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FQllT MILL TIMES DEMOCRATIC jPJUBIASUE^) JbiVER^ .WEWJIE^P.VY B. W. BRA&rOkD. Tt i nis of SutacrJ^tion: One yenr ' ......... #4.00"] Six months...' *, ....'. .SO; Three months .25 Correspondence on current subjects In invited, but no responhitylity ,ih as- I punicd for the views of correspondents. ; Anonymous communications \v,iU not j l*e published in ,tbese column^. Fort Mill 'J.'hope (wUh long distance j connections) No".'2G. ? , WEDNESDAY, SKPT'MB'R 2. 4903. I Of course, t ii * blame in being] laid on the tn/pu who suiled the; oh tun .rook 111. 9 9 9 The tint ion lias heaved p sigh of Relief. Tillman says he wantp to quit tho lecture platform. n K ft Sorjie wicked follow has sai<^ the i trouble with Carrie nation is tfi/Ut | she can't let whiskey alone. ' 1 ft ? ft They say John I). Rockefeller's | fortune has shrunk to the tune of about. $80,O<j0,000. If that's so we will have to quit using oil alto- I gel her. * ? Consternation prevails in the jTn ks of the employees of the goveminent printing ofljce. They are all compelled to take the oath of /allegiance to the United States. The only thing lacking to make j those naval maneuvers on the Atlantic coast complete in every 1 respect was the presence of Admiral Cevera and Montojo and their ^Spanish fleets. * * ft Don't forget that every dollar you pay to your home merchant j may in some way iinu its way back to your pocket, whereas if you j ?end if fo the city you simply kiss it an eternal goodbye. ,T Now get nf.ter the scalawags in pklahoina find the Indian Territory and let the pqor Indian for once in ilia life have an honest administration of hia atfaira. He Jiaa been bullyragged and robbed until he ia reduced to a financial gkole.ton, and if something la not done aoon to protect hi in the gharka will have hie bones. ^lot being able to attract Ruffi' cient notice otherwise Judge Wood and Governor Davis, of Arkansas, engaged in a fiat tight at a public speaking, and the alibiing ligld of the supreme court knocked the C A ?1 Ct a 1. ? 1 At I UiriUl niKHIIMHN UU l?je UIH-lOflJI. The presence of Carrie Nation and her hatchet would have made the ppectuele complete. It ia quite refreshing to jiee the Danville, 111., authorities convict. )'ng their lynchers and sending them to the pen, where they belong, Now, if a few other places j will follow suit we may see an end ! jo this sort of lawlessness. There |s nothing like ait olficial with a good stiff backbone for preventing p recurrence of such scenes, but unfortunately we have too few of puch people now in otfjee. The Labor ProbleiTV A northorn paper of note says that there is a greater demand today in the South for both skilled and unskilled labor than ever hefore. And wherein lies the difficulty ? It is not that there is not enough laboring material in the HoutJj. There in. It in becf.use po large h portion of those who can will not work. They Imve utterly mistaken ideas, if any at all, as to the responsibilities of life, find through false metods of education prefer to nhundon tlje farms pud go to tho cities where they expect to spend a large proportion of their time in idleness and live from hand to mouth through odd Jobs, and far too much by crime, f a close estimate of the number of idle, vicious people who spend Iheir time in this way in the South could be made, the figures would pe astounding to say the least. Though, this class is by no means confined to the South. There are large numbers of them in the northern and western cities. It has been said that there are three ways to get a living, earn it, l eu it, steal it. If a man doea not work for Jiis liying, hucI somebody iloea not give it to him, he will net it by dishope-t methods. In many of the cities all over the country the number of people who do not earn their living is ipiitp large. (They l>eg it or steai it. The idea < f colonizing this gre&t army pf the cities of the rpral diatriptn plight be of valpe in the solution pf tl^e prohlerji, provided the surplus would agree to bping colonized. With this ptyn iu successful operation the lalior problem in the agricultural sections of the \Veat as well as the South might pe at' lea|t |>?r^iH^ly soived, tj&im " " ' Tillman Liable to a Heavy Fine. The Raleigh News mid Observer hold that Senator Tillman, because j ^f bis free use cif deadhead priv- ! i leges in the way of tree passes on ! the railroad* n#d free franks from 1 'lie telegraph companies and free transportation from the /express1 companies, is "no worse or no better than his colleagues." That is a generous yiew to take of flic matter, but it is not a correct view, us our contemporary must admit if it ' wijl ouly recall the fact that it was Senator Tillman himself who made1 tilt? fight .against, the use of free passes by any officer of the State government in South Carolina Newji and Courier. The News and Observer says; "Senujo/- Tillman savs that mem- ' hers of congress are 'loaded down with free passes.' The inter-state ! commerce act forbids free passes under a penalty 'not less than SI.- J tJUU ami not more than $5,UUU. I The Nortli Carolina statutes, which j our courts en fores, is a verbatim J copy of the United Slates statute, i Why is it that no federal district ; attorney takes steps to enforce the j United States law? Do federal ' judges and district attorneys ac- j cept these favors? Any member of ; congress, judge or any other public officer who takes them, violates , his oath to obey the constitution ' and laws of the United States." Booker Dined at White Folks' TableMuch criticism has been heard during the p-ist ten days over the action ??f a hotel keeper at liamiet, N. C., in allowing Hooker Wash- 1 ington and party of forty negro i men and women to be fed in the main dining room of the hotel, , while such distinguished gentle- I men as Senator O. A. Devon, Representative Shackleford, and Joel Hurt, of Georgia, were iuvited to take their meal in an improvised dining room arranged in aside department. They declined. The eating house at Hamlet has j the reputation of being one of the j best places along the Southern [ railroads, and traveling men say they never before heard of negroes being served there. Senator Bacon and friends were passengers on a Seaboard train, ami upon reaching Hamlet, walked leisurely to the dining room, which to their astonishment, was oceu pied exclusively by Washington and hiH friends During the meal a number of the local negroes of Hamlet gathered around the windows and with delight watched the movements of Washington and his friends as they ate. When they had finished th" negroes walked out, seated themselves, lighted cigars and waited for the train to depart. ?? Taxes Governor TTeyward, in im interview a few (lnys ngo wiih a Clmr* lotte Observer redorter, had this to i say relative to "the great,(Ueation" of taxes; as the most important matter in this StHte at present: "We Intel to borrow $.'?00,000 for current expenses this year,' said Gov. Hey ward, 'and that should not Iihw been nocessary. The tax returns are not at all adequate or equitable in a very lar<^e number of eases, or, J may say, counties. Land in some of the counties is not returned at more than 2o cents on a proper value and bank stock at more than 50 cents, We have Kood enough laws to remedy this but we need better machinery to enforce the laws. Hut we have a commission now at work, and it is probable that hy legislative act a proper remedy will soon bo at hand." Peonage in Spartanburg. E. C. Daniels, a well known fn rtnAV of KnnrlunKnitif n/?nn ir nn/1 *- ? "fxxil.iuu.n """"V a man of considerable property, was arrested a few days ago by U. S. Deputy Marshal McLane on the charge of violating the United States laws against peonage. The charge against Daniels is brought t>y C. B. Kirby, who swore out the warrant, but the complaint was made by Leonard Brown a 16year.ol I negro youth, who charges Daniels with having kept him in semi-slavery for the past four years. He claims that for all these years he worked for the fanner without receiving recompense of any kind. Every time he would leave the farmer would search him out, severely beat him and take him back to the farm. Daniels, it is stated, will claim that the boy was bound to him for his minority. .? ? All the arrangments having been made and a major part of the cap* i ital stock paid in, the National Bonk of Yorkville opened its doors last Wednesday morning and began its career in the business . world. Mr. O. E. Wilkin* is presi ident and Mr, K. C. Alien cashier. . i . . I ! WANTED?To bay several good ' milch cows with yonng calves. ' ' ' " ' T. B. SPUATf Ansel Will Not Enter Next Race- I The Columbia correspondent of tibe News nnd Courier ip authority for the s'ntement 111fit Mr. j^f. I4. j Ansel will not be h candidate for' governor in the cajnoai^) ^4 n(i.*t summer, pays the Yorkvili# fieesuse of tit? olose jy&ce Mr, Ansel mttde last summer, thin will be somethiuu of a e.urpriae to many; but it seems that this nentleinan has calculated that it would be a waste of tiin,o to tackle Gov. , fleyward in his rac? for a second 1 teng, and frog) the present put- j look there is reason to belieye tb^t ] other uhjn rants will fake the same, view of the matter. It would be I remarkable should Qov. Heyward: l?e reelected without opposition; | hut (hero iB reason to believe tlialj if he does it will not be very atroug. All Trains to Carry M?fUPostinnster tienernl Payne hap j decided to have the mnils carried \ on all trains, whether freight or ' passenger, when patrons along the i line shall ho desire. This will be effected by commissioning couductorn, baggage men or other trninmoti, paying them for [ service. It means further that in cCff . strikes any freight train carrying; mails will be mh fully under pro- i tection of the government as the! through and local mail trafn^. Arrested for Train Wrecking. It is believed that th? culprit who is responsible for wrecking the Southern's southbound train, No. 35. at (jJastonia about two weeks ago, is in the meshes of the law. The prisoner is a white man by the name of Honeycuttand wan arrested near Pineville a few days ago. The arrest was made by Police Officer Hargett, of Charlotte, and Southern Railway Detective Hnney, who at onoe carried Honeycutt to Oastonia. Officers have heen working on the case ever since the wreck occurred, and ne soon as suspicion pointed to Honeycutt, they went1 to work to locate him. The evi- ! deuce im Buid to be strong and a conviction is expected. ? Which Was Lowry ? The negro who murdered Chief of Police Jones at Shelby, N. 0.. has been captured at last. Chief -Tones was killed in Shelby in 1901 and the*murderer had been evading the ollicera of the law ever since until a few days ago when lit* vi*it w 11 ri'Mul in 1 nt A i L mi iti tliiu State.?Darlington News. A report couiea from Maxton, N. C., that in a difficulty there last Satniday Win. Deal shot and killed Sam Billiard, and since the killing it lias developed that Hnm Bullard was none other than Jim Dowry, the murderer of Policeman Jones at Shelby, N. C . about two years ago, and for whose arrest rewards aggregating $800 were offered.? Lancaster Ledger, Banks Should Advertise. Soliciting business through the medium of newspapers and other advertising, says the Milwaukee Sentinel, is coining to be a matter of course in every well regulated banking institution. That it ir true there is no reason to doubt after hearing what representative men in ni tendance upon the State Bankers' Convention had to say on the subject. Fifteen of them were asked for their opinions on the subject of advertising from the viewpoint of of the present day, and not one of the number had audit to aav that would be discouraging to the Hnancier who is reaching out through the medium of printers' ink for more business. - Borrows $10,000 More. As was announced some days ago, the State of South Carolina will have to borrow the full $800.0J0 allowed by law for general expenses. The State treasurer has made arrangments to l>orrow $10,000, which runs the total borrowed so far up to about $200,090. There are yet four months of the Hscal year and there is no doubt but that the full amount will have to be borrowed before that tiiua; A Warning to Delinquents* The Marion Star citea the fob ; lowing sad events as a warning to its delinquent subscribers: "Last week a delinquent subscriber to The Star said tons, 'Dr. Mace, I owe you for a eubsoription and I will pay you up next week if I live.' He's dead. Another said, I'll see you tomorrow.' He ia Ll! 1 Oifll at !J AT * I I nuna. cum anoiuer saw, 4 u pay you Saturday, Mace, or go to the devil.' tie's gone. There are hundreds who ought to take warning j from the awful fate of these three Of course we do not say that aii who procrastinate wilt come grief, but we merely cite these iu< atanpeq as horrible e:;ampleg." nm I ?!. r.? aw 1 JI'I tf '^'MW R. G. JOHNSTON IN JAIL. Fort Mill's Chief Marshal to Se Tried for the Drowning of J. R. Norijoan. .Contrary to the belief of many tlint the drowning of J. R. Noruinn w.o^ld not become a wattejr for investigation by the courts, it now looks as if the case will he in evidence when th.e court con-' venes again. This conclusion is baaed upon some vpry important and unexpected developments enuring the past few days. There was considerable excitement <>.n Abe streets Friday morn-1 int? when it became known .that thiorijf John R. Logan had arrived from York vi lie at an early nmjLad placed under arrest Cpicf of Police Jl. 0. Johnston. The niiept .vh| made under a warrant j?vroru out bv Coroner Loutliian at Yorjcvjlle. The Times reporter did ijot see the warrant but is informed that the charge was to the effect that Johnston was responsible for Norman's death, in that Norman had | gone into the water thorough fear i of heimr iniured bv Johnston's bloodhound. Upon being arrested, Mr. -Johnston resigned hb town marshal and accompanied the sheriff to Yorkville, where he was committed to jail. Il is understood that Johnston will apply for bail, but ns this will have to be made before a judge, it is not known when this action will be taken. Further than tips the^e ^ to say, except that the member# of Norman's family have employer) Attorney \Y. B. Wilson, Sr., of Bock Hill, to prosecute the case. - A young man who had been a# assisted away from the home of a girl whose society he yearned for, wrote the next day to the cruel parent as follows: 4'1 did not mind what you said to me, though your language wais pretty rough, but when you kicked me with that No. 11 boot you hurt my feelings. 1 shall make no further effort to win your daughter, for if she inherits your style of feet and any of your veisatiiity in using them, 1 f?el that I could not live entirely happy witli her." A Boy's Wild Bide For fcife. With family around expecting him to die, ami a son riding for life, 18 miles, to get Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds, W. H. Brown, of Leesville, Iud., endured death's agonies from asthma: but this won dert'ul medicine gave instant relief and soon cured him. lie writes: "I now sleep soundly every night." Like marvelous cures of Consumption, Bronchitis, Coughs, Colds and Grip prove it's matchless merit for all Throat and Lung troubles. Guaranteed bottles 50c and $1.00. Trial bottles free at all drug stores. Coffee has been cultivated in Venezuela only since 1870, and yet it is now that much talkcd-of ! country's chief commercial product Tearful Odds Against HimBedridden, alone and destitute. Buoh, in brief was the condition of an old soldier by name of J. J. Havens. Versailles, O. For years he was troubled with Kidney disease and neither doctors nor medicines gave him relief. At length be tried Electric Bitters. It put him on bis feet in short order and now he tostitics: "I'm on the road to complete recovery." Best on earth for Liver and Kidney troubles and all forms of Stomach and Bowel complaints. Only 50c. Guaranteed by all diuggists. Women have invaded many lines I of employment hitherto thought exclusively masculine. There are shown in the last oensus 126 female plumbers, 45 plasterers, 107 bricklayers and stonemasons, 241 pa pel hangers, 1,759 painters and 64e carpentera^^ BucklsnT Arnica SaWt. Has world wide fame for marvellous cures It surpasses any otltsr salve, lotion, ointment oi balm for Cuts, Corns, Burns, Boils Felons, Bores, Chapped Hands Skin Eruptions; infallible for Piles Cure gu ?ran teed. Only 25c at all drug stores. Arabella Huntington, widow, and H. E. Huntington, nophew, divide the sixty million dollar estate ol the late Collis P. Huntington Each gets half. I What Is Ufa? In the last analysis nobodj 1 knows, but we do know that it ii 1 under strict law. Abuse that law even slightly, pain results, lrregu i lar living means deraugiuent of tin 1 organs, resulting in Constipation Headache or Liver trouble. Dr ' King's New Life Pills quickly re ' adjusts this. It's gentle, yet thor ' ough. Only 25c at all drug stores. I pa- The Times has made ar \ raugments whereby we can offe this paper and the Home atu I'nrm for $1.25 a year. jwwwp-* i ? _n i.' ' m'ni 'ijiiK Old - Relia ; | j .ji.i.i n- . |~ ox: Jefferson an ju J - 11 .. IEEE .A For this lull have parts. Do you want t your city friend ? If ypur fall hat here, whc latest styles to elioose we have the latest sty] ! last year's styles, but < the fall of 1903. Item sou or Madison Hat 1m with it. Come early i ?/ will outlast the seas< floor you y\ i 11 find one land up-to-date linos of | in Fort Mill. And th {that the prices are rii?i . Old - Relia T. B. BELK. P. S: We want to ta this fall The Times will do ; H/-j -m LAUNDRY MARKS that ace liift found Oil linen fresh from The MODEL STEAM LAUNDRY, Charlotte, N. C., are rust stains, ink stains, fruit stains, and especially i scorches from overheated irons. Tnat U what we particularly guard against, fleuklotfrt. Haw loss, immaculate?white las white can ho, or as strong of color as i when you bought it (if originally of a color pattern), your washuhle appavol is returned clean, well washed, well ironed. Shipment made from Fort Mill every > Thursday morning and laundry re, turned Saturday mornings by? i ED. L. McELHANEY, Ajfenl. GIVE US A TllIAL ORDER and get the BEST WHISKIES,j : WIN E S, i BRANDIES, Etc., At the most reasonable prices. \ MARK A. TEETER, Manager, f the;;?chjkd saloon, CHARLOTTE, N. C. No. 29 W Trade Both Phones. [ We promptly obtain U. a. andlforeijp^^ HSBUB: <|8?od n?odel, aicotcTiorprotocTii)vt-ntU?n (oi C < froerwport on rmtrntHblltty. For free book, { fe^rTBADE-MflRKS T? :P$H? j <1 Opposite U. S. Patent Office \ m n gto n ^ a 1 ble - Store r:R, a Madison no equals in these n be right 11P with* so, come and select >re you have all the from. When we say es, we do not mean Lo mean the styles for ember, every Jeffer-r * is a strong guarantee and buy early?they [>11. On our second of the most complete * Clothing ever shown e beauty of it all is lit. ,ble Store Proprietor*. Ik Clothing with you sour Job Printing. _ I DO YOU DllINK? If So, Try Our OLD NORMAN CORN WHISKY Guaranteed 8 tp 5 yearsold. Mild and Mellow. Always the Same, $2.50 per Gallon. 'Phone ami Mail Orders Prompt ly Filled G. W. NOllMAN. ? 4 Both 'Phones P. Q. Bqx 55. CHARLOTTE, N. C. ? E*. '?x--l?- , ! J. U. Traywick & Co., DEALERS IN FINE LIQUORS AND WINES, No. 42 East Trade St. CHARLOTTE. - --NO. TRESPASS NOTICE. All persons are hereby warned against hnnti-g, fishing, or otherwise trespassing upon the lands of the undersigned, under penalty of the law. W. H. WINDLE. I Nothing has ever equalled it I Nothing can ever surpass it | Dr. King's New Discovery Forestry*.,, A Perfect For All Throat and Cure: Lung Troubles. Money back if it fails. Trial Bottles free. !JL J1 JU1 ! I FOR GOOD WHISKIES, WINES, BRANDIES, ETC., CALL ON OK WRITE TO TV. H. HOOVER, cbirlottf, n. c.