University of South Carolina Libraries
# ' pi p PORT MILL TIM ES DEMOCRATIC 1 U BL1SHKI) I'.VKKV WEDNESDAY 15. V. It RADFORD. '!" i itis" of Sul's. Option: one yen r ?1.f0 Six months r.o , 'I'Uvt'i' :nont i> Zf? ?'mvrs-pop. 't'Tict* <iii cnrr?V tM i.-! luvllt'il. l>ni n i responsibility i asaim ?? i fir the villus of rurresponilonts. . nofiyinoi.r ? uniHU'.nicntlons ill not ln? publish'-'1. in these ciihiinP:'. Fort Mill 'Phone (with lony distance ? orii<vtloo.i> No. Hi. (>n application to tlw1 publisher, ndvpt t.|y|iiK c-ntcn are tuadi* known to fUose Interested. WEDNESDAY. O .TOP.ER 7. 1 l?Ki. ?*? - - ? - - - j The Tillman Trial, The ease of t f 1?? State against l>m. II. Tillman has !????*i going' on steadily during <It** past week | nl Lexington. A number of witness- i ?<n were put up for the? State and in the evidence cf each many i?i.?ilt1 iiIic*;?iit points wcrJ argued by the attorneys fur Ili* defense. causing niiu'li delay and aunoyanee to the , general public. The Slal > closed its argument Saturday and the court took a rest until yesterday morning, when it was expected the argument for the defense would begin. It is believed the case will continue through this week and into the next before a verdict is reached. Owing to the illness of Juror Sltarpe the court did not convene | yesterday. II was ex parted, how- , ever, I hut ho would answer when court Was culled at 10 a. m. today. Testing the jury Panel. The following interesting story conies from Saluda, concerning the second weeks' jury putiel for, the Lexington court: Just after the jury for the first and second week for Lexington county had boen drawn and their iinini'H published, a party appeared in that county in the guise uf ftM agent for a picture-enlarging coneern somewhere. Ho made it his business to visit every juror who had boon drawn and solicit some work. In order to show the cnarneter of the work done by the bouse he represented he produced as samples enlarged pictures of well known South Carolinians and filially would hold up one of Jus II Tltlmuu, with tlie remark, "I suppose you at once recognize 1 his likenos," or something of that hind*. Then the unsuspecting person addressed would remark, "Yes. 1 hut is Jim Tillman," or "Colonel Tillinnu. who killed (lonzales," etc., and if the juror were given to talking he wnul'l say thus and so about the case, and whether or not he ought t<> be convicted, etc., etc. The agent would bIiow no signs of interest, but, so the story goes, would know ju$t how the party appruuchcd felt and stood on the luattter. and after learning would jot down the statements made to hi in for future reference. Only the Acorn Weevil. The Rock Hill Journal of yesterday contains the gratifying inhumation that the Mexican boll weevil has not appeared in the vicinity of that city as was feared. A gentleman of Rock Hill a few days ago sent a letter of inquiry, together with specimens of the auppoB-tl boll weevil, to the agricultural department at. Washington. lu reply, officers of the department bay that "the insect is only the acorn weevil (Ltalaninu.s quercos) and has no connection, whatever, with cotton." This interesting bit of news will dispel the fears of many fanners in this township wild were daily expecting this destructive little iii-l sect to appear in the cotton hereabouts, Knocks Out Professional Contractors. The post office department hns issued advert*^euientH for bids for the carrying of moil on all star routes from July 1, 1904, to June JO, 1908. The contract is for the section south of Virginia and east of the Ohio Kivor. The bidding this lime is limited to peisons living within the delivery district of offices supplied from routes upon which bids were made, which shuts out professional contractors who have heretofore bid upon a large number of routes and sublet fncm to the detriment of the service. Free delivery and collection of tnaiia will also be made upon star routes This is the first time professional contractors have been shut out from filing bids, which inn.t m.. in Kt? 1 1CVV1 White Man Accused of Assault. Charles Patterson,a Jonnp white ?rE?K ip?u, l?na been arrested at Grtetiviile upon the charge of having criminilly assnnlted Ueevcs, itffev.'s, (it Pelzet. The alleged was committed Wyinpadoy i;i a grove near five Mono HHPv J-. ?bSmjF' --V " ' '1 bxflpr.-. - I ; i;lian mills. beyond the city limits. Miss Reeves went to Greenville for the purpose of securing work 1 m a cotton iniil. "Wednesday afternoon slm went in the direction i of the Pop mill and was followed : by Patterson, who told her he would he would show her n neat I route. The woman accepted his company and went with Patterson through a hotly -f woods, where the ade^ed crime was committed. The father of the yonnij hidy arrived in Greenville Thuieday end will push the prosecution to the full extent of the law. ? -- ?? Col. L. W. Spratt Dead. I A telegram received here Sun'day afternoon annonnced the death at Jacksonville. Flu., that day of Col. Leunidas W. Spratt. Col. Spratt was 8.1 years old and the last survivor of the Charleston delegation to the secession convention, and the last but sir. of tin* signers of 1 he ordinance of secession of South Carolina. He was a member of the South Carolina u-^lOKiiiur IA/I ot^uit: tenia |M ioi i?? secession and earnestly advocated the reopening of the slave trade, i In ISod he succeeded the late I). , C. l'ressh-y aa editor of the Smith- ! ern Standard. After the war Col. Sinaif practiced law in Charleston for ten years or more, but. latterly has resided in Jacksonville. Deceased was an uncle of Messis. J.jM. and T. C. Spratt of Fort Mill, and had numbers of friends throughout this section. ? The Month of Sunshine. October is one of the most regular months of the year. The tem; perat m e is equable and t he rainfall i is modi-rate. It is shown by data prepared bv J. \V. Bauer, section director, that the normal temperature for a period of lb years is 01 degrees. The wannest . October since the local bureau was established was in 1900 when the average was lib decrees. Oil theSthof October., lbU">. the themoiueter rerristered as hioli as f)!? and on the 2i)th in lbbl the freezing point was recorded. October is h month of light. few killing frosts being recorded before I lie first of Novetn ber. The average amount of precipitation was 2.Hi) inches. The greatest monthly precipitation was .43 inches in 1887, and the least was .742 in IS'.Nl. October is a month of sunshine, the average number of cloudy days being but seven. . How to Prevent Hydrophobia. The following remedy for the prevention of hydrophobia was sent, the Spartanburg Journal by a lady of Campobelln, who says that (luring the past twenty years the remedy has never been known to fail when used according to directions: Take one and a half ounce of elecampane root, grind it tine, put the ground root in a pint of n*?w milk, b >il down to a half pint, take j it at one dose in the morning, and j fast until -1 p. Hi. of same day. Ke; peat this every other day for three : days, making three doses in all. It is important that it ho taken on an emyty stomach, also that nothing should be eaten tiii from eight to ten hours after taken. The remedy can be taken at any time, though nu st of those bitten took it immediately after being bitten. I Others took it weeks after, and still others not until the rabies at i pea red. In every case where the I patient was ab.e to swallow, u cure I was effected. - Rock Hill's Public Bulling. A Washington social of Friday ; to the News and Courier says tout Hepiesentative Finley is in trouble lover his public building at ltock Hill. He called today at the treas| ury department to confer with Su* , pervising Architect Taylor about the site. There is some kind of a j hitch about tbe property, which 1 will require some new legislation ! to clear the title. This will further delay the erection of the public building which Mr. Fiuley has worked so iudustrioudy to secure for the citizens of Hock Hill. ? ? ... Former Fort Mill Lady DyingDr Thorn well went to Greenwood yesterday in response to a i telegram stating that Mih Taylor J Goodwin was dying. Mrs. Good* i win before marriage was Miss i Mel Lee ami taught for a number of years in the Fort Mill Graded I Schools. Oldest Conductor Dead. 1 Capt. S. C. (Gilbert, who Iihs i been a conductor on ?lie* South i Carolina railway since 18o7, with the exception of the four years in j active service (luring the war be: tween the States, died in Charlotte Sunday. He in wtid to have .been the oldest railroad conductor in the South and did not discontinue his duties until his illness twe ' <iroek* ngo. , * # * Trinity College Notes. E litor Times:- The Association of Colleges ami Preparatory ! Schools of the Southern Stabs will hold its annual meeting at Trinity College. Nov. -1. ami G. The officers of the Association are: President. II. II. dot-see, University of Missouri, Secretary, Chan 1 cellor lames II Kirkland. Yandurh It Univeisity. On necount of the Absence of Chancellor Kirkland, who is in Europe, Dr. Edwin M ins is acting as Secretary. A I large number <>f Southern instil u, lions will he it presented. An ini tereating program lias been a; r mgod. A very c tnplete equipment f<>i [Draughting room has been purchased and is now being arranged. This equipment is being installed on the second flour of the Duke Building. Mr. \V. C. L. While, a graduate of Pratt Institute, is giving a course in Mechanical Drawing. Prof. Edwin Minis lias in preparation the life of Sidney Lanier for the American Men of Letters series, published by Houghton. Miffilin (mi. Lanier is the third Southern writer to be iticludi d in this series, the otbe.i two being Poe anil Sims. The American Book Company will publish in a | few (ln\H an edition Carlyles Essay on Burns by Prof. Minis. ! 'I'll is is f >ii?- of tlm (iilcwiiv Situ -s of English Classics edited by Hen y ! van Dyke. Smith and Ijnmnr linn bronchi i out a volume on Sont liprn Wt iters I The study of Thomas Nelson ' is by Prof. Minis. Prof. J. S. Ha-sett is preparing a life of Andrew Ja-Usou for Donbleday, Page and (do. Durbar ! tlie past summer he made a special i iuvestignti uis m the Congressional Lilvary at Washington lie lias ' had acetfss to some Very important ' letters not hitherto printed. The Archive Stall' of this Col! lege year is, Editov-in-Ciiief. \V. P. Bud l, Durham. N.C ; Business i Manager. Z P. Boaidiboard. Bell iBuC'le, Ten 11.: Assistant Editor, ! \V. S. Ijockart, Mohnn, X. C ; Literary Department, (i. 11. Smith, j Elizabeth City. Exchange Edi or. j H. C. Satterlield, Ltoxbor<>; EdiI tor 4,At Home and Abroad" Department. B S. Womble, Newton, i N. C ; Y.'M. O. A. Kditor, Zensky lliimhara, H i rush inn, Japan. M Crook. Saves Two From Death. "Our little daughter had nil almost fatal atlaot (if whoopim* ootiirh and lirouch it is," writes M rs. \V. K. Haviland. of Arinonk, N. Y., '"but, when all other remedies failed, we saved her life with Dr. Kin it's Ne-v Discovery. O .r neico, who had Consumption in an ad vanced staure. a!.so used this wonderful medicine and today she is perfectly well." Desperate throat and lum* diseases yield t > Dr. Kino's New Discovery as to no ot her medicine .on earth. Infallible for Coughs and Colds. oOe and $1.00 bottles tiimrranteed by a 1 dru^i.its. Trial bo'.ties tree. We are ondebted to a number of our subscribers for callino durum the last week aiul paying up their (ilies to The Tillies. Ccnf:cs?ons Cf A Priest. Rev. Jno S. Cox, of Wake, Ark., writes. "For 12 years* 1 suffered ; from Vellow Jaumliee. f eoncultj ed a number of physkeians and tri?*d all sorts of medicines, but got 'no relief. Then I began tin* mho of Electric Bittersand toel that I am now en red of a disease that bad me in its grasp for twelve year.' If you want a reliable medicine for Liver and Kidney trouble,stomach disorder or general debility, get get Electric Bitters. It's guaranI teed by all druggists. Only f>Oe. i A little rain just now to settle i the dust if nothing more, would be ! appreciated. A Lovo Latter Would not interest you if you're looking for a guaranteed Salve, for Sores, burns or Piles. Otto l.)odd, j of Ponder, Mo., writes: "I suffered 1 with an ugly sore for a year, but a ' box of Arnica Salvo cured me. It's | the best Salve on earth. 25u at all ! dt ug stores. T ? to nt n I n.l lliol ill., it ?r? niuu vi uinii iih j/i '^/i iv i"i ! of til" hotel at Hamlet, who gratij (led Booker Washington's nppr-iite : with a breakfast some weeks since ' has been invited by citizens of I that town to seek another abiding ! pi ce. IIo probably would have i to leave anyway for the lack of business, for drummers had already J boycotted the house, and they were | the chief patron*. Broks Into His House. S. Lee Quinn of Cavendish, Vt.. was rotihed of his customary health > by invasion of Chronic conetipa. i ' tiou. When Dr. Kings New Life i ] Pills broke into his house, his i trouble was nrrosted and now he's ([entirely cured. They're guarun1 teed to cure. 25? at all drug stores. ; , ; .. .-^r. K 7: ,7V ..V," The First Newspapers | The first *perm>nent Amerienn newspaper was printed by !?>li11 * Campbell, postmaster of Boston. April 21 17(M. and was called the Boston News-Letter. It was printed 011 u ball-sheet of pit pa per with i ii small pica type, folio. Extracts ^ From the London Flvinj; Post, a few art icles of Toiidon news ami me ad vert iseineiit formt d Us eon- < tents. Tin* advertisement was from Campbell himself, eallini; at- ] tentiou to his new enterprise and oflVrin.' t print advertisements of ( any nature at a cost of "from < Iwp ve pence to live shilling and ? not to exceed ?' The first r sheet ??f the lir-t number of th s paper was taken damp from tue ^ press by Chief Justice S"wail and slmwii'to President Wiliard, of j ( llarvaid 1 * 11 i ver-i I v a< a wonder fill curiosity. Tin* third Amen- I <-{iii paper was tho JJoston li'azetle. ' i l iie fourth the Philadelphia Mercury ( 171 it). New Yoik had n > j newspaper of its own until l7"o. * .Mall.n"s Magazine. <t(_ Some o te/.ens of notahle name . took part in a law case lti<d in 1 ( )kl dioina reeenlly. the j' i d who presided was Franklin Pierce Alexander, the plaintiff was Daniel Webster Art lev, the defendant Henjinmii bnnklm two of I the witnesses were I lys s Grant | (JofT and Andrew Jackson, conn- . sel for t he defendant were Walter 1 Scott Pricket and (bor^e Wasiii ii t^t on Yirkers. while t lie plaintitf win represented by J esse Junius 1 )imn. < REGiSTRaTtSN HOTtCE. Thebooksr.f Registration for Ihnqnnl- < ifiod voters of the town of Fort Mill for i the year l.Xil. are now open at the I toiviiiRs bank, between the le;{ul hours of J) a. in. and k p. in.. iukI will close | <>n the 1st day .laimary l'.'ot. W. Ii. Meaeham has been appointed Registrar. by order of the eouneil. T. S. KllJIvl' \THICK, ; Attest: Iiiteiidaiit J. M. Si*katt. Clerk. to no vorn m\s \ N ESS, iS MY BUSlNESSlj Therefore if von wish j to buy, sell, or exchange Real Estate, Stocks, Bonds, etc., kindly let mo know what you want or have to offer. I have a long list of property I throughout the Slate, and solicit your business also. Nothing accom-j plished, no charges. "Quick deals" are my motto. J. Kd^iir Pons. BuoKitn, ROCK IIILL, S. C. ?tf- WE "COLUMBIA BAB LCOS" TSTEWBiTEBS. l0-7-4ie ??? _ I Letters of AriaiiuRtmiiaii. ! THE STATE OF HOVTH .CAROLINA) Comity of York. i Whereas Mrs. Jennie 11 Ppnitt has applied to inc f<?r letters of Admistru- , j tion, oil all and sigulnr, tho Roods and : ohattols, riirhts and credits of W. E. I . | Sprat t late of tho county aforesaid do- , j ceased: Thkse arc. therefore, To cite and ad- ! | monisli nil and siRtilar the kindred and i creditors of the said deeeasod, to lie and appear before me at our next Probate . : Court for the said county, tube hidden ' at. York Court lhmso on t li?* ltlth day of October IdO't, at 10 o'clock a. ni., I o show j cause, if any, why the said Admiiiis' tratiuu should not be granted, f --?^?-"j (liven unto my hand and SEaIj seal this OOtli day of Peptein f ? j i>er iti 11111 year <>i our i.or?i one thousand nine hundred and lhive, and in the 128th year of AinoriAiii Independence. W. II. McCorklk, Probnte Jiiduo of York Uonnty. 6> 0 it t * t The Model f ! t I I i Steam Laundry, ? t 1 OLDEST, *' h t i BIGGEST, ! t A 6 $ BEST. I $ , i I KJcElHAKEY-PmS CO^ <> A 4 A } AtfCIllS, ? v ? Fort Mill, S. C. I t Shipmonts Wednesday Evar,ing?.J I t 0 ? ? j -!%r .';n. jj$Lu . "1 SHOES to l? Wo have just roc >f J. Iliehardson & Co' lies and Children. W uid ?irl in Fort AHll t inc. Ladies vou wil d'your lives if you bn; ore seeing the 1UCII riAS. They are perl" juality. Tliey are goo %ase to corns nail biini( n all stylos, high 1km Patent leathers arc Ik ho nanus 11LCMI.A1M)! Wo also ask that ; in Dross (joods?in oo ttctdies: We liavo tho largo ton and wool Fndervc! iorv, etc. ? ' Tho Gotham \] colors, Fascinators, shuv. sit cut prices. ri !. / 1 x ill'JHH s UIH colors and prices. Don't worry abon f^et what von want. ^ We sell "Elkm" 1 Old - Belie T, 3, DELK, V. S. Just receive er ami Ol-alfa Seed. The Times will do , DO YOU READ?) !f s<?. 1 can funiinh y?ni with tlu? following stiinutinl literatim*: Aniline's 100 Me("luvo'? ,, 10c l i-xliv's Pojntlnr Monthly ?l0o b'oribnor's 'Joe Smart Sot J5c Strantl 10c t ollier's Wookly P>c Vanity Fair 1 Jc i ji'iii's home Journal 10c American Hoy !o?* Jutl^'i) IOC rwk j'uM mi say Hit* Argosy l.ic Tin- 1 urn* Mcintosh 135c Wide World 10c IVvson's 10c j "The Si,iti'." on Sundays 5c i Also several weekly newspa-*. pers for sale. JF?. 3?3 Parks, At Ardicy's Drug SJcro. | HAVE YOIER 1 MEASURE T AKEN for your new Fall garments. I It is tins only proper and satisfactory way of buying your clothes, being that "'GOOD | CT.OTHKS ARF AIAVAY IXUAUG HI (IKL)!',K." iuaiie your selection from the tailoring line of STRAUSS BROS. Chicago, Kst. 1877 Goo.l tailors for over a quarter century You'll find a world of pleasure in wearing the clothes marie by Strauss Bros.,? faultless in style, fit, finish and materials. They're so much better than the ordinary run cf clothes, yet ; prices are astonishingly low, j and your perfectly safe in or'dcriug, because if garments are not satisfactory, you I needn't take them. \VE WILL EE PLEASED TO SHOW YOU OUR GREAT I.INK OK SAMPLES? CALL ON 1 HeEliiaay-Parks Co. I ' Fcrt Mill, S. C. ; ' aavrr.'xajf.^iwyaMnsar L.?wk SiCIllffi t eivod an assortment / s fine Shoes for La- / e want every woman I ownship to see this 11 make the mistake v your Fall Shoes beAltDSON and POltuet in style, fit and Ml wearers; tliey give >ns. We hare them d and low heel. Our unities. Don't forget SON and PORTIA. rou sou our novelties tton and wool fabrics, st stock in town, eots(, Union stitch, Hos kit Supporters, all "Jo and 50 cents. Is, Baby Hoods, etc., 1 Window Shades, all t having to go oft* to iVe have got it . Mankets. ible Store , Proprietor. (i a lot Crimson Clovyour J oh Printing. i . . - .. i. DO YOU DRINK? If So, Try Our OLD NORMH GORE! WHISKY Guaranteed:{to 5 years old. Mild and Mellow. Always the Same. $'2.50 per Gal Ion, Tliononml TVTuil Orders I'romptly Filled G. W. N011MAX, Ilotli 'Phonos P. (>. Lox 55. CHARLOTTE, 11. G. J. D. Trayw ck & Co., DKAl.EUS ir? FIXE EU>; (> IIS AN \) Mr INKS, No. 42 Kant Trade St. CItAKT.OTTK. - - - N. O. I . l'Olt GOOD WHISKIES, WINES, f HRANDIES, ETC., CAM. OS Oil WHITE TO W. 1!. IIOOVEI?, I SJUti.OI'TE. N. C. CS-IVE US A TRIAL ORDER and get the 12EST WHISKIES, W I K P ft ? * i.1 I i Bit AN DIES, Etc., It tbc in ist n*?sonHb!e prices. MARK A. TEETER, Manager, THE GOURD SALOON, CHARLOTTE, N. C. No. 29 W Trade Both 'Phones. ' 1 11 I TRESPASS NOTICE. All personsuro hereby warned against hunti a, fishing, or otherwise trespassing npon tho lamls of the undersigned," under penalty of the law. W. II. WIN OLE. FOK S MiB?Several hundred old newspapers. 2>) eeuts per hundred. Call til The Time. Jthce. -v v' * 1 | / WJCAjHyl' J vS-v ^ -IfllKl&ljH \