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< V \ ' ' 4 - \ % Jf -II. H?M|| II , ...qy X?Q oqi JO Cardinal Gibbon* arrived In New "York from Europe and was welcomed by Balttmtweans. A national conference of Christian churchea opened at Atlantic City. Samuel Swenyon, a Swede, who wanted to see President Roosevelt, was held up by Secret Service men at Sagamore Hill, but proved to be harmless. The Farmers' National Congress began at Niagara Falls. Curtis Jott was sentenced to death at Cypthiann. Ky.. for the murder of Thomas Cockrill. Impeachment proceedings were brought against Theodore Shaffer, president of the Iron. Steel and Tin Workers' Union. The Pen< oyd Iron Works, at Philadelphia. employing .'1.000 men. are to be closed until January 1. Counsel for George W. Heavers threalm to bring contempt proceedings again, t District. Attorney Youngs and others Interested in the prosecution. William MacKnho *. the oldest living naval veteran and a native of Haltimore, celebrated the one hundredth anniversary of his birth in Philadelphia. fjwssx-. tnaami m m u wa un??iwmm j A Cough J ftsE'/r.- ?at TTZ msrszsxpnxfr. .-tr V "1 have made a most thorough 1 b trial of Aver's Cherry Pectoral and 9 J| am prepared to say that for alldis- 3 ft eases of the lungs it never disap- ft J. Early Finley, Ironfon, O. Aycr's Cherry Pectoral won't cure rheumatism ; we never said it would. It won't cure dyspepsia; I we never claimed it. But | ill will cure couglis and colds of all kinds. We first said this sixty years ago; we've been saying it ever since. Tbr?c Jilt*: 25c., 5Dc., $1. Consult your doctor. If lie ihti tnkn it, tliun >tn n's lr siy? If he tells you not tO'tkr It. thou don't take It. He knows. N l.five It with hliri. \v.' are willing. AVKIt CO.. I.urroli. Mats. 9 in ? J BANK DtP0S,T CD v. '\j' \y Rsllroad Faro Paid. 500 ' Fit Eli Courses Offered. B9Bff^S*3TS3323^3 Board at Cost. Wrl- Quick <E0RMA ALAa*W* 'ICSI.MESSCOLLEGE.Ma: .n.Ga. LAZY U.VER *I find Canrareta no *ood t'S I would not be ! without thniu. I KM tMiil.lri'i cre*t deal witb j torpid liver and lienda dir. How alnce taking . Caacareta Candy Cathartic 1 feel very much better i (TOuninicnu mom t<? my Xrlcudt at the l?*?*t medicine 1 hnve ever wn." Anna liaxiuct, Uaborn Mill Ko. 2, Kali Uivor, Matt. j Mi "^e ^owe'? (4k CAN DY C ATMARTTC \ Pleuint. PtlnUlilt. rcttut T??ta Good. T>o flood, i K??r Slrken. Weaken or 10c. S5c. 50e. Nr*rt i ~kold In bulk. The *ronine tnblc-t ftt.mpoU CCC. Guaranteed to euro or your money buck. Sterling Remedy Co., Chicago or N.Y. Sot 1 ANNUAL SALE. TEN MILLION BOXES Is extensively used everywhere in the H H world wherever the muzzle loader Sjj ha* given way to the breech loader. 13 It Is made in the largest and beat E equipped cartridge factory in exls* fj H tence. |{ m . This account* for the uniformity of |j K ita products. S I Tell your dealer * U. M. C." when I he asks; Whet kind? " *5 S Catalog free. | 9 The Union Metoillo Cartridge Co. 1 B BMDGLPORT, CONN. \ Agency, 31J llroadwny, 1 W Mew York City, Ms V* I /i^B Wateroroof jf> 1 * ftlACA OA YULOW mJi / i Mt J^V/ #Oa |Ail ?V AU HiMM.1 MAOII A IMM ttnct ?N BT ^DBr /& A. J. Tower Ca BoiIor Man. V.SJL Twwc# CA"*M<yl ?* M mwmx on. *' ^ ^t ^If>< " ' 80 40. jfil Dropsy II I l> JflHL* r Remorri all fwdllei in to ao / day* ; effect* * permanent cure A in jo to 60 day*. Trial treatment given free. Nothinacan be fairet Write Or. H. H. Giaan'a Son*. aHpP SMclaUata. Ua, m Atlanta. 6a Note* end Paragraphs. The figures representing the whote population of Great Britain's colonies will surprise many persons. The important ones are: Canada. 5.525.000; Australia. 2.860,000; South Arfict, 875,000; New Zeland. 815.000, which makes a total of 11.075,000 persons. There are, however, says the Ixmdon Times, 20,000 white persona now going to the colonies to settle each month, as a result of hard times in England. Col. Sir Francis Aylmer Gravcs-Sawl, who died the other day. enjoyed a baronetcy of curious origin. His grandfather owned a picture which King William IV desired to purchase. His Majesty was politely informed that the picture was not for sale, but if the owner were thought worthy of the dignity of a baronet he would respectful1> ask his Majesty to accept the picture as a- gift. The baronetcy wns duly conferred and the picture changed hands. Walter Wall Brewster, a member of ! a prominent Elisabeth. N. J., family, is I engaged to one of the famous Ah Fong ; sisters. Wing Ah Fong. a Chinaman, father of 13 girls, of whom 7 married Caucasians, wont to Honolulu in 1S5S. He amassed a fortune in the silk and bric-a-brac trade and became several i liiiilm n millionaire tnrougn itivest! merits in sugar plantations. Walter Brewster is 22 years old and a grand1 son and great grandson of United Btates Senators, of New Jersey. News of the Day. Within a year It is claimed that through connection by electric railway will lie established between Cleveland, Ohio, and Pittsburg, Pa., a distance of 137 miles. The country to be traversed by the new lines is very rough, but Its promoters hold that its success is assured. According to experts who have been studying the question, the death aod total extinction of the prehistoric glaciers is only a matter of time. In the Dauphine Alps seventeen main glaciers ! have been under close observation ! since 1S90. and all have shrunk steadily ! during the period, some of them as much as fifty feet a day. Unanimous Opinion. (Philadelphia Press.) "'Oh! yrs; Cayman is a vestryman of our church." "You don't, say? He doesn't behave as if he belonged to any church." "That's so. He behaves as if the church belonged to him." About 400 messenger boys employed by the Illinois District Telegraph Company, stopped work in Chicago. This action \%as derided upon as a protest against the employment of colored boys. I Bitter. (Philadelphia Press.) Miss Pepprey?What intelligent ; tricks your dog has, Mr. Sappy. Cholly Sappy?Yaas, 1 taught him all I he knows. Miss Pepprey?Indeed? And can you perform all those intelligent things, | too? Orrnsinrnllv n man nn -F " W?. |1IU "411 U path is traveling in the opposite direction. l^et the man who would reform the world begin on his neighbors and he will soon see his finish. Cynics are men who find fault with the world because they were not consulted when it was designed. Peaches Are Peaches. (Summerville |Ga.) News. It is hard to tell which is in greater demand, the Georgia girl or the Georgia peace. It is a question of peaches, though, either way you take it. Not Obliged to Smoke. (St. Louis Republic.) Under the new rule West Point cadets may smoke pipes. Probably it is Intended that pipes shall conduce not to peace, but to generalship. For the Client or anxious or alarmed parents, I It should bo stated that the rule does ; not make smoking compulsory. I I FfTSoermaucnilvenre T. Xn fits or nervousni .M sifier tlvst day's rso "?r Or. Klino's 11r<*:it Nerve Ilestorer.S'J trial bottle aud treatisefre? Dr.u.H. KmxK.LtJ.. 931 Arch St.. Phila.,Pa. il isn't always safe to (rust a man who bus no small vices. He may go to the other extreme. Mrs.Wlnsiow's SoothingSyrnp for children teething, soften the gums, reduces inflammation.ullnys uaiu.eures wind colic. 25e. a bottle Work of Traclton Plows. I The sixty-horse power traction onI glues used on Wostcni ranches will pull simultaneously seventeen four/teen-lncli plows plowing to sixty acres per day, or will plow, drill and harrow, nil at one time, with properly arranged tools, from thirty-five to fifty acres per day. SIOO Howard. tlOO. The readers of this paper will be pleased to learn that there is ut least oue dreaded disease that science nas been able to cure In all itsstages, and that is Catarrh. Hall's Catarru Cure is the only positive cure now known t j the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional disease, requires a constitutional treatment. Hall's CatarrhCure is taken inter< naily, acting direct ly u pon the biood aud mucous surfaces of tne system, thereby destroy- j ingthe foundation of the disease, and gt via; j the-patient strength by building up the col ' stitut'on aud assisting nature in doing its I work. The proprietors have so much falthin | nn-umiivr pnvrpn mai tnoy onor Uno iluudred Dollar* for any cm# that It fail* to car#, bend for list of testimonials. Address K. J. c'kknkv ,k Co., Toledo, O. Sold by Droplets, 75c. Hall's t'atnily fills are the best. Here la a l'roblem. Which hurts the worse. To get over a love affair by marrying or to get over It by not marrying??Atchison Ulobe. Perfectly Natural Folk. When it comes to being perfectly natural grown people are obliged to use judgment.?Atchison CJlobe. Jam nurePlio'a Cure for Consumption saved Soy life three years ago.?Mas. Tsousa Rossis*,Maple .St., Norwich, N V.. Keb. If. ISJ). ilussia't new naval program, to finish in lflOfi, ia six battleahipa and three armored cruisers. June Tint Mutter Colorwnakeo top , of the market butter. The Frenrh domain in Africa comprises one-third of the surface of the continent. Household ^ patters Vour Our. Tit' should always have fresh drinking water. A puppy when about throe weeks old should he encouraged to lap lullk. Milk for a puppy should be sen hied (not boiled) and slightly sweetened and fed to liiin warm. When a puppy is four weeks old soup thickened with stale bread may begin to be gradually substituted for the bread. If a puppy be weaned when six weeks old there's less trouble with stomach worms. Well-boiled meat nml vegetables of all kinds (except potatoes, which are bard for dogs to digest! should gradually become the dog's food. Though the dog be by nature carnivorous. tin* cooling effect of a part vegetable diet makes him more desirable as a pet. Two meals n day is enough for a grown dog; when lie lias hut one ho is so hungry that ho holts It and pots dyspepsia. I'lenty of oxorciso and plonty of pood food make a flue, stronp dog.? Philadelphia Record. A Novel l.ooWcivrtc. It seems as thouph thoro could scarcely he anything now in the lino of furniture, yet thoro are variations of old designs which have all the appearance of novelty. Otto of these is a rather low, hroad bookcase, at each end of which is a closet or cabinet, extending the entire height of the hook shelves. They are closed with doors, decor.t ted with carving and metal hinges and fastenings. The combination of chair and table called the ehalrtablo is not new, hut has in the process >f i t si PVnllli inti hn<?ntni? ?? ??*"? '* attractive article than it was formerly. A very neat specimen of its kind Is of stained forest green oak, small in size ami having an oval top, which is quite inconspicuous when folded hack. For a liall or for a country home, where economy of space is an object, this chair-table especially commends itself. Equally practical is a tea table of oak. with metal trimmings. A shelf under and the same size as, the square top, is closed in at two opposite sides, while at the other two arc little drop shelves, which, when shut up, enclose the shelf like a box. This compartment could be used for tea things, for sewing materials, or even as a receptacle for a smoker's set in a mail's den.? Brooklyn Eugle. 4 \ T.nuntlorlni; Ilnlnty Knlirlri, The laundering of embroidered linens requires almost as much skill as does the manufacture of the dainty fabrics. Carelessness in this respect may in a few minutes ruin weeks of work. An embroidered piece should never be put in with tlie regular wash. In fairly hot water and a light suds of some pure soap dip the soiled piece quickly several times. If It be necessary with any one spot, rub it gently between the hands, hut avoid a general rubbing, as this is apt to disarrange the smooth surface of the most evenly set stitches. Ilinse thoroughly in cold, clean water. To dry, lay it between two towels or thick line cloths and roll loosely in such It U'dV l?.i i?oel !?.* ? .1.1 .1 u. ll ??>r |'?l I l \fl IIHT ruiui J shall touch any other part of tlio piece. Never fold or liang up a wet piece of embroidery nor leave it in a little damp heap ' just for a minute" while something else is attended to. Hut rolled between dry towels, it can lie wrung, twisted or lightly pounded to hasten the drying process, without danger. When quite dry it may he removed front the towels and...for ironing, laid face down 011 a thickly covered ironing board. This gives a soft surface for the relief of the embroidered design to give into. Otherwise these surfnees would be ilattened and the eltief beauty of th<? piece ruined. S>rcnd a clean white clotli, moistened in clean uusoaped water over the reverse side of the linen and pass the tron quickly* and lightly over the whole surface, being careful not to press too heavily on the embroidery itself. Damp linen, dry silks, hot iron and quick action arc the ehief elements of success in the smoothing of embroideries.?New York Tribune. . . RECIPES . . Hlack Kasnberrv .lam?Take four baskets of black raspberries nnil crush them, bring to the simmering point in a preserving kettle, then put through a sieve. If there are plenty of red eurrants on hand, use one basket of them instead of n basket of berries. Add to the Juice four baskets of black raspberries and cook gently for ten minutes, then add two pounds of sugar and boll to a Jam. Put in glasses and cover with parailine. Turkish Chicken?Singe and draw a good sized fowl, then split ami cut each piece in two. In a large saucepan melt one tablespoonful of butter, add one tablespoonful of chopped onion and one-half of n green pepper seeded and chopped; cook for a moment, lay In the chicken, and draw over the hot tire, turning until encli piece Is lightly browned. Add one quart of broth or water, three eupfuls of strained tomato, one tenspoonful of snlt, one-half of a tenspoonful of paprika or white pepper, two cloves, n stalk of celery and two sprigs of parsley. Cover with a little saffron, add one cupful of wellwashed rice and two tablespoonfuls of grated cheese; cook until the broth Is absorbed and the rice la tender. In dishing use a deep platter and arrange the chicken over the mound of rice. The rate of suicides per million lfl I.ondon is 95; In Brussels. Berlin, Stockholm and St. Petersburg 300, and In Parla and Vienna 400 per million. Lament of th# Lay Brothers Iona, O Iona! jjV: My days go sad and slow. f 14 For "mid your island meadow* I hear no cattle low. I miss the fields of Kerry. The green fields and the kine. And In my brother's chanting is heard r.o voice of mine; Iona. O Iona! My mates are glad of cheer. But I. the Kerry peasant. Dwell sad and lonely here. ? I send an exile's sighing Across the sundering sea; O would I were In Kerry. Or the kine were here with me! Iona. O Iona! ' r , The Saint sleeps well. I trow. Nor dreams that one poor brother's Heart broke for Ir*nnd now. lleurtbroke to be a lierdboy And watch the cattle feed. Avd call the cattle homeward Across the darkening tnead. Iona, O Iona! All summer swallows stay About your towers; the seagulls *!'?? Ireand take their way. And would, I cry with weeping. The seagulls' rond were mine. To hear and *ee the lowing. Tnc kind eyes of the kine! lona. O Iona! Sharp* and Flats. For some time past doctors in France have been warning the public ! against the dangers of the latest craze ?opium smoking. The habit has been introduced by officers and others home from Indo-China and gradually extended to society at Marseilles and Toulon. After being adopted in other | seaports the mania has now reached Paris, where it is reported to have widely spread. The Official Gazette of Italy says that by a law of June 27. 1903, the exportation of antiquities found in excavations and that have an archaelog- J leal and artistic value?also articles of ; antiquity of artistic value in possession of private parties, regarded by | the Government as having great value j for historical and artistic purposes?is i forbidden. The law is to be in force , j for two years. Bulletin Bubbles. (Philadelphia Hulletin.) A poor lot?potter's tleld. In hot weather even a straw hat is ; fr-l? ----Dead letters do not require a "post" i < mortem. . j < An up-to-date newspaper doesn't al- ! ways wear a stylish wrapper. , A stingy man may hedge and still , I not he a hedgehog. When some men get a joh they are ! between two fires. The Worm Turns. (Philadelphia Press.) "You're forever trying to give the j impression that you're a martyr," j snapped Mrs. Henpeek. "I suppose you want everybody to think that you suffer in silence." "No." replied Mr. Henpeek; "I suffer in the perpetual absence of silence A little silence would be a positive I pleasure to me." I o * o ??o st o a* o o * o ??c n o ?* o o s? o ? o |(aPUDINESSS2u!| p. y t'ffect* f?-lt i mined'.- X O ntflr. ^ 10. J5 and SOc. at Drugit>>r*s. X j ofcolaofco^olaoucvsoVioitolitolaoVicvii Good Pills A .. D:1ln 1 I a rnia uic ^uuu livci pills. You Know that. The best family laxative you can buy. They Keep the bowels regular, cure constipation. Want your moustache or beard I a beautiful brownor rich b!ack? Use | BUCKINGHAM'S DYE! ; nm ? ? r?wi <>h h ??. ho i a ?*o . nahhpa. w il Medical coluge of Virginia. Kit'iMI. hr rl 1 S3H ?mmm I)ei ?rlni(!nti ut Medicine, Dentistry and ehnrmacy. The Sixty-Mxth hot] eion will roiniiifiit'o September Ui), IttJU. TuU t on fees xiui living rxi<?n>en are moder- ! ate. For Announce:u? nt and further Informa| Mon. addroa. t'lirl.lo pltcr Tnmpkliie, 1*1. E?., Urun, ICIeli inond. Vlraiull Reflections of a Baohelor. (New York Press.) One trouble with the clothes women I wear is they have no place to scratch | matches on. Just as soon as a girl goes to luni cheon with married women she begins I to think she is wordly. Nothing makes a woman so furious as to picture how sweet and sympa- < thpth* l)Dr hit tDroof rival ivaiiI<I lw? of her funeral. 1 When a woman gots nervous over : l;er husband's working so late at night in his office it is a sign she doesn't bell evehim. STRAIGHT 1 Aching backs are eascll. Ilip. back, and loin pains overcome. Swelling of the limbs, rheumatism, and dropsy signs vanish. They correct urine with brick-dust sediment, high colored, excessive, pain in passing, dribbling, frequency. Doan's Kidney Pills dissolve and remove calculi and gravcL Itelievo heart palpitation, sleeplessness, headache, nervousness. Tp.i.i, Citv, Ino.? I received the free trial of Doan's Kidney Pills. They are splendid. I had an awful pain in my back ; on taking tho pills the paiu left me right away and I feel like a new man.? Stephen Schaefer. Mrs. AnniK Andiikws, R. F. D. No. 1. Bkodhkad, Wis., writes : I received the free trial of Doan's Kidney Pills with much benefit. My little nephew was suffering terribly with kidney trouble from scarlet fever. Two doctors failed / to help him and he finally went into [ spasms. llis father gave him Doan's Kidney Pills and from the second dose I WORN OUT, D Are Most Women in Summer ?Pe-ru-na is a Tonic of Efficiency. I OSKPH J .* K MOKKIS. 236 Carroll St., I r) Brooklyn, N. V., write?: "l'criina is a tine uieUicine to take any time of ttie vear. but i have found it cs i penally helpful to withstand the wear and tear of the hot weather. 1 have taken it now for two summers, and feel that it ha* ..opt my system free from malaria. a"d also kept me from having that worn-out, dragge<i-oi:t look which so many women have. "I therefore have no hesitaney in saying th.?t I think it is the finest totnc ill the world."? Josephine Morris. PeruTia is frequent ly used as a mitigation of the < .%cls of hot weather. W hat a hath is to the skin. I'eruna is to the mucous membranes. I lathing keeps the skin healthy, Pcruna makes tho in neons membranes clean end healthy. With the skin ?ii?I mucous membranes i:i good working I order, hot weather can be withstood with ' very little suffering. Prequent bathing with an occasional use | of Per una is sure to mitigate the horrors of hot weather \t 1 ..I..... I. I. Mpl REPEAT!! \ No matter what your prefercn< A some one or the eight different L\ will suit you. Winchester Ri: \ ble for shooting any game, f | and in many styles and weifi V select, you can count on its b -Jft reliable in action and a strong, jjUg FREE t Cur 160-pjgt WINCHESTER REPEATING AF #RipnnsTnbulcsan the best dyspepsia medicine ever made. A hundred millions si them have heen sold in the United States in a single year. Kvery illness arising from a disordered stomach is relieved or cured l?y their use. So common is it that diseases originate from the stomach it may be safely as senea mere Ik no condition of ill health that will not be benefited 01 cured by the occasional use of Uipans Tnbules. Physicians know them ami speak highly of tlieui. All druggists sell them. The five-cent package is i enough for an ordinary occasion, ami I the Family Hot lie. sixty cents, contains j a household supply for a year. One | generally gives relief within twenty minutes. rnypEWRlfFRs | CHEAP! M TV* 1 ot -*o'?nil-t>? ?i Machine* of hII tnnkeg t?V?n a* part p?y for the OllVrr Mh> teniae for quirk buyer*, i J. li. < liA Y'l'ON, v h ulutte. N. C. Majors and Jlinors. Arrangements have been completed for the return of President Roosevelt and his family, anil the executive force to Washington. The nnrtv will leave Oyster Hay next Monday niorh- i ing. at i> o'clock on u special Long I Island Railroad train. In order to secure fortification of his milk by the milk commission of New York city the dairyman must have a clean cement floor stable, with whitewashed walls and abundant windows. Cows must he sponged and their tails scrubbed before each milking, bottles and utensils scalded and filled bottles kept on ice and shipped only in refrigerator cars. 'O THE SPOT the pain was less. lie began to gain ! ami is to day r. well boy, his life saveu by Doan's Kidney Tills. Ruddles Ivy.? I received the free tria. of pilis. They did me great good. I had bladder trouble, compelling me to get up often during night. Now I sleep well ; no pain in net* of bladder; pain in hack is gone, also b^daclie.? J no. L. lill.L. K vow Y NAME. TATE for trro trt?l boi. mail thin eotmnn to ToaWr-Mtlinii n >'< , lluftaio. N Y li l?ro I* Inaufflnxnt, wnu> kldrrn on H|? rata all p. MKDIC'AL ADVICE FJOKK. RA66ED OUT, Mm. Tressie Nelson, 1'22 Broad St., * Nashville. Tenn., writes: { ".4s Peruiid Aa.i done mr a e { tcorl d of good., I feel (n duly* J bound to tell of it, in hopes that ? J it may meet the eye of some wo ? man who has suffered as I have, e * " For five years i really did not I J know what a perlectly well day t J was, and If I did not ha ve head- J ache, I had bitc/c ichr or a fiain * } somewhere and really life wa* J not worth the effort 1 made to* { keep going. * t "A good friend advised me to* J usr I'eruna and / was glad to try t J anything, and I am very pleased X J to say that stjr b dtles ma te a new J woman of mr and J h'tve no more J pains anil tlfe looks br(;hl + J of/nin.9'?Mrs. Trrsslr \rison. 4 ered that the depression .>f hot wentIkt and the rigors they hate been in the habit of attributing to malaria quickly disappear when they use IVrmia. ''"his is why l'cruna is so popular witii them. IV rutin provides clean inueous membrane*, and the clean inueous im-nibrnuca do the r?Kt It you do not derive prompt and xatisfactory ri'sult.s from the use of IVriutJi write at once to l)r. Ilurtninrt c.vni" a full statement of vour t.t-c. ami he will Ikpleased to give you lus \alu.tble advice gratis. Address IV. Hart man. President of 'l*lie 11 art man Sanitarium, Columbus, O. ?a???mm -?>, rj ^ RIFLES :es are about a rifle, Jsj l! : Winchester models I les are made in calibers suita- /i rom rabbits to grizzly bears, M ;hts. Whichever model you S eing well made and finished fij , accurate shooter. Jim. illustrated catalogue. _/0 8/1 l^S^CO^N^EWJ^A VE N, CON N W. L. DOUGLAS *3.S2&*3 SHOES wot! You can save from i?>3 to $5 yearly by wearing W. L. Douglas ?3.50 or .-i3 shoesThey equal tlioso that have been' cost- y ing you from ?4.00 / * t. to So.00. The im- f mease sale of W. L. LI touglas shoes proves iWfiS|v tlieir superiority over HpT/ x^N>ull other makes. 'i WJr Kolil by retail shoo j- / dealers everywhere. i-* Look for nauio ami i Thai Mouirlns iikcm Cor- /L niiaColt proves there is value In Oouitlas shoe*. Corona Is the blithest raffiSa/X:- /mff&fltSu Itraile Pal.Leather male. IvaE? S4 Oilt </.? * Line -ennot br rnunlled a' any price. Shoes by mall, 25 rents e\lra. Illustrated Catalog free. W. L. POt'llLAK, Itrorkton. JImi. a o+o*o*c 40*0 <) <: <> ? ? ? | fOUN AliLLS and i 5 V HILLSTONES $ If In need of Corn Mill or Millstone* Q 0 too will Olid It toyour Interest lo<*orre?|if?n<l 1 with I A It \ III' l.?fll\K to. O 0 t'? rron, X. I', manufacturers of Corn aJ Mills from the fam-ots Mmrr county t.rlu q 040*CHO*0?CKO*0?040*040< hu. 40. r 'gaHriBBf.-. - c. acaaMmMMi ilSAWMltteli 3 with Ilfpe't Univer-al l.oir Uranm.ItKtllln-l sear, Simultaneous Set Works and the Ilea-19| iTcock-Klnir Variable Feed Works are uuei-l joclled for accckacy, simplicity. iicrauii-u ' 11ty ami kask in oi'Kration. Write for ftlllH ; ^descriptive elrettlars .Manufactured Sy theB l'? I HON W OKK9.W ln-ton Sn om.N.C.I 1 wmwMv.vz--?ma NO MORE . .. CURLS IN YOUR HAIR *j>. a* e < * Carpenter's OX^SROW POMADE <nrw?n?t >" '*trATl<>*? ) T?Rm thorn out and Vreps vniir nraipln ?i<'eni1lil a)iai?? lnt'> tho harir <tn. That'll why you ne?d It. It'a highly porfuuiort, too. PRICE, 25 CENTS. At tha Drug Htora. or mMlort on reootpt of* / nonta In ntaini*. LAddrwas. CARPENTER & CO., Louisville, Ky. The Effervescent Stomach Cleanser Pi w A lr &yj prevent* heartache*. ^ ??jL blliou^nesa, con?ti|4ktlr.n. At Dntginala. aoe. and SI, ttara tiy Auwiawn TAItKAVT d'O. Phyaiclann alur? 1S44. tl JajNtrrrl. V w Vwrli IgaBOHnaBEEHBi CHRIS WHIM All HSi SAILS. Bj Bent Cough ayrup. Taataa Good. UN H In ttraa. Hold by drurgWla. It