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Good Pills \yer's Pills arc good liver sills. You kpow that. The best family la*/tive you can buy. They hetfp the bowels regular, ! :ure constipation. iSiisnSSz ! Want your moustache or beard a beautiful browner rich black? Use BUCKINGHAM'S BYE mi '1* ?.r t'Wt-iM.iRT** oh i: r. no.t > ni . ^amima. w. il <0?0X)?C^C*0M)*0*OK)X?C? I fORN MILLS and I o V ? rilLLSTOINES V If In I of Corn Mill or >llllntonp? O 0 > on n III llml ll r > your liitprp?t t'ns>rru?ip>nil <> i * With I AilnLIX \ till l.?Ti*\K ? ??. O Q < n ?-r?> i. V t'. iiinniifivMiriTi of Corn i Mill* from tho fiitu ?1? Moort- county i.rli. Q ?C>-WOWC>?OWOWO^O*-fV?C^C>^OWO-. IPAPUDINE 5i: 1 |l NhRV. US IIEADAUHtS. ? V And SOOTIIlMlir IMKKVliS k* | UC 5 J to* *45 unci .%<>? at Druunlorc*, M&kliSkitfiKfi'JilhrilfilitiAtiTilifililikkh j?lo not be.iove l'lso's Ouro tor Consumo Hon lilts-in ^ in :il f trcou-cas ;iu I colds?lou* i.i-ovEii, Trinity .'viriivrs, lad., Feb. 13, 1!)JI. ; M niav make the ntnro go, but it's di tie rent an automobile. Cr*!ies Push the Car. A curious street tram line is that between Atami and Yoshihoma, '-?o coast towns in the procinve of tzie, Japan. The is seven miles loan, and the motive power is furnished by n couple of muscular eoolles, who push the car along wherever power is necessary. Life Insurance for Christians. i Rev. C. Al. Sheldon Is at the head | rf a movement to establish at Topeka, Kan., a life insurance company that will only issue policies on the lives of Christians and total abstainers. All She churches of the United States are I -? be asked to assist the organization. Rates will bo from ?0 to 20 per cent j tower than in other companies. The hope of immortal life is the life j of mortal hope. So. 34. If ''V' fjE^v'VsS 5$^%$$sWagSEeK. I^WBMWv ^ jJ||P?^ fc II Mrs. Hughson, c 1 . . r 11 letter ionows, is anc position who owes hei Lydia E* Pinkham's "De.vh Mas. Pinkiiam:? I suf weakness ancl bearing-down pains, fcite was fitful, and I would lie a\ until I seemed more weary in the 11 reading om of your advertisements IE. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pot can describe the good it did me. besides building up my general he out of my body, and made mo fee IVlrs. Pinkham's medicines are cert Mas. M. E. UuoiisoN, 347 East Oliic Mrs. Pinklinm Tells How Ordlna Apparently trifling incidents in displacements of the womb. A slip on standing at a counter, running a sew ordinary tasks may result in displacem< Tlio first indication of such trtnii. Don't lot the condition become citron that you can overcome it by exercise o * 1 arc than u million women have Pinkham's Vegetable Compound If the slightest trouble nppe write to Mrs. (Mukharu, at Evnii timely words from her will sliov advice costs you nothing, but it in Mrs. Lclafc of their dnic:g: ache, bat^a health to women who ftho worst forms of female complain back, falling and displacement of the all troubles of the uterus or womb. ] uterus in the early stage of developtn ons humors. It aulxlues excitability ?ntire female system. Its record of should be relied upon with confidence *cnnn forfeit If w? cannot forth O0 UUUMTinch winder V".'; SIOf> Harvard. OIOO. The renders of this paper will be pleased to Jenrn that there Is at least one dreaded disease that scieuee has been able to euro in all its stages, and that is Catarrh. Hull's Catarrh Cure is the only positive euro now known to the medieal fratornity. Catarrh b?dn*{ a constitutional disease, requires a constitutional t r^rtliniHlt Itrtll'-t ( 'lllllfrlti Itroiut iLoi) int * _ uaily, acting directly uoon tho blooil ami :nucoua surfaces of tu? system, thereby destroying t!io foundation of tlio disease, .ind giviu : tbo patient strength by building up theconstitution and assisting nature in doing its work, rhe proprietors have so much faitbiu its curative powers that tliey offer Ouo tlundroci Dollars for any ease that it fails t o euro, tend for list of testimonials. Address ! '. .i. * hkxhy A (Jo., i'o * io, (J. Hold by Druggists, 75'-. liuil'a Vuinilv fills are the host. The census of 1000 shows us the busy bee contributed to the wealth of the United States as follows: Value of bee3. dune 1, 1900, $10,186,513' value of honey and wax produced in 1899. JR.064,904. FITF permanently cured.No Jits or nervousdoss after tlrst day's use of Dr. Kline's Great Nervolloetorer.4f2trial bottle and' Dr. it. li. KniNK, Ltd., 931 Arch St., Phlla.,Pa A philosopher is very often a man who preaches what other people should practice. The Summer Itath. Nothing is more refreshingor invigorating in summer than a daily bath. Use soft, tepid water and god soap. Ivory Soap i? ideal for the bath: it is pur*!,lathers quickly and leaves the skin soft and white. The hath should betaken early in the morning or just before retiring at night. Ki.eaxoii It. Parker. Even the business of the contractor has been known to expand. Tho Ixmdon Law Times, in reviewing the "notevvthy decisions" of the judicial year, calls attention to a curious case. The defendant made bids at a sale and. because of deafness. mistook one lot for another. which he was desirous to acquire. On learning his mistake he refused to sign the contract, and the auctioneer, before leaving the rostrum, purporting to act as his agent, signed it for him. The plaintiff, as owner of the property in dispute, brought suit to compel the defendant to purchase the lot. The court held that from the moment of the hammer falling there was a contract, and dismissed as opposed to principle the defense that the auctioneer could not sign the contract. )f Chicago, whose ?3 )thcr woman in high r health to the use of Vegetable Compounds fered for several years v. itii general caused by vonib trouble. 21iy enpe\ako for hours, and could not sleep, mining tlnm when I retired. After I decided to try the merits of Lydia mid, and 1 am i o glad I did. Koone I took Ihrre liottlcs faithfully, and 'filth, it drove all disease and poiron 1 as rpry and active as uyoiuig girl, ajnly all they are claimed to be." ? ) St., C hicago, III. ry Tasks Produce Displacements.'s daily lifo frequently produce the stairs, lifting during menstruation, ing mnchine, or attending to the most rut, and a t rniu of serious evils is started, le should he the signal for ijuick aetion. ie through neglect or a mistaken idea r leaving it alone. regained health by the use of Lydla E. sirs wlilcli you do not understand i. Muss., for her advice, and a few v you the right thing to do. This ay mean life or happiness or hotli. i Stowell, 177 Wellington ingston, Ont., writes: ns. Pinknam : ? You are indeed a omen, and if they all knew what for tliem, there would be no need i ;g out miserable lives in agony. :1 for years with hearing-down pains, , nervousness, and excruciating headIV/ liottlos of I.yilia E. PinktininV tabic Compound made life lock uid promising to me. I am light and /, and I do not know what sickliest d I now enjev the best, of health." Eydla E. Pinkham's "Vegetable can always l*c relied upon to rtstort thus nulTer. It is a sovereign cure foi iti.?that bearing-down feeling, weal womb, inflammation of tho ovnries, ant It dissolves anil expels tumors from th< cnt, and checks any tendency to cancer , nervous prostration, and tones up th< curca is the greatest in the world, am *l;h prnflm-a the .vljlnitl letter* and aignalare* o <vr their abeolnte renulneue**. li* K. riskham XmIIoIo* Co^ Ignn, Mass. that sold the cotton for a piano 11 [ Madison and tho yankees burnt It ur But wo lived and still live?thank th Rood l?rd for His mercies.?Dill Ar in Atlanta Constitution. Killing of Chinese 5 Seoul. By Cable.?An agreement hn i practically been concluded lietwt ci r Ilussia and Corea. whereby Russia ae j lulrcs 200 acres of land at Uongamphr j on the Yalu river, on a 93-year leas' The application of M. Payloff. th ^ Russian minister, for permission t erect telegraph and telephone lines t f rfongampho has been refused. The ea 1 tension to tho northward of the Seou Wlju Railway is progressing. Sfatii 1 BILL ARP. 1 si 5 Midnight?dark midnight. Tlio heavens had been illumined with bursting shells and sky rockets ever since nightfall. and it kept our side of the river in alarm, but General French was over there with 7,000 troops, fresh from Texas, and these, with old Joe Johnston's forces at Resaca, could whip Sherman all to pieces. Every now and then we sent a messenger over to Gen *-|,w X' 1CW II UJ ItUUW 11 illl was SillC. Would old Joo certainly fight at Rcsaeu. or would he lire and fall back. More and more terrific the bombs kept bursting and nearer and nearer and nearer they came, closer to the roofs of our houses. Another messenger was sent to ueueral French, but he assured us it was all right. But about midnight the general sent a message that Sherman had crossed the river and would burn Rome and the bridges in half an hour and the troops bail orders to move up the railroad. Then came the tug of war. The artillery had already reached the crossing and were loading the cars, with everything in a jam. ThJ highway of Broad street, from onJ| bridge to the other, was crowded, and not n soldier could find elbow room. But still they moved. We had loaded our roekaway with baggage and my lovely wife and numerous ehildren. 1 walked along outside in silence to keep oft intruders until we found ourselves right in the thick of the soldiers. Some were yelling, some were whopping, some wero cursing, and nretty soon there wns a crash and a bang and th? doors of the stores flew open and soldiers rushed in. J list then my old fifleol Meyerhart yelled out: "Oh mine tobacco!" But Colonel Cameron was desperate and rode into the store behind them and whaled them over the heads with his sword and ordered them all out, but it made them all mad to think they couldn't take the tobacco the enemy would plunder in a few minutes. They cursed and raved furiously, but it made i.o difference with the colonel. Toba co wasn't all. They loaded down with tobacco an<l then began on eaps and bonnets and sugar and colli e. After we had all crossed the bridge It was a funny cavalcade. Bong lines qi tioopg marching up the long cemetery hill, arrayed with women's garments on?bonnets and s'">\vls and?But the procession didn't turn out of the big road. It turned up into the cemetery and began their vandalism there. They got hammers and broke up the iron railing and tumbled down the tombstones and monuments and then kicked the soldiers'-head stones to pieces, all except trie, rnd that was {lie handsome one of Lieutenant Bayard Hand, of the United States navy. They let that go untouched, because he was a United States officer. All the rest were broken to pieces and tumbled down the hill. My father and son and brothers suffered the same fate. It was shameful! from the top 01 that nil! they burnt the bridge and fired their shells across the town and destroyed everything that would burn. Then they followed i.s for tl miles to Silver creek, where we were going to stop for coffee, for we were expected to take breakfast and rest. But camp followers pursued us and told us the yankees were close behind and for us to get up and hitch up and get away from there. So we hurried the harness on and struck a trot for Euharlee creek, and as we crossed the bridge it wabbled like a snake. Then we journeyed up a long rocky bill and that night camped near an old house and sent up there to borrow a skillet to fry some meat and the old man said he was washing his feet in it. but as soon as be got through he would send it down. Next camp was in the suburbs of Atlanta and next morning we found that two of our servants had departed to Rome and we lost them for gwod. One of them came back. The other went to Chattanooga. The other came back to us last week and said I was just af good looking as when I got married, and she flattered up my wife so that she loaded her down with fancy scraps and calico and told her to eonie back and abe said she "shorely would." Sh? went on down to Joncsboro, where the children camped, and from there w< went down to Alahnma to dodge th? thick of the fight and save our cottor and cow peas. But it didn't save th( cotton and my wife and children go! away from there and she escaped by i round about way to Covington and rur over a lot of soldiers and from there t< the plantation and took refuge at mj wife's old river home and took a res where her father lived. Our next move was homewward where we found darkness and desola tion?not a bed or bedstead or mattresi or bureau or chair or cooking vesselnothing but the naked floor. No lard o meat or sugar or coffee; no nothing not a hog or chiken or cow. Well, 1 dl( find a cow. for which I paid $3,500 ii confederate money. I had long befor "the salf Compelled to Be on-^i of the Day Fine! a en ,SS ' l UTAIN, 018 Pear! ^Rfl street. St. Paul, Minn., Kt;ml salos fcrti in in a department store, writes: 1^"/ havi charge ot a ilepartment In ? dry yoodm tjffrr, a nil after ntawdinu the larycr pfa-t o/ the day, I would f/o home with a dull ache, fjienerafly throuyh my entire body. 1 unfit I'cruan and feel ho much better that J ' icalk 'o ati f from the Htor'e now. II know I'eruna to be the beet medicine , on thf market for the <1 lae*i nen peculiar to women."?Minn Xylite Curtain. Nothing is so weakening ti)> the human : system as t he constant loss of mucus. Ca-1 tnrrhal inflammation of the rtnucous metn-( lirane pronWes an excessive formation ot tnucus. Whether the mucous (membrane be i i lunnm- -Joutt. j.. iii ii imiMiiisinii RE/i rKTF'fr. P? J/ \MJ> % i -^.lu iucjeana ?? ?? i ^pis' I (^) 1 J " It's the shots that *5~t* ?^ s Rifle and Pistol Cart |! ] they shodt accurately . ? <jf tracing hi ow. This is t\ - ' if you ins ist on having - 'j ItLL DliAllERS .SELL, WI1 BC ? '? . xl:nKn "C "no surpass the devil in orthcW**' \ j *" t ?1 1 ?? I ? ?? AUra*? | ?t f.i t>iv only iiirc for S wolleB, Smarting, ' d, Aching, Hot, Swentijng Fert,Corns and I luioiiH. AsU lor Allen's F< >ot-Knse, a powder be shaken into the shoo1*, Cures while you a,... \f ivil DrugsisUi an I Shoe Stores, tifSc. .'nn'l ni'oopt any substitute. Sample sent I'm:t. Atldro -s,AJion S. Oh'nsted. Leitoy, N.V. An e^w' is waylaid wlirln the hen stc;u!s a nest by the roadside. I Mrs.Wlaslow'sSoothlnsHyrup for ohlblrai te^thlnft.soUoii tho guuisv reduce* inilamma| tic n.ulln? spniii.ouros jritrd colic. 'Joe. ubottlo To bo.:.;t ui one'.- fionfaty doesn't always I prove it. _ I ; Eglvare. O 'riend. when doubts assail thy mind. When dark the wajV before. Remember to be doutJly kind To those <>t leaser n'lore If they believe, whatj'er it be. Try not to prove it/ wrong. Think how their love finis made them free. Their faith h?a mayle them strong! And thinking thus hi|>*v others face, i i piK-iii uy simple < m-on. I - if thine own unbelief btwat I.est it shall curb ,'thy deeds. Kor better 'tis to wifsh lile well. To li;lp ench brother man, Than to dispute oV( heaven or hell. Or frame a better' plan. 1 We do not know, w'e can not tell. The way that llc^i ahead. Not one who know>s futurity. Not one by wisdom led. Th<- humblest faith may far outreach Proud reason's highest call. And In Its gentle .service teach. To love Is beat of all. ?Cl tiivi w. Stevenson. -- the It Would So. Wife?-"I was BurjWUed v> learn | that \Ir. Oldsmith hviutaken unto j himself a wife after thico score years of single blessedness." Husband?"Well, the old adage is t still working. A man never gets too old to lenrn." Traveling Batlii. ? Traveling baths on one of the Ilur.s plan railway* are the latest provision i for its employes' 6<jinhort in the out> lying districts. t . ; | Lost Hair I - " My hair came out by the hand- t s it ful, and the gray hairs began to S - * creep in. I tried Ayer's Hair Vigor, 1 r Sfi and it stopped the hair from com- i ing out and restored the color."? 8 it jjl Mrs. M. D.-Gray, No. Salem, Mass. 0 i ucit- ? a jjicabuic in offering such a prepara- s o tion as Acer's Hair Vigor, p p It gives to ail who use it H such satisfaction. The j hair becomes thicker, I longer, softer, and more | glossy. And you feel so ! secure in using such an 0 i -*nd reliable prepara- r , hlbn. $1.M a bottle. All drsftlits. 1 If you? dn?mrt?t. cannot supply you, B O 8 mm! us >? dollar and wo win expret>n H 1 too t bo* tlo. Bo sum udrln the noaio I B of your toorsot express office. Addret>?, I I. ? J. C. AYEKCO., Lowell. Moss. I ISWOMAN r Feet the Larger Part l Tonic in Pcruna. locnted in the head or pelvic organs, the ! discharge of mucus i- sure to occur. This discharge of mucus constitutes a weakening dram; the system cannot long withstand the loss of mucus, hence it is that women aitlieted with catarrhal affections of the pclvi organs feel tired and languid, with weak and throbbi g brain. \ course of 1'eruna is sure to restore health by rutting oft' the weakening drain of the daily loss of mucus. An Aitmlmtile Tonic. Congressman Marl; II. Duuncll, National Hotel. Washington. I). C., writes: "Your I'cruna being used bv mvself anil many of iny friends and acquaintances, riot I only as a euro for catarrh hut also as an admirable tonic for physical recuperation, 1 gladly rccosnnicnil .t .o all persons requiring such remedies." ? Mark 11. Dunncll. If vn.i do not derive prompt and satisfactory results from the use ot l'cruna. write at once to Dr. llnrtman, giving a full statement of your ense and he will bc^ pleased to Rive you his valuable advice gratis. Address Dr. Hartmun, "resident of | The llartmun Sanitarium, Columbus, i Ohio. ??? y| BPBCOMCP**!* !' tiTi? is W~lb la~*> i.r ImJ rOL CAR.TR5DGES. J hit ttiat count. " Winchester ridged in all calibers hit, that is, B and strike a good, hard, pene- u tc kind of cartridges you will get, {} the time-tried Winchester make, j M CHESTER MAKE OF CARTRIDGES. I ? 1 " ? \f v*uy/ /&'//**'//\>7 /*'( fivC(Cx \ 11? ' - - ^'JwrajiffF! Is Smokeless Povvt!^ U. v HITItO CIO fr: ; iARB? -J i|s* IBM j ps ^th^trap-shootj t\'nf's'<I >r.? tournaments 'erfT^^ t 2 I .Onded with Jj?jV'^ jS ! A N V standard i smokeless powilcr, and for ale rS Jre ,:VE:iYW,n nEspecify U. M. C. fc, ?al <>sigi3PRat' tar catalog free iLli"-l> | Tit- Unlcr. Metallic.Cartridge Co. || ' ! Bridgeport, Conn. I "My father hail born a mffrrfr from tick hnndarhn i?r mil iwrtiiy-iivo year* ami never found nny I roljof until ho Wgitn tiikluc your Curtnti. Slum 1 lio liui Ii'csd taking Utii'trMi ho has never had the houduche. Tlioy hnvo entirely cured hlui. i Cascarets <lr> what you rmimnuiml thom to do. I ; will c'vo you tho privilege of using his name." | K.M. Dickson, lUt) Rosiuurbt., W.ludiauapolla, lad. BesT For rJ The Gowels ^ CANDY CATHARTIC Pleasant. Pslstublo. Potent. Taste Oood. Do Oood, ' Never Stckon, Weskun or 11 ripe. 10c, 2ic. SOc. Never I sold In hulk. The gnnuino tahlst stamped C C C. j Uusruutood to cure or your monoy back. Sterling Remedy Co., Chicago or N.Y. 598 ANNUAL SALE, TEN MILLION BOXES so. :i4. CLAREMOM 1 & , B&flLa. K Anmvdsam INTELLIGENCE, FIDEUT \ ro controlling principles w ith Kftcnltyoti A mi ilooli, w??iieBliore, Yirnluln. mil the J-outii. Wiite forcatiloKUr. J A .MI t'i ! | Littleton Pe : ? ! U One of the most prosperous i | > standard of scholarship, located n y nnd with a large patronage fro N Jersey to Florida?an Institution \ We will take a limited numhci ^ Board and Full Liter* / per term on conditions made kno' > REV. J. n. RhOD nipansTabulesare 1 ',0 *u'8t dyspetvd* '"P evir niade. ^ ^iu'l('"'i- ,ull;|?'* year. Kvery illness arising from a disordered stomach is relieved or cured by their us.'. So I'Ommon is it tbat diseases ordinate from the stomach it may lie saiciv asserted there is no condition of .11 health that will not he benefited or cured by the occasional use of Ut*>.u:? Tubules. Physicians know them and speak highly of them. All dvugg'sts sell tlietn. The live-cent package Is enough for an ordinary occasion, and the Family Kottle. sixty cents, contains u household supply for a year. One generally gives relief within twenty minutes. F1 'reWT^Wt TO WOMEN A Largo Trial Package of ^ A NEW SPECIALTY FCR WOMEN. A Interned ctaanltricfie is the key to woman's health and vigor. * In(l.vntimtt>n, Soreness, I'dvio Catarrh cannot exiat with it. I*u*tInr iiacd n? i% vaginal ilourlto Is it rcvvlatlnii In rotithlnrd clruiifting and [ liraliac J??wrr. It kills all dlwaso ^cniUU In local treatment of female Ills it Is invaluable, llr*al3 Inflammation and cures all iliechar,:ra. J. ever fa'ln to cure Nasal Catarrh, Cares ollcnsive pcirp.ration of arm pits and feet. Cares Sore Throat, Sore Mouth and Sore Eyes. A powdrr nothing equals It. Hemovc* Tartar, Hardens the Hums and whiten* the teeth, maker) a t?ul breath sweet and ngri'cn.hlc. ThnumuuUnf lrttcr?(Vom women prove that It Initio grenti'itrure tor Leoeorrhoeu ever (tlseovorcd. We hme yet to hour of the fir*l case It failed to eur?. To prove *11 this w?? will mail a large It ial package with bookef instructions Absolutely free. Th:s is not a tiny sample, hut enough to convince anyone. At drugglstsor sent post pa I?1 l?y us, .TO eta- large hox. NntlsfliCt Ion fnunin t?*c?l. The KK. ruvton Co., Hostou, M nss. Dropsy i; T Removes nil srvelliiiR iu stem doya ; effects a i>erni? cure _/j x w* A S?i \oto 60 clay*. Trial treatment e ci?tn/;ce Kotliinvmn be fairct Write fir. #>'_ II ^reon's Sons. " SoPcUlisi*. on* Si. ilisrits. Ca. sromajmh | g?ohyv sviillo llr Saw Mills, rj (spvlth Here's I'nlversul l.or Brnn^.Tti'i'tilln-l j^ear, HltnultunemtsSet Worfcsaiul ti.e Hon S I 3000k-Kin* VarlnMe Kwil Works are uitox-H I ?0?lle<l lor ATI l KM ? . MM II ICiTY. i t H t ^ll'T AMI E AS/ OK OI'EltATIOM. \\ ri'o for fill (3 ;-*desorlptive circulars Maiufnet uo-il liy I In* fa |"*8ALi..\i IRON \\ < ikkS.W Imt ui Sa.c:?.N.C.[j Medical college of Virginia. H.lalillthnl IN3S Dpi nrlmnntu of Metlirln", Pont'.st.ry hful Khnrniacy. The Sixty?Ixth faesBlon will cntnincnro Meptember '.V, W'l '1 niton fate* .tut living i-xi'Oii?es urr mmlern*o. For announcement and further iufnriiut* inn, address. <Tirl?tn|ilicr 'f 'i'iu jotlns, II. 17., ESrun, Itteli mo, Alrjjltllo. atlanta college of phawcl | Free Dispensary, only oollejre in tho 1". H. njs i r rati in; a (tru>r store. 1 >< m ti ml for ltiiiIii'iIi trienter thnn we can suptdv. Address I?lt. <}IO. K. PAYNH, Wl.l'ehall, AtlnuU, ?.?. S If You Oun't Want ' | CURLS IN YOUR . ! 0BB& : <\ : : Yor 1>'? WANT : Carpenter's OX IU8OT POME I (npwiTiK ? iviiriTin*i.) I t is is?s 'is<- s'rilrli'onsr ?mU; iiu'w j tt?<> lulr ?nl' ti I <i?'l t? wrfeotlj harm* I ItHs. More tbui worth t)iw prtrfl. J I P 8!Ce. 25 CENTS. ; And If vnnr 'Iriur.'twl hasn't It wi< will M<nil it by i m ill iin riM*"i|i? of r> i-uts In stamps. J Aillr.'ss, CARPENTER & CO , Lc*.?Jsville, Kv. J S - "*~ The Effervesceu* always reliable MMorning Laxative L cl,res s'ck stomachs ar>d aching heads. ! OOr. A * I. ' 5? Teirrant Co., 21 Jay St., Mow York H { CUKIS KMlhE All llbfc lAlls. PTj a-cl Best Cimuh syrup. Tan to* Uood. Ut>o If1*! sIl'] In tline. Sold by druAulscs. iJHl !T COLLEGE, " VV omen HICKORY, N. C. h resort. Pure mountain air and water, jo life, under leflnintr e? of study. Rates most reasonable. P Conservatory, 1. H. Norman Mas. . Ku?.. and Lrfsipsljj, Got. ) Wrlto foe a. J. A. TO., Prrnldrnt V, Enthusiasm, Courtesy, ><] ra<l?tnpf tlie PIHHBIIHNKSIIHTAHY have lri?<le for it it reputation throughout N A. PIKIIMII KNIt, A. H., I*rl im-I pal. male College! ichools In the South, with a high M t a very popular Sumlner Resort, \ m five states, extending from New 7 that is doing a great w?rk. M r of pupils, Including K iry Tuition for' $52.90 ^ wn on application to \ >ES, A. n., Pres., Lift (?ton. N. C. \