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Local x and Personal, Pro!". .1. A. Tu'e spent fckitur i.ty in Rock Hill, Putter ntul oltus are no'.v .1::. at 20 cents on the I < tl ninrk' The It' v. Marvin A.nid. < t i! Hill, was a visitor to Port Mill Saturday. Dr J. V'. Mas -oy. Jr., was up from Rock liil! Si inlay en profesrionai hu-imss. Mr.-. J. 1\ Ihitilrr i- spendini* n wi'i i; <?r s ? with her son at 1\ rt IMill. Lancaster r. Asn general rule i' ? ir .s! . \ tensive advertiser is the leading business man nf a town. The s diednle of No. ill). h mitibound, was sl'uiiliv changed on las' Sunday. The ti.aiu i~ now due to arrive any t ni<- after lOd'Il a. tr. It is just three weeks until < lie rttti I. 'gully nil it pm t ridges. those \v!??i have rule id<d penchant t' r shooting, waste tl Tr shot and ]> i\ul r on hat.-; \ r a while long .Mrs. Hanks, of Fat Mill, the mot her of Supt. A. !i Hanks of 1 he graded schools, ie visiting her eon an ! his family at this jilaee. Ieilieastor 1 jC Iger. * Meaeluim A' Fpns fall < j n ing of millinery and dre.-.s ^inds was a grand affair, d ue store wh- el <-v.-,!?al all <lay Thnrsdav with ladies i'r an the town met surri umli ot country. The corn crop Hi h year pv anises 11? exceed two I) llion bushels. There :-> eti ouraocm -nt to 1 he c.? ton farmer in this statement. 1) eaitse it si^tiiil? s that corn will liot eoinni and such a hi^h price next year. The State Fair helon^R to tin whole State, every eunity should assert its ownership and semi enonjdi exhibits t > capture its share of prices. Fonn an evhilic tors eluh ami make a l)i<^ exhibit at the next lair. A b >x car of freight train N?> 04 wis e unplete y overturn d at a p mil tlie dep >t Thursday aft *rnoon. A wrei-kimr crew cam up from Columbia Friday >rnini? and replaced the car with but little It ruble. Mr. S. I/. MeF,nancy. who is well Uliowu to the ct: izeiis of L! i place, lies damn rously ill of turn .r < f (he sl'Mii'i'di lit is li rme n -at Wolfsvilie, X. C. Mr. Met'.Ilia u \ is the father of Mrs. J. \V. Krwin ? f I ii is place. County Treasurer 41. A C Xeel \ aiinouti ?'f t'-at In will !) in Fort Mill en Wednesday and Thuds lay. the 11 h atul 12th days of N ?vember. next, for tin* pur jiose of collect iur; Stuto and County taxes for t'?111-1;iI)I ' Ivdm', of York vide, s pe 111 Friday and Saturday in F ?ri Mill l inking after the blind ligois Several jugs of \vl iskey were con liiseated at 11k* local express <;flice and shipped lo Columbia Search of several ruapecied plnee.wa.s iiaticio but prove.! fruitless. This issue of The Times is gotten out uiuli't* very diUlienlt cii ciunstiuiecs. A week ago the publisher sustained n sevt-re entnn ) ir11?_i!11 I)n 1111 and since that lime hap been unable to properly attend hi.< 1 vi t i? sin t he olliee. No. !>7. the Southern's fast mail train which jinnped from a high trestle near Danville to i days a- >. is the same train that M nek a freight train head-on one mih north of Fort Mill about thre? nioiiihs ngo. This train also ran into a large rock near Lexington, N. and was wieeked only a few months ago. Fred 'I'ruesd de, who is now sc. v ing u five-year term in the North Carolina ponitentiary. was warded in Fort N1 iiI at ihetime of his arrest in Chail ?tte. Tlu re is a war rant here for him churning tinnegro with having disturbed a religious service at .India Ho k cliurcli and on aecount of which he is said to have lied to Char A new Tiap'ist church haj< boon organized at I'ineville by Revs. A. b, St?mgh a?id !. \VT. '<i11 The new church starts off w II. having been organized with nine niem hers." The collecting of subscriptions for a new church btiiltiug ban been going on f >r some time mill the greatei part, of the necessary amount is sail! to have been 'paid in. The Catawba Powor Company on Monday began tbe survey of a route over which to erect poles to bring its wires from the plant on Catawba liver to thi.-. place. A gentleman who is employed at the <!.on informs tbe reporter that the work of clearing away the old coffer dam also began Monday Tlte water will leeafter How through two ].Vfoot openings in the main dam, and, when tlte remainder of the dam is completed, these openings will l e closed by means of drop gates and the entire stream will then be forced through the j.o\vit house. :afe?. 'A-jcJSl " OTTO A [ 1 '"Uiv X i"l LIJ5 r "T^T. V" V* "f* " of Pry ?- KMntfm*-.-u?>?u&nnMii r- ..dMweotsx? s* v& ? f* # ^ & E B * &. J* u Are arriving; da induced us to buy hea to obV" some special Call and sec our interest, tUMMV AW^. -<WJT:iT- ?? VJk .l\ ? Do not ferret ih o ways D.'ied wit1! a co v/e can elso sav ~ ?-y- ?-j~ < JLVJL J 2 i SEi. r TO THE PEN. F?\ T' . ?: : ; ;oh' :v veil, ro;v mcr For; I.ulf Negroes, Sent Uf From r^Toklenbt* g Couii. I'icii i'rr.i'Mdt-li, n > "miu' u ^k ninn wv wii.h r. ml in niu -ironiirl 1 it Miil. will in t bo soon ' in th p 1 114 1; 1 f??r<| 11 it?*iiwli 11< It II i i 11 i?IUT '?f 111'* II IH'X pool i| liMti; us- 11 1 about Ihi!ei}*!i. N (I. Ti'ii " i it will lie I'-iiiouili V 1 c !. whs ! :: - i ! \vit! 1 < oiiiniitt iii>. :t 1 \vit i 1 fi iniiii'il inli-i : up !i Mrs. i >. it illmij^li. a v.lii 1 I i'lv, i:> ( M i??! i? two Wi't'kfi HU? II-- wqs 1 l;<;i Ivfotp Recorilei Siiauiit u!..U! < and couiniittnl t< j i i 1 111 us It 'if fc'lVh) b'uul t< awn! lr d. 'I j- uipi-rii?r emir r-'i'V II (i ti < 'iMli'itt ' last Week 1 ami TnioobiU'. 11 pifsont' ?! by At . t tor11 f\b M ('a;1, ?>' ('!i?rl tto. and how is. of Stutesviil . was anai-^n oil oil \\ ft I ;u 1 y. Tlit* ( vidoin-o w s the anmo at II nt i I it'll >re l lu? ie.'order, " Mis. K ?i i i I * tt-vlili'il that llit' ne^ro luitl assault'd her in tin3 railroad i-iit nt'iir tin' n w plant til I:jo Highland 1'atk Mnnutiiclurini? ( in pa n y and llmt sin' was roii' , sideraliiy bruised and liatl airaiih 1 - sprained be!" re tlid nssailun' was fi it_ri?t??11?'(1 off. Hltc wan carry in i dinner to her husband, wli > w s \vordiii<_'o:i tii - n 'W mill mi l s e reported the affair to him lis h ;o.i UK slit* 14? I t hol <\ I'll" defendant inf roduc' tl I wo ' { tu :.>.ro wi It: esses by whom lm tried to prove mi alibi. The jury was out loss tlimi half an hour and relumed n verdict ?>I ynilty. .1 ad^e lirown sentenc d i I the prisoner to a term of live yeais III I lie State peniti ntiurV at Jlah'igh. id. tlie nll'etisc eonunitted the maximum punishment is Id years and the minimum live years :n lit State prison. | The Charlotte Chronicle of Fi i ' day has this t > say of the trial < I 1! 1 \'\veil: The jury in tin- ease ieharipuyr Fd. CIritVin. John IVwell and Nathan Spriiiyn, colored, with beinj; implicated with Atulv M ller in the murder of Ibbut MeKane to d iy returned a verdict of guilty of muider in the second decree as '<; die two tirst named, (indium Spriniis unilty of being; an a ce? sury aft or tin* f.ict. (friltin ami I'Vwvll wore HelltOll oil to tllO penitentiary for terms <?f 3) years and i Springs .wnteneed to tlio comity road.- for tliree yearn. \'arums opinions liavo 1) en ox piossid as to t'.ie verdict, but scarcely any one ! I it -? boon found (\ h ? don ols the ullilt of tin* defendants. It. is nvncraly believed that t be nporo, s wh i were in l\d. (iiiiliid-i ise when Mclvnno whs killed me equally guilty, but there an- tljof-" whd consider 1 lie evidence tip ?ii which (n ifln, Fe.wedl and SpringH were cunv ietcl rather quest lonnbte. (Jiili.i cciiild iiol have Ihv ii con v i "ted at all had it not I eon fo t e evidence t iwit in removing the dead body to the creek and afterwards united \v Ii: the ollieiR in keeping the entire affair a aecret. i . ffc)T The Times has made ar ! raiigme.iitH wlieiehy we can offer it hi 4 paper and tin* Home and : Farm fur $1.2.1 a yt ur. 'ik&mL iS - W\m. z: itzrr:. /soar mUi?*u ik. j a oads, Notiom ^ants, Hats a iiy. Our increased sal vier than ever before, a bargains. STOCK before you bir ie fact that our Grocer] mp'ele Jtre of choicest e e you money on Fur nil S &Z, "3T G | 0*3? 2 0@???@?? j I Biggest i ;; | ? Offe ? Tiie Dan Valley : q to ^ivc a sack of . I j|J @ Abso irtc Qy -?*- -| tg> every ^loiHiay in ^ Call and see the @ luompan _ ? <odtP ? ? ????@? ?>KE The Work of a Brute. M i:;.Htra!e J. \V. Mehllinney lia.sotT.'ifd n reward, raised l?y pub- j !i subsenpl hoi, of $25 tor tin* apprehend ai wiIli snttieient evidence to convict tin* p it iy who on Wednesday lastmalicioiixly Hltnii*!lI**r?.?(l two rows l)eh ?ll*_li I1L( to John llo.-K, Colored. , The rows had been lied out to gr<- y.e early Wednesday morning, to the real of the town cemetery and no further attention uivrii them until the atteriioou, when the colored mini went to offer 1 liPin water. Ho found that some brute had e ne there durint; 1 he dav and hIiiiij?IiS?mv?I l> ?tli nnvii hv cutting i their Is, and hum appearance ! il whs ev.dont t l:riL I In* foul deed! I hid been coin 111 it ted early in the I morning. XotluiiLT luiH yet been learned is lo the identity of the guilty j party; lint tin* UicevH art on tlio witch and should the brute be apprehended it is safe to s-iy be will li' ejVen a louo Itrin of imprisoni Itielil. John lbiss, to whom th.e cows belonged, is a hard-working resperlibh c tlorcd man, and li Hthe sympathy of our citiznis m Ins loss Another Confederate Dead. Mr. II. I). Anderson, a buddy resp-'ctfd ci i/.en ol Mecklenburg, dual fritlaj morning at Ids home , in lower Steel Creek, after an ill. uesfl of H vc in I mouths. Mr. Anderson had ended the hllii year of iiis loiiir and useful !:fe only a few weeks . ? ?. He wi>8 a Confederate soldier .old served faithfully diniij.; the war with a North Caro.iuu regiment, lie was a bfe-lon^ and devoted member of the Methodist ch iirt.'h. The funeral took ] lace Friday morning at the home of the deceased, the Kov. Mr. tdprinkle, of , Pinovilie conducting the service. ' The intefnieiit was made in the burial ground at F.easaiit Hill , church. I tar Wis ?1 ' M different kinds of Chill Tonic from which to choose. They are the most popular kinds and you would not miss it if you shut your eves when you take choice. Ardrey's ; : iR STOCK h iSrioes, n<d Gaps cs in these lines have nd we are prepared y, It will be to your y.-Department is al^ atabies, ture, j )XTZsTO- | ' ' t mi*- v ..^--rt i i ?i ?wctp??????* 3QS????? leal E.verl rpel ? 1 JE. ^ Mill has agreed ^ their best Flour ? ily Free ? gut tor (>0 days. ^ Flour. @ y Store! 5???@?3?@??@l5 WAXTHI).?JiO.oOO pounds of Scrap Iron. Highest s p;iid. W. It. SMYTHK. j ? NEW MARKET. ? * . + (t> I have opened a first-class i ^ Meat Market in tho old Cnlp ^ & ?ir?n>1 <?.. Af*1 ... i .. ... dft mien <11111 Will nr ? keep oil hands at all times a T $ supply of choice Ueef, i ork, ? ^ Marion, fsiusupi, etc.. My 0 p prices will always he as low i g as the lowest, 'i hone your ^ ^ orders to No. 20 and receive 4 ^ prompt attluution and fair 4 5 dealing. \ O W. L. HALL. J Fresh Fislv and Oys- ^ ^^ers every Saturday. ^ SHAKE! Since the Chill season has arrived, please remember that we have NINE W1SW AK CLOAKS for Ladies Latest Styles, Lowest pri< first choice. TRUNKS, all sizes SIDEBOARDS, $1 BED ROOM SUIT IRON BEDS, $2.5 PANTOGRAPHS, CRAYONS, 5c set PASTEL COLORS DRAWING PAPE 10c OUTING at 8 BEST CALICO at APRON GINGIIA Ilarrisburg Shoes, tin and don't wear out. New Dress Goods ai Cloth. Dimities, Etc. Don't fail to see our half your money. Lb J B !?I^ A Few of the 1 We are S COLORED DRESS GOODS. JM-ineli nil wool Venetian, iti (' t '' 1 vucrii, jjiin-, urnruet. A good value 50c < 50-inch heavy Skirtings, in 1 or > 5 colors (>0o j $1 25 Brondclot I) $1 5 Much wide Broadcloth in black and all the leading shades. Would he cheap at $1 25 $1 50 inch black Broadcloth, the real English cloth, ?1.35 and $2 50-inch blue and black Sicilian, would be cheap at 85c 00c | Meacham \>N ? 1 CAUGHT ID 1 4J OC selling Clothing Tli Cheaper than ever before i Mill and sunounding eon a Don't fail to aee our I )) $1.98, SG.OO, $7.50, $1UX), $: it Hats and ?? for Men and Boys at price ?? nclie of high nrices. 77 " ' ^ Winter Un at i>rthat wo will not < let iih show yon. Then y? have them. \\ >VlcElhaney> U "THE PRICE I f ' U etm&r ^ -'"vsv? the le ^f\ate5 the oh the 5umm 0uthebn =?? 1 mx jjimumf w.,t,?. , P" P*-s. TrMflcMcr. V> WA.HIHGTON, D. C. . . sr.-w: : RIVALS. , Misses and Children, :es. Call early and get ? and prices. 2.50, 17.50 and 22.50 ES, $8 up 0 to $7.50 25 cents >, 10c set. R, 2 l-2c sheet l-3c 5c. MS. 4c up c kind that lit the feet nd Trimmings, Cannon MILLINERY, and save kSSEY. . ?n B nn > nany s rungs Slowing. JACKETS. If we fail to show you the finest uul most up-to-date 1 ino you have sver seen in Fort Mill, we will .jive you the finest Jacket in oui place. We have them in Box and Louis XV styles, at $2 to $12.50 SKIRTS. Skill* nt $1.00 to $4.50. THANKS. We thank all of those who caro< lo see our opening and for the many nice things said uf us. > O Epps. . . . ?i [hb in 11 || its. Shoes and Underwear offered the people of Fort i ~ ' "try. .jp ino of Men's Clothing at ?? 10.00 and $12.50 the Suit. Caps it s that will cure the head- 2S || -M cLer-w?a.:r la re to quote. Come nnd cjtf >u will say that we must ~ II I rai na uu p BUTTERS." '?" 1 ^ ME FOR BUSINESS, ME FOR PLEASURE, ME FOR ALL THE BEST ER RESORTS 2 .- ? : I W.IJ?? cte Summer I Resort Folder i Free to Any Address. Gcn'l Pi.*#. Acent, Asst. G?n'l Pas3. Aft. I WASHINGTON, O.C., ATLANTA, OA. I !(