dtnry matters than our fathers and
iwn microbes. We have concocted
led as visitations of Providence we
suitable means of preventing them,
iglu to diminish the death rale and
:io so. as a matter of fact: perhaps
ce. The trouble is tiiat along with
? adopting practices v.hich tend to
lose is the luthit of bringing all the
co varied emotions at the vagaries j
us?regret, indignation, - scorn; they
tisfiution that, after all, the beloved
respects inferior to everyday inory
do can excite surprise,
wed to genius does not cover the
t of those who are men of talent,
in every relation of life, except in
arried away l>y infatuation, tliongh
it is. it does not sutticiently account
l?ride themselves upon their insight i
ko a mistake in tlie men whom they
tlieir friends with discretion, men
ig common sense, go so far astray
xt the throne, the one friend of a
ndependence ef opinion, frequently
marriage when reinforced by will
ometimcs governs them altogether,
e of many more marriages than is
the unsiiitabillty is such as to be
almost preposterous self-confidence
ncoit that if lie fancies a woman he
e her to his wishes,
dnion. Even sensible and practical
s unreasonable In its way as the'
each true and doughty knight to
Jylovc's claims to pre-eminence in
ItT MILL. S. ( .. WKKI*
- - - -#
Father, Crazed With Drink, Slays His
Own Children
i nitrerrn ivn i nri/rn i " 1 ? ti
/tftflLJICU A.1LJ LUCltLU li* JAIL
One ot the Alost Fiendish Acts liver
Committed In the Old North State
Occurred In Iluncombe County.
Ashoville. N'. C.. Special.?Transformed
into a monster after a weeks'
debauch. Or. J. V. Jay. a physician of
prominence in the northern pari of
ttuneombe county. Saturday drove his
wife from home, brutally murdered his
three children, and attempted to burn
down his house. The in in lie. nine violent
Friday night, and nft? r going
home terribly abused his wife. Mrs.
Jay had put the children to bed. and
was endeavoring to quiet her hushnn 1.
when the man attacked her and drove
her out of the house. She went to the
home of Thomas Dillingham, not far
trom where she lived, and there spent
the night. Returning to her home next
T.ing she found her husband in a
;erous mood. The man was even
than before. Jay was continualoking
for it is pistol, threatening to
rmlnate the whole family. Mrs.
however, bad taken possession of
revolver and hidden it from he. and.
During the time that Jay was
citing for tho pistol. Mrs. Jay was
iged iu preparing the morning
at intervals as-listing the ehildicn
to dress. When the children had
hern dressed an 1 Mrs. Jay had finally
finished getting breakfast, the brute
had worked himself into a frenzied
mood. Failing in it is searcli for the
i'iohm m iiau ill mi'U Iiiir.^r II Wltn fl
claw ha minor, .ml with this ohnscd
Mrs. Jay around the house. Tho frightened
wife, fooling that hor own life
and tho lives of her children wore in |
danrer. wont out of tin frant door and )
.started for tho little grocery. wlcro I
there was a telephone to ark the neighbors
for aid. and i<> notil> the off: ers
nt \shevillo.
As site reached tho road site turned
and saw her three i hildren standing
on th top step crying. anil begging
for h.er rcti'.iu. The mother stood for a j
ninnn in in ludplt ss agony. knowing I
thnr the lives of her children were in j
danger, atnl knowing also that she wis |
of her own strength powerless to j
shield and protect them. Her indc. is- j
ion was of hut a second's duration, j
Steeling lur heart to tho cries of hor I
little ones, sh"> tinned and ran with all j
spied possible for the store. There ,
she hastily told the story of the ehil- i
dn n's peril, and accompanied by sev- I
eral m n who chanced to ho at the
place, hast; nod hack to her home. Tho
mother ha 1 heen gone 'out a few moments.
hut in that brief space the do- '
mon had done his work, and as she !
ent? red her homo a sight met hor eyes '
such as words of no language can describe.
hying upon the porch with tho
blood oozing from their heads lay In r
tluoo children. The two oldest were
already dead, while the baby was barely
breathing. The men who had tie- ;
conipanied Mrs. Jay tenderly gathered j
up the little lifeless bodies to place J
them in the liousi . but the door was
1 listened and Jay was called upon to |
open the door. This he refused to do. j
and declared he would hill the first one I
who entered. It was then thought that
he had found the pistol and had barricaded
himself in the room, and that
death awaited the first one who cnt<
i '>d.
lint this was not so. The man at
that moment was preparing for self(n
struction. Without waiting another
moment the men hurst in the door, and
ns it swung open, instead of the crack '
of a pistol, the men were greeted with
"Hello hoys, come in. 1 r.m just starting
a fire to got warm l>>." Jay was
found standing over a quantity of
burning clothing that he had gathered
and placed on the iloor near the fire- |
place. The men rushed upon him and
succeeded in extinguishing the llamcs.
The man was slightly burned, hut not
seriously. His clothing was covered
with the blood of his children, as were
his face and hands. Sheriff Heed was
telephoned for. and the man was held
until the sheriff arrived.
Upon receiving word of the hor:ible
tragedy tnts morn.ug oiierm neni ut
once notified Coroner Hemphill, and
then left for Bnrnanlsville.
Sheriff Heed returned to Asheville
before dark with his prisoner who appeared
to only half realise the terrible
deed he had committed. He is now in
jail here. When asked why lie had killed
his children Dr. Jay said he just
could not help it after catching sight
of their blood. All Asheville is shocked
by the tragedy. Dr Jay is brother of
W. N. Jay, who for many years held
a position as deputy clerk in the office
of register of deeds.
Worst Storm In Yearn.
St. John. N". R.. Special.?Since mi 1night
the storm which developed Friday
on the South Atlantic coast has
hern roging here, the worst of the
season. The wind reached 4S miles an
hour and 1Inches of rain fell. To.
night it is clearing, i<nt the wind blew
40 miles, an hour. The three-masted
schooner Kdnn. Captain Donovan,
freni Columbia Falls. Me., dragging
her anchors during the high win.'
storm Friday night and drifted two
miles towards the Red Head shore opposite
the , harbor. Distress signals
wore hoisted and the crew weir taken
off by the life-boats and landed on
Partridge island. I^ater the wind sunsided
and they were returned to their
Many Items of Interest Crowded
Into a Column.
Porter's Discharge.
Omaha. Special.?Fifty-two messengers
of the Pacific Express Company,
whose headquarters are in Omaha, reported
for duty, as usual. One train
rame in from St. Louis without a messenger,
but a man was supplied by
the local manager. Manager Patterson
stated that he had anticipated no
trouble and that all of his men had
expressed themselves as against a
s;triUo \ nttmhor /?0
sonpora reporting to the Omaha office
were y ni forth to take the strikers'
plans. nn<l the company requested
the porters to take ears of those leader:.
The peroters refused to do so.
en the ground that they were bonded
as porters and not as messengers.
The porters were at enre discharged.
All money, jewelry and other valuables.
live stock and perishable property
is Ik iiig refused for shipment
until the strike is settled.
Typhoid Epidemics.
Albany. N. Y.. Special.?That summer
vacations ami winter trips to the
South are fruitful source., of typhoid
epidemics is the belh f expressed !>>'
Secretary Stuart, of the State health
board, in connection with an outbreak
of typhoid in the town of Athens.
Greene county. The local health
board reported two eases in the family
of a farmer, whos name the board
withholds. While hut two cases have
occurred there. 1t eases in other parts
of the State are reported to be those
who were this fcrm rs hoarders. It
is the belief of the board exports that
the periodical ret urronce of typhoid
twice in each ; or is ttaccahle. that
of til - spring to the wint r vacations
in the South: that of the lull to summer
vacations at farm; having contaminated
water supply.
['Cv'islon Not Reached.
I.(>iulon. My Cable.- The Associated
Pres.-; has the highest authority for
saying that the suinouneesn. ni made
by the Morning Advertiser, that the
?U i isit.u of tbo Alaskan boundary
ouiuia.cV.on viiluatty* c6r.cedc3 th
American ease, is entirely untrue.-The
commission, thus far, has reached no
decision .and no v< to has been taken,
even in the private sessions, which
would indicate Chief Justice Alverstone's
position. It is quite true thai
the general trend of opinion among
those connected with the tribunal,
asiue from the commission* rs. is that
the ultimate decision will be in favor
of America, hut there is. as yet. not
the slightest warrant for saying it
lias be* n reached.
Divorced Persons Debarred.
Wooster, Ohio. Special.- The Presbyterian
Synod of Ohio has adopted
resolutions declaring that "all our
ministers are hereby < njoined to refuse
to perform the marriage ceremony
iu the ease of divorced persons,
except such persons as have been
divorced upon the grounds and for
causes recognized as the Scriptural
in the standards of our church."
The Synod also adopted the report
of the trustees of Wooster University
recommending that an endowment
fund of JM.uou.nno for the school he
mixed. a deficit of $-12.000 in tin'
building fund of Wooster I'nivcrsity
was raised by pledges and subscriptions.
Ci rI Student!- Heroic.
Chicago. Special.?During a lire that
destroyed three r< aidencos in Irving
Park, three children were rescued
from death t?y girl students of Jefferson
High School. Raymond Saunders,
five years old. perished in the flames.
The students were on their way to
school, which is located two block
from the scene of the fire. Lenrn'ng
that there were children in the hoiu.es
several girls entered and bore the imprisoned
children through the dense
smoke into the street. In the confusion
the Saunders boy was not found.
!>?,? *
tt .nn outi L>;scusslon.
Louisville, Special.?Behind closed
doors at the Gait House prominent
traffic officials of trans-continental
and southeastern roads are discussing
a "cross continent and Gulf railroad,"
on which they could not agree last
week. The meeting ha.-; developed into
a tight on the pait of the roads
throughout the se c tion bounded by the
Ohio river on the north, and .Mississis- 1
sippi on the west against the western
tians-continental lines. Many factories |
in the South are closed, awaiting th<? 1
result of the conference.
Reports Denied.
London, By Cable. -The Japanese
government has issued a denial of the
alarmist reports of the imminence of
war with Russia, in a dispatch from
Tokio, dated Thursday, and sent to the
Japanese ministers abroad. It says:
"The negotiations concerning Manchuria
and Corean questions are following
their normal course and there is no
reason to anticipate a rupture between
Japan and Russia."
I, 15)03.
Jury Satisfied as to the Innocence
of the Accused
Jury In I1aywood-Skinner Case Tried
in Raleigh Deliberated Only a Few
Raleigh. Special. After being out
llllf lll/ll'l' 1" ? i * *" '
?.. ^ iiium i.i 1111111111^ weuncstiay,
the jury in the trial of Finest Haywood
for tlio murder of Hud low Skinner
returned a verliet of not guilty.
There was no demonstration, but
smiles of delight were on the faces of
Haywood, his counsel and his four
brothers, who have been constantly
with him. Haywood shook hands with
h's counsel, and when he was discharged
went at once to the jury box
and shook hands with each juror, returning
tiianks. Next he went to Judge
Peebles and did the same. Colonel T.
M. Argo closed for the defense, urging
self-defense for Haywood and a
persecution of hint and wiwtnesses for
the defense. Judge Peebles next commented
on the evidence and charged
the jury. It was charged very favorable
to the defendant. Haywood shot
and killed Skinner in front of the postolfiee
here on February m. a preliminary
hearing was waived and at the
March term the tria' was postponed oil
account of absent witnesses. At the
habeas corpus, the first of June, Haywood
was released on $10,000 bail, in
the case sevi ti lawyers appeared for
the defense and five for the State. An
acting solicitor was employed, as the
solicitor declined to act because of his
relationship to Haywood. The defendant
did not testify.
Judge Peebles stated that as the
State admitted there was a blow
stricken, then the charge of murder in
I the second degree was eliminated, it
i was 11:Itr? o'clock when the Judge gave
! his charge to the jury, which occupied
i fifty minutes. He said it was not the
duty of the jury to lie led off liy attacks
on the prosecution. The question
! which concerns the jury was whether
the defendant was guilty of any crime
murder in the first or second degree,
or nothing. The jury should be guided
I by evidence and nothing else; to take
I the evidence from the witnesses and
tin- law from the courts, and not the
law from the attorneys. There is no
e.\*' vl ii'.ilici. in C M.uiu.. ti,...... ;. ;...
I pi in! malice. The burden is on the de'
fondant to prove there was no malice
i in tlit* case. Claims he has done that
1 l>v Siimns, Schmltz, Hoeutt. Harms
i and Fuller, and says there was not a
i witness, except Sauls who contradicts
i that. No witnesses, exctpt Sauls say
| they saw any of the beginning of the
! trouble. The defendant says you ought
I to believe him. because it is Ave to one.
"he defendant says Sattls is not bu I
j charac ter, and that there are other
j witnesses who strengthen his contention.
Two witnesses, Mr. Hillings and
I the jailer, say the defendant had a
j ted spot on his face. The defendant
i says he thinks he was excusable un
der the circumstances and that
Schmitz. Hocutt, Fuller and Haines all i
I swore that when Haywood rose up j
| Skinner had jumped away S or 10 feet.
I and all of them say he had his hand on
j his pocket, some say the right, some
: the left hand. He claims there is not
as much conflict of evidence as might
be imagined. That under those conditions
he believed his life in danger, and
that nobody contradicts, except Sauls,
and the defendant thinks the others
ought to he believed in preference. Here
the judge read Jones Fuller's evidence,
and said it was for the jury to say
whether the shot could have struck
him as Fuller thought. Notwithstand
iiiK iin* race mat me state claimed to
have proved the bad characters of
Sehmitz and Hocutt, yet there are < ir
unistaneea to show they told thetrntli.
Tlie defendant claims their testimony
is corroborated without icgard to their
characters; that he pad apprehension
he was about to be shot and that then
the law excuses him. Ilut these are
matters for the jury to decide. Because
a man acts coolly it docs not debar him
from the benefit of the law. The State
says the jury ought to believe Fuller,
who said when he saw l he deceased
he was making no effort to draw a
The State says it ought not to be re.
ceivcd because of the blow. The blow
did not excuse the killing hut did
away with malice, if Mie jury believes
the killing was done from anger and
passion, and not from reasonable fear,
the defendant is guilty ol manslaughter.
The jury is not responsible io anbody
for its verdict If the deceased
jumped back and was attempting to
draw a pistol the defendant had a right
to fear.
The jury was not out. 1 uvg barely 15
minutes, when it came in. There was
a rush. Foreman Wiggs gave the verdict,
" Not uilty."
Senator Green Arrested.
Birmingham, N. V.. Special. Senator
George E. Green was arrested and arraigned
before United States Commissioner
Hall on an indictment found October
8, in Washington, charging him
with conspiring with George W. Heavers
ami Wiiliard I). Do re in us to sell
the government. through Beavers,
.lamp cancelling machines, known as
the Dorcmr.s machine, in which Green
was largely interested. Green demanded
an examination, and the case
was set down for November 9, when
the prcious indictment will come up.
Bail was fixed at $5,000, which was
NO. M.
Ailornoy <leneral Kiiox lias relumed
lo Washington from his vacation.
Tlii' Czar of Hussia will go tf> llonte
to visit iho King of Italy early in November.
Kx-Oucen l.illnokalani is going to
Washington to press iter elainis again
this winter.
Colonel doorgo I>. MeClellan cttii
speak four languages (lueiitly ? Knglisli.
Herman. French anil Italian.
(Jrover Cleveland visited KnfTalo. X.
Y.. to attend the funeral ol XV. S. L.isseil.l'or
the lirst time si nee INPI.
Seeretary Hay has returned to Washington.
owing to pressure of foreign
business in the State I icpartmcut.
Crime Minister Italfour hasVoinpleteil
his Cabinet by admitting the new
Marijuis id' Salisbury as l.ord Crivy
King l.eopold of Hrlgium is very
proud of the beauty of his hands, and
also of his heard giving both the most
exacting euro. He never wears gloves.
It is annouiteeil that President Ckr/.a.
of Ktteaihd'. intends to go to the Culled
StJltes soon, lie will remain there
long enough to visit the St. Louis K\posit
Cornelius Yamlcrbill has been appointed
an aide-ile camp on the stall
of Coventor (tilell, Willi rank of colonel.
and will attend the <!o\ernor at
all military functions.
William It. Astor owes his fortune
to his I nele Henry, who was onee in
business as a huteher on the Itowcry.
ill v..... . -
... I in u < ill . Uct'UIIIUlU tlMl
yCriio.nilO. which was well invested in
real estate in lSir..
Mrs. Dwiglit I.. Moody. wiilnw of
tin- fatuous evangelist. died at her
In mil* in K;isl Xnrtlitichl. Mass.. a few
ilnys ago. Sin- was liorn in 1*1 ntrl:in?I
.'limit! sixty yi lis ago. w iierc she has
n sister now living. Sin* married Mr.
Mimm 1 \ almiii forty years ago. ami limy
hail llin ? I'liiliir.'ii, all of whom surv
i \ e. _
5,000 Truants In Topeka.
Topckn. Kan. Speiinl. 1.. T. (?ag<*.
truancy officer. notified the city superintendent
that there won* 5.n0t) children
ot' school age who aie not attending
the city schools. The*truaiicy
law requires all children between the
ages of s and 15 years to he sent 11
school. A le t of the mis dug children
i - in the hands of officers, and action
will he taken.
Third Ati\nn..c in Oil.
Lima. Special The third advame
for the mouth was made in crude oil
Tuesday, prices of Western oil going
up 11 cents while .'I cents was added to
quotations 011 Eastern products. The
advance did not result in active selling,
as producers look for still higher prices.
Quotations are now Tiona. l.s:;*,
Pennsylvania. 1.(58; Corning, l.PS: New
Castle. 1.55; North Lima. 1.215; South
i.una and Indiana. 1.21; White House.
l.::t>; Neodosha (Hans.), 1.20: Sonier>1,
K;.? 1.21; Raglan;!, Ky.t $i'.4
Negroes liriven Out. ?
Ixmisville, Special.?A special to
The Times from 1'aducuh, Ky.. says:
"All the negro residents of the Kevil
section of Hallard county 1*'ft Tuesday
night. Since the shooting of Sunday
night, in which Crockett Childress,
white man. was fatally wounded, the
white res idents have heen preparing
to run the negroes out, and came to
this city yesterday and procured
w? a pons. The negroes heard of this
and left."
Transporting Troops.
St. Petersburg, My Cable. The Forign
Office says it has no offii iai con
firmution of the reported discmbarkment
of Japanese troops at Mu-S.inI'ho.
Regarding Manchuria, the Foreign
Office states that the question is
at present closed. Russia is now
transporting 40 000 troops, nurses,
physicians and hospital supplies to the
far Kast. The present strength of the
Russian army there is reliable reported
to be 2K3.000 men. Officers detailed for
duty in the Orient have been forbid(en
to take their wives.
Nut (irnwers to fleet.
Atlanta. (>a., Special.?The National
Nut Growers' Association will hold Its
convention at New Orleans October 2.
and 111*. President G. M. Macon, of DeWitt,
(la., has prepared an interesting
programme, and the foremost authciri- ^
ties in the ''nited States will dismiss
various t- pics connected with the culture
of nuts. It is expected that Sr
rotary of Agriculture .lames Wils i
will he among the speakers.
Fever S tnation. '
Laredo. Texas. Special. The < fTlrial
bulletin shews the following res lis of
the yellow fever cpidemi : New ases.
20; deaths. t>; total eases to date, 400;
total deaths, 27. The deaths toda.
were am ng ti e p orer classes of Mexi
cans. These were attributed to tli
cooler weather. Reports from Monterey
state that, although the number
of cases is diminishing, the situation
is becoming more serious. The work
of the marine hospital service is beginning
to ho apparent in the diminishing
number of cases here.
The wise girl never distributes too
giany lattb keys to her boart.