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| Half- Sick | flliJUWM ,unoa: ^TcaaagjBna?^ i 1 44 I first used Aycr's Sarsaparilla Q I in the fall of 1848. Since then I g I have taken it every spring as a B blood- purifying and nerve- ? 1 "trengthening medicine." j S. T. Jor?ps, Wichita, Kans. 3 If you feel run down, I I are easily tired, if your u I nerves are weak and your I 3 blood is thin, then begin | 1 to take the good old stand- | lard family medicine,| a Aycr's Sarsaparilla. y It's a regular nerve E I lifter,' a perfect blood fc bUiiCiCr. $I.OSaboU!t. AM draft's**Ask your doctor whnt ho tlilnU* of Ayar's j I flar?*i'<?r11U. He known *U about till* Kr:tnil 3 old family ineallrln? Follow hln advice and p. J. t\ ATKIS Co.. Lowell. Mui. t o ?* o wt o k o 11 c n o *: c it. o ?r o ??o ?* o r. c * o i (apudine sssl 1 3 F.ftects felt luimedl- "1 * ntely. C 10. VSaod 30c. at Pruyatore?. oVlCilOVBO;?0"MO' !JOV?O^Oi?OMOVSOV:0<d So. :m. Sour Stomach! "I tiaeal Paararetn and feel like a new man. I have taeen n nfterer from alyain-paia anal sour atomaa-h I for the laat two years. 1 have been laklni; me.11 cine and other alruu*. hut caauld 11ml no relief oiuj for a ahort time. I will recommend (?aaa-arets limy frtenaU aa tho only thtuc faar I mllnea tlon and ' nu'i V nrrjl m<3 IK'WflH 111 gOOl] COU ! ditlon. They are very nice to cat." llarry Stucklcy, Mauch Chunk, Pa. Best For tXW3>C??W^8 Plcacant.. Palntnhln, Potent Tarto Gr?n?l. OoGooi, I Never Sicken, Weaken or <iri|?e. 10e 2.'??v 50c. Never j aohl In Imlk The irontiliie tablet Mt/.nipoti C C C. j Ouaruntnod to cure or your money hack Sterling Remedy Co., Chicago or N.Y. 599 ANNUAL SALE, TEH :.MLLiOil EOKES TALKS OF CIRCUS GERM. Veteran Shcwman Says There Is ' Fascination In the Life. "There is a charm, a fascination about circus life thnt is hard to explain," said a veteran showman. "It is surely a tough existence, being buffeted about from place to place, often without a bed to sleep In, and tlio wages, outside of the salaries paid to a few stars, are amazingly small. Yet when a man once gets a taste of circus life It's nil up with him. He's never good for anything else, and never wants to be. There must he a germ, bred of the sawdust, that gotn Into the blood. Take tho canvasser, for Instance. They get $20 a month and their board, which usually con- j alsts of bad grub and an impromptu bod In a wagon. Often they don't tako their clothes off for weeks at a time. There's one fellow I know who possesses more than the average intelligence. lie has a trade, and 4durlng the winter he makes, on an average,' $20 a week. And yet just as soon as the circus season opens he throws up his Job and goes out on tho road with j a show for $20 a month. In almost every town tho management is bex sieged by men and boys who want to go along, and many of them offer their services for their board. It's a quoer state of affairs." SUFFFRF.D FOR FIFTEEN YFARS. % upiiui'iri; iicaiurt'il lo llrullli. Mrs. r. ttrunzel. wife of P. Brunzel, took denier, residence 3111 Grand Ave,, Everett, Wash., says: "For fifteen years I suffered with terrible * jL pain in my back. I i?. experimented with doctors atld inediclues, but got little if any relief, I nc- , tually believe the aching in my back |2j?TV \*vV and through the fflfrCvV \ Kroin became worse. K&> \ I did not know what it was to enjoy a M night's rest and arose in the morning r^ivL* 'Vi'jjjj feeling tired und un- ' refreshed. My sufferlng sometimes was simply indescrtbnble. Finally, I saw Doan's Kidney Pills advertised und got a box. After a few doses I told mv husbaml that I wan fading much better and that the pills were doing me good. When I finished that box I felt like a different woman. I didn't stop ut that, though. I continued the treatment until I had taken live boxes. There was no recurrence until a week ago, when I began to feel miserable again. I bought another box and three days' treatment restored me to health. Doan's Kidney Pills act "cry effectively, very promptly, relieve the aching pains niul all other annoying diflleultles. I have recommended them to many people and will do so when opportunities present themselves." A free trial of this great kidney medicine whleh cured Mrs. Brunxel will be mulled to any part of the United States on application. Address Foster-Mllburn Co., Buffalo, S. Y. For sale by all druggists. Price BO cents per box. ' ? \ mm mm ii - *.. BILL ARP IS DEAD. The Southern Philosopher Rests From His Writings. LIVED TO SERENE OLD AGE. His Wise end Witty Sayings Have Bern Long Popular in Southern Homes. Cartersville, Oa., Special.?Major Charles H. Smith, widely known by the people as "Bill Arp," died at his home, "The Shadows," late Monday evening, after an illness of many months, which within the past three weeks had become serious. Following nr. operation for the removal of gall stones, several days ago, he became gradually weaker, most of the time unconscious, until the end. Of his family, his wife, four daughters and two sons were nt his side. The four other sons, two in Texas, one In Mexico, and Carl Smith, of Now York city, have been summuned by telegraph. The funeral will be held Wednesday morning. Major Smith was born at Lawrenceville, Ga., June 15, 1826. Disquieting Rumors. Sofia. By Cable.?With the rumors of massacres and the murder of prisoners in Monastlr now authenticated, the general situation is considered here as fast becoming intolerable. Official and diplomatic circles alike are concerned, having every reason to fear that only a part of the horrors enacted in the interior of Macedonia have come to light as yet. The revolutionary committees are doing their utmost to force the hands of the lluV garian government and the immediate outlook is exceedlingly serious. It appears that the Turks have obtained the upper hand iu the villavet of Monastlr and the insurgents are planning to move the centre of their activity close to the Bulgarian frontier. Dispatches arriving today from the disturbed area are exceedingly gloomy. From Andrianople comes the news of a Turkish defeat and the extension of the revolutionary outbreak from Monastlr. the news of Turkish victories is accompanied by barbarious excesses. While many cf the reports remain without confirmation, sufficient au thentic details are forthcoming to ranse the authorities the greatest anxiety. According to the Sofia D'Nevrlck the Turks committed unspeakable atrocities at Krushevo. The mutilated corpses of 90 women nnd children wero found in one building; pieces of the bodies had been thrown into the street. Fifteen of the principal merchants of the town were killed and their heads exhibited on poles. At Monastlr the churches were demolished. the houses sacked and the town is now in a heap of ashes. The populace lied to the hills, where they are in a starving condition. The D'Nevrlck also asserts that a general massacre has taken place In the whole villayet of Monastlr. Nearly all of the villages have been destroyed. The treacherous murder of 80 insurgent prisoners by their guards near Monastlr has made an especially bad impression here. Many rumors are current of massa crcs in the city of Andrlanople. but confirmation is 'acking. The situation there, however, undoubtedly is serious. The population is afraid to leave the houses. The prisons are full. When the Russian consul protested at the situation, the Vali is reported to have answered that he was powerless against the fanatical population. Cost of Car 5trike. Richmond. Va., Special.?The strike of street railway employes here was officially declared off shortly after noon Monday. It had lasted just G9 days. and is estimated to have cost the street car company $150,000, the strikers in loss of wages $50,000 ,th? Stato. by reason of the necessity for trooj s to maintain order, $75,000 and the city for special police, etc., $5,000. One man was shot and killed by soldiers durir.g the progress of the trouble, and one jnotorman was fatally stabbed by another, while scores of persons have been more or less seriously injured in various ways as a result of 'the disturbance. Fires at Ft Paso. El Paso. Tex., Special.?Flva flrsv have broken out within the past 2-. hours, and suspicions of Incendiarism have been confirmed. Fires have been a<nrto/1 In ~ <?*?? ?* U.?. 111 IIIV 1 noiucuro il VV 111 lit ID Crawford, In the Texas Pacific station and in other places, but watchfulness and prompt action made the losses trivial. Great anxiety exists and tha - force has boen Increased. Killed Prominent flan. Punta Gorda. Fla., Special.?Sunday morning at 3 o'clock E. E. Williams was shot and killed by E. B. Polk. Both were prominent men. Deputy Marshal Nick Lang-ford attempted to arrest Marion J. Walker, who was intoxicated and resisted arrest. E. E. Williams, who was assisting the deputy marshal, struck Walker with a club, when Polk, who was with Walker, shot him through the right breast. Polk was arrested and locked up in jail. S \ Aliss Gannon, Sec'y Detroit? Amateur Art Association, tells young women what to do to fl vnirl nnin on/4 1 u>viu I^UUI UIIU ouiitiiu^ mubcu by female troubles. " I can conscientiously recommend Lydia E. Pinklmm'a Vegetable Compound to those of my sisters , suffering with female weakness and the troubles which so often befall women. I suffered for months with general weakness and felt so weary that 1 had hard work to keep up. I had shooting paina nnd was utterly miserable. In mv distress 1 was advised to use I.yuia E. IMukhnin's Vegetable Compouiid, and it was a red letter day to me when 1 took the first dose, for at that time my restoration began. In six weeks I was a changed womun, perfectly well in every respect. I felt so elated and happy that I want all women who suffer to get well as I did."?Miss Gun.A GannojT, Din Jones St.. Detroit, Corresponding Soe'y Mich. Amateur A rt A ssoeiation. ? 3S000 forfeit If original of above letter proving genuineness cannot be produced. It is clearly shown in this voting lady's letter that T.ydia E. l'iiikham's Vegetable Compound will surely cure the sufferings of women ; and when one considers mat iriiss **aimon's letter is only one of hundreds which we have, the preat virtue of Mrs. IMnhhnm's medicine must he admitted l?v all. In England the annual consumption of southern fruit amounts to fifteen pounds a head. In Germany It averages not quite three pounds a head. The Rivera memorial to the late Queen Victoria iu to take the form of a cottage hospital at Nice. lli'Wiirti of Ointment* I'or <\?t?rrl? That Contain Mercury, ns mercury will surely destroy the sonso of smell nu I completely derange the whole -vstem whoa entering it through the mucous hurfaces. Such articles should never be used e.V'-ept on pr - wiptt fr -tn reputable physicians, as the damage they will <1 "> Is ton fold | to tho good you can po-ulbly de;?vo front ttiem. Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufacture I by 1**. J. Clioney ,y Co., Tolodo, ().. contains ! no mercury, and is taken internally, acting ; directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of tkeaystoiu. In buying Hall's Catarrh Curo , lie sure you get the genuine. It is taken in- I terually, and ma le iu Toledo, Ohio, by F. J. Cheney & Co. Testimonials froo. boUl by Dra-'^i'.ts; price, 7.V. per bottle. Hall's Family Pills arc the best. Hundreds of Indian laborers are be- i ing recruited for service in the Koffyfontein diamond mines near Kimber- : ley Edward Hallry Introduced mercury as the liquid for use in thermometers in 1GS0 The Behavior of Crowds. ' The Japanese papers are discussing the comparative characteristics of British and Japanese crowds. The oc- i casion was furnished by the rerent ^ festivities which have occurred in . Japan, more especially with the Em- | peror of Japnn's visit to Kobe and 1 the opening of the Osaka Exhibition. ! Tlte Kobe Chronicle is very complimentary to the Japanese, and do- i clares: "Probably there is no country in the world where such good order, politeness, nnd consideration for others and general decorum prevails as In Japan in this matter." "Horseplay is generally conspicuous d>- us ansence. and drunkenness Is a comparatively rare concomitant." The Kobe Chronicle docs not like the conduct of the Japanese police in ! insisting upon the uncovering of heads long before the Kmperor's carriage comes in sight, but it likes the quiet behavior of the crowd. "The almost funeral silence with which his Majesty the Emperor of Japan is greeted by his subjects naturally seems somewhat strange to Westerners. But the feeling of loyalty is there Just the same. In both countries the people will travel miles and suffer innumerable inconveniences to honor their sovereign, and though diametrically opposite In expression the spirit is Identical. The Englishman enjoys his way of honoring his King best, and the Japanese prefers his own way; of the two, tho latter is undoubtedly the more impressive, and it is probable that the Westerner has more genuine appreciation of the quietude of a Japanese crowd under such conditions than has tho Japanese for the shouting, crushing, nnd crflnlnv of a cnfhnrlni' of Wnct. orn people.?T.option Mail. The Academy, In the course of nn editorial entitled "Exuberance," thus laments, concerning tne writers of today: "Whether it come of their high living or plain thinking, or whether because it be in the monotonous hurry and unsocial crowding of city life, it is certain that literature, in spite of the quantity of books, has been smitten with a kind of chilliness of moderation, caution, sensitiveness, depression, drooping, green sickness, mediocrity, wasting, sterl'lty and mope, from which we all sufier." Seattle. Wash., and St Michaels, Alaska, are now connected by telegraph. / / lifc, / /' / y There Is No Unbelief. There Is no unbelief! WhoPver plants a seed beneath the eod And waits to see It push away the clod. Trusts he In God. There Is no unbelief! Whoever says, when clouds are In the sky. lie patient, heart, light breakoth by and by. Trusts the most High. There Is no unbelief! Whoever sees 'neath winter's fields of snow The silent harvests of the future Brow. God's power must know. There Is no unbelief! Whoever lies down on his couch to sleep. Content to lock each sense In slumber deep. Knows God will keep. There Is no unbelief! Whoever says to-morrow, the unknown, Tho future trusts that power alone Nor dares disown. There Is no unbelief! Tho heart that looks on when dear eyelids closo And dares to live when life has only woes. God's comfort knows. There Is no unbelief! For thus by day and night unconsciously The heart lives by that faith the Hps deny. God knoweth why. Runnino Extraordinary. Tf we would see the most remarkible racing In the world we must go 0 the rave-dwellers of Mexico. Enlurance nnd distance covered are more steemed among these people than ipeeil in running. They will run a listanre of 170 miles at a stretch, gong at a slow trot, tunning steadily mil constantly. Frequently a letter iaa been carried from Guazapores to Chihuahua, a distance of over COO riiles. In five days, tho carrier living ill tho time on a simple diet of pinole. 1 finely ground corn mixed with water to a thin kind of gruel. Good Way to Encourage Saving. In Germany workirgmen are visited it their homes on paydays by savings Dank officials, to collect their savings !or banking. FITS rormnn^ntly cured. No fltsor nervousness after first day's use of Pr. Klino's Groat Nerve Kent oror. t!'it rim bottle nud troattsefree l?r. It. H. Ki.isk, Ltd., SSI Arch St., PhilH.,l*a The slurgnrd may go to the ant. but the mosquito \s ill meet luni inorc than half way. MT.WIr.slovT'sS jothla^iyruu to- ohlltlcv i teething,softo itho gums, reduces inlla-nmnlion.aUnyspal t,oure? \riiidoolic.2ac. nbuttlo When a woman begins to pnv full faro for Jier children she realizes that she is getting along in years. rino'sCure tor Consumption ts an InfaUlb'.e medicine for coughs and cold*.?N. NY. blMl't.1., Ocean Grove, N. J., Feb. 17, l'JO). The opinion \vc have of ourselves is never ?o valuable as the opinion other people have of us. Putnam Fadkukss Uyeu are fast to light ami washing. The good die young, especially good resolutions. Cross? Poor man! He can't help it. He gets bilious. He needs a ^ood liver pill?Ayer's Pills. They act directly on the liver, cure biliousness. Iv/ant votir rronstnche or honriTl a beautiful brown or rich black? Uso BUCKINGHAM'S DYE1 FIFTY CT>. iTnBrMjl.?T^P P ?. I'U I .? ? <>.. II. ?10 Q 8 B B BE E 0 a 11D S QCMMUUMtlCUUkllCaHM | EVERY SH307En 5 who ^! 1flKOUNITION I ju ia Hhu a feeling of confidence in m his cartridges. They don't ^ * misfire and always shoot where E y j you aim. fl a Tell your dealer U. M. C. a Rwhcn he asks "What kind?" ?, Sea J for catn tog. ^ ' The Union Metallic Cartridge Co. [] Bridgeport, Conn. fj !!SSISS11S!!1S1S flggf)^ ' ??new Loaded Biac shoot stronger tthan any oth shells on the they are load and made it Try them. T1 ^tfce flunti 3 SCHOLARSHIPS AwarJ APPLY AT ONCE. Location--A Health Resort. Beeuli modern conveniences. 14 Deptrtmrn September 23. I have charge of the C( JOHN II. NOKMAN. Mus. Doc. <Oxfo Apply for catalogue. A Intelligence, fidelii I Are controlling prl not plea wtth Kacuity at A tl'IIOOL, VNHy, Virginia, and the Couth. Wiite lor catalogue. JA.11K | CATARRH DESTRO Was Miserable?Could N Pe-ru-na I s Many Persons Have > Catarrh and Don't j Know It. Mr. James M. Powell, 688 1 Troost Btrect, Kansas City C Mo., Vieo Grand of I. O. i O. F., of Cherryvillo, Kan., c writes: "Abeit tonr years ago I i suffered with a severe citarrh of the bladder, which caused continued Irritation t and pain. I was miserable ) and could not stand up or ) walk for any length of s time without extreme S 0.'| weariness and pain. I bc~ ? |/? ] pan taking Peruna nnd It t I greatly relieved me, and In S eleven weeks I was com- / pleiely cured and felt like <[ xCTfc^ anew man."'"James M. \ 4^1 V, I Powell. > hundreds of f>oIlurs Spent '[ In Vein. Mr. Cyras Horshman, 1'-^^-? Blioridan, Intl., writes: "Two years ago I was a 6ick man. Catarrh had set- S tied iu the pelvic organs, making life a burden and giving me little hope of recovery. I spent liun- i dreds of dollars in medicine which did i me no good. 1 was persuaded by a friend to try Peruna. I took it two weeks without much improvement, but i kept n? with if nnri ciwim ? n ...... .. ...... uwu mjjau IU ?t'll 1 and strong very fast. "Within two i months 1 was cured, and have l>een well I ever since. 1 atn a strong ndvoeato of l'enina."?C. Ilershman. Pcruna cures catarrh of the kidneys, i liver and other pelvic organs, simply 1 I TuT"" " " Mi \\ \:L^\y ^ TrtciKUOL WEZj I ? mam u.?s Jy, CIICD ClOttllNC *m es?s> ZL&ptJ; Mid? -n With cr jreliow for til kir.ds i)K/L * / / 1 of wet work On wk everywhere. ,Jr\ \\ \ / I Look for the iijn of the hsh.wvd / L\\ \Av<{ j the nww TOWcR on the buttons. /P>X/\ ^JJ I ? J T>Wl. C?- iOlTC* .kit U ? A / '1 A V? / 1 Tcmi (imiiii it m rtwro.iu J /?/?7 Tv3?-f 1*-^- ' r-^-? ' -1 Medical college of Virginia. KutiMlahr.l 1H38. Dpi ?rtm?nt< of Medicine, Dentistry and I'hiirmscy, 1 he Sixtv-slxtti So?| slon will oommeiico September '-J, 10 M. Tul(tnin fees mid living ?-i:#u?es arc moderate. For announcement and further Inform*- I th.n. address. Clt rlstoplier Tom pkliia, ' .tl. ti.. Iiran, icteh moiid, vii;,iiiin ! S^EB3ggaBBBBB KSAWMILLSSsSp 1 Jj with Hope's I'nlversal Loir Beams,FtcetlUn-1 i lifuar, Simultaneous Set Worksand the Hea-D Meoek-Kinp Variable Feed Works are unex-9 i (JJoelled for acci'ract, aiwiM.iciTv. nritAtiii.-53 [jiTy ani> kask ok oi'KRation. Write for full W [3de?ierlptlve elreultirs. Manufactured by thvi.1 I A^. 11U N\W H IKS ,\\ I m-ton-bn lem.N.C. ^ tOropsy II Removes all swelling ?u 8 to so days; elTects n permanent cure in joto 6o dnvs. Trinl treatment given free. Nothingcan be fairer Write Or. H. H. Greon's Sons. SoecUlitls. Box R. Atlanta. Qa. O o+o o+c okj eo>c o+o +o <: o if TORN MILLS and i. o W HILLSTONES ?! If In nee.l nf r? uni ? ? | O you will Huil It to jrour lu'trmt to corrrt., oml ? ! I with CAROLINA Mil LfTONK I (I. O SI a rrvn, M. . tnaiiufaitlurer. of torn ^ Mill* from tho fauioiu Moore County t'rlu q o?o?o?o^o^o^o^o?o^o?o^o ! ATLANTA COLLEGE OF PHARMACY. Free PWnen.itry, only oolletre In the IT. 9. oj. i-riitliiRit ilruit Htore. Iicinaud for ttratluntei irrenter than we can supply. Address I?R UI.O. F. i'AYNK, Whitehall, Atlunta, On. j so. ua. he CUMS *MfKl ALL ILM IAtl4,El fM Bo?t Coujth hyrup. l'aativi Ootid. U#e 12 la tine. Hold by <|ri:if?t*ta. Pj?3 . ; | ' RIVA!." k Powder Shells ij&Sy ' and reload better ler black powder market, because ed more carefully X j| lore scientifically. ^ I j| tiey are Wf h IS lR*5 It d by Claremont Female College. - - HICKORY. N. C. iful Scei\erw. Commodious Buildings with all I* of Study. 14 Teachnri. Rotes $140. Opens )NSERVATORY Of MUSIC of Claremont College, rd. England, and Leipsic. Gt.'many), Director. t. J. HOLIjy, President. Y, Enthusiasm, Courtesy; id cad eta of the PIHIIBUKNK.RILITAKY i huve matin fnr it k reputation throughout S A. blMIUlltNB. A. B., Prtuclfiul. V YS THE KffiMS _ r ot Stand Up or WalkCured. if |i wlfew i JAMES M.POWELL. bocatiso it cnres catarrh wherever located. No other systemic catarrh remcdy has as yet boon devised. Insist upon having Pertma. Thero oro no medicines that can bo substituted. If you do not derive prompt anil satis- * factory results from the use of Peruna, write at oneo to l>r. ITartman, giving & full statement of your ease and ho will be pleased to give you liis valuable advice gratis. Address Dr. Ilartman, President of The Ilartman Sanitarium. Columbua. O. rHYPE WRITERS CHEAP! B r.lK 1 ot -ccnnd.hi <1 Mitrh'rie* of ?? nil nnkt>s tnk-n . ?> part ;>?y for 111? Ollvt*r ?h *sin? Kir nuick Irivertu J. li. CR.tY I O>,i h tilutte, N. C? ItlfansTahulesare '!i'' i,os' dyspepsia V:>^>)l>u><>i'*'l)0 ('v,'r uiud*. A hundred millions litlctu have been V?l ''Ww sold in the United ifT^ Stuns iu a single year. Every illness arising from n disordered stomach is relieved or cured by tin ir use. So common is it that diseases originate from the stomach it nuy lie safely asserted there is no cmditlon of 111 health that will not >o benefited or cured by the occasions use of Itlpan* Tabules. I'liysieians blow them and speak highly of them. All druggists sell theiu. The flvc-cnt package 1? enough for an ordinal* occasion, and the Family Bottle, slxt'cents, contains a household supply f? a year. One generally gives relief: within twenty minutes. W. L. bbJCLAS S3.2S & s3 SHOES? You can save from #3o $5 yearly ly wearing W. L. Douglas 3.50 or $3 shoes. Tlioy equal those _ >?>/ that have been cost- V ing you fvoia 34.00 , v? j to fvb.OO. Tho im- j mouse salo of \V. L. * .Ifei Douglas shoes proves jArt .TW tholr superiority over v-7 S? all other makes. j %n] Sol?l bv retail sboo -J dealers "everywhere. kSfflLsfc;# L*/ Look for naiuo and i ro~*jSL, price on l>ottoin. 'i? That lloiurln* uses Cor- J x onaColt proves there Is value in Ihiu^las shoes. (Sx\S.v >4* ' J 'wK. Corona Is the hiirliest gr.nlc Pat.Leather in.vle. :A; .?"/W f'ttAt t.'.i'or Kyrln* lunt. / Our $4 Qllt Ed/a I inr -I'nno * raunlleaal any prioe. Shoes I)) mall, ?5 rei. extra. Illustrated Catalog free. IV. L. IMM MS, Ifrotkton. Haas. NO MORE . . CURLS IN YUR HA13 Carpenter's OX UROW POMADE (BFWA'ltt t?? tl TATIOIH > Tak** thorn ont nndkr voir aralrln ?i'Undid aliap*> ln* > th<* >>arv.?in rriat'a why yuq nwa It. It'* highly p?rfuin too. PRICE, ' CENTS. At th? Drtur Htoro, oriallart on racHpt of 28 ionts 1 taints Addr??. CARPEr^ER & CO., Louisville, Ky. \ " Not a poisons. drastic cathartic,* J but un <tgrec >, etfervetfent tlorruiah w cltwiser. It u gently on the liver I and k irtne.vs id Keeps the bowels in \ liealtliy actio thus promoting good M complexionm. i * brnhi* and hrolthy | bodies. Used American Physicians \ for 58 years. J BO* mnd $t.OO I At Drug*s or by mail from y^THE TA Rl? NT^CO^New^Yoric 1 ' X