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Local > and <- Personal. There was a heavy f<H? in thh* vicinity Thursday luoraiug. Mr. A. A. Youns* spent Sunday with relative* ip Rock HilL Ma bet Ardrey returned Wednesday evening frgtn a short visit to relatives iu Ghnriwtte. Mr. J. P. McMconay left Wad nesday morning for filpe West, vtfhere'W will resale bcs studies >at .Kcdi. jr. Mr. J. L Watson, of Ohnrloite. is spending a few days with his' mother, Mrs. M. M Watson, of kthi? plane. Tlte Baptist parsonage on Con-1 ^federate street is nearin^ completion mad will be fif/idy for occupaucy in a few days. Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Patteraor. 4amc UII from lanwiiit^r Sa??F/tu?> and remained until yesterday nitb. wehttives ict furt H \IL Then? were three fcnt* in Atn? ant?possibly four. So, neoo"fiin? to tradition, there will be tlw 4IDOW8 the comity winter. (t wiU |*5' to 'vinsuit our advertiaiot; ogia-xaus before .you 4my your good*. Patron ixe lUicae who atsL. tor your trade. The ww Jlapti?t at Pitiaville .was orfcHtiwed with a membership -of forty, instead of nine,. as was stated in these columns lc4l week. The narail child at the ape of ,fonr woifch* thirty-five pounds, is j i incises hi?h, with a chest meats- , urc of 2Q3si inches and a fcead ^circumference of l> 1 i ixahn. The many friends of Krfw. W. A. Wright, who lias %eew <eet iously ' ,?ick for about ten day*, ?ill be pleased to know that lus condition j lis somewhat improved at preeeut. When you know anything that would interest Times readers kiuclfy rin^ 'phone id anil teJl us. j We'll jut it down hoa pwbJ<4& it,! and will thank you tor the favor, j Leading farmers of the township now say that the cotton crop is indeed short, and that the yield will Undoubtedly be far below conaerv-j alive esti mutes of even SO days ?|?Ol "~^iias B-rtlia Massey entectaiued a number of friends at. tea Theirs-1 *lay ?ep"o?ir>j at her home ou Hast liooth street. The occasion whs in honor of Dr. ami Mrs. D. G. ; TliomjiKon. The time for payment of town ; taifi expires tomorrow, and the! <he town council will allow no extension. All those wlio have not paid their taxes had beat j<<> in ai<d aettl? with the treasurer tomorrow i and avoid further trouble. The tire-moudwaU infant of Mr. and Mrs. Walter CdliiM died; * Saturday night at the h<sx?* of its; |>arouta in the village of the Fort Mill Mfg. Company. The liui ;al was made Sunday ufcternoua in the 1 eity cemet?*ry. "All tlie business neao .of Font Mill, with au maeeptkaa of two or j three, are natives of tlie township," j was the remark of a citizen to the reporter a few days ago. And it's m. fact, too, though we had uot thought of .it befom*. The hunting *???<*? opens November 1st. We hear that game is more plentiful t&as fall than for ..several years, and this fact means jtliuch hunting. Frotect your lauds And game by inserting a trespass notice iu The Tku-as. Cards were, issued Monday announcing the marriage of Miss ignite Mart <Juip, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. Oulp, aud Mr. tiary S. Thompson., of Graham, N. <3., the ifiMxrw^r fo take place <011 the 22ud iast. ?Jt the home of the bride io tius place, Mr. and lira. W. W. Warren, of Gold Hill, have the sympathies of the entire section in the loss of their little 5-year old son, Harley, who died Sunday morning of congestive chill, i laige crowd of relatives and friends attended the funeral service and burial at Flint Hill church Monday afternoon. Mr. B. F. Maesey, of lower Fort Mill, brought to The Times office on Monday a number of well developed second-growth pears, pulled from his orouard that day. He also showed the reporter several blooms, which he aaya are 01 the Jh.ird lot that have appeared on Ilia trees I bin year. A number of names of persona in arrears to The Times are beiug dropped fraui the list. This is 110 reflection upon them, it may be that they are perfectly good for jtheir debts and intend to pay them, but The Tunes conuot afford to coutiuue the paper to those who are in arrears and who have paid nothing lately aud have nothing about paying. The fall trade ia opening up nicely and the merchant* of Fort Mill are getting their full ahare of the buaiueaa. Our merchant* carry as new and complete atocka of merchandise as can be fouud, and t it ia simply a wasie of lime and money to go elaewhere to buy. Patronize home industries and help yynr U>wu thrive and prosper. OIJRPALI of Pry 6 Shirts, f jmp"""**"o"p?"owo Are arrmng dai induced us to buy heai to offer some special 1 Call and see our interest . Do not forget th? ways filled with a cor We can also save MILLi i The municipality of I'tueville ) had ?4c4baM of excitement Thursday night, aaya tlt? Charlotte Chronicle. X priaoaer escaped from the calaboose, fire was aet to the prison and two stores were burglarized^ ail iu the space of a : hours. The prisoner oiade his esjjeape by aettaug; fire to the floor of 1 the calaboose, a sinai 1 wo'den slructore, aaud it is supposed by ij euuic Clint tue wt8 the burglar who1 3 filtered the: uteres. Nothing c#f 1 value wm ugimed from the atorea,) j from which it ia presumed the - burglar wa? after tuouey. 1 It ie uid that the Southern Hailway intend* before long to iuauguraWe a rule requiring total abatiuewoe uf itu eauployeea in reapouaible poailiona. lu thia way they will follow uereral western roada, which uot oniy require total abfliuieecea at ita employees whether ou or <duty, hu t says ihey must Ovt ^lyarettK. or arnoke anything ou a fiaeoetiger train or about a aLaiiou or depot. Superintendent Racuauer of the deviaiou exJteudiug from Aaheville to Spartanburg baa practically inaugurated such a rule ou ilia linea ?.lready. Drove Horse ft* Its Death. Through the carelessness of m drunken negro, Air. W. T. Hoagiand, oaf of the town's liverymen, ou Saturday night lout one of his best horses and had a buggy hiuI set of harness completely toru to pieces. The accident occurred at a point near the Catawba Power Co.'s dam, to which Prauk Moore, a uogro driver for Mr. Hoaglaud, 1 had started with a white man who cHiue here frotu Charlotte. It is * said that Moore aud the white man * both became intoxicated after leaving Port Mill, aud when near the ' dam lost their way aud followed a ' path leading through the wood*. I The couple had gone ouly a little . way into the woods when the horse plunged head-first into a deep | gully, breaking its back and other- . wise injuring it so seriously that it died early Sunday morning. , The buggy aud harness were com- ( pletely wrecked. It is not kuowu ( the men were iniured. as M f M IIV I , left at ouce fur other parts and the , white uian had not been seen up to thia wr.ting. Mr. Hoegland ia making an effort tu get at the facta aud if he succeeds, someone will be held ac- j countable for this act of crituiuai i carelessness. Items of . Local Interest. Bock Hill Hsrald, 10th. Mr. L. K. ilruiiH, of Antiiatun, j Ala., having resigned hi# place a# vice-president, treasurer aud direc ? tor of the Catawba Power (Jo., Mr. W. 8. Lea, Jr., was on Wednesday elected vice-president and direc.or . aud Mr. W. H. Martin, Jr, treas- a urer, with the vice-president's aud t treasurer's office at the darn. 1 The York Baptist Association, compo8?*d of the various pastors and delegates of the thirteeu Baptist churches in this county, will J convene in the Rock Hill church c next Thursday and will cover Bun- i day following. * Thursday afternoon .about 1 o'V j and WIN1 oods, (Notion >sant&. ? *MIU C ly- Our increased s< rier than ever before, bargains. STOCK before you bi : fact that our Grocej nplete line of choicest : you money on Furn 3 ""2" C ??0????0????< ? Hs.-v? "X"O 8 That i I Dan Valle) S It's tti? "t ItHE COMPi it... r n?? ts:-i. \.;iurutv on iur mini ui i?irs. niuuey Robinson, ueur Kd^emoor, Lillian Dunham whs shot and mortally wounded by Press Massey, bolb beitt^ colored. The woman died about h 11 hour later. Massey claims that he tired accidentally, but several witnesses testified that when he went to the house he was mad, and that shortly afterwards picked up a breech-loading shotgun that was lyin^ on the piazza and fired intentionally. No cause for the shooting was shown, however. Massey was sent to Chester jail yesterday morning. It was Gen Bradley T. Johnson, wh<>se death is announced, witii lion. Henry Stanberry, who, wheu South Carolina was under the heel of the despot, came to the rescue of our fellow-citizens who were called before "Lord Norbury Bond" to answer for the alleged commission of the Ku-Klux outrages. Gen. Johnson whs a patriot and his efforts to save the sons of York and other counties of South Carolina from the persecutions heaped upon them should ever be reuibered with love aud ;rat itude. forkville Kuqolrar, 9th. Mr. J. B. NcDonald of Wiutiaboro, 11as been appointed hh special judue to preside at an extra term of court in York county, be^inniiiy iinuiediaiely after lie a jounimeiit jf the regular November term. l%>urt will be in continuous session for one month, retjMirinj^ the services of 144 petit jurors. V _ * ? Lunioer ror sale. I am prejared to fill your order* for Lumber, delivered at Fort Mill. Give we a bill of your want*. 10-14 4to ALEX. BARBER. Porkers Wanted. I will pay the higlu-at market pricea 'or a number of Porker*, fit for market Hirpoaea. Phone No. 14. Fort Mill, 8. C. 10-14 tf. W. K. SMYTHE. TRESPASS NOTICE. All peraona are hereby warned not to mot, fiah, or in auy way trciq>aAM upon my of the laud* owned or controlled >y the underaigued, under penalty of aw. W. H. Jon km. TRESPASS NOTICE. Notice la hereby given that all perion* are warned not to hunt, fl*h, or reapaaa in anyway on the laud of the tnderaigned. Thoae who violate thia >otice will be dealt with to the full exentof the law, aa well aa suffer other onsequeucea that may follow. J. P. Balls*. 4 STOCK s, Shoes, md Caps lies in these lines have and we arc prepared iy, It will be to your y Department is als eatables, iture. JTT3STO. u. Bought g r Flour Yet? I 5?3"t SOlci. X \NY STORE,! REGISTRATION NOTICE. | _ , TUo books of Registration for tho<iuali ifled voters of the town of Fort Mill for , the year 1904, are now open at the ! Savings Bank, between the legal hours of 9 a. in. and 3 p. in.. and will close Oil the 1st day January 1904. W. B. Moauham has beeu appointed 1 Registrar. By order of the council. T. S. Kikkpatriok, Attest: Iuteudaut J. M. Spbatt, Clerk. | ? NEW MARKET. j i I have opeued a flrat-claas ^ # Meat Market iu the aid Culp 4 T tftand ou Main atreet and will ^ T keep oil hand* at all time* a t aupply of choioe Beef, Pork, ^ (> Mutton, Suuwa^e, etc. My # 0 prices will always be an low m A an the lowest. ' i hone your 6 , a orders to No. 2P una receive \ \ prompt attleutio'! and fair ? \ dealing- J 1 W.L. HALL. * <' gj?~ SVoai* Fish and Oya- W P tera every batutday. # Hi Spices Ready-mixed and prepared, put up in ten cent packages, hold, ing 1-4 of a pound. Best oi Everything In the way of other spices and flavorings. 1 COLEMAN'S MUSTARD WALTER BAKERS' CHOCOLATE WALTER BAKER'S COCOA POSTUM CEREAL CORN STARCN BUTTER COLOR CEYLON-INDIA TEA. Ardrey's , THS U PRates JJSS "THC 5UMM SOUTHERN ? -l|k Cotnp R?waf wat?!T ^ Put. Tralflc Mf?. V WfcSHIKOTTJ*, o. c. *? i. JAfe~==g======= i { \ NEW Af (CLOAKS for Ladic Latest Styles. Lowest pr tirst choice, h TRLNKS, all size SIDEBOARDS, $ BED ROOM SUI1 IKON BEDS, $2..< PANTOGRAPHS CRAYONS, 5c se; PASTEL COLOR DRAWING PA PI 10c OUTING at 8 DUCT / ' * * ' APRON G1NGHJ Harrisburg Shoes, th 'and don't wear out. New Dress Goods a | Cloth, Dimities, Etc. Don't fail to see our i half your money. L. J. Mi 1 I A Few Fal 72 x HO inch Skirts, nicely heiun x 12 inch Pillow Cases il-4 Pepperall's Unbleached Shc? 4J 4 Pepporall's Blenched Sheeliu it-4 Bleached Sheetiurr CJ " - - 9-4 ? n n -IS inch Pillow Cisin^ I" 1" it ? M 19 x 45 inch Hurk Towelu with b Nice Table nnd Bureau Scarfs. .. A new line of Beltd j Buck Cotnba All Wool 54 inch Skirtiu^s (a rea 9 x 10 1-2 feet Art Squares, all wo 9 x 12 feet Art iSquurea 9 x 12 feet 13. B. Squares Meacham tRIYALS. s, smf Children, ice ;. Calfi eai ly and get js a lit jvi'ccs. 12,1 0? *7.3 and 2:|po rES, Wt CTsn, >v V , 25 cei*k. t S, 10c seJiiK, 2 l-2csfaeet' i l-3c t Sc. k>MS, 4c up ic kind that* tffc ttte feet.1 nd Trim mi nfrsr^ Caonon i MILLINERY,. me: \SSEY. - ^ 1 ?^fc*. .1 Specials. led, FOfc ;tiu^ 20?v tf 2S?-: 23c 28 o 12 1 2c 10c: order (a big bargain) 10c 2oc 50c 25c il bargain) 60c o and 2-ply $8.00 $9.00 $27.50 Q Epps. M MM A new lot of the celebrated W. L. Douglas Shoes in all leathers. If you believe in wearing a good Shoe, try a pair of DOUGLAS, or HAMILTON & BROWN SHOES. Durability, style antf| comfort are the chi?f es-. sentials of these See us for Hats. be equalled. MeEllianev..Pavin flfc Ike PHce-l?Hr*. g> V Jt NH TOR BUTU|ESS*\ f ' l] NIFORPUJNiit IU NE FOR ALL. !ffB BES1!? fl ULS^^Hi :l?u S?mm?* y^|^yiWH | . 4 Fim to A?r "DWim? ^ WUaUNTO*. C^7 AftA^fA^OA. ' II 1 ??! *?*>?? wn .^1