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FORT MILL TIMES DEMOCRATIC PUBLISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY B. W. BRADFORD. Terms of Subscription: One year ............. J1.00 5Ux months 50 Three months 25 Correspondence on current subjects la Invited, but no responsibility Is assumed for the views of correspondents. Anonymous communications vrtTl not he -published In tftiese cdlurons. "Port MiTl 'Phone (with lone distance connections) No. 2C. K**n nppUcatton to the publisher, advertising rates are made known to those interested. WEDNESDAY. OCTOBER 14. 1903. The potato crop is said to he I aliort again this year, and the pri ce I will hardly atopahort of a dollar a I bushel. ( That printers' oath tnny Found a little Htronu, but it in nothing compared to the one ripped out when ? stick of type is "pied." ? Secretary A. W. Love, of the State Agricni ural aud Mechanical .Society, has received permission from Governor Keyward to une the exhibit placed at the t.hurlostou Imposition by the State tor the coyuintf hir tit Coliiinbia. This will be one of the drawing I at the fair. The display I wn'tt be properly cared for by those I coouected with the State society. 9 TiniiiwiAnn will mtilrn a wrvnd?r ful exhibit of cotton at the World's fair at St. Louis. A field of the grow ng staple will show visitors from the North the beaNty of a cotton plautHiiou. A miniature cotton gin will be in operation and a small press will form the lint iuto small bales. A cotton oil press will illustrate how the cotton seed oil is made. ? ? The heirs of Mrs. J411S E. Boye- 1 sen, who died shortly after being accused of theft at the White Stone Lithia Springs, have dropped the suit entered against Manager FJarris and others, giving as their rea son that their decease 1 mother'** character h*s been fully vindicated by the prt-8-4 of the country. Maun* ger Hania is responsible for the statement that jewlery missing has jiever been recovered, Judge Crane, of one of the New York police courts, testifies that ninety-nine out of every hundred boys from 10 to 17 years of age who come before him charged with crintea ranging from petty misdemeanors to burglary, highway robbery and murder have their lingers ptained by cigarettes. He is convinced that lite exeej-sive use of the i cigarette by boys weakens their pi oral aense aud makes tltem easy victims of the passions that tind corrections only in the prisons. "I would prefer," he says, "to see my l,oy given to the use of liquors A I A ' AS f* iiidii io d^arcues. * Richland county pays all court expenses of the trinl of Colonel Tillman. Our information is that Richland county has no funds on hand to pay these claims against her and that having borrowed nil the money she is permitted to do under the law, she can borrow no more this y?ar. If this be the case, then the holders of these claims will either have to hold them until the taxes are collected or "shave" their accounts at some hunk. We mention this only as a matter of information to our people.?Lexington Dispatch. The Louisiana Agricultural Depari men i has lately received ftom 1 the Philippine Islands specimens 1 of the flower, boll, seed and staple Iroui the Mindanao cotton tree, i The speeintens resemble in every i particular the cotton kiowii in this country, and the estimated worth 1 of the cotton sample forwarded 1 was about 10 cents on the market here. It was a little off in color, < but fairly good staple. The tree ^rows Aft ?en feet in height and is twelve inches at the trunk. Tne s ed are about five times us lar?e as our cotton se?d and rou^h and irregular in shape. The agricultural department will inrcptiuate ' the subject fi}lly\?Abbeville (La.) Meridional. Th< Tillman TrUl, I From the latest reports it seems i fH?l the case OI .lames M. Tillman \will go to the jury aoiuetime to-day. The arguments of the lawyer* for i lie prone lit ion and defense were b^gun Monday morning and it was believed wguld' be emended l?y ijhe l|mp court cjosed yesterday or rarly this morning. Upon thfe / losing pf these arguments, Judge Oory .prill dpljver J|is ?haige to the ! Jury, and the case wjll likely bp | rlosqd so.metipie during the evenI Utg or night, this pending upon * Ilie time in wl>?r4? it takes the jgry ' i V' Wb n 4j>cj|iop, I Bn^^^S^B|^HE^HE9B|H9SBj^^H < MlliigWBa^B8BBBaBMMi o paBKaaM i IliUUitaHififiHHIc fflnUBHHnHfl I mjMBM|M^BBBBB t 9|^n^^HUH?raHD9|H|M c HHH^^HMHn i raKfflHHBHB^nHgMMm t ?^HH|rara99^B8flj^HBHHH^H > |SSra^M||HflH9H&H^B i WHH^^BnHt |n^^m9H^B^BKRS@B|9[HraH i 'i%'^PS^p^^^jpipip^SaPiBM t jHpMfl||BBKKjBjB^^ h v^pen counterhim in hotels, t restaurants and barber shops; we t find him on railroad trnins and f street cars, in politics and even in 1 religion, ant! if he should by any i chance reach the celestial kingdom I v he will be found contending with e Saint l'oter for a better seat than ' ( bis entrance fee entitled him. He \ j is a thorn in the flesh of nearly t: every business man. and even in a a business like ours, whose custom- i ers are numbered amon^ the elect, n the kicker occasionally makes him- a self manifest. n Of course, we are not talking | about the man who kicks when he '] has a cause, for it isevryone's duty to himself to protest when he does not net that to which he is entitled, but our allusion is to the chronic growler and fault-flnder who wants the whole earth and wouldn't lie * satisfied if he had it. f ^OBI1 i liu ni^B Bulletin. | Seized Car and Liquor V United States revenue officials ) made quite an important seizure in Columbia Saturday. A South- * prn car loaded with contraband 1 whiskey, consisting of twelve bar- t rels of 45 gallons each and four | kegs of 5 gallons each, had been ' shipped from a point outside the I State to unknown parties in that ( city. Before the arrival of the H whiskey in Columbia, the officials ' received authority from the treas- ^ ury department to seize both whis- 1 key and car, as under authority of I Section 3,450, Revised Statutes of tJ the United States, authority is li given for the con fiscal ion of toe 1 vehicle of transportation of illicit H liquor. The seizure will hardly lie contested by the Southern Kail- t way, aa it comes clearly under that e section of the Revised Ststutes of d the United States relating to the transportation of illicit whiskey. ? The ordinary freight car is valued ? at from $2,000 to $3,000. h I] The Number Seven. t Seven is n very lucky number, p and, judging from its fn queiit uh- j rh it kivmI iny.-itit*itI ami symbolical number, it was also very (?>p ular H days gone by. There are Beven.ldays in a week, and the seventh day is kept holy. There fi are seven deadly sins?pride, cov- li etousuess, lust, auger, gluttony, I envy and sloth. There are seven t virtues?faith, hope, charity, pru- s deuce, tempt ranee, chastity and t fortitude. The s< ven champions v of Christendom were St. George t for England, St. Andrew for Scot- t land, St. Patrick for Ireland, St. t David for Wales, St. Dennis for ti France, St. Jaiues for Spain and il St. Anthony for Italy. There I were seven wise men of Greece, h there were seven ages of man, d Rome was built on seven hills, p there were seven ancient wander- c era, and a celebrated legend has r even sleepers l?>r its Heroes. p Miss Bryan Married. Miss Ruth Bryan, daughter of ? Win. J. Brynn, the twice defeated y Democratic candidate for the pres* t idency. was married Saturday eve- | ning at half paat 7 o'clock at Fair- , view, Lincoln, Neb., the country e home of the father, to William H. ^ Leavitt, an artist, of Newport, R. 1. A more informal wedding would he ditfvult to imagine. The couple j were married beneath a large por- b tfaty vf TliOW>? Jeffersou, aq<l the h 'V .* \ ' 'v \ ' ' i fe ' X 1 - -1 .p paint meats in twery particular ire re marked with Jeifersonian iuiplicity. The Rev. Dr. W. C. luntiugtoii, an old frieud uf the amily officiated. There were no ttendants Peculiarly Afflicted. On Thursday evening l?st a trance man, apparently 30 years if Hgr, cntne to the boarding house if Mrs. Kitnbrell, in company with dr. Sam Keil, a young man from Ytrt Mill, who sai l he met the tranter in a billiard room in lharlotte; that he then claimed lis name was Charlie Cherry and hat he was boarding with a lady at Church street. Since the stran er's arrival here it has developed bat there is something sadly rrong with his mind. He does not in press one he is at all afflicted nth insanity, but has lost his nemory and does t.iot know his lame, where became from, where le has ever been, what business le ever followed, or why he came 0 Hock Hill. He is a man of culure and evidently of intelligence, s well dressed and has a leather elescope well tilled with fine nnlerciothing, msny of the pieces tearing the laundryinatrs mark, 'H. Lee." He says lie does not hink his name is either "Charlie Sherry" or "H. Lee," though Lee eenis like it might be. His eyeclass ca^e shows that it was furlished by the L Black Co., opti:ians, Detroit, Michigan, a cravat tears the name of a firm in Grand tapids, Mich., ami an imitation 5100 confederate bill with the ad ertisem. nt of J. H. Ortli, Fowlirville, Mich., were fouud in his >ocket-hook. His condition is a irobleui to the half-dozen physilaiis who have seen him Htid tney ,re convinced that he is not a fake n any degree. Efforts have been nade to locate his home or parentgo, but without success. He is 1 <w in the Rock Flill Private Hoslital, having been placed ther? Thursday bv the citv authorities. ?The Herald, Saturday. Concealing Sherman's Report. Mr. ?T. Porter Hollis, who as a eaeher in our graded school severd years ago, was in the city last veek. Alter teaching elsewhere or a couple of years he went to rohns Hopkins to take a special ourse in history and economics; his course he will tinish next year tnd will without doubt receive the legree for which he has faithfully shored. The appreciation of his vork is shown by the fact that he vas given a fellowship for this fear. While here last week Mr. Hollia old some interesting things to he resident correspondent of he News and Courier in connecion with his work and experience 11 seeking material for his thesis. Phis bears on the history of South Carolina before, during and just iter the war. On one occasion te went to the war department in. Washington and asked to see cerain reoords known to be there, ie was atter some of the reports i Gen. Sfiermaii, written to the ligher authorities during hia tour hrough South Car >lina. To his tirprise the custodian replied, Yes, I know what you want with hem, but you can't get them, or veil see them, without a direct orler from the Secretary of War." Mr. Hollia thinks he will make nother effort, but evidently somelie does not care to give to much uiblieily to Gen. Tecuinseh and is business. Mr. Hollis is taking uiri special course wnn tlie niteii* ion of preparing himself for the caching of history in the higher iiHtituiions. ? H -ok Hill Herald. Would Serve For Father. The remarkable love of a son or his father has been brought to ight in the petition of Dr. W. P. lit*hin, of Albany, Ga., who asks hat Gov. Terrell permit him to erve the remainder of the life senence of his father, who was conicted of murder in Thomas conny in 1895. The petitioner states hat his father is growing old and hat the eight years of toil and coninenieiit are rapidly showing their II effects upon him. He wants his ather to spends his last years at mine with his family and in freelorn, and is willing to enter the teuiteiitiary as tin unconvicted onvict hihI serve until the natu?1 dentil of his father shall have ?itl the penalty of the criuie. Broke Into Eli Hcuae. S. Lee Quinu of Cavendish, Vt., rug robbed of his customary health iy invasion of Chronic constipaion. When Dr. Kings New Life 'ilia broke into his house, his rouble was arrested and iiovr he's ntirely cured. They're guaran. eed to cure. 25" at all drug stores. By this time next year all the iys or agonies, as the case may e, of both primaries will have een experienced, win i A Lot* Lsttsr Would not interest you if you're looking for a guaranteed Salve, for Sores, burns or Piles. Otto Dodd, of Ponder, Mo., writes;: "I suffered with au mrly sore for a year, but a box of Arnica Salve cured me. It's the best Salve on earlb. 2?c at aII drugstores. I The feeling against negroes Km ' readied such a pitch at Waterloo, , Iowa, that, acoording to the news- ' paper reports, general !K)tice has gone out to all living there that they must leave at once and not < return. Conftufonx Of A Prisit Kev. J no S. Cox, of Wake, Ark., writes. "For 12 years I suffered froin Yellow Jaundice. I consulted a number of physicians and , tried all Borts of medicines, but got no relief. Theu I began the use of Electric Bitters and feel that I am now cured of a disease that had me in its graup for twelve year.' If you want a reliable medicine for Liver and Kidney trouble, stomach disorder or general debility, get get Electno Bitters. It's guaranteed by all druggists. Ouly 50c. The average railroad oar will car< ry aa much as 20 teams of horses could haul, aud the great ocean steamers will transport as much as 400 railroad oars can carry. Ssvti Two From Bssth. "Our little daughter had an almost fatal attaot of whooping cough and bronchitis," writes Mrs. YV. K. Haviland, of Armonk, N. Y., i "but, when all other remedies failed, we saved her bfe with Dr. K ing's New Discovery. Our neice, who had Consumption in an ad * vanced stage, also used this wonderful medicine and today she is perfectly well." Desperate throHt , and lung diseases yield to Dr. King's New Discovery as to no other medicine on enrth. Infr.Uible for CoukIib and Colds. 50c Hiid $1.00 bottles miar ran teed by all druKuiats. Trial boitles tree, TO DO YOUR BUSINESS, IS MY BUSINESS! Therefore if you wish to buy;sell, or exchange Real Estate, Stocks, Bonds, etc., kindly let me know what you want or have to offer. I have a long list of property throughout the State, and solicit your business also. Nothing accomplished, no charges. "Quick deals" are my motto. J. Edgar Poag l Broker, ROCK HILL, S. C. cr WE SILL "COLUMBIA BAB-LOCI" TYPEWWTZ&S. 10-7-4tc Letters of yHliMralloi, THE STATE OP SOUTH CAROLINA, County of York. Whkrkas Mrs. Jennie B. Spratt has applied to rue for Letters of Admistration, on all and sigular, the goods and chattels, rights and credits of W. E. Spratt late of the county aforesaid deceased: These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all and sigular the kindred and creditors of the said deoeased, to be and appear before me at oar nest Probate Court for the said county, to be holden at York Court House on the 10th day of October 1903, at 10 o'clock a. m , to show cause, if any, why the said Administration should not be granted. i ?? >? 1 Oiren unto my hand and SEAL ^ seal this 30th day of Septem( ? ) ber in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and three, and in the 128th year of American In I dependence. W. H. McCohklk, Probate Judge of York County. ? i ! U Ml o The Model !! O < < I \\ Steam Laundry, < > !! OLDEST, !! < o !l BIGGEST, o o O o O BEST. ?> < > :;HcEUMiKY-nRKseo.i;! o ' o ;; Agents, ;; Fort Mill, S. C. t o o * Uilpnuti KvMlifit' o o o o ( SHOES for UDIE We have just rec of J. Biehardsou & Co* dies aud Children, W and girl in Fort Mill t I ' T _ J! 1 line, liauieti you wn of your lives if you bu] fore seeing the RICH TIAS. They are perf quality. They are goc ease to corns and bunic in all styles, high hee Patent Leathers are be the name, RICHARDS We also ask that j in Dress Goods?in co xj3ntx>esh Wfi hftvp flip lurirp ton and wool Underve* iery, etc. The Gotham B colors, Fascinators, shaw at cut prices. Crash Carpets ant colors and prices. Don't worry abou get what you want. 1 We sell "Elkin" I Old - Relia T, B, BELK, P. S. Just receive er and Olfalfa Seed. The Times will do 1 * DO YOJLJ^READ?1 If so. I can furnitsh you with the following atanaard literature: Ainslee's 10o MoClure's ? IOo Leslie's Popular Monthly 10c Scribner's 25o Smart Set 26c St rami IOo Collier's Weekly IOo Vanity Pair IOo Ladies' Home Journal 10c American Boy IOo Jufljrc 10c Puck 10c Munsey 10c Argosy. 10c The Burr Mcintosh 25c Wide World 10c Person's 10c "The State," on Sundays 6c Also several weekly newspas pers for sale. H.E Parks, At ArJrey't Br*f Start. HAVE YOUR MEASURE TAKEN for jour new Fall garments. It is the only proper sat satisfactory way of baying your clothes, being that **GOOD CLOTHES ARE ALWAYS MADE TO ORDER." Make your selection from the tailoring line of STRAUSS RROS Chicago, Est. 1877 "??r* r itiri iiirlii in^irr You'll find a world of ytea*ure in wearing the clothe* made by Strauss Bros.,? faultless in style, ft, finish end materials- They're so much better than the ordinary run of clothes, yet prices are astonishingly low, and your perfectly sere In ordering, because u garment* are not satisfactory, you needn't take them. WE WILL BE PLEASED TO SHOW YOU OUR GREAT LIME OF SAMPLESCALL ON XcElhany-Pirks Co. Fort Mill, S.C. I IOIB Sllll CHILDREN reived an assortment s flue Shoes for Lare want every woman ownship to see this 11 make the mistake y your Fall Shoes be* ARDSON and PORect in style, fit and d wearers; they give his. We have them >1 and low heel. Our auties. Don't forgot. son and portia! rou see our novelties tton and wool fabrics, LWESAR. st stock in town, cotit, Union Suits, Hoselt Supporters, all 25 and 50 cents. Is, Baby Hoods, etc., I Window h ades, all t having to go off to >Ve have got it, llankets. ible Store i Proprietor. d a lot Crimson Clovpour Job Printing. )0 YOU DIUNK? 2f So, Try Our OIR NORIIAK CORN WHISKY Guaranteed 3 to 5 years old. Mild and Mellow. Always the Same. $2.50 per Gallon. 'Phone and Mail Orders Promptly Filled G. W. NORMAN, Path 'Phones *P. O. Box 65. CHARLOTTE, 1. 6. 1JJ-L-I I J J. Ug J. U. Traywiok & Co., DEALERS IS FINE LIQUORS AND WINES, No. 43 Em) Trad* 01. CHARLOTTE. - --NO. FOR GOOD WHISKIES, WINES, BRANDIES, ETC., CALL OH OH write to W. II. HOOVER. f?mt,OTTB. W. C. GIVEUS A TRIAL ORDER and get the BEST WHISKIES, WINES, BRANDIES, Etc., U the iM( PiMidble prlecx. MARK A. TIITER, Miufir, THE GOURD SALOON, CHARLOTTE, N. C. No. 29 W Trade Botk P1?oo??. TRESPASS NOTICE. All peraonaar* hereby warned axalqit huntig, flatting. or otberwiae treapaaaing upoo the landa of the undersigned, under penalty of the low. W. H. W1NDLE. FOR SALE?Several hundred old new*paper*. 20 ceuta per hundred- OuU at The Time* office.