Ai_>. I irtt'J OUT.
The \v?arv. warnout.
all tncd feellugs
tome J a evi>rybody
win. taxes the
kidneys. When the
worked they fail to
ftcrforui the ditties I J* A
nature has provided A
for them to do. /yS / fir*
When the kidneys / 1 / ij^jr
Tail dangerous 1^
dci's, diabetes, drop- BT w?*Sofla
-? y , rheumatism.
{right's disease. Dunn's Kidney Tills
oiro all kidney and bladder ills. Iteud
the followmt; ease:
Veteran .i< -nun Heller, of Tim". South
Walnut street. Trbaiia. III., says:
"* I it the fall of 1 St it I after getting
* Iloan's Kidney Tills at Cunningham
Hros.' drug store in Champaign and
Inking a course of treatment I told the
readers of the paper that they had re
lfeved me of kidney trouble, disposed
of a lame liaek with pa in across my
Soins and beneath the shoulder blades.
Staring the interval which had elapsed
? have bad occasion to resort to Doau's
Kidney Tills when I noticed warnings
<?f attack. On each and every occasion
the results obtained were just us satisfactory
as when the pills were lirst
Irought to my notice, i just as emphatically
indorse the preparation today
as 1 did over two years ago."
A FntiE TniAL of this great kidney
medicine which cured Mr. Heller will
be mailed on application to any part
of the Unit I'd States. Medical advice
free:strictlyconlidontlal. Address Cos?
Milhuru Co.. itulfalo. N. V. Tor
by all druggists, prlco 50 cents
. mix.
i ne onrnt i_ixxie eraser.
My lit tie boy knelt at my knee lust night
An.) bhlil the prayer my mother taught
mo long nun;
"Then for awhile was silent, with his
head still bowed.
And when at last he roso to give the .
l*"or which I waited, and withdrew his
I naked him why he had kept kneeling [
tilt "Now I Ia> me down to sleep" wns
C?r*ve-faced. he said "In Sunday school j
they nskeil
The children all. when they have said
their prnyerr. I
To whisper, asking Cod, up there, to !
m.? little, ones In China and in put
The lovo ol Jieus in their hearts.' If
True, tender little prayer like that were
Kor me enrh r.lsht, I'd ask no more, and
Til ' richest M -i sing Cod may wrlld us
VIT.-'perrnaner.; lyeureil. \o lltsnr oervonsne.Hs
after ;irs. day's ti>?o' Ihv ''Clitic's tlr -at
Nerve Restorer '>"il riuliot tie and treat Ispfroo
Dr.II.M. Kt.tst. Ltd.. '.'ill Ar-li St., t'hila.,l'.u
It is possible to raise a elf k without
f.lio aid of a derrick.
M rs.Winslovr's Soot.;.us?Syrup for children
Cnc.thlng, soften t he gums, reduces inflammn fjon.allays
( aitt.i arcs wlndeoUc. '_'5e. a bottle
The rduiai;?ii of some people is more
>'jrnamrnt>l than useful.
Vino's Cur# tor Consumption Is an Inf.iUlb'.*
??Aiclne tor coughs ami eold?.?>?. \V.
KiHDiL,0?ean Grove. N..I., Felt. 17, 190J.
"I'he fellow v.ho has moil v to burn ?
generally sun of meeting his match.
Putnam I i ss Dvis produce the
brightest ami fastest colors.
A man may he nuuli sought after, even
'hough he be a fugitive from justice.
One irouble with the clothes women
wear is th<v have no plate to scratch
matches on.
I'all in lttriti Itutr.
The lies' calculation that can he
made shows that the average number
??f children in the white native family
-? century ago in the I nitial States
was more than six; in ISlll) it had
fallen to l-s> than live; in IMiO to less
than four: in is7'_' to less than tliree; in
V.?i>0. simony the "tipper classes" in
Jloslon, to less than two.
Iti.n "a Tlil??
t\ offer One Hunt d Dollars Howard
?MV case o" I'siturr.i m.ii 0.11m > In. .1 .?
Fresident Sticks to His Decision in
the Miller Case.
lit- Cannot tcninnt Illni l.rlli>
in Non-Union Man ?Onratinn
of Fl!iic?< Will Hi' llrti'rmiiicil in
Itoutino Way ? Two-Hour Confurrticii
With Httrhell, Goni|?oi"a mill Otlirr*.
"Washington, D. C.?President Roosevelt
announced to labor leaders who
conferred with hitn on the subject that
his decision not to dismiss Foreman
\Y. A. Miller, of the (lovernment Printing
OtTiec. is final, lie told them that
the question of Miller's personal fitness
must be settled in the regular routine
nf tbe administration. Foreman Miller
is the man who was dismissed been
use he had been expelled from tlie
local bookbinders' union and afterward
was reinstated bv direction of the
President. At the conclusion of the
? wiiiv k-iht, u lin n (UUIv |?Ull"i* JIT I M*
White House and lasted until nlniosi
midnight. the President issued the l'oi- j
lowing statement:
'"Pursuant to tlie request of Samuel
fionipors. PreslTTetit of tlie American j
Federation of Labor, the President ]
granted an interview this evening to
tii" following members of ttie Kxeeutive
Council of that body: Mr. Samuel
lumpers. Mr. .lames Duncan. Mr. John
Mitchell. Mr. James O'Connell and Mr.
I'rank Morrison, at which various suhjeets
of legislation in tlie interests of
labor as well as executive action were
discussed. Concerning the case of
William A. Miller, the President made
the following statement:
"'I thank you and your committee
for your courtesy, and I appreciate the
opportunity to meet with you. It will
always be a pleasure to see von or any
representatives of your org inizations |
or of your federation as a whole.
"'As regards the Miller ease, I have
little to add to what I have already I
said. In dealing with it I ask you to j
remember that I am dealing purely
with tlie relation of tlie < overmuent
to its employes. I must govern my action
by the laws of the land, which I
nin sworn to administer, and which
differentiate any ease to which tlie
(lovernnient of the United Slates is a
party from all other cases whatsoever.
1 Those lrltt'C ,* ... ,1 ' ' 1
mat irti it>. uir iieiUMll l
i of tin' whole people. and ran not ami
I not bo construed as permitting
, liscri ml nation against some of the peoI
pie. 1 am President of all the people
j if the I'liitcd States, without regard to
I creed. eolor. hirthplaee. oeeupation or
i social eomlition. M.v aim is to <lo equal
i ami exact justice as among them all.
j In the employment ami dismissal of
j nam in the Coveruinent service I can
no more recognize the fact that a man
; does or does not belong to a union as
. being for or against him than 1 can
recognize the fact that he is Protestant
or Catholic, a .lew or a Centile. as he
ing for or against him.
I " 'In the communications sent me by
various labor organizations protesting
against the retention of Miller in the
(Joverninent Printing Oftiee the
grounds alleged are twofold: 1. That
he is a non-union man: 'J. that he is
not personally lit. The question of his
i personal fitness is one to lie settled In
| the routine of administrative detail,
and cannot he allowed to conflict with
or to complicate the larger question of
111 overiiinenta 1 discrimination for or
I against him or any other man because
i lie is or is not a member of a union.
This is the only question now before |
II * ? for decision, and as to this, my do- ;
eision is tinal." "
The labor leaders came away from
(lie interview much downcast at the j
President's firm and unyielding posi- j
tion. As one of them remarked. "He i
stands pat. and that is all there is to |
it." No Intimation was given as to j
what course the labor federation would I
take as the next slop in the eontroversv.
No criticism was offered on the
President's remarks or his attitude in |
the matter, but it was indicated that
the federation could lint nfTnr.l I.. 1!"
dormant under the reverse that 1 li?*
committee mot. and that the Miller case
could of noecssifv !<c forced to tl??*
front In the National Convention in
i r.osion in November.
M". Compcrs said lie had nothing to
| say l>y way of comment on tlu> Presi*
i dent's statement. As a matter of cnurl
vsy. if for 110 other reason, tie said lie
I should decline to say wlietiier it was
I satisfactory.
. 1'lirrrliy nn Ohio Mnn Saved Trestle From
I>rut urllon hy Fir?.
I Delaware, Ohio.?P. 1*. Ilills. cashier
! of the Delaware Havings Dank, saved
a . >(? ?.foot trestle on the Pennsylvania
| Itailroad from burning by carrying
i water in his derhv lint. Willie visiting
his farm north of town Ilills discovered
that the trestle was on tire. The
water barrels placed near by the company
were tilled, but no buckets were
a', hand. Taking his new fall hat and
arrying water in it for almost an hour,
he nut out the ldn/.e just a short time
before an cxnress train went by at a
'need of a mile a minute.
Firnt Class r.t A mm polio May Sttinkc.
On the recommendation of Captain
YVillnrd H. Brownson. commandant of
the Naval Academy, Secretary Moody
authorized the discontinuance of the
rule prohibiting smoking so far as it
applies to the members of the first
class, in the opinion of the Secretary
the members of this class are old
enough to be relieved of such a restrict
l'aynr Not to R?l|;n.
It wax said in Washington tlint Postmaster-*
icneral Payne's health having
j Improved, liis resignation from the
Cabinet was not expected; Mr. Payne
informed the President that Ids report
on the postal investigation would be
submitted late in October.
Slnrr Trnrhtn \V?ntml In thti Philippine
The Civil Service Commission, Washin;;.on,
has received a call from the
Philippine C.overnment for IT*) male
teachers, at salaries ranging from $l>00
to $VJ(K>.
Xlnll'fcCatnr i'arc.
P. J. < rt.vKV ?V i <\, ".o, O.
We, tin* ii \ ! . ? 'tiI. n ivf < :io ,vn P. J.L'h*- !
Tn*v lor I .if ;u? ! ' vn tr-. mid liirn nortec
tlv lion ?ri)? e in .til i> -ih-m, transaction!
?iji-1 llnnuei illy : > .\irry out :tny obli-M(toils
Hindu l?y if. nr Urn.
vWkht rw.'w.ii oVsnio Dru {.jiat.s.Tolo lj.
Ohio. /
Hai.iun.i,Ui\ jaa.V Jaiitin, Who'.osnleDru
Hlft.i, Tolo 1 i. I).do.
llnir.? i '.i( nrois taken iuternelty.natIngiilrcatiy
u .t>u tiie bloo.l itud uiuoou.HSurlaooKollht*
sv-t > r. Tostlniuiiinls mmi free.
I'riop.7.h\ j or i> i.tio. l-oid by nil Hru^'ist-.
Hull's 1'utail) i'lil.H are tlio oe.s:.
Ilf.iltli <if l.miijiinKcii,
The Uujslish l:ti;tti;:iufrorcliiipj to n
dnrmnn stntis'.iehui wlio hns inmle n
etnily ?>( Uio ?-hiijiiiintivi" wciiith of
laiiuuntros. heads the. list with tin*
onormnus vocabulary <>f _'?! ),000 wonl<;
Ccrman comes next, with S't.OOO
words; then Italian, with Tfi.'.XMl;
t'rpiicli, with MO.'H.iO: Tnrl;iKh, with *J-,&*R).
and Spanish, with liU.OlX).
Dizzy? Headache? Pain
oack of your eyes? It's your
liver! Use Aycr's Pills.
Gently laxative; all vegetable.
?>o!ti tor eu ycsrs. b&tJV&i:
-Xo?r -?? ?
Want your moustache or beard
A beautiful brown or rich black? Use
mm cm or nart out*nn? r nut < rn . hhiiih. s n.
So 41.
fluf DM (x>uct> Bjrup. Tast<?i (Jfwi Uto M
fjj Id lima. Bold by druKgl?u>. pAf
Husband Shoots Wife and Himself
While Choir Chants. ! ,
i .
Herman Konnow, of T.nrro?<p, Wl?., Take* 1
Vpntmiirp on Wifi1 I'roin
Wliom He Wan Separated,
T.jhtosso, Wis, While the rongropn- J
: tinn of the most fashionable (icrnian
' Lutheran r'lnirol: of Ihis city wns
taking ioi? Sunday morning <
and llio elicit* chanting a I'salm. IIor- }
man llossow shot his wife in the (
i chri'rli and then hiinsolf. She is dy- j
ins, hut ho may recover to answor 1
the charge of innrdor. They married
, throe years aim slm l?eiu>r nineteen t
j and a popular girl and in- twenlv seven i
I years old. wilh Hi.' 1 M*st of prospects
[ anil wealthy pan-tils. Kor tin* past j
two yours thoy luivo had domestic .
troubles. cuiminnliny a short tinio ajro ,
j in lior leaving liiin. Although a divorce
suit was not oonintoneed it was
contemplated. non-support lining the
; charge.
itossow has stah-d at different tinn-s
! that liis wifp would not live to -jot a
| divorce. l?ut. hoing a noacoahlo man. '
no 0110 thought anything of it. To-day
ho stopjiod at a livory stahlo noar tin- '
oliuroh. ostoiisildy to ohat. hut roall.v '
to watoli for Ids wifo. who ho know '
was a dovmtt ohttroh moinhor. 'When '
sin- ontorod tho ohttroh lio rttshod to t
tin- ontranoo as slio was in tin- aislo.
just roaily to knool at a pow. ran up ' ;
hohiud lu-r and shot lior throe* timos i
in tho ha ok with a rovolvor of largo t
I calibre tin- halls going clear through i
I lior and passim; up tho aislo. i
Tito soroanis of tho injurod wonian 1
mingled with tho voloos of tho choir
and panic reigned instantly. Itossow (
then shot hitnsolf in tho region of tho .
heart, hut did not hit that organ. ltos- .
sow ovidontlv ropontod of suicidal in- ,
tout and with hlood gushing from liis
wound raced uj? tho street. Ktigonn
i Dorr, an ox-police olVn-or. caught him.
Itossnw says he iroi's not regret the
deed. ns no matter how it ends it will <
torminnlc his domestic troubles. S
I'.rtviii'iU of S.'O.tino lit I'tirjtr l'lrol iitu 111 '
S?'W Yorli,
Xew Yorl; Tin* Citizens' T'nioti will
ofler rownnls n^ureira t inu S.'O.imhi for
tlw arrest and conviction of violators
of the election laws dnrinir the emit
in;! municipal oa ntpaiirn. It is pro- 1
posed to obtain front fifty wealthy ;
members of the union SUMtii each towar?l
this futnl. A eapital prize of S.MMmi <
will be ofTereil for evidence first pre- i
senteil wltieb shall r tilt in a eonvie- <
tion. There will bo several prizes of t
AlitOO each anil others of STtMt. SotHi. t
Stixt. $:;tX?. js^'iio ami Shut each. I*olieetnen
ami e'eetiott otliears Mill have <
the same rbaiice of eoiupelint; as pri- ?
vato citizens. 1
Tlte offenses for which rewards will t
be offered are numerous. An inspector
of election tvlio knowingly permits
a person not entitled to vote is a good 1
enteli for the reward seeker. So is | 1
. my person who inlspjy personates any
registered voter. or w!:,? registers <?r t
yotex under nil assumed name. I
Itireotly or indiren'y giving or re- <
reiving any money or other l?rll?o for I i
voting or withhohling a vote is an offense.
If any inhabitant of nnotbor (
Slate or eounty is dotertod trying to ?
voto here his captor may win a prize. }
An aihlitional sum will bo given wbere ,
tlio oonviotion is of an election ofth-ial. )
"iVfnltli)' ('mil llniUrr, si Jly-lU' Von ? Old. t
in .l?>itloiiH 11;?stiimU Yntiia;; Wiinimi. j
l'ittsburg, I'a. Coorgo W'orthington f
<'.arwnoti. a woalthy ooal brokor. sixty- '
live yoars obi. shot ami killed Hilda 1
Vogel, iwonty-tw. yoars old. and then
killoil himself in a room at No. Igl t
.Moultrie street. .Ionlousy was the 1
en use of the deed. I
Carwood was formerly a farmer, liv- .?
iug at California, I'a. Ilis wife and
nine ehildren are still living. For the <
last two or three years he has been
dealing in eoal land options in and
around his unlive town and was very
successful. This business lieeessitaled
bis living in Pittsburg a good portion
of bis time, and about iwo years ago. it
is said, lie lieeaine infatuated with '
Hilda Vugel, who was a waitress in the '
restaurant where (Sat wood took b's i
Since then f.'arwood has frequently ?
shown liis jealousy over attentions !
shown the girl by other men. Cnrwood i
took rooms at the Moultrie House in
duly and introduced the woman as j
his wife.
The Hnrwood family is one of (he |
' most prominent in Fayette County.
One of the sons is principal of a public
! school in Pittsburg and a daughter is [
a stenographer.
necroes lm:fra\chised.
I'ive-st xtl?? of Colored Mni In Virginia |
Now Have No It'glil to Vote. ^
Kielimoml, Ya. Registration books
i Intro eiosed in Richmond. and the re- ,
stilt shows that oU'M) negroes have been (
disfranebiseil. I.ess than a thousand j
: are now qualified to vote, and they
have been entirely removed as a factor
in local polities.
Reports from the State at large justify
ihe belief that at least live-sixths s
of the negroes in Virginia have not now <
, t he right to vote.
Republicans contend thai their party |
will be largely augmented from the
Democratic ranks, there being no fear
of possible negro domination in the ]
. future. i
Tillman'* Trial llrgiiif.
I .7nmoh II. Tllimnn, former Lieutenant-Governor
of South Carolina, was
| plaeed on trial in Lexington, S. <\. 1
upon the charge of having murdered
N. S. Gonzales, an editor. 1
No I.ynclilnR Indictment* In DoUirnre. ,
The Grand Jury In the Newcastle (
: County Court. Wilmington. l?el.. after
I deliberating all day. reported no indiet!
incuts In the lynching of the negro
| White, who was burned to death by a
mob on June
i i. O. O. i - Memorial.
At the session of the Sovereign
; Grand Lodge of Odd Fellows, at Haitii
more, Md., the report of the Finance
j Committee on the proposed milliondollar
memorial building of the Wash|
ington Lodge of Baltimore was adopter;,
The Treasury Department purchased
!40.(HK) ouiici's of silver at lifty-nine
liial threequnrter cents per ounce. The
nirehase was made for the Philippine
The Bureau of Immigration reports
i heavy increase ill immigration to the
I'nitetl States for August. as eoininreil
with August. 15)02. The total
lumber of immigrants was CI.1)77,
igainst to.ol'.t a year ago.
Many members of the general staff
leclare there is no present need for the
Hoard of Ordnance and Fortilieations.
Hie board was created by special act
?f Congress, and can only be abolshed
by Congress, and an effort will
>e made to secure such action.
The State of Minnesota filed a pefiion
for an appeal in its suit against
he Northern Securities Company.
Senator Koraker and Representative
>ick. who arrived i:i Washington. exircssed
confidence of Republican vieory
in Ohio.
Sixty thousand children began school
it tendance in Porto Rico, and thrice
hat number of enrollments were retorted.
An American syndicate has started
he construction of forty miles of decide
street railway at Manila extendng
through the business seel ion and
lie principal suburbs. The system
ivill cost
The Philippine ttovernment has etileled
a law for the education of a
lumber of Filipino youths in the l'nied
States. Its primary object is to
lit young natives for positions in the
ii-tl viiim'Iiu. ..< it... i?l.ll:...
. . i< . Ml 111' I IIMI|>|UIM >. I Ml''
Kindred are to 1??? scut.
Attorney Oeneral Knox rendered nn
lpinion tlnit (lie Constitution did not
rollow 1110 ting in Cuntil, nnd upli 1?1 ii:i_*
he action of Governor I.eary in cxcr ising
the i* i it 111 of eminent domain.
dom kstic.
T'nder the eleetrie instalment "I."
timings in Manhattan have incrensod
>l<J."i,tMM( in three months.
A petition tiled l?y the Delaware Inlians
in the I'liiled States Court of
'laitus accuses members of the Dawes
'oiamissiou of deliberately conspiring
;o defraud them.
Samuel A. Wilson, seventy-seven
rears old. was killed by a trolley ear
it llaltimore. Mil. Mr. Wilson retired
'roni the Methodist Kpiseopal mil .istry
i number of years ago
I?. W. II. Morelaml. ox-Commissioner
?f Puhlie Works, of Detroit, lias been
inlieted oil eliargos of defrauding the
ity. l-'ive other persons, employes of
lie Public Works Department or eonraetors.
wore indicted also.
An ordinance recently passed by the
'ity Council of Cleveland. Ol io, tixes
ingle fares at three cents, live tickets
"or lifteeii cents, nine tickets for twi ny-tive
cents and thirty-four for SI.
Illast furnaces in Pittsburg and Ohio
ising Lake Superior ore are to close
lilt il tlie in.-i
Tin' women of Kansas have elect oil
he majority of the "(Mid school ho.irils
11 the State, m iking their campaign
>11 the issue of it more liberal contract
or women teachers.
The political campaign in Iowa was
pencil for the Republicans with n
ipeeeh by Coventor Cummins at l?es
doincs. in which he expresseil views
>n the tariff question practically in
tarmony with those of President
"Sain" Parks split the convention of
he International Association of Rridge
iiul Structural Iron Workers at Kailia
s City. Mo., anil held a rump ennvenioti
which disbarred a delegate op used
to him.
President Sclntrman in addressing
he students at the opening of Cornell
University at Ithaca. N. Y.. declared
hat the faculty was determined to
suppress hazing.
Two lives were lost and several permits
were injured in a hotel lire in
S'ew Hampshire.
The Republican municipal convention
at San Francisco. Cal., nominated
II. J. Crocker for Mayor.
The commission appointed by I'resilent
Roosevelt to investigate comliions
at Kills Island Immigration I'.tt eau
started its work.
l'.urglars secured about S1000 worth
f stamps front the postotliee at South
riadley. Mass.. but there was no
noney in the safe.
Jilted three times and each time havng
tried to kill herself. Mary Kvaker.v
succeeded in dying in New York City
>y inhaling illuminating gas.
The pay roll of the Pension Pay
\gcncy. at Topeka. Kan., was about
Si'.imiiiii ! ' *
. .. .... h i I US I IMItlt'll
hsin for 1110 same quarter of hist year.
Kpilepsy. hitherto t-ousiderod ineurilde.
yields to X-ltay treatment at tho
Cost tiradnate Hospital *,'mv York
Tho 1"iiiloil Stnt<*s Immigration Hu oan
aoousoil tho Amorioaii Textile
'omjiany. of Pawiueket. ii I., of vioating
tho ooiitraot labor law.
Cuba's present revenues from all
soiuves approxiinato S17.oimi.immi per
A triple drowning aooidont is re;>ortod
from tho How River, Rlnekfoot
Indian reservation. X. \V. T. Sergeant
Hrooks. of the Xortiiwost Mounted Polioe:
A. I'-aupvo and Joseph IMsbury,
nil of Hleie'iou. attempted to oross the
river when their team was swept
ii way.
Some of the most important new
buildings going up in I.omlon are in
the hands i?f \ imM-i.-j . .....i ' ?
. ,v ...1 .IIIU UVI Llltl II
Plague nnd cholera are raging at PelTang,
China, where -000 deaths have
occurred during the past two months.
A severe storm swept over the northern
const of Portugal. Two fishing
boats, containing seventy-two men,
were wrecked. Sixteen of tile fishermen
were drowned.
The Sultan of Morocco ordered all
foreigners except the consuls to leave
The Portuguese Government has decided
to establish a special police force
at the Azore Islands to prevent the secret
emigration to the United States.
JiVo Hair?
"My hair was falling out very
fast and I was greatly alarmed. I
then tried Ayer's Hair Vigor and
my hair stopped falling at once."?
Mrs. G. A. McVav, Alexandria, O.
I The trouble is your hair
does not have life enough.
Act promptly. Save your
hair. Feed it with Ayer's
I Hair Vigor. If the gray I
| hairs arc beginning to B
I show, Ayer's Hair Vigor 1
8 will restore color every B
| timC. $1.00 a bottle. Al! drs||!sb.
S If your druggist cannot supply you, u
I send us one dollar and w? will express tjj
you a bottle, lie sure and give the name 8
9 of your nearest express oflTco. Address, B
,1. C. A YER CO., Lowell, Mass. ?
. nr. rriTi rfi'iii 'F~ i i er i"j or?iriiTT
Vv ^ A reputation extending over
V\\A > sixty-six years ond our
\\/<r i guarantee are back of
\\^\a3, every garment bearing the
/ \b J There are many imitations.
vdV" ? &e sure of the name
/hio 4 TOWER on the buttons.
| j~Straiglrten Your Hair j
I Pake the onrl* nut of If. inaVo It ?oft anil irlossv
l>v n?itnr
| Carpenter's OX MARROW POMADE
1 t'xa |\ llttlp .lnroi W"-V ?tlia' Nail that l? n??
J nas.rrv. Soft. ?!! ; v Imlr mi l h? ilthv scalp an<
<1 the rvsultn. Make* the hair trrow, t->o.
1 liny It of your dni\.-vri*V or ^end us the pri ? I
In *?t:uni?n.
Address, CARPENTER & CO.,
Louisville, Kv. p
g b foa ft Atao ?fft nicknNR and
(jUKb^ Traveler# Nnums, dixv
w ^ _.? ?. iiiioaa, nervous
affect on brain or he* 10c. 35? an J 30c a bottls.
(Liquid.) % . YOU
GET Results if you use I?r. Thurtow's
l- lertric Nervine lor Toothache. Antiseptic
Tooth wash. or l.inimettt Circulars. Carolina
Specially Co.. Dept. C.. Pineblult. N. C.
blood, wind on the stomach. bloated bowels,
pains after eating, liver trouble, sallow slnn n
regularly you are sick. Constipation kills mr
starts chronic ailments and long years of suffi
CASCARET3 today, for you will never get v
right. Take our advice, ctart with Cascarel
money refunded. The genuine tablet stnmj
booklet free. Address Sterling Remedy Com
Pig l.ot Secnnd-ha d Marhine< of
?li mnkes takrn n? part p*y for tha
OllYrr Mareains for quick buyer*.
J. *0. ( IIA Y'l O>, t tin lutte, N. C.
Thomp*on'8 Eye Water
-^BBg&MKktho tfst dyspepsia
/\^>^vninodicinp py<>r
/m^ S/A hundred millions
?Sju\-V of tbem have been
sold In the United
States lu a single
year. Every Illness
arising from a disordered stomach is
relieved or cured by their use. So
common is it that diseases originate
from the stomach it may be safely assorted
there is no condition of ill
health that will not be benefited or
cured by the occasional use of Itlpans
Tabules. Physicians know them and
speak highly of them. All druggists
sell them. The five-cent package is
enough for an ordinary occasion, and
the Family Hottle. sixty ceuts, contains
a household supply for a year. One
generally gives relief within twenty
?n iuu tea.
S3.S?&*3 SHOES mac"
You can ca\o from $3 to $6 yearly by
woariug W. L. Douglas 33.50 or $3 shoes.
They equal those ?~? ?^
that have been costitig
you from 54.00 i k j
to 55.00. The iin- i M
mouse sale of \\ . 1<. t F\
I touglus shoes proves fttctfSi
their superiority over Wf-y
all other makes. L.; J ptjl
Sold hy retail shoe '-J
dealers everywhere. r'Ai'^r' *
<i<>ok f?>r naiuo and w&i''A
priee on liottoin. I
That Domrlas uses for. 'V oil prims I h. ri- is Mj {*&%' jks
lalue tn UoukIsk shoes. ^MtA^rr Corona
Is the highest
If rail? Pat.Leather made. >,
1 0 tir S4 Oil I Edje I in-.' tnnnt be ciiiitth<1 <i* .UK/ fr:rr.
i Shor* liy mall. 25 rrnls extra. 111 est rated
j CataloK free. tV. L. IMIl'tJLAS. llroektou. >lnss.
with Metro's Universal l.oe Beams,Reotlltn Q
j (Hear. Simultaneous Met Works and tlio H'S- S
Mcook-King Variable Feed Works are unei-n
1 jfsjoeiled for ACOfKACT, SIMPLICITY. nVRAItll ??
j rStTTAKO CASK or Ol'KHATION. Writ? for ful 19
I iX descriptive circulars. Manufactured by tlx-9
I fORN MILLS and i
If In n?il ?>r Corn Mill or Mtllntonc* O
Q you will Hil l It toyour Intrr.-st to oi r. Hj on J
1 with ?,\IU>Ll\\ Mil |>rn\K CO. Q
Q I n nmit, I". iiiaiiiir.ii ttirrm of I'orn X
J Mill* from the lnm"ii? Moore County tlrlt. A
tsi?^^^1 CURED
Lrop^y Ei
Removf! nil nwelhn* in 8 to 20
I'.ais; effects n ;>ernia;ietit cure
in - ) to <*j days. 1' i..l! 1 cat inent
given frrc. KnthinRCAii lie i urcl
Write Dr. II. M. Grocn's Sons.
Scccialists. Box II. Atlanta. Ga.
Jl\ A~a. 1. 11/ THOUSANDS.
W ii'mliT, fc.ll',.for KI.OO, I". <?. I> I'm|in
1* I it Ktprru OHIietalMi II otlirr
nursery nto<*k mi ln>v urli-cn. line UKi'iitn
for I lilvcrmil Dust Si.ruyrr. host of all
sprayers now. Ailtlra**
km i'o it i a \ i it s r. it i i:m.
\ n.
#The Effervescent
Stomach Cleansei
biliousness, constipation.
At IirURKI*'*. ROa". nnel ? I,
or t>y tnaii (rum
T.tltHttT CO.
I Physicians since h"M. SI Jn; Mlrrrl. Arm Vorl
es. appendicitis, biliousness. bsd breath, bad
foul mouth, headache, indigestion, pimples,
;nd dizziness. When your bowels don't move
>re people than all other diseases together. It
eririg. No matter what ails you, start taking
/ell and stay well until you get your bowels
;s today under absolute guarantee to cure or
ed C C C. Never sold in bulk. Sample and
pany. Chicago or New York. 50J ;
wer s&zntl SSSo&siI
== Syrgap = I
o > by Removing tho Oauac T
ilKK-FOLI> KBMKDY for all lll> due fo tunc- I
troubles. Acts on the LIVKK and KIDNKYS and fl
OOCA,TEMN. ? ;?mple Iwitflf by inull frW, I
Seltzer J
cures all |
aches I
80. 41.
jV|^ Kalabllahed IM3D
^^Dn?rtm?nti of Medicine, Per.tlatry
end I'hnrmacy, The Sixtv-eixth Se?eion
will commence September lftW. 'tut*
t on fro* end living ?xi>eii*eft are moderate.
For announcement and further Inform**
lion, ?ddri>Mi, (ill rlatnpher Tompkins,
"** H,| Dean, lllrLinoud, Virginlaw