University of South Carolina Libraries
Local and Personal "Mr. Os Barber went over to lloc]t '.Hill Friday on business. Mr. W. .T. Stewart speivt Friday ,in Charlotte on business. Dr. T. S. Kirkpatrick Pjiejit ^T'htceday afternoon in Charlotte. Mu?. P. K-MuVi is seriously ilJ . ;*t the hoiue of her brother, Mr. .Johnnie Smith, in the Steel Creek jBeotion. Miss Lizzie Culp returned Sat,urdfvy froip a visit to bor relatives, Mr and Mrs. H. E. White, at . fcook Hill.-The infant son of Mr. and Mrs. A. Mills, is, we are pleased to .announce, rocoverin^ from a severe (illness. Contractor A. A. Bradford, Jr., -ims commenced work ou the Bnpitist parsonaue which is to be erected on Confederate street. Mr. B. M. Spratt, of Chester, jgpent Friday w ith his brother, Mr. W. E. Spratl, who iH seriously ill M his h(>tne, west of town. \Ve are pleased to announce that Miss .Gussie Patterson has completely recovered from a recent .severe illness of typhoid fever. Upon the resignation of 11. G. ^Johnston Friday as chief of police, Mr. 11. C. Gulp was elected to temporarily fill the office. Mrs. Louise Beutty, of Cletuson. spent several days of tjie past week ?t the home of Dr. T. B. Meachtun, in this place. We are requested to announce that there will be preaching at the Methodist church next Sunday morning and evening ut the usuai hours. A number of our merchants will leave during the week for the Northern markets to purchase their fall and winter stocks of dry floods and millinery. Miss Carrie K?*e, of Itichbur*;, who ha* been visiting her sister, Mrs. A ex. Barber, in this place, xw^ut to Wadesboro, N. C., Friday for a vikifc to relatives ThefFort Mill Light Infantry is now equipped with Krag Jorgensen ritift, having received sixty ot {these giuis from the adjutant genem! a f< \ days ago. ^r. ?[. L. Meaoham is out again, piler weral days' confinement Jirom ix uries sustained one evening las .week by falling from the {top of V telephone pole near the pome uliMr. Sam Armstrong, south pf tow I? . The following item was handed I us by acitizen of Steel Creek secr tion: Harried Sunday afternoon p by Mr.ti. H. Epps, Mr. Bill Thomasson Ind Miss Mollie Owens, both ufMecklenburg. Mr. Thoniassoti itauite old and MisROwenR is a giriof about H? years of age. The Charlotte Brick Coiripany, 2 milesfcouth of town, has made Iwonderiil progress in manufacturing bri:k during the past, few weeks. The shipments from the plant fo the ten days ending August 2?Stl were forty-five cars of about 1,000 each, or a total of piore tlAi h half-million bricks. , The fil session of the Fort Mill (graded shool began last Monday mojninuwith Prof. J. A. Tate as \ princip^ assisted by Miss Minnie j (jlarrieoLof Pineville, and Misses ! NannniwThornwell and Wren Harris, $ this place. The number of sthlars present the opening (day was 25. York lunty's first bale of new crop cottn was sold in Rock Hill Ion last Wlnesday at 1-4 1-4 cents. The cotta was grown on a farm of Mr. t M. Jones, of Chester, ; situated few miles south of Rock Hill. Thbale weighed 404 pounds and nettf the producer $(>(>.12. Mr._WB. Meacham, cashier of the Savirs Bank, on Friday received fin the government treasury at Wihington $100 in nickles, 1$100 in d ties, $.400 in quarters and $200 in lives. Mr. Meacham says there is aVays a scarcity of change | during th cotton and cotton seed Benson ni. to guard against thin shortage <ch fall orders a suthcient Biipjy to tide hini over. Mr. andMrs. H. T. Bniley, of this placemen!- the distinction of being the dest couple in the township who/ere married prior to the civil w and both of whom are still living This venerable couple were marrd in 1847 and are both Still enjoyig fairly good health, exoept for' rupture which somei what hinde Mr. Bailey's progress of travel. In obedlnce to a card from Mr. ?1. F. Wiace, county pension commission, to Mr. J. W. Ardrey, a me'ing of the Confederate veterans r F< rt Mill township will be hel at Fort Mill on Satur day evenir, September 5, at 4 o'clock. Te purpose of the meeting is to ebt a delegate to a county meeting'o be held at Yorkville on 8eptem?r 14, at which time a county petion board will be elected to serve uring 1904. All veterans of th'township are requested to attei^the Fort Mill meeting. 1?-? I BIG- C STT IN/CUV In order to make ter Goods, we offer all A.O' We also offer out Slippers at your own close them out. You gtesisttj: We mean what s MIWW +*A0*t^+ >1*^1^^ Do not forget the ways filled with a con Another big lot c We can also save 3VE X X_. X_i ? Airs. ?T. K. JJruee ami ehildren. ' I of M'inneboro, art? visiting relatives in Fort Mill. For tlie informali<m of its colored subscribers Tin* Times will state that John Fewell, a young negro man who was roared in lower Fort Mill is now held in tin* Mecklenburg^. C.) jail as an accessory in tlie killing of llobert MrIvane, another negro, who was murdered in Charlotte one night ; some weeks ago. A crowd of negroes were gambling and a tight j arose in which MeKane was killed. ; Fewell, with others, will be tried I hi ilie next term of court which convenes in September. It will also be of interest to the colored ! people hereabouts to know that Ed M'-Kee, colored, is now serving , a thirty day sentence on the Meek| lending roaile foi gambling. __ Dr. Thornwcll at Lancaster. The Lancaster Ledger lias the | following to say of a speech of I )r J. H. Thornwell at a veteran's pic- 1 nic in that place last Wednesday: I "The enjoyment of the occasion ' was added to by a most excellent I dinner?a feast of good things? and tbo further pleasure of listenI ~ 1- ? ? i iii^ iu n i^pieuuiu speecu uy <>11*? oi I their old comrades in arms, Dr. I J as. II. Thornwell, of Fort Mill, i j Throughout lus speech the tlocloi ( was frequently interrupted by deafening applause." - ( Two Glorious Revival Meetings. i 7 1 j Mr. Editor: We observe that | you mentioned in The Times of j last week an interesting revival , meeting at Philadelphia church. , With your permission, we will ! give your readers a fuller account i of the meeting, and also of one just ; closed at Pleasant Hill church. These meetings were remarkable 1 for the constant and large attend 1 j ance of people of all classes and , i denominations. The services were i so similar in conduct and results ! that what might hi' said of one, lean truthfully be said of either. ( ! The most remarkable feature about I these services was the entire absence of outward demonstration, but ft doe)), constant and earnest . I solicitation on the part of both old ' and young, regardless of sect or denomination. To use the expression heard from the lips of uearlv | every one, "It was delightful, re- ' freshing and exilerating." It did one good to see staid men and wo- i men of other views, join iu the 1 the worship of one common Lord There is another remarkable feature connected with these services. ti,4 .... .i.~ a in nun cot niciiiiit ni tin tin* part of tlie young men and Indies. < and children in particidar. (inyety and lightness wore conspicuously absent. It impressed the close observer that the young people attended each service to do pood and pet pood, nnd judping from the bright expression on every face, : they were not the least disappoint- < ed. It is ovor thus. "To him that give, it shall bo given." The preaching at Philadelphia was done principally by Rev. Marvin Auid. of Rock Hill, and at 1 Pleasant Hill by Rov. \V. A- Fairy, of Rlaokstock. Their sermons were clear, strong and logical; carrying IOST S -OIP ATJ?" EER Or< ! room for our large s Summer goods at<v riJAIL. CO! ' entire line of Mens', 1 price. Straw Hats < should see us, for r C3XTE BiVRC ;ay, When we say Co* : fact that our Grocer 1 _X_ I' - - r 1 ? lpicie line 01 cnoicest ( )f Fruit Jars to arrive t you money on Furni s &> i diivicl ion to tin- minds of all that hoard them. "NVe regret that neither of those ministers could spend the Salihath with us, lint other duties required their presence at home. On Sunday night the last service at Philadelphia more than eighty persons, of all denominations puhliHy pled trod themselves to try and become more useful in in**ii several spheres of !i!". A"'l the last night at Pleasant Hill was no exception, about seventy-five making the same pledge of fidelity to Clod and man. We pray God that they may he able to carry it out faithfully to the end. Truly, it was good to he there. All of us feel better able to meet the strain incident upon us in life. Seventeen were received into the Methodist church, and others will unite themselves with other cliur<>li>>u I would to God we could have such fellowship in every town and com- | munity in this fair land of ours. \V * could, there is nothing to prevent us, if we would bury conceited dogmas, eccle&iastieisnis, and for fetch ideas of the decrees, etc. Such things serve only todsssatisfy and disqualify the poor, hungry, weuiy mind for reth ctive thought, (ltev.) \V. A. Whight. A preacher came at a newspaper man in this way: '"You editors io not tell tho truth. If you did you could not live; your newspapers would he a failure.1' The editor replied: "You are rigid, find the minister who will at all1 times and under all circumstances fell the the whole truth about his members, alive or dead, will not occupy his pulpit more than one Sunday, and then he will find it neei essary to leave town in a ' hurry. The pr?s* and pulpit go, hand in hand, with whitewash brushes and pleasant words magnifying little virtues into higones. The pulpit, the pen and the gravestone are the great saint making triumvirate." And the great minister went away looking very thoughtful, while tin editor turn nil til lllK VVlll-lf lllilt ..f llio .JH." i passing beauty of liis bride, while ; in fact she was mh homely as a mild ! fence.? Yellow Jacket. Teachers' Examination. Tin- regular Teachers' Examination will ho hold at Yorkville on Friday, i September INfli, from 9 o'clock a. 111. to 4 o'clock p. in. White applicants will meet in the j Court House. Colored applicants in the l Colored (traded School building. Teachers will provide themselves with pencils and legal cap paper, and lie on hand promptly at the appointed , hour. This will he the last opportunity to get u certitieate until May, I'.HH. JOHN K. CARROLL, Co. Supt. Edncat ion. j HROK KK AGE. __ If you desire to lmy, sell or exchange, City or Count.y Property anywhere in South Carolina, address me. I feel wife iii saying I hnvo the largest assortment i of farms and city projierty of any one I broker in the State. Then my list ! grows ilailv. Will bo glad to have your wan is, or offerings, alao. No business, no charges. Will sell at public or private gale, as may bo preferred by the owners. J. EDGAR POAG, Broker, Rock Hill, S. C. We sell tho Columbia BarLock Typewriters. 8-2H-4tc i 3-A.T i-IiLJ " DODS. tock of Fall and Wim ST. Ladies' and Children's at any old price to low is the time for ^rj^IISTSL >t we mean Cost, I y Department is ah eatables, j his week, ture, >TTnsrc3 White Stone Lithia Water 25 cents r per gallcnat Ardrey's ; E>rug Store, i t The Charlotte | t $ Steam Laundry, I OLDEST, 1 DIGGEST, t f * liEST. * z \ McELHANEY-P&RKS CO. i i t! I Agents, j : Fort Mill, S. C. t I 7 Shipments Wednesday Evenings. J T I \ n DO YOU READ? Jf so, T can furnish you with the following stniKinrd literature: Broadway Magazine 15c Ainsleo's ? 10c McClure's ,, 10c Century ,, 86c Black Cat ,, 05c i Leslie's Popular Monthly lOo . Scribner's 25c I Smart Sot 25c i Strand 10c ! Collier's Weekly 10c Vanity Fair 10c Ladies' Home Journal 10c American Boy 10c JudRO lOo Puck lOo Niokle Magazine 05o Munsey 10o Ar#<iay 10o Also several weekly newspa* pers for sale. jR.. E Parks, At Ardrey's Drug Stort. QT T.QO/lon t<j uuii uua uui Cookii Cook better, last longer than any other stoves. W them eight years and have i firchack, grate, or piece of They cost no more than the New Go Our buyer is now in Ne\ the most desirable goods at Most of our staple goods the recent advance in pric< pared to save you lots of nu chases in this line. L. J. MA* %% vvi4 $ M nil J flr\r\Ac ? 1YWYY VlUUUd $$ 40 dozen MiSses 1-1 K jj to 10, 10 cents. Outings for gowns, kii etc. S* New line Ladies Belts ^ Forty pieces dark prii A new line of Drew, S Ladies shoes, in kid, nat calf, from $2.25 to $3.0 1,500 yards Sea Islam J* at ? 1-3, at 0 cents. Domestics are going so call and get yours ?? higher. | Meacham XTX^X^X^X^X^X^X^X^X^X^X^XX^X* *X*.X*X*X*X*X?vX?>X*X*X*X^X*X *X*X | im iter 11 Tlio moet complete lines of town all now goods, latest sty lea As lt? price, don't mention thi and we will make the prices to sui Two big shipments of the abo should see them before they aro p Our stock of shirts is so good rolling now customers anions the Several times during the past ^ ties to call for a shirt and after se< paring quality and prices with tin 55 them in half dozen lots. \\ McElhaney-l // ' ''^=r--~?=== RUMMER f J\W_^ THE LINE ^Jll ATre THE LINE j\ATES THE LINE ON THE 5UMME Southern ? , {Ofr.. Complete ! M^led Fr m ,. Pw. Triffic Mjr, C?i ^ WASHIMOTOH. D,?. WAS ^ A ... ? Be Patriotic* Patronize 3 lg Stoves and take less wood e have been selling never had a call for a repairs of any kind, ordinary kind. ods. v York searching for the lowest prices. ? were bought before lis, and we are pre>ney on your fall pur?SEY. "j Arriving | ibbcd hose, 5 1-2 lionas, pajamers, 5j> at 50c. J* its. lt|U,r If. i: ^ v?n?j w VjU. A 11 lie cut kid and box i, would be cheap ?5 up every week, i before they go & Epps. | Be Mi I ? & HATS and CAPS in *5 and beat qualities. nt, but ooine to see us t your pocket bow k- It ve lines just in and you if licked over. ff ts. ; that we are daily en- ff shirt-wearers. if week we have had par- \\ fin^ the line and comuse of others, would buy *1 II ^arks Co << ? 1 'L 11 h ~ r" - ^ FOR BUSINESS, FOR PLEASURE, j FOR ALL THE BEST R RESORTS Summer Resort Foldef ee to Any Address. H. Harpwic*. W. H.Tavlo*. VI Pass. Ae?nt, Asst. Gen'I Pass. Act. \ .imhg10m. d.c. atlamta, oa. four home printer. Rig