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A Noble Action. Charles W. Condon, or Lenox, la., Supplied several square inches of skin to bo grafted ou j(,jin \\\ Mallott, a railwTay engineer, after an accident to the lafter about live years ago. Subsequently he presented a bill of $1,000 for the skin, and, having failed to collect it, ho is now suing the engineer Tor the sum named. Mallett got $-',000 from the railroad company after the accident, but lost il in a business venture. B. B. B. SENT FREE. Care* Blood an<l Skin Olnra?f>?, i'ancera, Vtol.l... U " utirn, lionn 1'Mltm. Botanic iitooil Balm (It It. It.) cure? i Pimples, scabby, scaly, itching Kczeuia, Ulcers, Kating Sort s,'Scrofula. lilood Poi*on, Bone Pains, Sirellings. Rheumatism, C ancer. Ksjiccially advised for chronic cases that doctors, patent medicines and .Hot Springs fail to cure or help. Strengthens weak kidneys. Druggists. 81 per largo bottle. To prgvcj it cures It. It. }). sent free by writing Blood Balm Co., 53 ltalm Bldg., Atlanta, (In. Describe trouble and free medical advice sent in scaled letter. Medicine sent ut once, prepaid. All wo is that you will speak a good word for Jt. B. B. when curedAn adder twenty-six inches long has been killed by a gamekeeper at Tobermory, Mull. A Sermon In it Sentence. If you nro morose, inood.v or despondent; if you hnvejj.habit of worrying or fretting aTjout tilings, or arty.' other fault which hinders your growth or progress, think-persistently "of the opposite virtue and practice it tint if It Is yours by force of habit.?O. S. Murdcii, In Success. PrafliMt Cnnnnt Kn Curml by locnlappUeattons asthoy cannot react1 the diseased portion of tho ear. There ts only ona way to cure denfnoss, and that is l>y ccnstltattonnl remedies. Deafness is caused oy an Infl&tne'V condition oX the mucous lining of tho Eustachian Tube. When this tube is inflamed you have a rumbling sound or Imperfect hearing, and when It is entirely closed Deafuoss is the result,and unless the lntla:nmnlli m I... ..L-.... ?..? ? ?wl stored to ltsjbormnl condition, hearing will b*? destroyoifiorevor. Nine cases out often f Teeauded'by catarrh .which is nothing hut an oil condition of the mucous surfaces. will givo One Hundred Dollars for any e^iso of Deafness (caused hy catarrh) that cannot lw* cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars free. P. J.ChksbyAOo., Toledo,O. Bold by Druggists, 73c. Hall's Family I'llls arc tho hast. More SnulT Vanl Mom'. Tho situiT users of Ihe United States have increased in number about six per rent, a year for several years, taking the annual consumption of snuff as the basis of calculation. Tho ?-greK?te weight of pinches of snuff taken last year was 18,001),000 pounds. FITSperman"ntlvcured. No (lis or nervousness after llrst day's use of Dr. Kline's Groat Nerve Restorer. $2 trial bottle and I reatlsofroo isr.U.:t. lii.urn. iii'i., 'JM Arcli St., Phlla., Pa. It is said that Texas alone markets ?i0,000,000 worth of cattle annually Mrs.Wlnslnw'a SoothingSyrup for children teething, soften the gums, reduces inllipnma-. lion,allays pain,euros wlndoollo. 25c. n bottle Twenty-four' persons livyig in CoJnty ; Tipperary, Ireland, are centenarians. Mao'sCura Is the host medtclhe we oyer used for all affections of throat and mugs.?Wit. o, EsasLti, Vanbnron, Ind., Feb. to, pjoo. A new lighthouse costing over $2..r>00,0G0 is in course of erection at Folkestone. Putnam Fapklkss Dyks do not stain the hands or spot the kettle, except green and purple. The streets of Tokio will soon have trol? ley cars. My Lungs | " An attack of la grippe left me with a bad cough. My friends said I had consumption. I then tried Ayer's Cherry Pectoral and it cured me promptly. " v A. K. Randies, Nokomis, 111. You forgot to buy a bot- I tie of Ayer's Cherry Pec- I > toral when your cold first I j came on, so you let it run along. Even now, with all your hard coughing, it will not disappoint you. There's a record of sixty years to fall back on. Three *li?: JSc, 59e., SI. All 4rntt1cti. I Consult your doctor. If ho nay* take It, 8 thou <lo a* ho any*. If he tell* you nut 1 I to take it. then don't take It. He knowt. 1 Leave It with him. Wo urn witling. v (J .1. C. AY ER CO.. Lowell, Mate, fl ~'"** ''w ^wwt^JI 8oT42. ~ CAPUDINE 0\, | W* #% It rinoTM the cten. Cu Rbo saiavawsrH 'I COLDS AND flRIPPFrF.. lj "' kMatchn nnd N?Tir*lft? alto. No b*d . ?l?cU. l?c. no and Mo botUM. iLiavifi.) ^i4ytfAh&!:.v.<Mr.... < . '?L A DM II Pe-ru-na Drug C< Gentlemen ru-na and I believ Admiral sciilky. om- of the fo century. A tuuue thut starts terro of steady nerve, clear bead, undau Approached by a friend recently, hi Peruna, the national catarrh remedy, this remedy his endorsement. It apja has been used in his family, where it is Such endorsements serve to indica upon the minds of the American people and famous a man as Admiral Schley his endorsement to l'erunu than his p< that he says it is. I Stands for Union Metallic , Cartridges. It also stands II for uniform shooting and satis- fjj 9 Ask your dealer for U.M.C. ^ j$l ARROW and NITRO CLUB ]|g Bjl Smokeless Shot Shells. Ij|f The Union Metallic JfiB "I have naed toor ralnabln Ca.rar.u and flod th'-m perfect. Couldn't do without tlwm. I liaro u.ed them for soma ttm? for tniHgc.tton and Killloti.nen* and am now completely fnrfii. Hecotiimond them n> everyone. Once tried, you will novor bo without thrni in the fuinily." Edward A. Marx. Albany, N. V. The Bowels ^ toac<cmm CANDY CATHARTIC Plsaaant. Palntahl*. Potent. Tawt* Good. Oo Good, Novor SI?*kon. Wnak?*n or Orip?\ 10c, lf.r?r. 50c. Never S?l?l In bulk. Th? ifrnulnn tablet ntnmpcd CCC. aarautcod to cur* or your money back. Sterling Remedy Co., Chicago or N.Y. 603 ANNUAL SALE, TEN MILLION BOXES Cross? Poor man! He can't help it. He gets bilious. He needs a pood liver pill?Aycr's Pills. They act directly on the liver, c u rcbi Hou sness. i?$CS?2i: ; Want your moustache or beard ja beautiful brown or rich black? Use BUCKINGHAM'S DYE nrrr m or i>*pwoi?t* "> w i- nai. . ahhi ?. \ u Mx/YMferi 'NEW RIVAL" " ^b^MawI" ^ It's the thorough 1 " f\ tng and the use < J ^Winchester Factory 1 ter Pat,ern? P^netrati \\ I *&$* a^y than an^ ?,her s trtifwr? tester patent corru ~ ' liPVef ^ival" 8hells give jlfl BE SURF. TO GET 1 Deer in Cltyi^pf Vienna. T.ack of food 0:1 the snowelad hill* drove a wild deer-Mnto n suburb ol Vienna. It was chased and died ol fright. Great efforts are being made to further the cotton culture in the German colonies, and the most important cotton milts of Germany have, after thorough trial, declared Togo cotton to h< of excellent qualities, and are endorsing the efforts of the German colonial cotton growers, hoping thereby to become independent of American cotton specially as Germany manufactures at present ahoul $200,000,000 worth of cotton goods yearly, giving employment in its cotton Industries of all kinds tc over 1,000.000 workmen. Lb I -THIS C0UP0M BE YOUR rn/vu ' eirv?tf? *v? ^ rlvUm MUntI, dLAUuLK, Tt'? thfi peqpl? irtiit - --?iHuiihl Hixl . b c oo m ! " t urfd w liilC tMi-v iloolit < i 1 ' i who prxlftt' Doau'it I'tlls iV * / ^ tlio higJieat. , ? - * [ Erf I / Aching back* are ?s?ed. ' MI Hip, back, iu*l lola-puum ; 'Wl OTKrcomn. Swdltngof the PM , | # limbs and dropsy, signs i rf/' Mai 10 vurtish. V\ They correct urinefwith ' X^-Vlwitvuti brick dust aedimant. high 1 colored. |?'n tn jiaakittK'. Niur . jdi iht>hn|?; frrtpien^'. tv<?l iwams "wetting. 1/ii.niH Kiiinev 1 Pills remove calculi noil 0' gravel Itelieee heart pal- , jiiiatlon, ?lnr|>li?Mi<.'in, ***"? t li e ml ac lio, nervousness, for frw trial h 1 YMMi-Siniii 1 n (Vv, 'S'AVIaiRVTT.I.K. MlSS.? "I 1* la?uffli-l*nt Irliil eveo'ttiliiK form weak '*' back and (tot no relief until I used Loans Wla" MXOlCiX J J. if. Law La ?AL S( o., Colufnbus, Oh --"I can cheerfull) e with good effecl remost, notable hemes of the nineteenth r in the heart of every Spaniard. A man nted murage anil prompt deeisina. s opinion was asked as to the etlieaey of w imout tUo sliglitest hesitation he gave tir?11 on Inter conversation that I'onma a favorite remedy. te tho wonderful hold that Fortinn has It is out of the question that so great eouhl have any other reason for giving jsitive eonvietion that the remedy i.s all DEAL IN DOGUS ANTIQUITIES. Sharpers Have Many Tricks Calculated to Fleece the Unwary. With tho numerous instauc03 of duplicity on tho part of dealers In antiquities it is not to he wondered that many men of wealth and culture are looking with suspicion on the works of f-^art which they liavo collected at the expenditure of much money and effort. It is a wtso collector who is certain of the genuineness of his collection. One piece of the swindlers' work Is tho making of artificial moth holes in a ehair of the pattern used several cc%urles since. It is a good imitation, and has been dilapidated purposely, a piece being missing from tho hack. It onjy requires, a few dozen moth holes to'complete its "ancestral hall" appearance. These are provided by means of a tool like an awl. with five steel points. Held over a likely part, a smart tap of a wooden mallet sends the points, made to the exact size of a moth hole, into tho word. | This process Is repeated as inn:;;.* I times as necessary. Then the moth ! holes ure treated to a slight applicai lion of candle flame, which darkens | the boles inside to the required tint. News of the Day. Mh William K. Curtis, of the Chi< ago Kecor?l-H? ra-hl, has discovered tin* dean of the newspaper profession in the United Staies,.al .Ottawa. III. The lienor lias heretofore been accorded to 1>. R. Anthony, of Kansas, who is 70 yt ars old and has been editing a paper continuously for more-than liftv years. The Illinois editor is William Osman. I of the Ottawa Free Trailer, lie was j 84 yars of age on the 19th of last June ( and lias been the editor of the Free j Trader almost continuously since the i 1st of August. 1840, a period of more than sixty-three yeafft. Even now he goes to the office anil does his. full share of tlie work. -?.* Under date of June 120. 1903. Consul General Richard Uuenther, of Frankfort, reports that, according to German j imperial statistics, tlie losses of Oer| man registered ocean vessels during ' the year 1900 were Sf>. of 57,078 toils gross and 41,7120 tuns net. Of thes ; 32 stranded, 12 capsized, 14 sank. It were lost in consequence of collisions, 9 as the result of severe damages and 17 have not been heard of. Of;the 1,073 persons aboard the foregoing -982 of j whom were members of crews and 91 I passengers?3 passengers and 280 mem hers of the crews lost their lives, or a total of 289 fatalities. mSTBR ' BLACK POWDERSHELLS. y modern and scientific system of load>f only the best materials which make Loaded "New Rival" Shells give beton and more uniform results generhells. The special paper and the Wingated head used in making 44New them strength to withstand reloading. WINCHESTER MAKE OF SHELLS. Origin of Ox-Tail Soup. ux-iau soup, now regarded as a nr 1 ; tional Knglisb dish, was first made b; I the very poor of Huguenot refugee I from France, after the revocation o I the edict of Nantes, because ox tail ! ! then had no market value. The Rev. Mary Saffnrd. of D( Moines, In., is one of the most sue cessful preachers in the country. Shi was born in the West, although she i ' i of New Rngland ancestry. She entere; Iowa University at the nge of IK. Shi was pastor in Boston a year and a hal and then regularly ordained to th< i'uitarian ministry, nfter which shi was pastor of the church in Sioux City ' She travels a great deal, otganizini and stimulating. ehurehes. MESSENGER 0F; DELIVERANCE , AND URINARY TROUBLES. ' ??The reason yen crm f-ot fills trial free l? !?? ?nit|n? llicv cijm Kiilnry ills, and. Will prove It to WFRT PntNCTf. WTCTT ? "Dou'tKidw; PSI'.ahit the CAM)-, which an unusual dcairn to urinate liAit to pet up five or six time# of n night I think diabetes win underway, ilio feet nnn-.ankles swelled: ??????? There was uu intense pain .in the hark, the heat of ???? which would feci like putting one s luuul up to n ? ?? lamp- chimney I ha-n or. man thin eatipor to uard the fr.-e triul and two Utiffslo. X. Y. lr abort- full bovea of noun's Pills , *nu *d<lr?? oa np*- with tho aatisfaction of feeling that I am enrol. They are tho remedy par LDVICK rBKK. excellence." . B. V. Bauaap. pHLEY io: f say that Kirs. Sch! t."?W. S. SCHLEP j The faet is Peruna has overcome all hearts of tlie people. The natural timioii i aivinir endorsements til nnv ron-.ivlv i< . help ethers lias inspired thousands of?n? runa who heretofore would not have 001 Never before in tin* annals of niedie j <>f national and internalional reputation ..lid public endorsements to a prnprietn could have aoonipplishoU such a result. Pcrunn euros catarrh of whatever phasi is why it reeeives so many notable and i Address The IVruna l>rua M'f'o t'o. j catarrh. If You Don't Want CURLS IN YOUR HAIR VOt: II I WANT Carpenter's OX MXRROW POMADE uirurmK i\i t r ATtox*.) y I* ? * *lio *>a?i hnir *trr?iirht*n*r ??nl ! ; inn'on 1 tiiM h*tr Hoft and Htii Ih p ?rf*tftly harm- I !fts. Mop* than worth th?* prf?an. y P*lCE. 25 CENTS. A*n'<t It your Iruxirtat hmr't It'wo will ?rnJlt by I rn.tlI on roorlt>t of 2J <'M?t* In Htatn|i?. Adinw. CARPENTER & CO., Louisville, Ky. | StkU&jzndfWt $5,000SBWKWS rK BK Cat;ws^OKercri. CEOnGlA-ALABAMA BUSINESS COLLEGE.Ma: .n.Gn. *Cr*0 O'O-C O^O O-f-C +o 00 >0 O ! I TORN MILLS and f U V . niLLSTONES ? | If In lirril of Torn Mill or MIII?ton.? 6 0 yon Will Uuitlt toyuur luterrit to correal oud i & with. CAROLINA Mil I.VTOAK I'll. Q ?l'n fron, IV. It, inaniifaoturrr* of l orn a SI I i 1a from the fiU'jui County nrlt. A CHO?0*04tHOi>C>l CV>OK>?CHC-. a ITVF! RSJEnfIS" cotton < \ i.i i i.A ! B $ eLkIvKC UuL/r,?jJK H|, fra. IV; H * 'I'llOII "..'""I laKlltl JI.IM; Bill n.'OI'l ll "t?, ?1 <ii; lut.-rt'fct .'Jilrulntorh. all rue* ill. nort 1 nM, calculation* >> luoftl roit-.l ii ii' nrriiattc Inn In til.-ivorl.l Mimiil|.aKi ? fro. II1 IMi K rilMIMNV, ST. I.OI IM, MIN.NOt III. No. 4'J YOll flRT krsult* if you usr I?r. Thurlow'n Klcctric Ncrvtuc lor Toothachr Antiseptic _ .vv?iiw??v.m i.uumcni v_ircui:?r? L'aroj ? Una SpfC^all" Co.. Dept. C.. Pini-fciuH. N. C. !fBS5SE133iS35aEE^ 6tRl$ WHIRE Alt ILSE FAILS. FaT Boat i 'iiKli tyrui>. i'aaiiw C<x.J. L?< IJJ In tlinn. 8oM b/ilriw^i?t*. SB3Sm<aESj?EESp i MAGINTY 1 1 KITE CATCHER P. BUOLER ? KITE EXTRA FINE TWIST BROW N & WILLIAflSON'S Bl y The abny? well known brand* of Tobi world. Write for terms and prices, n i J j HM-obacc^mfgs. L* - ! - ? r . .r !ey has taken Pe' Washington, D. Copposition uixi has won its way to tbii y wuicn so many people iiavo felt al>out giving way. tlratitude ami a desire oplo to give public testimonials foi; Fomented to stu b publicity, iue has it happened that s ? many men i te?v.. been willing to?givo unQtialitipil ry remedy. No amount of advertising I'eruua lias won 011 its own merits. i> or location in the human IkxIv. This unique endorsciiH nis. . Columbus. Ohio, for free literature ou W. L. DOUGLAS 's3.??&s3-SHOES?'K You caa save from $3 to $5 yearly by woaring W. L. Douglas $3.50 or $3 shoes. They equal those . thai Iiavo been cost- *. ing you from $4.00 /' to s'."?.(H>. Th? iin- ?< !?l men so sale of \V. L. fc- _ Kt Douglas slices proves HS& Sl6Z^- Sfx. their superiority over all othur make*. t." j . w| iajok for nai.ic .iM'l < O V*' Ollt Edge Sh(w* bj inall. 2f? rent* ?\lrn. Illu?;r*trii < atalof trim. W. L. IIOK.LAS, Urorkton, Jlkvk. ; Wanted Agents fnr cur Prepare"! Rooliti<r?. 1'aintB, VarnUli. Ac. 1 Elountii t?1il?-lin>? for H*le-"iu*ti Oootl ?*tnnmlfc:ti<'n or nalarr. Write for iiritv", contract, etc. I AUMiiAuit MtNirii-.-i iiisii Co., Richmond. v?. | T^el^UtK's | THE FAMILY PAPER OF NATIONAL CIRCl CHARACTERS? IT HELPS TO MOLD ARE ^Annual tSunsi \ si The New Subscriber v of this Paper at once | 8 All the Issues of The ? .1 fi The Thanksgiving, CI I _ The Youth's Compani D ^ 5k. *a 'V ograplied in tw Then the fifty-two Is of the bent rem | I l l.l. AXXOUXCEMHST AXV SAM THE YOUTH'S COMP/ PWIST Brown <H Sun * KST^^ . . noco nre Not Mado by a 1'rusL and are aaon riming your local jobber OWN ? WILLIAMSC WIN 4 . 1 ? * T?> fro VINES, Etc., direct K P.p. ^ to pti:R(?r. lxifm wrllr'wiMl icmMWltir* -.r ?? Omeord. Niagara Warden. Ktc. A*kT?ir ourtpeclal price of frulr trtft, !1! best lime t< ' iM'ttliiR ?tcnt? wantiit for 1901 \W si ll tlje L'nlvrrpal t?H?t hpr?*or, b?-pt. tjli i^Olti Uvi r>pi?vir yet Introduced. Address Emporia jVarteries, Emporia, Va. mYPEWHSTERS CHEAP H IHg l ot StcDll-hn <i Machine* of' - ? nil mnlcet taken as part pay for.the Oliver Ha KHlnt for nuu'k huvtrt. J. E, CBAI'K)>, ?. lisilotle. N. C. IlipunsTiihiitosare ' 11:*' /^VP~J3 .f iU." ?' v ' i" utii tie. j 'Uint :'*,,1 millions of tlf Til hay .been Stales iu a single year. Kvery illness arising from a disordered .stomach is relieved or cured hv tin ir use. So common is it that diseases origrnnu from the stomach it may be | sorted there is po" condition of ill health that will not he benefited or cured hy the occasional use Of Bipatis Tnbules. Physicians know ti. ?in and speak highly'of them. All druggists sell them. The Hve-ccni package is enough for an ordinary occasion, and the Family Bottle, sixty cents, contains ' a household supply'for n year. Out j generally gives relief within twenty I minutes. DropsyII Removes aJl swelling in Stoac riavs; efTerts n permanent cure in 3<>to 60 days. Trial treatment given free. Not liingo.'.n t>e fniret Write Dr. H. H. Creon's Son*. SorcUlhis. box n Atlanta. Ob isAwlnr^si ipswitn h?ko'h I'nlvcrmil I.ojr Reams,fte.-tllln-B HeariSluiuUiineo'.i* riot WorkBend the He? 8? MooOE-KIrk Variable Feed Works are tinev.fv i;oellefl for ai-ci racy, ampi.icity, pi p. i ait-j* , yiTY am> ease oPoi-kratiom Wrl'.e for fullB I Sdraorlptlvf elreulars. Manufactured by tlirS I *RALEM IRON WOUlvM.W in-t >n t>n lem.N <\B w i tM/ ///1V ves Fnes/ . Companion iLATlON. THE LIFE IT PICTURES AND THE TYPICAL OF OUR TIMES AND COUNTRY. ^ ^ I ^ription Offer. ,iio ctit?' out anil sends this slip 01 the name with $1.7." will receive: Companion (or the remaining weeks of I90.t. In 1st inns and New Year's Double Numbers, ion " cprinRtime " Calendar for 1904,11thetvc ^olQrs and gold. sues of The Companion for I 904 ? a library y am;; tor every member o! the fumily. qj oi / /./: conns or run rArnR rnnt:. If lnion. boston, mass. '< Willia.msot\'s fl Cured ff brow n & williamson's m fine natural leaf f? * ooloen grain ' rfcl) juice r blood hound brown & williamson's s twist, j gthe largest ao'.llng brands of the jjj )N? I STON-SALEM, N. C. || ?rTXi V ?